AIITTLE WAY DOWN STREET Y boy , you came in ivither late last night. , and this " morning , < when your mother ask ed you where you were , you said , "Down street. " _ Then when she wanted to know whereabouts down the street , you said , "Oh , just a little Now , Idon'tihinkyou intended to lie to your mother. As a rule , you are a truthful boy , and your mother can believQyyou. Hut I wonder if you know how far down street you were last night ? You were right when you said you were "down street" ; whenever a boy comes home late at night , and is afraid or ashamed to toll just where he has been and what lie has been doing , I know as well as he does , and his mother knows , and everybody who knows anything about boys knows , that i6 ! has been "down street. " And more than 'that , my boy ; 1 know that he has been a long way < lown street. A long , long way. Have you a , map of your route last evening ? J O ? Well ; never mind ; we know you were down street , and we can make a inap in a minute or two. Sit down here , and we'll see how far a boy trav els when he leaves home after supper , and goes "down street a little way" and doesn't get back until 10 o'clock or later. Here is your home , this bright little spot like a star on the map. The sweetest , purest , safest place this side of heaven , the home where , from father to baby , they love you better than all the rest of the people in all the big wide world. Xow you start from here and go "down street" ; somehow the street always .has a down grade from home when you sneak out after dark. See how far you get from respectability and self- respect , when you reach this corner , "just a little-ways down , " where you loafed eh ? Well , I'll say "loitered , " if you prefer it where you "loitered" last night. Here are the fellows with whom you loitered. You had to meet them here , because you can never meet them in your home , for two rea sons ; in the first place , your father wouldn't permit one of them to come Into his house , and in the second place , you would be ashamed to in vite them there , whether your father forbade it or not. Sweet "gang" for your father's son to "loiter" with , isn't it ? It's a long way from your respectable home , from your mother's friends and your father's guests , to this corner "down streetisn't it. Then look on the map , my boy see how far it is from manliness jind decency. Two ladies hurried past this corner , friends of your mother ; possi bly they had been spending the even ing at your home. Thank heaven they could not see you as you lunk back ' into the dark doorway' feeling like the sneak that you were : and as they passed by , one of the loafers with whom you were loitering , shouted an insulting remark after them. Your cheeks burned in the dark at that. Didn't your home and your sisters seem to be a thousaud'miles away just then ? . See , too , how far you were from pu- a-ifcy. Some of the" boys told some stories ; do you think you can'repeat ' them to your sisters'Don't you wish this morning that you could forget them forever ? Don't you wish you -had never heard them ? Don't you -know your mind will never again be as pure and innocent as it wasbeforeyou went "just a little way down street" last night ? While you were listening to these stories , punctuated with pro fanity , the dear ones at home gather ed in the sitting-room , your father opened the book and read ; they knelt at the family altar and commended themselves to the keeping of the Heavenly Father , and tenderly re- unembered the boy who was "just a little way down street. " Then the lights went out one by one. the house -was still , and only the loving mother waited anxiously and sleeplessly for the. boy who was ' -down street. " It vvas more than ten million miles away from the sweet old chapter that your father read , down to the stories that you heard , my boy. And what a steep grade all the way down ! And it was a long , long way from the truth. When you evaded your mother's question , and said you were only "a little way down the street" " the" lie in your false heart looked guiltily out of your eyes as it rose to your cowardly lips. Just see where you were ; you. ordinarily a brave , manly , truthful boy , turned into a Jiarand a coward ! "You would fight. I know , if any boy called you such names , but just tell yourself the truth ; don't lie to yourself. Weren't you ashamed to tell your mother where you were ? Yes. Well doesn't that make you a sneak ? And weren't you afraid to tell your father ? Yes. Well , what does that make you ? And did you tell the honest truth when your mother asked where you were ? No. Well , what are you then ? And let me telljjrou that the "half truth * ' and "half lie" you told your mother is like all half breeds ; it has all the worst traits of the vilest race and none of the virtues of the best. " " " , don't have "But" you says , "a boy to go with touJhs ? and riff-raff when he goes 'clown street' ; there are some mighty nice boys go down street at night. " My boyI know it ; there are some "mighty nice boys" go out nights , but they are not so nice when they como back. Yrou can't select your company on the street. The corner is free to everybody. There is no exclusiveness - clusiveness in street company. There is no safe "corner" for you after night , eri.