The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 16, 1891, Image 1

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JONAS ENGEL , Manager.
McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1st , 189) . .
Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line
AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST !
The following are some of the prices :
10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c.
10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25.
10 doz. suits MENS UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5.
10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2.
LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price.
Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes
Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent.
We will make this absolutely
in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of
to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give
us a trial and be convinced that
We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Inditiuola , Neb. , Jun. fitb , 1891.1
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment. Present. Henry Crab
tree , Isaiah Dennett and Stephen Bollcs , com
missioners , and George W. lloper , cleric.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion tbe following claims were audit
ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw
warrants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as
follows , to-wit : C.H.McCulloch. . $ 26.i : >
Henry Hnrsch , work on roads 9.00
Wm. Hiersekorn , work on bridges 31.17
A. P. Duker. work on roads 3.50
A. C. LJurtholomew , work on roads 3.00
Arch Mann , work on roads 3.00
James l > oyle , work on road , claim $20.03.
allowed at 2.80
R. H. Harrison , work on roads 4.50
F. B. Cecil , work on roads 7.50
Frank Schmoldt , work on roads 7. 0
Martha Kincald. work on roads 3.00
Ira Harrison , work on roads , claim § 11 ,
allowed at 9.00
E. G. Brown , draynge 2.00
John Peake , draynge 5.50
Jamt'S T. Conlon , gltizlng in court house 1.73
J. L. Gentry , work unloading supplies. 2.00
J. H. Hussell , repairing jail pump 75
Potter & Euterday , flour for Airs. Purdy ,
Brisbin and Carroll 0.25
M. N. Eskey. medicine for McCulloch. . . 7.95
Huddlestou Lumber Co. , coal for N.Wal
lace , Mrs. Meyers. A. Anderson. . . . 9.40
Omaha Republican , chattel m't'g flies. . . 12.00
Omaha Republican , estate record 18.00
R. M. Snavely , co. att'y. last Qr. 1890 200.00
Eliza G. Nettleton. co. supt. last qr. 1890 204.63
Willis Gossnrd , postage and expenses. . . 4.05
Harlow W.Keyes , postage and expenses 14.50
Geo. W. Roper , postage and express C7.74
ILMcDonald , work on roads , claim S12.15 ,
allowed at . . . . C.CO
Grass&Miller , boots , etc. for Chas.Ebert ,
A.L. Goodrich 6.75
Annual settlement made with various over
seers public roads nnd on motion clerk direct
ed to draw warrants on county general fund ,
levy 1890. as follows , to-wit :
S. O. Hoagland , overseer district 31 § 14.10
Harry Wade , overseerdistrictSS 19.42
M. Fossen , overseer district 33 9.65
James Barber , overseer district 28 4.36
R. McDonald , overseer district 6 26.86
A. E. Crosby , overseer district 13 5.91
J. C. Lafferty , overseer district 27 20.20
S. E. Vandervort , overseer district 20. . . . 17.14
James M. Horton. overseer district 23. . . . 11.59
M. L. Custer , overseer district 32 692
C. H. Jacobs , overseer district 30 none
Frank Schmoldt , overseer district 13. . . . none
CT. j. Gathercoie , overseer district 16 none
James Doyle , overseer district 26 none
Wm. Hiersekorn , overseer district 24. . . . none
Samuel Ellis , overseer district 17 none
On motion the following official bonds were
approved :
A. A. Andrus , overseer road district 17.
Simeon Billings , overseer road district 3.
Samuel Young , overseer road district 12.
S. A. Teel , overseer road district 5.
L. F. Nichols , overseer road district 18.
W. S. Fitch , overseer road district 9.
B.F.Brown , assessor Missouri Ridge precinct
I.W. Spaulding , assessor Box Elder precinct.
C. J. Ryan , assessor Willow Grove precinct.
Jacob Randel , assessor Red Willow precinct.
A. T. Hardin , assessor East Valley precinct.
John Horton. assessor Lebanon precinct.
John Broomfleld , assessor Indianola precinct.
Sidney Dodge , county attorney.
Michael Coyle , constable Coleman precinct.
Jas. Spaulding , J. P. Box Elder precinct.
F. M. Pennington. j. p. Lebanon precinct.
On motion it was ordered that Mrs. H. Mc
Culloch be allowed $12 per week from Jan. 1st ,
1891. until further orders. Said Mrs. H. Mc-
Cullocb agrees to provide and care for herself
and son. C. H. McCulloch. and to be of no
further expense to Red Willow county.
On motion board adjourned to meet January
6th. 1891. HKNRT CRABTREE ,
Attest . Chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
January 6th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment-Present , Henry Crabtree ,
Isaiah Bennett and Stephen Belles , commis
sioners and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes
of previous meeting read and approved.
On motion board commenced making annu
al settlement with Willis Gossard , county
treasurer , and continued the settlement dur
ing the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet January
7th , 1891. HENRY CRABTREE ,
Attest : Gf o. W. Roper , Cleric. Chariman.
January 7th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pursu
ant to adjournment Present , Henry Crabtree ,
Isaiah Bennett , Stephen Belles , commission
ers , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved.
A nnnal settlement was made with the fol
lowing overseers public highways and clerk
directed to draw warrants on tbe county gen
eral fund levy 1890 as follows , to-wit :
jonn Long , overseer district 2 t 25.24
George Huntwork , overseer district 4. . . 20.20
On motion the following official bonds -were
examined and approved :
M. L. Brown , constab'e Box Elder precinct.
Andrew Carson , overseer road district 6.
On motion petition of Daniel Harrison.joseph
V. Harrison , et al , asking that part of road
No. 54 be vacated read and considered , and on
motion was rejected.
On motion the following claims were audited
and allowed and clerk directed to draw war
rants on county general fund levy 1890 as fol
lows , to-wlt :
George B. Morgan , supplies for Balms.
Lamb. Kirk , etal § 20.25
Glien & Stimson , merchandise for Jes-
sup , Steuke , et al 16.75
Duncan Bros. mdse. for Kealeher. et al. 7.20
Frees & Hocknell L. Co unloading aid
coal , etc 31.73
J. L. Gray , mdse. for A. F. Myers 3 05
Frees & Hocknell L. Co.lumber furnish
ed districts 6 and 31 19.11
G. W. Curfman , med. attend , pauper
P.D.Armstrong 5.75
G. W. Curfman , med. attend , pauper
A. P. Bnker 13.85
Frees & Hocknell L.Co.coal and lumber 4.75
j.S.Murtha , witness State vs.C.Lanhun. . 1.00
Isaiah Bennett , services as com 17.50
Henry Crabtree , services asco 15.80
On motion county treasurer was directed to
refund to G. W. Curfman 528.21. being amount
of erroneous assessment paid in receipt No.
3098 for the year 1889.
On motion the following claims were audit
ed and allowed ( Mr. Belles voting against al
lowing same ) and clerk directed to draw war-
runts ou county general fund , levy 1890 , us
follows , to-wit :
S. R. Smith , legal services county-seat con
test , claim $330.00 , allowed at 7200.00.
Frank H. Strout. legal services county-scat
contest , claim $262.50 , allowed at $100.00.
Henry Crabtree , services as county commis
sioner county-seat contest $140.20.
Isaiah Bennett , services us county commis
sioner county-seat contest $78.60.
The board having made a careful examina
tion of the accounts of Harlow W. Keyes ,
county judge of Red Willow county , flnd that
tbe following is a just and correct statement
ot all fees received by him from July let. 1890 ,
to December 31st. 1890 , both inclusive , viz :
$379.85 , and that all fees received by him
from Jan. 1st , 1890 , to Dec. 31st , 1890 , is S670.15.
The board having made a cateful examina
tion of the accounts ofV , A. McCool , sheriff
of Red Willow county , flnd that the following
is a just and correct statement of all fees re
ceived by him from July 9th , 1890 , to Jan. 2d ,
1891 , both inclusive , viz :
$070.85 , and that the whole amount of fees
received by him from Jan. 9th , 1890 , to Jan. 2d.
IbSH , is § 1,603.98.
On motion board continued making settle
ment with Willis Gossard , county treasurer ,
during the day.
On motion board adjourned tomeetjan. 8th ,
Attest : Chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. , jan. 8th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur-
surant to adjournment. Present , C. W.IIodg-
kin , Stephen Belles and S. S. Graham , com
missioners , and Geo.V. . Roper , clerk , Willis
Gossard and W. T. Hentun , county treasurer.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion board proceeded with annual
settlement with Willis Gossard and continued
same during the day.
On motion board adjourned to meet Jan.
9th. 1891. STEPHEN BOLLES ,
Attest : Chairman.
Geo. W. Roner. Clerk.
Indianola , Neb. , Jan , 9th , 1891.
Board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment , full board present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion board continued making annual
settlement with Willis Gossard.
On motion board adjourned to meet jan.
10th. 1891. STLPHEN BOLLES ,
Attest : Chairman.
Geo. W. Roper , Clerk.
Obituary Thomas LeHew.
DIED : At his residence inDelphos , Ohio , Jan.
8th , 1891 , Thomas LeHew , aged 91 years , 5
months , 21 days.
Deceased was the father of J.S.LeHew , Esq. ,
of this city. He was born of French parents
at Frontroyal , Va. . July 17. 1799. In 1805 his
parents emigrated to the new state ot Ohio and
settled at Muskiugum Falls , now known as
Janesville , Ohio. In 1820 he married Catherine
Fletcher , who bore him twelve children. The
death of his good wife 'only separated them
after 66 years of wedded life. The children
all lived and were married before death visi
ted that household. Seven of them were boys ,
flve of whom served in the union army during
the war of the rebellion , their aggregate ser
vice was more than 15 years. He voted the
democratic ticket until after the breaking out
of tbe war , when he voted for Abraham Lin
coln and has continued to vote the republican
ticket. The citizens of Delpnos will long re-
member Father LeHew , who in pleasant
weather , to within a few months of his death
could be seen upon the streets of that city ,
staff in hand , giving to each passing acquaint
ance a kindly word of recognition. Life to
him was a joyous reality. There was naught
of bitterness in bis nature. Ho was in love
( with tbe world and at peace with bis fellow
men. His was a kindly , gentle spirit , living
beyond the fulness of its yearsr when the
reaper came it was not death to him.
It looks now as if the farmers ought to start
the "ghost dance. " as it seems that the Indians
got sympathy and rations that way while the
farmers here are much left to their own re
sources and the drought got the resources.
Don't forget to keep agitating the broom
factory scheme. The country about McCook
can raise broom corn and brooms are as staple
as sugar and will always keep until sold and
the whole country uses brooms and there is
no reason to keep McCook from having as
good a broom factory as any town in tbe state.
The farmers can furnish the broom corn.
Our fine weather has got a snub , ana 'the
change started about the 7th inst. , being so
fogy all day as to shut off the view except a
few rods , and at evening snow commenced
falling , and the 8th was a stormy day , and tbe
9th when the storm ceased the snow was
about one foot on the level. At this writing ,
tbe 12th , tbe snow is much drifted and travel
is blocked except on horseback. Saturday ,
C. S. White , mail carrier for Banksville. took
the mail via Vailton to McCook and had to
lay over at Vailton and arrived at Banksville
about noon. OBSERVER.
A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life.
It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping
paper , but it saved her life. She was in tbe
last stages of consumption , told by physicians
that she was incurable and could live only a
short time ; she weighed less than seventy
pounds. On a piece of wrapping pacer she
read of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got a
sample bottle ; it helped her , she bought a
largo bottle , it helped her more , bought
another and grew better fast , continued its
use and is now strong , healtby. rosy , plump ,
weighing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars
send stamp to W. H. Cole , druggist. Fort
Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discov
ery free at A. McMillan's drug store. 34.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 minutes bv Woolford's Sanitary
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by L. W. McConnell -
Connell & Co. , Druggists , McCook. 30-lyr. I
ts ,
Dress Goods , Flannels ,
Blankets and Underwear !
attention given mail orders.