Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Xiiyer and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual B constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , pr&mpr. in its action and truly beneficial i/i its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities com mend it "to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup or Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAL , LOUISVILLE. Kr. HEW YORK. N.Y. "German Syrup J. C. Davis , Rector of St. James Episcopal Church , Eufaula , Ala. : "My son has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening cough for several months , and after trying several prescriptions from physicians which failed to relieve him , he has been perfectly restored by the use of two bottles of BeAn - An Episcopal schee's German Syr up. I can recom- Rector. mend it without hesitation. " Chronic severe , deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long standing cases that Boschee's Ger man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was , will do well to make a note of this. I this.J. J. F. Arnold , Montevideo , Minn. , writes : I always use German Syrup for a Cold on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it far less a superior. ® G. G. GREEN , Sole Man'frWoodburyNJ. 1 he ooap c thatCleans Cleans is Lenox. URIFY YOUR BLOOD. Bui do not use the dangerous alkaline and mercurial preparations which destroy your nervous system and ruin the digestive power of the stomach. The vegetable king dom gives us the best and safest remedial agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater part of his life to the discovery of this relia ble and safe remedy , and all its ingredients are vegetable. He gave it the name of Prickly Ash Bitters I a name everyone can remember , and to the present day nothing has been discovered thai is so beneficial for the BLOOD ] for the LIVER , for the KIDNEYS and for the STOMACHi This remedy is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that arguments as to its merits are use less , and if others who require a correct ive to the system would but give it a trial ihe health of this country would bo vastly improved. Remember the name PRICKLY ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it. , PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO , , ' ST. LOUIS. MO. _ 8 CURE FITS I When I eay care I do nol mean merely to stop then for & tima end then hare them return again. J mean r. radical care. I hare made the disease of FITS , EPI LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long Btndy. I \rarrant my remedy to care the worst cases. Because other * bare failed is no reason for not now rece ! ring- cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle ol jur infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office. ZI. G. ItOOT , AI. C. , 183 Pearl St. , N. T. The Mountain * . Xtrestoroihe , vongefCago Birdi.pre- Tenti their ailments and L keeps them la good health. It makes tied inr even vhile shedding feathers. MilledforlSc. Boli bU ruKxiit * , grocers third ( tores. Bird Back free. , THEBIRD FOOD CO , 400 North Third Street , Scad sJofor fre BuapI Of FKOKErXLD'B Hon9 ted CittltFowder. UN best la ti vorlJ. Vita free book. W. N. U.,0maha , 559 11 NAUGHTY GIRLS W HO SWEAR They Just Rip Out a Good Oath When Theybtub Their Toes. A complaint commonly made against fashionuble'girls is * that tlfey uscslang bordering on actua 1 profan- , -Tty A maideii with brown eyes and rosy mouth crept close to a bashful young man at a reception and said : "If you'll never let on I'll tell something thing/ ' The young man blushed and promis ed never to break the confidence reposed - posed in him. "'s just this , , " said , the girl. ' When any thing goes very wrong with me I swear. " The young man attempted t6 ob serve that swearing in a pretty young- lady was naughty , but he made a > failure of it , and his companion went on talking. "More girls swear than you ethink. I just know any quantity of them that are positively shocking when they get provoked. My chum Mignon is really terrible sometimes. I told her the other day that I would have to stop going with her if she didn't refrain from saying bad words. Site couldn't miss n car , stub her toe , or burst a button , off her glove but she expressed herself most frightfully right before everybody. Now , it isn't nice , is it , for Ji girl to use swear words ? And it will really get to be a regular thing with us if we don't stop. I am already addicted to the habit. Why , I broke the point off my thumb nail to-day , and when I did it I just let out good. " "What did yon say ? " the bashful young man managed to ask. "I said ' 0 devil. " The young man blushed a livelier red and asked the p'oor , forsaken girl if he might get a cup of chocolate for