The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 23, 1891, Image 7

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Bald thQ cynic to the poet :
"All your song IB lying verse
When you take the world and show it
Always better never worse !
Life IB but a cloalc of sorrows ,
Folding down its somber nido
Close upon the bright to-morrows
That the future bus denied.
Fondest wishes , if wo gain them ,
Greet us with a smile and tear ;
Dear desires , if wa attain them.
Lose their luster as they near.
r You who Bing in hapry measure
Aye of light and love and pleasure ,
Better keep your fancies furled ;
There is fauch a strain of sadness
Under all the seeming Kindness
In the world ! "
To the cynic said the poet
"Sorrow can not bo denied ;
You who bate the world , and know it
Only on its darker sldo.
"LAlo is but a garment : trouble
Is the stormy wind that blows
All the fabric backward double ,
And the gleaming lining bliowsl
Though this life hath sorrow in it ,
'Tls a garden guy with ( lowers ;
They may wear a rose who win it ,
In this fair bright world of ours.
If a Joy come to thec share it ;
Take thy cloak , and nobly wear it ;
Keep thy bitter fancies furled.
There Is such n wealth of gladness
Over all the seeming sadness
In the world. "
Florence May Alt , in Jury.
A Storv of Ghosts and Bats at
Bracing Hall.
" Positively not a room , my clear
madam ; no , not so much as a closet va
cant , " and Dr. Morris smiled blandly ,
and "washed his hand with invisible
soap in imperceptible water. "
That Bracing- Hall was a popular san
itarium I was well aware , but I was
not prepared for this ; what was I to do ,
where should I go at that late hour ? I ,
a maiden lady , an entire stranger in the
Catsldlls ? I n-sider that for any man
to smile under those circumstances ,
even in a perfunctory and purely profes
sional way , was nothing less than
"There is No. 37 , ' ' said an attendant
satellite , in exactly the tone in
which he might have suggested the
North Pole or the equinoctial line , or
any other remote and unsubstantial im
"Yes , " repeated the doctor , musingly
as if a novel and pleasing problem hat
been unexpectedly submitted for his
consideration. "Yes , there is No. 37. '
"Perhaps the lady might not object , '
continued the attendant.
"Object , " said the doctor , suddenly
Waking up. "Good gracious , Jones
why should this lady object ; why shoulc
any one object to No. 37 ? "
The subordinate was about to speak ,
but the doctor stopped him by a wave
of his hand. "Let No. 37 be preparec
for this lady , " he said , giving to his
words all the force of royal mandate.
"I wish to know , Jane , " I observed
to the housemaid who conducted me to
No. 37 half an hour later
"Please , ma'am , " said that young
person , interrupting , "my name isn'1
Jane , it's Sabina. "
"Then I am not going to follow the
example of your parents and sponsors ,
who were clearly foolish persons , Jane.
I repeat I wish to know what is the
matter with this room ? "
"Oh , don't ask me , ma'am. I don't
wish to frighten you but I wouldn't
sleep in it no not for a hundred thou
sand million dollars. "
"Then you are a very foolish young
woman ; is it damp ? "
"Oh , no. madam ; the whole house is
dry as a bone. "
"It is the the ahem the Cimix
Cectularius ? "
"Well , it is pretty bad , but I don't
think it's quite as bad as that , " returned
Jaue , slowly , with an air of bewilder
It was painful to a lady of my exces
sive refinement , exceedingly painful ,
hut the occasion was urgent , and it was
evident that I must sink to a common
level of expression if I wished to he un
"It is small , Jane it is brown it is
alive very much alive it it bites ? "
"Oh , no , ma'am , " answered Jane ,
glowing with sudden enlightenment ,
"we don't never have none of them
nasty things in our beds. "
i ii "Then wJiat is it ? "
Is * "Well , if you must know , " replied
Jane , with the air of one struggling
vainly with the inevitable , "though it is
worth as much as my place is worth to
tell you it's ghosts ! "
Ghosts baugh ! Really the ignor
ance of the lower classes is colossal ;
clearly our public school system is far
from perfect , but what could be ex
pected from a girl called Sabina ? I
have always thought there was a great
deal in a name , and I don't in the least
care what that play writing person may
have said to the contrary. There is
something in a name which insensibly
molds the character ; mine is Sarah
"Ghosts , Jane , ghosts , when it has
been clealy demonstrated by the Soci
ety for Psychical Research that there
are no such things as ghosts. "
"It was the gambler , ma'am , what
lived here before it was made into a
sanitarium , " Jane went on , with irre
pressible volubility ; "they was playing
poker , an' he was killed , an' every night ,
every night his ghost "
"Jane , enough of this folly go , my
good girl , and to-morrow I will loan you
a work on the Illogicalness of Supersti
tion. ' "
Being a lady of enlightened under
standing and cultivated , indeed , I may
say advanced thought , I at once dis-
imissed the foolish story from my mind ,
and congratulated myself on having se-
icured a comfortable room.
