THE M'COOK TRIBUNE. F. Iff. FublUhcr. McUOOK , NEB. STATE NEW& NEBRASKA MISCELLANEOUS MATTFR3. Auburn is making war on a horde of tin horn gamblers. Father E. J. O'Sullivan , of Omaha , died last week , aged 32. Some of the farmers of Otoe coun ty have suffered severely from hog thieves. thieves.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hayes of Nor folk last week celebrated their golden wedding. It is claimed that coal has been discovered in paying quantities near Palisade. Traveling men making Fremont headquarters have organized a club in that city. - -John H. Kellom. who was a citizen of Omaha in the ' 50's , died in Cali fornia last week. Over six hundred cars of ice have been shipped from Crete over the Mis souri Pacific road. Spontaneous combustion was the cause of a $500 fire at the residence of Dr. O. Parran , in Beatrice. Henry Glessman , a farmer of Douglas county , committed suicide the other day , by shooting himself through wie head. The Southeast Nebraska Teach ers' association will meet at Peru , April 2 and 3. Important subjects will be discussed. The body of a male child about four days old , wrapped in an old pants leg , was found on the prairie near Davenport , Thayer county , a few days The Knights of Labor held a mass meeting at the court house in Hebron , the object of which was to discuss and advertise the principles of the organi zation. zation.W. W. Freman , a B. & M. brakeman , was knocked down while making a coupling at David City , and had his left leg pretty badly mashed by the wheel of a car. James Caldwell was shot through the left arm while attempting to lift a shot-gun out of a wagon. The arm is so badly shattered that it is feared it will have to be amputated. The Niobrara Pioneer says that a "spliced team'5 was well represented on Niobrara's streets , consisting of'a mule , a pony , an ox and a sow , driven by a white man and an Indian. " Henry Mast , a German farmer about fifty-five years of age , living two miles west of Tobias , committed sui cide by shooting himself in the head with a revolver while lying in bed. Phillip von Windheim , who died in Omaha last week , left directions that his body be cremated. Accordingly the remains were taken to the St. Louis creamatory for that purpose. Hon. John M. Thurston , declines a re-election as president of the Re publican league of the United States. He saj's his time is too much occupied with business of a private character The Burlington & Missouri rail way paid its taxes on the bridge at Ne braska City under protest. The com pany claims that a portion of the last span of the bridge is not in Nebraska. Rumor has it that the Ogalalla power and irrigation company has suc ceeded in placing a loan of $50,000 on their canal in that Bounty and .will ex tend the same down the river to Pax- ton. The citizens of Nebraska City met in conjunction with the board of trade and appointed a committee to work with Mr. Black of Red Willow county , in securing aid for the farmers in his locality. Hon. John W. Love of Fremont , recently appointed consul to San Sal- xador. expects to leave for his post of uuty on the 13th of April , going via San Francisco , and the trip will take him about two weeks. The Bond hotel , Lincoln , said to be worth $95,000 , was recently sold at sheriff's sale for $1 , to satisfy a judg ment of ยง 900. Isabel Bond pleads ig norance of her rights and has filed a petition asking that the sheriff's deed be set aside. At the council meeting in Nebraska city the other night an ordinance was read for the first time increasing the saloon license to $1,000. The retail liquor dealers must also pay an occu pation lax of $100 , making $1,100 in all. Heretofore the license fee has been $500 and the occupation tax $200. The trial at Beatrice of the Eaton brothers , Frank and Edward , for high way robbery on the night of December 15 , resulted in the conviction of the boys. The victim was a half witted old fellow named G. Kemp , who was a stranger in the city. The boys drew knives on their victim and finally com pelled him to deliver up all his wealth. Mrs. H. A. Morrow , wife of Gen eral Morrow , who died recently at Fort Sidney , has presented twenty- nine books from her late husband's li brary to the state library of Nebraska. The volumes are very valuable and re late in the main to explorations and surveys west of the Mississippi river. The set also includes works on west ern geology and ornithology. The annual encampment of the Southeastern Nebraska G. A. R. dis trict met in Beatrice last week with representatives present from counties of the district comprising Gage , Paw nee , Richardson , Johnson. Jefferson and'Saline. . Commander Fuller of Pawnee county presided. The session was simply an executive meeting and for the election of officers for the en suing year. The next annual encamp ment was fixed for March 16 , 1892 , at Pawnee City. STATE LEGISLATION. VKOCEKDIXGB J.V JtOTII HOUSES OF OCI1K XEliltASKA ASSKMKLY. The Two-Cent Passenger Unto Iltll Indefinitely Postponed In tlic Senate An "Intermediate Hcforiiiatory" for Criminal * Appropriation for the IVorld'fc Fair Exhibit Fixing Kate * for Telegraph Charge * Other Slat tern in Itotli ISraiiche * of the Lctjlf- latnrc. THE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE. A. KECOHD OF PROCEEDINGS IN 15OTII BKANCIIES. SENATE. In the senate on the 16th the following bills were read a third time and passed. Enabling- county commissioners and county superintend ents in certain oases to compel railroad companies to construct proper cross ings over public roads. Authorizing cities and villages to make appropria tions to defray the expenses of the proper observance of Memorial day. Senator Switzler of Douglas voted against the measure because , while not opposed to its spirit , he felt it would not enable the money to be appro priated as desired. Making it a mis demeanor to give firearms and ammu nition to Indians who are not citizens of the United States. Organizing san itary districts. This bill contemplates principally the straightening of Salt creek and draining a certain part of the city of Lincoln , adjacent to that stream. Providing fo the handling by county judges , of cases the sum in volved in which exceeds the jurisdic tion of justices of the peace. Requir ing railroads to issue through billing at the request of shippers. The com mittee on labor recommended the pass age of house roll No. 90 prohibiting employers from exacting pledges from employes to not join labor organiza tions. The committee on claims re commended the passage of house roll No. 125. as amended , appropriating " 73500 for the relief of Geo"rge W. Davis. In the senate on the 17th the judi ciary committee recommended the in definite postponement of senate file No. 270. amending sections 290 and 291 , code of civil procedure , compiled statutes 1887 ; adopted. Also No. 258 providing ser the relief of drouth suff erers in Polk county. The same com mittee recommended the passage of house roll No. 22 , requiring county clerks to enter all fees received in then- fee books. The committee 911 agricul ture recommended the passage of sen ate file No. 213 , providing for the establishment of an agricultural expe rimental station at Ogailala and rec ommending the appropriation of $5 , 000 for the purpose. The committee on high roads and bridges recommending the passage of house roil No. 135 , pro viding for the payment of road over seers. The committee on railroad recommending the indefinite postpone ment of house roll No. 152. limiting passenger fare per mile to i ! cents : atso house roil No. 264. requiring railroads to establish a depot in every village through which they run : also house roll No. 54 , requiring the keeping of cattle guards in good repair. The same committee recommended the passage of house roll No. 103. requiring rail. road companies to give their stations the same name as that of the town in which they are located. House roil No. 6 , a joint resolution providing for the payment of all lines into the county treasury for school purposes , was read the iirst time. In the after- LilG CUUlbLG tktJUb 1J1LU of the whole , Senator Poynter in trie chair , to consider bills on the general file. Senate file 146 , providing for the reporting to the auditor of the state by railroad's , and No. 204. regarding the listing of property , were recom mended for passage. On motion of Koontz the committee rose , reported and the report was adopted. He then asked for permission to present a re port from the committee on judiciary upon house roil 284. This bill author izes county boards to issue bonds to purchase seed for farmers and food for teams. The request was granted , and the report was made and adopted. The bill went to general file. Senate file No. 132 , providing for the ineligibility - bility of county officers for two con secutive terms was indefinitely post poned. as was also No. 113 , regarding the garnishment of clerks and mechan ics who are heads of families. HOUSE. In the house on the 17th the committee on finance , ways and means reported , with the recommenda tion that it do pas ; , house roil 507 , ap propriating $11. WOO to pay the steno graphers and notaries who took the depositions in the contest cases for the governor and other executive officers. The same committee reported in favor of the bill introduced by Speaker Elder , appropriating the sum of $40. 000 for the support of the Nebraska national guards. The committee on apportion ment reported the Olson bill , to redistrict - trict the state into congressional dis tricts for passage. A minority report favored the Faxon bill , but the major ity report wis adopted. House roll 455. by Sternsdorff , extending the term of county treasurer and sheriff from two to four years was indefinitely post poned. The house took up on final reading and passed house roll 230 by Gillilan , providing for drawing grand and petit jurors in counties having over 70. 000 population. The bill pro vides that jurors shall be drawn once in two years , and that the reg ular panel shall serve only two weeks and be discharged and cannot he drawn again till a new list has been made. It is designed to dispense with the services of professional jur ors. The house went into committee of the whole , considered the following bills anu recommended them back for passage. Senate file 210 by Randall , authorizing boards of county superris- ors to draw their warrants on the gen eral fund of the county to purchase food , fuel and seed grain and to sell the same to needy people engaged in agriculture ; senate file 175 by Randall , authorizing the mortgaging of crops for the purpose of buying seed before the crop is planted ; house roll 463 by Nichols , authorizing the transfer of $37.781 from the capital tax building fund to the general fund of the state ; house roll 453 , by Nichols , authoriz ing the transfer of $11.050 from the Saline land stockyard to the general fund ; house roll 7 , by Howe , providing for a change in the constitution , au thorizing investment of permanent school funds , in school district bonds was amended by adding "loans on real estate security" and recommended for passage. SENATE. In the senate on the 19th the 2-cent passenger rate bill was in definitely postponed. The following were recommended for passage : No. 60 regal-ding the value and uses of city , county and state warrants ; No. 248 , providing for the election of a state assessor ; No. 247 , changing coun ty seats by a three-fifths vote of lax- payers ; No. 250 , relating to the hold ing of commissioner's meetings ; No. 251 , relating to the levying of taxes by county commissioners ; No. 252. pro viding for the amount of taxation to be levied for school purposes ; No. 253. determining the rate of taxation for town purposes : No. 254 , authorizing counties and cities to issue bonus for internal improvements : No. 255 , of the same nature ; house roll 71 , relating to the purchase of text books and senate file No. 272 on the same subject. The Newberry maximum rate bill was con sidered without definite action. HOUSE. In the houe the bill to es tablish an "intermediate reformatory'1 for criminals between the ages of six teen and twenty-one , at Louisville , Cass county , was lost. House roll 83 , by Gillilan , the judicial district bill was taken up , and amended by taking Hamilton county of the Seventh and placing it in the fifth , and Sherman county was transferred from the Eleventh to the Twelfth , and the bill recommended for passage. House roll 461 , by Shrader , appropriating another $100.000 for the relie'f of the drouth sufferers was called up. White moved to strike out the enacting clause. Lost 38 to 41. The bill was recom mended for passage , but White amended the motion that it be indefi nitely postponed. This was lost , yeas 23 , nays 61 , and the bill ordered en grossed for a final reading. Senate file 175 , by Randall , authorizing chat tel mortgages on crops before being planted , when given to secure a. loan to be used in purchasing seed , failed to pass with the emergency clause yeas , 54 ; nays. 31 not the necessary two-thirds , and the bill was finally defeated. SENATE. In the senate on the 19th senate file No. 145 , providing for rapid transfer at stations where there are more than one railroad , was passed. Senate file No. 161. relating to the or ganization of school district ; , was passed. Senate file 89 , by Mr. Col lins , relating to justices of the peace and supervisors in counties under town ship organisation , was passed. Senate file No. 116. establishing a state board of health , was passed. House roil No. 52 was read a third time and passed. It enables not less than twenty people residing in one count } * , who shall own not leb than $20.000 worth of proper ty , to form an incorporated company for the purpose of mutual insurance against loss by lire , lightning , hail or tornado. House roll No. 284 was read a third time and passed. It author izes counties to draw warrants on the i general fund not to exceed 10 per cent of the assessment , to purchase seed grain for settlers and provide for their immediate wants of food , fuel and clothing. House roll No. 271 , by Mr. Fee. was passed. It establishes the county of Boyd. HOUSE. In the house the following were passed : House roll 206 , by Rohan , appropriating $50,000 for the Nebraska exhibit at the world's fair under direction of a commissioner gen eral and six commissioners to be ap pointed by the governor. The salary of the general commissioner is fixed at $2,500 per year and of the others at $5 per day. The bill provides that only $5,000 of the fund shall be available before January 1 , 1892. Yeas. 6tf ; nays. 29. House roll 7 , providing for submission of a constitutional amend ment , authorizing the investment of permanent school fund in "school dis trict bonds" and on real estate security. House roll 384. to punish illegal voting ing at village elections , by a fine of from $50 to $500 and imprisonment in county jail not to exceed six months. House roll 83 , the judicial district bill , with emergency clause taking effect at once. House roll 82. fixing the rate for teiegraph charges. House roll 174. by Soderman. repealing the law au thorizing cities and counties to vote bonds to aid in building railroads. A large number of petitions in favor of a bounty on sugar were presented and referred to the committee on miscel laneous subjects. SENATE. In the senate on the 27th the following bills were read the third time und passed : Senate file No. 178 , by Senator Mattes , incorporating cities of the first class with fewer than 25 , - 000 inhabitants and more than 8,000. Senate file No. 217 , by Senator Coul ter , providing for the government reg ulation and winding up of the affairs of building associations. The com mittee on public lands and buildings recommended the passage of senate file No. 242. by Senator Woods , correcting the field notes of the original survey of Pawnee City town site. The com mittee on medical legislation recom- mendcd the passage of senate file No. J66. appointing a state veterinarian , and the indefinite .postponement .of senate file No. 261 , for preventing the spread of contagious diseases among domestic animals. HOUSE. In the house the following senate files were reported for passage : Senate file 17 , by Randall , providing that the lessee of school land may have the same appraised for the purpose of purchasing the same ; senate file 48 , by Keiper , in relation to the estates of in sane and support of insane persons ; senate file 20 . by Dysart , authorizing farmers to form corporations , lo issue bonds and borrow money for the ben efit of the members ; senate file 12 , by Beck , authorizing a tax not to exceed 1 mill for removing obstructions in ditches located in two or more coun ties ; house roll 461 , by Shrader , ap propriating an additional $100.000 for the relief of the western sufferers , was called up for final passage. The bill .contained the emergency clause , by which the amount voted would be im mediately available , but as it required a two-thirds vote the bill was not passed , the yeas being 58 ; nays , 38. The question then being "shall the bill pass without the emergency clause , " the yeas were 56 ; nays , 37 ; so the bill passed ; house roll 88 , by Ste vens of Platte , appropriating $34,000 for the expenses of the Nebraska mili tia during the late Indian campaign was recommended for passage ; house roll 351 , by Oakley , placing express companies under the control of the board of transportation , was reported for passage ; house roll 302 , by Dunn , forfeiting the right of way of all rail roads , acquired by gift or condemna tion , when the line is not completed within four years , was also reported for passage. LEGISLATIVE NOTES. The report of the railroad commit tee on the Moan 2-cent passenger rate on railroads favored its indefinite post ponement in the senate. It was read a second time. Heath's bill , providing that all of the laws passed by the legislature shall be printed in two papers in each coun ty of opposite political faith , was re commended by the committee to be passed. In explaining his vote against the bill allowing a farmer to mortgage his crop before it was pianted , Mr. Gale said there were too many mortgages on western farms now , and he could not vote to increase the burden. Among the bills now pending in the house is a measure introduced by Her man , known as house roll 388. which provides for the appointment by the commissioner of labor of "labor agents in the various cities and counties of the state , whose duty it shall be to as sist employers to procure laborers , clerks , servants and artisans. ' ' There is a provision in the bill which re quires each employer to pay to the agent the sum of 50 cents when mak ing application for assistance , and this is all the compensation the agent will get so that if the bill becomes a law it will not add anything to the bur dens now borne by the taxpayers. The expense of the last session of the legislature footed up to $190,000 , and from present appearances this leg islature will not fail very far behind. The house has already appropriated j $75,000 for salary of members and em ployes , and the same amount for in cidental expenses , " ' and an additional appropriation of $25,000 for members' and employes' wages is pending in the house. This brings the total to within $15.000 of the expenses incurred two years ago. and this may yet be covered by items that have been omitted and will Vr fnnmimnno - thn appropriations. Houe roll 82 , by Moan , fixing rates for telegraph messages , as passed by the house , reads as follows : Section 1. That the maximum rate charged by any telegraph company for the trans mission of dispatches from any point in this state shall not be more than 25 cents for the first ten words , and 2 cents for each word thereafter. Sec. 2. No charge shail be made for the name and address in a message , or for the delivery thereof within the limits of any city or village in this state within a radius of one mile of the tele graph office. Sec. 3. Any telegraph company failing to comply with the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than $100 nor more than $500. Mr. Watson introduced the follow ing : "Whereas. It is reliably reported that an honored member of this house has been especially blessed by Provi dence in the birth of a fifteen-pound son. and Whereas. It is further re ported that the capilary adornment of that son is of that brilliant Titian hue so much admired by his doting father , and stamps the offspring asa chip off the old block , " therefore be it Re solved , That the congratulations of this house are tendered , over the auspicious event , to the Hon. George J. Sternsdorff and his estimable wife , and that a copy hereof be forwarded to the said urchin , James E. Boyd Sternsdorff. to be placed under his bib. " The resolution was agreed to. DEPOSITING PUBLIC MONEYS. 2A bill to provide for depositing pub lic moneys and to collect interest thereon is almost certain to pass the house. H. R. No. 443 , by Gunnett of York , has been selected from a num ber of others on the same subject and in committee of the whole was recom mended to pass , after having been pretty freely discussed. The bill in full is as follows : Whenever any bank shall receive any money as herein provided , they j shall pay for the use tnereof not less ' \ than 4 per cent per annum , and the interest thereon shall be estimated unon the balance remaining in the hands of the bank at the close of each day's business ; provided that nothing in this act shall be construed to re- Jease the treasurer or his sureties from liability on his official bond. Section 1. Ail public funds in the hands of the treasurer of the state , or the treasurer of any county or munici pality , shall be deposited by said treasurer as hereinafter in this act provided , and all sums of money re ceived as interst or premiums for the use of the money so deposited shall bo paid into the general fund of the stale , county or muicipality to which th- same belong. * . Sec. 2. Every treasurer mentioned in section one of this act shall deposit all public funds entrusted to his care , in a bank or banks , company , corpor ation or individual within the state of Nebraska , which banks are to be se lected by the treasurer ; provided , that before any public funds are deposited in any bank under the provisions of this act , such bank shall execute a bond for an amount equal to the high est sum deposited , with good and sufficient securities to be approved by the treasurer , which bond shall bo made payable to the treasurer , and is to indemnify him and the sureties on his official bond against loss or defalca tion from the bank with whom the money is deposited ; and whenever the bank shall faithfully and truly account to the treasurer for the money so re ceived , and shall pay the same , the bond shall be cancelled and returned to the bank. Sec. 3. Every treasurer mentioned in section 1 of this act , who shall loan any public money for his own benefit , or who shall receive any money or other thing of value , either directly or indirectly , from any person or corpo ration for the use of such public mon eys , and shall not pay the same into the general fund of the state , county or municipality to which the principal sum belongs , shall , upon conviction thereof , forfeit his office , be subject tea a fine of not more than $1,000 , and be required to pay back to the state , coun ty , or municipality , the amount so re ceived , together with costs. THE USURY LAW. The following is the usury bill in full as it finally passed the house : Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person , corporation or association , to charge , contract for , or receive , either directly or indirectly , whether in person or by agent , any greater rate of interest than $10 per year upon $100 upon any loan , or forbearance of money , goods or things in action ; or , if any person , firm , corporation or association , for the purpose of evad ing the provisions of this act shall dis count any notes , or other negotiable paper , for the purpose of securing a greater rate of interest than hereinbe fore provided for. all such transactions shall be , and they are hereby declared unlawful and in violation of the pro visions of this act , but the note shall not be declared void. Every person , firm , corporation , or association violating lating any of the provisions of this act shail be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor meaner , and upon conviction thereof shall be lined in any sum not less than $100 and not more than $1,000. Sec. 2. Every person , firm , corpor ation or association , that charges , con tracts for , or receives a greater rate oi interest than $10 per year upon $100. shall be liable to the borrower or party aggrieved , in civil action , commenced at any time within live years after the payment of such interest , for five times the amount of the whole interest , charged , contracted for , or received , and the costs of suit. Sec. 3. That said section 5 and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. AS TO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. The judiciary committee reported Capek's bill to abolish capital punish ment back with the recommendation that it be postponed. Attached to the report was a minority report by Mr. Capek , as follows : "Your committee on judiciary beg leave to make the following minority report on house rolls 407 and 406. and asic that the report of the majority be not concurred in and the bills be placed on general file. Believing that the j-ov- erning principle of the idea of punish ment ought to be that of improvement , we deny the state the right of attack ing the transcendent life of man and destroying that principle of improve ment. A man commits theft or rob bery , or murder because his nature is depraved , and the transgression of the law is the natural result of his cor ruptness : and considerations of future punishment have very little weisrht. except in the earlier stages of vice and crime. And , accordingly , the true remedy for crime is to be found , not in substitution of one form ot punish ment for another , but in the education and enlightenment of the people. Crimes are not lessened by the severi ty of punishments , but by the moral and social relation ? , the education and the prosperity of society. In conclusion , the committee desires to refer to the most potent argument against capital punishment that of destroying the life of an innocent hu man ooing. In such cases , which are not infrequent , the state commits an irreparable wrong. The argument that the maintenance of a criminal in the penitentiary for life would entail a great expense on the stale is untena ble , since it was a well-known fact that the expenses of an execution are some times larger than those in the first in stance. Land Decisions. WASHINGTON. March 19. The as sistant secretary of the interior de partment has reversed the decision of the commissioner of the general land office , holding for cancellation the pre emption cash entry of David Shank for the southwest one-fourth of section 34 , township 115 north , range 52 west , Watertown , S. D. He affirmed the decision in favor of the contestant in the case of Milan W. Quick vs. John F. Kyle , involving a homestead entry made by the latter for the northeast quarter of section 32 , township 6 , range 29 , McCook district of Nebraska. . and I'arnw > I - Co.t of Kallroad. Jcrry Simpson , the newly elected Kansas congressman , is not without , traits of cunning or ability to argue plausibly. He has stated with consid erable force the case of the uHianco- against the railroads. He says that the alliance does not want to confiscate - , / railroad property nor even to so reduce rates that the railroads will be unable to run at a profit. Ho says that their plan is to make rates so that the rail roads can earn 6 or even 8 per cent on A. their original cost * or , as ho expresses it , on their actual stock without the water it contains. A moment's consideration shows the fallacy of this proposition. A rahroact It is as much entitled to make a profit on its present value , without regard to its original value , as a farmer has to make a profit on his farm according to its present value without regard to its original value. As a rule the Kansas farmer bought his land of the govern i [ ment at a price never exceeding 32.50 I an acre. But few of their number paid ' over $1.25 and the great majqrity got their land under the homestead , timber culture and other acts of congress. Their cases in this respect are exactly ' parallel to those of the railroad I'l companies which obtained their roads at the bare cost of hying the rails across the prairie and building a few shanties for stations , or which , by a system of subsidies , built the roads at little or no individual cost. It wouldj 'i ' * be as fair to say that the farms should' ' be operated by selling the products at ) I'.l such prices as would pay 6 or 8 per cent on the original investments , as to say that the railroads should be oper ated at such a rate for fares and freight | as would pay 6 or 8 per cent on tho' original investment. In the case of the farmer , his land , , in the first place , cost him but little. He used a little money in constructing buildings and fences and in purchas ing stock and seed for his fields ; or. perhaps , he had no money and borrowed - ' rowed what he needed for his improve ments ; or , he lived in a squalid way I ! until he harvested his first cops and' made his improvements without incur ring debt. Then followed years of la bor ; seed time and harvest came and went , and crop succeeded crop , ihe proceeds of which were used in further improvements in building houses , | barns and fine fences ; in increasing his flocks and herds , in the purchase of expensive farming implements , and probably in adding more land to his original acres. In this way the quar- ' ter-section. which originally cost him $200 , or which he entered as a home stead , has become worth from $30 to foO an acre , or from $5,000 to $3,000 in cash. Take the case of the railroad com pany. It cost but , a few thousand dollars Hi lars a mile to lay the track and the- i equipment was cheaply bought or. per haps , rented. Perhaps the entire out i ! lay was repaid to the projectors in local subsidies or in the proceeds of / land grants. The road ran through a sparsely settled , or entirely unsettled country , and its revenues , even at this enormous rates charged in early times' , aid not pay its expenses. It became Vii bankrupt and was sold out under mort gages and judgments. Possibly the * ii Driginal builders had become rich by' ' crooked practices , while the company , had become bankrupt. Perhaps the new owners of the road obtained it for a song. But , like the farmer who commenced the improvement of his farm which mm cost him but little , they began to improve the road. They aid steel rails in place of the old iron rails which had become little mom than streaks of rust ; they bunt costly stations and erected great warehouses at terminal points : they put on great locomotives to haul the trains across the continent : they supplied passenger cars that were marvels of comfort : they ' I built extensions into new territory , and , at the cost of millions and mil lions of dollars , transformed the frag mentary lines which at first existed' into vast and complex railroad sys tems , covering belts of territory thou sands of miles in extent. The doctrine that this railroad , which lias thus increased in value from * 10.- 000 a mile to $50,000 a mile , shall bo entitled to make only such charges as xvill pay dividends on its original cost is erroneous. It , is true that railroad improvements have been built out. of earnings' . It is also true that the cost of the farmer's improvements has been dug out of the soil which originally cost him but little or wiiich he took as a homestead from the Government. The unthinking or unreasonable : nan calls the difference between the origi nal and present value of the railroad watered stock , on which no dividends should be paid. He might in honesty call the difference between the orig inal and present value of his farm wa tered property not entitled to earn a profit for its owner. Chicago Journal. . ! i IrlsU-Americaiis Want no Panseil or McCarthy Envoy * . CINCINNATI , O. , March 19. Reso lutions were introduced at two meet ings of Irishmen held at Greenwood and music hall condemnatory of the arrival of the Irish parliamentary en voys as seeking to transfer their inter necine strife to the United States. The meetings pledged themselves to work unitedly against representatives of Parneil and McCarthy who may arrive I here , and advises the delegation now here to return to Ireland , resign their- seats , go to the country , have a simultaneous A ultaneous election held in all the con < i stituencies , free from all influences , i < governmental or clerical and then they will decide on supporting the ma jority members elected. James Chaney. jr. . a prominent cit izen of Coshocton , O. . cut his throat with a razor and then tried to kill hK wife by cutting her throat. Both are- in a critics.1 condition. Domestic trou bles.