The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 30, 1891, Image 5

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    fl Friiiyt.
ucccssons TO
Noble , The Grocer.
Honesty is a lust art.
Sagwa on tap at McMillen's.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Drive ahead and stop grumbling.
Death and tax - - are nvertakuig us.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
' Debt grows larger the more you con
tract it.
Irrigate. "Nothing ventured , noth
ing won.
Car of flour and feed just received at
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
Dr. A. J. Thomap , Dentist , in Union
aleck , over Boston shoe store.
84 patent flour at
Celebrity , is the advantage of being
known to those who do not know us.
French tissue paper in all colors at
WANTED Ten wood choppers.
Feed of nil kinds.
Try Damask Rose , the best lotion
for face and hands , at McMillen's drug
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
next examination.
Hanging , parlor and stand lamps at
Chenery's City Drug Store. New goods
and popular prices.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
WANTED 300 head of stock , April
1st , to pasture. 3 miles east of Mc
Cook. 1,600 acres. A. W. COREY.
You can always secure the freshest
and best prepared drugs at
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
While wealth receives respect the
man who possesses it is sometimes
foolish enough to believe that it is to
him the people bow.
A certain quantity of egotism is es
sential to success in life. " But the
more successfully it is concealed the
more likely is its owner to win his way
and to retain the good will of his
THE MoCooK TRIBUNE prints its
eight pages at home without a mechan
ical defect. It is a representative pa
per and deserves support in its efforts
to advance McCook's interests. Hast
ings Democrat.
There are some who never seem to
believe themselves capable of anything.
They see others press forward to at
tempt and achieve , and shrink back in
to a desponding inactivity. Having no
faith in themselves , they undertake
nothing and effect nothing.
McUook flour all grades.
McCook will be in the play this year.
Irrigate. "In union there is strength. "
0. R. C. ball and banquet , Feb. 5th.
Ed. Ballew was aflndianola , Monday.
A full line of stationery at the City
Drug Store.
Irrigate. "Necessity is the mother
of invention. "
A new time card uill go into effect
Sunday , February l t.
Buy your Sagwa and other Kickapoo
Indian remedies at McMillen'n.
Bishop Graves of Kearney will oc
cupy the Episcopal pulpit , Sunday.
Pearliue meal the finest in the mar
Save and utilize the water in sight
was the watchword of the convention.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Irrigation will soon bean accomplish
ed fact in Western Nebraska not a
All the popular brands of cigars at
Reizenstein's parlor , next door to the
post office.
The only complete and accurate ac
count of the irrigation convention will
be found in THE TRIBUNE.
The Benevolent Society will meet at
the home of Mrs. Fowler S. Wilcox ,
Tuesday afternoon , (2:30) ( : ) February 3d.
The Minden Gazette has adopted the
suggestion that the surplus water in
Nebraska ought to be kept by building
IN QUEENS WARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
The ladies of the Relief Corps desire
to express their appreciation of the
patronage accorded their supper , Wed
nesday evening.
An irrigation convention wili be held
in Sidney on the 7th of February. At
Ogaialla on the 10th , and a mass con
vention in Lincoln on the llth.
February 1st Nos. 3 and 6 will not
run west of McCook. Through pas
sengers will have to lay over until No.
] . The local freight will accommodate
local traffic , however.
This week the Burlington paid its
taxes into the county treasury of Red
Willow county. The total sum just
lacked forty-five cents of being even
ten thousand dollars.
The publisher of the Bartley Long-
Felt-Want promises to 'prove to the
entire satisfaction of Rev. William M.
Taylor that there is a "God in Israel. "
Here's a chance for a mutual intro
The third snowfall of the winter
came in on schedule time , Wednesday.
Three or four inches of the beautiful
were deposited on the level much
more in the canyons by the high wind
which prevailed.
We this issue resume our ready-print
"inside. " Just as soon , however , as the
patronage accorded will warrant , THE
will the all-at-home
TRIBUNE return to - -
plan which has been so favorably re
ceived during the past few months.
