The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 13, 1891, Image 2

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F. HI. KI.1OIKLL , FubllMhcr.
McCOOK , : : : NEE
Ex-Gov. Thayer's message to th
legislature is a very lengthy document
Robert Dun * , a. colored man , wa
killed by an elevator in Omaha las
William Luther disposed of th
Merchants hotel at South Sioux Cit ;
to a gentleman in Omaha for $5,500
Mrs. J. II. Jiced , of Lincoln , gav
her two-months-old babe an overdos
of laudanum which resulted in it
The members of the Masonic fra
tcrnity in and about Exeter have abou
completed their organization and wil
soon bo in running order.
The Fremont police looked wit !
suspicion on an old man who pliei
ihe profession of begging in five differ
ent languages and ran him in.
T , W. Parks of Ithaca , New York
arrived -Lincoln to take tin
position of general secretary of thi
Young Men's Christian association.
John Stewart , a Lincoln colorei
minister , was so ungallant as to sla ]
Miss Curtis in the face and was fine <
for the offense one big dollar and costs
John Williamson , who surrepti
tiously sold liquor on the fair grounc
at Lincoln last fall , was fined $10 am
costs in the federal court at Lincoln
A petition is being circulated ii
Nebraska City for signatures , protest
ing against the bill introduced in the
legislature by Senator John Mattes , t (
legalize precinct bonds which have
been voted but not issued.
A Beatrice man is charged witl
tieing his ten-year-old son to a chair
and whipping him unmercifully upor.
the slightest provocation. The boy ,
it is said , has been forced to spend tlie
recent cold nights out of doors"
W. IT. Farr and R. Mills of West
Muddy , in Frontier county , have been
lawing about a two-year-old straw
stack before Justice of the Peace S. V.
Free. The costs at-present amount to
about $50 and it is not yet settled.
Fred Quinby. a Vcrdigreo young
man , tried to brush an obstruction
from the track with his foot in front oi
. a locomotive , but was caught by the
wheels and so badly injured that am
putation of the foot was necessarv.
An Omaha councilman named Bur-
dish , who keeps a saloon , has been
sued by Mrs. Williams for $5,000 dam
ages for loss of support of her husband ,
who drank a great quantity of Bur-
dish's whisky and then killed himself.
Eddie Urbach , the musical prodigy
of western Nebraska , was presented
with a magnificent gold badge by Elkhorn -
horn lodge , Brotherhood of Locomo-
live Firemen of North Platte , for ser
vices rendered on December 31. 1890.
The adjutant-general and brigade
and regimental officers of the Nebraska
national guards are busy preparing a
detailed statement of the expenses"
the state of the late Indian campaign
to submit to the legislature for liquida-
John J. Ryan , a brakeman on the
Elkhorn , while making a drop of a car
at Plainview , slipped and the cars cut
off both logs. Dr Britt of Creighton ,
Drs. Bear and Salter of Norfolk and
Dr. Law amputated the limbs above
the knee.
George McMillan of Lincoln was
arrested for cruelty to animals. The
evidence against him was that after
one of his horses got into a mudhole
and could not get out without help ,
McMillan left the poor brute there to
freeze to death.
The county commissioners of Cass
county have made a selection of the
architect's plans for a new court house ,
and W. M. Gray of Lincoln is the
lucky man. The new structure is to
be stone , two stories and a half high ,
with a basement , and lire proof
Henry Pierce , coroner Richardson
county , has disappeared , his hurried
absence being occasioned by the fact
that he is soon to become the father
of a child outside of his own house
hold. Pierce is an old soldier and has
heretofore been regarded as one of the
pillars of the church.
Virgil , the 4-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Dome of Mason City ,
got hold of a bottle of carbolic acid
and drank a few swallows , and as a
result the lad was soon in a critical
condition. A physician was called and
adminstered an emetic , and the child
soon recovered from the terrible dose.
A bill has been introduced in the
legislature providing that unimproved
lands adjoining improved lands shall
be listed for taxation at the same val
uation as the latter. There are 13.000
acres in Pawnee county , where the
author of the bill , Mr. SchappeL lives ,
owned by non-residents who are hold
ing for speculation.
A young man named Hudson ,
eighteen years old , residing near Dor-
sey , in Holfc county , was accidentally
shot and killed. Ho had gone to the
home of Thomas Crow to borrow a gun
to go hunting with , and as Mr.
Crow handed him out the gun it was
accidentally discharged , the load en
tering Hudson's head and breast with
fatal results.
