The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 27, 1891, Image 8

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    A. . MOOHI. JKO. R. DART
ATTORNEYS - : - AT - : - LAW ,
0f Wlll practice ID the State and Fcdera
Courts and before the U. 8. Land Olllco. Office
over Fatnons Clothing Co. Store.
Six years experience In Gov.
eminent Land Cases.
Real Estate , Loans & Insurance
Bank of McCook.
ATTORNEY - : - AT - : LAW.
practice In the State nnd United
States couits and before tbo U. 8. Land Offices
Careful attention given to collections. OOice
over Dank of McCook.
| 37 Will practice in all courts. Commercla
and corporation law a specialty. Money to
loan. Rooms 4 and 5 old First National bld'g
"Special attention given to diseases of
women and children. The latest improved
methods of electricity used in all cases requir
ing such treatment. OOlco over McMillen
drug store. Residence , North Main street.
B. B. DAVIS , M. D. C. II. JONES , M. D.
" "OFFICE Ilouus : 9 to 11a. m. . 2 to 5 and
7 to 9 , p. m. Rooms over First National bank.
| 5 ? Thi8 house has been completely reno
vated and refurnished throughout and is first-
class in every resppct. Hates reasonable.
I've CaughtYom
And Who But
i may be able to do you good. jiy busi
ness is House Cleaning , Carpet Laying and
Day Laborer. Leave orders at THE TRIB
R. A. COLE ,
In ( Prices and Stylish Work ,
has just received a large ship =
went of Cloths for Spring and
Slimmer of the Latest and Most
Stylish Goods , which will be
made as cheap as the cheapest.
Prom New York City , has the most com
plete stock of Fall and Winter Goods , for
men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver.
His store is just replete with the latest nov
elties from New York and Chicago , and as
he buys strictly for cash he can afford to give
you first class Clothing at very reasonable
prices. He has guaranteed every garment
he has made up in McCook for nearly six
years and has never had a misfit in that time.
Call and see him. One door north of the
Commercial House.
How often this term of parting greets our
oars , and pains our hearts ; but you can buy
the ingredients to keep memory green until
you meet again.
All sedieal authorities agree that catarrh is no
more or less than an inflammation of the lin
ing membrane of the nasal air passages.
Nasal catarrh and all catarrhal affections of
the bead are not diseases of the blood , and it
is a serious mistake to treat them as such.
No conscientious physician over attempts to
do so. It Is hold by eminent medical men that
sooner or later a specific will be found for
OTery-disease from which humanity suffers.
The facts justify us in assuming that for
oatarrh at least a positive cure already exists
in Ely's Cream Balm.
m Divine service at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and
4 0. P. M. , every Sabbath. Sunday echool at
jfo'clock. A. M. . central time. Prayer meet-
itx , Wednesday evenings at 7:30 , central time.
All persons are cordially Invited to these ser
vices. P8. . MATHER. Pastor.
Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Indianola. Neb. , Feb. 19tb , 1891.1
Board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment ; present , C. W. Hodg
kin. Stephen Belles and 8. 8. Graham , com
missioners , and George W. Roper , clerk.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved.
On motion tbo following persons were ap
pointed precinct officers to fill vacancies as
follows , to-wlt :
Win. H. Olmstead , overseer road district 36.
William Hindman , overseer road district 24.
Frank Scbmoldt , overseer road district 13.
Frank Schmoldt , constable Mo. Rldgo prec.
On motion the following official bonds were
approved :
M. 8. Pollard , assessor NorthValley precinct.
James WInguto , overseer road districts/ .
Wm. Hindman , overseer road district 24.
Wm. H. Olmstead , overseer road district 36.
On motion the following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund levy of 1800. as
follows :
G. W. Kimpton , overseer road district No. 34 ,
Balance $5.03
Thomas Pinkerton , overseer road district No.
7. balance 8.67
W. H. Olmstead , overseer road district No. 36.
balance 5.83
R. B. Evans , overseer road district 10 , . . . .00
M. Houlihan , overseer road district numbers.
balance 17.68
W. T. Henton , county treasurer , railroad fare
P.D.Armstrong 4(5.13 (
E. D. Akers. hauling aid goods 11.75
C. Colling , coal for E. Wyckoff. pauper. .70
Mrs. H. McCullock , board and care of C. H.
