The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1891, Image 3

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I had been troubled five months
with Dyspepsia. The doctors told
me it was chronic. I had a fullness
after eating and a heavy load in the
pit of my stomach. I suffered fre
quently from a Water Brash of clear
matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick
ness at the Stomach would overtake
me. Then again I would have the
terrible pains of Wind Colic. At
such times I would try to belch and
could not. I was working then for
Thomas McHenry , Druggist , Cor.
Irwin and Western Ave. , Allegheny
City , Pa. , in whose employ I had
been for seven years. Finally I used
August Flower , and after usine iust
one bottle for two weeks , was en
tirely relieved of all the trouble , I
can now eat things I dared not touch
before. I would like to refer you to
Mr. McHenry , for whom I worked ,
who knows all about my condition ,
and from whom I bought the medi
cine. I live with my wife and family
a't 39 James St. , Allegheny CityPa.
Signed , JOHN D , Cox. ®
G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer ,
Woodbury , New Jersey , U. S. A.
The Soap
is Lenox.
One of the most important organs of the
human body is the LIVER. WHcn it fails to
properly perform its functions the entire
system becomes deranged. The BRAIN ,
10 perform their work. DYSPEPSIA , CON
EASE , etc. , are the results , unless some
thing is done to assist Nature in throwing
of ! the impurities caused by the inaction
of a TORPID LIVER. This assistance so
necessary will be found in
Prickly Ash Bitters !
U acts directly on the LIVER , STOMACH
and KIDNEYS , and by its mild and cathartic
effect and general tonic qualities restores
ihese organs to a sound , healthy condition ,
and cures all diseases arising from these
causes. It PURIFIES THE BLOOD , tones
up the system , and restores perfect health.
11 your druggist does not keep it ask him to
r.rder it for you. Send 2c stamp for copy of
"THE HORSE TRAINER , " published by us.
fiole Proprietors , ST. LOUIS ,
A True Combination of MOCHA ,
Picture Card Given
With every pound package. For
Sale every where. ffcelioaBpieeC < uT6Wo.O.
S For Saloon Fixtures. Billiard and Fool Table * .
Billiard Supplies and Bar Ulm-x tend to THK
CO. , < 13 113 So. Uth strtot , Oiu ca , Xeb.
i- * f.JZ to 3 Iba. per month by harmless herbal
f \ \ \ fremedies. / . No starrinc , no inconvenience
* - V , * ' * , ' 'and no bad effect * . Strictly confidential.
pcnd Be. for circnlnn and testimoninlfi. Address l r.
tt W.F. SNYDER. 23 State Etreet. Chic&co. IIU
, D. C.
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lute Principal Examiner U.S Pension Bureau.
3 yrs in last tror. IS adj ndl eating claims , atty stiioe.
CFUTC make 100 FEB CENT. Profit , on my Corsets.
* Belts , Brushes , Cnriers & medicines. Sam-
ttpiesfBEL Write now. Dr. Bndgman.snB'way.N.Y.
Chained Io the Hock
rromothetiB was chained to the rock while
vultures znawed his Intrulls. Ho uro many
people chained to the rock of prejudice
vrhllc all manner of violent rnedlcInCH inlllct
Injury upon the sensitive lining of the
stomach and Intestines. They uro appar
ently Immovable In the belief that to ex
perience benefit they mu t keep closing with
drastic medicines. Unless the action of
these l.s powerful and excessive , they are
act satisfied. They would distrust a rem
edy of gentle action , however effective. It
is not by such purblind extrcrnistR 8 ihese
that the acknowledged merits of Hosteller's
Stomach Bitters are recognized. That be
nign regulator of the stomach , the bowels
and the kidneys appeals to the rational
not only appeal * , but Is awarded a just val
uation. .Constlpation.JIrw' oornuiunt. dys
pepsia altd kidney troubles yield to its ao-
So also do malaria and rheumatism *
Lacing of ? Ioiikey .
Some experiments have recently
been made as the effect of tight lacing
on monkeys. Pemale monkeys were
put into plaster-of-paris jackets , to
imitate stays , and a tight bandage put
around the "waist to imitate a peticoat
band. Several died very quickly , and
all showed signs of injury resulting
/rom the treatment. Of course , with
the human being , generations of use
has bred a tolerance so that while we
do not find such immediate fatal re
sults , those who are capable of form
ing an opinion yet know that the con
striction of the vital organs of the
body caused by tight lacing is contin
ually working mischief within. Brit
ish Medical Journal.
