THE M'COOK TEIBUNE. F. ] tt. KIKEBUBLLt Publisher. McCOOK , NEB. STATE NEWS. NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. The no-license ticket was success ful in Juniata. No-license carried by a majority of 13 in Uficeola. Work has commenced on Cass co'unty's new court house. Diphtheria is prevailing to an alarming extent in Beatrice , President Harrison will be in Omaha May 13th , remaining several hours. hours.Hon. Hon. Perry Walker of' Odell , was stricken with palsy last week , and is not expected to recover. R. T. Martin of Rising City has three broken ribs , which came from owning a vicious horse. The residence of R. C. . London at TJJysses was destroyed by tire as the result of a defective Hue. Oliver Goodroe of Unadilla has been sent to the reform school on the grounds of incorrigibility. The Polk county alliance passed resolutions condemning Gov. Boyd for vetoing the Newberry bill. A large number of people are at work in the state house preparing ihe session laws for the printer. ' On a recent Sunday 56 persons were received into membership in the Congregational church at Crete. Fulton Cramer of Nickerson is under arrest charged with committing a rape upon Mrs. Sarah Spangler. One hundred civil and eight crim inal cases were disposed of at the last term of the district court of Cherry county. county.Rev. Rev. George Will Jams has resigned the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Niobrara and removed to Mitchell , S. D. George D. Wallace , a prominent farmer near Rising City , has become violently insane as a result of an at tack of la grippe. John Flaherty , of Plattsmouth , 17 years old , was drowned while at tempting to cross the Missouri river in a skiff near that city. Omaha will have one or more of the meat inspectors to be appointed by the secretary of agriculture under the national meat inspection act. Dut Lane , who drives the stage between Homer and Winnebago , has been arrested on the charge of robbing an intoxicated stranger of $50. . The Dunn corn harvester and husker manufacturing company of Beatrice has filed articles of incorpor ation with a capital stock of $50,000. John Stawal has sued the Cudahy packing company at South Omaha for $5,000 for the loss of two fingers while operating machinery owned by defendant. T The contract has been closed for the building of a normal university at Superior. The school is to be nonsectarian - sectarian and the main building will cost $40,000. Caleb Spencer , probably the oldest man in Clay county , died at Fairfield , April 6 , aged 95 years. Owen Sween ey , also a resident of Fairfield , died the same day , aged 74. The farm residence of J" . W. Gra ham , four miles south of Beatrice , was destroyed by fire last week with most of the contents. The loss will reach $2,000 ; insured for $700. John Bateman of Tamora has fitted up his sorghum mill with im proved machinery and will be pre pared to manufacture the product of from fifty to 100 acres. Verdigre gives promise of consid erable building the coming summer. Among the substantial improvements is a fine large hotel , which will be commenced in a few days. - The mystery surrounding the find ing of a portion of a human leg in a Lincoln vault has been solved. It was the result of a surgical operation , anc its owner , a boy , still lives. The teachers of Cedar county will hold a summer normal school at Col eridge during the months of July and August. The school will be conducted on the regular normal plan. A car-load of barley from the state relief committee was on the trade at Burwell last week , held by the rail road company in consequence of some back charges to be adjusted. John Robeitson , aged 68 years and one of the leading citizens and old residents of Beatrice died last week of la grippe. The deceased was widely known and esteemed throughout thai section. section.Mrs. Mrs. G. A. Salman , wife of G. A. Salmon of the firm of Salmon & Rainey , Beatrice , died suddenly the other day of heart disease. The deceased was widely known and highly esteemed in the community. Rev. Levicks and McDonald , the evangelists , are holding meetings- the Baptist church at York. The house is crowded and great interest is being taken by the Christian people oi all denominations. Governor Boyd has appointed and commissioned Louis Heimrod of Omaha to succeed Smith Caldwell as state inspector specter of oils. Mr. Heimrod is a well known Omaha grocer and a man of considerable means. A five-year-old daughter of J. W. Bassett , living near Unadilla , met with a fatal accident She was play ing in a barn " with a companion and jumped from the manger