McCook is one of the most progres
sive cities in the west and she should
keep up here good name for push and
enterprise by moving steadily along.
Encourage one another and assist in
every possible manner that will win
and that is honorable.
"We have , ' * said representative Modi ,
in that bright and breezy style which
has made the gentleman from Red Wil
low a leader in the lower house , "we
have stepped down as the law making
power when we submitted the question
to a conglomerated mass of human
iniquity. "
Ex-Commissioner Bennett has filed
amended charges against C.W. Hodgkin.
We have not seen them , but he is still
accused of illegally securing votes at
the late election. We recently met an
intelligent , responsible citizen of Perry
precinct and he says there was no fraud
in that precinct. If Beaver and Perry
precincts are fair specimens , frauds are
scarcejust as they should be. T. 0.
Ground oil cake.
Western Nebraska Alive
To Its Importance.
Participated in by Delegates
From Ten Counties.
No one could look into the faces of
the two hundred citizens of Western
Nebraska present at the irrigation con
vention which opened in this city ,
Wednesday afternoon , without being
impressed profoundly with the manifest
fact that the people of this section of
state are wide awake to the importance
of irrigation , and alive to the blessings
which will follow in the wake of irriga
tion when it shall be an accomplished
fact. Not deterred by the severe storm
which prevailed , there were delegates
present from at least ten counties in
this part of the state , all filled with an
earnest yearning for irrigation and ready
to do their utmost to solve the momen
tous question , "How can it be brought
about ? "
At the hour appointed the delegates
assembled in the opera house , and after
listening to a brief but cordial address
of welcome by Judge J. E. Cochran ,
they proceeded to business by calling
Dr. J. E. Hathorn of Bartley to the
chair , and F. M. Kimmell of McCook
to the secretary's desk. The call of
counties showed the following repre
sentatives to be present :
Thackrey , W. H. Myers , Henry Ough ,
L. Morse , L. G. Ruggles , L. M.Palmer.
'CHASE COUNTY H. R. Edwards.
T. D. Morgan , F. A. Harman , C. W.
Shurtleff , J. D. Stockton , A. H. Bailer ,
J. J. Finn , C. H.Beck , J. C. Benedict ,
J. R. McFaal , S. P. Kirkbride , 0. W.
DeVald. .
ens , A.M. Barton , E.S. Hill , Rice Roe ,
Ora Clark , Samuel Ellis , C. W. Hodgkin -
kin , J. E. Hathorn , R. S. Hileman , C.
H. Meeker , Win. Weygint , Samuel
Young , Stephen Belles , John Real ,
C. W. Beck.
E. Babcock , W. B. Whitney , J. P.
G. Struve , Daniel Sullivan , L. E. Al
len , J. W. Coulter , J. A. Gibson , J. A.
Kinsinger , S. C. Leap , J. N. Koontz.
G. Knight.
Harman. *
On motion the following committee
on resolutions and memorials was ap
pointed :
L. Morse , Dundy county.
C. H. Peck , Hitchcock county.
C. H. Meeker , Red Willow county.
J. A. Piper , Harlan county.
W. H. Faling , Furnas county.
D. J. Myers , Webster county.
W. E. Smythe , Chase county.
B. A. Harlan , Frontier county.
J. C. O'Brien , Hayes county.
C. H. Harman , Phillips county , Colo.
Then followed interesting and in
structive addresses from Gov. Furnas
of Brownville , Prof. Hicks of Lincoln ,
Mr. Smythe of the Bee , Buffalo Jones
of Garden City , Mr. Babcock of Gard
en City. Senator Koontz and Repre
sentative Ruggles.