-ept the chimney corner. And when rvou leave that and spend the evening 1 on the street , and can give no account of your doings on your return beyond the bald statement that you were "just down street a little ways , " we know with pain and sorrow , that our boy has locked up in his mind and heart , shameful , guilty thingETtlmfc he dare not toll in his home. Kejep off the street after night , my boy. . Other people will think better of you and , what is a far more important tiling , y MI will think much better of yourself. Kobert J. Burdette. FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE. The Irrepressible Baggage Smasher Meets His Equal and is Vanquish ed.s ed.While While we were waiting at Trenton for the Long Branch train a lot of baggage had to be transferred , says the Detroit Free Press. The manner in which it was handled excited the indignation of a score of passengers , but no one wanted a "scene" and no protests were made until the last trunk was reached. It was an ordin ary zinc trunk , well strapped and stout ( Miough to go around the world with fair usage. The man on the truck ended it up gave it a twist and a fling , and it struck on end with a crash and burst open. The owner had been quietly surveying operations , and as the climax came he stepped forward and said : "How much will it take to repair that trunk ? " "Damfino , " was the reply , followed by a chuckle. Then I will post you in your busi ness , " quietly remarked the passenger. lie was a solid , broad-shouldered man , and with one grab he had the baggage-man by the hip and shoulder and held him aloft as if hi ? had been a bundle of hay. "What's the damage ? " he asked as he prepared for a heave. "Here stop hold on don't ! " shouted the terrified destroyer of baggage gage- "What's the damage to my trunk ? " "Five d-dollars , and I'll ] > ay it. " "Oh , you will ? Very well. " His victim had scarcely reached his " feet when he fished up a" $5 bill. His face was whiter than flour , and he trembled so that he had to sit down. "Don't you forget that a passenger's trunk has all the rights of a passen ger , " said the man as he turned away to light.a cigar and walk up and down. "Who is he ? " I asked of the man on my left. "Don't you know ? Why , that is Muldoon , the wrestler and trainer. " WOOD FOR THE RAILROAD. The Enormous Quantity of Wood Used by the Railroads. "Some people imagine that the con sumption of wood is not a heavy item in the expense accounts of the various railroads throughout the country , " said a passenger agent the other day , "yet the consumption of wood is enormously ex pensive. Take , for instance , the use of ties for new construction and renewals. The official figures of B. E. Fernow , the chief of the forestry division of the United States Department of Agriculture , show that (50,000,000 ties are needed every year for repairs. "These figures do not take into ac count the fact that nearly 25,000,000 more are required each year by the in crease in mileage. But , accepting Mr. Fernow's figures as 00,000 for repairs and 13,000.000 for new construction , we have a total of 73,000,000. This means at least 365,000,000 cubic feet of raw material. Oak has the prefer ence for ties , about 45,000,000 being used. Pine comes next with about 12,500,000. "The remainder is divided into red , white and California cedar , chestnut , tamarack , hemlock , cypress and red wood. Now , then , let us come to tim ber for bridge and trestle work , An other 60,000,000 cubic feet of sawed material has to be added , so that ful ly 500,000,000 cubic feet of forest- grown round timber are used each year by railroads. To get this enor mous supply of timber more than 1- 000,000 acres of torest lands have to be cut annually. In addition to the consumption of wood for ties , bridges and trestles , the railroads are com pelled to use that material in the erec tion of telegraph poles , fences , culverts , station houses , and all sorts of build ings , and rolling stock , and also for fuel. This last item , too , is immense , fully three million cords of wood being consumed by wood-burning locomo tives. * ' Mail and Express. Sea-Sick. The following is a story told by an old sailor to Samuel Adams Drake , and should be appreciated equally by those who love and those who loathe "the thing they call the sea. " Most allns makes more or less folks unwell , the motion does. We had two gents aboard of us last trip. One of 'em was a lawyer. My grief , wasn't he done up , though ! 'Tother wasn't a bit. There he sot , smokin' as calm as a kitten. He Avas a high-up jedge , goin' down to hold court. 