The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1891, Image 7

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    is a gerttle-
t - -
naraetl ( Captain M..CG. Pareis , who
( hasxwrittenuiSialflfetter in which it
is .eyi'derttlthathh ihas made up his
mind ( EOficenriflg- some things , and
ttrisiisvtffaatjie says :
' "IE lhave used vyour' preparation
called. August ItlawerHn my family
for-sevenuDreeight-years. It is con-
stantlyiinnry house ; ) and we consider
it Ihe Ihest rremed/.for Indigestion ,
' aaridConstipation we
Indigestion. ' . .haveever used or
" known. My wife is
troubled Ywiih JDyspepsia , and at
times suffers very-much after eating.
Tlie August Flower , ) however , re
lieves tthec difficulty. My wife fre-
quentlyssays to ma-when I am going
itadcwyn , 'We are out
Constlpationxtf 'August Flower ,
naridl think you had
bettergatanotherbbottle. ' I am also
troublfid-.witKIndigestion" and when
ever I ? amIIrikkeopne. or two teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls before eatingffor a day or
removed. " ®
re _ " ' ' _ J Poiltlrely cured tor
i tfeexe JLlttle Pllli.
iTbay mlao rcllero DI -
faeoft'f rom DyipepiU.In-
( ligMtlenAndTooHeArty
Eating , f A perfect rem-
IYER * d
Int. the \Mouth , dotted
PJLLS. Tongue Jlala In the Bide.
KWRIttJtnrjEB. They
regulate i'thc Bowels.
JFrJCe.2& Centw
Bui do of se She ( dangerous-alkaline
and mercurial | Mtspacari0ns\wJo4Chdeslroy
/our nervous Syrian andiuliniUetfdjgestive
. dom gives us
. agents. Dr. Sterna * devflted t
vegetable. He gave 2 ! ih0 rfiajneoef
Prickly Ash Bitters !
t a nanje every one can re e tetr.anditatho
I pres.cfii day nothing has been iSscoveteityjat
'is. so Beneficial for the BLOOlJtorilhe
LUYE ? , for the KIDMEYS
STOMACH. Tnis remedy is
. .and. favorably known by ail wiio
ilt4hat arguments as to its merits areittse-
; Iessrand ; f others who require a correct'
iivc to the system would but give it atkta !
fihe health of this country would bevaaHy
iimproved..Rf member the name PRlChX'Y
.ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggisi for sL
fptciflc for Hyrtrfa , Dizziness. Fiits , Neuralgia. ( Wakefulness -
fulness , Mental Depression. Softening ot the Brain , rc-
culting in SnsanJty JOO leading to misery , decar and
death , PrrmaturuOUi Aee , Barrenness , Loss of Power
in either rex , Involunfrj Lo sesivJ Spermatorrocea
caused by over-excrtioti of the brain , celf-abuse < sr
orer-indul ence. Each box coatalas * e month's treat
ment. II a box , or Els for 45 , tent by mail prepaid.
With each order for elx boxes , will send purchaser
guarantee to refund money if ( be treatment fails tc
.cure. Guarantee * issued and genuine told only by
J11O Faiiiam Street , OMAHA , KEB.
f *
matci 5 ctllant. Dtlldoai. tparkllcg anil ppelizlnt
BU by aU ocilcn. A bnatifal pietore Book and cardi cent free U
ICT c * u iB d3ren to THE C. F. . BIBES CO. . Fhlltdtlpti * .
.inonnis ,
BS Washliistoii , D.C.
KM iner D.S. Pension Bureau ,
> iaiaUst Ar , ISadjudjcatiuj ; claims ,
per month by harmless herbal
. Ho starring , no inconvenience
- -'andcobtd effects. Strictly confldenUaL
Send 6r. for-rlnTil rii , < uid tf tlmonlj > l - Address Dr.
O.\VJ5KTDRluMcVicfaef Theatre Bide. Chicaeo , III.
The Soap
I vfc Cleans
is Lenox.
They'Were * Making Too MuchTMlse
Over One Lion.
