The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1891, Image 7

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9 > pontsinrmi > < Ovation * all Along the
Line Uoeinlim Caution and Flaunt
ing E'lagK Greet the Chief Executive
of the Nation In Kvory Town Vlnllod
in Dixie Land \Vord of Welcome
and Grille fill Kcupoiists A Coiillnu-
1C on ml of Patriotism and En-
The I'rcxldciitlnl Jaunt.
UOANOKE , Va. , April 1C. Thoprcs-
.idential party in their journeyings
'through the south everywhere met
with cordial and enthusiastic recep
tion. At Johnson City the president
made a brief address , saying :
< J rejoice to stand hero in east Ten
nessee among the people who so con
spicuously and at such a sacrifice dur
ing the hour of the nation's peril stood
by the flag and adhered by their con-
.victions of public duties [ cheers ] , and
'I am specially glad to say that those
who followed other views of duty and
took sides against us in that struggle
tyithout division in voice or heart to
day praise Almighty God that ho pre
served us as one nation. [ Cheers ]
There is no man , whatever his views
upon questions that then divided us ,
in view of the marvelous benefits
are disseminating themselves
over these states , must also bless God
| today that slavery no longer exists
and that the union of the free states is
indissoluble. [ Cheers. ] What is it
, that has stirred the pulses of this great
'nation ' , that has kindled these fires ,
'that converted these retired and iso
lated farms into centers of trade and
mechanical pursuits , bringing the mar
ket close to the doors of the farmer
and prosperity into every homo ? It is
that we have no line of division be
tween the states. It is that these im
pulses of freedom and enterprise , once
limited in their operations , are now
common to all states. We have a coin-
'inon heritage. The confederate soldier
has a full honorable participation in
till lhe benefits of a great and just gov
ernment. [ Cheers. ] I do not doubt
today that these would be among the
readiest of our population to follow the
old liag if it should bo assailed from
anj' quarter. " [ Cheers. ]
At Jonesboro the president made a
short address. After referring to the
antiquity of the tour ho said : "The
scripture speaks. I think my postmas
ter general is near and if I fall into
error he will correct me [ laughter ]
'of a time when old things shall pass
away and all things become new. Ten
nessee is realizing that beatitude.
There is coming to our country a great
growth and extraordinary development
and you are to be full participants in
it all. We have here prodigious re
sources that are yet to be touched by
the finger of development , and we have
power , if we will , to put our flag again
upon the sea and to share the world's
commerce. " [ Cheers. ]
Greenville , Tenn. , the home of An
drew Johnson , was specially cordial in
its welcome to the presidential party ,
a feature being a display of flags. The
president , addressing the people , said :
"I rejoice to see in the hands of the
children here that banner of glory
which is the symbol of our greatness
and a promise of our security. I am
glad that by the common consent of all
our people , without any regard to par
ty differences , we have once and for
ever struck hands upon the proposition
that there shall be one flag and one
constitution. " [ Great cheering. ]
At Morristown the president was
again called to the platform and re
sponded briefly. An old grizzled vet
eran forced his way through the crowd
and grasped the president's with the
remark : "I'm one of those people who
kept you back at Chickamaugua , and
now that the war is over I'm proud to
take your hand. " The president
showed his pleasure at these words and
held the old soldier's hand for several
minutes , the spectators meanwhile
cheering themselves hoarse.
The residents of the city of Knoxville -
ville turned out en masse this evening
to do honor to the president. A mili
tary salute was fired and a carriage
drawn by four horses placed at the
disposal of the party and they were
shown points of interest. A public
reception was held , and Colonel Hen
derson delivered an address of wel
come , to which the president responded.
He said in part : "I am glad to know
that deep devotion to that cause which
manifested itself in the early contribu
tions of Tennessee to the armies that
went to the defense of the homes of
the northwest abides still in these val
leys and crowns with its glory and
lustre every hilltop of the Alleghenies.