her. New York Sun. A PIUTE AND GOLIATH. Tradition of the Slaughterof an In dian Giant with a Poisoned Ar row. The Piute Indians have a tradition that extends back they know not how far into "the long ago" of an Indian of giant stature who gave them troub le. They say that the giant warrior came from the north. He took up his abode near Pyramid lake and made Avar on the Piutes , killing many of their men. The giant was finally slain by a Piute David , who crept up behind him and drove a poisoned ar row into his body , between the shoul der blades. Two or three of the giant's tracks and his grave are shown to this day. The tracts are near the Truckee river , between Wadsworth and. Pyra mid lake. They are in soft sandstone , and. are still kept clear of sand and soil. Every Indian that passes the spot stoops and sweeps out any dirt that may have lodged in the big tracks. The giant's grave is not far from where the tracks are seen. The grave is always kept clear of vegeta tion ; any grass or weeds seen growing on it are pulled up by the roots. In this way the spot has always been kept mark'ed. _ 4 The Indians also have a tradition of huge animals that roamed the country. They say these animals had. horns with which they were able to uproot trees. To rid themselves of thes'e great beasts the whole Piute tribe turned out , surrounded the herd and drove them into Pyramid , lake , where all were drowned. Even now. when the lake is seen rolling about far out from shore , the Indians point to the waves and say they are the backs of the monster beasts. ChTdago News. Patriotic. The attractions of foreign lands never displace his own country in the affections of-the right-minded traveler. "Home is best , " and we must always feel a certain respect" for patriotic en thusiasm. This respect rises to admir ation for the sentiment of the young American of whom the Albany Argus writes : A young lady of Seattle , who has been forwarding very interesting ac counts of her travels in Europe to her friends at home , sent her last letter from Paris. She was enthusiastic over the French capital , and after saying everything else that she could in its fay or , raptur ously declared , "To my mind it is the Seattle of Europe ! " The Relief of Tears. It may comfort some nervous and highly emotional women to learn that a French physician has declared in- favor of whafr'women always refer teas as a "good cry. " This physician en courages groaning and crying during surgical operations , and is of the opin ion that such patients as yield to their emotions and let nature's grand outlets for the alleviaton of pain re main unchoked recover more quickly than those who from a feeling that it is an exhibition of weakness to utter groans and cries , restrain themselves. He cites the case of a man who lower ed his pulse sixty beats by giving him self up noisily to his strained and ner vous condition for two hours. Now that science sanctions " " a "good cry" there seems to be * no reason why women should not have all they want of them. Cincinnati Gazette. A Nation of Cities. Russia in Europe , with an area two- thirds of our own , a greater popula tion and ancient settlement , has only four cities of 200,000 inhabitants or over while we have sixteen. Germany , with 250 inhabitants to the square mile , has only eight cities of 200,000 inhabitants or over , and France , with an almost equal density of popu lation , has but four such cities. " > No European country has more than one city of a million inhabitants or over ; we have three. In fact , all Europe , with her 400,000,000 people , has but four cities of a million inhabitants or upward , while with only 63,000,000 inhabitants , we'"fall but one behind. - * From the Louisville Courier-Journal. The Only Shoe Factory In Omaha. and Children's medium and line grades rtfr"shocsmdaein ; olir'large" factory in OnlahaNeb. . - Ask iy.our. .storekeopoii tfoi\thisbrand ; TJIEIT are the best. . W. V. "Morse & Co. have the ONLY shoo factory in Omaha , so when the merchant deals with this firm ho knows he is buying from first hands , and at headquarters. In one year , wo have mauo so good a reputation for our Morse's School Shoes" that we have been compelled to make other important linos. Merchants If you want shoes that will wear ! That will fit ! That will please your customers , send your orders to W. "V. Morse & Co. , Omaha , Neb. FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD REWARD to any one finding a piece of shoddy in any of our'own make of goods. We only sell to merchants. W. V. MORSE & Co. , Omaha , Neb. What It C 8U to Murder In. Tibet. I had arrived at Kanzo in an evil hour , in the midst of the festivities of the loth of the fourth moon , , when the people Irom far and near congregate there and the chiefs review their men , and when drinking and fighting are the order of the day. In Tibet nearly every crime is punished by the impo sition of a fine , and murder is by no means an expensive luxury. The fine varies . " .ccording to the social standing of the victim 120 bricks , of tea ( worth a rupee a brick ) for one of the "upper ten,1' SO bricks for a person of the mid dle classes , 40 bricks for a womanand so on down to two or three for a pau per or a wandering-foreigner , as Lieu tenant Lu .Ming-yang kindly informed me. He said that there was hardly a grown up man in the country who had not a murder or two to his credit ; and later on Mgr. Biet , the Bishop of Ti bet , corroborated this statement. Lieut , llockhill , in March Century. Serious Hanger Threatens every man. woman or child living in : i icgion of country where fever and ajruo is prevalent since the Kcrms of malarial dis ease are inhaled from the air and are swal lowed from the water of such a region. Med icinal safeguard is absolutely necessary to nullify this dancer. As a means of fortifying and acclimating the system so as to be able to resist the malarial poison. Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is incomparably the best and the most popular. Irregularities of the stomach , liver and bowels encourage mal aria : but these are speedily rectified by the Bitters. The functions of digestion and se cretion are assisted by its use. and a vigor ous as well as regular condition of the sys tem promoted by it. Constitution and phy sique are thus defended against the inroads of malaria by this matchless preventive , which is also a certain and thorough remedy in the worst eases of intermittent and remit tent fevers. Conjugal Icne is not pieservetl in family jais. 'Jhe tax collector is sure to come sround in due time. When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria , When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When sh had Children , she gave them Castoria , The Colossua of HLodes marked a great stride in art. IIolman's I.Ivor Fails. AN's LIVER PII.I.S euro MALARIA. HOI/VAN'S LIVEII PILI.S cure BILIOUSNESS. HOLMAN'S LIVER PILLS cure INIIIGESTIOX. i Pampblet free with full instructions and commenda tions. HOLMAX 1.1 veil PA1 > Co. , P.O. Box2112 , N.Y. A little less censure should Le given the spider ; flics are so willing. Baby Serpent * . The first sign of the hatching pf a snake , according to Dr. Walter Sib- loy , \ tb.6p { feavo&ic. < i-of a-slitratthe part of the egg shell which happens to ! ' be uppermost. The young reptile's snout Appears . { it the crack , and ufur a time the.hcad protrudes , and may re main 'thus several 'hours before the body and tail tire hatched. If disturbed the head id withdrawn into the shell. while fully hatched snakes often seek their shells as a safe retreat. These infants are smooth and velvety to the touch , with eyes open from the first , and begin , to hiss ut the ugo of a few " days. _ Any article that lias outlived 24 yrars of competition and imitation , and tells moie and more each year , must have merit. Dobbins bins ' Electric fceap first made in 1865 is just that article. ASK your grocer for it. He has it , or will get it. and History. In a recent lecture at the Royal in stitution , London , Lord Justice Fry , F. R. S.said that to the peculiar struc ture of the turf moss great results in the history of the world were to be at- tributed. , This is as true of Great Britain as of any other country. But for the moss the forests that once cov ered the land might still be standing ; but for it large tracts of country would still be lake or sea ; but for it cvjery freshet in a highland river would be a flood. THE THIIOAT. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" act diiectly on Ihe organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary elTcct In all disoidefs ol the thioat. Some of the very best lamps are only good when they are wicked. ( Jarflcld Tea : harmless herbs , nets on 11 % er , kidney- * mid bowels , creates an apiictite , cures djs- pepsla and constipation. Reports show a squeeze in the lemon mar ket. "Now good digestion wait on appetite , and health on both. " Ihis natural and happy condition of the mind and body is brought about by the timely use of Prickly Ash Bit ters. AN'hilc not a beverage in any sense , it possesses the wonderful faculty of renewing to the debilitated system all the elements ic- quiicd to icbuild and make strong. If you are troubled with a headache , diseased liver , kidneys or bowels , give it a trial , it will not fail you. A woman's rule in whist when in doubt ask w hat is trumps. ? Ioney for Everybody. Mrs. Wells asks "Is it a fact that a person can make SCO or $ > ' ( ) a week in the plating business ? ' ' Yes , I make from § 5 to § > S a day , plating and selling plated ware , the Lake Electric Co. , Engleuood , 111. , will give you full instructions. In this businesslhere" is money for everybody. A READER. . Young Astor had no difficulty in securing his bride. She was Willing. Mrs. IVinglovr's Soot IiiucSyrup , for Chil dren teething , softens the cumi , reduces inflamma tion , alUys pain , cures wind , colic. 2jc. a bottle. One of the hardest things we have to bear is to see our enemies piospt-r. Gilbert's Dress Tunings , Best In the World. Kvery intelligent Lady an'l Dressmaker knows lu Cenulne coeds have name onsolvaee. When a man is compelled to work for wages he is of necessity led to a hire life. SWEDISH ASTHMA CURE never fails. Semi your auuiess. Trial package mailed free. Collins Biothers1 Drug Co. . St. Louis , Io. A handicap is bound to be a waiting race. MOTHERS' FRIEND ( BECHILD BIRTH Mil IF USED BEFORE CONFINEMENT. BOOK TO "MoTHEiis' ' MAILEDFREE. BKADFICLU ItEBIlLATOK CO. . ATLAXTA.IGA. BOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. Nothing Else Will Do It We have volumes of evidence to prove that S. S. S. is the only permanent cure for contagious Blood Taint. I suffered for five years with the I then commenced taking Swift's worst form of blood poison , during Specific ( S.S. S. ) , and in a few months I which time I was attended - was entirely curedand tended by the best physicians - | to this great medicine sicians I could find , and ' do I attribute my re tried numbers of proprie covery. This was over tary medicines without two years ago , and I any beneficial results. I have had no return or continued to grow worse Is as near infallible as it is any effects of the disease all this time until since , and , my ease my possible for a medicine to be destroyed skin is smooth whole system was to-day as stroyed by the vile dis In the cure of Blood poison. as anybody's. William ease , my tongue and Sewers , Covington , 0. throat having great holes caused by it | Books on Blood and Skin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ca. _ Jim Preston's A Story for Boys BY ELLEN LE GARDE A STORY of real pluck * and enterprise. How Jim * worked against obstacles , early and late , as a newsboy , express boy and a business boy , to earn sufficient money to pay for his Bicycle. Finely Illus trated. This Story sent Free of Charge to any boy ( or girl ) who will send us the names and addresses of five other boys ( or girls ) . Address CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY Philadelphia , Pa. I When winter's wind , with mad turmoil/ I Sweeps over bills and plain * . I 'TIs Ihen you need Fnlvntlon Oil To hchl "your aches and pains. I - No man knovr hlj ewe mind , because he hasjiothingvto - - know It wjth. _ . - - f ' . Some mciimro doirmntlc , and noi a few arc Incl.ncd to be The copyright law means no right to copy. "Down on your fchees , and thnnk Heaven ' f BStlnir , " uot'for a gcod man's love t 111 s time , but because you buvc cured your cold to easily uith Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It Is to be cxpccte-1 that Anarchists will make bombastic speeches. Woman's anchor Is her fa'ith In n good God ; man's U his fnlth In a gooJ woman. The debt of nature is one that a man al ways pays as he goes. Let's reason together. Here's' firm , one of the largest the country over , the ' world over ; 'it has grown , step by step , through the years to greatness and it- sells patent medicines ! ugh ! " That's enough ! " Wait a little This firm pays the news papers good money ( expen sive work , this advertising ! ) to tell the people' that they have faith in what they sell , so much faith that if they can't ! benefit or cure they don't want your money. Their guarantee is not indefinite and relative , but definite and absolute if the medicine doesn't help , your money is "on call. " Suppose every sick man and every feeble woman tried these medicines and found them worthless , who would be the loser , you or they ? The medicines are Doctor Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis covery , " for blood diseases , and his " Favorite Prescrip tion , " for woman's peculiar ills. If they help toward health , they cost $1.00 a bottle each ! If they don't , they cost nothing ! BOILING WATER OR MILK. EPPS1 GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. coc LABELLED 1-2 LB. TINS ONLY. PENSIONS A pension for every disabled Soldier or Snilor who served ninety days during late war , icuiirdless of cause of disability. Pensions for nil wiiloitx. minor or disabled children of deceased soldiers nnd sailors who served as nbovc. Pensions for dependent Parent * , reirnrdlessof dependency at ils'teof soldier * death. No churcu unless success ful. Address at once. 11. S. JJER1,1.V , Attorney at Lnvr. \Va liincton , D. C. | JB mm illustrated Publications , With U l _ L Maps , describing Minnesota , fr f North Dakota , Montana , Idaho , II M hWashington and Oregon , the IB KBHiiFreo Government F and CHEAP A I n NORTHERN 1 A M ll PACIFIC R.Pw I Hill ! Best Agricultural Grazing and Tim- lier Lands now open to settlers. Maileu FKEE. Address IIUE.B. LA3JI10U.V Land.Com. S. P. K. R. St. Paul , Ulan. BORE WELLS ! MONEY ! Our Well Machines arc the most REUABLE.DUr.iBr.K.SUCCESSFUL They do MOUK WO UK and mU.OKKATKR PROFIT. They FINISH > 11 where others FAH. ! Any size. 2 inches to U inches diameter. LOOM1S & NYMAN , Catalogue TIFFIN , OHIO. FRZEJ Tms n lTer at corded TULU.GIUST'S Poorr SOUND Cmbbaee SnDsleada Onlon , .i.Jtn. „ , . . Tointroduceltand BhowltscapabUitieslwillpay 4100 for the best yield obtom- ed f rom 1 ounce o f need w UcU ts. Coto- Jojrnofree. TJACOBS CURES PERMANENTLY SCIATICA. K. Ogden. MIcli , , May 17 , l&OO. "My brother Itev. Samuel Porter , was cured by St. Jacobs Oil of excruciating rclntlc pains in hs ! thigh. " J. M. L. ronitn. LUMBAGO 410 Kparncy St. , Ean Francisco , Call. AprlC8,1830. ! My ttlfe and I both ) hnvb been nflllctrd \\ith Ininc-bnck nnd Fore throat , and Imvoi f und permanent , cure by use of St. Jacob * Oil. E. J. IXMIAUS. It IS THE BEST. W. L. DOUGLAS Srr.OO ( iemilno.llHnd-scu-cd.nn < , , v-H. , . , , . * - * stylhh dress Khoo which commend.i It * . . . . Iland-NPtvcdWclt. A Jlnornir hoe un equalled for htyluimd durability. BO.BO.Goodyenr Welt Is the { standard dress * Shoo , at n pnpulaprice. . 8O.50 I'oIIrnmuu'H Shoo Is especially adapted * * for railroad men , fnrini rs. etc. , All nmdo in Ctmjfrcss , Hiitton nnd Lnrc . SO.OO for I.n < ll ( > , It the only ] mii < l-r\rf < ] r * * shoe sold at this popular price. Bn.r 0 DniiKoJii iShoo for I.iullcM , linr.owdor narturo and promise * to lic-tonie popular. SO-00 Slioo forI.i < lh-H , and IS 1.7/5 for MIHXCY * Htlll retain their excellence forntyle.utc. All koodsvarranteilntiil "taiiipc.lwitluiainooiilioltoiM. rHUertlsed local nRi'at < annul Mipply you.'end dlrnt ofai'toryciicIoHlntradvertlsril pritoora iio-tal foror- lerbanks.W. I , . UOUiJLAS. Itrocktoti. niu . 1VANT13D. Slioc lcnl T In every rlly niid to\vn not ocoui lc < l , to take oxi-lli Ivp nseiicy. All n cntN a j vrtl ecl lu local paper. Send lor illuxirutetl catalogue. FURNITURE , CARPETS , CAIUtlACKS , J2TjtCi No. 335. This Identical carrlnce. number 333 , with beautlfiiV luco edgi ! paraiol , will be sent to any address upon re ceipt of $1000. If not satisfactory and returned at once , monry mil be refunded. Tbe belt carriage in the world for tbo- CHAS. SHIVEUICK & CO. , Wholesale and letixl ! dratcrx and manufacturers , 1MB- 1Z08 , and 1210 Fuinam itrett , Omaha , GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 187a W. BAKER & CO/S Breakfast Cocoa from wlilchlhe cicen of oil h.ia been removed , Jg absolutely pttro n Z it is soluble. No CJiemicals are used in Its preparation. It hue more titan three time * the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , and 5s therefore far more eco- comical , costing If at than one I cent a cup. It IB delicious , nour- _ I lahlnp , Mrengthening , EASII.T- DIOESTED , and admirably adapted for invalids aawell as for persons in health. Sold by Grocer * CTCryirhere. W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. leading remedy lor all the unnatural discharges and Curesin of . X 1T05DAY8. prl vale diseases men. certain cure for thr debilitating dnotio Guir aU cute Stricture. tating weakness peculiar to women. JprescnbeltandfeelBafo in recommending It to . all sufferers. "j. SIGNER , M O.DECATUO. ! . Sold by Drnpclato. . 1'KICE 81.CO. Fresb. JSellatile ; celebrated for Purity and atroni ? Germinat ing Qualities. Only 2 and 3c p r large package.and noTefty extra ; with ! all orders. Hiamoth S * d Farsu ! One Icra or Solid Gluat Write for my Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue. Free. H.V. . BTJCKBEE. ' EcriTord Seed Farm. . ROCSFOKO , "He had sma.ll skill o * horse whoboughh&goose to ride LI be convinced. = Common fails to accomplish satisfactory results in scouring and cleaning , and necessitates a great outlay of time and labor , -which more than balances any saving in cost. Practical people -nill find SAPOLIO- the best and cheapest eoap for house-cleaning and scouring. Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take \rithout objection. By druggists. C O N S U M PT I O N 1 DIAMOND BRAND * r\vi\is S5 ? l1-Clf , Pnnly 5" ! * ' 8np "rt nlutU PHI for i ! e. 'JHttert ngiU\ Diamond Brand fn * > - ' * - - T tc no other kind. Rtfutt , 4f. la itamp. . for ptrtleaUn , VHSC ' lO.OOOTcitlmnalili. .Vam Paper. T r Ladles. " in letter . . , - I return MulL Sold by all Local r CHCMICALCp. . 60.000oBUS.SEE ' ' BtST FOR A\L SOS AND 0\-\\AtS. " * POTATOES CHEAP 'JOHN'A.S ALZER UCROSSE !