The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1891, Image 7

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    Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently jet promptly on the Kidneya ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt ; in
its action and truly beneficial IA its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances ,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all aud have made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist -who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
' German
ForTliroat and Lungs
" I have been ill for
Hemorrhage " about five years ,
"have had the best
FiyeYears , "medical advice ,
"and I took the first
" dose in some doubt. This resulted -
" ed in a few hours easy sleep. There
' ' was no further hemorrhage till next
"day , when Iliad a slight attack
"which stopped almost immediate
ly. By the third day all trace of
" blood had disappeared and I had
"recovered much strength. The
"fourth day I sat up in bed and ate
"my dinner , the first solid food for
"two months. Since that time I
"have gradually gotten better and
"am now able to move about the
"house. My death was daily ex-
"pected and my recovery has been
" a great surprise to my friends and
' ' . be doubt
the doctor. There can no
"about the effect of German Syrup ,
" as I had an attack just previous to
1' its use. The only relief was after
" the first dose. " J.R. LOUGHHEAD ,
Adelaide , Australia. @
The Soap
that Cleans
. < Most
Is Lenox.
Building IfoiiHe * of Paper.
The utilization of paper in the arts
of industry and construction presents
a notable example in the recent erec
tion of a new Hamburg hotel , in north
ern Germany , the structure being built
entire of paper boards compressed to
the hardness of wood. One advantage
of special importance attributed to
this novel description of building ma
terial is the circumstances that , by
being impregnated with certain chem
ical solutions , it can be made abso
lutely fire proof ; the same process of
treatment also secures it against the
attacks of destructive insects , and
might thus specially recommend it for
use in certain river valleys in the trop
ics , wood-eating ants having been
known to demolish large frame build
ings in less than a month. For some
time past a firm at Dresden has suc
cessfully engaged in the manufacture
of tool handles and shafts from com
pressed paper chemically prepared ,
the articles being not only very hard
and firm , but possessing the quality of
being non-conductors of heat. An
other German firm is making pulleys
of pasteboards pressed by hydraulic
power , having an iron core and strong
casing , and are supposed to take up
less room , generate less friction , and
are water proof.
How's TllUI
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward foi
any case of catairh that cnnnot be cured by
taking Hall's Catanh Cure.
We. the underigued , have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions , and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their linn.
WEST & TKUAX , \ \ holes ale Druggists , Tole
do , 0.
Driipgists , Toledo , O.
llall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally ,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 7 c. per bottle. Sold by aU
! !
Keeping Flower * .
A new method of preserving natural
flowers has been discovered by an Eng
lish lady , whose process is well worth
considering , says Farm and Fireside.
The flower buds were cut just as they
were about to open and the ends of the
stems covered with sealing wax. Each
was then wrapped separately in paper
and laid away in a box. When they
were wanted she clipped the stems just
above the wax and immersed them in
water , to which a little nitre had been
added ; and , though the flowers had
been gathered nearly a month before ,
on the morrow they opened with as
much beauty and fragrance as if Afresh
ly plucked.
When Baby was sick , -vre gave her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , sheened for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she bad Children , she gave them Castoria ,
The only sure way to keep from back
sliding is to keep sliding forward.
If an alligator could talk he would proba
bly declare that he had a small mouth.
Why should pawnbrokers be reviled ? Do
they not keep all their pledges ?
flolman-s Liver Fads.
llolman's Lhcr Tads cureSlAuniA.
llolraan's LUer Pads cure BILIOUSNESS.
llolman's I.her Tills cure INDIGESTION.
Pamphlet free with full instructions and commenda
tions. HOLMAN LITER PAD Co. , 81 John street , K. Y.
The world looks at what a man does , but
God looks at what he means.
1 read what Mr. Bell said about making * 80 per month.
Jalso sent to the btandard Silver Ware Co. , Essex St. ,
Boston , Mass. . and received a fine case of camples. 1
took orders the first day that paid me 110 profit ; made
HO tbe first week ; at the end of one month 1 had (115
clear profit. Any one can pet circulars and agency by
w ritintr the abe > e firm. 1 hope others may profit by
my experience. Yours Truly , W. F. WILLIAMS.