I beg to say to you that whoever sup
poses there is anywhere in the north
ern states any jealousy of your great
material progress wholly misconceives
the friendly heart of the people of the
north. It is my wish , as it is the wish
of all with whom I associate in polit
ical life , that the streams of prosper
ity in the south may run bank full.
All live in a government of law. All
may safely differ in politics ; we may
safely divide upon a question as to
what shall be law , but when a law is
once enacted no community can safely
divide on the question of implicit
obedience to the law. I may not
choose as president what l&s I will
enforce and a citizen may nm choose
which laws he will obey. Upon this
broad principle our institutions rest ,
therefore my appeal everywhere is to
hold the law in veneration and rever
ence ; we have no other king. Public
officers are your servants , but in the
august and majestic presence of the
law we all uncover and" bend the knee.
May every prosperity attend you. "
[ Great and prolonged cheering. ]
The President In the South.
Ala. , April 17. The
on his arrival at this city was
given a very warm reception : Half a
dozen miles from Birmington , factory
and locomotive whistles began to sound
their shrill notes , and hundreds of
other whistles taking up the strain , the
noise became almost deafening to those
on the train. Along the track signal
torpedoes had been placed , and from
the time the outskirts of the city were
reached until the train came to a stand
still at the station , there was a succes
sion of sharp-reports added to the pan
demonium that already reigned. Boom
ing of cannon and shouting from thou
sands of throats greeted the appearance
of the president and party on the plat
form of the train. A temporary stand
hud been erected in the station , and to
this the president was escorted by Gov.
Jones and Mayor Lane. The enthusi
astic shouts of the concourse ceased
when Governor Jones , on behalf of
the state * eloquently and feelingly wel
comed the president to Alabama.
Mayor Lane spoke in behalf of the city.
As each gentlemen finished his remarks
the president grasped his hand , and
each time the little incident occurred
the people shouted out approval. The
president then made an address , which
was vigorously applauded. He said :
Governor Jones , Mr. Mayor and
Fellow Citizens : The noise of your
industries will not stay themselves , I
fear , sufficient to enable me to make
myself heard by many in this immense
throng that has gathered to welcome
us. 1 judge from what we have seen
as wo neared your station that we have
here at Birmingham the largest and
most enthusiastic concourse of people
that has met us since we left the
national capital. [ Great and prolonged
cheering. ] For this I am deeply
grateful. The rapidity with which wo
must pursue this journey will not
allow us to look with any detail into
the great enterprises which cluster
about your city ; but if wo shall only
have an opportunity to stop for a
moment to look at these friendly faces
and to listen to these friendly words
wo shall carry away that which will
bo invaluable , and I trust by friendly
exchange of greetings we may leave
something to you that is worth cher
ishing. [ Cheers. ] I have read of the
marvelous developments which in the
last few years have been stirring the
solitude of these southern mountains ,
and I remember today that not many
after * the when I had
years war , re
sumed my law practice at Indianap
olis , I was visited by a gentleman
known , I expect , to all of you , upon
professional business. He came to mete
to pursue a collection claim against a
citizen of Indianapolis , but he seemed
to be bent more on talking about Bir
mingham than anything else. [ Laugh
ter and cheering. ] That man was
Colonel Powell , one of the early promoters
meters of your city. [ Cheers. ]
I listened to his story of the mar
velous wealth of iron and coal that
was stored in this region , of their near
ness to each other and to the limestone
necessary for smelting , to his calcula
tions as to the cheapness with which
iron could be produced here and his
glowing story of the great city that
was to be reared with a good deal of
credulity. I thought he was a vision
ary , but I have regretted ever since
that I did not ask Mm to pay my fee
in town lots in Birmingham. [ Laugh
ter and cheers. ] My countrymen , we
thought it was calamitous , and so it
was. The destruction of life and of
property was great and beyond ex
pression , and yet we. can see now that
God led us through that red sea to de
velopment in material prosperity and
to a fraternity that was not otherwise
possible. [ Cheers. ] The industries
that have called to your midst-'many
leading men > are always and every
where concomitants of freedom. Out
of all this freedom from the incubus of
slavery the south has found a new in
dustrial birth. Once almost wholly'
agricultural , you are now not less
fruitful in crops ; but you have added
all this. [ Cheers. ] You have in
creased your production of cotton and
you have an added increase in ten
years of nearly 300 per cent to the
production of iron. You have pro
duced three-fourths of the cotton crop
of the world and it has brought you
since the war about § 8,000,000 of
money to enrich your people ; but as
yet you are spinning in the south only
8 per cent of it. Why not , with the
help we will give you in New Eng
land and the north , spin it all ?