Gilbert Blue was arrested about a
month ago on the charge of passing
counterfeit money. Since then he has
been in the Douglas county jail await
ing trial. As ho has a wife and six
children dependent on him , Ben Baker ,
the kind hearted United States district
attorney , the other day decided to
allow Blue his freedom and he gave
him his personal recognizance to appear -
pear fpr trial. _ V )
"v , t. J
Signing ofuii Agreement by Secrctar ;
Jllaluc and tlio Brazilian ? Iltil ter-
AVIicn It AVII1 o line Efl'ect- . !
Statement in Kcferciicc to the I'ad
dock Pure Food Bill A Labor Bern. .
oriKtrutloii In AVnftliiugtoit TIic He
niarkx of Congressman .llcCoimcll
Reciprocity WItli IlrazlJ.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 0. The Post an
nounces that the negotiations betweer
the United States and Brazil ( undci
the reciprocity clause of the new tarifl
law ) has resulted in the signing1 of an
agreement by Secretary Bhiine and the
Brazilian minister. The agreement
goes into effect January 1 next.
Under the provisions of the agree
mcnt Brazil reduces her import charge :
upon American products , farm , facto
ry and mine , io the extent of abou
? 5,000,000 annually. It is expected i
stimulus will be given to sugar impor
tation which will be increased so tha
in five years Brazil will be able to fur
nish all the sugar required in th <
United States. It is expected that , ii
three years , Brazil will pay the Unitec
States $ -5,000,000 in return for oui
manufactures and products. [ Not oulj
does Brazil place a great many Ameri
can articles on the free list , but it i :
arranged that on other articles in the
manufacture of which Europe com
petes with this country the tariff wil
be lowered in our favor.
President Harrison has issued u pro
clamation setting forth that the Brazil
ian minister has communicated to the
secretary of state the fact that in due
reciprocity and for the consideration oJ
admission into the United States , free
of all duty , of the articles enumerated
in section 3 of the tariff act to-wit :
Sugar , molasses , coffee and hides , the
government of Brazil has , by legal en
actment , authorized the admission from
and after April 1 , 1891 , into all estab
lished ports of entry of Brazil , free of
duty , merchandise named , as follows ,
provided that such shall be the pro
duct and manufacture of the United
States : Wheat , wheat flour , corn or
maize , and the manufactures thereof ,
including corn meal and'starch , rye ,
rye flour , buckwheat , buckwheat flour ,
barley , potatoes , beans , peas , hay , oats ,
pork salted , including pickled pork
and bacon , except hams ; fish , salted ,
dried or pickled , cotton seed oil ; coal ,
anthracite and bituminous , rosin , tar ,
pitch and turpentine , agricultural
tools , implements and machinery , min
ing and mechanical tools , implements
and machinery , including stationary ,
and portable engines and all machinery
for manufacturing and industrial pur
poses , except sewing machines , in
struments and books for the arts and
sciences , railway construction material
and equipment.
The government of Brazil has also
further authorized the admission with
reduction of 25 per cent of the exist
ing tariff duty in Brazil of the follow
ing named articles , produced or manu
factured in the United States : Lard and
substitutes thereof , bacon , hams , but
ter and cheese , canned and preserved
meats , fish , fruits and vegetables , man
ufactures of cotton , including cotton
clothing , manufactures of iron and
steel , single or mixed not included in
the free schedule , leather and the
manufactures thereof , except boots and
shoes , lumber , timber and the manu
factures of wood , includingjjooperage ,
furniture of all kinds , wagons , carts
and carriages , manufactures of rubber.
The government of Brazil has further
provided that the laws and regulations
adopted to protect its revenue and pre
vent fraud in declarations and proofs ,
etc. , shall place no undue restrictions
on the importation nor impose any ad
ditional changes or fees therefor on the
articles imported.
Paddock' * Pure Food Bill.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 6. Senator Pad
dock has authorized the following
statement of his views as to the manner
in which the Paddock pure food bill
now pending would affect the packing
tiouses :
' 'It will not throw a straw in the
pathway of any honestly conducted
business in Chicago or elsewhere. It
is aimed at fraud and deception only.
Its object is to protect the public
against adulteration ; honest manufac
turers against dishonest competition
( which the bill makes illegal ) , and to
extend the export trade of the country
jy definitely fixing a standard for our
export products. In my judgment it
will bo of very great benefit to every
reputable industry engaged in the man
ufacture of food products or of drugs.
