THE END HAS COME , J-'JLX.If An'jOUIUfSIKNX OF JlOTII JIOVSKS OJf COXGHKSS. Z < < * ; : t InUon I'unhcd Through In the dotting IlourH tliat Should Have Keen Attended to Month * A ; o Con ference ItcportK Agreed to Z.'n a o of Appropriation IIIllM The I'rcul- < l < ; iit'M Signature 1'Juced to measure * that Got Through the Txvo HOIIHCH. CONCIKKSSIONAI * . In the senate ou the 2d the creden tials of Senator-elect Kyle of South' Da kota were presented and filed. The postal subsidy bill was passed. Mr. Sherman offered a resolution electing Senator Manderson of Nebraska as president pro tempore , to hold office during the pleasure of the senate , and Mr. Gorman offered a resolution tendering - -ering the thanks of the senate to Mr. Ingalls for the "eminently courteous , dignified , able and absolutely Impar tial manner in which he presided over its deliberations and performed the < iutics of president pro tempore. " Both resolutions were agreed to and the oath-of office was administered to Mr. Mandersou. The house bill , relating - lating to the treaty of reciprocity with the Hawaiian islands was passed , as was also the house joint resolution appropriating $1,000,000 for the im provement of the Mississippi river , to be immediately available. The con ference report on the bill as to claijns for indian depredations was here pre sented and agreed to. A resolution was offered continuing the select com mittee on Pacific railroads debts dur ing the recess of the senate , with power to sit at Washington ; agreed to. The senate then proceeded to the con sideration of' the agricultural appro priation bill. Mr. Carlisle made a point of order against the committee .amendment allowing sorghum sugar manufacturers the use of distilled spirits -free of tax. The point was sub mitted to the senate and the amend ment was ruled to be in order. Yeas 29 , nays 23. The amendment was then agreed to. Mr. Stewart offered .an amendment appropriating § 20,000 for the collection and publication of information as to the best methods of -cultivating the soil by irrigation and extending the limit of time from July 1 , 1891 , to January 1 , 1892. Mr. Paddock - dock moved to amend by inserting his pure food bill excluded on point of order. The bill was passed and the senate proceeded to consideration of the general deficiency bill. In the house the conference report on the bill to repeal the timber culture law was agreed to. Mr. Soutells of Elaine asked unanimous consent for the passage of the senate bill granting a pension of $2,500 to the widow of Ad miral Porter. Mr. Bunn of North Car olina objected. Subsequently Mr. Bunn withdrew his objection and the bill passed. The senate bill was passed granting the Missouri & Northern railroad the right of way through the Flathead Indian reservation in Mon tana. After the passage of a number of unimportant bills , the rules were suspended and the senate bill passed for the erection of a new mint build ing in Philadelphia at a cost of $2,000 , - 000 , as was also the senate bill for the erection of a new custom house in the city of New York. Mr. Harris moved to suspend the rules and pass ( with amendments ) the senate bill to pro vide for an inspection of live cattle , hogs and carcasses and products there of , which are subjects of interstate commerce. The motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill was agreed to : Yeas , IGlpiays , 70. In the senate on the 3d amendments providing for payment to the Pacific railroads was agreed to without divi sion. The general deficiency appro priation bill was taken up and all the amendments were agreed to bulk ex cept as to four which were reserved , including the French spoliation claims and the Pacific railroad claims. Mr. Plumb offered an amendment appro priating $50,000 for the relief of citi zens of Oklahoma who were rendered destitute by drouth. A paragraph was inserted , directing the secretary of the treasury to resettle and pay the claims of Xcw York , Pennsylvania , Delaware , Virginia , and Soutli Carolina and the oily of Baltimore on account of ad vances made in the war of 1S12 , and -appropriating1 $2,500,000 for that pur pose. The bill then passed and was sent back to the house with the senate amendments. The conference report -on the sundry civil appropriation bill was agreed to , as was also the confer ence report on the copyright bill. The senate bill to incorporate the national conservatory of music of America was taken from the calendar and passed. The conference report on the pension -appropriation bill was agreed to. The 'Conference report on the copyright bill was agreed to. All the house pension bills that were on the calendar passed. After debate , the conference report.on the postofiice appropriation bill ivas presented and agreed to. The confer- encc report on the agricultural bill was presented and agreed to. In the L house pending action on the conference - ence report the legislative bill was pre sented. An agreement is reached on -all questions except the senate amend ment making senators' clerks annual -employes. The report vras adopted ind a further conference ordered. The house non-concurred in the senate -amendments to the agricultural appro priation bill and a conference was ordered. On motion of Mr. Grout of Vermont the bill was passed providing for the payment of the bonds of .the .District of Columbia falling due July 1. 