[ Cheers. ] Why not ; while supplying
G5.000 , QUO of people , reach out and
take a part we have not had in the
commerce of the world ? [ Cheers. ] I
believe we are now to see a renaissance
in American prosperity and an upbuild
ing of our American merchant marine.
I believe that these southern ports that
so favorably look out with invitations
to the states of Central and South
America , shall yet see our fleets carry
ing the American flag and products of
Alabama to the markets of South Amer
ica. [ Great cheering. ] In all this we
are united. We may differ as to
methods , but if you will permit I will
give you an illustration to show how
we have been dealing with this ship
ping question. I can remember when
no wholesale merchant ever sent a
drummer into the field. lie said to his
customers. "Come to my store and
buy , " but competition increased. En
terprising merchants started out men
to secure customers , and his fellow
merchant was put to the choice of put
ting" men into the field or going out of
business. It seems to me that what
ever we may think of the policy of aid-
j ing1 steamships , since eVery other great
nation does it , we must do it or stay
out of the Business , for we have pretty
much gone out. [ Cheers. ]
I am glad to reciprocate from the
very fullness of my heart every frater
nal expression that has fallen from the
lips of these gentlemen who have ad
dressed me in your behalf. I have not
been saved from mistakes , probably I
shall not be. I am sure of but one
thing , I can declare I have singly at
heart the glory of the American na
tion and the good of all its people.
[ Great and prolonged cheering. ] I
thank these companies of state militia ,
some of whom I recognize as having
done mo the honor to attend the in
augural ceremonies , for their precence.
They aredeserving.
To the governor , to your encourage
ment , and to the state of Alabama ,
they are the reserved army of the
United States , It is our policy not to
have a large regular army , but to have
trained military that in any emergency
will step to the defense of the country ,
and if that exigency shall ever arise ,
which God forbid , I know that you
will respond as quickly and readily as
any other state. [ Cheers. ]
The Governor You would find all
Alabama at your back , sir. [ Contin
ued cheering. ]
1 am glad to know in addition to all
this business you are doing you are
attending to education and to those
things that conduce to social order.
The American homo is one thing we
cannot afford to lose out of American
life. As long as we have pure homes
and God-fearing , order-loving fathers
and mothers rear the children that are
given to them and make these homes
the abodes of cleanliness , piety and
intelligence , American society and
union are safe. [ Great and continued
applause. ]
Ilornpstcad Is ? Injror of Chicago.
CHICAGO , April 18. The official
canvass of the returns of the recent
municipal election was completed yes
terday. It practically settles the mat
ter , although , as several precincts are
subject to revision , it is possible there
may bo some changes. Hempstead
Washburne ( rep. ) is elected mayor by
a plurality of 389.
The unexpected surprise of the day
was the heavy gain made by Kern ,
democratic candidate for city attorney ,
in the last few wards canvassed. His
gain was so great that it elected him
by a plurality of 1,172 over llichard-
son ( rep. ) , whose election heretofore
had not been questioned.