'Can I do anything for you ? , ' says he. he."Yes , " gasped the sea-side one. "I wish your honor would overrule this motion. " Er Powerful Blessin' . Two negroes engaged in a quarrel , when one struck the other on the head with a wagon-spoke. The negro that had received the blow , rubbed his head for a moment and then said : "Look yere , Stephen , dar's one thing dat is ere powerful blessin' fur you. " "Whut's dat ? " "De fact dat my head is ez thick ez it is. Wy es my head wa'n't no thick er den de common run o' heads dat Uek would er killed me an' den you wo&ld erbe tuck befo' er jestice o'de peace an' fined mighty nigh twenty dollars. You'd better thank de Lawd dat I 1 ain't got one deze yere aig-3hell heads. " TEE WOMAN'S WOULD. FACTS AND FANCIES TO IN- TERESTTHE FAIR SEX. How the Daughters Should be'Edu- cated Has Sara Started It-- Women as Church Delegates-- The Acre of Women's Rights. " Mrs. Grant's Book. Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant is making little or no progress with her book. Her eyes are weak , but not failing'her , as thb report goes. Whenever she has time she writes a page or two , but progress is very slow. From present appearances the book will hardly been on the market before the spring. I have seen one or two chapters of this work , and can state that , while there is no evidences of literary skill or finish displayed , there is a candidness and freshness about it all that the American people like and will accept with interest. New York Letter. Women Who Faint in Church. One of the latest things in church fairs is a bazaar held in Edinburg for the purpose of raising funds to pro vide accommodations for ladies who faint during the service. Evidently the women of Edinburg have not yet been visited Avith the wave of woman's advancement and are not cognizant of the fact that fainting is as old- fashioned as Hannah More's novels , and that any such encouragement to syncope is contrary to the spirit of the age. Jf the typical Avoman of the age felt like fainting she would be so oc cupied in the scientific study of her own sensations that she Avouid forget to collapse at the proper time. The New Skirt. The alternative to the sheath skirt is a style Avhich came in last autumn and died out very quickly one skirt over another , the upper one caught up at the Avaist and thus forming a quantity of drapery. Both skirts are usually bordered Avith bands of velvet or plush. Sometimes the raised portion tion of the upper skirt is right in the centre , but usually it is at one side or other of the waist. For evening dress es this style is pretty if the upper skirt is lined Avith a contrasting color. This revival is a notable instance of a curious fact , fashions Avhich come in one spring or autumn or win ter frequently return at the same pe riod in the next year , having totally disappeared in the interim. Women In Politics. It is pleasant to ICHOAV that AVC have in this town a regularly constituted body known as the Society for Politi cal Study , by Avhich Avomen acquaint themselves with the Avorkings of poli tics. There is no earthly reason Avhy women should not be well up in the study of IIOAV we are gOArerned , for up on that question depends the welfare of the entire family. Politics touches us at all points. It involves the way the streets are kept as Avell as the prices AVG pay for the necessaries of ife ; it involves the Avay our public schools are run as Avell as the Indian question , and so forth. Nothing covers - ors the ground in human affairs so completely aspolitics , and why should not the women understand all about it and make their influence felt whenever - ever a Avrong is perpetrated ? Epoch. Happy Marriages Without Dowries. We are told that "the marriage rate is decreasing because there is so large a proportion of men AA-ho Avish to mar ry , but cannot , because the intended father-in-laAV has not the means to give his daughter a dowry. " If such a settlement for the bride is the only sure preventive against the husband's failure by overwork , then it may bo that the marriage rate is decreasing. But Ave belieA-e thei'b are quite as many happy marriages and true homes among those Avho take a wife without a doAvry as among those Avhose Avives have large dowries if , indeed , there arc not more. Wives having none can aid their husbands by keeping house themselves not having it kept for them and they have less cause to fear failure for their husbands , either from over-exertion or pecuniary loss than the more richly endowed Avives Avho are. governed by fashion or Mi's. Grundy. North American Review. Has Sara Started It ? It is rumored that the Avomen who love barbaric and Oriental things are going to adopt Bernhardt's example and mingle fur with gauze. In one act of "Cleopatra" Sarah Avears a tiger skin bound about the hips OA'er drapries.of gauze. This Avill be soon sprung upon the swelldom by some of the daring belles. Fancy skirts _ of green gauze , with a scarf of ermine about the hip ? . That surely Avouid be effective. Or picture some of those golden brown furs over yellow gauze. Another trick of Sarah's has been caught that of swathing a bodice 011 instead of lacing or hooking it. The ungodly cheese-cloth is very suscepti ble of this treatment , and the girl who is slender and lithesome can make an effect by her mummy-like folds. The soft material is wound about the bust and shoulders in a sort of surplice fashion , though no definite rule can be laid down , for the wearer must study her form and decide Avhat is most becoming to her style. From the Chicago Herald. Ananias and his Deaf Father. Dan'l was the biggest liar in toAA'n and Dan'l always appealed to his father to verify his fearful yarns. Dan'l's father Avas old , a little deaf , and belonged to the Methodist church. Ifc was not to bo supposed that the old gentleman would indorse lies , and thus the neighbors concluded. But here is how Dan'l got around his poor old dad. "Went down ter t' brook yesterday , ! ' Dan'l would relate. iCaught tew hundred and four pick'ril , didn't I , dad ? " And the old man , benignantly - nignantly listening , would hear "four" and "Yes Dan'l' " ' meekly reply , , Then the able liar would edge around "back to" his father , and with the edge of his hand measure of the length of his arm before the eyes of his as tonished guest. "Caught one pick'ril , a .whopper , longe'n that say , wara't he , dad ? " The old man would gaze upon the six inches of scrawny wrist and forearm as wily Dan'l whirled and measured for his benefit , and humbly but firmly assert. "Yes , my son ; sh'd say as how he was summab longer. " Lewiston Journal. Women as Church Delegates. What would become of churches without women ? They are the key stone of every creed in the civilized world ; yetwhen it comes to oflicehold- ing and representation in conferences , they are not deemed Avorthy of the slightest recognition ! At last there is light in one direction. Six hundred and ninety-nine Metho dist churches in this country have de cided by a majority of 62 per cent , that Avomen ought to be admitted as delegates to the general conference , and it is thought that this popular A'ote will have great Aveight in shaping future legislation. It certainly ought. Miss Francis E. Willard is not alone in believing that the union of man and woman in the administration of church and state would rebound to the benefit of humanity. To leave women out of the church is especially ungrateful , and if the Methodist expe rience a change 6f heart they will not only do right , but double their pOAver and eiliciency. Kate Field. The Age of Woman's Rights. The century's closing decade may bring to woman a far Avider and fuller entry into her domain. It is but a little OA'er four decades less than since the meeting forty-tAVO years ago ing of the first woman's rights conven tion. The Avomen Avhodid the pioneer Avork , making not only that conven tion but all that has followed it of right and justice to women a possibil ity , are some of them still Avith us. Those of them Avho have "gone over to the majority" went thither Avithin the full memory of a generation IIOAV living and working. The names of Lucretia Mott , of Angelina and Sarah Grimke , of Frances D. Gage , of Abby Ivelly Foster , of Sojourncr Truth , born a slave and rightfully coming to Avear the title of the "Libyan Sibyl , " Avere but a few years ago answered teen on earth by their possessors. To-day they may be Avell Avritten on every woman's golden roll of remembrance of the dead. Susan E. Dickinson in Scranton Truth. "Take off Your Corsets " ' Five years ago ; i lady living in onr > of the larger towns was told by hoi physician that if she wished to live she must continue to live out of doors most of the time. "Leave off your corsets and get on a farm ; raise pigs and chickens any thing Avhich Avill keep you in the open air " Her husband bought a farm close to one of the nearest railroad stations so that he might attend to his busi ness in town. There was a tolerable house on the place and a yourg orchard , Avhich contained a few plumb trees. The bees buzzing about these phunb trees in full beauty and bloom of an early spring gave this woman her inspiration. She planted a plum orchard and a feAV acres of buckwheat and catnip. She read upon bees and poultry and began business. It is a fact that this industry , be gun in the smallest Avay , now pays this one-time invalid in good round dollars as Avell as health and restored vigor. To see this Avoman riding about the farm on horseback , with a man's hat shading her ruddy and somewhat freckled face , Avoaring a bloomer dres and sitting astride on a man's biiddle is often quite a shock to the conserv ative mind' How Daughters Should be Educated To inaugurate an economical fash ion is well ; only let it be 01:0 : of pre vention , not of cure , says Mary A. Livermore in the North American lie- view. To rear a girl in absolute de pendence , good for nothing , selfish in her aims , ami exacting in her demand" , is a sin against the daughter , and against society. To begin at her birth to economize and retrench in every department for the accumula tion of money , that this monstrous perversion of her life may be accom plished and maintained is grotesque and