to the floor. Her neck was broken in the fall. -A large frame barn owned by Claudius Jones of Seward on his farm northwest of Brainard , burned. The fire started from sparks from a chim. ney in the house of his renter , Fred Taper. There , . . . was . . . a . small . insurance. * * * O _ _ _ J- . . . t „ . . . . , - The depot restaurant , owned and operated by P. W. Owens at Beatrice , was destroyed by fire. The building and contents were completely ruined by the flames. The restaurant had not been running for a few days , which gives color to the theory that the fire was of incendiary origin. llawlins post No. 35 , Grand Army of the Republic , of Beatrice , held a very interesting and largely attended meeting , commemorative of the twen ty-fifth , aniversary of the foundation of the order. Speeches and addresses appropriate to the occasion were de livered by local talent and the affair was an enjoyable success throughout. Train 68 from St. Paul collided with train 55 leaving for Greely. En gine 125 and four freight cars were badly damaged. The caboose , con taining several persons , was thrown partially on one side and H. C. Wolf , representing W. H. Bliss , was pain fully injured , and others received slight bruises. When the janitor started to lower the chandelier in the Congregational church at York the night , the fasten , ings gave way. and the chandelier fell to the floor striking the janitor on the head as it fell. Every lamp was ex tinguished during the descent or there might have been a codflagration. The fine chandelier is a total wreck. Frank Sharp , about 15 years old , of Logan county , while out hunting , accidentally shot himself. Some shot entered his left breast ; about a half a dozen shot struck him in the face ; one shot struck each ear , and the thumb and first three fingers of the left hand were torn olT. His hand had to bo amputated and at last accounts he was in a critical condition. Health Officer Bartram , of Lin coln , is authority for the statement that there is an epidemic raging in that city known as "pink eye. " He says there are probably 1.500 cases of the disease among both children and adults. The symptoms are inflama- ti5n and swelling of the eye lids and the whites of the eye balls turn a-pink- ish color. At Fremont Peter Beck , charged with on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road , was found guilty and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. H. S. Grin- si itt , charged with the same offense , pleaded guilty and received the same sentence. Brome , charged with grand larceny , pleaded guilty and received one year in the penitentiary. H. S. Potter and wife , two of the oldest and most beloved citizens of Ainsworth , died last week of pneu monia , superinduced by la grippe. They were eighty-six years old , were married in 1841. They never had any children and five days before their death took their bed together , when they died within about three hours of each other. They were buried to gether. gether.Officer Officer Jesse Newman ( colored ) proposes to have satisfaction out of Jack Hopewell , the proprietor of the Keystone chop house in Omaha , where the riot took place. He has brought suit in which he asks that he be awarded $2,000 damages , charging that owing to his color he has been denied certain rights and privileges accorded other American citizens , such as sitting upon a high stool and eating a , 15-cent meal. Under the school law enacted by the legislature it is provided that the election of members of the board of education shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November in each year , at which time there shall be elected five members at large to serve for the term of three years from and including the first Monday of Jan uary following their election , or until their successors are elected and quali fied. ' The date of Adams county's expo sition , races and fair has been changed to September 29 and 30 and October 1 and 2 . The date was changed to get more of the fast trotters. Colonel W. P. McCreary , owner of George Mon day , is making a special effort to make the fall races in Hastings the event in racing circles of central and western Nebraska. Over $4,000 in purses for the two days' racing promises to draw some star horses. The fifth annual session of the Long Pine Chautauqua will be held August 1 to 16. The grounds are the most beautiful in the state. The man agement will do all they can to adapt these natural advantages to the con venience and comfort of the multitudes who attend the Chautauqua. The programme this season will be fully up to the standard of