By F. M. KIMMELL. OFFICIAL CITY&COUKTY PAPER. RETURNS THE COMPLIHEHT. For quite a number of years the HOD. John G. Allen was a travelling ialeemftD. When he was first mention ed as a candidate for secretary of state the travelling men , without regard to party , endorsed him for the nomination. Those who were present at the conven tion will remember the large representa tion of the travelling men's fraternity who were in attendance , and who were a unit in their efforts to secure the nom ination of their candidate. After he was nominated they worked and shout ed for him , and on election day their rotes helped to swell his majority. He was the travelling men's candidate. No greater compliment could have been paid him than the manner in which they gave him their support. The boys who were his friends on the road and supports at the polls , will be delighted to learn that Mr. Allen has returned the compliment. He bus appointed Charles 0. Caldwcll , one of the must widely known and highly respectable travelling men of Nebraska , dnputy secretary of state. Mr. Caidwell has been for twenty-one years a resident of this city. For years he has been on the road representing the leading job bing housesof the west. He has a large acquaintance all over the state and a host of friends who will rejoice to hear of his appointment. He is thoroughly competent to fill the posi tion , and will , without doubt , discharge the duties of the office with credit to himself , and to the entire satisfaction of the people. It is deemed an act of justice for the secretary of state to rec ognize the claims of such a splendid set of fellows as the travelling men of Nebraska by appointing one of the most popular of their number to this responsible position. State Journal. THE future belongs to the irrigated farmer. Time can never be so bad that he cannot at lease make a living from his sure acres. When times are good hie products will sell in the market over the rainbclt products. When the drouth Comes he fattens on the adversity of others. He farms'a few acres intisnse- ly and raises the crops that pay best. He is a thousand times better off than his brother of the cornbelt , who gets no prices when crops are good , and no crops when prices are good. When a man has good soil , plenty of sunshine , and can control his water supply , no power on earth can prevent his certain and even prosperity. And the western farmer has been , learning these lessons very rapidly of late. Irrigated lands are steadily rising in value and non-irrigat ed lands must go down in proportion. Irrigation Ago. COLORADO has in round numbers 1,600 irrigating ditches. Reizenstein's parlor is recognized headquarters for the best cigars and to baccos. Joe also carries a nice line of smokers' articles. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest'figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , isi-the man to atronizo. Rear of The FAMOUS. "HANGING LAMPS Noble is head quarters for hanging lamps. He car- ri < " ? a large and splendid selection. , Buy your Stationery , Tablets , Pen cils tetc. , at CHENERY'S Guy DRUG STORE. A good farm , no incumbrance , to seller or exchange for MoCook real estate. .A. B.-HiLL , Falls City , Neb. Hanging and Stand Lamps at popu lar prices at CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. One pair of my $2.50 kid shoes will convince- you that , theyf are The Best. - -VL iF. GrANSOQOW. Kickapoo Indian Oil and all the In dian remedies at CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. Pure fresh buckwheat at POTTER & EASTERDAY'S. The Eagle Clothing Store is display- ing'a stylish stock of spring clothing. Feed of all kinds. . POTTER & EASTERDAY. Pea'rline meal the-finest in the mar ket. POTTER & EASTERDAY. In Wall'Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillen's What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble's , of course ! McCook flour all grades. POTTER & EASTERDAY. New patterns in wall paper at L. W. McCONNELL & CO.'S. & EASTEBDAY. ft I ' Try Knipplo for fruits of all kinds. Uaion block. A good saddle pony for sale. En quire at this office. Wall Paper latest designs at Me- Millens. ! , - - > - - - .BeizenBtein's parlor for cigars. IT IS TO TEACH THE LADIES. NEW YOHK. April 18. Among the cabin pas sengers who arrived from Europe to day by the steamship "La Bourgogne , " were four teen Parisian designers of ladles' fashionable gowns. These artists have been engaged by the enterprlHlng managers of TRB NKW YOHK AND PAIUS YOCNO LADIBS FASHION BAZAK. to contribute exclusively to the columns of that popu'ar magazine. All of them are well- known in New York , for their reputations have preceded them. Mrs. Aator. the Vander- bllts. Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts are among the society loaders who have worn gowns designed by these artists. During an interview with a reporter one of the designers said : "Paris Btlll leads the world of fashion al though Eugenie no longer ells on the throne. Parisian gowns have a style about them that can not be equaled. That , I suppose. Is the reason why we have been engaged to come to America to teach the ladles of your beautiful country , through the columns of The Now York and Purls Young Ladles' Fashion Bazar , bow these wonderful creations of the dress makers' art are constructed. It is our busi ness to design the handsomoiit and moat fash ionable gowns for the different seasons ol the year. These designs will lie printed in colors and 'will be accompanied by such clear instructions - structions as to the selection of materials and the cutting and fitting of the garments that no woman of sense will have Jibe least difficulty in making perfect-fitting trowns herself. It is a knack , a science , to fashion a gown that will make a very small and fleshy lady up pea slim. No one designer out of a thousand can bit upon the true lines unless he makes it th study of a life-time. You ought to see th May number of our magazine. We have designs signs in it that will take the bear In of th ladles by storm. They do not get a new dres made up every day , and I can tell you it is an important item to get the best magazine , and the very latest and most exquisite Paris style and have It fashioned like the one that is bes suited to their figure. " Timber Culture Patents Received at the McCook United States Land Office April 28th , 1891 : MlnnlearWIlllIam A Allen William H. Morgan Joseph C. Britton William S. Oberliea Johu Hankson Mary Oberllea George A. Boyce Nelson Oberlles Louis Collinir Charles Ohlson Joseph E. Clark Thomas Panler Frank Colling William Quick Cornelius S. Dolpb James E. Sawyer Noah Dow Chester Schnaufer Henry Finch John S. Thomas Robert H. Graham Samuel True Samuel Goodnir Arthur B. Williams John M. Hammond Abram Waoker George , Jr. Hartman Charles A. Wilson Albert Merit Win * . We desire to say to our citizens , that fo years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discover ? for Consumption , Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bucklen'g Arnica Salve and Electri Bitters , and bttve never handled remedies.tha sell as well , or that have given ouch unlversa satisfaction. Wedo not hesitate to guarante in em every time , and we stand ready to re fund the purchase price. If satisfactory re suits do not follow their use. These remedie have won their popularity purely on the ! merits. , A. McMiLLRN , Druggist. UETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUUCH. 1 Divine service at 11 o'clock. A. M. , am 7:30. P.M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at 10 o'clock , A. M. . central time. Prayer meet in jr. Wednesday evenings at 7:30. central time All persons are cordially invited to these ser vices. P. 8. MATIIKR. Pastor. Charles H. Harvey. Annie Harvey , Solon E Harvey. Ella Harvey. Hiram Colby and Mrs Hiram Colby bis wife , first name to plaintiff unknown , defendants , will take notice , tbat on the 34th day of January. 1891. Frankle M. Hooknell , plaintiff , filed her petition in the dstrict court of Itcd Willow county , and state of Nebraska , against the above named defend ants , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose two mortgages ; one mortgage exe cuted by the defendants Charles H. Harvey , Annie JIarvey.SolonE.HarveyandEllaHarve } to The McCook Loan and Trust company , and one executed by unid Charles H. Harvey , An nie Harvey.Solon E.Harvey andEllaHarvey to F. L. Brown : which said two mortgages were assigned delivered to this plaintiff ; said mort gages are upon the following described real estate , to-wit : The north half of the south east quarter and the south west quarter of the south east quarter in section eighteen , and the north weit quarter of the north east quarter , section nineteen , in township three , north of range twenty-six , west of the sixth P. M. . in Red Willow county. Nebraska ; Said mortgages are dated August 2nd. 1826. The defendants have failed to pay the amount se cured by said mortgages as required by the conditions thereof ; and there IB now duo the total sum of $1,230 00 with interest at the rate of seven per cent , on 91000.00 thereof from August 1st. 1890. and with interest at ten per cent , on $50.00 thereof from Februarj 1st. 1890 , and-wltb interest at ten per cent , on $5001 thereof from August 1st. 1890. That the de fendants be required to pay said sum and in terest or tbat slid mortgages be foreclosed and said premises be sold and the proceeds of said sale applied to the payment or said debt. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day of June. 1891. Dated this 29th day of April. 1891. FBANKIK-M. HOCKNELL , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan her attorney. 49-4 Probate Notice. In County Court , Red Willew County , Nebraska. In the matter of the Probate of tbo last Will and Testament of Smith Gordon , deceased. The state of Nebraska , To the heirs and next kin of the said Smith Gordon , deceased : Take notice , That upon fllinsr of a written instrument , purporting1 to be the last will and testament of Smith Gordon , for probate and allowance , it is ordered that said matter be set for hearing the llth day of June. A. D. . 1891 , before said county court , ut the hour of 1 o'clock , P. M. , lit which time any person in terested may appear and contest the same. You are further notified that the depositions of J. B. Litcbfleld will be taken nt the office of James E. Corlett , in ttio town of Elkader. in the state ot Iowa ! on the 27th day of May. 1891 , between the hours of 9 A. M. and G P. M. , of said day. You are further notified that the depositions of William Trick will be taken at the office of WilliamJ.Schlotter.No.SON. 4th St. in the city of Keokuk. in the state of lowa.on the 5th day of June. 189L between the bours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. . of said day. And notice of this proceedings is ordered published three weeks successively In THE MCCOOK TRIBUNE , a weekly newspaper pub lished in this state. In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and tbespal of the County Court , at Indianola. this 29th day of April. A. D. . 1891. [ SEAL. ) * HARLOW Wt KEYES. 49-3 County Judge. LAND OFFICE AT McCnoK , NEB. . I April 30th. 1891. f Notice is hereby given that the following' named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and tbat said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , June 15th , 1891 , viz : CHARLES S. WHITE , H. E. No. 6081 for tbe S. E. M of section 33 , in town. 1 , north of range 30. west of 6th P. M. He names tbe following witnesses to prove bia continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of. said land , viz : William H. Tegarden. Charles F. Elliott , William H. Benjamin and Jonas R. Gardner , all of Banksville. Neb. 49 * ' J. P. LINDSAY. Begister. LAND OnriCE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , ( April 7tb , 1891. f Notice is hereby given that tbe following- named settler baa filed notice of his Intention to make final five-year proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Sat urday , May 16tb. 1891. Viz : BENJAMIN A. LINCOLN. H. E. No. 4085. for lots 3. 4 and 5. and B. E. & N. W. > { section 6. town. 2 north , radge 30 , west 6th P. M. He names tbe following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : JobnV. Wbarton , of MoCook. Neb..David O. Strine. of Culbertson , Neb. . Sidney W. ford and Jacob P. Squires of McCook. Neb. . t f ' J.P.LINDSAY. Begister. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. EVERYTHING NEW IN STRAW , FUR and WOOL. SHIRTS. The LATEST In ( Dress and Jfegligee Shirts , of" faring desirable and ser = > viceable material. Fine medium and low priced goods , to suit all tastes and purses. EVERY NOVELTY IN . Jfeckwear , Underwear , Hosiery and other men's Fur nishing Goods. Particular Attention Paid to Orders A line of Boys's Waists , A Specialty To THE LEGAL VOTEHS OP WILLOW GROVE PKKCINCT , KED WILLOW Co. , Nan. : Notice is hereby given tbat on Saturday May 23d. 1891. at the city ball and at tbeTuiley building on Main street in the city of McCook in said precinct a special election will be belc for the purpose of deciding whether tbe coun ty commissioners of Ked Willow county , Ne braska , shall for tbe purpose of aiding in the construction of an irrigation and water power canal passing througb sections 3-7-8-9 aud 10 township two , range twenty-nine west , in said precinct , issue tbe coupon bonds of Willow Grove precinct , Hcd Willow county. Neb. , to tbe amount of ten thousand ( f 10.000) dollars Said bonds to bear date of June 1,1891. anc payable twenty (30) ( years from date thereof and to bear interest at tbe rate of six (6) ( per cent , per annum interest payable semi annu ally on said bonds at tbe county treasurer's ofilce in lied Willow county. Nebraska. And shall the county commissioners in each year thereafter until tbe said bonds become due and payable levy upon the taxable property of said Willow Grove precinct a tax sufficient to pay tbe interest upon said bonds , provided tbat an additional amount shall be levied and collected as provided by law to pay the princi pal of said bonds when they shall become due. Said vote to be by ballot and all persons voting for said proposition shall have printed on their ballots the words "Shall the bonds of Willow Grove precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , be issued by tbe county commissioners of said county in accordance with the proposition of said com missioners to aid in tbe construction of an ir rigation and water power canal passing through sections 3-7-8-9 and 10. township 2 north , range 29 west in said precinct. " All persons voting against said proposition shall have printed on their ballots the words "Shall tbe bonds of Willow Grove precinct. Red Willow county. Nebraska , be issued by the county commissioners of said county in accordance with tbe proposition of said com missioners to aid in the construction of nn ir rigation and water power canal passing through sections 3-7-8-9 and 10. township 2 north , range 29 west in said precinct. " "NO. " Which election shall be opened at 8 o'clock , A. M. . and will continue open uutil 6 o'clock. P. 51. of the same day and all persons in said precinct residing east ot the line running parallel with Main street , city of McCook , shall vote at tbe Tulley building and those re siding in said precinct west of said line shall vote at tbo city hall in McCook city. 48-5 C. W. HODGKIN. Chairman , Board of County Commissioners. Attest Geo. W. Roper , County Clerk. Publication of Summons. In the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. J. L. Moore , plaintiff , vs. Ephraim Greene , Emma M. Greene , and D. M. Osborne& Com pany , defendants. To fipbraim Greene and Emma M. Greene , non-resident defendants : You will take notice that on the 12th day of January.A.D. , 1891. J.L.Moore , plaintiff , fil ed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the object and pray er of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by tbe defendants Ephraim Greene and Emma M. Greene to the Dakota Mortgage Joan Corporation , now tbe Globe Investment Company , and duly assigned to tbe plaintiff herein on the east half of the south-west quarter and the west half of the south-east quarter of section two (2) ) in township ouo (1) ( , north of range twenty-nine (29) ( ) west of the sixth P.M. , in Red Willow county , Nebraska , said mortgage being dated December 23d , 887 , and upon which there is now due tbe sum of 990.00 and interest there on at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the first day of December. A. D. , 1889 , and the further sum of $48.13 and interest thereon at the rate of en per cent , per annum from January 15th , 891 , being the amount paid by plaintiff herein to redeem said land from tax sale , for taxes assessed against tbe same and not paid. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises ; that tbe defendants be foreclosed and barred of a'l ' title. Hen or other Interest in said premises ; for deficiency udgment and equitable relief. You are re quired to answer said petition on or before Monday the 25th day of May. A. D. . 1891. Dated at McCook. Nebraska. April 23d. 1891. J. L. MOORE. Plaintiff. By bis attorney J.E. Keller. 48 LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. > ' April 20th. 1891. f' Notice Is hereby given that tbe following- named settler baa filed notice of her intention o make final pre-emption proof in support of ler claim , and that said proof will be made ) ofore Register or Receiver at MoCook , Neb. , on Saturday. May 30th. 1891. viz ; ELIZA G. NETTLETON , P. E. D. S. No. 7019. for the 8. H S. W. K and ots6and7,8eo. 28 , T. 8. N. of B. 30. W. Oth . M. She names the following witnesses to irove her continuous residence upon.and cul- Ivation of , said land , viz : Rotheus 8. Hile- man. Mathew H. Jobnston. John H.Whlttaker , William Grimes , all of-McCook , Nebraska. J. P. LINDSAY. Beg later , j Cash Bargain JOHN C. ALLEN , Prop. DELL LAFLIN , Manager. fi ! \ Jr * v % Are filling their store with all classes of goods bought after the MoKinley bill had brought everything down to HARP PAN PRICES. These are facts : DRY GOODS comprising Wool and Cotton. Dress Goods of every description , the best to the cheapest. White Goods of all classes. MUBKIN in all grades and widths. A big stock of Embroideries , Hosiery , Gloves , Summer Underwear in Knit and Muslin , Corsets , Collars , Cuffs. Boots & Shoes for MenWomen , and Children. We sell Children's School Shoes for Less Than ANY ONE. WhyPay High Prices Call and look at our Shoes. Cloth ing , Hals , Gaps Suits of all classes AT YOUK OWN PRICE. We expect to close out Our Clothing Dept. Within Thirty- days. This a Snap for Close Buyers ! and a chance to buy a SIUT OF NOBBY CLOTHES at less than cost to make. Groceries. LABGEST STOCK ! BEST GOODS1 ! f t And we guarantee to I Save You 25 Per Cent. / j over the CKEDIT STOKES. ii ! Canned Goods of all kinds , Fresh , Staple and ' .I . High Grade. DEIED FRUITS ! CHEESE , COFFEE in bulk and the Celebrated Chase & Santera's BOASTED COFFEE we get fresh every week , the finest coffee used by any one. Our Tea Stock cannot be beat Good stock of Syrup and Meat of our departments equal a good sized "country store. " This has to be seen to be appreciated. Our prices are known to be the lowest. You get your money's worth. The goods tell the tale for themselves. So call and see us. You will be treated courteously by our clerks. JOHN C. ALLEN , Prop. , DELL LAFLIN , Mgr. CASH BARGAIN STORE. Publication Notice. The Dart ley Improvement and Investment Compauy.Alleu Hartley.Henry Matter.George H. Eckolsfleld Benjamin F. Schoultz. Hud- dleston Lumber Company , U. G. Smith. Wil liam E. Baker , Daniel Mangus. Tbe DeWlit Bank of DeYYitt. Nebraska. Mctcalf Brothers. G. L. Laws. Z. T. McCulIum , Illinois Street Una Company , Frank H. Selby , Bank of Bart- ley , McCoruiick Harvesting1 Machine Com- pany.DeliaC. Kobluson , J. W.Dolun. Howard Lumber Company. Legal Heirs of William Peck , deceased.T.B.HiltonJ. W. Martin. I. N. Clover , Ursilla Bartley. J. M. Kort3. Peter Brocbaru , Mrs. Peter Brocbau W. F. Brown. Mrs. W. F. Brown , T. M. Sexton. J. E. Hatborn.E.D.Hatborn. C. E. Fulmer.Adie Ful- tner , Elizabeth Hamilton , Matilda Hamilton. Alison D. Bowdisb. Eliza Z. Bowdisb , Sarah Alleusby , aud F. L. South wick , co-defendants , will take notice tbat on the 7tb day of April , 1891 , The Lincoln Land Company , your co de fendant herein. Hied in tbe office of the Clerk of thu District Court of Ked Willow County , Nebraska , its answer aud cross-petition , against Benjamin F.Sibbitt. plaintiffand you as co-defendants , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose all rigkts. interest or equity of redemption , of the other defendants In said action and the plaintiff therein , under and by virtue of a written agreement , enter ed into between tbe defendant , Allen Bartley , and tbe defendant , Tbe Lincoln Land Com- aany , wherein the said Allen Hartley , agreed ; o purchase of the defendant. The Lincoln Land Company , for the consideration herein after set forth , the following described pro perty situated in the county of Ked Willow and state of Nebraska , viz : The south halt of the north east quarter , and lots numbers one and two , the south east quarter of the north west quarter , and lots numbers three , four aud five , the east half of the south west quarter , and lots numbers six and seven , and tbe south east quarter , of section six , in townsbip three , north of range twenty-six , west of tbe sixth principal meridian ; also the north half of tbo north east quarter and the south west quarter of the north east quarter and lot number six , and tbe east half of the north west quarter , and lots numbers one and two of section number seven , in township three , north of range twenty-six , west of tbe sixth principal meridian , except from the above described tract , a strip of land two housatid feet in length and three hundred 'eet In width ; which agreement tbe said Al- en Bartley , on the 23th day of February , 1889. 'orand in consideration of tbe sum of one dollar , assigned and delivered to the defend ants. J. W. Martin. T. B. Hilton and I. N. Clov er : and thereafter said The Lincoln Land Company , entered into -written agreement with tbe last above named defendants , where by the said property was agreed to be con veyed to the said defendants , J. W. Martin , T. B. Hilton and I. N. Clover , upon tbe payment of the following consideration , viz. ; June 30th. 1890. $2.091.10 , December 31st. 1890 , $2,052.- 00. December 31st. 1891. 93,460.00. December 31st , 1892. J3.260.00. December 31st.1893.f3.060 00 , December 31st , 1894 , $2.860.30 and December 31st. 1895 , $2.160.00. which sums tbe said de- 'endanta. Allen Bartley. J. W. Martin , T. B. lilton and I. N. Clover , have failed and Det ected to par as they become due ; and tbe defendant. The Lincoln Land Company , prays that said premises , except the east half of tbe south west quarter , and lots numbers six and seven of section six , in township three , range iwenty.six. may be sold to satisfy the sums due and to become due ; and further that that > art of the property hereinbefore described vhich was platted as a town by the defendant , Allen Bartley. bo vacated * and that such plat- tin jr be adjudged to have been without authority. You are required to plead to said answer and cross-petition on or before tbe Ctb day of June. 1891. Dated this twenty-ninth day of April. 1891. THE LINCOLN LAND COMPANY. Defendant. 494 Br W. S. Morlan. its attorney. Application for License. OFFICE or THE CITY CLERK , i McCook. Nebraska , April 16th. 1891. f Notice is hereby given that L. W. McConnell has filed in this office an application to the Mayor and City Council of the city of Mc Cook , Nebraska , for druggists permit to sell malt , spitituoua and vinous liquors in the drug' store on lot 7 , block 21. in the second ward of laid city for tbe ensuing- fiscal year. In witness wberpof I have hereunto set my hand and tbe seal of said city this 16th day of April , 1891. 47. J. E. KELLKT. City Clerk. Itch on human and horses and all animal ! ured in 30 minutes br Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mc Connell ft Co. , tiruf gilts. McCook , 30-lyr. W. 0. BITLLARD & CO. -tot- LIMB , HAKD CEMENT , LUMBERHAKD AND BOOKS , LUMBER BLINDS.LUMBER SOFT BLINDS. COAL. RED CEDAR. AND OAK POSTS. . -J. WARRRRE. Manager. WM.M. ANDERSON PROPRIETOR. TRANSFER , M9Cook , Neb. N.K.FAIRBANK&CO. CHICAGO , mate cfe as white as the sun And feh your wlf as sod as begun SANTA CLAUS SOAP is felling fiat Will do it Aid fawn ? once bougfit it you war wifl rue if. f > If V X .