PoropaugWs traveling circus 'and
'menagerieiihad been ditched by e'oraU-
roaduict'iflent on a road in Tennessee ,
uofr < me > of the lions had escaped from
hie i broken'-cage ' and sought shelter-in
a low tx > w pen near at hand. Our
train was ' . -following the circus , 4und
mostofrthe passengers went forward
to. > lend the showman , a helping La-nd.
Tke.'lJJinwwas the only animal which
got away , 11 and the men were calling
foriaiets .and ropes and volunteers ,
wben.ia. lanky , angular native , -who
ibtuirn'tiihad his hair cut in ayearnnd
tffoowas riding a mule even more
hoaneJy . than himself , reached .the
liighway crossing and dismounted.
"Who-'s.a lying ? " he demandedas
l e .heard'the men calling toeach
other ,
"Ailion has escaped ! " replied one.
-"Oh , that's it. Whar's he gone ? "
"Hiding in that shed. "
" .Wall , i.why don't they get iiim
'iWe-are fjoing to after a while. "
"Seems like a good deal of fussing
overi/one. lion. Lemme see what I kin
do. "
.lie inifrbubkled the hitchinp-strap
fromihis buldle and coolly walked in
to the barn , and half a minute Inter
he i cauaeout. . leading the beast and
saying :
"Tried' to-skeer me by growling .and
showing SJiis old , ynller teeth , but
found it wouldn't work. Here he is ,
aiad mow wJiar do you want him ? "
Onctoftthe showmen told me that
he.wouldn't iihave gone into the shed
after ttlao i beast if a reward of 1,000
ha/d / lbeen offered for so doing. The
maainger pave the native a $10 bill
foriliisfpluck , and , as the mamnount-
ed ihis mule to ride on , he took an
other ilook.- tl > 3 money iiiul said :
" 9hoo ! 'iTJaat wasn't nothing !
Why , Id-hevtackled ! theGuyasticutus
for half that imoney , though they do
say lieSigat.teetih..a ? foot long. "
What'ahva Name.
-appellations given to men of
greater ior .less.note.have wonderfully
adhesive jpow-er. The name is given in
the first [ place rte .emphasixe some
specialgioculiarity , which may or may
not be dominant trait , but the name
clings all 'the - ame.-aad often stands
in the public > mind for the sum total
of the characteristics < of the man.
These appellations dmve played a
significant part .in ; politics a word
sometimes ( deciding the fate of a ,
statesman < ® ir jpoliticia-n. ( Great in
justice no nHoubtiistoften ( lone in this
way , but the public .mind .does not
stop to coRBidar. Jtieatches.-astriking
phrase and allows , it to pass current
as truth. On the .otherhand it may
be said thafc ( nothing ( enhances the
popularity of .a favorite lU'Qr.e ' than
to give him a inaixie which once
calls to mind Ms jxiiesauce , his sterling
qualities or his past services , .Jack
son is honored the imore .under the
title "Old Hickory. " There is an
affectionate tenderness implied < when
Douglas is called "The Little Giaswt , "
and when Gen Piibnea' is alluded teas
as ' 'The Old War Horse , ' " .every one
sees the veteran conquering in tfcie
midst of his foes , and able to conquer
any number of foes in tJae 'future.
iChicapo Herald.
Keep Your Hat Shiny-
"I haven't had my hat ironed since
I'bought it two months ago , " I heard
a gentleman say as he handed it to
tha attendent of a , well known hat
st < nue to have it dressed over. "You
seem to have the common idea that
irouififlg spoils a silk hat , " replied the
hat man. "That is a great mistake.
No one wears a silk hat over a year ,
white tiike majority of men change with
the sprirAg and fall styles. You might
iron a hs t every day for six months
without wearing off the nap or injur
ing it unless you should burn "it in
ironing , wlsich rarely happens. The
leading hafc store proprietors do not
care to disseminate much information
on this subject because they sell hats
with a guarantee to iron them for you
at any time free of cost. If it were not
for thtcommon ideathatironinghurts
the hat , the stores would be clogged
with themerebusiiwjssof ironinghats. "
New York Press.
A Typical Case.
