The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 02, 1891, Image 1
Tl- " L > \J Tl1 . , ' - 'V J / pj * * < v VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JANUARY 2,1891. NUMBER 32. CONTINUE CLEARING SALE . OUR IMMENSE STOCK Tl 'OLD S IN EVERY DEPARTMENT \ ALL WINTER GOODS .WILL BE SOLD AT SUCH PRICES AS MUST CLEAR THEM. \ JONAS ENGEL , Manager. McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1st , 1891. J5Y PRICES AT CLEARANCE SALE Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : COST ! The following are some of the prices : 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth 75c. 10 dozen of MISSES TOBOGGANS at 50c. JWorth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. A FULL LINE OF Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes AT BEDROCK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely . in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of GrJEl O O IBS IFtllE to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and be convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. YOTJES ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , r THE COUNTY FATHERS. What They Did in a BusyThre Days Session. The Needy and the Road Workers ( ' Draw Heavily on the Exchequer. COUNTV CLKKK'B.OFKICE. I Indinnolu. Neb. . Dec. 17th , 1890. f Board of county commissioners met pu euant to adjournment. * Present. Henry Oral tree , chairman. Isaiah Dennett and Stephe Holies , cnininieslonurs , and George W. Rope county clerk. Minutes of previous meetln rend and approved. On motion the following claims were audl ed and allowed and clerk directed to dra' warrants on county general fund , levy 1880. n follows : Grass & Miller , shoes for Goodrich and Kcallher f c. A. P. Welles , medical attendance Purdv baby u.'i Huddleston Lumber Co. , coal for Mrs. McCulloch 1,1 Joseph Menard , mdse. for poor , Mrs. Carrol. Weiutz. Bristol. Kaily , Pur- ' dy. Kolb , Method. Karthauser 50.2 W. H. Powell icCo. , mdse. for poor. Mrs. Kealiher. Dutcher.Shorkey.Horkey 20 Fred WaKner. work on roads 7.5 John Horkey. work on loads 4.5 M. N. Eskey. drugs for C. F. McCulloch. . 5.3 R. U. Fidler. mdse. for A. Deitech l.g Citizens Bank of McCook , railroad fare' advanced for Mrs. Kolb's family 45.S C. D Cramer , rent for pauper. Armstrong 7.G J. C. Shumaker , drugs for Kealiber 3.7 Chas. Ebert , work on roads 5.2 Jno. Hlentz , work on roads 5.4 Wm. Dubarko , work on roads 12.7 George Wall , work on roads 5.2 F. M. Kimmell. printing bar docket 15.0 Omaha Republican Co. . tax receipts. . . . 15.0 U.Lou Janes , printing for treasurer. . . . . 2.5 C. W. Barnes , printing for clerk & sheriff 6.7 Henry Crabtree , commissioner ll.o Stephen Colics , commissioner 13.4 Isaiah Bennett , commissioner 13.5 George Younger , work on bridge 3.0 Ira Harrison , work on road 15.0 R. H. Harrison , work on road ia.0 C. V. Ryan , work on road 7.5 W. S. Ryan , work on road 9.7 , B. F. Bradbury , lumber for bridges 2.7 Petition of H. W. Loof borrow of the towno Lebanon. Red Willow county , Nebraska , ask ing that a druggist permit be granted him ti sell malt , spiritous and vinous liquors fo medicinal , mechanical and chemical purpose ; in the town of Lebanon said county and stati ( and unincorporated village ) read and consld ered. The board finds the requisite number o freeholders have signed said petition and tha said H. W. Loofborrow has filed a bond will said petition , that all the requirements of lav have been fully complied with. On motioi the petition of H. W. Loofborrow is hereb : granted and clerk directed to issue to the sail H. W. Loofborrow a druggist permit , to sei malt , spiritous and vinous liquors for medlci nal , mechanical and chemical purposes in th < town of Lebanon , Red Willow county , Neb. On motion the county treasurer was direct ed to refund tax erroneously assessed on th ( following described lands : N. E. JJ section 3 town. 1 , range 28 , west , for tha year 1888. am lots 17 and 18. block 4. in the original town ol McCook. for the year 1887. On motion the county treasurer was directed to refund school bond tar erroneously assess ed on the following described lands : Lots 3 4,5 , G and 7 and N. E. Ji S. W. Ji section 6 town. 3 , range 29 , west , for the year 1889. On motion board adjourned to meet Dec 26th , 1890. HENRY CRABTREE , Attest Chairman. GEO. W. ROPER , Clerk. A. H. Barnes , Deputy. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE , ) Indianola , Neb. . Dec. 26th. 1890. J Board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment. Present , Henry Crab- tree , chairman , Isaiah Bennett and Stephen Belles , commissioners , and George W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. On motion the following claims were audit ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw warrants on county general fund , levy 1890 , as follows : WORK ON ROADS. E.Horton $ 7.59 AmosThomas lo.OO B.A.Johnson 10.00 Gardner Pratt lo.OO M. B.Leopold 10.00 Hampton Horton io.OO A.Scott io.OO GeorgeHowell 8.25 Thomas Boyd io.50 Daniel Reeves 8.25 M.Dowd 7.50 B.H.Ray 7.50 S.B.Ray 7,50 t/.F.Nichol io.OO H. Z. Jessup 6.00 ' W.J.Reeves . . 6.00 Peter Balius 10.00 3eorge Fisher j 7.50 Mary Anna Poole. . . : 10.50 FrankLytle 5.00 D. Porter 9.00 L'hos. Chenery 3.75 ' Charles Nichols . 7.50 Fos. Morgan 7.50 3lark Green 7.50 Et.H.Nichols 9.00 IV. B. Porter 6.00 ? . M. Pennington . - 9.00 fas.Springer 8.25 II ram Boyd 6.75 3eorge Ralston 28.00 5.E. Ralston 32.00 J.W.Jones 13.00 V.E.Hunt 17.00 I.E. Waugh 10.00 3. D. Akers , hauling supplies 3.75 V. S. Phillips , postage and expense 49.66 V. A. McCool. postage and expense 12.00 > . M. Mann , expense on relief committee 6.00 V. A. McCool , attendance district court. 2.00 } . Vf. Curf man , medical attendance A. E. Boyer , Aaron Dutcher , D. Kealiher , F.Vore , A.Z.Jones 36.30 V. Gossard. postage and expense 52.45 trass & Miller , shoes for Karthauser 4.50 lamuel Young , nursing C. F. McCulloch 13.00 ) . A. Waterman , unloading coal 3.00 ) uncan Bros. , mdse. forpoor. Mrs , Ber ry. Jas. William , Mrs. Voro , A. P. Buker 13.55 Geore Burt , annual settlement overseer 22.1 S. R. Seamands. annual settlement over seer district No. 37 18. On motion board adjourned to meet De 27th. 1890. HENRY CRABTREE , Attest Chairman. t GEO. W. ItopgR , Clerk. A. H. Barnes , Deputy. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. I Indianola , Neb. . Dec. 27tb. 1890. f Board of county- commissioners met pu suant to adjournment. Present , Henry Cra tree , chairman , Isaiah Bennett and Stephe Bolies. commissioners , and George W. Rope clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read an approved. On motion the bond of county attorney f < the ensuing two years was fixed at $1,500.00. On motion the annual settlement was mad with the overseers and clerk directed to dra' warrants on county general fund , levy 1890 , f follows : George Howell , district No 11 $ W.B.Spain , district No. 2 21. { R. Johnston , district Nn. 21 21.1 T. J. Ruggles. district No. 5 1 On motion the following claims were audl ed and allowed and clerk directed to dra' ' warrants on county general fund , levy 1890 , a follows : A. Wiley , mdso. for P. Brockham S 5. J. E. Morgan , work on roads ' 4.E Stephen Belles , commissioner.14. . ] Isaiah Bennett , commissioner ll.E Henry Crabtree , commissioner 6.2 On motion the following official bonds wer approved , to-wit : W. T. Henton , county treasurer Red