Fl CITY DHUG STORE. Noble , The Groc.or. . \ Family GrnccricH at Noble's. Roizenstein's parlor for cigarp. St. Patrick's day , next Thursday. Country roads are in bad condition. Regular EpisVopal services , Sunday. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's. Post yourself on the new election law. Wall Paper latest designs at Mc- Milleii'a. County commissioners went into ses sion , yesterday. , Car of flour and feed just received at r A. T. Campbell & Co.'s. The Windsor Tie the latest out at the Eugle Clothing Store. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union olock , over Boston shoe store. ' .84 patent flour at POTTER & EASTERDAY. Shirts , latest novelties in this line. TIIE FAJIODS. Feed of all kinds. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Kev. McBride at the Congregational ehurch , Sunday morning and evening. The Eaple Clothing Store is display ing a stylish stock of spring clothing. In Wall Paper you will find newest styles and lowest prices at McMillan's. The Eagle Clothing Store has the only Genuine Dog Glove found in McCook. The Eagle Clothing Store is already exhibiting a splendid 'line of spring clothing. Our new examination tablets for 5 cents are very neat. Buy one for your next examination. Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you the lowest prices and the most stylish \ and elegant clothing. THE TRIBUNE'S news-letters from Indianola , Bartley and Lebanon are not equaled by any county publication. Noble is the only exclusive grocer in the city. His stock is the largest and his prices correspond with the times. Hanging and Stand Lamps at popu lar prices at CHENERY'S CITY DRUG STORE. The full text ot the new voting sys tem the Australian ballot appears on an inside page' of this issue. Read it. THE TRIBUNE is pained to learn that Mr. Caleb Clothier is very ill with an attack of pneumonia , at his ranch on ' the Willow. _ Is it difficult for you to buy suitable eyeglasses ? Go to Button. lie has a scientific oculist to do such work , and satisfaction is assured. The next time you want an examina tion tablet call and see the attractive new tablet kept for sale in THE TRIB UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents. There is a silver lining to every cloud in Nebraska. Just so sure as old Boreas covers the ground with snow , Ceres will repeat the treatment the 'following autumn. A deep snow fail is as good as an insurance policy against drouth. I will pay a suitable icward for the recovery of my shepherd dog. He is young , shaggy coated , yellow haired with white spots. Has been gone about two week. . Leave word at this office. C. G. HOLMES. The blind may see. The mute may tali : . The deaf may hear. The maimed may walk. And Johnnie may have the possess ion of his gun : but the time will never conic when you can buy first-class cloth ing at the low prices obtainable at the EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. L. IV. McCONNELL & CO. hare just received a large iiivoice of Wall Paper , embracing Emboss ed and Plain Gilts and Bronzes , Hand Blades , Glimmers , "Whites and Browns , at prices to suit the times. L Gold dollars for ninety cents at the Eagle Clothing Store. Pearline meal the finest in the mar ket. POTTER & EASTERDAY. Button ban the only Johnston's Op tical Case in the Republican Valley. What must you do to be saved ? Why buy your groceries at Noble'i , of course1 White and Figured Windsor Ties all the race at the Eagle Clothing Store. All the popular brands of cigaru at Reizenstein's parlor , next door to the post office. Noble , the leading grocer , makes a Hpecjalty of fresh , clean family grocer ies. He1 will treat you right. Sutton does all repairing in watches , clocks and jewelry promptly and thor oughly and at reasonable figures. Do you want the latest and befit and cheapest ? Well , they keep a large variety at the Eugle Clothing Store. WANTED A girl for general house work. Enquire at residence. W. C. LATOURETTE. At Joe Reizenstein's parlor you can at all times secure the bes't brands ot cigars and tobaccosimported ordomcstic The acreage of crops to be sown in Red Willow county , this season , prom- ses to exceed the expecfations of many. If you want a stylish fit at the very owest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR , B the man to patronize Rear of The famous. * IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries the largest assortment and. the richest designs of the season. His prices are reasonable. The Republican Valley Medical As sociation met in this city , Tuesday , and elected the following officers : Dr. ) avis of McGook Fres. ; Dr. Eskey of this city , Vice Pres. ; Dr. Hathorn of 3artley , Secy. ; Dr. Curfman. of this city , Treas. Several papers were read ind after a general discussion the As sociation adjourned to meet in McCook n October. Courier. Once again the'writer desires to state that THE TKIBITNE travels on its merits as a news disseminator. Not