/ * . - < > tf : ' A- ' " " / * ? - * " ? - * * * " . , / ' * : . I- ! * * * ft , - . . . - , - L VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 10.1891. NUMBER 46. H. LAWLE wishes to announce that his stock of are now on the shelves. Ho does' not claim to have the biggest stock on earth , nor does lie promise what is impossible in prices. But in DRY GOODS , of all kinds , he carries a complete and well-selected stock , and , the quality of goods considered , I also carry a full and fresh stock of G CT K TT" ± JL S I 1 and in this department also I will Meet All Competition ! ive a call and get my prices- L. LAWLER FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS I will offer my entire stock of AT- -Will sell Staple Fancy Groceries As low as anybody. S. W. SELLERS , Babcock Building. McCook , Nebraska. I : DEALERS L SASH , BOOKS , BLINDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. H. KAPKE , The Leader , PRI0ES AND ID STYLISH WORK , Calls attention to the fact that lie lias just received an other shipment of the latest , most stylish spring goods , and that he is prepared to make them np in the most stylish mode and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself. TIIMIIE ] QOINQ EAST CENTRAL TIMK LEAVES. No.2 , through passenger , 5:50 , A.M. No. 4. localpuesenprcr , 5:40 , P.M. No. 78. wny freight 10:25. A.M. J3f Way freight No.130 arrives from west at 4:15 , P.M. . mountain time. GOING WK8T MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 : , A. M. No.5 , local passenger , 0:30 , P. M. JSB Way freight No. 73 arrivesfrom the east at 5:20 , P. M. , central time. Departs at 4:45. P. M. Stops at Stratton , Oenkluman , Hatgler. J2y No. Ji7 ; , Beverly accommodation , leaves at 5:15 , A. M. Returned , arrives at 0:15 A.M. Huns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKT. Agent. I. O. O. F. celebration , York , Neb. , April 27th. Tickets on sale April 24-27 , inclusive. Annual Meeting Nebraska State Medical Society , Lincoln , Neb. , May 12-14. Tickets on sale May 9-14. Passengers paying full fare going will be returned at one-third rate on presentation of certificate signed by the proper officer of the meeting , on guarantee that there has been an attendance of 100 or more who have paid full fare on the going trip. J. HUL.ANISKI. WE "PASS NOBODY. Fireman \Vieblehouse is quite sick. No. G5 is shopped for a general overhauling. Phil Churchh'eld , late of the high line , now 1ms a run out of McCook. Fireman L. D. Reynolds is doing the host ler act , temporarily , at Akron. Traveling Auditor E. O. Brandt was here on company business , yesterday. Sweeny Munson and family go up to Ilaig- ler , tomorrow , on a shoit visit. BgTBuy a house from S. H. Colvin on the monthly instalment plan/and save money. The boys were given their checks , yester day , and the goose hangs correspondingly high. John Fitzpattick , fireman , expects to start on a pleasure trip to Silt Lake City , Utah , in a few days. II. G. Ternll is back from his trip to Iowa , where he has visited a brother whom he had not seen in years. B. F. Wickersham , the handsome and clever roadtnaster of Holyoke , was at head quarters , Tuesday. Engine 164 on train No. 74 , Sweeny Mun son in charge , broke its train trunk , Monday , east of here. No damage. Master Mechanic Archibald went out to Denver , Wednesday , returning on the Golden Gate special , this morning. The second Golden Gate special went through , this morning. It was a solid Pull man train , similar to the first one. It. B. Simmonds and C. T. Watson made sad work among the mud-hens in the vicinity of Cambridge , last Saturday. The boys were loaded for duck , too. Roadtnaster Rogers extended his jurisdic tion of inspecting low joints and boss jerries on the line vacated by C. A. Parsons for a short time Akron to Denver. L. M. May , who has held the position of route agent on the B. & M. between Omaha and this city since August , 1887 , died sudden ly at his home in Falls City , Tuesday of last week. \V. S. Perry , supt. bridges , made a tour of inspection from McCook to Denver , Friday. Alf. Williams , civil engineer , was also a pas senger from McCook on same train , he hav ing been caught in the shuffle during the late curtailing. The annual report of the C. , B. & Q. , was given out , yesterday : Gross earnings , § 27- 725,966 ; operating expensesS17,53S,455 , taxes , § 1,231,243 ; rentals , § 206,077 ; interest on bonds , § 5,491,992 ; sinking funds , § 765,492 ; total , § 25,193,261 ; leaving net earnings , § 2,532,704. E. Budd , a workman employed at the Erie railroad shops at Jersey City has invented a locomotive which it is expected will make over eighty miles an hour. The works are similar to those of a ferry boat. An engine is being constructed by the company , in fact is almost completed and will be tested in a few days. The wheels make three revolu tions to one exhaust. No. 1 leaving McCook at 12:10 , Friday , April 3d , made the fastest trip to Denver ever made by any train , taking all draw backs in to consideration. Engineer Bailey made the run of 143 miles in 3 hours and 15 minutes , including 3 stops , which was an average of 44 miles per hour allowing 5 minutes for each stop , which is a low average , the actual time was 48 miles per hour. It is the best run ever made by No. 1 between McCook and Akron. Engineer Bartlett's run of 112 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes was also an extra good one , considering the restriction to mak ing up time on the first 24 miles where the advantage is great owing to down grade. Had he been allowed to make up time over the entire division his average time , includ ing one stop for water , would have been 2 hours and 30 minutes , or 4G > miles per hour after deducting 5 minutes for a stop. A very good average when contending witliC broken springs on one side of engine. The actual time ( all stops deducted and estimating 5 minutes for each stop ) was 255 miles at the rate of 45 miles per hour. Taking into con sideration the grade no better run was ever made in the west by a regular passenger train of 7 cars. Jimmie Burns and Brakeman - man Keim held on to the rear end as con ductor and 1st mate , respectively. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.1 PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What the Truth Mny Be I Tell it as Twas Told to Me. " Samuel Strasser is in the city on business Fred Hewitt , the civil engineer , was in the city , this week. C. A. VanPelt , formerly of the Bank of McC/'ook. is in the city on a visit to friends. Caleb CJother is down from the ranchhav ing quite recovered from his recent severe illness. Mrs. W. E. Babcock and family of Cam bridge are visiting in the city , guests of C. F. Babcock. II. P. Sutton arrived home , Monday , from his Ainsworth visit. Mrs. Sutton is still at tier home. Banker Harvey exhibited his ample pro portions on the thorough fares of the ine- ; ropolis , election day. Mrs. N. L. Cronkhitecame in on this noon's flyer from Hastings , on a short visit to her daughter. Mrs. J. H. Burns. Mrs. W. C. Bullard and sister , Miss Abbie LaBeau , left for Omaha , Monday , Mr. J. T. Bullard accompanying them. Mrs. J. H. Burns and family , who have been visiting Mrs. Cronkhite at Hastings , arrived home the first of the week. Miss Bertha Laflin , sister of Dell of the Cash Bargain Store , left for Wymore , tins morning , to be absent about two weeks. Banker Dolan , Abstracter Mather , Clerk Koper , and Sheriff McCool were among our guests of note , Monday , from" ochre head quarters. E. L. Chatljeld of Texarkana , Arkansas , spent the early days of the week in McCook on business , visiting Cambridge also on a similar mission. .Representative Modie returned from Lin coln , Saturday. Kepresentative Godard of Frontier county also came to this point , from which he drove over to his home. Special Agent Majors was down from Cheyenne , the early days of the week , visit ing his family and friends in the city. H went back to his duties on Wednesday. Prof. C. M. Charles , principal of Culbert son's public schools , who plays Pythias to Joe Goggles' Damon with such consnicuou success , was a visitor of metropolis.Saturday Col. Bill Black of Blackwood sojourned in the city , Monday , on his homeward way from a visit to the state capital. Erstwhile a rock-ribbed democrat , the Colonel is now a confirmed alliancer. H. B. Troxel of Beatrice has been here this week , guest of his brother B. F. Troxel. He invested in some farm land in this vicinity besides buying E. E. Bank's calico colorec pacer. Consideration § 350. The County Teachers' Association Will meet at Hartley on Saturday.April 2otb 1891. MORNING SESSION. 10:00. : Devotional exercises. 10:15. L. H. Carnahan. Address. 10:30. : J. C. Moore , Methods and Morals. Discussion. 10:45. Miss Ruth Bantbam , Superior Merits f\f "Rflnnntfnn Discussion. 11:15. J. H. Bayston , Paper. 11:30. E. J. Packer , Penmanship in Country Schools. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 1:15. 1:15. Opening1 exercises. 1:30. Business , Heading of Minutes , etc. 1:45. Supt. J. A. Smith. Paper. Discussion. 2:15. Mrs. E. G. Nettleton , Suggestions to Teachers. 3:10. Experience Meeting. 3:35. Query Box. Adjournment. F. G. STILGEBOUKR , RACHE BERRY , President. Secretary. Paper your house now and avoid the spring rush. We can suit you in both price and assortment. L. W. McCoNNELL & Co. Try a Home Nursery. Having assumed charge of the S. P. Heard Nursery Stock of South McCook , I am prepared to furnish you with all kinds of small fruits , such as apples , plums , pears , cherries , gooseberries , currants , etc. "Will furnish two and three year old apples at S and 10 cents per tree. "Will also deliver and plant the same at a reasonable figure. No black heart and good O * -3 sound stock guaranteed. Drop a postal card or leave orders at THE TRIBUNE office and prompt atten tion will be given the same. FRANK HUBEE. * CWdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Hi ft * Kp tr 75lF ? ? ? rjs . < . . . . " . . . ; . ; Xi. S-jJ-f. ! .Vij5Sc&J5'b. _ ! > > - ( I. ) 't3& & & * - $ * - - J > 5f&t : i. 3 = Special attention given mail orders.