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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1891)
& t < ti > 'Kt&ft * ' * " * ' # * * " * * * i- * " * - * * ' ' ? title. : r VOLUME IX. MeCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JANUARY 23 , 1891. NUMBER 3.5 Having disposed of our entire stock ' of CLOTHING we shall in the future make a specialty of k MEN'S AND BOYS' li HATS AND GAPS , In All Its Branches JONAS ENGEL , Manager , McCook , Neb. , Jan. 23 , 1891. BY FRIGES AT CLEARANCE SALE ! Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , wewill close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST ! The following are some of the prices : 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth T5c. 10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. , Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES7 UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. A FULL LINE VOF Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes AT BRDROQK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely t sale of in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and be convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. TOTJES ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , A JIM ALL HOME PRINT. GOING EAST CKNTIIAL TIME LEAVES. No. C. local passenger , 4:45 , A. M. No. : . ' , through passenger , 6:10 , A.M. No. 4. local passenger , 5:40. P.M. No/128. way freight 5:30. A.M. PS Way freight No.180 arrives from west at 4:15 , P.M. . mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. 3 , local passenger , 4:40. A. M. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A. M. No.5. local passenger , 9:30 , P.M. 55 ? " Way freight No.127 arrives from the east at 7:20. P. M. . central time. t No. 137 , Beverly accommodation , leaves at5:15. A.M. Returned , arrives at 9:15A.M. Runs only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKI , Agent. Annual MeetingNebiaska Improved Stock Breeders' Association , Beatrice , Feb. 17th to 19tli. Tickets on sale Feb. 15ti ! to 19th. Annual Meeting National Farmers' Alli ance , Omaha , Jan. 27th to SStli. Tickets on sale Jan. 24th to 28th. For above occasions passengers paying full fare going will be returned at one-third fare on presentation of certificate signed by the proper officer on guarantee that there has been an attendance of one hundred or more who have paid full fare on the going tiip. J. HULANISKI , Aeent B. & M. Attached to No. 3 , last Saturday morning , was the celebrated Perky steel car of which so much has been said in the newspapers of late. The cylindrical shaped car excited a great deal of curiosity among the railroad men up at that early hour. Nothing like it was ever seen in McCook before. It was painted yellow and had lar e windows. All that could be seen of the interior from the outside gave evidences of luxury and beauty. It is built entirely of steel and has every con venience that modern thought can suggest. Tiiis car is the property of the Steel Car Co. of New York , and the president , Mr. H. D. Perky , is making a transcontinental trip in it Those who accompany him are Mrs. Perky , Master Perky , Judge J. JR. Gilkeson , general counsel of the company , Lincoln , Neb. ; W. H. Turner , a representative of the New York World ; Miss Nolan , private sec retary , and Miss Holderbaum. The party started from New York , Tuesday , Jan. 6th , via the Delaware & Hudson , Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul and the Burlington. Frequent stops had to be made to allow the various railroad managers and superinten dents to inspect it. It has bpen pronounced by experts to be the best coach ever built. It is strong , light and cheap and expeits as sert that it will be in universal use in a few years. Arrangements are to be made to manufacture freight cars also. The dimen sions of the car were : Length over all , 73 feet , 8 inches ; length of body , 66 feet ; ex treme height from rail , 13 feetScinches ; head room inside , 8 feet , 1QK inches ; width inside extreme , 9 feet and 1 inch ; width out side extreme , 9 feet , 11 > inches ; width of flour inside , 7 feel , 8 } inches ; wheels , Allen paper , 42 inches ; axle journals , 8Kfeet , % inches. Truck , six-wheel , with swing bol ster , elliptic spring , and all of metal of a type similar to the Pullman. Westinghouse brake and Miller coupler and buffer ; 19 inch channel-iron , 6x235nch ribs 16 pounds to the toot bent to the cylindrical form of the car and set 39 inches from centers , constitute the frame. The center bottom plates of the body were % inches thick and 38 inches -wide ; the two adjoining strokes were 3-16 inch thick , and these strokes formed the bottom of the car body. The remainder of the sides and top were of % inch , flour 3-16 steel. The doors and window frames were made of iron and the window frames were of brass. The interior of the car was constructed to show the adaptability of this form to different uses. The compartments were as follows : Grand saloon , observation room , , two upper and lower berths , sleeping sections , state room with two upper and lower berth sections similar to the Mann boudoir plan , smoking room , buffet , library , electric room , buffet , library , electric room , ladies lavatory , gentle men's lavatory , locker and toilet rooms. Throughout the car is nicely upholstered in leather , plush and satin and however severe the shock , one could not be seriously injured. Pain Unnecessary in Childbirth , Pain is no longer necessary in childbirth. Its causes , being understood , are easily over come. Any woman may now become a moth er without suffering any