The more we do to help others the lighter
our oun burdens will become.
Garfieltl Tea act' on the blood , renovating the
entire * } stem ; Cures Constipation ; biingj the liU2 of
health back to faded cheeks.
Greenhouse and Bedding Plants , Palms ,
Dracienas , fcc. , cheap. Sweet Potato , Cab
bage and Tomato plants in season. Send
for descriptive catalogue. W. J. HESSCU ,
Plattsmouth , Neb.
The man who never prays for anybody else
never prays for himself.
You can't stop your neighbor's tongue but
you can stop your own ears.
Hunger the Best Sauce.
S. Si S. gives a good appetite ,
And causes a relish for food ,
Which builds up the human organism *
Swift's Specific S. S. S.
Has no equal as a tonic ,
For convalescent patients ,
It is invaluable.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases free *
Before you buy anyhhing.&sk two questions ?
"Bo I re&H vjVfer Can 1 do- *
thes'e cfuesio
nevei nSSpreven b you /learn /
buying SAP OLIO s jje
Its uses are many .and so are its friends ;
for \wltere it is once used it is always used. To
clean Iwuse without it is sheer folly , since it does
the worh twice as fast and twice as well.
Fifteen Dollars a Week , Besides
Board and Glory for a Pugilist.
"I get § 15 a week an' me bonrd , an'
that's as good na a tough'like me can
expect ter do. "
The speaker was a muscular young
fellow of the .
rough-nnd-ready type.
Ho was leaning against the bar of a
saloon , toying with a glass of beer
and pufling at a long black cigar. His
business w"as a peculiar one. It was
his task to present himself each night
at a certain Sullivan-street resort
known as Teddy's , and be ready to
oblige any aspirant in the fistic line
by putting on the gloves \\lth him for
four rounds. He was , in short , the
representive of the management , and
if he did not get the best of the bout ,
the house was compelled to pay the
winner a dollar.
"I'm only 19 , " said the young man ,
'an' some day I may moot some of the
good ones. I have been in the busi
ness a. year now. One night last
winter I walked inta Teddy's did up a
Cockney what was doin' the honors
for the'house. . I was hired on the
spot , an' the Cockney was fired. I ve
nj er been bested since I started , an'
rA'ady say's I'm better'n most of the
ringers. Naw , I don't like the work ,
except for the money it brings. Most
of the men that meet me are plugs ,
and it makes me weary to punch 'em.
Then when I domeet aprettygood one
he usually tries to foul me. There'slots
of hard coustomers come in , ye know ,
an' they must do me up some way ,
an' fore I know it a feller drives his
shoulder into me stomach or hits me
under the chin with his head , I don't
get a fair fight like I would in a ring ,
though Teddy looks out for me pret
ty well when the gang against him
isn't too strong. Sometimes I get
spiked , an' once a big fellow , about
300 pounds weight , rushed me through
the ropes , and before I could jump out
of the crowd someone had struck me
with a brass knuckle behind the ear ,
an' I was within an ace of going out.
I faced me man again , though , an'
just got a knock-out blow in on him
in time to save meself. I guess I'll
stick ter the business a while longer.
Countin' the board that Teddy gives
it's worth 20 a week to me. That's
better' an uneducated jay like me kin
do in straight work , an' maybe next
year I kin get a fight on with a big un.
Tden if 1 best him I kin go inter
Money not Always the "Open Se-
same"to Royal Courts ,
Half of the American women , or
perhaps all of them , who spend their
money and energies in obtaining a
presentation to royalty at the point
of the bayonet , so to speak have but
one idea in view. It is to say they
have been at close quarters with the
Queen of Enqland , and breathed the
same atmosphere for about two and
one-half seconds as that pudgy but
virtuous monarch. This is something
to relate to one's relatives at home ,
perhaps. The cost of a presentation ,
as every one knows , ranges from
hundreds to thousands of dollars , but
of course , the good American like Mr.