A sad story has just come in by
canal boat from Cumminsville. A
patrolman on one of the outside
beats was informed by the passengers
on a railroad train that a fight was
in progress on the opposite end of his
beat. He made a hurried trip to the
point indicated , and as soon as he
arrived there he asked if any one hod
lieard of a fight. The inhabitants in
formed him that there had been a
murder there some time before , but
bhat the victim had been dead and
buried several weeks. The officer then
returned with all speed to the from
pointwhich he started. Terrible news
awaited him. During his absence he
liad been digrmisVe'd'frOm the force for ,
failing to answer calls , and his wife
liad married again. Cincinnati En
At early morn I plucked arose ,
'Twas purely white ;
[ cave it to my lady fair ,
Wlio placed it in her nut-brown hair
To wear till night.
At noon the rose again I saw ,
It still was fair ;
My love gave me a smile so sweet ,
[ cast my heart before her feet.
And left it there.
Again at night I saw the rose
All withered lie ;
But Love's.trong , cordhad bound each ,
[ n close bonds , which shall not part
Though flowers may die.
Horace Cbase King , i
tunneling may-be consid
ered : AS 'having been reduced to a
science , , as no distance is too great and
no material too hard to be penetrated
if the object sought is sufficient to justify
tify- the expense. The building of the
St.'Glair-river tunnel , where iron cy
linders * were forced through the clay
by hydraulic pressure , was a great ad
vance in the art of building tunnels
through certain kinds of soil. The
tunnel built under the streets of Lon
don , where the top of the arch is just
below the cobble stone pavement , was
built without in the least obstructing
travel at the place where the work wa *
being-carried on. According to the
Industrial World , a tunnel five miles being driven through the
solid rock under Gray's Peak , sixty
miles -west of Denver , Colo.- This tun
nel-which is 18x18 feet , is being built
primarily to tap the mineral veins in
the : mountains , which are thought to
be quite rich. After the tunnel is com
plete it will be enlarged and opened
fen traffic to accommodate an extension-
of the.Utah Central railway , which is
tO'fonn a through line from Denver to
Salt Lake. Thus far about a mile of
the i tunnel has been driven by hand
power , but a plant of ten Rand drills ,
with Ingersoll air compressors , has
just been put in , and an electric light
plant is soon to follow , after which it
is expected the rate of working will be
greatly increased. The excavating of
this tunnel is through roclc about as
.hard us .anv that can be found.
Tlic TCIJHCK of Science.
At-the jubilee meeting of the chem
ical-society of London , Lord Salisbury
offered these definitions : Astronomy
is.largely.-composed of the science of
things-as.they probably are ; geology
consists mainly , of the science of things
thatsprobably a long time ago ;
and.chemistry is the science of things
as alley.are'at present time. An
slectrical journal adds that electricity
represents the-science of things as they
probably will be.
Changing Defeat to Victory.
'Tho genius of Sheridan at Winchester
ichnnffed.defeat to victory. So when feeble
advversarlesjn the shape of inefficient reme
dies stay the progress of that obstl-
tvuterandmsjliznantfoe , malaria. Hostetter's
Stomach .Bitters tuins the tide drives the
enemy.back. Nothing in niateria medica ,
or.oat. of tit. ! compares with this as an oppo
nent tot .every form-of .malarial disease.
Chills : und .fever , dumb .ague , bilious re
mittent and BRUO cake it matters not ono
andi01are extirpated .by the Bitters. To
takea..course of the ereat preparative In ad-
vanoe.of the malarial season Is to buckle on.
as it w-ere , an armor of proof which defies
attack. :8o fortified , so protected , you shall
be scatheless. Kemember too , jthat'tbe 'Bit
ters is anieradicator of liver complaint , con
stipation , rheumatism , Jddnejr complaints
and dyspepsia.
Suicide Ainonir Children.