heathenish. Girls tluib trained AA'ill fail of attaining a high order of womanhood. Their aims Avill be pet ty , their ideals IOAV , and nothing very excellent can be expected of them in Avifehood or motherhood. Let the reform inaugurated be made fashionable and be carried on. Let us begin a system of ecomomy that Avill prevent the evil Avhichour author only proposes to cure , and by an ut ter inadequate remedy. While AVO carefully guard Avhatever is womanly in our daughters , let them be trained to more of fibre and firmness. Educate them to self-denial if pecuniary cir cumstances demand it , and not to : ; -indulgence. . Accustom thorn to be of service in the household , to re gard economy as praiseworthy and oven heroic , and to add to their other accomplishments a pratical knowledge of Avork and the possession of some lucrative vocation or industry by which they can. support themselves. Such girls ; Avhen portionless , Avill carry to their husbands do wries in them selves. What Is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute * for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years * use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays foverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd , cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children. " Da. G. C. OSGOOD , Lowell , Moss. * Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children , and use Castoria in stead cf the various quack nostrums which arc destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats , thereby sending them to premature graves. " DR. J. F. KINCTIELOE , Conway , Ark. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me. " IT. A , AncnEit , if. D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. " OUT physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria , and although wo only have- among our medical supplies what is known as regular prouticuj , yet wo are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. " UNITED HOSPITAI. JLXD DisrcxainT , Bobton , C. SMITH , Pres. , The Contattr Company , TT Murray Street , DTow "JTorlr. City. _ , POSITIVE CUREo 6 Warren SU New TorT& Tff.o } ct > ! DWYISIR'S TTTV ' 3 _ PIT H A T" J I I vjJLrTl A FIVE CENT CIGAR. Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigars ever placed on sale in McCook. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Avenue , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. S3T A stock of best grades of Hose , La ra Sprinklers , Hose Heelb and Hose Fixtures , constantly on hand. Ail workrecelves prompt attention. J. S. McBRAYER , House Plover % Drayman , McCGOK , NEB * | EF House and Safe Moving a Spec ialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS are scientifically and tyy _ ciflc Is a special cure for the disease nameil. These fapeclllcs euro without drugging , purg ing or reducing the system , and are in fact and deedthesovereign remedies of tlicWorld. ti < rr > os. CURES. KUCES. mfS * J M J-l M VU A Al'V * * * V-l-fctt AI j Vfi Al-lA44UfcJ J < t Diarrhea , of Children or Adults l 5 5 Dysentery , Griping , Bilious Colic.ii. . " li Cholera Bl orb us , Vomiting ti.5 7 C'ouchH , Cold , Bronchitis ' , ; S Nenraljria , Tootliache.Faceacne . . . . 'J.'i J ) Headaches , Sicklleadaciie , Vertigo , -J. t 10 Dyspepsia , Bilious htomach US 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. . ! i5 1'i Whites , too Profuse Periods J.'S 1H Croup. Cough , Difilcultliieathln ; ? . . . . , % 3 14 Salt Ithcnm , ErysipelasEruptions. .11.1 15 Rheumatism , liheumatlcPains.5 Hi Vever and A true. Chills , Malaria " > ! ) 17 Piles , Blind or Bicrding . ( ) 19 Caturrh , Influenza , Cold In the Head . .TO \Vhoopinsr Coujjli. Violent Coughs. .50 1M < it-ncral Debilifj ,1'hysicalWeokness .5U 147 KidneyDiscaKc 50 J8 Nerroiis Debility l.OO : tO Urinary WeaUnesg , "VVottins-Bcd. .50 y Diseases of thcllcartPalpitation l.OO Sold by Dnigri Ts , or sent postpaid on receipt of price. DR. floirHEE\s' JA\UAL , (144 pases ) richly bound in cloth and gold , mailed Humphreys'3IcdicineCo.lOOFultoaSt.y Y. SPECIFICS. i Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby -was sick , tre gave her Castoria. When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When she had Children , she gave them Cactoria. K1LPAT1UCK BROTHERS. If Horses branded on left hip or left shouider. P. O.address , Imperial. Chnse Countj- , and Ueat- i rice. Neb. Itarigp.Stink- inp : Water and Fiench- inan creeks. Chase Co. , Nebraska. Hrand as cut on side of some animals , on hip and sides of some , or any- wheru on the animal. ALLEiV'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Best Equipped in the City. Leave order * at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur ntshed on short notice. To cure Biliousness , Sick Headache , Consti pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , taka the safe and certain remedy , SESITKL'S Use the SM AM. Size (40 little Beans to tha bottle ) . THEV AP.E THE MOST _ . _ .BO . Price of cither size , 25c. per Bottle. ' PHOTOGRAVURE SIZE. MEN ONLY : WorT-OSTn VSTTrw r 5J-