excellence of previous years. The best talent of this and other states will be employed , including several teachers and lectur ers of national reputation. Harry Plunkett , an insane man , escaped from the county farm in Otoe county last week. Plunkett killed a man named McNamara in Nebraska City twenty-eight years ago and was sent to the asylum at Mount Pleasant ; la. , the then territory of Nebraska having no asylum. He was afterward transferred to Lincoln asylum and a short time ago was sent to the Otoe county poor farm as incurable but harmless. It is said he also killed a man at Mount Pleasant , and Nebraska City citizens will rest easier when he is recaptured and returned to the Lin coln asylum. Will the governor call an extra session of the legislature ? is the ques tion of the hour. The governor has intimated that he will call an extra session if he finds that the people de mand it. In case it is called the things that will be considered are rail road legislation , the matter of electingi presidential electors by congressional districts and the apportionment 'for legislative purposes. Leading poli ticians are of the opinion that an ex tra session will be. called but not un til harvest is passed , thus allowing farmer members to attend without neg lecting their crops. , ' ELAINE HEARD MOM. JIE PltrPAllES AX AXBWER TO THE 1TAT.IAX YKESllEK. The Secretary' * Letter Submitted to the Cabinet and Pound to be be Sat isfactory April Return * on Crops The Season Generally Favorable for Seeding Two Federal Appoint ments from Nebraska The Burling ton Determined Not to be Boycotted by Eastern Railroads. Blalneto Rndlnl. WASHINGTON. April 11. Itisknown hero that Secretary Blaine has pre pared an answer to the message of Premier Kudini. The fact of the preparation of Secretary Elaine's reply is not only well understood , but it is stated , moreover , that the secretary's letter was submitted to the president and cabinet and found to be satisfac tory. In view of circumstances it is asserted with considerable confidence that the letter of Secretary Blaine already has been sent to the Marquis Rudini , though whether it was com municated by mail or telegraph is not known. If the former method were adopted the Italian premier it is be lieved , was apprised of the fact. It is suggested also as very probable that intimations have been conveyed of the advisability of conducting the diplom atic negotiations between the two countries with less publicity. For these reasons it is thought to be almost impossible that today's rumors in Rome can be correct. No information could be secured in official circles here to night relative to the report from.Rome that Italy would close all direct diplo matic intercourse with the United States unless a reply was received to the last message of Premier Rudini on the New Orleans Italian incident. The Rome dispatch was shown to both the president and Secretary Blaine tonight and each returned word that he had nothing to say on the subject. There was a general disposition to discredit the report in unofficial circles. April Returnci on Crops. WASHINGTON , April 11. April re turns to the department of agriculture make the condition of winter wheat 96.9 and of rye 95.4. The season for seeding was favorable over the whole winter wheat area , the soil generally easily worked , the seed bed prepared with unusual care and sowing followed by gentle rains sufficient to properly pack the earth and insure prompt and perfect germination. Suitable weather and soil conditions enabled the farm ers in the Ohio valley stales to put in a full breadth under entirely favorable circumstances and proper combina tions of sunshine and moisture , whica continued until coid weather sent the plant into winter quarters with a sturdy growth and good color. In portions of Kansas and Nebraska the prolonged drouth last summer extended into the period of seeding , interfering some what and rendering germination slow , but seasonable weather during the late fail and early winter was sufficient to offset the disadvantage of the iate start. The entire season was favor able in California , while in Oregon the dry seed bed received moisture in time to secure good though iate growth. The weather was generally mild over the whole area , and while the snow fall was comparatively light , it came when most needed. pro tecting the plant during the cold est weather. The Hessian fly , which was feared in December in the central west , is yet in abeyance , but the presence of the pest is noted in many localities and serious injury may follow should the early season prove favorable to its development. Thetgeneral average for condition is ' the 'highest reported for April since 1882 and individual state averages are remarkable for their uniformity. It is 16 points higher than last year and 3 above the returns of 1869. The high April condition docs not insure a large ' yield , but it indicates a strength and vitality which would enable the plant to withstand more than the ordinary vicissitudes of the season. The aver age of condition in the principal states are : New York. 92 ; Pennsylvania , 97 ; Tennessee , 98 ; Kentucky. 