JC. Bracing Hall was built on the highest
.range of the Catskill mountains and
pvas famous for the view it commanded
'of the loveliest section of Rip Vnn Win-
jkle land ; night now vailed the beauty
of the far-stretching mountain-bound-
id interplane , but gradually its fair-
rness became apparent , as the shadows
'below ' died under the light of early
Objects dim and shapeless took form
and beauty. Every house and hamlet ,
grinding road and mountain streamlet
were won as if from chons into life ,
while far away the winding IWdson ,
gleamed like a string of silver under the
moonlight. Lights in happy homes
twinkled like fire-flies through the
gloom of dense woods , giving just that
touch of life needed to break the solem
nity of forest and mountain.
The moon was up , nature awoke , a
breeze swept by bearing the music of a
tumbling brook , the melody of murmur
ing pines , the love notes of a belated
bird singing to his mate.
How long I had slept I can not tell ,
when suddenly I was wide-awake with
the room brilliantly lit and presenting
an appearance totally different to what
it had dene when I retired. On a side
board were half-emptied bottles and de
canters , and at a table four men were
seated deeply engrossed over a game at
cards. Great as was my astonishment
to find my apartment thus invaded , I
seemed to lose all personal considera
tions in watching the feverish anxiety
of the players , and in wondering what
would happen next.
Suddenly their voices were raised in
anger , one of the players accused an
other of cheating , and in a moment
there was a general uproar. The two
men were struggling desperately to
gether , glasses were upset , chairs were
overturned and then I caught the glitter
of a knife and the gleam of a pistol.
The two spectators made no attempt to
separate the combatants , although it
was evident that a tragedy was immi
nent. The taller of the two freed his
hand from the other's grasp , the -long
murderous looking knife was uplifted ,
but as it descended the other raised his
pistol and fired ; there was the dull thud
xjf a heavy body falling and then , over
come with horror , I lost consciousness.
Ilovr I attracted their attention I do
not know , but suddenly I became aware
that the remaining three were standing
over me calmly discussing my proposed
death ; my blood seemed to freeze in
my veins and into those terrible mo
ments was compressed the agony of
years of torture.
"She is sound asleep , " said one , "an *
anyhow I never did talro kindly to
Irillin' women. "
"She has seen the deed done , " said
the second significantly.
"That dead men tell no tales is just
as true and truer of women , " said the
third , "so I had better make it safe , "
laying as he spoke a murderous hand
on my throat.
With a desperate effort I broke
through the spell of horror that had
held me ; I struck out wildly and en
countered a soft resisting body , the
lights were extinguished as I opened my
eyes , and nothing remained but the
sound as of some one hurriedly re
I never knew till that moment what
a vast amount of stored shrieking force
a small woman possesses ; mine was
sufficient in an incredibly short time to
bring to my room the doctor , the
satellite , Jane Sabina and half a
dozen guests , none of whom were re
markable for the careful finish of their
With a graphic power that has en
tirely deserted me , or I should make
my fortune as a story writer , I related
what had occurred.
"It does not matter whether I was
asleep or awake in regard to what I
sais , although of course I was awake ;
but I know I heard something hurry
away , and I know that I felt something
when I struck , " I said in conclusion ,
pausing only through sheer physical in
ability to utter another word.
Sabina Jane incoherently remarked
something to the effect that it was
"just what she'd expected of them
nasty ghostesses" and then in company
with the majority of my visitors dis
appeared. The doctor looked puzzled
and remained silent , the satellite how
ever spoke ; he was never a voluble per
son , but on this occasion he confined
himself to one word.
"Rats ! "
"Do you really think it they was
rats ? " I gasped , growing ungrammatical -
cal in my confusion.
