The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 08, 1891, Image 1

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wishes to announce that his stock of
are now on the shelves. He does not claim to have the
biggest stock on earth , nor does he promise
what is impossible in prices. But in
of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock ,
and , the quality of goods considered ,
I also carry a full and fresh stock of
> X / " 1 T fc T 1 C
and in this department also I will
Meet All Competition !
ive a call and get my prices.
- -
And we are prepared to show
-In the city al
Prices That Can't Be Beat ,
A inil line of-
Mixed Paints , Varnishes ,
Brushes , Alabastine , Etc.
Citizens and Visitors Briefly
Mentioned. We Have Had
Our Eye on You.
"I Know Not What the Truth May Be ,
I Tell it as 'Twos Told to Me. "
F. D. Burgess visited Ins father at Arapahoe -
ahoe , Tuesday.
Sheriff McCool visited the metropolis offi
cially , Monday morning.
Col. LeUew had business in Champion ,
Chase county , first of the week.
Mrs. B. F. Oloott left for Brooklyn , Iowa ,
this week , to make an extended visit to her
Dr. Smith is here from Peoria , III. , this
week , guest of Ins daughter , Mrs. C. H.
James Kilpatriek is now located in Boise
City , Idaho. His family contemplates mqv-
ing there.
Mrs. Nellie Johnson and family will leave
for Newark , N. J.Sunday morning , to spend
the summer.
Prof. Reivenstein assisted the Holdrege
orchestra in rendering the music for an opera
Wednesday evening in that city.
E. M. Jones of the Omaha Conservatory of
Music was the guest of J. T. Bullard and
family , the first part of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gray have secured
that necessary adjunct to all well regulated
families a little girl bv adoption.
Rev. Samuel F. Myers of the Episcopal
church will move here from floldrege as soon
as lie can secure a suitable dwelling.
Joe Wells will leave for Geneva , Monday
morning , where he will manage his father's
branch store just opened up in that burg.
Frank Carruth was up from Plattsmouth ,
middle of the week , looking after his electric
light and other business interests in the city.
President llocknell of the First National
indulged in a flying business trip to the
"Queen City of the Plains , " Wednesday on
the flyer.
Mrs. J. W. VanLTorn arrived from Spear-
fisli , S. D. , Wednesday night , and will be the
guest of her sister , Mrs. F. L. Brown , for a
few weeks.
John R. Porter of Haigler stopped over in
the city , Saturday , on land business , being
homeward bound from the democratic "con
fab" at Hastings.
J. S. Goodwin of THE TRIBUNE force
with his family , went up to Haigler , Satur
day night , visiting under the parental roof
until Monday evening.
Judge Cochran and family drove over t
Oberlin , Tuesday afternoon , to attend to
some work on his real estate interests in Decatur -
catur county , where he formerly resided.
Miss Lutie Babcock and Miss Eobertson ,
fair daughters of Cambridge , visited relatives
and friends in McCook and vicinity , the
close of last and early days of this week.
Mrs. Einil Lindner , family , and Miss Lind
ner , left for St. Louis , Sunday. They desire
us to express to their McCook friends all
that the hurry and confusion of moving pre
cluded their uttering in person. George E.
Johnston's family now occupy the Lindner
J. T. Bullard attended the bourbon pow
wow at Hastings , Friday last , returning
home , Saturday noon on the flyer. The
General , who was a political sachem in
Suckerdom , failed to discern any of the ear
marks , to remind him of how they used to
do it back in Illinois. But he was amused.
B. F. Olcott left , Tuesday evening , for In
diana , to canvass for theHinman Patent De
livery and Shipping Can. Ben is the author
ized agent for the entire Hoosier state , and
carries unexceptionable recommendations.
He goes prepared to put in a good word for
McCook whenever occasion presents itself.
W. H. Davis , F. A. Thompson and W. M.
Anderson wilJ leave for Grand Island , Mon
day , to represent McCook Lodge , A. 0. of
U. W. at the grand lodge meeting there ,
next week. Dell Laflin and H. W. Cole ,
who are members of the grand lodge , will
also go. A large attendance is expected and
a great time.
Tuesday evening , Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock -
cock entertained a company of young people
in honor of their guests , Miss Lutie Babcock
and Miss Robertson , of Cambridge , in their
old-time clever way. Besides the Misses Hart
and Jessen the following gentlemen were
present : Messrs. George B. Berry , P. A.
Wells , L.Y . McConnell , W. S. Kimmell.
EPISCOPAL Regular fortnightly services
by the Rector , Samuel F. Myers. Meeker
Hall. Usual hours.
* *
CONGBEGATIOJTAL Services both morn
ing and evening by Rev. D. L. McBride at
the hours of 10:80 and 8 o'clock.
* *
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild are pre
paring to give a Hard Times Social and Sup
per , Thursday evening of next week , in the
Morlan building. Admission 15 cents ; child
ren 10 cents. Supper and entertainment
free. Put on your old clothes and come ,
* *
The ladies of the W * . R , C. will render
"The Interstate Milkmaids' Convention" in
the opera house , Tuesday evening , May 19th.
The caste is numerous and there is a bushel
of fun in sight Program next week.
No.2 , through passenger , 5:50 , A. M
No. 4. local passenger , 5:40. P. M
No. 78. way freight 10:25 , A. M
taP \Va.y freight No.130 arrives from west a
4:15 , P. MM mountain time.