McCuIlock , pauper. 85.50
Samuel Young , care of same 4.00
GHem & Stimson , mdse for F. J. Fante , pau
per. 1.25
H. Burgess , mdso for C.R.Green.pauper. 5 80
W.McCallum , mdse FrankVore , pauper , 2.85
Duncan Bros. , mdse forR.Vore.pauper , 2.00
Mdse for G. W. Rawson. pauper , 1.25
Mdse for Mrs. M. Wyckoff , pauper , . . . .75
Mdse for A. P. Buker. pauper , 1.00
Mdse for Aug. Hornkobl , pauper , . . . . 1.50
Mdse for P. D. Armstrong , pauper. . . . .80
W. D.Williams , board pauper. Mrs.Otie , 5.50
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. . coal for Jacob
Long , pauper , 3.75
Coal for Patrick Coyle. pauper 3.75
Coal for W. W. Gerver , pauper , 3.75
Wilcox& Fowler , mdso for Mrs. Nettie Reed ,
pauper 50
Mdse for John Lubrant , pauper , 7.50
F. W. Eskey , M. D. , medical attendance David
Kealiher 25.00
Walter Devoe , radse for Mrs. Maurice , 1.25
G. W. Curfman , M. D. , medical attendance on
FrankVore , 18.20
Medical attendance on Cyrus Blake , . . 8.05
Medical attendance P. D. Armstrong , 2.50
Grass & Miller , mdse for Jas.Pulliam. . . 2.50
Mdso for P. P. Buker , 2.50
Beardslee & Stelle. mdse Mrs.Net.Reed , 1.75
M. on roads $43.50nl. at 21.25
F. M. Kimmell. stationery for Treasurer and
County Attorney 1300
Jaa.Doyle , posts for bridges $6. allow , at 5.00
Jobn Peako. hauling aid goods 8.50
Bartley Inter ocean , supplies for Clerk 0.10
G.S.Bishop , stationery for court house. 3 50
C.Lou Janes.stationery for court house , 4.00
G. W. Roper , freight paid on aid goods , 27.14
Wm. Hindman , plow beam 3.0(1 (
Jas. Junker , work on road district No.22 7.50
State Journal Co. , blanks for co. judge 1.60
Jno. M. Thomas , work on roads 300
D. A. Waterman , unloading coal at
Lebanon 8.00
W. A. McCool , sheriff 27.78
W. S. Phillips , clerk 7.60
G. W. Curfman , M. D 8.20
J.H. Berge , attorney 3.00
W. A. McCool. sheriff. 9.05
C.H.Jones , M. D 3.50
A. P. Welles , M. D 3.50
Sidney Dodge , witness 4.50
J. D. Gerver , witness 4.70
On motion board adjourned to meet Feb.
20tb. 1891. U. W. HODQKIN. Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
February 20tb , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur-
uant to adjournment ; present , C. W.Hodg-
cln and Stephen Bolles. commissioners , and
Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved.
On motion the following claims were audit-
d and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
ollows , to-wit :
G. B. Morgan , mdse.f or T.A.Kirkpauper$4.33
Mdse. for Mrs. Martin , pauper 5.55
Mdse. for J. B. Lamb , pauper. 3.10
Mdse. for M. B. Leopold , paupe 60
Mdse. for Bertha Kincaid , pauper 2.00
Mdse. for Eli Harger , pauper 1.20
Mdse. for T. A. Kirk , pauper 6.30
Mdse. for Mrs. Martin , pauper 8.45
Mdse. for Peter Berlins , paupers 5.45
Mdso. for Wm. Hindman , pauper 1.30
Stationery for W. K. Burbridge , J. P. . . . .25
Ou motion board adjourned to meet Feb.
21st , 1891. C. W. HODGKIN , Chairman.
Attest Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
February Slst , 1891.
Board met pursuant to adjournment ; full
board present , minutes of previous meeting
read and approved.
Resignation of M. S. Pollard , assessor of
North Valley precinct , read and considered
and on motion accepted.
Tbo petition of John D. Tallmadge and thir
ty-five others asking that Mr. Chas. Bently be
appointed assessor of North Valley precinct
and the petition of Thomas Clark and seventy-
two others asking that J. V. Carnahan be ap
pointed assessor North Valley precinct read
and considered and on motion J. V. Carnaban
was appointed assessor of North Valley pre
cinct to fill vacancy caused by the resignation
of M. S. Pollard.
On motion R. S. Baker was appointed over
seer for road district No. 1 to fill vacancy.
On motion the following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
follows :
W. S. Phillips , clerk $10.00
G. W. Curfman , M. D 11.00
J.H. Bergeattorney 6.00
W. A. McCool , sheriff 2.10
A. V. Olmstead , witness 4.50
John Goodenberger , witness 4.50
Phcebo Johnson , witness 4.50
N.J.Johnson , witness 6.56
Reynolds & Reynolds , book for sheriff. . 3.75
Wm. Pennington , Jr. , plow beam 3.00
Elbert A. Hall , M. D. , medical attend
ance W.W. Gerver , claim $465 , allowed 284.00
Duncan Bros. , mdse. . paupers , $54.05 , rejected
C. W. Hodgkin , services as county com. 34.80
Stephen Belles , services as county com. 16.60
8. S. Graham , services as county com. . . 14.40
On motion board adjourned to meet March
12,1891. G. W. HODQKIK , Chairman.
