THE M'COQff TRIBUNE. F. W. KIMMLELL , PnblUhcr. McCOOK , NEB. STATE NEW& NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Lincoln sportsmen met and organ ized a gun club. The band recently organized at Hastings has collapsed. A camp of Modern Woodmen has been instituted at Pender. A camp of the Sons of Veterans has been mustered in at Reynolds. Jeff Long of Gretna had his ankle dislocated by a horse stepping on it. The sheriff of Adams county now has six criminals in jail at Hastings. A violent wind storm visited Beatrice , doing considerable damage. Louis Heirarod of Omaha has en tered upon his dutias state oil in spector. Pender has quite a building boom , Beven houses being in course of con struction. Two wsll developed cases of glan ders have recently been discovered in Lincoln. O'Neill is figuring on having a (250,000 beet sugar factory sometime in the near future. There is a mad dog scare in Union township , Dundy county , and the canines are being exterminated. The total valuation of property in the city of Hastings according to the recent assessment is ? 51,166. 962. A young son of Samuel Miller of Shelby has disappeared. It is alleged Miat his father and he could not agree. Mr. and Mrs. Sampler of Fremont were poisoned by eating chocolate candy and were very sick for a short time. Louis Heimrod , the newly ap pointed state inspector of oils , has filed with the secretary of state his bond in the sum of0,000. . A ten-year-old boy named Joseph was killed in a suburb of Omaha the other day by a portable hog pen top pling over on him. Isaac Howard , eighty-three years old , died at his homo in Gage county fc last week. He had resided in the coun ty twenty-three years. 5 Frank Davis , a pickpocket , took $500 from a man at Lincoln the other day , but was captured before he got sway with the boodle. The twelfth semi-annual session 01 soutn 1'iatte coniereuce 01 tne evan gelical Lutheran church was held at . Yutan with eleven ministers in attend ance. , Prior to the closing of the court in Beatrice Frank and Ed Eaton , broth ers , were sentenced to three years each in the penitentiary for highway robbery. Henry Vansant a blacksmith of Ansley , is likely to lose the sight of one of his eyes which was struck by a cinder from a piece of iron which he Was hammering. W. M. Clinton of Lincoln , who had both legs taken off in an accident at Ravenna last summer , has gone to .New York , where he will procure a pair of artificial limbs. Editor Hart of the Dakota City Eagle , was assaulted the other day by ex-Judge Wilbur and quite severely bruised. Wilbur took exceptions to an article in the Eagle. Mayor Ireland has filed his affida vit with Gov. Boyd announcing the population of Nebraska City to be more than ten thousand , which makes the city one of the first class. A Norfolk boy with a cigarette set fire to the dry grass on a play ground in town and for a time there was a lively scramble to extinguish the flames which ran like wild fire. The Nebraska Security company of Harrison , Sioux county , filed arti cles of incorporation with the sere- tary of state. It is a real estate con cern. The capital stock is $50,000. M. C. Sweeuer of Omaha was fined $25 and costs for striking a woman. The judge said that no mat ter what the provocation was , a man was a brute who would strike a woman. In Omaha a slack rope walker fell thirty feet lighting on his back on the stone paved street. No bones wore broken , but it is believed ho received internal injuries that will result in his death. death.A A largo pickling and preserving company of Chicago , is negotiating to locate a factory in Hastings. They propose planting 400 acres in pickles , besides a limited acreage of corn and tomatoes. A barn near Steele City , owned by C. N. Pickering , was struck by light ning and the building and contents entirely consumed. . The loss is nearly $4,000 , about half of which is covered by insurance. At a meefing of the Friend fair association it was decided to hold a' ' three days' trotting , pacing and run ning meeting on August 2G , 27 and 28 , and to offer more liberal purses than heretofore. A wedding which was to have oc curred at Ainsworth the other day has been indefinitely postponed because Billy Branigan's intended bride gave him the slip and failed to appear at the critical moment. During a storm at Friend the barn of Mrs. Margaret Laugley of Monroe precinct was blown down , her resi dence moved from its foundation and a span of horses standing in the barn badly injured. A large barn belonging to.Claud ius Jones , on a farm northwest of Brainard , in Butler county , was def - f stroyed by fire last week. The fire is supposed to hayc started Jrom , sparks - ffom'ftnV chimney ofthe"1 dwelling on the farm. A ten-year-old son of Mrs. Mason