pain whatever , the labor being made short , easy , and free from danger. Morning sickness , swelled limbs , and all other like evils can be readily controlled , and all female diseases speedily cured. Phy sicians pronounce it a wonderful discovery. Never known to fail. 20,000 ladies attest its merits. Cut this out ; it may save your life. Suffer not a day longer , but send us two 2-cent stamps , and receive in sealed envelope full particulars , testimonials , confidential letter , etc. Address. FRANK THOMAS & Co. . Balti more. Maryland. Ilis pcpristrs of Ely's Cream Balm do not claim it to be a cure-all , but a sure remedy for catarrh , colds in the head and bay fever. It is not a liquid or a snuff , but is easily applied in to the nostrils. It elves relief at once. The' indications now are that the contest will not come up for decision short of ten days. COURT HOUSE NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE LEGAL AND MATRIMONIAL MILL. COUNTY COURT. J. Byron Jennings vs. Anton Probst. Judg ment of * 68.50 for plaintiff. Palmer Way vs. Henry Crabtree and Frank Frltsch. Action to recover the sum of $14.07 as rent for the use of part of plaintiff's store buildin'g while certain goods were being sold at constable's sale. The State of Nebraska vs. D. R. Carpenter. Defendant required to give ball in the sum of $500 for bis appearance before district to an swer a complaint of publishing a libel in the Bartley Enterprise concerning Rev. William M. Taylor. Samuel R. Smith vs. Thcophilus B. Hilton and J. W. Martin. Judgment $35.35 In favor of plaintiff. Isaiah Bennett vs. Charles W. Hodgkin. Amended - mended petition filed. George W.Burt vs. Wm.T. Ilenton. Same. BRIDAL BULLETIN. Sidney M. Cole. 26. McCook. Ida Zimmerman , 10 , McCook. Blasius Frank , 27. Trenton. ChristenaSnyder , 21 , Trenton. DISTRICT COURT. 5/2. Marcellus Hubbard vs. Joseph W. Col- ver , filed the 19th , transcript from J. P. court , amount $50.85 , date of judgment the 9th. 573. First National Bank of Indlanola vs. A. W. Campbell , filed the nth , transcript from justice court , amount S18C.40 , date of judg ment the 2d. 574. Samuel R. Smith vs. Theophilus B. Hil ton and J. W. Martin , filed the 20th , transcript from county court , amount $3535 , date of judgment the 20th. 973. Stephen Tuttle vs. Hulburt A. Graham and Lavilla J. Burtless , filed the 14th , equity. 974. Harriet Peterman et cons vs. Lee Fried & Co. et at , filed the 14th , to quiet title. 973. Ira J. Miller vs. Samuel Ball and Vocan- ces Franklin , filed the 14th , appeal co. court. 97C. Same vs. John Darby and V. Franklin. 977. Bank of Bartley vs. T. B. Hilton and J. W. Martin , filed the 15tb. attachment. 978. Helm & Reed vs. Mary E. Phillips et cons , filed the 16th , attachment. 980. P. L. Moor vs. Edwin N. Benjamin et a ) , filed the 21st , equity. VAILTON VOICES. Andrew Fauss is at home again. Mr. Bobenmeyer is back from Denver. The snow is departing. No loss of stock re ported as directly from the cause of the storm. . John Cruts reached his home last week , hav ing been east on stock business. He makes bis headquarters at Peoria , Elmwood and oth er points in central Illinois. Neighbor Voss has been at McCook for two weeks having his arm and band treated. Dr. Jones is hopeful for the best and is doing all he can to bring him out ready for spring business. The social and literary entertainment , at the school house , was the best we ever attended. Good feeling , good order and a general good time. Mrs. Bennett favored the audience with a song , also Mr. Esher sang a german selec tion. The speaking was nearly faultless. We notice care is being taken to preserve school books , at public getherings , from the careless inspector. We remember that all the school and Sunday school books were burned in the fire of 1886 and hence great care must be taken lathe future in regard to such matters. Let us bear in mind the rights of individual property are held very sacred and must be protected. RALPH. EUPEPSY. This is what you ought to have , Su fact , you must bare it , to fully enjoy Ilfo. Thousands are searching for it dally , and mourning : be cause they find it not. Thousands upon thous ands of dollars are spent annually by our people ple in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters , if used according to directions and the use persisted in. will bring you good digestion and oust the demon dys pepsia and Install instead Eupepsy. We rec ommend Electric Bitters for dyspepsia and all diseases of liver , stomach and kidneys. Sold at 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle by A. Me Millan , druggist. 344ts. Why eeatoso the use of irritating powders , snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm , pleasant of application and a sure euro for catarrh and cold in head , can be had for 50 cents. It is easily applied into the nostrils , is safe and pleasant , and is curing the most obstinate cases. It gives relief at once. A STRAY LEAR DIARY. TRIBUNE OFFICE CARDS , ENVELOPES , NOTE HEADS , BILLHEADS , CIRCULARS , DODGERS 4NDALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . " . = " - " > / : ' ; r-S'J5 _ ! trC ' "Ji'j" & - IT"F' - ' Xi.L.05 JB y - i -1- r jr i ' S i v-Ki1 is-n 4 j D'1 H § J'lfl ' ; gaP iaBVjPfe P' ' 'S&a-F" ' ' I n i is3sjSkUte ir'rS'5 ' ? % i iir - > ; 1 DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. MARK DOWN I HALL LINGO ALL WINTEE GOODS WILL BE SOLD A SACRIFICE REMNANTS Dress Goods , Flannel AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. Blankets and Underwear ! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Wefts. KS Special attention given mail orders.