The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1891, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
An ordinance establishing a tariff of reasona
ble water rates and prescribing rules to gov
ern the consumers of water derived from
The Lincoln Land company's water works ,
at and in the City of McCouk , Red Willow
county , Nebraska , and rules and regulations
governing the supply and consumption of
water derived from said water works and
providing a penalty for the violation of the
SECTION I. That the followingis establish
ed as a reasonable tariff of water rates to con
sumers from The Lincoln Land company , at
McCook , Nebraska , per annum , except as
otherwise stated :
Banks , including basin $10.00
Bakeries , average of one barrel per day , 12.00
Barber shop , first chair 10.00
Barber shop , each additional chair 5.00
Bath rooms , public , first tub 12.00
Bath rooms , public , each additional tub , 8.00
Bath rooms , private , first tub 3.00
Bath rooms , private , each additional tub , 3.00
Blacksmith snop , first fire 0.00
Blacksmith shop , each additional fire. . 3.00
Bar and drinking saloon 25.00
Billiard saloon , first table 12.00
Billiard saloon , each addition table. . . . 5.00
Billiard table in drinking saloon , special rate.
Breweries , meter or special rates.
Boarding or lodging houses , each room , 2.00
Brick yards , meter or special rates.
Candy manufacturers or confectioners ,
special rate.
Cigar manufacturers , five hands or less , 8.00
Cigar manufacturers , each a'ditin'l hand 2.00
Dwelling houses , not exceeding3 rooms , 8.00
Dwelling houses , each additional room , 1.50
Eating saloons or restaurants , special rates.
Fountains , special rates.
Filing private cisterns , each time , perfo
barrels or less 10.00
Gas works , meter or special rates.
Hotel and boarding houses , first ten
rooms at per room 2.00
Hotels and boarding houses.having from
lo to 20 rooms at per room 1.50
Hotels and boarding houses leaving over
20 rooms at per room l.oo
Halls and opera houses 15.00
Laundries 25.00
Liveries and other public feed or sale
Stables , including washing carriages ,
buggies and harness , up to 20 stalls
at 2 horses per stall or less , per stall 2.50
Liveries and other public feed or sale
stables , for each additional stall. . . . l.oo
Private stables , for one horse , including
washing carriages and harness 3.50
Private stables , for each additional horse
or animal 2.00
Meat market , special rates.
Office & sleeping rooms , including basin , 7.00
Office 4 sleeping rooms , without basin. . 3.00
Printing offices , meter or special rates.
Photographic galleries 15.00
SchpoTsj public or private , special rates.
Sprinkling store fronts , washing windows
dews , for each 25 front feet or less. . 1.50
Sprinkling lawns , for first 50 ft. front or
less perseason of six months 10.00
Sprinkling lawns , for each additional 50
feet on tap per season of six months , 3.00
SF Thetime for sprinkling lawns shall be
from 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock , A. M. , and from 6
o'clock to 9 o'clock , P. M. , each day during
sprinkling season.
Soda fountains , special rates.
Stores , drug SS.oo
Stores , dry goods and clothing. S.oo
Stores , general and groceries 8.00
Stores , hardware 8.00
Stores , general 8.00
Steam engines , meter or special rates.
Slaughter houses , meter or special rates.
Water closets in public houses per bowl , 9.00
Water closets in private houses per bowl. 5.00
Urinals in public houses , occasional flow , 7.00
Urinals in private houses , occasional flow , 5.00
Warehouses , meter or special rates.
Workshops , 10 persons or under 15.00
Workshops , for each additional person , .50
Pop factories , meter or special rates.
lee to 500 gal's per day , per lee gal's 04
500 to looo gal's per day , per lee gal's. . .0'
1,000 to 2,000 gal's per day , per lee gal's ,
2,000 to 4,000 gal's per day , per lee gal's , .02
Over.4,000 gallons per day IJ4
J3Inno case where the meter is used shall
the amount charged be less than 10.00 per
For brickwork. 10,000 brick or less , at
per 10,000 laid $1.00
For brickwork over 10,000 at per 10,000. . .75
For stone , per perch 05
Plastering 5oo square yards or less , special rate.
" Where water is used for purposes not
specified in the foregoing tariff the rate shall
be fixed by the Mayor and Council of the city
of McCook , Nebraska.