of Orleans , while playing with a re volver , was accidentally shot. The ball was a 22-calibre and entered the abdomen and went downward. The boy will probably die. Henry Oxnard of Grand Island , manager of the Oxnard beet sugar company , met the citizens of Fullerton and Nance county and addressed them at considerable length on the beet sugar industry of Nebraska. Hebron has got the start by having - ing the only lodge of honor in the state. A short time ago Kay of Hope ledge No. 1 , Ancient Order of United Workmen , was instituted , and now has upward of seventy members. Carl Morton is securing a guaran tee fund to bore for coal within a mile of the city limits of Nebraska City. He now only lacks about $100 of the amount he started out to collect Con sequently this enterprise is a certainty. Charles Combs , a brakeman on the Crete branch of the Missouri Pa cific , came near being killed at Tal- mage , while coupling cars. The draw- heads passed each other and he was pretty badly squeezed between the cars. The committee appointed to ex amine and report upon the books and accounts of Police Juujie Foster of Nebraska City have reported and find that the city owes Mr. Foster $43.63 , and a warrant has been drawn in his favor for that amount. The Commercial hotel at David City was completely destroyed by fire last week , with most of the furniture. It was a large three story frame build ing owned and occupied by S. H. Yon- ker. Loss about $4,000 ; insurance on building , $2.000 ; on furniture , $1.000. Dr. P. C. Johnson of Friend and Rev. Cox of Lincoln are holding a series of revival meetings in the Meth odist church in Friend. Dr. Johnson is one of the finest speakers in the state and the church is being well filled from night to night. Constable E. Hunger of Lincoln , after considerable trouble and corre spondence , has established his right to the legacy of $2,000 left him by the death of an rtunt in Germany. Rela tives on the other side of the ocean en deavored to show that he was dead. A Mrs. Pilts , of Gage county , while returning to her home in a buggy a few evenings since , was pursued by a BaVage gray wolf about three miles out of Beatrice and but for the speed of her horse would have doubtless been seriously bitten by the savage beast. The village board of Oakland at a special meeting decided to submit a proposition to vote $3.000 more water bonds , which with the $4,500 already voted , is to be used in the construc tion of a $10,000 system of waterworks with mains on all the principal streets. Wm. Hike and Gid Zuycher were caught in the act of appropriating some oats , the property of D. Young , living near Beilevue , and arrested. They had been fined a few days ago for chicken stealing , and it is supposed they wanted the oats to feed the chickens. During a gale a box car was blown onto the main track at Charleston , on the F. , E. & M. V. railroad , and made its way to York at the rate of forty miles an hour. Fortunately it was found east of the city in a cut , where the grade had , stopped it > before any trains were due. The funeral of the late Michael Derum of Nebraska City took place from St. Mary's Catholic church and was one of the largest ever held in Nebraska City. Mr. Derum was one of the oldest railroad men in the state. For years he has been station agent at Nebraska City for the B. & M. John Sanders , of Dodge county was arrested on a charge of bastardy preferred by Lucetta Shafer. All the parties live near Nickerson , the man having before this borne a good repu tation , while the woman's past has been somewhat varied. Sanders was bound over to the district court. The Niobrara canning factory changed hands last week , Sioux City parties having purchased it. The plant will be considerably enlanged to can corn , beans and peas , heretofore tomatoes having been the only pro duct put up. About $3,000 worth 'of improvement will be made at once. Frank Taylor of Lancaster county , has traced the thieves who stole his fine bay team into the Loup country. An accurate description of the two men has , been telegraphed to every * point north of Grand Island. Taylor offers $250 reward for the apprehen sion of the thieves. Parties will not be required to convict them. j The sanitarium at Milford will be opened as a hotel as soon as the right man can be found to run it. Its broad ve-andas and pleasant surroundings has invited many inquiries even this early in the season as to the accom modations that will be offered this year for the entertainment of the pub lic. Mayor Gushing of Omaha received an invitation from the board of trade of Council Bluffs to attend a banquet at the Grand Hotel April 22. A card accompanies it with the intelligence that if the invitation is accepted , a § 20 bill must be