Mrtaitalini "dem'ds the expense , " and
is only too thankful if no divorce nor
scandal prevents the Lord Chamber
lain from ordering a taboo at that or
any other royal function in the here
after. Judging , however , by the
names which have already been sent
in by that exalted functionary , the
over rich citizen of the United States
does not always get there. The line ,
it seems , can be drawn , even at a
Court presentation ! Let us be grateful
for so much , although it breaks a
millionaire heart or two to find the
Mighty Dollar is not sesame in a royal
palace. It seldom happens that
money fails as a key but at that preci
ous Court of St. James there is a sort
of Yale lock which defies it. Andafter
all is said and done , and the American
sotiety beauty has been stared at by
haughty royalty , and has heard her
name called in the halls of the elect ,
what then ? Is it not very silly , very
absurd , and about as childish as the
performances at a fashionable danc
ing school class ? Boston Herald.
A Spider's Web Does a Good Turn
for a Business Man.
The superintendent of an electric-
light station gives a strange instance
of the stopping of a meter and the
explanation of the trouble.
On examining the meter , which was
of twenty-eight capacity , after a lapse
of a month , in order to determine the
quantity of current to be charged for ;
he hatfound t the consumer , in the
pressure of business , had placed a
number of small boxes around the
meter , concealing it from view.
As it was desireable not to disturb
them , it was suggested and agreed to
that the meter be allowed to run an
other month. At the end of the second
end month , the coast being clear , the
meter was examined , and it was found
that it recorded only five hours since
the time of examination.
This looked suspicious , but there
was no ground to believe that the
meter had been tampered with.
A very close inspection revealed the
fact that a spider had spun its web
around the fans so that they could
not rotate under the action of the
It appears that the screws which
held the cover to the top of the in
strument hod not been put in , and
that the spider had taken advantage
of the opening and established him
self in the cozy quarters.
"Penny wise anil ponnd foolish" arc those
who think it-economy to use cheap itoJa and
rosin soaps , instead of the good old Dobbins'
Electric Soap ; for alc hy all grocers Bncc |
18H. ( Try it once. Ee'sure , huy genuine.
When a man heglus to know himself real
well he has a very poor opinion of other
II. Gaze & Son of 940 Broadway , New York
City , announce very attractive * 200 trips to
Europe ; first class. Sec advertisement.
A good deal of the devil's best work Is
done by careless people.
3lr . Wiualotr'B SoothlaeSyriip , for Chil
dren tuclhinK , softens the cuins , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 2ic , a bottle.
Put an angel where there Is no love and he
would beboiue a devil.
What is lacking is truth
and confidence.
If there were absolute truth
on the one hand and absolute
confidence on the other , it
wouldn't be necessary for the
makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy to back upa plain
statement of fact by a $500
They say "If we can't
cure you ( make it personal ,
please , ) of catarrh in the head ,
in any form or stage , we'll pay
you $500 for your trouble in
making the trial. "
"An advertising fake , " you
sav *
Funny , isn't it , how some
people prefer sickness to
health when the remedy is
positive and the guarantee
Wise men don't put money
back of " fakes. "
And " faking " doesn't pay.
Magical little granules
those tiny , sugar-coated Pel
lets of Dr. Pierce scarcely
larger than mustard seeds ,
yet powerful to cure active
yet mild in operation. The
best Liver Pill ever invented.
Cure sick headache , dizziness ,
constipation. One a dose.
Write for particulars to the STAB
TONTINE ASSOCIATION , pays to its mem
bers $100 in 2 months. 2000 members
in Philadelphia first month. Our pay to
Secretaries is extremely liberal. Write
W. N. U. , Omaha , - 567 19
Ohio &Mlss.Rallway.
Office President and
General Manager ,
Cincinnati , Ohio
"My foot suddenly
turned and gave me
a very severely
sprained ankle. The
application of St.