On motion J. E. Cochrau , H.R. Ed
wards , J. P. Lindsay , J. N. Koontz and
J. S. LeHew were constituted a com
mittee on laws. Adjourned till 8 o'clock ,
The report of committee on resolu
tions and memorials was read and ac
cepted as follows :
WHEREAS , a comprehensive system of irri
gation is demanded for Nebraska , especially
the western half , and
WHEREAS , the present laws are not ade
quate to deal with the subject , and to secure
equal justice to all parties concerned , there
fore be it
RESOLVED , by this convention , represent
ing the counties of Dundy , Perkins , Red Wil
low , Hitchcock , Furnas , Gosper , Hayes , Web
ster , Chase and Frontier , do hereby memorial
ize the legislature to enact irrigation laws
based on those of Colorado and Wyoming
and providing for the employment of an ex
pert state engineer , and the division of the
state into water districts.
RESOLVED FURTHER , that we do hereby re
quest the legislature to memorialize congress
to enact a law donating all government land
to the several states to be used for irrigation
and storage purposes.
William We\gint addressed the
convention for a few minutes touching
the subject of irrigation with consider
able warmth.
After a partial reading of the irriga
tion laws of Wyoming , the same were
on motion referred to the committee
on laws.
On motion the committee on laws
was empowered to appoint a committee
of three to co-operate with a committee
of three to be appointed at the Sidney
irrigation convention in securing proper
irrigation legislation at the present ses
sion of the state assembly.
At this juncture there way exhibited
an imperative desire to taste the good
things spread so lavishly by the ladies
of the relief corps that an adjournment
was taken until Thursday morning at
9 o'clock , and the delegates and many
citizens repaired to the Meeker hall ,
there to enjoy the tempting viands pre
pared in honor of the delegates to the
In the absence of the chairman , the
secretary called the convention to or
der in the city hall , and Dr. Green was
called to preside.
The law committee then reported the
selection of J. S. LeHew , C. H. Meek
er and Simon Bickel to constitute the
committee of three hereinbefore pro
vided for.
The following resolution was intro
duced by S. A. Osborne and adopted :
WHEREAS , the question of the development
of the irrigation resources and capabilities-
western Nebraska is one of vital importance
to that section and through it to the state at
large , and
WHEREAS the magnitude of the work , the
necessary expense to be incurred , and the
benefits to the state at large , demand that the
assistance of the state be pledged thereto ,
therefore be it
RESOLVED , that it is the sense of this con
vention assembled that a state appropriation
of $200,000 should be made for this purpose
and that we earnestly request the present leg
islature now in session to pass a law embody
ing the spirit of this resolution , and making an
appropriation therefor , and be it further
RESOLVED , that we request and earnestly
urge upon the legislature the duty of memor
ializing congress to make an appropriation of
one million dollars for the same purpose.
Mr. Jones introduced the resolution
following which was adopted :
RESOLVED FURTHER , that congress should
forever cease making appropriations to con
trol the overflow in the south , and should ap
ply a like sum to divert the surplus water
from the Mississippi river and its tributaries ,
and convey the same through the states of
Dakota , Colorado , Nebraska and Kansas ,
where it is so much needed for irrigation and
other useful purposes.
Until the noon adjournment the time
was then occupied in addresses and dis
cussions , participated in by C. H. Meek
er , S. A. Osborne of Denver , W. E.
Robinson of San Diego , J. E. Cochran ,
C. J. Jones and others , mainly touching
the law or the case.
Meeting called to order by Wm. Wey
gint at appointed hour. By agreement
the name of L. Morse was substituted
for that of Simon Bickel in the com
mittee of three. Report of committee
on laws was then adopted and commit
tee discharged.
Then ensued a general discussion in
which many delegates participated , ex
pressions being received from quite a
number of farmer delegates present.
It was moved that the committee of
three report at Lincoln , Feb. llth , at a
mass convention to be held there on
that date commencing at 3 o'clock on
the afternoon of said day.