enclosed. The Omaha official says he can feed his entire family a whole week on that amount , and thinks he will not invest in thr banquet provender. At a mass meeting of the citizens of Sioux county the following was unanimously adopted : Whereas , By the investigation of the county records of Sioux county by an expert accountant it was found that Conrad Lindeman , county clerk. John A. Green and Charles U. Grove , county commission ers , were found to have defrauded the county out of certain sums of money , and we , as citizens and taxpayers , not wishing to tolerate any further discre pancy in- ? the county affairs , request that the said officers resign for the good of the county. DUantroii * llailroad "Wreck In Ohio. CLEVELAND , O. , April 20. A frightful - ful wreck occurred on the Lake Shore railroad at Kippon station , about forty miles west , Saturday evening , in which six postal clerks and two engineers were killed. The fast mail , No. 14 , bound east * collided with No. 21 , the Toledo ex press , just as the latter train was about to pull on a siding to let the fast mail pass. The fast mail was running at full speed and the force of the collision was so great that both engines , three mail cars and one baggage car were completely wrecked. The following is a list of the dead : Edward Brown , engineer ; Charles Topliff , engineer ; Fireman Staley ; F. J. Nugent , Charle's Haminill , F. F. Clemens , John J. Bowerline , James M'Kinley , and C. H. M'Dowell. postal clerks. John Danzig , son of a section foreman , was injured. None of the passenger cars left the track and none of the passengers received serious in juries. It was the custom for these two trains to pass at Kipton , the Toledo express taking the side track for the fast mail , which usually went through without slackening. The express was a few minutes late Saturday evening and had just come to a stop at the switch when the fast mail came in sight. The engineer of the fast mail applied the air brakes when he saw that a collision was inevitable , but the speed of the train was not checked ma terially. The engine of the Toledo express was knocked squarely across the track and that of the fast mail reared in the air , resting on the top of the other. The first and second mail cars were telescoped and smashed to kindling wood and the third crashed into the first two and rolled over on the station platform. The two bag gage cars of the Toledo express were knocked from the track , but did not turn over. The passengers were thrown to the floors and badly shaken , butnonewere seriously injured. The passengers at once began the work of rescue and with a corps of physicians from the town ministered to the few who were iTijured. All but one of the dead were beyond human assistance as soon as the collision occurred. The bodies were all horribly crushed and mutil ated , arms and legs being torn off and the corpses almost beyond recogni tion. The postal clerks were caged like rats and the telescoping of the cars crushed the life out of them with out a moment's warning. It is difficult to locate the blame for the accident , but it is said that the express was ordered to stop at Ober- lin , but went on to Kipton and had not sufficient time to make the side track. The Ceil BUS uiid Statistics. WASHINGTON , April 20. Secretary Noble of the interior department was directed by the last congress to inquire into and report upon to the next con gress as to the desirability of making the census bureau a permanent depart ment. Mr. Noble has given the mat ter considerable thought , although he bas not been able to reach a final con clusion. The suggestion has been made that if such a permanent bureau is estab lished here , whose duty it will be to furnish statistics of the industries and manufactures of this country from month to month and year to year , it would be well to consolidate into one bureau all the statistics now provided for. The treasury department no\v maintains such a bureau , of course con fines itself entirely to the exports and imports of this country. The depart ment of labor confines itself to the statistics of work and wages , though it has made several very successful sids issues into tocial and railroad ques tions. The department of agriculture publishes monthly reports of the move ments of grain and live stock ; and the new bureau of immigration will devote much attention to the statistics of its work. It has been therefore suggested that it would be a wise and judicious move to consolidate all these bureaus into one department , for it is now difficult to see how the work of each of these independent bureaus can be readily made to fit into the work of all the other bureaus , like the cogs of a series of wheels. At the same time there is the well known