"The strong features of the bill , in
my opinion , are the clear definitions of
what shall constitute adulteration un
der the law ; the simple yet effective
machinery for its enforcement ; its
universality of application ; its unques
tionable constitutionality , and the cer
tainty that it will have back of it the
support of commercial honesty every
where throughout the country. "
"How will it affect food com
pounds ? "
"Ko food compound not injurious to
the health , and which is labeled as a
compound , comes under the prohibito
ry clauses of the bill. The bill only
requires that such articles shall be sold
ander proper designations and not as
.natations of other articles with a view
; o deceive unsuspecting purchasers.
[ t thus interferes with no trade marks
> r proprietary articles known under
iistinctive names in commercial trans-
ictions. In addition , the pure food
) ill provides against the fallibility of
iciencev It allows appeals to the
: ourts from the official tests of the
ihemical division of-the department of
igriculturq--and , provides both legal
and scientific safeguards against pos
sible errors in iho application of in
provisions to trade. There are no ob
noxious revenue stamps , no compli
catcu machinery of spies and needles :
provisos of tagging , stamping or rcg
istcring. "
Labor Demonstration In
WASHINGTON , Feb. G. There was i
monster labor meeting held at Gram
Army hall last night , attended by htm
dreds of Knights of Labor men ant
their representative officers , amonj
them Ilalph Beaumont , thewell-knowr
Knights of Laborspeaker. . Among
those who delivered speeches was Rep
resentative Connell of Omaha , who
was introduced as the author of the
eight-hour bill , the passage of whicli
was urged by the workingmen's organ
izations. Mr. Connell said a startling
condition of affairs existed in this
country. The rich were growing
richer , the poor poorer. One-half oi
the entire wealth of the country was
owned by 30,000 people. That certainly -
tainly was not a just or equitable dis
tribution of the wealth of the country.
The workingmen of the country were
not , he said , communists or socialists
or nihilists. All over the country they
saw workingmen assemble , as they
were assembled here but last night , to
secure their rights in a peaceable , or
derly manner , He thought they would
see good results from the agitation
going on among the farmers and work
ingmen. A proper adjustment of the
questions , the matter of transporta
tions and the great overshadowing
labor question was not , he thought , fai
distant. He believed the day was near
at hand when the great railroad sys
tems would bo not only controlled , but
owned , by the government. It was
urged that such a centralization oi
power was dangerous , but was it more
dangerous to centralize such a power
in tHe government than in the hands of
two men Jay Gould and Vanderbilt ?
By the right of eminent domain the
people could take the railroad property
just 'as the railroads took the lot of the
poor man that lay in its route , paying
full value for the road at a just ap
praisement of is actual worth and not
what its watered stock represented.
The government had a right to issue
money ; puts its stamp upon it and pay
for the railroad. The currency would
go out into the country and be used in
enterprises that would pay a better
than 2 per cent rate and give employ
ment to the unemployed.
Death to Combines.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Feb. 7. The
senate yesterday passed the most
sweeping measure that was ever aimed
against trusts in this state. The bill
provides that all trusts , pools , con
tracts , combinations , arrangements or
corporations which attempts to de
crease outputs , control prices or limit
production , shall be considered con
spiracies to defraud the people , and
any person being a member of such
organization shall be subject to a fine
of $1,000 to § 15,000 , and imprison
ment in the state prison for from two
to five years. This provision is made
to apply to any stockholder , or agent
or person interested in any way in the
management or profits of the pool , con
tract , combination , agreement or cor
poration. In cases where the com
pany is organized under the Indiana
laws , the charter is to be forfeited , in
addition to the punishment prescribed
in the penal section of the bill.
In another section it is provided
that any person who is injured by the
operation of the trust or pool , may sue
and recover damages double the sum
of injury which his business has suf
Cost of the Slonx AVar.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 6. A communi
cation , received by congress from the
quartermaster general's department ,
through the secretary of war , shows
that the Sioux Indian outbreak cost at
least $2,000,000. Transportation , ra
tions , ammunition and other expenses
constitute the principal items in the
appropriation asked. This is the di
rect cost of the outbreak. What there
will be in the way of bills for depre
dations committed by the Indians can
not be estimated. There are those who
believe that , directly or indirectly , the
expense will not be short of between
? 3 , SOO,000 and $4,000,000. It is now
acknowledged by every one that it
would be' far more economical and a
great deal less troublesome to the gov
ernment to sell all the Indian reserva
tions and take the money and pur
chase farms for the Indians in the
sast. Thus the tribal relations could
ba broken and the savages placed in
2ivilized communities where they would
have no opportunity to make them
selves feared.
Alliance Leader Deponed.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Feb. 4. S. B.