No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M
No. 5 , local passenger , 0:30 , P. M
B37 Wuy freight No. 73 arrives from the east
at5:20 , P. M. , central time. Departs at 4:45
P. M. Stops at Stratton , Benkluman , Haigler
S3y No. 137 , Beverly accommodation , leaves
at 5:15 , A.M. Returned , arrives at 9:15 A. M
Huns only an Mondays , Wednesdays and Frl
days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt.
Grand Lodge , A. O. U. W. , Grand Island ,
Neb. , May 12th to 13th. Tickets on sale
May 9th to 13th , inclusive.
Passengers paying full fare going vjill be
returned at one-third rate on presentation of
certificate signed by the proper oflicer of the
meeting , on guarantee that there has been an
attendance of 100 or more who have paid full
fare on the going trip. J. HULANISKI.
The checks will come in Thursday.
Foreman Ritchie took his wife into Platts
mouth , this week , for medical treatment.
ESF'Buy a house from S. H. Colvin on the
monthly installment plan and save money. '
Conductor Kane will shortly be settled in
his home in its new location on North Main.
Asst. Supt. Highland was down from Den
ver , yesterday , on business at headquarters.
Engineer Hollklay and Fireman Meserve
indulged in a short trip to the state capital ,
Tuesday ,
Supt. Campbell was in Denver , the" early
part of the week , on important railroad
Supt. Hawksworth of Motive Power was
up from Plattsmouth , yesterday on company
Asst. Supt. Elwood of the Railway Mail
Service has been in McCook , part of the
week , on ollicial business.
Engineer Bailey made his first trip on the
middle division , Sunday , on No. 1 since en
gine 23S has been overhauled.
John Fitzpatnck , the well-known stoker of
mogul 238 , leturned from a short visit to a
brother in Salt Lake City , Monday.
Jolly Jake Burnett was up from Hastings ,
Monday and Tuesday , giving the boys point
ers on thepopular game of high five.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens are providing a
comfortable home for the little waif recently
abandoned on Dr. B. B. Davis' porch.
Engineer and Mrs. J. F. Heber left , Sunday
evening , for Kansas City , Peoria and Chicago
on a visit of about two-weeks' duration.
C. H. Titus , formerly conductor on the "Q"
but at present T. P. A. for the U. P. , was in
the city between trains No. 3 and 1 , Sunday.
Four Fiji Isianders , genuine man-easing
savages , were passengers on No. 1 , Sunday ,
en route to Denver where they go on exhi
Tobias Castor , right of way agent , and Su
perintendent Bignell of Lincoln , passed
through the city , Saturday morning , from a
short trip to the snow clad Rockies.
The longest sleeping car run in the world
2,965 miles is on the Canadian Pacific-
Montreal to Vancouver. The second longest
being between St. Louis and City of Mexico.
Ex-Train Master Birdsell is having quite a
time with his fractured arm , having had it
iroken the third time owing to a physical de
fect in healing. He has the sympathy of all
Train Master and Mrs. Kenyon have enter-
: ained Mrs. J. F. McClung of Cheyenne and
Mrs. J. N. Andrews of Holyoke , this week.
The ladies left , this morning , for their re
spective homes.
Mrs. George Conner of McCook came ,
Saturday , for a visit of two weeks with her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. George Roy , after
whicli she will go to Kansas City to visit her
brother. Falls City Journal.
T. M. Mundy and Frank Kendlen will
leave for St. Louis , Sunday , to attend the
O. R. C. convention. The boys will also
take in the excursion to Galveston and other
southern points and will be absent about a
The question oftimes debated regarding
the largestwhich in fact means the heaviest )
locomotive in the world has been decided by
the Baldwin Locomotive Works , of Phila
delphia , in which they state that the engines
lately built by them for the Grand Trunk
Railway of Canada , for use solely in the St
Clair tunnel , are the heaviest in the world ,
weighing 97J tons on driving wheels. They
are the tank locomotive type and are de
capod , no other wheels under them. They
will haul one hundred , 40,000 capacity , cars
loaded up a grade of 105 feet to the mile.
" * Divine service at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and
7:30 , P. M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at
10 o'clock , A. M. , central time. Prayer meet
ing , Wednesday evenings at 7:30 , central time.
All persons are cordially invited to these ser
vices. P. S. MATHER. Pastor.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mc
Connell & Co. , Druggists , McCook , 30-lyr.
A Word in Season.
The barking of a pack of bounds may be mu
sic , but the barking' or the human family is
certainly discord. Stop that cough with Hum-
ibreys' Specific No. Seven.
Satines , Lawns , Challies , Embroidered
FJouneings in Black , White and Col
ors , Fine Ginghams , also all the latest
shades in Broadcloths , Albatross and
BRUSSELS , Velvet , Body , Tapestry. .
INGRAIN , Two and Three Ply. Drug
gets , Rugs , Door Mats , Portieres , Laee
Curtains , Etc.
Don't forget that the place to get the
latest styles and finest work in this
line is at
attention given mail orders.
The Largest and Finest Stock !
Wishes to call public attention to the important fact , that
his stock of Spring and Summer goods now in is the largest ,
finest and best assortment to be found-in McCook. He guar
antees a fit and his prices are most reasonable. Opposite
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard.