WILCOX & FOWLER . Are on hands as usual this spring -with a large and complete assortment of DRY GOODS , . * r j * < $ of every description , all qualities and grades , " ' * " which they are selling AT BOTTOM FIGURES. They are also well stocked up with everything . x ' / " " , usually kept by a first-class grocery store in Fancy and Staple Groceries. * They have no superiors in quality or prices. Just test these statements. i WILCOX & FOWLER. A REAL LUXURY ! Looking out over the many homes of this country , we see thousands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakes of SAPOLIO. If an hour is saved each time a cake is used , if one less wrinkle gathers upon the face because the toil is lightened , she must be a foolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment , and he a churlish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. If your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLIO , send it back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SAPOLIO always gives satisfaction. On fbors , tables , and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots , pans , and metals it has no equal. Everything shines after it , and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. t3f Grocers often substitute ch apor goods for SAPOLIO to make a better profit. I. Send back such articles and insist on having just what you ordered. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I will offer iny entire stock of DRY GOODS , NOTIONS & QUEENSWARE -AT- ACTUAL COST. Will sell Staple and Fancy Groceries As low as anybody. S. W. SE1KL.RRS , Babcock Building. McCook , Nebraska. i 1 1 Lite Co. DEALERS IN = LUMBER ! SASH , BOOKS , BLINDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. H. KAPKE , The Leader , PRISES AND IE STYLISH WORK , Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylit" mode and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself. B. & M. Meat Market. , CON BOLOGNA , CHICKENS . . , TURKEYS. &C. iC R. A. COUPE & CO. , Proos. Guaranteed Largest Bona Fide Circn- , lation in McCook. Box ELDER REVIEW. April showers are gratefully accepted. A. W. Campbell and Oan Doyle are both planting corn. Mies Clara Flnkerton has been suffering from a relapse of la grippe. Kov. Jacob ( O , how ! ) Long preached at Box Elder , one week ago Sunday. The farmers have nearly nil finished putting in wheat. Charles Masters says he has sown nearly 100 acres. Mr. Anderson who rented N. J. Chrysler' place has just moved in. We wish him suc cess in farming. If the hitter rains arc as plentiful as the early the farmers iiuiiv expect an abundant crop of small grain. The soil of lied Willow county was never in better condition to receive small grain than it has been this spring. Mr. Campbell says he likes to have stumps in the Held. We suppose they make bandy seats when a man gets tired. The desert should blossom as the rose this year. The young ladies of Box Elder have al received packages of flowers. Judging from packages in the mail , this week , the Agricultural Department evidently think this a good country for turnips and beets. Wheat sowing is nearly completed , About half the amount of small grain will be sown this season that was sown last. E. A. Sexson will plant fourteen thousand ash trees on bis timber claim , this season. Several farmers in this neighborhood will sow flax on account of the scarcity of seed wheat. Sammy Belles was inquiring after yearling and spring calves , last week. There seems to bo quite a demand for that kind of stock this spring. The Kev. Roberts , so we are informed , will preach at tbo Ball school house on Sunday afternoons , this summer. Will also organize a Sabbath school. Stephen Belles will sow considerable alfalfa on the low land of the Willow. Several that have sown on the divide say that it stood the drouth well and they have a fair stand left. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens , that for ears we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Dr. King's New ife Pills. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters , and have never handled remedies that ell as well , or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee nem every time , and we stand ready to re- 'uud the purchase price , if satisfactory re- lults do not follow their use. These remedies have won their popularity purely on their merits. A. MCMILLEN , Druggist. SOUTH SIDE SAUCE. W. N. Cratty left for Lincoln , Sunday night. Joe Schmidt hops around on one foot now-a rt ay. It's a boy. Wonder if we couldn't get Meeker to tile the ilarsted country. Mr. J. R. McFaul's family have moved onto .heir south side farm , recently purchased of ! . W. Sellers. UNO. A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you sat isfactory results , or in case of a failure a re turn of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case , when used for any affection of Throat , Lungs or Chest , such as Consumption , Inflammation of Lungs. Bronchitis , Asthma , Whooping Cough , Croup , etc. , etc. It is pleas ant and agreeable to taste , perfectly safe , and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at A. McMillen's drugstore. What is a cold in the head ? Medical authori ties say it is due to uneven clothing of the body , rapid cooling when in perspiration , &c. important , point , is , mat. a com in tne neaa is an inflammation of the lining membrane of the nose , which , when unchecked , is certain to produce a catarrbal condition for catarrh is essentially a "cold" which nature is no longer able to "resolve" or throw off. Ely's Cream Balm has proved its superiority and sufferers should resort to it before that com mon ailment becomes seated and ends in ob stinate catarrh. DRYSDALE THE TAILOR , From New York City , has the most com plete stock of Spring and Summer Goods.foi men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , and as he buys strictly for cash he can afford to give you first class Clothing at very reasonable prices. Hu has guaranteed every garment he has made up in McCook for nearly six years and has never had a misfit in that time. 