Had I not felt well assured that the
doctor was deeply impressed by my
ghostly visitation I should have said
that he smiled , but that of course was
impossible at such a moment. Some
people I have noticed are afflicted with
muscular twitching and when I glanced
at him again he was as solemn as a
sphinx ; even the satellite put his hand
before his mouth and coughed in a
modest , self-deprecatory way , as if his
feelings were too much for him.
"I will bring Mrs. Morris to remain
with you until you dress , " said the
doctor , "and then you had better take
a sedative and share her room ; tomorrow
row I will have a thorough investiga
tion made and if I find that any one is
trying to perpetuate a stupid story by
playing a still more stupid practical
joke , I'll "
At this point the doctor's voice sank
and although his remarks appeared to
gain additional energy , I am under the
impression they were not intended for
my ears or for publication.
The result of the investigation showed
that my nocturnal visitors were rats , a
small colony of which had evidently en
joyed undisputed possession of a spring
mattress for a considerable period. And
so the ghost of Bracing Hall was laid ,
but the oddest part was the satellite's
guessing it ; for such a man it was quite
remarkable , and showed great natural
perspicacity ; the moment he heard mystery
story , when every one else was quite at
sea , he looked at the doctor and said :
"Rats. " Mary Hasbrouck , in Drake's
Weight of the Earth.
As a matter of fact , the earth has no
weight. Weight is the pull of gravity
toward a center and when speaking of
the weight of the earth we must con
sider the pull of gravity towards the
sun , and in that respect the earth is
equally poised. All parts of the earth
pressing toward the earth's center
equalize each other , so that a tow line
would pull the earth thousands of miles
out of its orbit. Rather than penetrate
an atmosphere of another body so thin
; hat no animal life could exist in it , our
earth would make a great circuit to get
around it. The almost imperceptible
attraction of one of the other planets
pulls our earth thousands of miles out
) f its regular path. St. Joseph Herald.
PaMlihed ui for Oils tj
Theao Blanks are kept constantly revised by
the most capable and careful men in the state ,
and hence they are to bo entirely relied upon.
Booksellers ana stationers supplied at a lib
eral discount.
Blanks of any kind not found In the follow-
Injr list , will bo furnished according to copj
onshprt notice.
I3ff In ordering it is only necessary to gJvi
the number prefixed to each blank.
1 Certificate of Election A
2 Election Njotlce I-
3 Oflicial Bond } >
4 Oath of Office A
5 Oath , Notice and Report of Special Road
Commissioner G
0 Commission to Locate Road and Report..G
7 Petition for License to sell Liquor F
8 Bond for License to Sell Liquor F
9 Liquor License F
10 ( toad Overseer's Annual Settlement E
11 Voucher F
12 Certificate of Acknowledgement
13 Certificate of Ofticlal Character U
11 Certittcate of Association V
15 Affidavit for Bounty on Scalps B
10 Certificate for Bounty on Scalps B
17 Homestead Exemption Lands F
18 Homestead Exemption Lots T
19 ListingAcreagp K
eo Report to Secretary of State of Official
Signature , etc E
-1 Abstract of Election Returns F
S3 Road Petition F
t3 Notice to Appraisers , 1
-4 Appraiser's Oatn and Report 1
-T Commissioner's Appointment and Report (
HM,0 Pre-emption Pi oof. Witness Claimant. . 1
11HI1 Homestead Pioot , Witness , Claimant. . . I
U li Preemption Proof. Affidavit required.
1'ro-iMiiptiou Claimant 1
UnX'j Homestead Proof , Alliduvit required ,
Hotnubteaii Claimant h
IdOl Allidavtt tequireii of Claimant l !
Kin. " ) pic-eniption and HomcBieaa Affidavit..It
Kiwi IloiucMCiid Application B
1007 Homestead Affidavit in two colors r
IOCS Ui'Hiuiitory Statement It
10/J Tiinlier-CnltuieCeititlciite B
1010 Timiier-Ciiltnie Entry , Final Affidavit. . B
1UIJ Timlier-Ciilniie Proof E
IOM Homestead Certificate B
1013 Hoim-steml , Noti < : < - Final Proof 11
UIU Xota-e lor Public itmti H
Id ! . " ) < ertilleatf as to Po-mijr Notice It
tUIli T iiider ( ultitnillntnvit B
1017 Allidnvit Additional Homestead I :
lOlb Tiinlx'i-Culttiii * Application II
il'KI ' Additional Homi-Mcnd Application. . . . B
lOJiM nsb Entry ( Vititlcute B
IU-1 Notice of Application Pre-emption B
His. Pie-emptioii Ptoof B
1 < ! Noticeiif Timhcr-Ciiltuie B
| ir'l Motict * of Contest F
ItlJ'i A fiiii.ivit of Contest Timber Claim C
( c.0 Alulavlt ( of Con'est Homestead ( "
1027 Non-Mineral Affidavit B
1028 Timber-Culture Pi oof 1)
Homestead , Pre-emption , and Commu
tation Proof D
1050 Bill or'Foreclosure C
1051 Answer D
IW Demurrer F
1053 Replication B
1054 Decree D
lOo Affidavit for Order F
1056 Order F
Deposition Envelopes B
Subpoena of U. S. Commissioner B
hubpoena of Examiner
Complaint B
Notice to take Deposition F
Notice to take Deposition , de bene esse F
Notice of Oral Examination of Witness nnd
Order F
Recognizance of Witness
Prisoner's Recognizance F
Recognizance to appear before Commission'rF
Bail Bond
U. S. Commissioner's Certiflcate of Atten
dance of Witness
U. S. Commissioner's Certiflcate of Atten
dance of Witness F
Franscrint of Proceedings f
101 Court Wrappers civil F
1U- Court Wrappers criminal P
103 Court Wrappers transcript of judgm't..F
104 Summons original B
105 Summons copy . . . . .B
06 Summons in Error B
107 Summons in Forcible Entry and Detainer ! !
103 Subpoena original 5
109 Subpoena copy B
HO Subpoena before Grand Jury A
111 Subpoena in Criminal Cases B
IU Attachment , Affidavit F
113 Attachment , Order of F
114 Attachment for Contempt B
115 Precipe B
116 Execution B
117 Execution on Transcript B
118 Verdict of Jury B
119 Venire Facias B
IL'O Jury and Witness List F
lil Unclaimed Witness Fees F
1:2 : Order of Sale F
1.3 Vend ! B
Ki Fee Bill K
125 Capias F
I-6 Notice to take Deposition F
127 Deposition Envelopes B
1.8 Commission to take Deposition F
129 Caption ana Certificate of Deposition..D
130 Bond for Costs F
131 Bond in Replevin
13.2 Bond in Attachment F
133 Stay Bond F
131 Appearance Bond F
135 Injunction Bond F
13 i Certiflcate of Admission to the Bar F
137 Writ of Restitution B
IM Indictment F
139 Petition in Replevin F
UO Affidavit in Replevin F
141 Order of Delivery in Replevin F
143 Clerk's Certificate of Grand Jury A
143 Oath of Witness before Grand Jury A
144 Certiflcate of Witness civil case A
PJ3 Power of Attorney , Convoy Real Estate..F
8.4 Abstract of Title D
> J5 Abstract of Title short form F
sJfi Abstract of Title G
827 Abstract Affidavit B
83 ? Agreement tor Warranty Deed F
8.-J .v..s ractofTUle D
-ititlcateof Satisfaction of Mortgage..B
831 City Lease F
NJi uuiensoof Mechanic's Lien B
b33 Mortgage Deed F
b31 Administrator's Deed F
901 Chattel Mortgage long form F
! HX3 Chattel Mortgage F
I'O'J Chattel Mortgage short form. . . . . .F
yi4 Chattel Mortgage . F
9U5 Bill of Sale .F
! H ) < ; Application for a Loan . .F
! K)7 ) Articles of Agreement . .F
'MS Township Plats < 5 inch . .F
909 Township Plats 9 inch E
910 Township Plats 12 inch D
911 Plata with sixteen 6-inch plats on one
sheet 2 < 3x28
: )12 ) Coupon Note 6 coupons C
913 Coupon Note 10 coupons F
914 Soldier's Discharge 2 colors red , blue..E
915 Power of Attorney , General F
910 Contract for Sale of Real Estate F
917 Affidavit of Vendor or Lessor P
918 Druggist Permit B
919 Physician's Statement F
920 Agreement for Building D
921 Statement of Liquor Sold V
923 Pedigree C
923 Coupon Mortgage Note D
924 Power of Attorney F
925 Six-inch Flat , printed D
926 Certiflcate of Survey F
27 Chattel Mortgage Release A
SC3 Note 10 coupons , F
929 Dsntal Statement F
930 Dental Certificate F
931 Farm for Sale B
Scale Books , 500 tickets.