Erwin , president of the Kentucky
'armers' alliance , has been deposed and
r. T. Gardner , vice president , put in
lis place. The change is owing to
Erwin's warning in the alliance paper ,
> f which he is the editor , advising
'armers to keep away from the grow-
srs' tobacco 'warehouse , of which ex-
senator Williams is president. The
illiance has been supporting this ware-
reuse in opposition to the warehouse
sombination. The editor's place is
aken by E. Schulz.
Sam IK a Fighter.
ATLANTA , Ga. , Feb. 4. Rev. Sam
' . Jones seems to be having a lively
ime in Texas. The following charac-
eristic telegram from the evangelist
hews what he has been doing :
OAKWOOD , Tex. , Feb. 3. The one-
gallon mayor of Palestine tried to cane
our Uncle Jones this morning at the
, epot. I Avrenched his cane from him
, nd wore him out. I am a little dis-
igured but still in the ring. I criti-
ised his official career last November.
t needed criticising.
Three negroes were cremated in jai
at Friar's Point , Mis : * .
Minnesota's legislature appropriatei
$300.000 for the World's fair.
Pittsburg is talking of a $25,000,00 (
ship canal to Lake Erie.
An orphan asyluns burned at Moscow
nine children being lost and several in
The supreme court decided that i
had jurisdiction in the Behring se :
Ten thousand shoemakers in Lender
have gone on a strike for an increase
in wages.
Gen. Henry A. Morrow of the First
United States infantry died at IIoi
Springs , Ark.
The North Dakota anli-lotterj
amendment has reached the governoi
lor signature.
T. B. Woodside , an Illinois farmer
blew out his brains in the presence ol
his betrothed.
Riotous scenes took place during the
progress of the Crawford murder trial
; it Decatur , 111.
A family near Denison , Tex. , were
poisoned by eating bread made with
cottonseed oil.
Kansas alliance men arc talking 01
Senator Peffer as the alliance candi
date for president.
Daniel M. Davidson , an advertising
solicitor , killed himself at Memphis ,
lie used a razor.
The Alton has asked for permissior
to meet the two cent rate of the Jack-
sonvile Southern.
Col. W. F. Cody ( Buffalo Bill ;
praises Gen Miles for hio work in the
Indian campaign.
General Manager Wood said it is
false that there will be a strike on the
Pennsylvania system.
A new Southwest African company
was formed at Hamburg with a capital
of 20,000,000 marks.
The Arkansas Valley bank of Wich
ita , Kas. , closed its doors on account
of dilatory collections.
The world's fair directory decided tc
ask for § 5,000,000 more , making the
total fund $15,000,000.
A bill has been introduced in the
Michigan legislature for the purchase
of the Michigan Central.
The railroad committee of Kansas'
legislature submitted a bill to make ail
tax assessments on a full rate.
A Minneapolis minister dropped
dead in his pulpit after preaching a
sermon on "Is Life Worth Living ? "
The sheriff of Indianapolis was
Jocked up in the Terre Haute. Ind. ,
jail for being drunk and disorderly.
Two thousand boomers are hiding
in caves in the Cherokee strip. Sold
iers have been ordered to eject them.
Colorado farmers have appealed to
Grand Army of the Republic posts in
Chicago for aid because of bhort crops.
.Lieut. Schwatka , of Arctic fame ,
will be a cripple for life as a result of
his recent accident at Mason City , Io.
A Chicago newspaper says that noth
ing less than $15,000.000 will meet the
necessities of the World's fair direct
A mass meeting at Palestine. Tex. ,
demanded the resignation of Mayor-
Ward for caning Sam Jones , the Evan
The state farmers' alliance conven
tion Washington decided to urge
prompt action by congress on the sil
ver bill.
Not one of the regular annual ap
propriation bills has been passed by
> oth houses of congress and tent to the
It has been decided to recommend
that the world's fair directors issue a
call for an additional subscHntion of
Mrs. Sheedy's lover iias4 een dis
charged at Lincoln , Neb. , but the lady
is still held , charged with her hus
band's murder.
The Toronto Empire declares that
Blaine expressed a desire to discuss
with Pauncefote the subject of reci
procity with Canada ,
The house passed the senate bill
prohibiting the sale of tobacco to
minors under sixteen years of age in
the District of Columbia.
The Omaha Indian half-breeds have
complained to President Harrison of
Agent Ashley , who , they say , wishes to
drive tnem from their lands.
The secretary of war has directed
Brigadier General Daniel W. Flagler
to assume the duties of chief of ord
nance for the war department.
M. W. Meredith was arrested at Au
rora , 111. , where hs was living under
the name of Winfield , for swindling a
Pittsburg concern out of $3,000.