indisposition to yield up even the slightest jot or title of bureau authority , and Secretary Noble is therefore unable to say at present just what he will recommend in that line. It is the" general opinion that there ought to be a permanent census bureau to furnish all statistics. Cattle Quarantine. WASHINGTON , April 20. An earnest effort is making on the' part of cattle men from the far west to have the Texas fever cattle quarantine line es tablished by the agricultural depart ment for the great cattle raising states of Wyoming. Montana and Colorado moved farther south and made to con form to the quaran ine line fixed upon by those state for their own protection before the national government quar antine line was established. Senator Carey of Wyoming presented the mat ter fully to the agricultural depart ment , and it is probable that the matter will be fixed as desired. The department has communicated with Secretary Rusk on the subject and the secretary thinks the department can so far modify its instructions as to permit cattle to be shipped into the states of Colorado , Wyoming and Montana from as far south as heretofore , provided those states give satisfactory assurance that no cattle shipped into them shall be sent out of the states before December 1. The effect of the order of the agri cultural department moving further north the quarantine line established by these states was to work a serious hardship on large numbers of men having cattle between the line decided on by the , national government and that which the experience of the states named had found to be safe. IEUDINI I is HODEEATE. FOR WUICII UK IS COMPL1MEXTKD SI'Mil. J1LAIXJZ The Kfsltt of Indemnity , However , In Till * Cane IK Not Acknowledged by America ? * Keprcuciitutlve For- ernerci to Have A'o .Tloro Itl Iit * than are Craiitcd Our O\vii SubJ cot * Quotation * from a. i'nrallel Ca c In the Time ofVcb ter > Ofllclal Life. Blaliie's Answer to Italy. WASHINGTON , April 16. The fol- fowing is the correspondence between Secretary Blaine and the Italian gov ernment since the secretary's note to the Marquis Imperial ! , acknowledging the notice of Baron Fava's departure : HOYAL LEGATION OK ITALY , WASH INGTON , April 2 , 1891. Mr. Secretary of State : I hasten to acknowledge the receipt of the note which your ex cellency did me the honor to address to me on the 1st inst. in reply to that whereby Baron Fava informed you of his departure on leave. I have laid the contents of your excellency's afore said note before the government of the king , and his excellency , the president of the council , his majesty's minister of foreign affairs , has just directed mete to address the following communica tion to you : "Tlie government of the king of Italy has asked nothing be yond the prompt institution of judicial proceedings through the regular chan nels. It would have been absurd to claim the punishment of the guilty parties without warrant of regular judgment. The Italian government now repeats the same demand. Not until the federal government shall have explicitly declared that the afore said proceedings shall be promptly be gun can the diplomatic incident be considered as closed. Meanwhile his majesty's government takes note of the declaration whereby the federal government recognizes that an indem nity is due to the families of the vic tims in virtue of the treaty in force between the two countries. " I have , therefore , the honor to bring the fore going to the knowledge of your excel lency , and I avail myself of this oc- cason to offer you , Mr. Secretary of State , assurances of my highest and most respectful consideration. r LMPEUIALT. To His Excellency , James G. Blaine , Secretary of State. DEPARTMENT OF STATE , WASHING TON , April 14. 1891. Marquis Imper- iaii , charge d'affaires , etc. , etc. , etc. Sir : 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note , dated Thurs day , April 2 , 1891. It contains the second telegram from Marquis Rudini , part of which I here quote : "The gov ernment of the king of Italy has asked nothing beyond the prompt institution of judicial proceedings through the regular channels. It would have been absurd , to claim this punishment of the guilty parties without warrant of reg ular judgment. The Italian trovern- rnent now icpeats the same demand. Not until the federal government shall have explicitly declared that the afore said proceedings shall be promptly be gun can the diplomatic incident be con sidered as closed.1 This government certainly had no desire whatever to change the meaning of Marquis Rudi- ni's telegram of March 24. It was de livered to the state department by Baron Fava in person , written in his own hand , and expressed in the Eng lish. Following is the full text of the telegram : "Rome , March 