In a period of sis years 1883 to
188S there were no less than 289
cases of suicide among school children
in Prussia , the number for each year
ranging fr-om fifty-eight in 1883 to
forty in 1885. In eighty-six cases no
cause is known ; but eighty cases are
attributed LO fear of punishment , nine
teen to disappointed ambition , twenty-
sight to insanity and melancholia , six
teen to fear of .examination , five to
love , and seven are supposed to have
been only partially intentional. Only
[ orty-nine of the 281) ) suicides were
IJeafiioss Can't be Cured
by local applications , ae they cauuot reach
the diseased joriionof the"ear. . Thcie is
only one way to cure deafness , and that is
by constitutional it-medics. Deafness is
caused by an inllamcd condition of the mu
cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube gets inflamed yon have a rumbling
sound or 'imperfect hearing , ami when it is
entirely closed. Deafness ; s the result and
unless" the inflammation can be taken out
and this lube restored to its roimal condi
tion , hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine
cases out ot ten are caused bv-catarrh , which
is nothing but an inflamed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
W will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Dcadncss ( caused by catarrh ) that
ne caanot cure by taking "Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for cifculais , fiee.
F J. CHENEY & CO. , Props. , Toledo. 0.
Sold by druggists , 75 cents.
Greenland's Dust.
The coemic dust collected by Nor-
denskjold in Greenland , in 1883 , has
been submitted to scientific examina
tion , and found to consist chiefly of
feldsspar , quartz , mica and hornblende ,
with a smaller proportion of some
other common minerals , a nitrogenous
organic substance , and some particles
similar to those obtained in deep-sea
soundings. It is believed that the last
named material has come from space ,
and that the other substances have
been carred in the air from a region
of crystalline schists. If the dust
taken from the Greenland snow repre
sents the fall of one year , the total an
nual fall on the earth's entire surface
is equivalent to a cube of thirty-one
yards on a side.
When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she bad Children , she gave them Castoria ,
A new artificial stone , which can be
melted and cast in moulds , is said to
be a compound partly chemical and
partly mechanical , of iron , sulphur and
silicon , with more or less foreign mat
ter. Its normal color is a dark slate ,
which can be modified by pigments.
The material has the hardness of bluestone -
stone and can be worked by the usual
stone cutting tools , turned in a lathe
or planed. The tensile strength is
from 650 to 1,200 pounds per square
inch and compression of 9,000 to
10.000 pounds is withstood. The spec
ific gravity is about 2.6 ; the melting
about 300 degrees Fahr. The new
stone is described under the name of
Ferroid. "
'No matter how dull business becomes the
wages of sin are the same.
A double insult to tell a Boston man lie
ioesn't "know Leans. "
Syrup fff
Pnodoced from : the laxative and nutri
tious juioo of California figs , combined
withithe anedicinal virtues of plants
known 4o 'bomost 'beneficial to the
human -system , acts gently , on the kid
neys , iliver and' 'bowels ' , effectually
cleansingthe : sytem , dispelling colds
and headaches , - andcuring habitual
La Bernliardt' * SiipcnrtitloiiM.
Though JMmo. "Bornhardt " affects not
. .to believe in God , she is , nevertheless ,
exceedingly superstitious. The production -
< duction of.La Tosca"was delayed
weeks and 'weeks because the tragedy
.queen prempiorily refused to act with
a-certain well-known actor , for whom
SUPQOU ihud written a part She ob
jected .to him 'because ' she was con-1
vincod .that .he had the ' evil eye. " "
When .Macbeth" was -brought out
some time ago in Paris she -bad .notion
that the 'playing or singing of the
witches1 smusic would as certainly en
tail - upon her ; consequently
ome-other composition had to take its
place. From-some .cause she displays
.a positive horror for anything of saffron
tint .an antipathy that -shared , to
some-extent , ; at least , by a larga num
ber -of ipeople.on .the stage.
Holmmi's I > Iver Pads.
TIolman'B I.lvcf-Pads cure MALARIA.
Holman's.I.ivcr rails euro BiuocsNEfR.
llolman's I.ucr Vlll-i care INDIGESTION.
Pamphlet rrcc-vlth full Instruction * nnd < > ommend * .
UOOC. IlOLJU.NXlTKB I'-iD CO. , fil JbllU Street , 2i. Y.
A man > is frequently known by the com
pany ihe keeps out.of.
Greenhouse and Bedding Plants , Palms ,
Draeanitg , itc.-cheap. Sweet Potato , Cab
bage and Tomato plants in season. Send
for deecriptivcicatalogue. W. .1. HESSEU ,
I'laUsiuoutb , Neb.