SECTION 2. All applications for water ser
vice must be made by the consumerin writing
on the books of the said Lincoln Land com
pany water works at McCook , Nebraska , and
must state the purpose for which the water
\yill be used. The use of water is strictly
limited to the purpose disclosed by the writ
ten applicatio'n and any other use is forbidden.
For any addition to or material alteration or
modification of the service or fixtures a new
written application must be made in the books
of the said Lincoln Land company water
works.Vater consumers shall not demand
of the said company a specific quantity of
water for any purpose , but simply an ample
supply for the pui poses named in the permit ,
unavoidable accidents excepted.
SECTION 3. There shall be a stop cock in
every attachment within the street curb line of
each lot or property supplied with water ,
which stop cook with its box shall be supplied
by the consumer and which shall be under
the control of the said Lincoln Land com
pany water works.
SECTION 4. All consumers must keep their
sen-ice pipe , fixtures , stop cocks and other ap-
parati in good repair , free from leakage
and protected from Irost at their own expense.
First class material and workmanship shall
be employed in making attachments with the
mains or otherwise and the cost of same shall
be paid by the consumer in like manner all
fixtures in connection therewith. All waste of
water by leaking attachments or fixtures or
by neglect ot consumers or their servants
shall operate as a right and privilege of the
said Lincoln Land company water works to
stop the supply. No fixtures shall be so locat
ed as to be accessible to the public or persons
occupying neighboring premises and if water
shall be allowed to be taken by persons hav
ing no right to its use the supply may be stop
ped and all payments forfeited. No altera
tions or additions to fixtures' arc permitted
without previously making a written applica
tion on the books of said Lincoln Land com
pany water works and obtaining its consent.
All attachments and all fixtures supplied
therefrom shall from o A. M. to 6 P. M. each
day be subject to the inspection of said com
pany and if found defective , leaky , or waste-
tul , their introduction or use may be prohibit
ed by said company- f
SECTIONS. Sprinkling permits shall be
granted for the lawn sprinkling season only
on the prepayment of one-half the schedule
rate aforesaid to the said company , except as
herein otherwise provided. Said lawn sprink
ling season shall begin with the I5th day of
April and shall end with the l th day of Octo
ber in each year , and at the expiration of said
season the water may be turned off from the
premises the occupants or owners of which
have not paid their domestic rates for the
. Under lawn sprinkling
same premises. per
mits the use of water is limited to such season
for sprinkling only , and the use of hand hose
with not larger than three-sixteenth noz/le is
limited to the hours of from 6 o'clock , A. M ,
to 0 o'clock , A. M. , and 6 o'clock , P. M. to 9
o'clock , P. M. each day during the lawn
sprinkling season. The use of a hand hose
without a nozzle as a substitute for a fountain
or allowing it to run while not held by hand
is forbidden. Any use of a sprinkling at
tachment in excess of the foregoing is a violation
lation of the terms of the permit.
ccpt for lawn sprinkling and where meters are
used shall be due and payable to said Lincoln
Land company water works quarterly in ad
vance according to the schedule comprised in
this ordinance. Lawn sprinkling rates shall
be payable to said company each three
months of the sprinkling season in advance ,
and meter or special rates shall be paid at
such times as the said Lincoln Land company
water works may elect. The use of water
other than by meter or special rates for a
term less than three months shall be charged
and paid for pro rata of this schedule rate
for the whole quarteror season. If said rates
are not paid within ten days after the same
arc due the water may be turned off at the
option of the said Lincoln Land company
water works and not turned on again until
all back rents and charges are paid , includ
ing a charge of one dollar for turning on and
offthe water.
SECTION 7. No person residing in the city
of McCook , Nebraska , except one who pays
water tax according to the schedule herein for
horses or cattle shall be allowed to use the
watering troughs in the city of McCook , and
then only for such animals as they pay water
rates for. r
SECTION 8. Any person or persons who
shall on behalf of themselves or any other
person , persons , association , partnership or
corporation , collect , exact , receive or charge
any larger or greater amount than is by this
ordinance allowed to be taken , charged or re
ceived from any consumer for water used as
specified in this ordinance , such person or per
sons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in
any sum not less than S5 and not more than § 50
for each offense or shall be imprisoned in the
city jail for a term not exceeding thirty days.
SECTION 9. This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its passage , ap
proval and publication according to law.
Passed and approved , and ordered publish
ed at regular meeting this I3th day of May
1891 , by following vote : Kay , yea ; Knights
yea ; LaTouretteyea ; Menard.yea.