on a ficti 0 ious and worthless subscription list , which is of no value to the advertiser and of infinitely less value to the pub- isher. ' THE TRIBUNE is read by the jest people of Red Willow county and mid for. ' People who know what they want and pay for what they get. The Culbertson Milling Company ; akes in a new man and drops one of ts old members , this week. H. M. Wolfe has traded his interest in the mill for the Commercial Hotel at Mc- ] ook , and GeoJE. Johnston of McCook akes his place in the milling company. An acquaintance of several years gives us the liberty and pleasure of welcom- ng Mr. Johnston into the ranks of our msiness men as a valuable acquisition. Culbertson Republican. A dashing lady of the east sid $ pre pared herself in the height of fashion he other evening for an entertainment and orebented herself to her escort in 4 he parlor and asked what he thought of her make up. 0 it is delightful ! .t ' is bewildering ! exclaimed he raptur ously. It is just too had to cover all hose pretty things , but you must hurry up dear and get your dress on or we vill be too late for the ball. Fremont Flail. Policeman and Mrs. Alex. McMani- heir infant child upon the sacrificial eal were called upon , Sunda } ' , to place Itar of the destroying angel death. Mie babe was but two or three months IdThe funeral services were con- ucted at the home by Rev. D. L Me- Jride of th8 Baptist denomination. ? he remains of the little one were laid away in Longview. Monday afternoon. ? IIE TRIBUNE tenders sympathy to the > arents in the loss of their little bud. Here's to the kicker , the faint-heart- d kicker so helpless and blue ; who al ways is cr'ing and never is trying some good for his own town tp do. No use o correct him. nor need you to expect lim to get to the front like a man ; for while others rustle he'll .sit down and mstle objections to raise to each plan. 5ut when he steps out we need have no doubt regarding his future condi- ion , 'mid tumult and strife he'll kick 'or dear life in the depths of an awful lerdition. Ex. The family of .John Fiohtner of Wes McCook started overland for Denver yesterday morning. The Commercial House passed into the hands of the new proprietor , yester day. Here is success to Host Wolfe. The Eagle Clothing Store is in the clothing business. They will dress you up handsomely and stylishly , and do i at a very reasonable figure. Carey , the restauranteur , is having his lately acquired propertyHorncr's oh stand painted , cleaned an'd fixed up ii a manner altogether pleasing to the eye The Ladies Aid Society will give a Sack Social at the M. E. Church , Thursday evening , March 19th. Af are invited to attend , especially the young people. A heavy snowfall , with low thermom eter and high wind , prevailed west ol here , Tuesday night. The same state ment is applicable to this section , only the performance was milder. .Advertisers should keep in mind the facAhat THE TRIBUNE is the official organ of both the city and county. The people want this newspaper. The people get it. We are the people. Yesterday afternoon , Joe Dodge of jrerver piecinct , son of the county at- torny. lost a valuable horse in this city , ) y strangulation. The horse was tied to a hayrack , and in some way chocked itself to death. J. Albert Wells uses liberally the space of McCook's leading paper , this week , to make known his grand spring opening , Wednesday and Thursday of icxt week. Mr. Wells will make a dis- ) lay of his large stock of new goods that you should not fail to see. Note lis adv. Bert Brewer is exultant over the dis covery of coal on his farm a few miles south of McCook. He informs us that they bored through 22 inches of good coal at a depth of 215 feet. While ) oring he says they drilled through 9 eet of yellow ochre , which was'en countered at a depth of about 125 feet. Bert feels encouraged that there is a arger and better vein of coal not far off and is still engaged in' sinking the drill. Into the hearts of all in our city who lad learned to know and admire her as Nettie Babcock , during her frequent visits to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock , n this city , will come a profound ensation of sadness upon learn- ng'of the death of Mrs. Thomas Boyd it her home in Cambridge , last Friday night , after an illness scarcely twenty- 'our hours in duration. In the full ) loom of lovely womanhood , a wife of but two years , approaching maternity , in the apparent enjoyment of buoyant health , without premonition she passed into an unconsciousness that ushered her bright spirit home. The last solemn rites were performed on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock of McCook mingling S CJ their tears with the stricken relatives at Cambridge on the sad occasion. Deep est sympathy is everywhere expressed for the husband , father and sister , who are thus called upon to feel earth's keenest sorrows , to bear a most grievous cross of affliction. One