, & . _ By F. M. KI MM ELL , . ALL HOME PRINT , METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHUItCH. Divine service at 11 o'clock. A. M. , timl 7:30. P. M. , every Sabbath. Pundiiy school ai 10 o'clock. A. M. . central tune. Prayer mcet- iiw , Wednesday uvenlncs at 7:30. central tune , .AH persons are cordially Invited to these Her vices. P. K. MATHEII. Pastor. TERMS OF COURT FOE 1891. Eleventh Judicial Dlaitlet oflUtmls. CHASB : February 24. jury.1 une 2. no jury : September 1 , Jury. DUNDV : March 2 , jury ; .lime 8 , no Jury ; September 14 , Jury ; December ? , no Jury. HITCHCOCK : March 10. Jury : Juno 11. no Jury ; SeptemberSljury ; December ! ) , nojuo' . UKD WILLOW : March 30. Jury ; June 15 , no Jury : October 5. Jury ; December 11 , no jury. FUIINAS : April 13. Jury ; June 17. no Jury ; October JO. Jury ; December 14 , no jury. HAYKS : April 28. jury ; September 8 , no jury ; Novembers , jury. PitON'riKii : May 12. jury : September 10 , no jury ; November 17. jury. COSPUU : May 25 , jury : Novembers' ' ) , jury. J.E COCIIIIAN. .ludirc * . McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1,1891. Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes liy Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mo- Council & Co. . DnijiL'itue , McCook. 30-lyr. SHERIFF'S SALE. IJy virtnn of an nidcrof snlu directed to mu from tindihtrict court of Ited Willow county. Nebraska , on u judgment obtained belon * Hon. .1. li. Cochrmi. Jndtfuot the district court of lied Wlllou' county.'Nebraska , on the 2d day of December. 188U , in luvor of Nebraska J& Kansas Farm Loan Company us plaintiff , .and against James A. Porter as defendant , for the sum of fllty-t-i.v dollars and lorty four cents , and costs taxed at $20.83 and accruing costs. 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defend- juit. to satit-fy said decree , to-wit : N. E. Ji oi .N. W. J and N. W. } of N. E. Ji of section 33. aind S. E. & of S. W. & . and S. W. X of S. E. 3 * section 28 , town. 1. range 20. west of 6th P. M. . in Ucrt Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , on the 2lst day of February. A. D. 18fll. in front of the south door of the court house * , in Indianola. Nebraska , thai being the building wherein the last term of court was held , at the hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day. when and where cine attend ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated January 7,1891. W. A. McCoor , . 33 Sheriff of said County. SHERIFF'S SALE ! By virtue of nn order of salu directed to me from the district court of Ited Willow county. Nebraska , on a judgment rendered in the dis trict court of Ited Willow county , Nebraska. on the 10th day of December. 1890 , in favor of .Nebraska Mortgage Company as plaintiff , and against Daniel E. Eikenbcrry ut at as delend- jints. for the sum of nine hundred and seven teen dollars and thirty cents , and costs taxed ut $3T 43 and accrningcosts. I have-levied upon the following real estate taken as the proper ty of said defendant , to satisfy said decree , to- wit : S. K. h of section eight (8) ( ) town , two (2 ( > north of ranee twenty-nine (29) ) Webt of titli P. M. . in Keel Willow county , Nebraska. And will offer the same for tale to the highest tiid- < ler , lor cash in hand , on the 21st day of Feb ruary A. D. 1SJI1. in front of the south door ol the court house. HI Jndianola. Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term ol court was held , at th < > hour of one o'clock P. M. . of said day , when and where due attend ance will be given by the undersigned. Dated January Cih , 1891. 33 W. A. McCooi , . Sheriff of said County. SHERIFF'S SALE. IJy virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the district court of Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before , ' . JE. Cochran , judge of the district court of Hed Willow county , Nebraska , on the 10th day of December , 181H ) . in favor of Emily O. Gibbs as plaintiff , and against Henry Uallrcich as de fendant. for the sum of six hundred and forty- six dollars and thirty-one cents , and costs taxed at $31.4S and accruing costs. 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defendant , to satisfy said decree to-wit : The N. W. J4 of section 11 , township 1. north of rungcSU , westof'Cth P. M. , in Hed Willow county. Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder , for cash in band , on the 21st day of February. A. D. Ib'Jl. in front of the south door of the court house , in Indianola , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the last term ol court was held , at the hour of one o'clock , P.M. , of said day. when and where due at tendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated January 5th , 1891. 