To DUpcl Cold * ,
Headaches and Fevers , to cleanse the
system effectually , yet gently , when
costive or bilious , or when the blood is
impure or sluggish , to permanently
cure habitual constipation , to awaken
the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac
tivity , without irritating or weakening
them , use Syrup of Figs.
Even vinegar has to woik In order to be
worth an\thing.
A Itaropenit Face Preparation.
LADIKS. Don't put cheap and Injurious preparations
on your face ; use the harmlcbi , cluur as * ater , no sedi
ment , no lead or injurious article , "YouTitll-EXK , "
brought from Europe. It remotes redness of nose ,
effects of wind and tun , pimpler. and lieaU sore nee ;
an elegant thing to use after haing for men. Males
tklusoft , > elTctynnd imparts a I'EAKLT COBM.EXIO * .
No Mich an article was e er een before. 12 a package ,
or three for IS. enton melptof pilce. Am. 1'ill &
Med. Co. , royalty proprn. . Spencer. la. Druggists sup-
oiled b.r Blake. Bruce & Co. , Omaha , Xeb.
An owner of a butting property The resi
dent who keeps a goat.
quickly relieved by BUOWN'S BKOXCHIAI ,
TitociiES. A simple and effcctual'i-cinedy ,
superior to all other articles for the same
purpose. Sold only in boxes.
A woman worth her weight in gold Is
worth waiting for.
1 read what Mr. Bel ) f aid about making 80 per month.
Jalso btnt to the Standard Silver Ware Co. , Essex bt. .
Boston , Mass. , and received a fine case of sample * . 1
touk nrden ) the tint day that paid me S10 profit ; made
MO the Urxt week , at the end of one month 1 had 1115
clear profit. Any one can pet circulars and agency by
writing the above firm. 1 nope others may profit by
my experience. Yours Truly , W. F. WILLIAMS.
Denver boasts of one 'hundred manufac-
Dim. Wiuulovr's SoothiucSyrnp , for Chil
dren teething , softens thcpums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 2oc. a bottle.
There are over 10Q miles of street caved
with \ \ oed in London.
Dr. Le Dnc'a Periodical Fill *
Are warranted to relieve tardy , irregular and delayed
menstruations. Establit-hrd in Kurope in 18.19 , England
1E50 , Canada , 1877 , United State ? . 1SX7. We sell this
French pill at ts a box or three for IT. Wo warrant
three boxes to I elleve monthly irregularities or refund
the money. There goods can be sent per mail on re
ceipt of money. .We are an incorporated stock com
pany with the greater part of ourcapilal stock of f.'OO-
000 already taken. Am. Till < fc Med. Co. , royalty pro
prietors , biiencer , la , "Wholesale , Blake. Bruce & Co ,
Omaha. Ketall , Goodman Drug Co. , Omaha.
APcii all-round musician the organ-grinder
has fetv equals. "
"When Baby was sict , we gave her Castoria ,
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria ,
London , with a population of 5,000,000 ,
supports 19 public Latlis.
Gilbert's Dress t-lniups , Best In the World.
Every Intelligent Lady and Dressmaker knows K.
Genclne L-imd.s have name on selvaeo.
The father gathers his dollars in cents ; his
sou scatters the cents in dollars.
IIoImauN Liver Pad * .
Holmaii'sLiicr Fads.cure MALARIA.
Holmon'a Livtr Fa cure BILUOUSXE .
Hultnan'M Liver 1'mlx cure IXDIQESTIOV.
Pamphlet free ith full irs metion anil commendation
tionHoufAX LIVER FAI > Co. , F. O. Box S1U , N. Y.
You can't do a mean thing uithout despis
ing yourself afterward.
If sore afflicted eyes , with usa } Thompson's Eye Water.
' Ponltlrely cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dig-
trex from
ITTLE rtlgeition Eating. A atidTooHearty perfect rem
edy forDizzineta.Nausoa
IVER Drowsiness , Bad Taste
in the Month. Coated
PILLS. Ton Tue.Pain in the Side.
regulate the Bowels.
Purely Vegetable.
Price 25 Cent * ;
Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price ,
the woman who doesn't use
Pear line ; the woman who fails
to have her servants usePear/-
ine. "She fails to see what is
- good for her ; she fails to have
what is best for her.
Without Pear line , wash
ing and cleaning is drudg
ery and toil , and wear and
tear , and rub , rub , rub.