of the most important improve ments on a Kansas farm is an artificial pond. By evaporation moisture is re tained on the place and better crops are grown by it. If you have no draw on your place select a point on the lojver side of a sjope , plow and scrape out a hole and then plow two furrows in shape of O < 3 coming together at the excava tion. If you have a ravine , choose the lowest place so as to catch as much water as possible in case of light rain in a dry time. Take the earth from the upper side and build the dam very wide and high and after you think you have it high enough , build it four feet higher. No pond is a permanent institution without a mud dam above , especially where the water is caught from plowed ground : this is made the same as any other pond , only smaller , and built just above high water mark in the perma nent pond. The mud pond must be scraped out as soon as it is filled and dry. All dams should be fenced and planted to our native basket willow as soon as made , especially so where hogs have access to the pond. Carp can be kept in and sunfish out by having the water escape over a long plank set on edge and staked there. Kans. People. McCook flour all grades. POTTER & EASTERDAY. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not What the Truth May Be , I Toll It as T was Told to Me. " F. B. Troxel was an Indianola visitor , last Monday. E. C. Ballew was down at the county seat , Monday. Col. Pickett of the Kiverton Guard was a Sunday visitor. O. L. Campbell spent Wednesday after noon in Bartley. Miss Josle Stevens returned Sunday from her Hastings visit. Sam Iluddleston was down at Bartley , Monday , on business. Treasurer Morse of Dundy registered at the Commercial , wash-day. S. M. Cochrane returned , Wednesday , from his visit in Ohio and Indiana. Ex-Congressman Laws is having his house hold goods shipped to Lincoln. Kev. J. W. Hickey was down at Orleans , yesterday , on business of the cloth. Judge Cochran held court at York in Judge Bates' district the early part of this week. V. Franklin and family arrived home from their Pennsylvania visit on Sunday morning. J. W. Trammell , of Builington eating houses , was looking after his interests here , Wednesday. Geo. E. Johnston and family occupied the O'Brien house , just east of J. E. Kelley's home , this week. Drs. Davis and Jones attended the meetIng - Ing of the Republican Valley Medical Asso ciation at Indianola , Tuesday. Ex-Congressman Laws came in trom Washington , Saturday night. His family are visiting Omaha relatives at present. A. W. Corey has moved his family into the city in order to school his children in our excellent public institution of learning. H. T. Church of the Willow left Wednes day for Hyannis , this state , to look after a arge bunch of his cattle wintering there. G. B. Berry and F. H. Elliott took passage 'or Denver , last Friday evening , on a short pleasure jaunt , arriving nome Monday morn- njf. njf.Mrs. Mrs. Fred D. Pitney and family left on Monday's ilyer for Denver , where Mr. Pitney s employed on one of that city's motor lines as conductor. Col. Suavely was in the city a brief while , Sunday morning , on Ins way home from ) enver. The Colonel announces that he has opened a law office in D.enver and will spend nest of his time there in the future. C. H. Rogers and C. M. Smith , we are ap prised by the latter gentleman , contemplate eaving this city in a week or so for South America , there to engage in the Guano busi- less , which commodity is becoming very scarce and valuable. Mrs. B. B. Davis was agreeably and com pletely surprised by having her parents drop n upon her , Monday morning. They have been spending the winter in California and vhere enroute to Beatrice , whither they con- inned their way , Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hocknell and Miss Lyons departed for the Pacific coast , yester- lay. Mrs. Hocknell and Miss Lyons go to California , Mr. Hocknell to Tacoma on busi ness , and afterwards will join his wife in California. Their absence will be an exten- ecl one. Geo. L. Etter of the Commercial House has been engaged by J. W. Trammel ! , the 3urlington eating house man , to proceed to fahreveport , La. , to look after his interests in he Phoenix Hotel , a large property there in vhich Mr. Trammell lately acquired an in- erest. George expects to leave for the south he last of this month. Conductor T. F. Ryan vill go at the same time to take a position on he M. , K. & T. railroad. Gunzey , the largest importer of Cuban igars into this country , and who back- d Jack Dempsey againstFitzsimmons o the tune $25.000 and lost it , accom- > anied by A. Dalymple , champion bat- er national base ball league , were Mc guests between trains. Monday. Shirts to order. White or fancy. Gents who are accustomed to have their hirts made to order , give us a trial or- er , we guarantee a good fit and reason- ble prices. THE FAMOUS. Button is headquarters in the Repub- ican Valley for anything and every- hing in the jewelry line. lie displays he largest stockthe , richest assort ment , and his prices are the lowest. Make Noble your family grocer and many other blessings will fall to your ot , besides having the best groceries on our table that the market affords. Coroner A. J. Thomas has sent in lis resignation to the county commis sioners to take effect at once. Button is exhibiting some handsome Drench White Onyx and Marble Clocks. And more are coming. 