Attest Goo. W. Roper , Olork.
The snow is nearly all gone , and although
the ground is still frozen the toads are im
John B. Johnson , who has been spending
the winter with his father , started on the 17th
inst. for ills claim in Cheyenne county.
Since the pleasant weather began the at
tendance at school has greatly increased ,
coming nearly up to the old standard.
A short time ago some bold ( ? ) man shot
a horse for Wm. Y. Johnson. It seems too
bad tltat a man should loose one of his best
horses in this way.
The Literary Society had a very pleasant
meeting , last Friday evening. The question
for the next meeting is , Resolved , that tltere
is more pleasure in anticipation than in par
On last Saturday evening the young people
went to the residence of A. F. .Reeves and
gave the whole family a surprise. Everyone
had a good time and the surprise could not
have been more complete.
Consumption Cured.
An old physician , retired from practice ,
having had placed in his hands by an East In
dia missionary the formula of a simple veget
able remedy for the speedy and permanent
cure of Consumption , Bronchitis , Catarrh ,
Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections ,
also a positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debility and all Nervous Complaints , after
having tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases , bus ielt it his duty to
make it known to his suffering fellows. Actu
ated by this motive aid a desire to relieve
human suffering , I will send free of charge , to
all who desire it , this recipe , in German ,
French or English , with full directions for pre
paring and using. Sent by mail by addressing
with stamp , naming this paper , W. A. Noyes ,
820 Powers' Block , Rochester , N. Y. 38-ly.
What ft Costs to Murder in Tibet ?
L had arrived at Kanze in an evil hour , in
the midst of the festivities of the 15th of the
fourth moon , when the people from far and
near congregate there and the chiefs review
their men , and when drinking and fighting
are the order of the day. In Tibet nearly
every crime is punished by the imposition of
a line , and murder is by no means an expen
sive luxury. The fine varies according to
the social standing of the victim 120 bricks
of tea ( wortli a rupee a brick ) for one of the
"upper ten , " 80 bricks for a person of the
middle classes , 40 bricks for a woman , and
so on down to two or three for a pauper or a
wandering foreigner , as Lieutenant Lu Ming-
yang informed me. He said that there was
hardly a grown-up man in the country who
had not a murder or two to his credit ; and
later on Mgr. Biet , the Bishop of Tibet , cor
roborated this statement. Lieut. Rockhill ,
in March Century.
/s Consumption Incurable ?
Read the following ; Mr.C. H. Moris , Newark ,
Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of
Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced
me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ,
am now on my third bottle , and able to over
see the work on my farm. It is the finest med
icine ever made. "
Jesse Middle wart , Decatur , O. , says : "Had
it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption I would have died of Lung
Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now
in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles
free at A. McMillen's drug store.
Let us all rustle and get in as much acre
age of crops as possible and take good care
of them , for if we don't sow and plant we
can't expect to harvest a crop.
The weather is One , and the snow is turn
ing to water that moistens the ground , mak
ing it in fine condition to start the grass and
such crops as are put in early.
The announcement that it was an Alliance
meeting that elected VV. H. Benjamin and
S. R. Seamands to solicit aid is not correct.
The meeting was ot the whole people of
Grant precinct , regardless of party.
The Grant precinct scheme has the bottom
knocked out of it , as they can't get passes to
the Egypt where they wanted to put in their
plea for aid in the way of seed and feed. If
we don't raise any crops the railroads will
not get tired shipping for us. OBSERVER.
Pain Unnecessary in Childbirth.
Pain is no longer necessary In childbirth.
Its causes , being understood , are easily over
come. Any woman may now become a moth
er without suffering any pain whatever , the
labor being made short , easy , and free from
danger. Morning sickness , swelled limbs , and
all other like evils can be readily controlled ,
and all female diseases speedily cured. Phy
sicians pronounce it a wonderful discovery.
Never known to fail. 20,000 ladies attest its
merits. Cut this out ; It may save your life.
Suffer not a day longer , but send us two 2-cent
stamps , and receive in sealed envelope full
particulars , testimonials , confidential letter ,
etc. Address. FRANK THOMAS & Co. . Bait !
more , Maryland.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known and
so popular as to need no special mention. All
who have used Electric Bitters slag the same
song of praise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it Is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases
of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples ,
Boils , Salt Rheum and other affections caused
by Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
the system and prevent as well as euro all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache , Con
sumption and Indigestion try Electric Bitters
Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money
refunded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle
at A. McMillen's drug store.
Buck/en's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE in the worldfor cuts , bruls
cs , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet
ter , chapped bands , chilblains , corns , and all
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , erne
no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. UcMillen.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
aured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a Sanitary
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mc-
Oennell & Co. , Druggists. McCook. 30-lyr.
James W. Dolan vs. Joseph Spoils. Judg
ment for $64 in favor of plaintiff.
John Gerboth vs. Richard Ryan , judgment
of $79.75 for plaintiff. Plaintiff to pay costs
taxed at § 17.30 , and defendant to pay his costs
First National Bank , Indianola , vs. L. C.
Root , H. A. Babcock , and F. Fritch. Plainliff
sued for $265.25.
Dixon Cooper , McCook ,
Neltie Kailey , McCook.
Geo. jr. Smith , Danbury.
Sarah j. Belden , Danbury.
1003. McCook Co-operative Building and
Savings Association vs. M. A. and Bertha
Libbee. Filed on Feb. igth , 1891. Petition in
1004. The State of Nebraska vs. AnnaWal-
ters. Filed on Feb. 2ist , 1891. .Habeas cor
pus. Prisoner released.
1005. Eastern Banking Co. vs. C. Il.Oman
et al. Filed on Feb. 25th , 1891. Petition in
1006. Edwine E. Jones & Co. vs. Bowcn &
Laycock ct al. Filed on Feb. 25th , 1891. Pe
tition in equity.
580. James W. Dolan vs. Joseph Spotts
Filed Feb. 23d. Transcript of judgment for
$64.00. Date of judgment Feb. 2ist.
Eleventh Judicial District of Notrasia.
CHASE : February 24 , jury ; June 2. no jury :
September 1 , jury.
DUNDY : March 2 , jury ; Juno 8 , no jury ;
September U , jury ; December 7 , no jury.
HITCHCOCK : March 10. jury ; June 11. no
jury ; September21 , jury ; December 9 , no jury.
RED WILLOW : March 30 , jury ; June 15. no
jury ; Octobers , jury ; December 11 , no jury.
FURNAS : April 13. jury ; June 17. no jury ;
October 19. jury ; December 14 , no jury.
HAYES : April 28. jury ; September 8 , no
jury ; Norember 9 , jury.
FRONTIER : May 12 , jury ; September 10 , no
jury ; November 17 , jury.
GOSPER : May 23 , jury : November 30 , jury.
J. E COCHRAN. Judge.
McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1. IfcOl.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car-
PO < ? a large and splendid selection.
Pure fresh buckwheat at
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
H Our sales the past few weeks
have encouraged us , despite the hard
times , to go East for a large and new
Mr. Louis Lowman started on
Tuesday , Feb. 17th , for ChicagoNew
York and Baltimore to buy the nov
elties of the Season.
Winter Stock will be sold Low
er Than Ever to make room for piles
of New Goods. Yours Respy ,
. )
Dr ?
BRONCHITIS Throat Affection
SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh
Or any Disease wlicre the Throat and Lungs
arc Inflamed , Lack of Strength or Kerve
1'ower , you can be relieved and Cured by
With Hypophosphites.
AsJcfor Scott's Emulsion , and let no ex
planation or solicitation , induce you to
accept a substitute.
Sold by all Druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNEChemlst8 , N.Y.
Paid Up Capital , $5O,000.
General Banking Business
Interest paid on deposits by special agreement.
Money loaned on personal property , good signatures
or satisfactory collateral.
Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United
States and Europe.
C.E. SHAW , President. H. 0. WAIT , Vice President.
P. A. WELLS , Cashier.
Thermometer below Freezing
and a. fierce storm ot cutting sleet which stnlces the
face like a thousand needles. Wind forty miles in
hour. You say a man couldn't stand such ex
posure f No , he couldn't , without Just the proper
clothing. And there's only one outfit that can
keep a man both warm and dry at such a time , and
that is the "Fih Brand Slicker. " They are
guaranteed _ storm-proof , waterproof , and wind-
proof. Inside one of them , you are as much out of
the weather as if indoors. They are light , but
warm. Being re-enforced throughout , they nerer
rip ; and the button * are wire-fastened. No nil-
road man who has once tried one would be without
h for ten times its cost. Beware of worthless im
itations , every garment stamped with " Fish Brand"
Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when ti
you can have the " Fish Brand Slicker " dclirered
without extra cost. Particulars and illustrated cat
alogue free.
A. J. TOWER , - Boston. Mass.
Jlfte IHrst jYatiottaJ
Zf . i jy _ - : - _ _ * - = . Ja.'frT ' &r .
STS.Jjw 1- - 1-S - = = S. J 'lST1 ? ? .r
$100.000. $60,000.
GEORGE HODKHELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier.
A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEH , Director.
The Citizens Bank of McGook ,
Incorporated under State Laws.
Paid Up Capital , S5OOOO.
Banking Business ,
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn
directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid
for non-residents. Money to loan on farming
lands , city and personal property.
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe
V. FRANKLIN , President. J 011N K. CLARK , Vice Pres.
A. C. EBEIIT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash.
The first National Bank , Lincoln Nebrska.
The Chemical National Bank , New York City.