97 ; Ohio , 98 : Michigan. 93 ; Indiana , 99 : Illinois , 97 ; Missouri , 96 ; Kansas , 99 : California , 99 , and Oregon , 97. Returns make the percentages of losses among farm animals during the past year of horses 1.7cattle , 3 : sheep , 4 : swine , 8.4. The percentage of loss of "cattle is slightly higher than reported in 1888 and 1889" the scarcity of feed swelling the figures in proportion in Kansas and Nebraska. The losses of sheep are smaller than usual on account of better care , while less disease than usual is reported among swine , though there is a heavy loss in the region of last year's crop failures. Judge Cr outline Appointed. WASHINGTON , April 11. The presi dent has at last filled the vacancy in the treasury caused by the resignation of General Batchellor to accept the mission to Portugal , and. as was excepted - cepted , Judge Lorenzo Crounse of Ne braska has received the appointment. Judge Crounse's fitness and qualifica tions for the position were first brought to the attention of the president by the senators some five or six weeks ago , and after he had made a careful inves tigation into Judge Crounse's qualifica tions the president decided to appoint him and gave Senator Manderson a hint of this character last week. It is ex- pected'that Judge Crounse will take the bath of office and enter upon his new duties immediately. ' Nebraska scored another point'yes- terday when the president appointed ex-Governor Robert W. Furnas commissioner-at-large to the world's fair and Columbian exposition. Ex- Governor Furnas was talked of for a cabinet position and the geographical question was the only thing that pre vented his appointment at the time the cabinet was formed. The appoint ment of Governor Furnas to this place is proof that the agricultural interests of the west will be well looked after in the exposition of 1893. VT1I1 Not be Boycotted. CHICAGO , April 11. General Pas senger Agent Eustis said that the Bur lington will not bo boycotted by east ern roads. "Our objections"he continued , "to ceasing the payment of commissions where we were requested to do so by the board of rulings were based upon sound business principles. The board has answered them fully and freely with such guarantees that we can no longer wisely hold out , especially as a contin uance of our present attitude , we are definitely told by the roads in question , will bring upon us the combined oppo sition of more than one hundred thou sand miles of connecting lines , together with the assistance of many thousand miles more completing with us all through the country where we run. No government could maintain opposi tion to any policy whatever against the united attacks of enemies at home three to one , and enemies abroad fif teen to one. Conditioned therefore upon the faithful performance of prom ises received from them , we have to day telegraphed the board of rulings that we will no longer use our 7,000 miles of road to interfere with their adoption of the policy which they have inaugurated , and that we will pay no commissions , in the prohibited terri tory for business aftei" April 1. No , we are not committed to the advocacy of any policy for or against commis sions. We have not been asked , we have simply agreed on certain condi tions to remove ourselves from their way. " The Journal says : "What those con ditions are could not , only in a general sense , be learned. It is safe to predict , however , and that , too. without violat ing any confidences , that they will not bo carried out. The Irlsli National League Paastes Resolutions and Adjotirnn. CINCINNATI , O. , April 13. The coun cil of the Irish national league of America completed its work and ad journed subject to the call of the pres ident. The following resolutions were adopted : "Whereas , The executive commit tee of the Irish national league of America is without advices from the Irish national ieague at Dublin , and a question is presented requiring an in terchange of views with Charles Stew art Parnell , president , and Timothy Harrington , secretary , of the last named organization ; therefore , be it llesolved , That the president and secretary be instructed to correspond with Messrs. Parnell and Harrington in reference to the matter aforesaid , and especially the letter of John Dil lon received by our president and laid before this committee ; that the presi dent be authorized to suggest the good offices of this organization as arbitra tor with a view to the restoration of harmony and the reconcilement of all differences in Ireland , and to this end that the president at once put himself in communication with the proper par ties in Ireland ; that we recommend a national convention in America , to be held not later than September. 