33 W. A. McCoor , . Sheriff of said County. Isaiah Smith and Mary M. Smithdefendants , will take notice that on the 8th day of Novem ber , Ib90. The Farmers Trust Company , plain tiff , filed its petition in the district court ol Ited Willow county , state of Nebraska , against the said Isaiah Sra'itli and Mary M. Smith , the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage given by said defendants to said plaintiff to secure the payment of one principal note and ten interest coupon notes , iill dated August 1st. 1889 ; the principal note for $850.00 duo August. 1894. said ten noies each for the sum of 529 75. the first maturing on the first day of February. 1890. and one note maturing every six months thereafter , until the maturity of the lastof said ten notes snaturing on the first day of August , 1891. Said mortgage was given upon the west half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the northwest quarter of section twenty- eight , township two. range twenty-nine , west ofCthP. M. , Hed Willow county. Nebraska. Default has been made in the payment of S24.30 of the. notu matiiriiiir on the first dav of February. 1S90. and in the payment of the note maturing on the first day of August , 1S90. That by the conditions of said mortgage said principal note has become due and there is now due on said notes the sum of $904.05 , with interest at seven per cent , on $8.10.00 thereof from August 1st. 1890. and on ยง 24 30 thereof from February 1st. 1890. at ten per cent , per annum , and on $29.75 thereof from the 1st day of August , 1890 , at ten percent. That unless said sum and interest is paid snid mortgage will be foreclosed and said premises sold and the proceeds of said sale applied in payment of said debt. You are required to answer this petition on or tjefore the 2Gth day of January , 1891. Dated December llth. 1890. FAUMKHS TKUST COMPANY , Plaintiff. By W. S. Morlan. its attorney. 30-4ts. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NCB. , i , January 7lh , 1891. i .Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final live-year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Hegister or Heceiver at McCook. Neb. , on Thursday. February 19th. 1891. viz : GEORGE E. Z1MMEHMAN , who made II. E. No. , for the S. W. J4 of section 35. in township 2 , north of range 29 , west oi Cth P. M. He names the following witne-ses to prove bis continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : James M. Kanouse. George Fowler , John Stal ker and James Troy , all of McCook. Neb. 33 S. P. HAIIT. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , J December Cth , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final five year proof in support of her claim , nnd that said proof will be made before Ueglstpr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , January 17th , 1891 , viz : LTJCINDA PIPEH , % 7idow of Joseph B. Piper , deceased , H. E. 1)82. ) for the North-East J of Section 3 , Township 4 , North of Range 29. West of Cth P. M. She names the following witness to prove her con tinuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said Jand , viz : John F. Miller , Mathew Stew art , Stephen Bollcs. of Box Elder. William Weygint of McCook , Neb. S. P. HAKT , * 29. * Register. THE BIG WHISTLE. I boarded the train at midnight In the darkness and the ruin , And deeply bellowed the engine , And onward sped the train ; Athwart my window , in showers , The sparkb to rearward sped The fiery breath of the monster Of steam and stcol ahead. Anon wo neared a highway , And the hollow of the night Was stirred by the volco of the demon , And I shuddered in affright ; And anon wo nearcd a village , And the whistle's terrible roar Proclaimed tbo power of the engine And tbo speed at which wo tore. With a steed so strong and mighty , ( Conductor said "Old No. 4" ) , I knew that wo v-cre flying A hundred miles an hour ! And I grasped the scat before me , And braced my feet for a crash , With that whistle ut crossroads howling In our mad , Impetuous dasb. I clinched my teeth at the danger , And my heart like a plummet dropt ; When , alter an hour of terror , Tbo train at a station stopt ; Then I found , to my consternation , Thai only ten miles we had gone The demon , a "pony. * ' engine With a great big whistle on ! RESUME. The steam at that whistle wasted Might have yielded far more speed ; A man's imagination Is an easy thing to mislead ; And there arc engines human On a very similar plan , Who are blowing too much whistle , And showing too little man. A. W. Bellaw , in Detroit Free Press. A WOMAN'S PRISONER And a "Sweet-Looking Object" He Was "When Beleased. WAS down in Louisiana , not many years ago , " to quote from an old song , that sev eral companies of us wicked Yankees were posted in a small town , just far enough from N e w Orleans and other im portant points for it to be of no strategic consequence for its own sake ; yet , being on a direct route from the enemy's lines to the Missis sippi river , it