"When-paintcrs.etrike they don't brush up
matters-u bit.
Secure aUusiness Education at Homo.
A full Business Course given by moil. Perfect sat
isfaction , low ratei : Bryant's College , Buffalo.N.V.
A clurch with .a poor foundation never
gains any thing by having n very tall steeple.
In ISoO'-Bron-n'sBionebial Troches" were .
introduced , and their success as a cure for
Colds , Coughs , Astima , jind Bronchitis has
been unparalleled.
People borrow trouble because it is easy to
get , and need sol be paid bock.
"Hanson's Blncic Corn Salve. "
'Warranted to cure , or money refunded. Ask
your druggist for it , Price 15 cents.
The fisher for compliments
baits with Hattcry.
The royal chief does things to the queen's
Why are you sick ? Because you Lave
neglected nature's laws. She continually
tries to correct the trouble but cannot do it
without assistance. Prickly Ash Bitters is
the assistant needed , and with the help of
this medicine your health will be fully re
stored. Give if a trial and watch the results.
Don't call a spade n spade when it IB a
Mrs-WlnsIow'sSootliineSyrup. for Chil
dren tecthinc , softens tbc cums. reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wiud colic. 25c. a bottle.
The price of grocery sand naturally falls
with the price of sugar.
There is very little security iu a lightning
lumbago , Headache , Toothache ,
sar s w aa J& . Eo - z A
Sore Throat , Swellings , rrost-bltcSj
Sprains , Bruises , Burns , Scalds *
Ffrc cents saved on soap ; five dollars lost
oa rotte.1 clothes. Is ttiafccouomy ? There
is not 5 cents difference between the cost of
a bar of the poorest soap made nnd the best ,
whkb is OB all know , Dobbins' Electric.
"When a woman wants to drive anything
oat ol the house she "shoos" It.
A fool can fall in love , but it takes a wise
man to conceal it.
Talk's cheap , but when it's
backed up by a pledge of the
Jtard cash of a financially re
sponsible firm , or company , of
world-wide reputation for fair
and honorable ' dealing , it
means business /
Now , there are scores of
sarsaparillas and other blood-
purifiers , all cracked up to be
the best , purest , most peculiar
and wonderful , but bear in
mind ( for your own sake ) ,
there's only one guaranteed
blood-purifier anr1. remedy for
torpid liver and all diseases
that come from bad blood.
That one standing solitary
and alone sold on trial , is
Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery.
If it don't do good in skin ,
scalp and scrofulous diseases
and pulmonary consumption
is only lung-scrofula just let
its makers know and get your
money back.
Talk's cheap , but to back a
poor medicine , or a common
one , by selling it on trial , as
" Golden Medical Discovery "
is sold , would bankrupt the
largest fortune.
Talk's cheap , but only " Dis
covery " is guaranteed.
A Full Set of Teeth for $5 00.
Teeth extracted without pain or danger by a
oew process. Gold and alloy filling at lowest
Office : Paxton Blocli , Onialia , Neb.
If sore afflicted with ! Thompson's Eye WaUr.
/ *
iron A TniAL rAiu /O
Write for particulars to the STAR
TONTINE ASSOCIATION , pays to its mem
bers $100 in 2 months. 2000 members
in Philadelphia first month. Our pay to
Secretaries is extremely liberal. Write
A vrcckly Journal ot a Re *
liglon that u Rational , \
and a Rationalism that IB A
1 RellKlOUS. For those who
bellevo in Religion , but quention miracle * , everlasting
punishment , ana vicarious atonement. US lit stands
for Freedom , Fellowship , and Character
In Religion , and for a religious fc-llowshVp that wel
comes air who w | > h to work together for the advanco-
incnlof Truth , Right and Love In the world. 22 columns ,
including a sermon every week. 81.00 a year : but tea
a new subscriber , mentioning this advcrtirtncut , It
will bo ent a whole year for 50 rents. Address
CllAHLEaU.KEnUiCO.l > ubt.,17tUf rbornSt.CWcteC.