2 if = The City Drug Store can inter- st you in anything usually kept by a irst-class drug store. Neckwear. All the latest novelties. THE FAMOUS. Paper your house now and avoid the pring rush. We can suit you in both trice and assortment. L. W. MCDONNELL & Co. ( JOINO KAST CENTIIAL TIME I.BAVE8. No.a , through passenger , 6:50 , A.M No. 4. local pnssotiKOr , 5:40. P. M No.78. way freight 10:25. A. M GfcT'WHy freight No.130 arrives front west nt 4:15. P.M. , mountain time. GOINQ WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M No.5. local passenger. 0:30 , P. M 35 Way freight No. 73 arrlvcBfrom the east nt5i . P. M. , central time. Departs nt 4:4. . P. M. Stops at Stratton , Uenkleman. Halglcr. PST No. ii7 : , Beverly accommodation , leaves at 5:15 , A. M. Returned , arrives at 0:16 A. M. Huns only on Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl days. A. CAMi'iiKr.r , , Supt. J. HULANISKI. Auent. - WE "PASS" NOBODY. -Retrenchment is being practiced by the company wheiesoever possible. Trainmaster and Mrs. John F. Kenyon were passengers for Denver , last night. Conductor Pope's family left for the east , Tuesday morning , on an extended visit. ESgTBuy a house from S. H. Colvit ) on the monthly instalment plan and save money. II. M. Tyler and F. W. Bosworth brought their engine up from Orleans , Saturday , for repairs. Iloadmaster Wfckersham of the Cheyenne line was a division headquarters visitor , Saturday. Tom Wilkinson of Supt. Highland's office force at Denver , was at division headquarters on Monday. A new time card will go into effect , Sun day. It will not effect the main line mater ially , however. Mrs. S. C. Nelson , THE TIUHUNE is pained : o learn , is prostrated by the death of her uisband and is at present very low. Mrs. J. H. Burns arrived home , yesterday icon , from N. Y. state , whither she was call ed to the bedside of her father , whose con dition , we learn , remains unchanged. The accident near Mascot , Sunday night , besides the sad loss of life , was quite damag- ng to rolling stock , a number of cars being lerailed and most of them being crushed more or less in the collision. The funeral of Engineer Nelson , Tuesday ifternoon , was very largely attended , par- icularly by our railroad people. The attend ant scenes were most pathetic and not many Iry eyes were to be seen in the audience , fhearemarks by Rev. McBride were very touching. Monday morning , Foreman and Mrs. James Ititchie were called upon to part from their > abe , an opening flower of but a few months old , that has been suffering the past week with that fatal and painful malady cerebrospinal - spinal meningitis. The remains were ship ped , Monday evening , to Plattsmouthwhere heir other departed rest , ) for interment. There is sincere sympathy expressed on all lands for the bereaved parents. Annual Meeting Women's Presbyterian Board of Missions for the Nortiiwest , Teoria , 111. , April 22-23. Tickets on sale April 19th o 23d , inclusive. Passengers paying full 'are on the going trip will be returned atX fare on the presentation of certificate signed ) y tiie proper officer of the meeting on guar antee that there has been an attendance of one hundred or more on the going trip. J. HUI.AXISKI , Agent. Engineer Swan C. Nelson's life came to a ragic close , last Sunday evening , under pe culiar and unusual circumstances. He was Hilling freight , and in coming down the leavy grade approaching Oxford Junction lis train broke into three sections. He was evidently slowing up for the rear section vlipn the accident occurred. The middle ection had arrived , and while he was lean- ng far out of his cab window the rear section truck the head end with sufficient force to lirow Nelson out onto his head , breaking lis neck , and causing instant death. The ireman ran the train into Oxford , and the ead body was brought to McCook on the ollowing morning's passenger. The de ceased leaves a wife and a number of small children to mourn inconsolably the sad and tragic death ot husband and father.