1891 and 1S92. The conference re port on the pension appropriation bill was agreed to. The cpnference report on the postoffice appropriation bill waa agreed to. The senate amendments no the deficiency -bill were non-con- T currcii in nnd a conference asked. Mr. Morrow of California presented a dis agreeing1 conference report on the pen sion appropriation bill , and a further conference was ordered. Iii the senate on the 4th the house bill for the protection of the lives of miners in the territories * was passed. The house bill for the issue of the com mission of Phillip 0. Johnson as rear admiral in the navy and to deliver it to his widow was passed. ] n the mean time the conference report on the agri culture bill was agreed to and the par tial conference report on the deficiency bill was agreed to , a further confer ence being1 ordered. At Gl : 0 the senate took a recess till1) ) a. m. , at which hour it resumed its session with the vice president in the "chair. When no other business remained to be done , the vice president arose and said : "J am admonished by the dial that the life of the Fifty-first congress is ended and that the -hour of separation and farewell has again arrived. The re cord is made up and has gone into his tory. No one of us can be unmindful as we part of the fact that all are not with us who answered the first roll- call of this congress. I acknowledge with grateful sensibility the courtesy and kindness which , even in critical and complicated situations , the mem bers of the senate have been accus tomed to accord me and the honor con ferred by the resolution just adopted in my absence from the chair. With the earnest hope that each member of this body may bo blessed in every relation of life , I now declare the constitu tional period of the Fifty-first congress having been completed , the senate stands adjourned without day. * ' In the house the conference report on the legislative appropriation bill was agreed to. The conference report on the defidiency bill was agreed to , thus disposing of the last general appropria tion bill. Mr. Funston of Kansas moved to suspend the rules and pass the senate bill for the erection of a public building at Kansas City , Kan. , at a cost not to exceed $150,000. Lost. The speaker stated that the enrolling of the agricultural bill appropriating § 150.000 for the relief of destitute per sons in the west had been inadvertent ly detained. He therefore asked unan imous consentforthe passage of a joint resolution rectifying the mistake. All business being done Speaker Reed de clared the house adjourned without day. Signed by tlio President. WASIIIXGTOX , March 4. The presi dent has signed the direct tax bill ; the act to prevent bookmaking and pool selling in the District of Columbia ; the act amending the act for the relief of volunteers and regular soldiers of the late war , approved March 2 , 1890 ; the act granting a pension to the widow of General William H. Hoffman ; the act to establish a circuit court of ap peals and to define and regulate in cer tain cases the jurisdiction of the courts of the United States ; the act in regard to the treaty of reciprocity with the Hawaiian islands ; the act providing for the safe and humane transportation of cattle ; the act for the erection of United States prisons and for the im provement of United States prisoners. The act amending the laws in re gard to the immigration of aliens ; the act granting a pension to the widow of Hear Admiral Porter ; the act to pro vide for ocean mail service between the United States and foreign ports , and to promote commerce , and the act to regulate the granting of leases of lands at Hot Springs , Ark. The president approved tonight , among other bills , that to provide for the inspection of live hogs and car casses and products thereof , subjects o'f interstate commerce ; also the joint resolution appropriating $1,000,000 for the improvement of the Mississippi river and making same immediately available ; also an act providing for the adjudication and payment of claim ? arising from Indian deoredations. Tlie Seed for Drouth Sufferers. WASHINGTON" , March 9. I saw Con gressman Pickler of South Dakota in President Harrison's room the other morning. He wanted to ascertain what would be done with the § 150,000 ap- prooriated on the agricultural appor tionment bill , by mistake , for the pur chase of seed grain for the drouth sufferers in Nebraska and South Da kota , etc. It will be remembered that this was incorporated in the agricul tural appropriation bill through an error of the engrossing clerks of the house. "The money will not be disbursed at ail , ' " said Major Pickler , after talk ing to the president , "for the reason that it was not the intention of con gress to appropriate the money , and , you see , the president having author ity to correct such an error , ho will do so. It was the'fault of Mr. Cannon of Illinois , chairman of the committee on appropriations , that we do not get that money , " continued Major Pickler , 'and I wish you would emphasize that fact. The committee on agriculture were all in favor of it , and the members of the committee on appropriations all fa vored it excepting Cannon , who has always had an aversion to our country and never let an opportunity escape to kick us. A chairman of a commit tee having a bill in charge can strangle almost anything at the last moment of a session. Cannon exercised that power most arbitrarily. The next congress will do nothing. Enlarging the < Uaiision. WASHINGTON , March 4. Mr. Blilli- ken reported favorably a bill for the erection of an extension to the white house , in accordance with the plans proposed by Mrs. Harrison. The whole structure , when completed , is to cost not BWO than $950,000. The body oi Emma Abbott , the singer , secretly cremated at Pittsburg. JHandcrnon at Out * IVlth Morgan. . WASHINGTON ; March 9. It has just { leaked out that on the last day of the ' session of congress there was a decidedly - edly spirited colloquy between Senator Manderson and his former prdtegc , Rev. Mr. Morgan , the commissioner of Indian affairs , which resulted in the senator ordering the commissioner from the committee room. Although Marderson had nothing to do with Morgan's appointment , he is responsible for his conlirmationiby the senate , and has been his staunchest defender. While Mprgan's nomina tion was pending there was a great deal of opposition in the senate from the Grand Army because ho was court martialed and dismissed from the ser vice during the war and from other sources for other reasons , but Mander son took an interest in him because he once taught school in Nebraska and pulled him through. Morgan made proper acknowledgements at the time and has since professed great respect for the senator , but nothing can recon cile them now. The trouble was about Buffalo Bill. Morgan refused to allow Colonel Cody" to have any more Indians for'his Wild West show. Manderson attempted to induce him to reconsider his decision. 'Morgan was stubborn and , after a long interview , gave as his only reason that some person had told him Buffalo Bill was a very bad man and exercised an evil influence over the Indians. The senator asked the name of the person. Morgan refused to give it. The sen ator asked the privilege of confronting' ' him. The commissioner declined. Manderson said he had known Colonel \ Cody intimately for twenty-two years , and pronounced the statements of the anonymous witness unmitigated false hoods. He called the attention of the commissioner to letters from Generals Grant , Sherman , Sheridan , Crook , Ter ry , Howard , Schofield , Miles. Macken zie and other generals of the army , testifying to the honorable character , ; usefulness and ability of Colonel Cody , to letters from eight or ten governors of states , a dozen or more senators , a whole quorum of representatives , a score of Indian agents , bearing wit ness to the same effect , and said that his colleague , Mr. Paddock , and hhn- self with ail the Nebraska delegation cordially and earnestly endorsed Col onel Cody and would go on his bond' for anything. "Now I want to know , ' ' demanded the indignant senator , "if you propose to accent the evidence of one anony mous witness , whom you will not per mit us to see or even tell us his name. against the testimony of the ablest and most honored officers of the United States army , the Nebraska delegation and all the other witnesses I have cited ? " The commissioner said the anony mous witness was a person in whom he had great confidence , and declined to faltcr his judgment. "If that is the kind of judge you are. " said the senator , "you are unlit. to decide anything. You are unfit to be trusted with official responsibility , and I want nothing more to do with you. You may leave this room as rapidly as you can. " ' The commissioner left , but after * reaching his office he wrote an insolent letter to Mr. Manderson , in which he intimated that the latter had a pecuniary - . niary interest at stake , and referred to , Colonel Cody as his "client. " This letter the senator handed to ] Secretary Noble , who overruled thej decision of the commissioner and gave Buffalo Bill permission to take a hun dred Indians from the reservation. What occurred at the interview be tween the secretary and Commissioner Morgan is unknown , but the secretary was very indignant at his treatment of Senator Manderson , and apologized for it. on ilic IiiU. PEOKIA , 111. , March 9. The Jack sonville & Southeastern fast passenger : train , which left here at 1:30 yesterday - ; day morning , met with a terrible accident - ; dent at Havana. ' The train consisted of a baggage car. coach , chair car and two sleepers and was an hour and a half behind time , owing to the terrible storm raging. At Havana there is a sharp curve a mile and a hair" from the deoot , and the engine struck the curve at a Switch and left the track , all the cars follow ing , piling up in great confusion. The half-dressed passengers clam ored out of the windows of the cars , barefooted , and made their way through the sleet and over the icy road" , for the nearest house. The passengers who were in the coach extricated their injured compan ions. . Under the engine was Fireman Sad dler , who was instantly , killed. By the side of the fireman was En gineer Barkenhead of Peoria , with one arm and a leg cut off. The wreck immediately took fire and burned with great rapidity. It was with the utmost difficulty that some of the passengers were rescued , and one or two were severely burned. The loss to the company , including death and accident claims , will not fall short of $100,000. An unusually small list of passengers were aboard the train. The people in the sleeper were not in jured , but had to make their way for a mile through the terrible snowstorm to shelter. Two electrical companies have sued the city of New York for $1,075,000 , ! which sum , they claim , represents the damage done by Mayor Grant's raid on poles and wires in 1889. Jay Gould is said to have bought a ' controlling interest in the Kansas City suburban belt line. The remarkable secrecy observed during the cremation of Emma Abbottj has caused a change in Pittsburg city regulations. Hereafter a public per mit must be taken out as in case of burial. NEWS SU.1I.1IAHY. TAG president has approved the di rect tax bill. Leonard 'Jerome of New York died in Brighton , England. , The public debt was increased $2 , - 994,750 during February. A reunion of the blue and gray at the World's fair is proposed. A meeting in New York city decided to erect a statue to Sherman. A group of silver mines in Ontario has been sold for $10.000,000. Speaker Keed was thanked for his services by a strict party vote. Two hundred and seventy-eight per sons were massacred in Madagascar. The glass trust has absorbed several of the leading goblet factories in Ohio. Senator Vest got the Mississippi river improvement resolution through the senate. Judge Lehr of Fort Wayne. Ind. , has been discovered to bo worth $14- 000,000. The snow-fall in Montana during the past month has been an unusually heavy one. The senate defeated the free ships amendment offered by Mr. Vest , by a partj' vote. Ex-Gov. Oglesby's house near Elk- hart , 111. , was burned and Mrs. Oglesby painfully burned. Winter wheat in western states has improved on an average of 1 per cent since February 5. Gen. Sherman's sons have applied at New York for letters of administra tion on his estate. President Harrison may visit the Pacific slope this spring , visiting .sev eral southern states. New York business men propose to raise $35,000 to erect an equestrian statue of Gen. Sherman. There is great excitement in Chau- tauqua county. Kansas , over the spread of smallpox among farmers. Senator Morgan asked leave to with draw from the foreign affairs commit tee , but consent was refused. Senator Manderson of Nebraska was elected president of the senate pro tern- pore , succeeding Mr. Ingalls. Stevens and Boudet , convicted Min neapolis census stuffers , were fined $2,000 and § 1,000 respectively. Damaging evidence was produced against the Italian assassins of Chief of Police Ilennessy of New Orleans. Western members of the Iowa farm ers' alliance have declared war on the Northwestern road , on live stock rates. The product of the beet sugar fac tory at Watsonville , Col. , during 1890 was 2,128 tons which netted $102 per ton. ton.A A statue of John Wesley was un- veiled in London on the occasion of the one hundredth anniversary of his death. An Emporia ( Kas. ) funeral was in terrupted by the priest , who would not allow the coffin to be opened in the church. Comptroller Lacey issued a call for a statement of the conditions of na tional banks at the close of business February 28. Banker Hegglund of McPherson , Kas. , returned home , after a mysteri ous absence , fatally shot. His bank has suspended. The Bowman Evangelical conference at Allentown , Pa. , has expelled Rev. D. A. Barr for gross slander and de famation of character. Alliance men are reported to be con templating the formation of a grain and live stock trust in Kansas , Iowa , Missouri and Nebraska. Gould & Co. , of Philadelphia , the oldest furniture firm in the country , has assigned. Liabilities between § 225,000 and $250,000. The president nominated Richard S. Berlin of Nebraska to be a member of the Missouri river commission , vice W. J. Broatch , resigned. The steamship Chester arrived at New York with the crew of the Iowa , who had been rescued from their sink ing ship in mid-ocean. The Brussels treaty for the suppres sion of the African slave trade and the traffic in spirits and firearms was defeated in the senate executive ses sion. Five laborers traveling through the northern part of Montana were caught in the blizzard in the mountains and four perished. The other man is badly frozen. It is believed in England that Gen. Bouianger is responsible for the hos tile expressions of the French toward the Empress Frederick during her visit to Paris. The preliminary statement of the Pennsylvania system for last year shows : Gross earnings , § 133,521,000 ; net , 41,518,257 , the largest the com pany ever made. The Delaware legislature has di rected the secretary of state to enter judgment against the bondsmen of ex- State Treasurer Herbert , who owes the state § 34,000. Ramiastra' , governor of the province of Belanond , Madagascar , resenting a popular petition for a cessation of cru elties , massacred 278 men , women and children of the first families. The conferees on the diplomatic ap propriation bill settled the only re maining question in dispute by striking out the proposition fora cable between the United States and Hawaii. Secretary Noble approved the re commendation of the Indian agent at Yuma , Ariz. , that § 1,000 be expended for the relief of those Indians who sus tained losses to their property on ac count of the recent flood. Mr. Connell introduced in the house of representatives ( by request ) a bill to provide a system for the creation of money and to provide for its loaning to states and territories , and from the states to counties and by the counties to citizens. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use hy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency * Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children. " Da. G. C. Osaooo , Lowell , Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I ran acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children , and useCastoria in stead of the variousqnacknostrumawhicharo destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them tc premature graves. " Do. J. F. KISCHELOE , Conway , Ark. The Contanr Company , 17 Murray Street , New York City. THE POSITIVE CURE. ELY BROTHERS. CO Warren SU New York , DWYEJR'S "OUR COUNTY-SEAT" A FIVE CENT CIGAR. Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigars ever placed on sale in McCook. F. D , BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Avenue , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , % ET A stock of best grades of Hose , Latra Sprinklers , IIoso Keels aud Hose Fixtures , constantly on hand. Ail work receives prompt attention. J. S. McBRAYER , House ESover % Drayman , McCOOK , NEBB 13F House and Safe Moving a Spec ialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. H DR. HUMPHREYS' , SPECIFICS are scientifically and ptions ; used for many ithsucccss.andforovcr tyyearsusedby thepeople. Every single Spe cific Is a special euro for the disease named. These Speclllcs cure without drugging1 , purg ing or reducing the system , and are Iii fact and deed Uiosovereign remedies ofthcWorld. ttSTOFFBETCIAtiX03. CDUE3. PRICES. 1 Kcvcrs , Congestion , Inflammation. . . .2.1 iJ Worms * "WormFever. Worm Colic. , . .i.5 a Crying Colic , or Teething of Infants .y5 4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults tr.l 5 Wrscnterv , Griping. Bilious Colic. . . . , 2i ti Cholera luorbiiH , Vomiting i > 5 7 ConghR , Cold , .Bronchitis % ! 5 8 Nenralina , ToothacheFaceache. . . . , U5 9 Hendaclies > Slckllcailache , Vertigo .i 3 1O Jlyspepsia , Bilious Stomach i5 " Supprcssedor Painful Periods. .i5 Hi Veverancl Ague , ChillsHalaria 17 Piles , Jillnd or Bleeding . - . 5G "I O fntnt vlt TnflllATiT ? ! < Vll (1 I n f ll o TT * n t ] - ? t\ JO IVhoopins Couch , Violent Coughs. .50 i4 iirncral I cltility.l'liyslcalWeakiies3 .50 i7 KidneyDisense 50 J8 Nervous Jr-bility l.OO JO Ilrinstry Weakness , % VettinsBed. .50 W iMseases of theHeart.Palpltationl.OO Sod byDnigzfcsts. or sent postpaid on receipt of price. DR. HCJIPIIBEYS * JIAXUAU ( J44 pases ) richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed free. Humphreys' 3IedicineCo.l09FultonSt.XY. EC i F 3 * * ff s IT H Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick , tro gave her Castoria. When she veas a Child , she cried for Castoria , tThen she became Hiss , she cluag to Castoria , Whea she had Children , she gave them Cactoria , Castoria. " Castoria Is so-well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " II. A. Ancmsit , M , D. , Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn , N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart * mcnt have opoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria , and although wo only hare among our medical supplies what is known as regular prodncujyct-woaro free to confess that the merits of Castoria b-t * ? won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED HOSPITAL , AND DISPENSARY , Boston , Moss , C. Surra , Pres. , KILPAT1UCK BROTHERS. Horses branded ou left hip or left shoulder. P. O.address , Imperial. Chase County , nnd ficut- , rice. Neb. Itimge. Stink ing Water and French man creeks , Cbuse Co. , Nebraska. lirand us cut on side of some animals , on hip and sides of some , or auy- \vhcru on the animal. ALLEY'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line , F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave order * at Commercial yotel. Good well water fur- Bilhed on short notice. To cure Biliousness , Sick Headache , Consti pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , take the safe and certain remedy , SMITH'S I s 2SH Use the S3IAT < X. Size (401ittleBeans to the bottle ) . THEV ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. * Sixi"t/"l3lo Ic x * < % 1XV c gq , Price of cither aizc , 25c. per Bottle. J.F.SMITH&CO.itaienor"BILEBEAX3/'ST.lOUlS MO. * - -