24 , 1891. Italian Minister , Washington : Our re quests to the federal government are very simple. Some Italian subjects , acquitted by American magistrates , have been murdered in prison while under the immediate protection of the authorities. Our right , therefore , to demand and obtain the punishment of the murderers and an indemnity for the victims is unquestionable. I wish to add that public opinion in Italy is justly impatient , and if immediate steps were not at once taken 1 should find myself under the painful necessity of showing openly our dissatisfaction by recalling the minister of his majes ty from the country where he is unable to obtain justice. Rndini. ' ' The words underscored are precisely those which I quoted in my former note , and I am directed by the president to express the satisfaction of this government with the very material qualification of the demand by Marquis Rimini on behalf of the Italian government. You quote in your note another part of Marquis Ruuini'ss telegram of April 2 in these words : "Meanwhile his majesty's gov ernment takes note of tiie declaration whereby the federal government recog nized that indemnity is due the fami lies of the victims by virtue of the treaty between the two countries. ' ' If Marquis Rudini will carefully examine my note of April 1 he will discover that I did not recognize that indem nity is due to the families of the vic tims in virtue of the treaty in force be tween the two countries. ' ' What I did say wis in answer to Baron Fava's as sertion that the United States govern ment refused to take this demand for indemnity into consideration. I quote my reply : "The United States , so far from refusing , has recognized the prin ciple of indemnity to those Italian subjects - jocts who may have been wronged by a violation of the rights secured to them under the treaty with the United States concluded February 2U. 1871. " Marquis Rudiui may be assured that the United States would recompense every Italian subject who might be "wronged by a violation of the treaty" to which the faith of the United States is pledged. But this assertion leaves unsettled the important question of whether the treaty has been violated. Upon this point the president with sufficient facts placed before him , has taken full time for decision. He now directs that certain considerations in the general subject bo submitted to the judgment of the Italian government. As a precedent of great value in the cuse under discussion the president re calls the conclusion maintained by Webster when secretary of state in 1851. In August of that year ajnob in New Orleans demolished the build ing in which the oilice of the Spanish consul was located , and at the same time attacks were made upon coffee houses and cigar shops kept by Span ish subjects. American citizens were involueu in the losses , which in the aggregate were large. The supposed cause of the mob was intelligence of the execution of fifty young Americans in Havana and the banishment to Spanish mines of nearly two hundred citizens of the United States. The victims were all members of the abor tive Lopez expedition. In conbcquence of these depredations of the mob upon the property of the Spanish consul as well us against Spanish subjects. Don Calderon de Lapar/.a , minister , de manded indemnification for all losses , both official and personal. Webster aumittted that the Spanish consul was entitled to indemnity and assured the Spanish minister that "if the injured consul , Mr. Laborde , shall return to j his post , or any other consul for New Orleans be appointed by her Catholic majesty's government , the officers of this government resident in that city will be instructed to receive and treat him with courtesy and with the na tional salute to the Hag of his ship if he shall arrive in a Spanish vessel as a demonstration of respect such as may signify to him and to his govern ment the sense entertained by the gov ernment of the United States of the gross injustice done to his predecessor bv a lawless mob , as well as indemnity for the insult offered by it to a foreign state with which the United States arc and wish ever to remain on terms of the most respectful and pacific inter course. ' ' But wlien pressed by the Spanish minister to afford indemnity to the Spanish subjects injured by the mob in common with American citi zens , Webster declined to accede to the demands , and gave his reasons as follows : "This government supposes that the rights of the Spanish consul , a public officer residing here under the protection of the United States govern ment , are quite different from those of Spanish subjects , who have come into our country to mingle with our own citizens and are here to pursue their private business and objects. The for