Kiolbasso , democratic candidate for
city treasurer , was successful by a
plurality of 4,258 , his triumph being
due to a strong combination of Irish
and Polish and dissensions among the
Van Cleve ( rep. ) , for city clerk , led
his ticket with a plurality of over
Mayor Cregicr , in an interview with
a representative of a local democratic
paper this evening , when asked what
he is going to be , said : "I am going
to be , first and above all. a demo
crat. For the. next two years I am
going to saw wood to help save the
state for the democracy in 1892. A
great and the only difficulty is the
deadly work of traitors to the party. "
To Hoom Alger.
KEAV YoitK , April 20. A Washing
ton , D. C. , special says : There is a
strong movement to elect ex-Assistant
Postmaster General Clarkson as presi
dent of the national league of republi
can clubs , which meets at Cincinnati
next Tuesday. General Clarkson has
now no active occupation and is ready
to devote his services to organizing for
the battle of 1892. His election would
mean a big move in the campaign of
General Alger for the republican nom
ination for the presidency. Clarkson
is well known as an Alger man , and
this has stood in the way of the re
organization of the republican national
committee by the retirement of Sena
tor Quay and the election of Clarkson
in his place. His election as president
of the league will give him control of
powerful machinery to accomplish his
The President's Official Household.
WASHINGTON , April 15. Almost the
entire official household of the presi
dent is away. Postmaster General
Wanamaker and Secretary Husk are
vdth the president on his southern trip.
Secretary Foster went to New York last
evening to personally investigate . * li3
New York custom house troubles relat
ing to the dismissal of Auditor Perry
and the efforts being made by his
friends , including Vice President Mor
ton , to secure his reinstatenunt. Secre
taries Blaine and Tracy are too indis
posed to be at their desks. Secretary
Proctor is in town , but leaves tomor
row for Montpeiier , where he will dis
cuss the senatorial succession in Ver
mont with Governor Page. Attorney
General Miller and Secretary Noble
are the only cabinet officers on active
Blooded Stoclt Sale.
CHICAGO , April 20. The sale ol
Turlington Aberdeen Angus cattle , the
property of T. W. Harvey of Turling
ton , Neb. , took place Saturday in Dex
ter pai-k and was a success. The at
tendance was good and the prices ruled
high. The best sales were Heather
Bloom and Turlington , J. Evans , Em
erson , la. , § 825 ; Lady Blackbird , J.
Evans , Emerson , la. , $925 ; Blue-Bell ,
of Big Island. Abe Meyer , Terre
Haute , Ind. . § 350 ; Rose of Turlington ,
J. Evans , Emerson , la. , $800 ; Abbess
of Turlington , Luster & Burwell , Cot
tage Grove , Wis. . 410 ; City Side Lady ,
Luster & Burwell , Cottage Grove ,
Wis. , § 600 ; Bella Donna of Guischen ,
J. Evans , Emerson , la. , $400.
A Cyclone in Texas.
LIBERAL , Kan. , April 18. Reports
were brought in yesterday that the
court house at Hansford , Tex. , in
course of construction , was destroyed
by a cyclone Wednesday afternoon and
a brick mason and another man killed.
Another man was badly injured. Every
house was more or less damaged. From
there the cyclone traveled in a north
easterly direction to Paludora , a little
town in Weaver county , Oklahoma ,
which place is reported entirely de
stroyed. Both localities are many
miles from the railroad and telegraph.
A Maryland democratic reform club
has been organized with Phillip D.
Lakard of Montgomery as president
of Jti rEit IMVJIO ra
Ladle * of the XVorlU' * Fair Having aw
illicit Trouble UH the .Hen A La nil
Decision that CouceriiM
Some Excitement at 1'lno
Agency ' 'Plenty Ilormew" Pleads
Not CJuIIty Ivaimni * ' New Senator
D t linen the Position He Will Take
III the United States Senate The
Presidential Household.
Cannot Ho Helped.
WASHINGTON. April IS. A repre
sentative of the Kansas City Transpor
tation bureau called upon Acting Secre
tary of War Grant and presented a
protest against the allotment of money
made by the Missouri river commission
for the improvement of the Missouri
river. The protestants say the com
mission authorized the expenditure of
$100,000 on a bend in the upper river ,
but no allotments for improvements at
Kansas City. Unless measures are
taken promptly the work of the last
two years on the lower river will be
lost. Grant informed them that the
department was powerless to interfere
in the work of the commission.