was important as an out post. The war % vas almost over , and the enemy knew it , and we knew they knew it , so we were not as vigilant as we might have been had we been sta tioned in front of Lee's army. The na tives were loyally Southern , every man of them perhaps I should say every woman , for the only men left in town were the few who had passed three score years and ten ; one physician and one preacher. But the natives did not allow us to be uncomfortable. The doctor disagreed radically with us on principle , and cursed Grant fluently , but he took professional and even friendly interest in such of us as had more malaria than our regimental sur geon could manage ; the preacher gave us a sermon , and the old men would smoke and chat with us all day , so long as we did not say what we believed about the future of military events. As for the women , they were very tenacious of their opinions , so far as the war was concerned , but otherwise hos pitable and charming. They didn't mean to give us the entree of local so ciety , but somehow we got there all the same. We did it so quietly that none of them knew how it began or who began it. We purchased enough supplies to set business booming , allowed no marauding , wore clean clothing , and were on our good behavior in every way , President Lincoln having specially ordered , through General Banks , that' Louisiana must be "conciliated. " The consequence was that we officers soon knew everybody worth knowing , and were entertained with as much "ITWASX'T ins FAULT , SIR. " courtesy and self-possession as if the native coffee had not been burned rye or some other substitute , and the table cloths had not long- before been turned into lint or bandages for Southern hos pitals. The women never let us forget that they were Southerners to the heart's core , and that we were merely Lin coln's hireling's ; still , they were women ; they did not like to see any one appear careless of dress , and soon there was not a uniform coat with a loose-hang ing1 button. To have a Southern woman , whether maid , wife or widow , or gray- haired grandmother , bring a needle and thread and tighten a button , while the wearer stood awlrwardly in front of her , was to realize that Louisiana was not the only party to the war who was being "conciliated. " Every regiment had some officer , gen erally a young Lieutenant , whose abil ity , appearance and spirits compelled his comrades to pronounce him the flower of the flock. Ours was Will Glennie. He was officer of the first picket line we threw ont , and so im pressed was he with the defensive possi bilities of the place that we were glad to have him relieve us of someTesponsi- bility by taking charge of the slight- earthworks it seemed advisable to erect , lie spent a full half of every day outside the lines , looking for additional points of vantage , and as no enemy had been in the vicinity for weeks , he never cared for a guard. Time passed on so delightfully for a fortnight that there was little but roll- calls and picket duty to remind us that we were soldiers. Every thing was too pleasant to last , so one day a rattle of musketry warned us that there was trouble on the picket line. By the time our bugles recalled us from our hospital lounging-places and hurried us toward the front , a soldier with a broken arm came in and reported that some cavalry had tried to force their way into town by the western road , and. being re pulsed , had dismounted , and were disa greeing , in the usual milit.iry manner , with the pickets , who had fallen back to Glennie's breastworks. "Bless Glennie for the breastworks ! " exclaimed our Major in command , after he had shouted : "Double quick march ! " The resistance made by our entire force seemed to disgust the cavalry , for in a couple of hours they ceased firing. A special roll-call showed that none of our men had been killed , and only two or three wounded , but a Captain approached preached the Major and said that Lieu tenant Glennie was missing. He had gone nearly a mile to the front , to a lit tle elevation , where he had thought a howitzer might advantageously be posted gone two or three hours before the enemy appeared. "Captured , then , of course ! " groaned the Major. "Confound it , gentlemen , for the good of the service I'd rather have been captured myself. " Most of us felt the same way , and we were too dismal for the remainder of the day e en to rejoice at having re pulsed the cavalry. The entire force went out as skirmishers for a mile or two , asking questions at every planta tion-house and cabin , but no one could tell whether or npt the cavalry , as they galloped away , had a Union officer with them. We felt so ugly at our loss that we feared to face the natives when we re turned to town. What would they think of us , as soldiers , when they learned that the officer whom we all cheerfully