mer may claim special indemnity ; the latter are entitled to such protection as is afforded to our own citizens. While , therefore , losses to individuals , private Spanisli subjects , are greatly to be regretted , yet it is understood that many American citizens suf- equal losses irum me cause , and those private individuals , subjects of her Catholic majesty , coming voluntarily to reside in the United States , have certainly no cause to complain if they are protected by the same laws and the administra tion of the law as the native born citi zens of this country. They have , in fact , some advantages over a citi/en of the state in which they happen to be. inasmuch as they arc enabled under it to become citizens themselves , to pro secute for any injuries done to their persons or property in the courts of the United States or state courts at their election. ' * Two years after Web ster wrote the foregoing note congress , in recognition of certain magnanimous conduct on the part of the queen of Spain in pardons bestowed upon Amer icans who had unjustifiably invaded the island of Cuba , enacted a joint resolution elution indemnifying the Spanish con sul and other Spanish subjects for the losses sustained in the New Orleans mob of 1851. The considerations upon which this resolution was passed were such as to contra vent the original posi tion of Webster , shaded also by Presi dent Fillmoro. The right to judicial remedy which Webster assured to Spanish subjects is likewise assured to Italian subjects. The right is specially guaranteed in the second section of the third article of the constitution. And , as Webster points out. a resident alien lias a privilege which is denied to a citizen. The widows and children of citizens who lose their lives by mob violence may sue the leaders and members of tne mob only in the courts of the j.tate of Louisi ana , while the widows and children of j the Italian subjects who suffered death have a right to sue each memoer of j the mob , not only in the state court.I I but also before the federal tribunals ; for the district of Louisiana. Pro vision is made in the revised civii code of Louisiana for the redress ofuch grievances as the widows ? and children of the victims of a mob may plead , j [ Blaine here quotes from the statutes j | i of Louisiana , and continues. ] The ; i government of the United States would ' feel justified in resting on the .ir < ru- ; i incut and conclusion of Webster if the ' mob of March 14. 1891. did not in | I I some of its characteristics differ from j i the mob of 1851. But it is due to can- dor , duo to this government and due , 1 to the jrovernment of Itaiy to point , | i out certain differences of which the i government of the United States is honorably bound to take notice. In 1 the case of the mob of 1SJ1 Web-ter ' . asserts that no personal injury was ' offered to any one : "that the police i and other leu'tl authorities did all that 1 was possible to preserve the peace and ' arrest tne rioters ; that the mob acted , in the heat of blood , and not in pur. i ; suance of any premeditated plan or purpose of injury or insult : that the mob was composed of irresponsible persons , the names of none of whom are known to the jrovernment of the United States nor , so far as the gov ernment is informed , to its officers in New Orleans. " As promptly as pos sible after the lamentable occurrence I at New Orleans the president directed the attorney gen eral to cause , through his department , a full inquiry to be made into ail the facts in connection therewith , and solicited his opinion whether any crim- inal proceedings would lie under-the federal laws in federal courts against persons charged with the killing of Italian subjects. He has not yet re ceived the official report. If it be found that a prosecution can DO main tained under the statutes of the United States the case will bo presented to the- according to the usual next grand jury 'methods of criminal administration. But if it bo found , as seems prooablo , that criminal proceedings can only be taken in the courts of Louisiana , the i president can in this direction do no than the state officers I more urge upon the duty of promptly bringing the offenders to trial. This was done m his telegram to the governor of Louisi ana of March 15. If it shall result that the case can bo prosecuted only in the state courts of Louisiana and the usual judicial investigation and procedure under the criminal law is- not resorted to , it will then be the- duty of the United States to consider whether some other form of redress- may be asked. It is understood that the state grand jury is now investi gating the affair , and while it is pos sible that the jury may fail to present indictments , the United States can noU