Congressman Taylor before the sil
ver pool committee acknowledged buy
ing silver. Owenby was on the stand ,
but disclosed little new evidence.
A pretty young woman , claiming to
be a daughter of Representative Hoi-
man of Indiana , has been blackmail
ing politicians in Tacoma , Wash.
Director General Davis of the world's
fair commission is angry because no
mention was made of salary for him
by congress. He says he will quit first.
A Belgian has been arrested in Paris
charged with supplying the German
ivar department officials with plans of
the French Belgian and Belgian Ger
man frontiers.
A Tacoma adventuress , claiming to
so a daughter of Congressman Hoi-
nan , worked legislators by threaten
ing to scream , when at her solicita-
; ion , they visited her in her room at
icr hotel.
The house committee on agricultuer
las completed its appropriation bill
'or the coming fiscal year. The bill
: arries an appropriation of $2,804.853
md is $7,150 less than the estimates
submitted. Of this amount $879,753
a for the support of the weather
jureau , which is to be transferred to
, he agricultural department on the 1st
) f July next ;
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless suhstituto
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays
fevcrishndss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. < ! 1
" Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its
good effect upon their children.11
Da. G. C. OSGOOD ,
Lowell , Mass.
" Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I tun acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children , and lisa Castoria in-
Btead cf the variousquacknostrumswhich are
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats , thereby sending
them to premature graves. "
Conway , Ark.
The Centaur Company , TT Murray Street , Now York City.
Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest nickel cigars
ever placed on sale in McCook.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
North Mala Avenue.
A stock of best grades of Hose , Lawi
Sprinklers. Hose Keels and Hose Fixtures
constantly on hand. All work receives promo
House Mover % Drayman ,
§ 3F"House and Safe Moving a Spec
ialty. Orders for Draying left at the
Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive
prompt attention.
DR. HUMPHREYS * SPECIFICS are scientifically and
carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many
years In private practice withsuccess.andforover
thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe
cific is a special cure for the disease named.
These Specifics cure without drugging , purg
ing or reducing the system , and are in fact and
deedthesovereicn remedies of thcWorld.
1 Fevers , Congestion. Inflammation. . . ,2.5
a Worms , Worm Fever , Worm Colic . , i > 5
" Cryintr ColicorTeethIngof Infauts , J5
4 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults * 5
5 .Dysentery , Griping , Bilious Colic. . . . .545
C Cholera Morbas , vomiting 5
7 Coughs , Cold , Bronchitis 25
8 Neuralgia , Toothache.Faceache . . . . * 45
9 Headaches , Sick Headache , Vertigo .25
10 Dyspepsia , Bilious Stomach 25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. .25
Iti Whites , too Profuse Periods 25
li ! Croup , Cough , Difficult Breathing. . . . ,25
14 Salt Ithenm , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25
35 lllieumatiBtn , Rheumatic Pains 25
IO Fever and Ague , Chills , Malaria 50
17 Piles , Blind or Bleeding ro
19 Catarrh , Influenza , Cold In the Head .50
20 Whooping Conch , Violent Coughg. .50
24 General Debility.rhvElcalWeakness .50
27 KldneyDiscnse 5O
28 Nervous Debility 1.00
3O Urinary Weakness , Wetting Bed. .50
32 Diseases of thellcart.Palpltatlonl.UO
Bold by Druggists , or Bent postpaid on receipt
of price. DR. HUMPHREYS' MANUAL , (144 pages )
richly bound In cloth and gold , mailed free.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria.
When she was & Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Hiss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me. "
H A. Ancmcit , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , If. Y.
" Our physicians In the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their cxperi-
cnco In their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although we only have oinoug our
medical supplies what is known as regular
produewj , yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it. "
Boston , Mass.
ATJ.TCT C. Surra , Fret. ,
Horses branded on left hip or left ehouider.
P.O.nddress , Imperial.
Chase County , and Seat-
rice. Neb. Kange. Stink
ing Water and French
man creeks , Chase Co. ,
Brand as cut on side of
some animals , on hip and
sides of some , or any
where on the animal.
Bus , Baggage Dray Line.
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
y Dest Equipped in the Citr. Leave ordcni
at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur-
oiahed on short notice.
To cure Biliousness , Sick Headache , Consti
pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , take
the cafe and certain remedy ,
Use the S3XAI.X , Size (40 little Beans to thfr
Suitable 4or- all - \.iroi .
Price of either size , 25c. per Bottle ,
feneral and inaVOOB DO ii
3DKT LriWiSVS,7. . ? "ia. ? l"T * i4
ei ? amiuit r HOXX TBuii2nCriZf.vIIZBODT-