I have a positive remedy for thealxiTocIiseiso ; Dyits
nse thousands of cases of the worst kind and of lone
standing have been cured. IcuWd so strong is raj faith
in its efficacy , that I will Bend TWO BOTTLES pntc.with
n VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease to ncy suf
ferer who will Bend mo their ExpruM and P. O. addreis.
T. A. Slocuin. M. C. , 131 Fcnrl St. , N. Y.
For Saloon fixtures. Killlard anil Pool Table * ,
k Billiard Supplies and liar ( Hum nn < l to THK
CO. , 113l3i > o. 1Mb strret. Oinutm , Neb.
Ml A M U ft ft f RESTORED.
Owl IH rlJ tj A victim of youth
ful imprudence ; causing 1'iematuro Decay , Nervoux
Ufbillty , Ix > st Manhood , < Se. , having tried in vain c-vrrv ,
known remedy , has disco\cicd nutmple mcaix of self-
cure , which he w ill fend ( e- lcd ) FltEl ! to hi * Mlowuf -
lerers. Address J. It. KEEVKS , E I. Kox S-.W. X Y. City./
FITS. AI ! Fltsstopped free by Dr Kline's Oreat
Nerve Kestorer. No Kit after nrstday'Mise. .Mar
vellous cures Treatise nntl $2 00 trial bottle free to
r'itcaaes. Send to Dr. Kllne.lOl ArcuSt. , l'ul..7..Pu.
RCIITC makelOO PER CENT , front , on my Corset * .
fl Uhll I W Belts. Itrualir.Curlers < t meilicines. Sam-
"PlesfREE. Write now. Dr. Dndgiuan,377B'w y , M.Y.
GARFIELD TEA cures Constipation anil
Sick Headache ; restores the Complexion ;
saves Doctors' Hills. Sold by .Druggist * .
R IS O rS C U R E F O F *
Best Cowgh Medicine. Recommended Ly Physicians.
Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the
taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists.
ie erouND/l-hewQrld ; _ han out-of the
. . , . . _ _ .
| I ) - - - - - - - * „ jc -j- | * w""SJi''J ! ! * jggAl-l'rBglJ ' C | - J * V
Torhouse-cles&oTng-Ibis asolid
C5ke ofscouring soap-Try ih
Cleanliness is always fashionable and the use
of or the neglect to use SAPOLSO marks a wide
difference in the social scale. The best classes
are always the most scrupulous in matters of
cleanliness and the best classes use SAPOL1O.
The Girl
Who Graduates
A page of suggestions valu
able to you and your daughters.
To Girls
About teA
A short article by
FELICIA HOLT , in the May number of
The Ladief Home Journal
To be followed in June by
June Brides and Maids
Mailed to any address from now
to January , 1892 , balance of this
year , on receipt of only 50 cents.
I will give One Thousand Dollars , July ist , to the
person sending the largest number of Trial Subscriptions , at
50 cents each , and Fifteen Hundred Dollars to be divided
among the next 16 largest Club-raisers. A good commission
paid for every subscription secured. CYRUS H. K. CURTIS.
Send for terms to Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia
Largest in the West
Wholesale and retail dealers and man
ufacturers , 1206. 1208 , 1210 Farnam.
417 So. I5th St. ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
-All leinrl * of Sit
and Fancy
cy Gnldflfth. Etc.
S p-
JZtrdfi and Anlinnlt Sfnffet ?
This week Special Sale of young and tame YEL
LOW HEADED PARROTS , warranted to
lailc. 512.50 each instead of $20. Imported German
Hird Seed , ice Ib. . 3 for 259. Mixed Parrot Seed 150
Ib. , 2 for 250 Prep. Mocking Bird Food 350 Ib. , 3
( or $1.00. Birds shipped by express safely.
l > r. fce One's Periodical Pills
Are warranted to reliere tardy. irresraUr and i '
ii aUo"S- Est " ' > " - < l In 7EiiropSta "lOTl a
18SO. Canada , 1877. United States , lidvj Ve
Jrench pill at $2 a bos or three for K. w w
ca ? be 1 > ent
incorPoratcd stovk com-
t C.'J. IIAKEU'S. 10
bAS CITV , MO. Send
W. S. U. , Ouialm , o < 5S-20