Willoi county , Nebraska. PRECINCT ASSESSORS. Valley Grange George Zimmerman. Bondville Nicholas Uhren. Danbury M. M. Weaver. Gerver C. C. Smith. Driftwood E. E. Hayes. Tyrone Henry Kelt. Coleman W. K. Forsey. Beaver R. M. Coulter. ; ' Perry James Doyle. Grant C. F. Elliott. PRECINCT JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Missouri Ridge James A. Robinson. Indianola William Barber. Coleman J. W. Smith and S. D. McClain. East Valley J. J. Young. Perry Henry Corcoran and Aug.Plasmyere Tyrone A. W. Joslin. Grant C. F. Elliott. DISTRICT ROAD OVERSEERS. 4. P. H. Callen. 14. Joshua Gerver. 28. Jos. Bebnke. 22. Jos. Junker. 21. Felix Wilhelm. 19. GeorgeHowell. 33. M. Fossen. 14. V. J. Gathercole. 2. J. K. McDowell. 23. Robert F. Gorley. 8. M."Houlihan. 37. Chas. 8. White. 7. Thos. Pinkerton. 25. John Rowland. 32. John Payton 6. Rod. McDonald. 34. Geo. W. Kimpton. 30. E. J. Hall. On motion board adjourned to meet Janua ry 5th. 1891. HENRY CRABTREE. Attest Chairman. GEO. W. ROPER , Clerk. A. H. BarneDeputy. . COTJBT HOUSE NEWS. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM THE LEGAL AND MATRIMONIAL MILL. COUNTY COURT. John Gerboth vs. Richard Ryan ; plaintiC [ or cause of action alleges that defendant'e Battle and hogs trespassed upon the plaintiff' ! land and destroyed his crop to the value o ) 5300 , wherefore .he prays judgment for thiE imount. S. S. Graham , county commissioner-elect , las filed his official bond , which has been ap 3roved. Appeal bonds have been given by both the > laintiffs and detendant In two cases of Ira J. tliller et al vs. Samuel Ball. BRIDAL BULLETIN. Benjamin F. Clark , age 27 , McCook. Sopba L. Meyer , age 17 , McCook. Married by Judge Keyes , Dec. 24. J. H. Bayston , age 32 , McCook. Luella M. Chrysler , age 28 , Bartley. Joseph Tegarden , age 21 , McCook. Louisa J. Roger , age 20 , McCook. TEEMS OF COURT FOR 1891 , ElOTe&th Jaiielal District of ITelraska. CHASE : February 24 , jury ; June 2 , no jury ; leptember 1 , jury. DONDY : March 2 , jury ; June 8 , 110 jury ; leptember 14 , jury ; December 7 , no jury. HITCHCOCK : March 16 , jury ; June 11. no ury ; September21 , jury ; December9 , no jury. RED WILLOW : March 30 , jury ; June 15 , no ury ; October 5 , jury ; December 11 , no jury. FDRNAS : April 13. jury ; June 17 , no jury ; ictober 19. jury ; December 14 , no jury. , HAYES : April 28 , jury ; September 8 , no ury ; NoTember 9 , jury. FRONTIER : May 12 , jury ; September 10 , no ury ; November 17 , jury. GOSPER : May 25 , jury : November 30 , jury. J. E. COCHRAN , Judge. McCook , Neb. , Jan. 1,1891. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE In the world for cuts , bruis 3 , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet- > r , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all tin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or D pay required. It is guaranteed to give per- ; ct satisfaction , or money refunded. Price i cents per box. For sale by A. McMIllun. ime folks write their letters in character bold And some use a dainty script ; ut the kind that pleases me most to behold Is the kind that begins like this : Pay to $ . Itch on human and horses and all animals ired in 30 minutes bv Woolford's Sanitary Mon. This never fails. Sold by L. W. Mc- innell & Co. , Druggists , McCook , 30-lyr. McCOOK ; NEBRASKA. ts. . DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. MA DOWN SALR ! IN ALL OLEN I'J ALL WINTER GOODS WILL BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE REMNANTS Dress Goods , Flannels , . AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. Blankets and Underwear ! . AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Wetfs. attention given mail orders.