In testimony of which we hereby affix our
hands and seal of said city of McCook this nth
day of May , 1891. C. T. BREWER ,
Attest U. ] . WARREN , Mayor.
City Clerk.
Hy virtue of an order of sale directed to mo
from the district court of Ued Willow county
Neliraska.on a Judgment obtained heforeHon
J. E. Cochrun , judtreof the district court of
Hcd Willow county , Nebraska , on the 3 < ) th daj
March , 1891 , In favor of J. L. Moore as plaint.ff
and airainst Edwin N. Benjamin and Ida C
Uenjamin et al. as defendants , for the sum of
one hundred and twenty-one dollars nnd sixty
two cents , and costs taxed at 739.03 ami accru
IIIKcosts , I have levied upon the iollowlng
real estate taken as the property of said de
fendants , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : B. H
N. W. } and S. 1A N. B. & of section 31. town
ship 2. north of ran e 29 , west of Gth P. M. . in
Ked Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer
the same for sule to the highest bidder , for
cash in hand , on the 13th day of June A. D.
1891. iu front of the south door of the court
house , in Indiunola. Nebraska , that being1 the
building wherein the last term of court was
held , at the hour of one o'clock , P. M. , of sair
day , when and whore due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated May C , 1891. W. A. McCoot , ,
M Sheriff of said County.
Oy virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of lied Willow county ,
Nebraska , on u judgment obtained beforeHon.
J.E. Cochran , judge of the district court of
Ited Willow county. Nebraska , on the 30th day
of March. 1891 , in favor ot W. O. McClure as
plaintiff , and against Gilbert 0. and Charlotte
E. Nettleton et al. as defendants , for the sum
six hundred , sixty-eight dollars and twenty-
seven cents , and costs taxed at $37 38 and ac
cruing costs. I have levied upon the follow
ing real estate taken as the property of said
defendants , to satisfy said decree , to-wit : S. %
S. G. U section 3 and N. tf N. E. ? 4 section IU.
in town. 2 , range 30. west of Bth P. M. . in Ked
Willow eountv , Nebraska. And will offer the
same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash
in hand , on the 13th day of June A. D. 1891. in
front of the south door of the courthouse , in
Indianola. Nebraska , that being the building
wherein the last term of court was held , at
the hour of one o'clock , P. M. . of said day ,
when and where due attendance will he given
by the undersigned.
Dated May 5th. 1891. W. A. McCooi. .
.TO Sheriff of said Couuty.
[ Jy virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Ued Willow county ,
Nebraska , on u judgment obtained before Hon.
J. B. Cochran. judge of the district court of
Ued Willow county , Nebraska , on the 30th day
of March , 1881 , in laver of L. Alice Watson as
plaintiff , and ugainst Cyrus Cowles et al. as
defendants , for lite sum one hundred and
eight dollars , and no cents , and costs taxed at
36.03 and accruing1 costs , I have levied upon
\tie following real estate taken as the proper
ty of said defendants , to satisfy said decree ,
to wit : N. W. J4 section 25. town. 3 , range 27 ,
west of Cth P. M. . in Ued Willow county. Ne
braska. And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the
13th day of June A. D. . 1891 , in front of the
south door of the court house , in Indianola.
Nebraska , that being the building wherein
the last term of court was held , at the hour of
one o'clock. P. M. . of said day , when and where
due attendance will be given by the under
Dated May 5th. 1891. W. A. McCoOL.
50 Sheriff of said County.
Publication of Summons.
In the District Court of Ued Willow county ,
J. L. Moore , plaintiff , vs. Ephraim Greene ,
Emma M. Greene , and D. M. OsborneACom
pany , defendants.
J'o Ephraim Greene and Emma M. Greene ,
non-resilient defendants :
You will take notice that on the 12th day of
January. A. D. , 1891. J. L. Moore , plaintiff , fil
ed his petition in the District Court of Ited
Willow county. Nebraska , the object and pray
er of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by the defendants Ephraim Greene
mil Em in n M. Greene to the Dakota Mortgage
Loan Corporation , now the Globe Investment
Company , and duly assigned to the plaintiff
icrein on the east half of the south-west
quarter and the west half of the south-east
quarter of section two (2) ) in township one (1) ) ,
lortli of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) west of the
sixth P.M. , in Ued Willow county , Nebraska ,
said mortgage being dated December 23d ,
887 , and upon which there is now due the
sum of $90.00 and interest there on at the rate
r > f ten per cent per annum from the first day
af December , A. D. , 18S9.yind the further sum
nf $48.13 and interest thereon at the rate of
en per cent , per annum from January 15th ,
891 , being the amount paid by plaintiff herein
o redeem paid land from tax sale , for taxes
assessed against the same and not paid.
Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure
ind sale of said premises ; tbat the defendants
je foreclosed and barred of a'l title , lien or
ither interest in said premises ; for deficiency
udgment and equitable relief. You are re-
luired to answer said petition on or before
londay the25th day of May. A. D..1891.
Dated at McCook. Nebraska. April 23d , 1891.
J. L. MOORE. Plaintiff.
Dy his attorney J. E. Keller. 48
Probate Notice.
n County Court , Red Willew County ,
Nebraska ,
n the matter of the Probate of the last Will
and Testament of Smith Gordon , deceased ,
rhe state of Nebraska , To the heirs and next
kin of the said Smith Gordon , deceased :
Take notice. That upon filing of a written
nstrument. purporting to bo the last will and
cstament of Smith Gordon , for probate and
allowance , it is ordered that said matter be
set for hearing the llth day of June , A. D. .
891 , before said county court , at the hour of
. o'clock , P. M. , at which time any person in-
crested may appear and contest the same.
Yon are further notified that the depositions
of J. B. Lltchfield will be taken at the office of
James E. Corlett , in the town of Elkader. in
the state ot Iowa , on the 27th day of May ,
1891 , between the hours of 9 A. M. and 6'P. M. ,
of said day.
You are further notified that the depositions
of William Trick will be taken at the office of
WilliamJ.SchlotterNo.SON. 4th St. in the
city of Keokuk. in the state of Iowaon the 5th
lay of June. 1891 , between the hours of 9 A.
M. and 6 P. M. . of said dayi
And notice of this proceedings is ordered
mblisbed three weeks successively in THE
ilcCooKTuiDDNE , a weekly newspaper pub-
ished in this state.
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set
my hand and the seal of the County Court , at
Indianola , this 29th day of April. A.D. . 1891.
49-3 County Judge.
.JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
Complete Lines of
and other Furnishing
Goods. i
Notice is hereby given tbat on Saturday
May 23d. 1891 , at the city hull a id HI the Tulley
building on Main street In die city of .McCouk
in said precinct a special election will he held
lor the purpose of deciding whether thecoun
ly commissioners of Ked Willow county. Ne
braaka , shall for the purpose of aiding in the
construction of an irrigation and water power
canal passing1 through sections 3-7-8-9 and 10
township two. range twenty-nine west , in sail
precinct , issue the coupon bonds of Willow
Grove precinct , Ued Willow county. Neb. , to
the amount of fen thousand ( $10,000) ) dollars
Said bonds to bear date of June 1,1891. am
payable twenty ( 'JO ) years from date thereof
and to bear interest at the rate of six (6) per
cent , per annum interest payable semi annu
ally on said bonds at the county treasurer's
office in Ued Willow county , Nebrasxa. And
shall the county commissioners iu each year
thereafter until the said bonds become duo
and payable levy upon the taxable property
of said Willow Grove precinct a tnx sufficient
to pay the interest upon said bonds , provided
thut. an additional amount shall be levied and
collected as provided by law to pay the princi
pal of said bonds when they shall become due.
Said vote to be by ballotand all persons voting
for said proposition shall have printed on
their ballots the words
"Shall the bonds of Willow Grove precinct ,
Ked Willow county , Nebraska , be issued by
the county commissioners of said county in
accordance with the proposition of said com
missioners to aid in the construction of an ir
rigation and water power canal passing
through sections 3-7-8-9 and 10. township 2
north , range 29 west in said precinct. "
"VES. "
All persons voting against said proposition
shall have printed on their ballots the words
"Shall the bonds of Willow Grove precinct.
Red Willow county. Nebraska , be issued by
the county commissioners of said county in
accordance with the proposition of said com
missioners to aid in the construction of an ir
rigation and water power canal passing
through sections 3-7-8-9 and 10. township 2
north , range 29 west in said precinct. "
"NO. "
Which election shall be opened at 8 o'clock ,
A.M. , and will continue open until G o'clock.
F. M. of the same day and all persons in said
precinct residing east of the line running
parallel with Slain street , city of McCook ,
shall vote at the Tulley building and those re
siding in said precinct west of said line shall
vote at the city hall in McCook city.
48-3 C. W. HODCJKIN. Chairman ,
Board of County Commissioners.
Attest Geo. W. Roper , County Clerk.
April 30th. 1891. (
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Itegis-
: er or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
June 15th , 1891 , viz :
I. E. No. 6081 for the S. E. & of section 33 , in
own. 1 , north of range 30. west of Gth P. M.
le names the following1 witnesses to prove
iis continuous residence upon , and cultiva-
ion of , said land , viz : William H. Tegarden.
Charles F. Elliott , William H. Benjamin and
Jonas It. Gardner , all of Banksville. Neb.
49 * J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
April 20th. 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final pre-emption proof in support of
her claim , and that said proof will be made
before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. ,
on Saturday. May 30th. 1891. viz :
P. E. D. S. No. 7019 , for the S. Y2 S. W. ? and
lots G and 7. Sec. 28. T.3. N. of R. 30 , W. Cth
P. M. She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon.aud cul
tivation of. said land , viz : Hotheus S. Hile-
raan. Mathcw H. Johnston. John H.Whittaker ,
William Grimes , all of McCook , Nebraska.
J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
April 7th , 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final flve-year proof in support of his
claim , and that said proof will be made before
Register or Receiver at , McCook , Neb. , on Sat
urday , May 18th , 1891 , viz :
H. E. No. 4083. for lots 3. 4 and 5. and S. E. Ji
N. W. Ji section G. town. 2 north , range 30 ,
west Gth P. M. He names the following wit
nesses to prove bis continuous residence upon ,
and cultivation of. said land , viz : JonnV.
Wharton , of McCook. Neb..David O. Strine , of
Dulbertson , Neb. . Sidney W. Ford and Jacob
P. Squires of McCook. Neb. .
MB J. P. LINDSAY. Register.
1'A Divine service at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and
7:30. P. M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at
10 o'clock. A. M. . central time. Prayer meet
ing , Wednesday evenings at 7:30. central time.
All persons are cordially invited to these ser
vices. P. S. MATHER , Pastor.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. McConnell -
Connell & Co. . Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Cash argain ouse !
Are filling their store with all classes of goods bought after the McKiuley bill had brought
everthing down to HABD PAN PBIOES. These are facts :
comprising Wool and Cotton.
Dress Goods
of every description , the best
to the cheapest.
White Goods
of all classes.
in all grades and widths.
A big stock of
Embroideries ,
Hosiery , Gloves ,
Summer Underwear
in Knit and Muslin ,
Corsets , Collars , Cuffs.
of our departments equal a g'oocl sized "country
store. " Tills has to be seen to be appreciated. Our prices are
known to be the lowest. You g-et your money's worth. The
g-oocls tell the tale for themselves. So call and see us. You will
be treated courteously by our clerks.
JOHN C. ALLEN , Prop. , '
Publication Notice. "
Tin-Hartley Impioveiiient and Investment
Company.Allen Uartley.Henry MatterGeorg (
H. Eekelanold Uenjamin K. Sciioultz. Hud-
dleston Lumber Compiiiiv , U. G. Smith , Wil
liam E. liaker , Daniel Mangus , The DeWiti
Bank of DeWitt. Nebraska. Motcalf Brothers
G. L. Laws. Z. T. McCullum. Illinois Street
Gas Company , Frank H. Selby. Bank of Bart
ley , McCormick Harvesting .Machine Com
paiiy.Delia O. Robinson , J W.Dolan , Howard
Lumber Company. Legal Heirs of William
Peck , deceased. ! ' . B. Hilton , J. W. Martin , i
N. tlover , Uisilla Bartley. J. M. Kortz. Petei
J3rochaui , Mrs. Peter Brochan W. F. Brown ,
Mrs. W. F. Brown. T. M. Sexton. J. E.
Hathorn.E.D.Hathorn. U. E. Fulmer.Adie Fnl-
mer , Elizabeth Hamilton. Matilda Hamilton ,
Ansou D. Buwdish , Eliza Z. Bowdisli , Sarah
Allensby , and F. L. Boutliwick. co-defendants ,
Will take notice that on the 7th day ol April ,
1891 , The Lincoln Land Company , your co de
fendant herein , filed in the olHce of the Clerk
ot the District Court of Red Willow County ,
Nebraska , its answer and cross-petition ,
against Benjamin F.Sibbitt. plaintilf.and you
as co-defendants , the object and prayer of
which is to foreclose all rigkts , interest or
equity of redemption , of the other delendunts
iu said action and the plaintilf thctein. under
and by virtue of a written agreement , enter
ed into between the defendant , Allen Bartley.
and the defendant. The Lincoln Land Com
pany , wherein the said Allen Bart Icy. agreed
to purchase ot the defendant. The Lincoln
Laud Company , for the coiisulcratidn herein
after set lorth. the following described pro
perty situated in the county of Red Willow
and state of Nebraska , viz : The south halt
of the north east quarter , and lots numbers
one and two , the south east quarter of
the north west quarter , and lota numbers
three , four and five , the east half of the south
west quarter , and lots numbers six and seven ,
and the south east quarter , of section six , in
township three , north of range twenty-six ,
west of the sixth principal meridian ; also the
north half of the north east quarter and the
south west quarter of the north east quarter
and lol number six , and the east half of the
north west quarter , and lots numbers one and
two of section number seven , in township
three , north of range twentysix , west of the
sixth principal meridian , except from the
above described tract , a strip of land two
thousand feet in length and three hundred
feet in width ; which agreement the said Al
len Bartley , on the 25th day of February. 1889.
[ 'orand in consideration of the sum of one
dollar , assigned and delivered to the defend
ants. J. W. Martin. T. It. Hilton and I. N. Clov
er : and thereafter said The Lincoln Land
Company , entered into a written agreement
with the last above named defendants , where
by the said property was agreed to be con
veyed to the said defendants , J. W. Martin , T.
B. Hilton and I. N. Clover , upon the payment
of the following consideration , viz. ; June
JOth.1890. § 2.091.10 , December 31st. 1890. $2,052.-
00. December 3Ist. 1891 , $3,46000. December
Jlst , 1892. 3lBt,1893.3OCO 00 ,
December 31st. 1894. § 2.800.30 and December
31st. 1893 , $2.160.00 , which sums the said de-
: endants. Allen Bartley. J. W. Martin. T. B.
rliiton and I. N. Clover , have failed and neg-
ected to pav as they become due ; and the
lefendant , The Lincoln Land Company , prays
thatsaid premises , except the east half of the
south west quarter , and lots numbers six and
seven of section six , in township three , range
twenty-six , may be sold to satisfy the sums
due and to become due ; and further that that
part of the property hereinbefore described
vhich was platted as a town by tliedefendant.
Alien Dartle3' . be vacated , and that such plat
ing be adjudged to have been without
authority. You are required to plead to said
answer and cross-petition on or before the
th day of June. 1891.
Dated this twent3'-ninth day "f April. 1S91.
494 . Bv W. S. Morlan. its attorney.
Application for Druggists' Permit.
McCook , Nebraska , May 7th. 1891. f
Notice is hereby given that Albert McMillcn
ms tiled in this office an application to the
Uayor and City Council of the city of McCook ,
Nebraska , for druggists' permit to sell malt ,
pirituous and vinous liquorsiiithedrugstore
n lot 17 , block 22 , in the 1st ward of said city
or the ensuing fiscal year.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
land and the seal of said city this 7th day of
lay. 1891. 30 U. J. WARREN , City Clerk.
Boots & Shoes
for Men"Women , and Children.
We sell Children's School
Shoes for Less Than
WhyPay High Prices
Call and look at our Shoes.
Clothing , HatsCaps ,
Suits of all classes
We expect to close out
Our Clothing Dept. Within Thirty
days. This a
Snap for Close Buyers !
and a chance to buy a
at less than cost to make.
And we" guarantee to
Save You 25 Per Cent.
Canned Goods
of all kinds , Fresh , Staple and
High Grade.
in bulk and the
Celebrated Chase & Sanborn's
we get fresh every week , the finest
coffee used by any one.
Our Tea Stock cannot be beat
Good stock of Syrup and Meat.
T ! . WARRRN , Manager.
There's banks op violets , Banks of
Arid bajjKs wfysre miners grope *
And baJjks irjat r rjdle golden coin ?
r Hi C AGO
\ n i v r vvjWi
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and
that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.
Hotel ,
H. M. WOLFE , Prop.
Sj | Headquarters for Traveling Men , j ;
_ § Electric lights , hot and cold water baths ,
free bus to all trains , and strictly first class
in all of its appointments.