1891. at Baltimore , and the president is hereby instructed to request the pres ence of Mr. Parnell , president of the Irish national ieague , and of the Irish members of parliament at such con vention : that we learn with sincere re gret of the illness of Hon. John F. Armstrong in his native land , an hon ored member of this body , and one of the most faithful and d'evoted Irish men in America , who gave unstintedly of his time and money to the further ance of true national principle ? . We j miss his wise counsel and the manifestation - ! festation of his unbending and sterling ! j integrity , and trust in the providence of God he may be speedily restored to his family and friends and the service of his country : that we do now adjourn , subject to the call of the president , in order to further the work for which \ve are convened , " Signed by all the members. Faii-ltcpnblicaii Congress. WASHINGTON , April 13. The cen tral committee of the pan-repubiican congress paid a visit to the white house , headed by Judge Arnaux , who made a short address to the president , outlining the work accomplished and contemplated by the committee. The president made a brief response , ex pressing his interest in the movement and saying that while he could not speak officially without the authority of congress , his own feelings always have been in sympathy with ail move ments directed toward the enlargement of human ri-rhts. Within the iastfew years , he said , the nations of the earth have been brought to understand each other better , improved methods of communication had brought them closer together and had strengthened the bond of friendship and sympathy. The general committee of the pan- republican congress to be held in 1893 held its second regular meeting today. Champion S. Chase of Omaha pr3- sented the report of the committee on plan and scope and it was unanimously adopted. The executive committee reported a resolution providing that a committee of 200 be incorporated as a humane freedom league to continue as long as there is work for such com mittee to do. The purpose of this league is to support , maintain and bring about the proposed congress in 1893. It is empowered to establish branches in each state to further the cause. Eugene Groom , a Des Moines , la. , student , blew out his brains because of unrequited love. SLEW HER CHILDREN. AWFUL DEJsn OF A XEBRASKA XV- SAXE W03IAX. She Crashes the Heads of Her Two Children TVlth an Axe and Then K11U Herseir-Commendablc IVorK in the Census Bureau at Washing ton President Harrison's Western Trip A Peculiar PenMlon Cane from Kansas The Coming Wheat Crop lu California * An Awful Tragedy In Nebraska. HERMAN. Neb. , April 10. One of the most sickening1 and horrible trag edies that ever occurred was enacted here yesterday morning , and is evi dently the outcome of a long- cherished plan wrought in the brain of a mother as a result of sickness. Mr. Andrew Doll and his family , consisting of a wife aged 30 , a boy and a daughter aged 7 , have resided here for a long1 time and are well respected. Some years ago Mrs. Doll was taken ill and has never since fully recovered. Her disease developed into mania , during' which she planned to murder her little ones and make away with herself. At the time her intentions were discov ered. She was adjudged insane and sent to the state asylum , where she has been until recently , when she was pronounced cured and sent home. Her conduct since her return has been such as to dispel any suspicion of other than the fullest possession of her facul ties , and the home had resumed its wonted tranquility and happiness so long lacked through her absence. Yes terday morning-Mr. Doll rose and went to his work as usual , suspecting- harm. Shortly after his departure , however , Mr. Doll aroused her little ones from their slumbers , took them to the kitchen , and with an axe crushed tlfcir little heads to jelly. Taking up the bodies she replaced