Poison Register.
Attorney's Receipt for Books Loaned ; 100 , 200
and 303 leaves to book : 6 receipts to page.
Attorney's Pocket Docket , Z forma.
Attorney's Complete Docket.
Collection Registers.
Police Judge's Dockets.
Surveyor's Field Note Books.
Figuring : Books.
Hotel Register's.
Grist Books.
Loan Records.
Examiner's Report for Loan Agent s NotM.
. t.
338 Confession f Judgment /
&aa Consent of L'hlld Adoption A
X30 Order of Hearing u
831 Decree . . . j
' ' '
333 SubpoMia long form , . . %
Records , plain and printed.
Record of fees received.
Card , with list of fees for office use.
101 Petition for Letters of Administration..F
Vti Letters , of Administration and Oath F
103 Administrator's Bond p
404 Inventory by Administrator. Executor ,
or Guardian G
405 Administrator's , Executor's and Guar
dian's Report G
too Petition for Letters Testamentary F
407 Letters Testamentary F
408 Executor's Bond : F
409 Petition for Appointment of Guardian..F
410 Guardian's Bond with Oath V
411 Letters of Guardianship F
412 Notice of Probate of Will A
113 Notice of Settlement A
414 Citation B
415 Claim Bill short F
410 Claim Bill long F
417 Warrant to Commis'nr to Assign Dower.G
418 Appraiser's Commission really O
119 Appraiser's Commission personalty..G
420 Appraiser's Commission property al
lowed widow F
121 Affidavit on Application for Marriage Li
cense F
122 Marriage License and Certificate F
123 Marriage Certiflcate three colors red ,
green and gold Q
424 Petition for Letters of Administration. .B
425 Letters of Administration B
4 0 Administrator's Bond B
4 7 Administrator's Notice B
128 Petition for Letters Testamentary. F
429 Letters Testamentary B
130 Executor's Bond E
431 Notice to Creditors of Estate E
432 Appointment of Appraiser B
433 Certificate of Probate of Will I
501 Sheriff or Master Commissioner' Deed..D
602 Deed under Tax Lien I )
503 Deed under Mortgage D
504 Deed under Execution 11
605 Delivery Bond F
506 Appraisal F
507 Application ou Appraisal F
fiOS Sheriff's Sale F
509 Return to Orderof Sale F
510 Return of Execution F
511 Indemnity Bond F
512 Inventory and Appraisement o ? Proper
ty Attached. . . . P
513 Notice to Garnishee B
50-1 Garnishec Summons F
515 . - .
Record of Fees Received.
Card , with list of lees for office use.
551 Treasurer's Statement B
553 Treasnier'8 Report B
553 Trcasnier'sTaxDeed J
554 Report to County Clerk of Lands Sold
torT.ives. . V
555 Distress Warrant B
. " ) . " ( !
Receipts for Fees and Licenses ; original and
duplicate : in Books.
Receipt lor Partial Payment on Warrants , in
Redemption Certiflcate books of 200.
Certificates for Tax Sales books of 200.
Receipt for School Moneys.
Tax Collector's Receipts books of 100.
Record of Fees Received.