acknowledged as the ablest soldier among us had fallen into the enemy's hands ? The Major actually bit off the mouth-piece of his pipestem in a fit of anger ; but this severe action did not return to us the flower of1 the regiment. Just before sunset a sentry on the road startled all of us as we lay behind the works , by shouting : " "Officer of the guard ! Flag of truce coming ! " We all sprang to the parapet , and saw , emerging from the forest nearly half a mile away , a horse , a rider and a tiny white rag. The Major raised his glasses , peered through them a mo ment , dropped them and exclaimed : "That flag is carried by a woman ! ' ' Then all of tis wished we had glasses. The rider advanced slowly , until we could see that she was not armed ; then that she had a good seat and a fine fig ure , and finally that she was young and pretty. ' 'Wants protection for her property , I suppose , " growled the Major. "Those raiders are probably cleaning out the family's barn and smoke-house , there being nobody at home but women and children. What do they suppose a few infantry can do against nobody knows how many cavalry ? " Nevertheless , he went slowly out , alone , to meet her , at which Glennie's Captain exclaimed : "This isn't according to custom. Who knows but she's a young man disguised , and will drop the Major with a pistol. Come on , boys. " Several of us followed him. As we saw him twirling the ends of his mus tache and tipping his hat slightly to one side , we followed his example in these respects also. We overtook the Major just as the rider halted , looking very pale , and said : "It wasn't his fault , sir really it wasn't. " "Whose fault , madam ? " said the Ma jor , rising his hat. "Mr. Glennie's , " said the girl. "Oh , confound it ! I mean so they got him , did they ? " "Oh , no , sir ; but he wishes they had. And they would have done so , only only " "Well , madam ? " "Only they were prevented. " "Indeed ! How was that ? " "Why , you see , sir , he stopped at our house just for a drink of water , and while he was standing by the well the Rangers " "Rangers ? " "Yes , sir ; the Texas cavalry they came across the hill just then. lie started to run this waj- , but but " "Well ? " The girl looked down a moment , col ored , raised her head , and said rapidly : "I told him he would never get there alive. I said they were a hundred to one , and he'd surely be killed. I'm a true Southern woman , sir ; my father is Captain Grayson , of the artillery bat talion , but I don't believe murder is war , so I made him corne into the house. Hu declared he wouldn't ; death was nothing to duty. But I made him come in. " "Indeed ! What arguments did you r. \ may I ask ? " . ' .gain the girl looked down and col- oifl deeply. Some of the young officers began to exchange winks. "He declared he wouldn't , " the girl resumed , "but I made him. He strug gled with all his might , but " "I beg your pardon for interrupting , " said the Major , biting his lip , "but he escaped , then ? " "Yes , sir ; but not a moment tbo soon. I hadn't more than got him into the hogshead " "Hogshead ? " "Yes , sir ; a big sugar hogshead in the cellar that we had meant to keep sweet potatoes in , when two of the Rangers came to the front door. The.y said they'd seen a Yankee at the well fcjjd wanted hun. I told them he had.seen them and made a dash for his own lines. He really did , you know , for a step or two , when when " "When you warned him of his dan ger ? " "Yes , sir. Well , they took my word when I told them who my father was and they went away. " "Ah ! Where are the Rangers now ? " "They went back I don't know where hours ago. " "And caught him as they went ? " "Oh , no , sir ; they couldn't. But he was in a dreadful excitement. He said he had no right to be outside the lines ; he could be court-martialed for it and disgraced , and may be shot if things went wrong in the fight. He went on so that I wouldn't listen to him , and I was afraid that some of the Rangers might come back and hear him , so I wouldn't stay and listen to him. " "But why didn't he return after they retired ? " "Because he couldn't , sir. I wouldn't let him. I didn't want him to be court- martialed and shot , and all of those dreadful things ; so I thought it would be only right to come and tell you it wasn't his fault. " "The enemy has been gone several hours , " said the Major , turning with a suspicious look to us. "I'm afraid there is some ruse about this. " Then he turned to the girl , and sternly said : "Young woman , if your story is true , he should have returned by this time. He kno'ws there is nothing to fear , and YOU'RE A SWEET-LOOKING OBJECT. " there is nothing to prevent his coming .back , if he knows the enemy have dis appeared. " "Oh , yes , there is , sir ; there's a cover to the hogshead , and a padlock beside. " "Oh h , " said the major , with