Troubles of World's I'nlr Ladle * .
CHICAGO , April 1C. The executive
committee of the board of managers
and Miss Phoebe Cozzens , secretary of
the board , had another clash yesterday.
It- seems that a committee was ap
pointed to revise the minutes of the
Kovember meeting , which are being
printed , but Miss Cozzens ignored the
committee and got out the minutes her
self. After a long discussion the ladies
passed a resolution declaring Miss Coz
zens1 action a , serious violation of re
spect to the lady managers. Another
resolution rescinds any authority here-j
tofore granted Secretary Cozzens in
volving the expenditure of money.
William T. Baker , president of the
Chicago board of trade , was elected
president of the board of directors of
the world's fair , vice Lyman J. Gage ,
resigned. Baker's election was unani
mous. He has been a member of the
directory from the beginning and lias
an enviable record for energy and exe
cutive ability. The other officers of
the board were re-elected without ex-
Land Decisions.
WASHINGTON' . April 17. The as
sistant secretary of the interior has de
cided land contests as follows : Home
stead entry of Willie W. Brown , con
tested by Benjamin F. Morrison , in
volving the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 11 and
the east quarter of the northwest quar
ter and the southwest quarter of the
northwest quarter of section 14 , town
ship 1 north , range 39 west , McCook ,
Iseb. . district ; allegation abandon
ment ; contestant allowed ninety days
from date of notice to comply with the
terms of the judgment of the commis
sioner , which held the entry for can
cellation , but ordered a rehearing.
Relinquishment contest of Edward
Phernetton vs. William B. Judd , in
volving the right of entry for the
northeast quarter of section 5 , town
ship 29 , range 14 west. Niobrara ,
Keb. , district : decision of commis
sioner affirmed ; Phernetton is entitled
to enter by reason of his prior appli
cation. In the case of John M. Pease ,
holding for cancellation his commuted
homestead entry for the southwest
quarter of section 1 , township 102 ,
range GO , Mitchell , S. D. , district , tht
decision below is reversed and the en
try confirmed.
Excitement at Pine Illcljre.
RAPID CITY , S. D. , April 17. Par
ties arriving from Pine Ridge report
some excitement and anxiety there
over the fact that a party of Cheyenne
agency Indians are now at the Wounded
Knee battle field and yesterday stopped
a missionary and school teacher bound
for the outlying camps. Being half-
breeds they were allowed to proceed.
Boss Farmer Smoot , who met the mis
sionary , brought in the news. Stock
men from the reservation now in the
city say there is little probability of
trouble except with a few unruly bucks ,
and they are mating arrangements to
join in the general spring round-up
which begins on the ranges east of
Cheyenne May 15.
Plenty IIor.e "Not Guilty. "
Sioux FALLS. S. D. , April 16. After
repeated attempts to obtain an ar
raignment. Plenty Horses , the Sioux
Indian , accused of having murdered
Lieutenant Casey , folded his large bl ue
blanket around his form and in clear
and distinct English declared to Judge
Edgerton of the United States district
court , "lam not guilty. " Application
was made by the attorney for the de
fense for an interpreter and three wit
nesses to be brought from Pine Ridge ,
which was granted and the case put
over until Thursday , April 23 , at which
time it is expected that the trial will
be prosecuted to the end without delay.
Plenty Horses told a reporter today
how he came by his name. It seems
that it is a custom among- the Sioux
for the grandfathers , if living , to name
his grandsons. Oa the day Plenty
Horses was born Moon-That-Ever-
Shines. his grandfather , returned from
a raid in Xebraska , where he had se
cured 100 head of horses. Ten were
given to the now grandson and with
them the name of Plenty Horses.
Thomas Sheppard , aged 65 , and
Miss Anna Miller , aged 62 , were lov
ers when young residents of Buffalo ,
X. Y. The other day they met on the
train , both bound west , renewed ac
quaintance , stopped off at Blooming-
Ill. , and were married.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Ploasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoja and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cure * constipation and flatulency *
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria is an excellent medicines for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its
good effect upon their children.1'
Da. O. C. OSOOOD ,
Lowell , Moss.
" Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
Interest of their children , and use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which ore
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats , thereby sending
them tc premature graves. "
Conway , Ark.
Tlio Contntir Company , TT Murray Street , Now Tort City.
. .
* > * * '
ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warren SU New YortFrfco ID cb
Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigars
ever placed on sale in McCook.
Steam and Hot Water Heating ,
North Main Avenue ,
' A stock of best grades of Hope.
Sprinklers , Hose Keels and Hose Fixtures ,
constantly on band. Ail work receives prompt
House Mover % Drayman ,
53 ? " House and Safe Moving a Spec
ialty. Orders for Draying left at the
Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive
prompt attention.
DR. nraranErs' SPECIFICS are scientifically and
carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many
years In private practice with success.and for over
thlrtyyearsusedby the people. Every single Spe
cific Is a spccia 1 euro for the disease named.
These fapeciilcs euro without dragging , purg
ing or reducing the system , and are In fact and
deed thosovcreign remedies oftheWorld.
1 Fevers , Congestion , inflammation. . .
\Vorms Worm Fever , Worm Colic . , y. >
; { Cryinsr Colic , orTeethingoIInfanta , 'J5
4 JHarrhca , of Children or Adults . 5
5 Dysentery , Griping. Bilious Colic.i.3
Cholera ittorbus , Vomiting . 'J.l
y Coughs , Cold , Bronchitis . i 5
8 Nenraljria , Toothachp.FaciVche . 25
11 Suppressed or Painful J'eriodB.J5
l'.i Whites , too Profuse Periods . -i.l
lit Croup , Cough , Difficult Breathing. . . . , , ! . $
1-t Suit Rheum , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .145
15 Itlieiimatiflin , Rheumatic Pains . J.'S
115 Fever and Ague , Chills , Malaria . .1(1
24 < ; enernl I > ebility.l'hysIcal\Veaknes3 . "JO
ii7 Kidney Disease . -50
iiS Xcrvoua Debility l. O
30 Vrinary WeakuossVcttlngBed. . .50
a Dlaca8C3oftheIIeartPalpltatlonl.OO
Sold by Druggists , or sentoostpaid on receipt
of price. DR. HUMPHREYS' MAXCAI , ( HI pages )
richly bound in cloth and gold , mailed free.
Humphreys'aiediclneCo.lt3FaltonSt.y Y.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick , -ore gave her Castoria.
When she -was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
( Then she became Hiss , she dun ? to Castoria ,
Wtran she had Children , she gave thaoi Cactoria ,
" Castorfa Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any proscription
known to me. "
n. A. AnciiKit , M. D. ,
Ill So. Orford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although wo only hare among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
prodncmyetwooro frco to confess that the
merit * of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it. "
Boston ,
AIJJCT O. Surra , Fret. ,
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder.
P. O.address , Imperial.
Chase County , and Ueut-
rice. Neb. Kange.Stmk-
injr Water aud French
man creeks , Chase Co. ,
Brand us cut on side of
some animals , on hipand
sides of some , or anywhere -
where on the animal.
Bus , Baggage Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
PJ7 Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave orders
at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur.
nisfced on short notice.
To cure Biliousness , Sick Headache , Consti
pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , take
the safe and certain remedy , -
Use the SMAM. Size (40 little Beans to the
, . .
Price of either size , 25c. per Bottlo.
. { copper , oritizjp , ) .
run M N ONLY !
IJUafjgeneral TjfEHVOOS Siryi
Mlil llHei " " "of BodyandEsd , Efft i
S S iS 'JsS I