. -iff VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 27,1891. NUMBER 44. BY PRICES AT Before invoicing on Jnn. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST ! The following are some of the prices : 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c. 10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2-50. Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. ' Misses' ' Children's ' and Men's ' Ladies' , , Shoes AT BRDROQK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of X ! E3 to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and be convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. YOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , H. ftp 1 LI 'DEALERS INI LUMBER ! SASH , BOOKS , BUNDS , CEMENT , LIME , Also Hard and Soft Coal. H. KAPKE , The Leader , FRIGES AND II ? STYLISH WORK , Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an other shipment of the latest and most stylisn fall goods , and that he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself. ( gflflLPG [ EEDS for your Garden. PLANTS for your Lawn. WHERE to get the best Seeds and fresh ones ? WHERE to get the new Plants and good ones ? This must be decided. Which of the new and famous are worthy , and which of the old are better , you should know. We print an Illustrated Catalogue with Photo-Engravings , Colored Plates , and REASONABLE descriptions. As to its completeness , we say IT TEItliS THE "WHOLE STOBY , for the GARDEN , LAWN 35CT5.I and FARM. Free. We offer tiree collections of VALUE. In SEEDS , S3 kinds for gl-00 ; 3V/iT CAT/V &ue. . . PL15TS , 9 prat Specialties , $1.00 ; FLOWER SEEDS , 20 best for 60 els. ; tie three for $3.25. VAU < SHAN'S SEED STORE. 88 State St. . Box 688. CHICAGO. WM. M.ANDERSON PROPRIETOR TRANSFER , . M9Cook , -Neb , OOINd EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. No. ' , through passenger 5:50 , A. JI No. 4. local passenpcr. 5:40. P. M No.78. way freight 10:25 , A. M S3T Way freight No.130 arrives from west nl 4:15 , P.M. . mountain time. aniNQ WKST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M , No.5. local passenger , 9:30 , P.M. freight No. 73 arrives from the east .Mi , r. i. . ceiiiriu unit1. uujJiiriH HI 4:10 , P. M. Stops at Stratton , Uenklemun. Halgler. J3 ? No. 137 , Deverly accommodation , leaves nt/i:15. A. M. Returned , arrives at 0:15A.M. Huns only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKT. Agent. WE "PASS" NOBODY. George Goodwin is back twisting brakes again. The railroad boys will be "in it" about April 7th. Supt. Harman of the high line was at head quarters , Monday. Engine 110 went to Omaha , this week , to be used by the Omaha Land Co. Engine 198 in the shops 13 about completed and will be out on the road shortly. Engineer Tyler and fireman brought the 147 to McCook for work , last Sunday. Jgf Buy a house from S. H. Colvin on the monthly instalment plan and save money. Five snow plows were in use , Thursday , on the western division and all east of Mc Cook. The snow in the valley isin greater quan tities than at any time before in the vast five years. K. R. Woods , of Buffalo , Wyo. , solicting agent of the Burlington , was a city visitor , Sunday. Fireman Fred Koger was called to Denver , the early part of the week , by his wife's illness. Conductor Pope was called east , early in the week , by a telegram announcing his wife's illness. Mrs. J. H. Bums and the children went down to Hastings , Monday evening , on a visit of recuperation. Geo. Laverty is once more around on his feet , but has not recovered from his serious illness so as to be on * duty. Elmer DeLong , fireman at St. Francis , has moved his family and goods to McCook and is firing out of McCook now. AI. Harris who has been doing the hostler at Akron has returned to McCook , on ac count of his family being sick. Assist. Supt. C. H. Harman from Holyoke spent Tuesday in McCook , taking in the sights and seeing the trains go by. John Griffin , wiper , who has been sick for the past month with typhoid feverhas recov ered sufficiently to be removed to his home in the country. Noah B. Thomas an employe of the water service department , died at Holyoke , on Thursday the 25th inst. He had for a long time been unable to work. Col. Cooper , the tallest man on earth , ( be ing somewhat over 8 feet in height , } was an east-bound passenger on No. 4 , Wednesday , so Conductor Burns informs us. General Manager Gee , Holdrege was in Denver , the fore part of the wees , and in company witli Supt. Campbell made some changes in the motive department. Master Mechanic Archibald had the ill luck to spend all night of the 25th in a snow drift near Orleans with his engine and snow plow off the trackbut he got them on again. The rail road boys are willing to wager a month's wages that Jim Ritchie will be one of the members of the board of education after April 7th. And he will make a first- class member , too. Leon D. Reynolds , the jovial fireman , has moved from Holdrege , where be has been working for some time past , to bis old town McCook. This time lie brings his family with him and has gone to housekeeping. i A destructive wreck happened on the B. & M. , four miles eastof Button at7:30Thursday : morning. Freight train No. 77 , running twenty-five miles an hour , had its rear end run into by the flyer , which was running at the rate of fifty miles an hour. The latter had two engines and a snow plow on the front engine. As the snow was drifting and flying thick at the time it was impossible to see anything ahead. The flyer struck the train ahead with full force , sweeping the trucks from the under side of the freight cars , scattering them like chaff , bending the mils and crushing ties for many rods. The engineer on the front engine sat at his post and with his fireman escaped unhurt. The second engine of the flyer was thrown off the track sidewise bodily to the distance of thirty feet and lit on its side. Her engineer , John G. Roberts , fell under the engine and was killed instantly. As he lay pinned to the earth under his engine his hand grasped the steam guage with the grip of death. Fire man Udell was also injured and died shortly afterwards. The last freight car that was struck stood on top of the engine bodily. It was filled with cattle , nearly all of which were alive. A platform was built up to the car and the affrighted animals were tumbled out. The baggage and express cars and siroker were thrown off the track and smash ed up. As near as can be learned there was something wrong with the order on which No. 77 was running. None of the passeng ers were hurt PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not WhHt the Truth May Be I Tell it as Twns Told to Me. " Cocliran was at the capital , Monday on business. E. C. Ballew had business at the county- seat , Saturday. Hilen Trowbridge is in the city on a short visit of business. Miss Cora Murphy of Buda , III. , is a guest of Mrs. M. E. Knipple. H. H. Easterday was down the road , yes terday on firm business. Miss Jenkins , Mrs. McCabe's millinery , ar- ived from Chicago , yesterday. Genial .Bob Williams of the Stratton Her ald was a city visitor , Monday. Secretary of State Allen sojourned in the city our Sunday on private business. Dr. A. J. Thomas spent Sunday with his family out on the ranch , returning to his den tal work here on Monday. Dr. A. P. Welles was called up to Akron , Saturday , on an important professional visit , eturning home on Sunday. Judge J.E. Cochran of McCook , says the rincoln Journal , occupied a sofa in the lenate chamber , Wednesday. J. H. Goodrich , Jr. , formerly county treas urer of Red Willow , now a resident of Lin- : oln , was a city guest , Wednesday. Lovell Clyde , who has been attending the Illinois College of Pharmacy , at Chicago , during the winter , returned home Tuesday. D. L. Brace , the Lincoln real estate dealer who has cleaned up a neat fortune out of capital city realty , was a city visitor.Monday. City Clerk Kelley , who has been absent a few weeks attending to an uncle's business in Des Moines , Iowa , arrived home , Sunday noon on the flyer. Mr. John Hatfield is here from Decatur , Ills. , looking after his large interests near McCook , which he proposes improving ex tensively , this season. G. E. Wallin came in from Oskaloosa , la. , yesterday noon. He will remain a few days looking after his real estate interests down in Ked Willow precinct. O. P. Smith , brother of Frank Smith , the pharmacist , has removed to this city from McCook and will assist Frank in his drug business. Beatrice Express. Capt. R. O. Phillips , the handsome and clever manager-in-chief of the Lincoln Land Co. , came in trom Lincoln on yesterday's flyer on business in the"Lalla of the Valley. " U. J. Warren and W. S. Kimmell drove up to Culbertson , Sunday , and enjoyed the matchless hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hughes of the Commercial House of that burg. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sibray , en route home to Indiana from a visit to Portland , Oregon , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Scott , this week. They journeyed eastward this morning. County Attorney Dodge was before the supreme court , Wednesday , using his best efforts to show that august body thatlndian- ola's costs in the county-seat skirmish ought not to be taxed to Red Willow county. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. DeLand of Sheboygan , Wis. , en route home from a visit to Cali fornia , stopped over in the city , yesterday , to see Mrs. E. G. Nettleton , county superin tendent , an old friend and acquaintance. John F. Majors left , Monday morning , for Wyoming , to assume the duties qf his office , special agent of the general land office. His jurisdiction covers the entire state , and his headquarters will be at Cheyenne. His family will remain here for the present Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Kowell enjoyed a visit , .he closing days of last week , from their son John and famllv. who left , the fnrenartof the week , for Hastings where Mr. Rowell will engage in merchandising. His clerk and brother-in-law , Mr. Anderson , and wife , who were also here , accompanied them. Mr. Hocknell returned Sunday from the Northwest. He visited , during his brief ab sence , those marvelous municipalities of the sound , Seattle and Tacoma ; also charming , prosperous Portland-on-the-Willamette. To say that he is sensibly impressed with the wondrous progress of that famous and favor ed section of Uncle Sam's fair domain is put ting it strictly mildly. COUET HOUSE NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE LEGAL AND MATRIMONIAL MILL. COUNTY COURT. M. Cohen & Co. vs. Thomas Clark , replev in action to recover a stock of general merchandise. H. A. Babcock vs. Henry Crabtree , judg ment in favor of defendant. Frank Fritsch vs. H. A. Babcock , settled and dismissed. BRIDAL BULLETIN. Frank G. Ives , aged 29 , McCook Jennie Harding , aged 27 , McCook. Milliard F. Davis , aged 35 , Tyrone. Ida'D. Fough , aged 19 , Tyrone. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. OUR SPRING STOCK n I Wetts. * r = > Special attention given mail orders.