With it , there is no hard work ,
id no harm to the finest things ;
there is little 0r no rubbing. Use
V ' * Pear line , and rest from your labor ;
the rest of your labor thehardestpart isdoneby/V0r/z &
The-woman has fore-sight who refuses the'imitations of Tearline offered
by peddlers and unscrupulous grocers , which they claim to be "same as
-Pemdime , " or "as.good as Perline.i' IT'S FALSE besides , Pearline
L. nerer | > edaied. I J , , * > - JAMES PYLE , New York.
l $ * l - ' * - ' * ' ' * ' - _
Model Girl Uuyluu a Stamp.
"One cent stamp , please. "
It was a young und pretty woman
who said this in the postofllce the
other day. She was at the head of a
long1 line of men waiting to be served ,
and every man expected there would
be one of those long : exasperating de
lays that usually occur when a woman
steps up to a stamp window.
But nothing of the kind happened
and everybody was pleasantly disap
pointed. In the first place , she bad
the exact change , and again , when she
got the stamp she did not stop to ask
questions or wait to aflix it to her let
ter. She simply took her purchase
and went away unmindful of the broad
side of admiring glances she received.
She was a model young woman.
A NC\T Discovery and Specific.
For the cur * of all chronic dUeae * found in "KlDD'l
UKBH EBADICATOR. " that is warranted to cure all dU-
eae . becau e It Icllln the microbe In the air caucing
Catarrh , Coniumptlon , Blood Disorders , Concert , Tu
mor * , Diabetes , Bright' * Dlteae , Kcrrma , Scrofula ,
and all to-called Incurable digecfd , cauced by thli
little mojrot getting in the blood , requiring a constitu
tlonal treatment , hence the qualities of the remedy re-
oulred. Retailed In 12 , (3 and 15 tize * . Sent on re
ceipt of price. We Irene a guarantee. Am. Pill A
Ued. Co. , royalty piopr'g. , bpeiucr , la. Druggist *
kupplled by Blake , Bruce i Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Thing * Worth Kno'wliig.
Clean piano keys with a soft rag
dipped in alcohol.
To clean a black silk dress use a
sponge dipped in strong black tea ,
To keep brass work bright rub with
a rag dipped in salt and vinegar.
Take egg stain from silver by rub
bing with avet rag which has been
dipped in common table salt.
When broiling steak keep the blaze
caused by the dripping fat from rising
by sprinkling the coals with salt.
To drive away ants scrub the peaces
they freqyent with a strong suds made
of carbolic soap , after which sprinkle
red pepper in every crevice.
To clean a teakettle take it away
from the fire and wash off with a rag
dipped in kerosene , followed by a rub
bing with a dry llannel cloth.
To clean ceilings that have been
blackened by smoke from a lamp wash
off with rags that have been dipped in
soda water.
Chloride of lime should be scattered
at least once a week under sinks and
all other places where sewer gas is
liable to lurk.
A bread-and-water poultice is made
by dipping a piece of bread , after the
crust has been removed , into hot
water. Lift it out at once , and apply
as hot as can be borne.
A Cornlfch Custom.
'Of the more modern and wholly
quaint and innocent customs of Corn
wall a few pleasant illustrations may
be cited. The fish wives of ancient
St. Ives are an incorrigible lot. Should
you visit the town at the height of
pilchard fishing , and enter the dark
cellars where hundreds of women and
girls are engaged in "bulking , " or
salting , the fish , scores of grinning
Amazons will rush at you , and the
fleetest one will uauo your snoes gen
erously with the odorous fish oil which
has drained from the piles of curing
fish. This is called "wiping the shoe , ' '
and if you do not respond with tribute
of at least a half crown for luck of the
"fair maids that feed and clothe the
poor" that is , the pilchard fishes ;
your subsequent "hustling" by these
savory wenches will certainly cost you
a new suit of clothing. The same cus
tom , save that the daubing is done
with "miner's clay , " prevails within
the mines , where the stranger is ex
pected to pay something for his initia
tion into their mysteries. Edgar L.
Wakemau in New York Sun.
The Barber Was Ready *
An old veteran told this as happen
ing at Savannah during the war :
A young officer , who was pretty
much of a bully , stepped in at a tonsorial -
serial saloon. Drawing his sword he
ordered the barber to shave him , at
the same time warning him that if he
cut his face or drew a drop of blood
he would kill him when he got up.
The operation was performed without
accident. Before he went out , how
ever , the bully asked the artist if he
was not very much frightened while
he was doing the work.
The barber smiled.
