The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 09, 1891, Image 1
VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JANUARY 9 , 1891. NUMBER 33. CONTINUE CLEARIN SALE OUR IMMENSE STOCK J3 > IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ATT TTTTlkTnnTAT C C\C\\\C ALL 1ft INTER GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT SUCH PRICES AS MUST CLEAR THEM. JONAS ENGEL , Manager , McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1st , 1891. BY PRICES AT CLEARANCE SALE ! Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST ! The following are some of the prices : * 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c. 10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. A FULL LINE OF r Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes AT BEDROQK ! > Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and "be convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. TOURS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , H. PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Citizens and Visitors Briefly Mentioned. We Have Had Our Eye on You. "I Know Not Whut the Truth May Be , I Tell it as 'Twas Told to Me. " Treasurer Ilenton was in town , Saturday. Mrs. Lowinan is vititing friends in Lincoln. W.E.Mullen has located at Memphis. Tenn. Deputy Collector Stewart was a city visi tor , Tuesday. f E. C. Ballew is transacting business at , the city on Coon creek , to-day. George Ilocknell was among the visitors to the seat of war , the first of the week. Sam Huddleston was looking after his lumber interests at Stratton , Tuesday. City Clerk Kelley came in from his Bur lington , Iowa , visit on No. 1 , Tuesday. Capr. J. A. Wilcox , II. W. Cole and J. F. Majors were visitors at Lincoln , this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pate returned to Den ver , Sunday , after a few days' visit among McCook friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw traveled Lincoln ward , Tuesday evening , to attend the inau gural ceremonies. Miss Nellie Huddleston who has been vis iting in Illinois for a number of months re turned home on Friday last. C. J. Ityan wended his way Lincoln-ward , Wednesday evening. They say that Con is looking after the oil inspectorship. Dr. T. B. Stutzman is now located in Dav enport , Neb. , in a paying practice his Mc Cook friends will be pleased to learn. Jack Bullard and II. J. Warren went up to Palisade on business , Monday , the latter returning home on Tuesday evening. Jack will remain. J. T. Bullard went down to Lincoln , on Wednesday evening , to witness the inaugur al which did not occur. He will also visit his son Will in Omaha before his return. Mrs. Nettleton , county superintendent , at tended the state teachers'meeting at Lincoln , last week. All agree the session was the most interesting in the history of the organi zation. Hon. J. C. Allen. Secretary of State-elect , went down to Lincoln , Sunday evening , to assume the duties of the office to which the peoplp of Nebraska have elected him , the Alliance willing. Mrs. Kate Martindale , the efficient head of J. Albert Wells' millinery department , de parted on Saturday last for New York City , where she will remain on business of that department till March. J. W. Dolan , C. S. Quick and R. M.Snave- ly of Indianola , C. C. Vennum of Stratton , C. H. Peck of Trenton , were in attendance upon the irrigation meeting in the McCook Club rooms , Saturday evening. J. W. Kimmel , of Canton , Ohio , was mar ried yesterday to Anna Thole , of Ridgely , one of Dodge county's best young ladies. The newly married people left this morning for the east Fremont Flail. J. C. Russell , the Indianola hardware and implement man , was called to the city , Sat- urday on business. Mr. Russell has disposed of his interests to his partner , who will con solidate with Mr. Lerch , the furniture dealer. J. C. will devote the next year at least to col lections. William Weygint of McCook was at the state house to-day , ( Tuesday. ) Mr. Weygint is deeply interested in the idea of irrigation , and says that a large meeting will be held at McCook on the 28th inst. Delegates will be present from Kansas , Dakota and Colorado. Lincoln Cor. Omaha World-Herald. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kimmell entertained a few friends , Tuesday evening. The guests were Misses Sara Lowman , Louie Starbuck , Lillie Rowell , Anna Jessen , Ella Hart , Min nie Johnston , Mina Bullace. Messrs. A. C. Ebert , Norman Forbes , George B. Berry , W. S. Kimmell , P. A. Wells. The occasion was the nineteenth birthday of Miss Edna Meserve. Clerk Etter of the Commercial House is in receipt of a Detroit daily announcing the burial of Frank Doyle , which occurred on Tuesday of last week. Bob spent a number of weeks in McCook , last spring , and it was thought that the ravages of consumption were permanently stopped ; but the sad se quel shows the relief to have been temporary indeed. Bob was a prime favorite among his McCook friends. Miss Mary Myers chaperoned a delightful high five tourney through to a successful is sue , last Friday night , at her home , resi dence of Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis , to a small but select circle of ladies and gentle men. Those who participated in the delights of the tourney and brilliant repartee of the evening will remember in most pleasurable thoughts their charming hostess and the blithesome occasion. Mr. White , the land examiner of the Me- 3ook Loaning and Banking Co. , was in town the first part of the week. He says that most of the loans are now given on the optional plan which allows the borrower to pay off a part of the loan at any time when interest is due. This system is one which the Faber las earnestly contended for , for a long time , and we are pleased to note that a great many of the companies have at last commenced to adopt it , and we believe that in the near fu- ; ure all of them will follow suit Stockville Faber. TIZZIES OOINQ EAST CENTHAI , TIME LEAVES. No. C. local passenger , 4:45 , A. M. No.tJ. through passenger , G:10 , A. Jl. No. 4. locitlpassenger , 5:40. P.M. No. Ili8. way freight 5:30. A.M. 837" Way freight No.130 arrives from west at 4:15. P.M. . mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No. a , local passenger , 4:40. : A. M. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A.M. N < > . 5. local passenger. 9:80 , P. M. fSTVfay freight No.127 arrives from the east at 7:20. P. M. , central time. t39 No. 137 , Beverly accommodation , leaves nl 5:15. A. M. Returned , arrives at 9:15 A. M. Runs only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBELL , Supt. J. HULANISKI , Agent. 0.11. C. ball and banquet , February 5th. Supt. Campbell went out to Denver , Tues day , on business. A. M. Davis , machinist , is the papa of a bouncing baby boy. Engine 123 is out of the shops and goes to the Holyoke division. Mrs. J. W. McClain of Chicago is in the city , a guest of Mrs. Ueber. F. A. Thompson has gone to work in the supply department in McCook. Engineer 209 and 194 from Denver are shopped for a general overhauling. Several of the boys have extended their New Year's jollifications into the present week. Frank Wiebelhous , who hits been on the sick list for the past month , is now at work again. Win. J. Sheber , carpenter , has gone to work after a long lay-oil' caused by a sprain ed knee. Chas.Williams , fireman , is making prepa rations to move his family to McCook from Red Cloud. Mrs. J. R. Phelan arrived in the city , on Wednesday , on a visit to her many friends in this city. Mr. D. A. Holliday , brother of Engineer Holliday , with his wife and son , spent New Year's in the city. H. C. Shriner , foreman at Curtis , has been in McCook , this week , helping attend his little son sick with pneumonia. Engineer Bailey , who "dun got jiued , ' New Years , has returned from his wedding tour and is setting up the cheroots. Mr. D. S. Guild , division auditor , was in the city the early part of the week , looking after matters pertaining to his office. Supt. J. R. Phelan arrived in McCook , this morning , en route home from his New Mexi- ice health-seeking jaunt. He will remain in the city several days. Conductor H. H. Miller while making a coupling in the yards here , Tuesday , had his thumb severely pinched , completely severing the nail from the thumb. January 1,1891 , R. B. Archibald was pre sented with additional territory to manage as Master Mechanic. Namely , Akron to Den ver and Denver and Lyons. A number of roads are putting a smoking compartment in nearly every car they are building , some even fitting up the second class day coaches in this manner. Conductor Benne of the B. & M. keeps his hair cut so close to his head that one can not tell whether he is grey headed or not Hastings Democrat. Mr. J. A. Gutsche , boss brass moulder at Plattsmouth , spent New Years's at McCook with Mr. Jas. Ritchie. The gentlemen went out to Denver and Colorado City to visit among friends for a day or two , returning Monday. Train Master and Mrs. J. F. Kenyon in dulged in a delightful visit to the ' 'Queen City , " Monday. Mrs. G. M. Chenery accom panied them and will visit relatives there for a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon returned home on Wednesday. The longest trip , probably , ever made on a handcar was completed by J. C. Thomas , roadmasterof the International and Great Northern railroad , who traveled the entire length of the road , a distance of nearly 500 miles , the journey occupying seven consecu tive days. Brakeman "Denny" McClure was quite painfully injured last Saturday evening , while shunting in the yards here. It appears that he was on a car which was being shunt ed onto a sidetrack. The car was without a brake , and in coming in contact "with some other cars on the sidetrack , McClure was thrown from the top of the car and pretty badly bruised and jarred. He is , however , rapidly recovering and will shortly be ready for duty again. The Pennsylvania Railway Company , after several years' trial , has concluded to abandon all kinds of advertising except that in the regular newspapers. For over two years past the passenger department has been ex- jerimenting to ascertain if a given sum of money expended in posters , flyers , hangers , etc. , for an equal sum in newspaper adver tising brought about the best results. In every case the company has found that the newspaper advertising brought about the best and most satisfactory returns for the money invested , and that it was read by more people than in any other way. Here after the Pennsylvania will confine all its ad vertising to the newspapers , through which medium it will reach the great masses of the ) eople. A / * / % / J McCOOK , NEBRASKA. DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. MA OWN SALR ! HALL iEN GOODS ! ALL WINTEB GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE REMNANTS Dress Goods , Flannels , AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. Blankets and Underwear ! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Wefts. attention slveii mail orders.