C01 Court Wrappers F
602 Summons original B
603 Summons copy B
604 Summons against Garnishee B
605 Subpoena original A
Out ! Subpoena copy A
607 Venire lor Jury B
60S Affidavit for Undertaking foi Order of
Attachment F
609 Orderof Attachment B
610 Order for Sale of Attached Property. . . F
611 Affidavit against Garnishee B
612 Notice to Garnishue B
613 Replevin Summons B
614 Appeal Undertaking B
615 Undertaking for Costs B
616 Execution A B
617 Complaint A
618 Warrant 8
619 State Warrant B
620 Order or Arrest A
621 Undertaking in Order of Arrests B
622 Mittimus Bailable Cases B
623 Mittimus In Cases not Bailable B
624 Recognizance B
625 Commitment for Contempt B
626 Affidavit for Search Warrant. B
627 Search Warrant B
628 Complaint to keep the Peace B
629 Warrant on Complaint to Keep the PaaonB
V01 Affidavit of Insanity A
202 Warrant of Arrest 15
203 Subpoena of Witness I
204 Commission of Physician H
205 Return of Physician C
206 Warrant of Admission F
207 Warrantof Admission duplicate 1 !
301 Court Wrapper civil F
302 Court Wrapper criminal F
503 Summons original B
304 Summons copy li
305 Term summons original B
306 Term Summons-copy B
307 Subpoena original B
308 Subpcuna copy B
309 Execution B
810 Affidavit and Undertaking in Attachm't F
311 Orderof Attachment B
312 Appeal Undertaking B
313 Complaint B
314 Statement of Costs F
315 Replevin Summons. . , B
316 Assignee's Inventory D
317 Schedule of Assignee D
318 County Judge's Certiflcate as to notice of F
319 Inventory and Appraisement by Sheriff..D
320 Bond for Assignee F
331 Notice of Day of Adjustment B
322 Orderof Distribution F
323 Final Order of Discharge B
324 Request to Prosecute Suit F
325 Assignee's Deed D
32(3 ( Judge's Order Allowing and Classifying
Claims G
327 Proof of Claim F
630 Recognizance to Keep the Peace F
631 Estray Notice B
632 Notice of Constable's Sale B
Dockets. Cap and Demy.
Cards , with list of fees for office use.
701 Preterit and Original B
702 Notice of Non-Pavment of Note A
703 Notice of Non-Payment of Bill of Exch'gA
Notarial Records ; two ana three ; same form
as blanks.
Cards , with list of fees for office use.
751 Appointment of District Officer to fill
Vacancy A
752 Scholars' Monthly Report B
753 Teacher's Contract B
754 Treasurer's Bond B
753 Request tor calling a Special Meeting. . . B
756 Notice of Special Meeting B
757 Notice of Annual Meeting B
758 Certiflcate of School Tax Levied B
759 Request for calling Special Meeting to
vote on Bonds B
760 Notice for Special School District Meet
ing to vote upon the Issue of Bonds B
761 History of School Bonds D
762 School Bonds , Lithographed , Blank Atn't
SOI Warranty Deed half sheet F
802 Warranty Deed full sheet , full coven't.D
803 Warranty Deed full sheet , full cove
nant with dower D
804 Warranty Deed F
805 Special Warranty Deed F
806 Bond for Deed F
807 Agreement for Warranty Deed F
808 Agreement for Warranty Deed long fmF
S09 Quit-Claim Deed F
810 Quit-Claim Deed short form F
811 Quit-Claim Deed F
812 Mortgage hort form F
813 Mortgage long form , full aheet D
314 Mortgage with Interest , Attorney's Fees
and Insurance Clause D
815 Mortgage with lut. and Insurance ClauseD
816 Trust Deed full sheet D
817 Release of Morti-e ; JOB * form F
813 Release of Mort sptJ short form
819 Assignment ol aorrago long form W
820 Assignment of Mortgage short forra..B
821 Lease F
KB Mechanic's Lien F
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers liave repeatedly told mo of its
good effect upon their children. "
DR. G. C. Osaoon ,
Lowell , Mass.
" Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children , and use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats , thereby sending-
them to premature graves. "
Conway , Ark.
" Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me. "
II. A. ARCHER , M. D.t
111 So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's deport
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
prouuuu ) , yet wo ore free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it. "
Boston , Mass.
C. Surra , Pres. ,
The Centaur Company , .77 Murray Street , New "STorli City.
. J. WARRRN , Manager.
nnnn Ill
I IJliill J
Also Hard and Soft Coal
the scenes of
child/food , ,
/Is my recollection recdk fejio view *
1 Tlje so&p-kelfe ! huflg on. fte poles of
greer ? b&sswoodj
Tfyeimoke and i Smeil my
Burftose dap oFSoK drd {
- " * - . . "
r-"r- ik. /5 /
, sve lomr * * since departed . , we
- rt jj * -w %
r ? 3 \ ai- . ( JlCiy &i\U V/w jl P
| ! US9 Oi ? 'j 9 5 uffan to
If ? tvase iicifo languish
g SVl ' k A r. . . J iL . Sfereci
600 , as % y
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
other shipment of the latest and most stylish fall goods , and
that he is prepared to make them np in the most stylish mode
and at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.