Jacobs Oil resulted at
once in a relief from
pain. "
Prest. & Gen'IMan'Kr.
7-iG Dolphin Street.
Baltimore. Md. .
"I was bruised bad
ly in hip and side by
a fall and suffered se
verely. St. Jacobs Oil
completely cured
me. " WM. C. IIAHDEN ,
Member of State
THE CHARLES A. vnn = LER CO. . Baltimore-
J S18.00 PER WEEK \
lean tullr be made durmr tbc ratmtbi of April , Hay , JtmeJ
July and Augmt. by anj cpernetlo
| w > bare a mull article which i U on tight to Ucnsekctpml
land Stores In ercry part of tha t'nltnl Mates and Canada.1
I If you mean bntlnen send m a t-etnt Stamp and yon
| ild full partlcniari by rtturn mall. ArtJren ,
lw.II.UlLI.UJlSON.44 .North fourthSt. . PhllailflpMa , Pa
GuanmlfflngrflMitmrlrrulallon. lorlOcti.tll
Trr , join-name will li ln rtnl and rouynall.
edjouaffoinpaBlfilbyjio lllipri > onhaljour
namr la am 1 1 o 1O.OIIO r ulilUhfri , Arttrrlltrrt ,
, Jirgn.andollirr . from Ihneyon will rerclie
ami prolialily thoii and oftaluakle
ISTOi > ir liorm il.KoT orii nil i.tle.
' Jour
Dlnetor ? hr
Addrr M eilrll.Tf" " " * ' ° 4 clmii. B. T. J JHU.
M bf low , AHIKICAN DIRECTORY CO. , Ko. 373 , DuEilo , N. T.
Package m Lei 3 gallons. Drllcloui. sparkling and appetizing.
3oM by all ilr l-rs. A beautlfdl picture Book and card * tent frfc to
ny one senainj acldress to THE C. E. HIRES CO. , Pbiladelpbli.
With name and address complete ,
By Mall. Club of Five for Ono Dollar.
100 pagO Catalogue and -ARcnts' I lst for 1U
cents. Addrcsi. SCII WAAlt STAMP &
SKAt , COMPANY , St. Paul. Minn.
1VI t + l I * F\J IJ ! > \ictini of > outh-
fttl impnulcnce. cau inp 1'reiiuture Decay , fCcnons
Debility , Ixt Manhood , ic. , having tried in vain every
known remedy , lias dl : < co\ercd nilmplo nican of self-
cure , \\blch lie w ill send Scaled ) FI1KK to his fpllmviif -
ferei-s. Address J. II. HEEVES , Efi. Cox 3293 , Jf. Y. City.
CORNS Quick. Painless. Pfl'eniiunent.
Only sure euro for Ilitrdnnd Soft
Corns , Bunions , Moles. Warts. Callouses , &c. 25
years the Standard Remedy. 25 cts. at Druggists or
post-paid from G. JiENNEN , Chemist , Newark , N. J.
J | f * CENT8 piji Tor your address In DcPuy' Agents'Dlrec-
lory which goes whirling all over the United State * , and
III you will grt hundreds of samples , circulars , book' , new -
I f pnpcra , magazines , etc. , from those who want agent ! . You
will get lou of good reading free and will be well pleancd with
the small investment. OyLlst containing name cent to each per
son answering. C. C. IePUV , feyrat-usc , 3f. Y.
tr ) Snyder's Kidney
Balsam cuses Enureaia
_ testimonials address , with stamps
Dr. O. W. F. SNXDEB , Mcvicker's Theatre , Chicago. III.
& -For sale by all Druggists. Price $1.00.
- * - Send Postal Note to Jon * SEBASTIAV , O. T. A.
C. , It. I. & P. R. H. . Chicago , and receive , postage paid ,
the aliokest deck of card * you every handled.
Ten CenU per pack , one or many.
BE. 00 Genuine Hniiil-fioirod , an oleKfintaiid
* * stylish dress shoo which commends Itself.
94.00 Hnml-ffowcdWclt. A flno calf shoo unequalled -
equalled for Style anddurablllty.
SO.50Gooclj'cnr Welt I * the standard drosi
. * * Shoe , ntn popular price.
BO. 50 1'ollceman's Shoo In especially adapted
* for railroad men , farmer * , etc.
All mndo in ConRrcss , Mutton and T aco.
8O.OO for I-iulIrs , la the only lmnU-e\reil
shoe sold at this popular price.
&O.50 DoiiRoln Shoo for I.iulles , isanewde-
parture and promise * to become popular.
Bo > 008hoofnrInllc8aii l 1.75rorMIiiiies
Ktlll retain their excellence for ntyle. etc.
All Roods warranted and f tnmpod with mono on bottom ;
f mlvcrtlned local agent rnnnot mpply you. rend direct
o factory e'lclotlnpadvertlsMl priroor a postal for or.
ler blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS. lirncktnn. Man * .
WANTED. Shoe dealer In every city
and town not occupied , to take exclu
sive njrency. AH a sent * aiivertlned In
local paper. Scud for Illustrated
Sweet Chocolate.
.The most popular sweet
Chocolate in the market ,
is nutritious and palat
able ; a particular favorite
with children , and a most
excellent article for family
Served as a drink , or
eaten as confectionery , it
[ is a delicious Chocolate.
The genuine is stamped
upon the wrapper , S. Ger
man , Dorchester , Mass.
Sold by Grocers CTerynhcre.
W. BAKEE & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
The strongest and wure&t Lye
made. Will make the Left per-
, furacdHard Soap in 20 minutes
7Cio tlHjili7iff. It is the be t
for softening water , cleansing
waste pipes , disinfecting sinks ,
closets , washing bottles , imints ,
trees , etc.
Gen. Agts. , Phila. , Pa.
Ifnffllctedwlth sore eyes , use Thompson's Eye Water ,
T , , THEOR'GIN - AND GENUINE. TheonlyBofe , Snrt , and reliaJJe Pill for ale.
Ladle * . a k Drcgziit for CMcbeiler'i Enyliik Diamond Brand in Ited and Cold metallic
boxei ealed with blue ribbon. Take no other kind. Rtjuie SuliMutloni and Imitation * .
All pill * in pasteboard boxes , pink wrapperi , are dan cerou * eonnterfcIU. At Druggiiti , er send o
: " „ it B > P for particular ! , teatlmoniali , and "Kellef for Ladle * . " in litter , by return Mall.
. Kame - CHICHESTER CHEMICAL Co. , Mndl.on 8qn
Sold by aU Local .DrnitgUU. PIIILADELPJUA , '
Ladies Home + Journal
From Now to January , 1892 feTe
( Balance of this Year )
To Any Address on Receipt of F
o F/Frr CENTS '
I will give One Thousand Dollars
To the person sending me the largest number of sub
scribers up to July ist , at 50 cents each , for the
balance of this year.
Five Hundred Dollars , July ist , | >
To the person sending me the second largest number
of subscribers up to July ist , at 50 cents each , for the
balance of this year.
One Hundred Dollars each
To the five people sending me up to July ist , the next
five largest number of subscribers , at 50 cents each ,
for the balance of this year.
Fifty Dollars each
To the ten people sending me up to July ist , the
next ten largest lists of subscribers , at 50 cents
each , for the balance of this year.
Every Club-raiser shall have a liberal Cash
Commission , or such Premiums as desired , for every .
subscriber secured ; but the 17 largest agents will [ *
be rewarded with the 2500 divided among them fc ,
as indicated above. *
commands the best work of the ] f
most eminent living writers and
artists , and presents the most costly
and elegant periodical ever issued
for ladies and the family. Its cir
culation is far in excess of any
periodical or magazine in the world
now 750,000 copies each issue
and its management propose to
make a determined effort to push
its circulation to the highest possi
ble point ( a round million , if possi
ble ) before July ist.
Philadelphia , Pa.