"Not in the slightest , " he replied ;
"for if I had accidentally drawn a drop
of blood I would nave cut your throat
from ear to ear before you could have
moved. " ' Atlanta Constitution.
A man who has prat-ticcd medicine for -JO
years , ought to know salt from sugar ; read
i\ hat he says :
TOLEDO , O. , Jan. 10 , 1887.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney it Co. Gentlemen :
I have been in tlie general practice of
medicine for mo t 40 j car. , and would say
that Jn all my practice "and experience have
never seen a pieparation that 1 could pre
scribe with as much confidence of success as
1 can Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufactured by
you. Have prescribed it a great many times
und its effect is wonderful , and would say in
conclusion that 1 have yet to find a case of
Catarrh that it would not cure , if they would
take it according to 'directions.
Yours trulv.
Office. 215 fcummit St.
\Vc will give § 100 for any case of Catarrh
llint I'nimnt 1 ntirpil Titfli Unll's (7itnrrll
Cure. Taken internally.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Props. , Toledo , O.
by Druggists , 75 c.
To Cut Ga * M 1th Scl or .
One can cut glass with a scissors as
easily as though it were an autumn
leaf. The entire secret consists in
plunging- the pane of glass into a tub
of water , submerging also the hands
and the scissors. The scissors will cut
in straight lines. " without a ilaw. This
result is achieved in consequence of
the absence of vibration. If the least
portion of the scissors is leftoutof the
water the vibration will prevent the
The lergest Furniture and Carpet home
west of Chicago is located at Omaha , Neb. ,
Cbaa. Shiverick < k Co. . Proprietor ! . They
have an immense establishment , occupying
half a block of five-story stores on Faruam
street , and every floor is packed with the
most elegant designs in carpets , draperies ,
and tbr leading novelties in the furniture
line. Jf you contemplate buying write them
for part _ culaTvprJc $ etc. , or call and see
their-goods ivheu'vou visit Ofnaha , whether
you buy or not. They take pleasure in thow
ing people through their establishment ,
which Is equal to any in Chicago. '
Youth Jleatored.
, Is your meiital""Tl" dark ! naveyou
noainbliion ! Is wJUy not enticing I Is your invm.
orytbortt Havti jou night > weat ! I married llfo
un atl fctoryl L > o you not earn foriociety of ladled
If to , rend for "Tne On JUT KJIEXCU ! 'iic CKjnio.y , "
formerly of France , and if it do * not chaugo your a. -
plratlonx , let us know and hl Incorporation will re
fund your money. It In a ipeclflc for ail cuch trouble * .
In bert it rentorcs that rltallty that belonc * to health.
I ill youth , bent prepaid permall on receipt of price ,
13 a package or 3 for tt , by Am. I'll ! ft lied. Co. ,
loyally prop' * . , Spencer , la DiuvKlit * iiupplled by
liluke , Bruce & Co. , Omaha.
An IncenioiiB Invention.
An automatic machine which forms ,
fills , weighs and seals packages has
been invented , and is intended for use
where large quantities of tobacco ,
soda , starch , etc. , are put up. Its
operations , 'while curious , are simple
the working gear consisting of a
series of forming blocks , receptacles ,
folders , gummers and feeders , which
produce the package smoothly and
continuously. The forming blocks
size the paper , which is afterward in
stantly wrapped around them ana"
folde'd and gummed at the end. The
paper sacks thus made are then plunged
into receptacles , filled , folded on top
and sealed. The inventor claims that
if the machine is worked to its full ca
pacity it will pay for itself in 275 days.
Ever since 18CI there have been women
( more each year ) who claim that there is no
soap half as good , or ns economical as Deb
bins' Electric. There must be some truth
In their claim. Try it , see how much. Your
grocer has it.
It is estimated official ! v that thegross ex
pense of the World's Fair will reach 31-
500,000. _
Gus. A. DUBOIE , a well known resident of
St. Louis , says : "I have used several bottles
tles of Prickly Ash Bitters for biliousness
and malarial troubles , so prevalent in this
climate , and heartily recommend it to all
afllicted in a like manner. It is the best
remedy I ever used. " _
Tou can't do your neighbor an injury
without hurting ydursclf.
Home is said to be growing faster than any
other European city.
and all ACHES
Too targe
the old-fashioned pill. Too
reckless in its way of doing
business , too. It cleans you
out , but it uses you up , and
your outraged system rises up
against it. Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets have a better way.
They do just what is needed
no more. Nothing can be
more thorough nothing is as
mild and gentle. They're the
smallest , cheapest , the easiest
to take. One tiny , sugarcoated -
coated granule's a gentle lax
ative three to four are ca
thartic. Sick Headache ,
Constipation , Indigestion , Bil
ious Attacks , and all derange
ments of the Liver , Stomach
and Bowels are promptly re
lieved and permanently cured.
IWl ftm rl W U ATictlm of youth ,
ful Imprudence , canning lrematuie Decay Xcnon
Debility , Lott ManUood , &c. , havmc tried In vBluerei
XdS ! MMMM SALVED . - , § O &
4wwmwmL TIME * =
: PA. U
Cures Constipation
nnd Sick Headache.
Free samples at all druggist or 31 ! ) W. 15th SU.N.Y-
SM to $100 n month and expensu * .
Wormy Fruit and Leaf Blight of Apples , Pears , Cherries. CVPCl ClflD SPKAYINQ
Grape and Potato Hot , Plum Curcnlia.prorented by nainst CAuCLOlUll OPTFITS.
iug all injnriona ( nsecta toFrnita mailed free. Jnrge NtocU of Fruit Trees , Tinea.
and Berry L'lanta at Bottom Prices. Address WAI. STAI1JL , Qnlncj , Ilia.
P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best Easiest to use.
Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For
Cold in the Head it has no equal.
It is an Ointment , of which a smr.ll particle is applied to the
nostrils. Price , COc. Sold by druggists or sent by mail.
Address * E. T. HAZEL-TINE , Warren , Pa.
Ladle * , aik DrugiUt for ( MOttitcr't n ; ( i * Diamond Eramd in Kcd and Caul metallic
boxes Kiled with bine ribbon. Tnke no other Vlnd. Rtftut S-ututituticmt and Imitation * .
All pill in puiebomrd boiei , pink wrapptrt. are danrtrou * counterfeit * . At Draggiiu. or ( end 01
4 < r. in iurap for pirticnliri , tntiraoniali , and "Keller for Ladle * . " in letttr , bj return Mall.
1OOOO Teitimonials. Fame Paper. CKICHCSTCM CHEMICAL Co. , Hadl.nn Square.
Sold by U Local J > rncgliU. P1I1L.AWKL1'J1JLA , J'A.
A cough or cold
is a spy which has
stealthily come inside
the lines of health
and is there to dis
cover some vulner
able point in the fortification of the constitution which is
guarding your well-being. That point discovered the spy
reports it to the enemy on the outside. The enemy is the
changeable winter climate. If the cold gets in , look out
for an attack at the weak point. To avoid this , shoot the
spy , kill the cold , using SCOTT'S EMULSION
of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites
of Lime and Soda as the weapon. It is an expert cold
slayer , and fortifies the system against Consumption ,
Scrofula , General Debility , andall' Ancemic and Wasting
Diseases ( specially in Children ) . Especially helpful for
children to prevent their taking cold. Palatable as
SPECIAL. Scott's Emulsion is non-secret , and is prescribed by the Medical Profession -
fession all over the world , because its ingredients are scientifically combined in such a
manner as to greatly increase their remedial value.
CAUTION. Scott's Emulsion is put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Be sure and
get the genuine. Prepared-only by Scott & Bowne. Manufacturing Chemists , New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
houldim keffieiphouseslooh
: myoumexl >
house cle&nin
Constrains many people to hide the dirt of their kitchens. They make
the kitchen a secret chamber , into which it u forbidden to enter ; but half
the trouble which they-take to hide the dirt and .the disgrace which it en
tails , would . keep the kitchen clean , and. all itg pots and pans bright aa
3 11 J.1 A * Jt O
ft dollar , that is , if they use
a.nppc iEM mm.
Th ! latest novelty In AVlilntlci Is nmdo In
exact Imitation of nCarl > l o6n.Callb < ir Cart ,
rliipe. Tne body IB highly i > ollaliea iintl silt ,
and the bullet nickel plated. In addition
to KB usefulness a a call of uny kind , It wllj
prove a uoatnttructivc Watch Charui.
Th bova Whittle to anyone sending us a Hit of
25 Names ( not Including Merchants or
Dealers of any kind ) of young man residing
In their own town or county.
Sporting Goods Co.
Cures Diseases Without Medicine.
IiiraoTiD JIM. 1 , 181. CoTrrlnralt tanat of Dl * ui
Brad 8e. pontige for FRED
Hluilrste4 Book , 228 pagn ,
eoBtanla < falaab ! laiarma.
lion and l.OOO 1 ettlmoalali
Iron all pirt of Ihr rounlrj
ibowlug rOSITlTKtL'JIES.
, Bp * dllyandKffeetn IIfCnrMilI
DEDILITT. , _ . .
a d Distil ! ' „ * ? Onrlni , Srinml Fibmnillun anil Uliea *
in ciutcdby ladUcrrtloa * la JnBth , Btrried or Singk 1110
Dr.Owen'iKtECTHICINEOrES , Price $1. Try them.
1'all lln. f TRL'SSKS. Cormpondeac * ( trletlr CODflJ nliml.
.Varna tUl. papw. ) 308 .BroaUwar. ST. LOUIS. MO
Bpeelfle for Hysteria , Dlzzlnesi , Fits. Neuralgia , Wak *
fuliie < u ) , llental PtprriMon. ( Softening of the Brain. r
tultinf ; la insanity and leading to misery decar and
death. Premature Old Ajfe. Ilarrennirn. Loin of I'ower
In either MI , Involuntary Loire * , and Spermalorrho
caused br orer-eiertion of the brain , eelf-atm-c or
over-lndnlgenbe. Each bor contains onn month's treat.
Bent , fl aboz. or six for fS , tent by mall pr p ! J.
With each order for < lz boxes , will send purchaser
guarantee to refund money if the treatment falls to
are. Uuaranteea iaeuod and genuine sold only by
11 IO Farnam Street , OXAIIA , .Y
oed News to ladits.
SrwDepartnrr. Btxntlfnl Prttf nil
to Kirrj bub.rrlbrr. OreatCTt offer.
Now'syourtime t < > setordPiifor
our celebrated Tru , tuITm and
Biking Powder. andfctireab atitl-
f ul Gold Band or Moss Ko e Cbina
Tea Set. Dinner Set , Gold Bond
, Moss Ro < e Toilet Set , Watcb.Brnss
Lamp , Castor , Webster's Dictionary and many other
premium ' * . 3K pounds of Tea liv mail on receipt of tZ.
t'orparticulars addressTIIK GgEAT AHRRICAS TSA CO. ,
P. O. Boi 2 . 3iancl 37 V BS = TSX. .
| Cin eaiily tc mule during tbr mooltu of April , Ulj , Jcne , |
July sod AuRoit. by uj tntrcrtlo
| U > hare a > raalt uucle walcb icll < on lUt to llotitterptn
land b tores in ercry part ef th United. Mttlel acJ CacLu.1
If you mf mn boilnna send us a 2-ceat Sump and yea
land full particular ! by return mall. Aitdtnt ,
| 1T. ll.nil.LI 1B.SOS.J4 Xorth rth SU PtlUdf
A Full Set of Teeth for $5 00.
Teeth extracted without pnln or danger by *
new process. Gold and alloy filling at lowest
Offlcc ; Puxton Slock , Omaha , Neb.
I hate a positive remedy for the above disease ; oy ito
use thousands of cases of the worst kind and oflone
standing been cared. Indeed so strong is my faith
in its efficacy , that I will send TWO BorrtEa FEES with
a. VALUABLE TREATISE on this diaeaatotoy af.
ferer who will send me their Express and P.O. address
T. A. Slocura , M. C. , 181 Pearl St. , X. Y.
WHEN THC Ocamcss is c utcs > BT
.wMch It guarantied to A > a I iron-
, 'ftr emt. of cuu ttun all siallar tft-
Tloee eaabiaed. T&ttanetotfu fan
TMlUrclyinE. -
. .
SL J. WAI.E3 , Brldseport. Ceno.
mm *
CURED ruaoTil1 * . will b4 D ilf-l TREE U
* J ? _ _ * * * * * who P ° > 'w ' to reayJ ny Pamphl <
ETpeC the hnmane treitmen : of Cajs Bird. .
* * - Dogs and
domestic Animal * . Afterward ?
the RALTX 01 be lOc. d.Hrered to any P. O. ia th ? S
Canada. Sample of FHoainKto's
Uoase. CArru : .urn
POCLTRT POWDZB , the but. FKEE to ill who scad forit
DB.FKONEFIELD. so.tjox.3ri
SELL MUSIC aryiuseeou
. who win tak
> ubMrlbr lor Woodward' .
JlosloU Month ! T. bend
e complete
84Z Broadwajr. Jfcw York.
W. X. U. , Omaha ,