many inflections , "he's your prisoner , is he ? But , heavens , madam , if he has been locked in a hogshead all this time he's probably suffocated. Confound " "Oh , no , " said the girl , with an as suring smile. "There's a big bunghole to the hogshead , and I know he has sense enough to breathe through it , be cause when I went down and whispered through it that the Rangers had gone home again , he " "What did he say ? " "Nothing he but I know he was alive and just like his old self. " Then the girl suddenly dropped her eyes again and colored deeply , while a very young Lieutenant murm ured : D"Um ! " "I see , " drawled the Major , very slowly. "Attention ! First company , deploy as skirmishers. Forward ! " The girl turned her horse's head quickly , looked backward , set her lips firmly , and exclaimed : "You're not going to court-martial and shoot him ? " "Suppose I were ? " said the Major , as the men began to file from behind the "curtain" that commanded the road. "Then , " said the girl , "I'll galloj ahead at the risk of my life , and let hin escape on my ponj' . " "Madam-said the Major , lifting hi ; hat , "I give you the word of a soldiei and a gentleman that you shall be his sole judge. " The skirmish line advanced , and tin officers of the other companies followed the girl and the Major. The lattei should have ordered us to remain witt our men , but he didn't. We reached the house more than a mile outside the lines without annoyance ; and when the girl had lighted a candle we fol lowed her and the Major to the cellar. The Major's suggestion that the girl should first whisper at the bunghole and see if the captive was still alive , was not acted upon. Instead , she said , cheerily , as she turned the key and raised the cover : "You've nothing to fear , Will. " "Will ! " murmured the very young Lieutenant. Just then Glennie's face appeared above the edge of the staves , and seemed somewhat disconcerted at the grinning faces before him. Several pairs of hands helped him out , and as he stood before us , with crystals of light brown sugar glistening all over his uniform coat , the Major remarked : "You're a sweet-looking object ! " Miss Grayson smiled as if she thought so , too. "You see , Major " began Glennie. "Yes , " said the Major , "I certainly do. I see , also , that one of two things must be done for the good of the serv ice. . Either our lines must be extended a mile or two further into the country , or you must persuade this lady's family to move to town. " The family moved ; Miss Grayson fin ally moving all the way to New York. The wedding present from the bride groom's brother officers was a minia ture sugar hogshead , in gold , with a rosebud for a padlock. John Habber- ton , in Once a Week. A Delighted Parent. Sanso ( looking down the road ) An elopement , eh ? ( to girl's father ) Hallo , old man ! Are you trying to catch the young couple ? Old Man ( rushing forward ) Yes. Want to give 'em my blessing. Mun- sey's Weekly. An exchange says'that a poor man's wife who bought a quart of molasses at a Cincinnati grocery the other day found a diamond ring in it worth two hundred dollars. It is to bo regretted that she didn't got a gallon of the precious sirup while she was about it She might have found ear-rings and breastpin to match. Ram's Horn. ALL HOME PRINT. A MISTAKE. It is only the one-idead , non- progressive merchant that con siders advertising an expense. True , the papers that he pays his money to never pay it back to him as money ; but they do better : they give him what his business lives on publicity and trade. Advertising is an invest ment , just as much as any com modity or goods the merchant buys. Not only that , but it is the best investment he can make. There is no line of goods , dollar for dollar , that gives him so large a return for the amount laid out. If you , Mr. Merchant , are doing a small business , and would like to see it growthere is only one way to make it bring the people to your store , and when you get them there give them nice goods and the value of their money. It is a great mistake to call advertising an expense. AN OBJKCTION. The school book question is under consideration in the Missouri legislature as well as in the Nebraska and Kansas legislatures. The Alliance , through its president , has de clared in favor of the state printing the books and distrib uting them to the pupils at cost , and it is not unlikely the farmers in the legislature will will support that proposition. What is believed to be a bet ter method for obtaining cheap text books is suggested by Representative Coats of Platte county- who has prepared a measure providing for the ap pointment by the governor of a commission of five well qual ified teachers to investigate the subject , and if they con sider it advisable , to let the contract for publishing the books to the lowest bidder. This plan would give the pub lic the benefit of competition , without encouraging the prin ciple of paternalism in state government , which is always open to serious objections. STANDARD AUTHORITY. "The Scientific American , " published by the great patent agency firm of Munn < fc Co. , New York , is the most prac tically useful publication of its kind in the country. In deed , it occupies a field dis tinctively its own. Not alone for the machinist , manufac turer , or scientist , but it is a journal for popular perusal and study. It is the standard authority on scientific and mechanical subjects. It is placed at a very low rate of subscription , 83 per annum , which places it within reach of all. Subscriptions will be received at the office of this paper. HAS COLLAPSED. The American Harvester j trust has collapsed. The prop- I osition to force up prices caused - : ed a number of the strongest 'firms ' to withdraw from the combine , and they will make it interesting for those which remain in the syndicate. It i looks now as if the effort to form a conspiracy to put up prices would result in a war to bring them down. The re volt is headed by the McCor- uiick company , one of strong est firms in America. The farmers have waited a long time , but things are coming their way now. Recommend "THE TRIB UNE to your neighbor if he is thinking of subscribing for a local paper. Buck/en's Arnica Salve. TIIR'HKST SAF/VK In tlio world for cuts , brula cs , sores , ulcers , salt rlienm , fever on ; , totter - tor , chapped Imndri , ehllhliiliifl. cnrtiM. urn ! nil skin eruptions , and positively cures plica , erne no pny required. It Is wminimiM-il to uIvo per fect Biitisrtictloii. or money refunded. I'rlco 25 centa.per box. For sulo by A. McMillan. A Word in Season. The barkinirof a puck of bounds limy bo mu sic , but ihu liiirklnir of thu hiiiinin family Is certainly discord. Stop that conirh with Iliiin- plireys" Spvcltlu No. Seven. The Kansas City Star. DAILY AND WEEKLY. The Leading Newspaper of the I/Vest. . DAILY CIRCULATION OVCR 4O.OOO. The Star Is the acknowledged leading news paper published in thu west. It contains In a coiictae form all tie news of the world up to Io'clock , P.M. of thuday pub * lished , giving its patrons the freshest news from twelve to twenty hours In advance of morning contemporaries. It publishes the produce markets and com mercial reports of the trade centers of the world and the full and complete livestock and grain markets , including thu closing reports from New York. Chicago. St. Louis and Kan sas City. The Star controls and publishes exclusively the full Associated Press Reports and a large line of special telegrams. The Star Is not controlled by any set of poll ticlans and is devoted to collecting and pub lishing all the news of the day in the most in teresting shape and with the greatest poNsI- blo promptness accuracy arid Impartiality. It will enjoy your confidence if you appre ciate an honest , fearless and bold newspaper. The Star has the largest circulation of any newspaper published between Chicago and San Francisco. Never before in thu history of Journalism has so much first-class newspaper matter been given for so little money as wu are giving in the weekly edition of the Star. Terms for the Star , by mull , postiigu prepaid : DAILY. Oncitionlh $ .50 Three months 1.00 One year 4.0 WKIIKf.V. One year , 25 cente. Write for simple copy. Address. THE STAK. Kansas City. Mo. DRYSDALE -THE- TAILOR , From New Yoi Ic City , has the most com plete stock of Fall and Winter ( Jooils , for men's wear , between Lincoln iitul Denver. Ills store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , and as h buys strictly for easli he can afford to ive you first class Clothing at very reasonable prices , lie has guaranteed every garment he has made up i McCook for nearly six years and has never had : i misfit in that time. Call and see him. One door north of the Commercial House. . OOIEjIS , LEADING TAILOR. tle : arrival of his fall stock , coiiiorising the latest and most fash ionable goods of the feeison. Ills prices 'are lower than any tailor's in Mct'ook. Don" * fail to see his line. STEAM LAUNDRY , CHARLIE YOUNG , Prop. First Door West of Arlington Hotel. I guarantee to do as good work as any steam laundry in fJie state of Nebraska. Give we a trial. You need not send work out of Ike city. I can do It satisfactorily. CHARLIE YOUNG. KJLPATltiCK. BROTHERS. lorses branded on left Lip or left shoulder. P. O.address. Imperial. Clniso Counts' , and iteat- rice. N'en. Iinjr'.Stink- ny Water and Frcneli- | man creeks. Chase Co. . Nebraska. IJrand : ts cut on side ot 1 some suiiiimls. on hip and sides of some , or any- here on the animal. L A pamphlet of Information andab-/ stract of the laws , showing Heir to/ ' i Obtain Patents , Caveats. Trade Copynchta , tent free./ u MUNN & CO. , Broadway. Jfew York.