The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 13, 1891, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
An Important And Accidental
Discovery in Rawlins
County , Kansas.
, A Possible Solution of the Great
Question Irrigation.
Great excitement now exists in this
locality on account of an experiment
of .several parties who were looking for
tfce underflow. It appears they com-
UMHioed work near the head of Flana
gan's canon near the Indian Sprjngs
and ran u tunnel haul ; only about twen
ty rods when the water broke through
the blue clay or shale in such volume
as to whisk the workmen and their
teams down into the draw and drowned
one mule and two horses , the men bare
ly escaped with their lives. The vol
ume of water now gushing out and run
ning dnwn the draw is about ton feet
wide and five feet deep. That it is
claimed fully Bottles the underflow
theory. Mr. Flanagan has already
been offered $10,000 for hi ranch. It
is believed that this volume of water
will irrigate 25,000 acres. The city
of Atwood is negotiating with Mr.
Flanagan to secure the flow of water
to irrigate the city and furnish an
abundant supply of water for Beaver
Lake and Keystone roller mills. This
experiment will be fully explained at
the meeting to be held at Oberlin. The
news has been telegraph to the officials
interested in the irrigation scheme and
they are expected to come and fully
examine the discovery. It seems that
"by the merest accident the whole ques
tion of irrigation has been solved and
that western Kansas will now have such
& boom as never before known in the
west. We will give in our next issue
the full particulars. We only learned
of the wonderful find as we are going
to press. Rawlins Count- ( Kansas )
H. M. J'otter informs the Republi
can that about five miles northwest of
Hayes Centre , at the Christner farm ott
the Blackwood , is a well only nine feet
deep , at which 500 hundred cattle have
been watered without perceptibly lower
ing the wat r in the well. Now this
well is not many rods from the channel
of the Blackwood and there is a gradu
al slope of the ground from the well
down to the creek. It is believed that
a ditch 500 yards long would run this
water out into the Blackwood in such a
volume that a live stream would be
created along its whole length. . If any
one is incredulous we will say that not
more than twelve miles west of this
well is a natural spring continually
flowing a large volume of water , and
that the altitude of the spring is greater
than the location of the well. We be
lieve it would pay the farmers along
down the Biackwood to investigate this
matter , and if they can get a continu
ous flow of water into the Blackwood ,
of which we have no doubt , by running
a.ditch to or in the vicinity of the well ,
it would be greatly to their advantage
to combine together and dig the ditch ,
farmers from Hayes Centre all the
way to Culberison residingin the vicini
ty of the Blackwood are interested.
Talk it up. The Republican will give
$5 toward the expense of testing the
matter. Hayes County Republican.
Religion and AJIiance Politics.
From the New York World.
The great number of the leaders of
the Peoples' party movement in Kansas
are infidels or free-thinkers. Some few
of them are Unitarians , whose belief is
much more liberal than that sanctioned
by their church. "Sockless" Jerry
Simpson is a pronounced unbeliever ,
and during his campaign for congress
in the Seventh district the whole force
of the church was arrayed against him.
Mrs. Lease is an infidel , and Mrs.Diggs ,
who , next to Mrs. Lease , was the most
powerful campaigner in the Peoples'
movement , is a very liberal Unitarian.
Fundamental Doctrines.
from the Richmond Independent.
The people demand and will have
what is right. If any party on earth
demands more , they are a failure. If
they demand less , they ought to die.
It may be a question among the con
testants as to what is right and what is
wrong. The majority rules.
Col. Ingersoll'States a Secular Fact.
From an Interview in Minneapolis Journal.
There are a lot of men in this world
, who think they are d d important.
But they aren't.
Epitome of the "Week's Events
at the Seat of County Affairs.
Joe Goggles , the Irrepressible , Special
News and Society Reporter.
Hon. J. W. Dolan is in Lincoln.
A. M. Barton has gone to Lincoln.
Sam Messncrwas in this city the llth.
A.E.Lang was in the city , Wednesday.
Attorney S. II. Smith has gone to
Charley Greer got cut on the knee by
a mad hog.
A. J. Hand went over to Danbury ,
Adam Grass is suffering from , a
severe cold.
It is reported that Dr. Shaw has sold
his farm east of town.
Attorney Frank Selby of Cambridge ,
was in town , Wednesday.
Joe Adams of Arapahoe was in this
city forepart of the week.
Tom Clark of Bartley , was in this
ocher town , on the llth inst.
The T.-D. force came dowji , last
Saturday , to see their best girls.
Irrigation meetings are held at Dun
can Bros. ' store quite frequently of late.
' Charley Colling has purchased the
remnants of the grange stock of goods.
The Alliance people in this part of
the county are in favor of pushing the
state contest.
There is a larger attendance of
scholars in our city school than there
was last winter.
Judge E. S. Hill and Mr. Steel have
been surveying a proposed canal from
the Red Willow creek.
One of our leading dressmakers went
out into the country , Grst of the week ,
to make up the trousseau of a prospec
tive bride.
The breach of promise suit of which
we spoke , last week , promises to resul
in the tying of the matrimonial knot as
was at first arranged.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Mather expect
their daughter , Mrs. Ida Snowden , to
visit them this mouth. Mr. and Mrs.
Snowden live in Ogden.
Geo. Burt , doorkeeper of the house
of representatives , came home for a
shorf ; visit , Saturday of last week. Mr.
Burt returned on the Tuesday evening
The revival meeting at the M. E.
church is assuming large porportions.
Thirty-five or forty persons have been
converted , among which were some very
tough old sinners.
Charley Oman has returned after an
absence of two months explorations in
the northwest. Charley found business
in the immediate neighborhood of the
north pole at a standstill.
Clark Rockwell , and old comrade of
James McClung in days of the rebel-
ion , was in the city on the llth inst.
Mr. Rockwell recognized Mr. McClung
by the sound of his voice although the
two had not seen each other for 27
We had been waiting for our old
friend , 0. S. VanDorn , to give his views
on the question of irrigation , but we
were not quite prepared for his bold
ana original pian 01 taming cue not
winds. Original ! "Well we should
smile. " "Dreaming dreams that no
mortal ever dared to dream before. '
His elevated pipe lines would cost at
the very lowest estimate $2 per foot
The total cost to Red Willow county
would be $7,603,200.00 , or $330 per
acre. Injustice to Mr. VanDorn , how
ever , -we would say that he expects the
'General Government to loan the people
ple the money at 1 per cent. Besides
in tlfe winter time the holes could be
plugged and the western end of the pipes
he extended into Wyoming and attach
ed to the oil wells and then we could
have coal oil for fuel instead of corn.
The railroads would have to reduce the
freight rates on coal or go out of
On Wednesday my heavy shaggy
long cloak , with no trimming but large
buttons , was given by mistake to some
drouth-sufferers. A reward will be
paid for its prompt return.
At L. Lowman & Son's.
I3F"Rye floor.
Of The McCook Co-Operative
Building And Savings
We , your examining committee ,
have examined the books of the
Secretary and Treasurer and would
respectfully report as follows :
bilities , Jan. 21st , 1891.
Bills Receivable $50,984.00
Cash on Hand 1,397.47
Delinquent Interest. . . 278.90
Delinquent Ass'ments. 286.29
Insurance Paid 2.80
Total .852,949.46
Unearned Premiums. § 8,906.79
Assessments Prepaid. 353.89
Capital Series "A" . . - . 17,792.41
Capital Series "B" . . . 6,851.71
Capital Series "C" . . . 9,450.23
Capital Series "D" . . . 3,759.63
Capital Series "E" . . . 5,546.13
Capital Series "F" . . . 288.67
Total . 352,949.46
F. H. FOWLER , , )
f Examining
n . B. BERRY , ; - n . , , °
. TOTT . I
Series "G" for
open subscrip
tions until February 20th , 1891.
Lincoln. Nebraska. .
J. UUIIKOWS. Editor.
J. M. THOMPSON. Business Manager.
Enlarged and improved.
With the new year the Farm
ers' Alliance is enlarged to
f. nap-pa. TCAW anrirn1n ? -
able departments added , mak
ing it not only the leading re
form paper of the west but al
so one of the best family
newspapers published.
It has won the place itholds
by its fearlessness and truth
and will not be changed in
these particulars.
As an advertising medium
it is unequalled by any paper
published west of Chicago.
Rates made known on appli
cation.Subscription price $1.25
per year. Clubs of 5 or more
$1.00 each.
For sample copies , terms to
agentsetc.addresswith stamp
Lincoln , Neb.
February Weather Forecasts.
13th to 18th A very hard snow
storm with a mixture of rain and sleet.
19th to 24th Changeable and stormy ,
then moderate.
25th to 28th Changeable , and then
Pair and moderate.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Notice to Non-Eesident Defendants.
GustiivHartsloln. plaintiff , vs. Henry Leopold.
Clmrles Leopold. ( John Doound Itlohurd Hoej
whose right HIH ! true mimes tire unknown.
Into partners , dolnjr business under the firm
name and style of Leopold llrotliers & Coin
puny , defendants.
Uonry Leopold , Charles Leopold , ( and John
Doe and Hlchard Hoe , whose richc and true
mimes nro unknown. ) Into partners , doing :
business nnder the linn mime and style of
Leopold JJrothers & Company , del'diidants.
will tuke notice that on I he3d Jay of February ,
1WH , the plaintiff herein , tiled his petition in
the district court of lied Willow county. Ne
braska , urinal said defendants , the object
nud prayer of which Is to recover the Hum of
Two Thousand , Otic- Hundred and Fifty Dollars
lars , now duo and payable for money loaned
by the plaintiff to the defendants at the In
stance and request of the defendants. Leopold
Brothers & Company ; and that afterwards
the plaintiff caused an order of attachment to
issue from the district court of said county
and against the goods , chattels , rights and
credits of said defendants In said county of
Ked Willow to recover thi ? paid sum of $2.150.-
00 and by virtue of which order of attachment
all money , rights , credits duo and owing , and
all money , rights and credits to become due
from the firm of L. Lowman & Son to the de
fendants were levied upon ( and the said firm
of L. Lowtnan & Son were garnlaheed ) as the
property of the said Leopold Brothers & Com
pany In said county.
You are required to answer Bald petition on
or before the Kith day Cf March. 1691.
The defendants will also take notice that on
Wednesday , the IStu day of March. 1891.
tween the hours of 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. . at the
office of W. li. Drown , in the city of Lamed , in
the county ot Pawnee , state of Kansas , the
plaintiff will take the testimony of Gustav
Hartsteln in this action , to be used us evi
dence on the trial of the above entitled cause ,
with authority to adjourn trom day to day uir
til such deposition shall have benn taken.
By Hugh W. Cole , his attorney. 374ts.
Uy virtue of nn order of sale directed to me
from the district court of itcd Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment rendered in the dis
trict court of Ited Willow county. Nebraska ,
on the 10th day of December. 1890 , in tavor of
Nebraska Mortgage Company as plaintiff , and
against Daniel B. Eikunberry et al as defend
ants , for the sum of nine hundred and seven
teen dollars and thirty cents , and costs taxed
at $35 43 and accruingcosts. 1 have levied upon
the following real estate taken as the proper
ty of said defendant , to satisfy said decree , to-
wit : 8. E. X of section eight (8) ( ) town , two (2) ( )
north of range twenty-nine (29) ) west of Oth P.
M. . in lied Willow county. Nebraska. And
will oiler the same for sale to the highest bid
der , for cash In hand , on the 21st day of Feb
ruary A. D. 1891 , in front of the south door of
the court house , in Indianola. Nebraska , that
being the building wherein the last term of
court was held , at to \ hour of one o'clock
P. M. . of said day. when and where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated January 6th. 1891.
33 W. A. McCooL.
Sheriff of sttid County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of lied Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before J.
E. Cochran , judge of the district court of Ked
Willow county. Nebraska , on the 10th day of
December. 18ao. in favor of Emily O. Gibbs as
plaintiff , and against Henry liullreich us defendant
fondant , for the sum of six hundred and forty-
six dollars and thirty-one cents , and costs
taxed nt $31.4 ? and accruing costs. I have
levied upon the following real estate taken as
the propei ty of said defendant , to satisfy said
decree to-wit : The N. W. & of section 11 ,
township 1. north of range30. weatol'Gih P. M. ,
in Ked Willow county. Nebraska. And will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder ,
for cash in hand , on the 21st day of February.
A. D. 1891. in front of the south door of the
court house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that
being the building wherein the last term of
court was held , at the hour of one o'clock ,
P.M. , of said day. when and where due at
tendance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated January 5th. 1891.
33 W. A. MCCOOD.
Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from tin * district court of tied Willow county.
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained belore
Hon. .1. E. Cochran. judge ot the district court
of lied Willow county , Nebraska , on the 2d
day of December. 1889 , in favor of Nebraska
& Kansas Farm Loan Company UH plaintiff ,
and against James A. Porter as defendant ,
for the sum of lifty-six dollars and forty four
cents.and costs taxed at $20.83 and accruing
costs. I liavo levied upon the following real
estate taken us the property of said defend
ant , to sutiPfy said decree , to-wit : N. E. } i of
N. W. & and N. W. H of N. E. U of section 33 ,
and S. E. J of S. W. ; 4 , and S. W. & of S. E.
section 28 , town. 1 , range 20. west ot Oth P. M. .
in Ked Willow county , Nebraska. And will
offer the same for sale to the liigh > > st bidder ,
for cash in hand , on the 21st day of February ,
A. D. 1891. in front of the south door of the
court house , in ludiunola. Nebraska , that
being the building wherein the last term of
court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P.
M . of said day. when and where due attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated January 7,1891. W. A. McCooi , .
33 Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Ked Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. J. E. Cochruu , judge of the district court
of lied Willow county , Nebraska , on the 29th
day of September , 1890 , in favor of Iowa Mort
gage Co. as plaintiff , and against John N.
Smith and Lucinda Smith as defendants , for
the sum of thirty one dollars and sixty cents ,
and costs taxed at $23 68 and accruing costs. I
have levied upon the following real estate
taken as the property of said defendant , to
satisfy said decree to-wit : N. E. J section 6 ,
township 4 , range 30 west. 6th P. M. , in lied
Willow county. Nebraska , containing- and
53-100 acres by government survey. And will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder ,
for cash in band , on the 9th day of March A. D.
1891. in front of the south door of the court
house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being : the
building wherein the last term of ourt was
held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. , of said
day , when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated January 27th , 1891.
30. W. A. McCoor. ,
Sheriff of said County.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the district court of Red Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
Hon. J. E. Cocnran , judge of the district court
or Ked Willow county , Nebraska , on the 9th
day of June , 1890. in favor of Nebraska Loan
& Banking Co. as plaintiff , and against John
Howater , W. J. Wheeler and John lliley us de
fendants , for the sum of two hundred and
thirty nine dollars and twenty-live cents , and
costs taxed at $18.53 and accruing-costs. I have
levied upon the followintr real estate taken as
the property of said defendants , to satisfy
said decree ro-wit : W. 1A N. W. 54 section 33.
township 4 , range 30 , west Oth P. M. And will
offer the same for sale to the highest bidder ,
for cash in hand , on the 9th day of March. A.
D. 1891. in front of the south door of the court
house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being- the
building wherein the last term of court was
held , at the hour of one o'clock , P. M. , of said
day , when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated January 27th. 1891.
36 W. A. McCoor , .
Sheriff of said County.
The above sale was continued from October
21,1890 for want of bidders.
At the regular annual meeting of the Board
of County Commissioners held January 13th ,
1891. the following estimate was made of nee
essary expenccs of the County of Hed Willow
during the ensuing year , viz , 1891 :
County general fund , $18.000
" bridge fund 7.000
" road fund 7,000
" Insane fund 1.500
" county bond interest fund , 1,500
Indianola precinct bond interest fund , . . 200
North Valley precinct bond interest fund , 900
East Valley precinct bond interest fund. 100
WillowGrove precinct bond interest fund 500
Hartley Village precinct bond interest Td 300
Soldiers relief commission 500
354t. By Geo. W. lloper. County Clerk.
Children CryforPitcher's Castoria.
Closing Out Sale
L !
14 Ibs. Gran. Sugar'Grand Island , $1.00
15 Ibs. New Orleans Sugar for 1.00
1 caii > f 2-lb. Corn , . .10
1 can of 3-lb. Tomatoes , .10
1 Ib. Plug Tobacco lor .25 ' f
II' ,
We Sell GROCERIES Cheaper Than Anybody , and I
Save You 25 Per Cent.
J. & , ALLEN & GO. ,
Cash Buyers and Sellers.
? wWl ' I 117
ff - - - , w\ cLL.1 I L-Uii
# ra&L
? / - - -
] F .
tfis s vr > .V V TT-T : ! riiTr
& : ? ! ? > * S2ins i
ZT ' lJS. ' 'IJiJi '
Of f ! Re/iKMANT7VCLAU$50AP. /
Just as the city looks to the country for most of the luxuries used
on its tables , so the country must turn to the city for those conven
iences which are justly termed luxuries for the hard-working house
wife. City housekeepers have learned to realize that to save time is to
lengthen life.
is one of the best known city luxuries and each time a cake is used
an hour is saved. On floors , tables and painted work it acts like a
charm. For scouring pots , pans and metals it has no equal. IF YOUR
UPON HIS DOING SO , as it always gives satisfaction and its immense
sale all over the United States makes it an almost necessary article to
any well-supplied store. Everything shines after its use , and even the
children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house.
. J" . WARRRN , Manager.
B. & M. Meat Market.
TURKEYS , ic. , AC.
R. A. COUPE & CO. , Procs.