assume that such will be the case. The United "States did not by the treaty with Italy become the insurer of the lives or property of Italian sub jects resident within our territory. No government is able , however high its civilization , how vigilant its po lice supervision , however severe its criminal code , and however prompt and inflexible its criminal administra tion , to secure its own citizens against violence promoted by individual malice or by sudden popular tumult. A for " eign" resident must bo content in sush cases to share the same redress that is offered by law to a citizen , and has no- just cause of complaint or right to ask the interposition of his country if the courts are equally open to him for re dress of his injuries. The treaty in the first , second , third , and. notably in the twenty-third articles , clearly limits the rights guaranteed to citizens of the contracting powers in the territory of each to equal treatment and to free ac cess to courts of justice. Foreign res idents are not made a favored class. It is not believed that Italy would de sire a more stringent construction to her duty under the treaty. Where in jury inilicted upon a foreign resident is not the act of the gox'ernment or of its officers but of an individual or of a mob , it is not believed that a claim for indemnity can justly be made unless it shall be made to appear that the pub lic authorities charged with the peace of the community have connived at this unlawful act. or , having a timely notice of the threatened danger , have gence in taking necessary precautions f as to amount to connivance. If. there ' fore , it should appear that among I ! those killed by the mob at New Or 'I leans there were some Italian subjects who were resident or domiciled in the city agreeably to our treaty with Italy and not in violation of our immigra tion laws , and who were abiding in the I peace of the United States and obey ' ing the laws thereof and of the state of Louisiana , and that the public offi cers charged with the duty of protect ing life and property in that city con nive ? ! at the work of the mob' , or upon proper notice or information of the i threatened danger , failed to take any steps for proper protection ; ind after wards to bring the guilty to trial , the presdent would , under such circum stances , feel that a case was estab lished that should be submitted to the consideration of congress with a view to the relief of families of the Italian subjects who have lost their hves by lawless violence. Accept , sir. the re newed assurance of my high consider ation. JAMES G. BLAINE. Ninety Pcrnoiis Drowned. SAN FKANCISCO. Cala. , April 20. The steamship Mononowi , which arrived J rived from Sidney and Honolulu , brings intelligence that the British ship ' / ' ' St , Catherine was wrecked otl the Car oline islands and ninety persons drowned. The Hawaiian superintend ! ' ent of the census states that the pre liminary summary of the population of f t the kingdom gives a total of 90.000 11 . Native Hawaiians persons. , either of pure or mixed blood , are in the minor ity , their numbers having decreased 8 per centv while the number of Hawaiian born foreigners has increased 36 per ceiit. The contest for the reichstag in Gcestemunde is so close that it is not known whether Bismarck is elected or not. L.1YK STUCK .4X1) I'KOUVGK MAKKnrS. Quotation * from Xcie 1" / . - , CJiic.ijo , St. /xiiM , Onittliit ninl JCliaicutrz , OMAHA. UnllvT Cienini'tv 25 < J& 25 Ktitter Country Roll s fc 1 Mess Pork Per bbl ! .1 i ( ittS M IXK : Fresh l-Z'/sfe n Hone\ , per Ib ib < ia J21 Chickens dre-sed 1C ( g. M Turkeys Dres.-ed 14 ftn 15 Oranpe 3 . " ' ) ft 5 < ( ) Carrot Per bbl i 00 . ( & L' IT. IjOinons J a ) ( ft r. OJ Beets Per bbl a 7T M. : i , , Onions Per bb GO1) ft 6 .Vl Rean Naue- > a SO ( Ti i fit : AVool Fine , uuwaslicd. per K > . . . 1C < < t 17 Potatoes : 1 i" & 1 H5 } { ppts i cr bbl S 7T. 'i : ? 03 Apples Per bbl rf OJ % G SO I lay Per ton 11 00 'itIO Ho ; : * Mised packing i 8. > ftJ 0" I IIous > Heavy weight ? * ST fo 5 10 A ' , : Hceres Choice kteers "i 45 . / 5 sj Sheep Natives a 73 < 5 \ ; Ni\V YOKK. \Vheat-No.2red 1 l.VfTt. i 171 Corn No. a 70 . , a K ) Oat Mixed uextern 57 < Qi t i Pork 13:0 tcH 00 Lurd 6 S ) 7 OJ CHICAGO. - . ' Wheat Per bushel 105 f& 1 fir 3. . Corn Pf bn hel CU To 70 Oats Per.bushe 54 jj f y Lard 6 70 < Jj g jo' ; Hoes Packing and --hippin . 4 i ) ® 5 10 C.ittle Prime steers 4 50 < & 6 3 * > Sheep Natives 5 2j 5 75 bT. LOUIS. Cash 1 OS a Corn Per bushel fijj < ; > Oats Per bushel ffxi ( i o.v Hogs Mixed packing 4.7) @ . 5 10 Cattle Feeders 300 41400 KANSAS CITY. Wh t No.2 W < 2J 1 00 Corn No. 3 KJ tin 0.l Oatt No. 2 s- ( 5 * 5 ! CattleS-Stockeri a.u4 feeder * 2 2S a 4 " , llogt ilued 3 go t < Q 5 w ' -J& A