'all ' and see him. Cne door north of the ommercial House. R. A. COLE THE LEADING TAILOR , In ( Prices and Stylish Work , has just received a large ship = nent of Cloths for Spring and Summer of the Latest and Most tylish Goods , which will be nade as cheap as the cheapest. HENRY MEYER , Contractor and Builder. CABINET MAKER. SPECIALTIES Making and repairing furn iture. Furniture of any description made to order. Mail orders promptly attended to. 'Shop on Dennlson Street , opposite Pred- moro's blacksmith shop , McCook , Neb. Capes , Black Hemstitched Goods Jackets , New Embroidery , Carpejts , Ribbons , Clothinsr 9 Braids , Dress Goods , Cords , Straw Hats , Laces , at Demorest's Family Magazine. Were you over uc sea in a atorm a storm near the count , when you expected the next wave woul.l clash tbo good ship to pieces ? If you overpassed through such HU experience you will remember the relief toll when you realised you were nenr u life-saving station with Its corps of heroes , and you will bo glad to know more of the Hfo of those "bravo , watchers by the soft" ; nnd even the confirmed " stay-at-home will bo interested in the band- somely illustrated article on "OurLlfc-SuvlnK Service" in the May number of Demoresfs Magazine. "Signs of Character In the Fuce : How to Ueud them" ( illustrated ) will enable - you to Judge more correctly ofhuman nature. Then there arc brlgbt stories , and information on all live topics , with over 200 Illustrations. Altogother.thls Is an exceptionally good numi bur of that always good Family Magazine , published at $2.00 u year , by W. Jennings Demorest. V East 14th St. . Now York. Tiddledywink. M An exchange says : The new game "Tiddle \ dy wink" Is a daisy. Few understand how to play it , but it is very simple when you know how. The game is plajed with tlddlddles , winks and winkpot. dinguses , dutllclties , etc. Each player takes a dingus. The winks are divided ex-only , and likewise the duflicities. Then you take u wink , put it on the dingus , , press u tiddledy on the wink and make it jump . into the tv inkpot , if you can. If you succeed i you uruentitled ton ciifllcicty and for every | wink you jump into the dingpot.from thi du- wlnk you count u flictiddledy , and you keep ' on operating the tlukwlnklo upon ttib polIy- 1 wog until the points BO carried equal the sum- * > total ot tbo bogwip multiplied by the pliter- j. inktum and added to the contents of the wink i. pot or words to that effect , and you liavo then . won the game. Consumption Cured. An old physician , retired from practice , having bad placed in his hands by an East In dia missionary the formula of a simple veget able remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption , Bronchitis , Catarrh , Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections , also a positive and radical euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases , has felt it his duty to rauko it known to bis suffering fellows. Actu ated by tbis motive and a desire to relieve human suffering , I will send free of charge , to all who desire it , this recipe , in German , French orEnglish , with full directions for pre paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp , naming this paper. W. A. Noyes , 820 Powers' Block , Rochester. N. Y. 38-ly. Buck/en's Arnica Salve. TIIK BEST SALVE in the world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , erne no pay required. It is guaranteed togivo per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price I 5 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. * i A Word in Season. < ' The barking of a pack of hounds may bemu- 11 sic , but the barking of the human family is ' certainly discord. Stop that cough with Hum- K phreys1 Specific No. Seven. Itch on human and horses and all animals , cured in 30 minutes by Wooiford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Me- , Connell & Co. . Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr. i ' ' Hrst JYati cma J H AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , 5 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. | ! i GEORGE HOCK/I/ELL , President. B. H. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEH , Director. The Citizens Bank of McGook , i II , Incorporated under State Laws. i Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO. -DOES A General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Money to loan on farming Jands , city and personal property. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FRANKLIN , President. JOHN R. CLARK , Vice Pres. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass Cash CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Hank , Lincoln Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. BANK OF McOOOK Paid Up Capita , ! , $50OOO. General Banking Business. Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. Money loaned on personal property , good signatures > r satisfactory collateral. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. OFFICERS : 3.E. SHAW , President. H. 0. WAIT , Vice President. P. A. WELLS , Cashier. i i