- The de ceased was a member of tiie Burlington Vol untary Relief Association and the family will receive the benefits tlieiefroiiiSl,000. Besides § 1,500 other insurance. The funeral services were held in the Lutheran church , Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock , Kev. Daniel L. Mc Bride conducting the same. The remains were interred in Lomiview cemetery , the Knights of Pythias of which he was a mem ber , and many others attending. All kindly hearts go out to the stricken wife and chil dren in their dark hour of beieavement and sonow. PHYSICAL culture ! What is physical cult ure ? The pivser.t aim and certain result of | this new "lad" ' include the attainment of' good health and a line form ; and a line form outranks a pretty face in the popular estimate of physical beaut- . Who is not' ' willing to make some effort for such a desir able attainment ? It not so difficult , after all , if you only know how ; and if you want to know how , you may learn trom the April number of DuMOKE-r's FAMILY MAGA ZINE , which contains a splendid aitide on "Physical XJultuie , " by Pi of. E. U. Warman , A. M. , giving a course of exorcise * , profuse ly illustrated , which will help everybody man , woman , or child to acquire a giace-j fill , supple form , and without going to aj gymnasium , or even spending a cent tor ap- j paratus. It is only $ -2 per year. Published j by W. jKxxixr.s DEMOUI > T , 13 East 14th Street , Xew York. Copp's Settler's Guide , Revised. Henry N. Copp. the Washington ( D. C. ) land lawyer , has revised and reprinted his Settler's j Guide , the seventeenth edition. In view of' the recent confusing legislation of Congress , this book is an indispensable assistant for all who are , or expect to be , interested in public land. Settlers will save money by purchasing it , and all who expert to take up land any time in the future should get posted and save ex pensive mistakes. A chapter , illustrated with numerous cuts , shows how to tell township , section , and quarter-section corners and ex plains the system of surveys. It gives full in formation about the homestead , pre-emption , timber culture , desert land , and other laws. The price of the book is 25 cents. xVddress the author. East Ter Rye OH THIS ! For Two Weeks Only we shall offer the choice of our fine stock of Ladies' ' and Gents' Plush , Velvet & Felt SLIPPERS ! FOR $1,00 These slippers are worth Jrom $1.50 to $2.50 a pair. We are ready for the rush. Come Home , Come Home , Andrew. We have been requested to publish the fol- owing by some Alliance friends , who seem to think it will apply to the people from this county who are making Lincoln their home. tills winter. \ndrew , how is it with you ? Andrew.dear Andrew.comehometoinenow. IVoin Lincoln , so cosy and warm , 'Tis lonely without you , why do yon not come And see to the things on the farm ? You told me when j ou got the ollice. last fall. If I would but ! et you go. Luonc.l You surely would come'ere the winter was Of course , I believed it was so. Come home , come home , coinu home. Andrew , dear Andrew , come home. Andrew , dear Andrew , come home to me now , I'm snifling the odor of spring. You've stayed long enough in the capital there. You're much safer under my wing. And Old Charlie is pawing the stable like mad The small Jersey cow has got a red calf. And the cattle are bawling for you . Come home , etc. Andrew , dear Andrew , come home to me now. I'd like to observe what your at , Lresolves , ] When will you get through v/ith your bills and Your speeches by this one and that ? Your mileage is paid b3' the longest way 'round. But take the short cut when you come. The speeches are line tweedledee.bui some way They don't hide the twccdle dec-dum. Come home , etc. The voice of your wife is calling you. dear. It's nearly tli ? time to make soap. And some of the woman are saying , my love , I'm giving you too much rope. They say there is desperatellirtinj : down there With widows and maids , not a few. [ left , ! 1 haven't been kissed since the morning you But Andrew , how is i t with you ? Come home , come home , come home , You here mo. you rascal come home. B K ; PAW. Not Deserving of Aid. We , the undersigned citi/.ens of Frontier county. Neb. , wish to warn the charitably in clined people of McCook , Indianola. Slock- ville , Curtis and other distributing points that a certain family of Frontier county. Harrison precinct , have been constantly receiving- in the way of clothing and pro vision who are neither deserving of the aid so contributed or at all in need of such aid. The family to whom we reler is that of A. 15. Tupper. This gentle man brought from Washington state § 100.00 irt cash , or at least he so inlormed the people. Also , Mr. Asahel Tupperson of A. B. Tupper , has and is still receiving aid while he receives ? 1 per day for repairing wells Now friends and neighbors let us not bo backward about publishing this fraud. Signed by Hubert Beach , F. S. Schoonover , J. H. Atkinson , M. L. Travelpeice. Chas. K. Burtch , Hans Hanseii , James Arnold. Two Medical Ghosts. Somewhere in desolate , wind-swept space , In bygone land , in Dennis land , Two homeless ghosts met face to face And bade each other stand. > " .Xow , who are you ? Say quick , sir ! Who ? fc'o mouldy-looking- and poor ? " ' "I'm Brown-Sequard's elixer. Yon ? " "I'm Koch's consumption cure. " . -I i J