them in the bed , nailed up the door , went to the kitchen and drank a strong- decoction of concentrated lye. Climbing out of a window she called to her neighbors to come and see her children whom she said she had slain. A crowd soon gathered and bursting open the door found Mrs. Doll in the kitchen in the agonies of death from the poison , and on the bed lay the almost lifeless but moaning little children. The mother died in horrible con vulsions at I:30. ) and was shortly after followed by the son the daughter lingering until later in the afternoon. Mr. Doll was summoned as Hastily as possible , and is now almost a raving maniac , while the entire community is in a state of gloomy sorrow and horror. Census WorK. WASHINGTON , April 10. Superin tendent Porter is making more rapid progress with the work upon the elev enth census than any of his predeces sors in the last 100 years ever thought of making. The population schedules are all in and tabulated and all the figures by states , by races and under other varied heads have been published from time to time , leaving only the minor divisions , such as towns and vil lages , to be reported. The most im portant matters still pending are the statistics of manufactures , and the work upon them is progressing so rapidly that it will be but a short time before the first bulletins under this de partment will be ready for publication. Some of the opposition newspapers have from time to time jumped upon the work being done by Mr. Porter's bureau , but even the most bitter of these has had to acknowledge the value and importance of the work performed. Everything points now to the collation of statistics under the present census Avhich for care and accuracy will be simply irreproachable , and notwith standing the growling of some disap pointed towns which are not as big as they thought themselves , the general verdict , judging from the letters con stantly received , will be highly corn- alimentary to the man placed in charge of the work by President Harrison. President Harrison's Trip. WASHINGTON , April 10. The itin- ery of the president's tour has been finally prepared. The per onel of the party is not finally determined , but it s believed that Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Dimmick , Postmaster General Wanamaker. Secretary Kusk. Private Secretary Halford , Marshal Ramsdel and E. F. Tibbets. executive clerk , will accompany the president. As sistant General Passenger Agent Boyd of the Pennsylvania road will have general charge of the train , which will start from here next Tuesday morning , going via Chattanooga , Birmingham , Memphis , Galveston and Los Angeles to San Francisco and returning via Portland , Salt Lake City , Denver , Omaha , Springfield and Indianapolis. On the return trip the party will reach Lincoln , Neb. , Wednesday , May 13 , via the B. & M. road , and after a stop of an hour proceed to Omaha , remain ing there until 6 p. m. Springfield , 111. , will be reached at 9:15 May 14 , and , after a stop of an hour , the train will proceed via Decatur to Indianap olis and thence return to Washington. The total distance traveled will be 9,060 miles. A Peculiar Pension Case. ATCIIISON , Kan. , April 10. A pen sion case came to light in this city that seems to confirm the charges made in the newspapers that George E. Lemon , the Washington pension attorney , is favored by the pension bureau. Lucas Brooks , an old colored soldier , several years ago employed Lemon to prosecute his claim under the old law. Discouraged by repeated failures he last week employed T. M. Pierce , an attorney of this place , to - the new lam. application-wider -file his Today ho notified Mr. Pierce tfathi , services were not needed/ ho.hacL just received intelligence from \\ash-j had been allowed , that a pension ngtou he has. He under the new law. says under the , novr never made application until lastweek : ho was prepared law , as to take his chances unaer the old law. . . Brooks cannot write , but signs hto name with a mark. Air. Pierce , whor is an old soldier , says Lemon has evi dently been permitted by the pension , the papers-filed , bureau to substitute under the old law , and thus obtain the. pension provided by the late act. He ; has informed Attorney General Millerj of the case. The Coming Wheat Crop. SAN FRANCISCO , Cal. . April 10. The- Evening Post prints an interview with ; one of the leading grain merchants off the state , regarding the shortage ini wheat , as : : the European crop follows Everything indicates that the price ; of wheat will be higher this year thaa last Six weeks ago the price com menced to go up rapidly and now is $1.55 to $1.60 per cental. Our exporters are selling cargoes for August , September , October , Novem ber and December at the rate of $1.50i or more here. The season's options- i are $1.56 until June , and the yeai- options are quoted at $1.57J. These- options are the best indications of the prices which will prevail during and after the harvest , and the next crop will bring $150 or more per cental. The acreage of wheat this year in Cal ifornia is very large , perhaps larger than ever before. Every part of tha state is all right except the San- Joaquin - quin valley. There the rain fall has not been sufficient to give the growers any margin. If , however , during this- month they should get two or three- inches more of rain it will give the- growers of the valley the largest crop perhaps they ever had. Annual Kcport of the C. , B. d ; Q. BOSTON , Mass. , April 10. The an nual report of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railroad has been given out. ' No mention is made of the Burlingtoa & Northern. Gross earnings. $27- 726,000 ; operating expenses , taxes , rental and interest on bonds , etc. , $25- 193,000 ; net earnings , $2.533.000.- Added to this were interest dividends , received and net land receipts , making- a total of $3,517,000 ; dividends paid , 5 per cent , $3,820,000 , leaving a deficit , of $302,000. The report says : "So large a part of the country served by the company's lines depends on the corn crop that , any serious damage to that staple must affect the business. The effect of the- bad crop will be only temporary , how ever. Our more serious difficulties come from laws which do not allow us to do business on business principles. The law prohibits pooling , the most convenient if not the only effective form of associated action , and it re mains to be seen whether any substi tute can be found to check the tend ency to unreasonably low prices which always prevail with independent ac tion. Without some method of effect ive co-operation competing lines must' become bankrupt and in the end con- ' " solidate. There are signs of a grow ing belief , both in and out of congress , . ' that tne interstate law should be- amended. The law has cost and is costing the country millions of dollars and that the public can find it for its. , interest to long maintain laws which . make that property unnecessarily and unnaturally hazardous and unprofitable wo ild seem impossible. " Wanamaker Coining Wet. WASHINGTON , Am-ii 9. Postmaster- General Wanamaker and Secretary of. the Navy Tracy have decided to ac company President Harrison on his "swing around the circle. " Private Secretary Haiford lias not yefc decided whether he will be able to go , and will je governed largely by the condition , of his wife's health. Mrs. McKee wil } also probably make one of the party , although that has not been definitely : ' decided , either. The party will leave here on Tuesday of next week. II. An export duty on hides has been- imposed on Urugua- . At the meeting of the Union League- club in New York a letter was read from Father Thomas E. Sherman , ac knowledging the receipt of and ex tending the thanks of the family for resolutions adopted on the death of his father , General Sherman. T.ITK STOCK 1'llO/HlCK SlAKKRrS. . Quotations from Xeie \ ' < n-Ic. CUle.a'jo , St. . J.viilx , Oinatiit mut Jftieicjim-a. OMAHA. nutter Creamerv 25 © 28 JJutter Country Roll 13 ( & o Me s Pork Per bbl 1201 Gi:2 50 KCKS Fresh \Z < fry . Honey , per Ib 13 lie i Cbick'ens dressed 9 5 10 Turkejs Dressed 13 fit 15 Oranges 3a @ 5 00 Carrots Per bbl 2 00 ( eft ' ! 2.1 Lemon * 3 50 < & 5 03 Beete Per bbl : 75 < 3 > 3 00 Onions Per bb Q oj ( & 6 SO Bean * Navies a 50 < & U BO- Wool Fine , unwashed. p r ffi 16 & 17 I I : Potatoes 1 15 < a 1 30- Keets Per bbl i 75 @ 3 00- Apples Per bbl 6 ( rj © 8 W > Hay Perton HO ) < aiinO Hogs Mixed packing 4 30 < a 4 80 Hoes Heavy weight ! 470 < a 4-80 BPCTCS Choice steers 4 S ) < 5t 5 55 SLeep Natives 75 @ 5 10 S1ZW YORK. Wheat Jfo. 2 red i 16J 'S 1 16.V Corn-No. 2 77 & 78 " . OaU Mixed western 57 @ 61 13 2" ( ai37 : > 0 80 @ 0 85 CHICAGO. 103 < ai02 Corn Per bushel " m a M r g § : Oatj-Perbuebo gg Po 1220 01232 L * SSO < a UJ2 HORS Packing and shipping. 400 < a far Cattle Prlrae steers _ 570 & . 5 8S Sheep It atlres 500 © e 12yf i ST. LOUIS. ' < ' : : : . --J : : : . : " " % Oau-Per bushel = Hocs-Xfcecl pack-toff. ; . ' . I 4 5T Cattle Feeders 3 w © 400' KANSAS CITY.n > T w ' < a es 'St . . . . . . . . KM . ,3 , > " Cattle -Stockeri and feeders. . . . . 3 25 ' ® 4.15 * Hcgt jUXtdM . , iV m , . . . . , .3