It was determined that the memorials
adopted be printed in form for circula
tion for signatures of petitioners to the
It was carried that two delegates
from each precinct be selected from the
several counties to attend the mass con
vention at Lincoln on Feb. llth. Jus
tices of the Peace in such precincts
having power to appoint delegates in
cases where no elections are had.
The following standing committee
was elected : J. E. Cochran , chairman ,
F. M. Kimmellsecretary ; C. H. Meeker.
At his request , it was moved that
Senator Koontz be provided with a copy
of the resolutions and memorials as
embodying the expressed wish of the
On motion the thanks of the conven
tion were extended to the W. R. C. and
to the citizens of McCook for courte
sies extended.
Adjourned subject to call of stand
ing committee.
Corn Cobs for Kind/ing.
A car-load of corn cobs just the
thing for kindling just received at the
W. C. Bullard & Co. lumber yard.
Try a load.
Pure fresh buckwheat at
A Sensible Suggest/on.
Hastings , Neb. , Jan. 24. To the ed
itor of the Bee : The following taken
from the report of the committee ap
pointed to draft a bill for the relief of
western sufferers , calls forth the subse
quent remarks to which 1 trust you will
give your careful attention :
"The committee favored
an appropri
ation of not less than $100,000 , goods
to be purchased of Lincoln and Omaha
wholesale houses. "
Now , while we see the legislature in
tends doing a noble work in assisting
the western sufferers who arc sufferers
indeed they are overlooking one class
of people who need aid as much as any
one else , namely , the merchants. Mer
chants as a rule'bought largely of win
ter goods in anticipation of a severe
winter. As we have been agreeably dis
appointed by the weather being unsea
sonably fine the merchants have on hand
full stock of winter goodswhich they
can ill afford to carry and which they
would gladly sell at cost to obtain
money to meet their bills. Merchants
are failing almost daily in the drouth-
stricken country , being unable to meet
their bills on account of having to carry
these goods. Now I would suggest that
the money be sent to good men who are
on the grounds and can place it where
it is needed the most , buying the goods
from the home merchants instead of
Lincoln and Omaha jobbers. These
jobbers would get their share , just the
same , by receiving the money from the
merchants on past due bills and thus
have a tendency to strengthen the credit
of western merchants with the jobbing
houses they are dealing with. It is well
known that a portion of the donations
already sent out have fallen into hands
for which they were no.ver intended.
One case in particular was brought to
my notice this week , where a certain
man who is holding about three hun
dred bushels of wheat for higher prices
got the lion's share of a lot that had
been received at the town near which he
resides. Let the legislature make this
money do all the good it can by putting
it in the largest circulation possible ,
thus benefiting not only the farmers but
all classes of people and give these
merchants who have carried these same
farmers year after year a chance to
weather through what is bound to be a
dull season. Eiseman & Co. of Council
Bluffs attribute their failure to the
warm winter and inability to sell heavy
goods which had to be carried in stock.
The western merchants are in the same
fix in regard to stocks of heavy goods.
Is the result to be the same ? The leg-
lature can assist them by following the
foregoing suggestion. Will they do it ?
This is-no idle talk. I have traveled in.
this country several years and know
whereof I speak. A TRAVELING MAN.
Annual Meeting of Red Willow Co.
Agricultural Society.
The Annual Meeting of the Red Wil
low County Agricultural Society will
be held at the Court house in Indianola
on Saturday , January 31 , 1891 , at one
o'clock P. M. At which time the
officers , including a full board of direct
ors will be elected , the Fair located for
1891 and other necessary business trans
acted. A full attendance is desired
and expected. Ladies are especially
invited. Let us commence at once to
make the Fair of 1891 a success ; elect
good men to fill the offices and then
stand by them. C. W. BECK , Sec.
Bartley , Neb. , Jan. 12th , 1891.
Lindsay Appointed.
As was anticipated by the Democrat ,
some weeks ago , ex-senator J. P. Lind
say of Beaver City has been appointed
to succeed S. P. Hart as register of the
McCook land office. Mr. Lindsay is.a
lawyer of considerable note in the Yal-
ley , and will , in our opinion , make a
good land official. Hastings Democrat.
W. C. T. U. AID.
The Red Willow County W. C. T. U.
has received from the Syracuse. Neb. .
Union a generous shipment of money ,
clothing , flour etc. Application for aid
can be made to MRS. PETER BOYLE ,
To Trade For McUook Property f
160 acres of land , located in Dundy
county. 120 acres of this land will be
under the flow of an irrigation ditch the
coming spring. Enquire at this office.
For Sale.
A carriage and a base burner heating
stove. Inquire at once.E.
The attendance is increasing.
John Colling is now in the banking
business , which id the Goal struggle in
Those who haven't time to attend
school are very welcome to come up
and give us a call.
Mr. Jack Billiard has resumed hi
work in shorthand after being absent a
fuw days on business.
IF Mr. Norval and Mr. Collins could
see into the commercial law , alike , ev
erything would be as quiet as though
there wasn't a lawyer within ten miles
of us.
Mr. L. H. Gray , formerly a short-
liand student , is now in Denver , but is
still partaking of our "shortness" by
mail and expresses himself as getting
along nicely.
Miss Millie Hurlbut has finished
book keeping and is now learning short
hand. Miss Hurlbut has a remunera
tive position awaiting her when she
becomes thoroughly proficient. Good !
Hard times has no weight on the de
mand for the graduates from the col
lege. John Allain had not quite fin
ished when lie was called from our
midst to be useful and do work for the
Bank of McCook. Mr. A. is worthy
of any position which may be intrusted
to his care.
Bishop Graves At Meeker's Hall.
On Sunday , February 1st , the Epis
copal Bishop of this diocese will con
duct services at Meeker's Hall. Dr.
Graves was appointed to Nebraska from
Minneapolis , Minn. , where for many
years he had been rector of one of the
leading churches. His reputation as a
public speaker and an earnest , wise
worker for good had preceded him , and
since his consecration as bishop of
western Nebraska he has shown mark
ed executive ability as well as eloquence
of the quiet convincing order in the
work of the church which has been ac
complished and much begun under his
administration. It is to be hoped that
he will be greeted by a good congrega
tion on the occasion of his visit to Mc
Cook , and all persons attending may ho
assured that they will be amply reward
ed by the service and the sermon.
A young lady wants a place to work
for board. Wishes to spend spare time
in study. Will expect privilege of hav
ing teacher come to the house.
Address , T. W. BENJAMIN ,
Lock Box 484. McCook , Neb ,
'Under the Hat. '
It is mentioned under the hat , that
the deputy secretary of state will come
from Hastings. Hastings Democrat.
The handsome blond of the Hastings
Democrat Charlie Wahlquist a clever
fellow of large observation , has been
making a personal investigation of the
delicate matter , and gives to the world
inside information concerning the very
latest thing in garters : "The latest
thing in garters , and by the by , garters
are a question of great importance now
adays , has for a clasp a barred gate
which fastens just in the centre ; enam
eled on this is a small dog , and on the
other side is the funny inscription , "No
trespassing allowed. "
THE TRIBUNE wants the people of
this section to do some hard thinking
and tall figuring on the South Side irri
gation ditch project. It is perhaps the
most practical scheme in view. More
land can be covered for the outlay of
money and labor than by any proposed
canal of equal length. Xo where can
better results be hoped for or accom
plished. If there is any health in us
the South Side ditch should be a < * o.
The proposition made byT.J. Brom-
ficld , the Grand Island beet sugar man.
at a small gathering of citizens , last
Saturday , did not commend itself to the
favorable consideration , of most of those
present'and ; perhaps its acceptance was
not possible under our present laws.
Prescriptions are compounded from
the best drugs the market affords , "and
with accuracy and promptness at
At Joe Reizenstein's parlor you can
at all times secure the best brands of
cigars and tobaccosimported ordomcstic
Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar