The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 26, 1890, Image 1

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Miss Josie Stevens is visiting in Hastings.
Dick Tate is visiting his sister , Mrs. W. C.
Tom Glasscott was down from Benkeiman ,
V. Franklin was up at Hayes Centre , Tues
day , on business.
Miss Ella Hart is with her parents at
Franklin , this week.
President Powers of the state alliance was
a city visitor , Sunday.
Miss Mary Myers is spending the week at
her home near Beatrice.
Banker Peck of Trenton was a business
visitor , Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Sophia Mnngan left for Farmersville ,
Illinois , Wednesday morning.
Banker Hupp came over from Lebanon ,
Monday evening on business.
Capt. Holmes leaves shortly for Wurts-
bore , N. Y. , on a protracted visit.
Treasurer-elect Henton gravitated to the
metropolis , Monday on business.
Dr. Jones professional services were called
to Oxford , Tuesday , and to Stratton , Wed
H. H. Eusterday is enjoying a family re
union , this week , down in Tecumseh , John
son county.
S. E. Solomon drove down from Culbert-
son , Wednesday afternoon on an important
Frank Carruth was up from Plattsmoutli
over Sunday , returning home on the evening
Miss May Clark departed , Sunday evening ,
for Arkansas City , Kansas , where the family
is now residing.
Mrs. H. C. Shriner arrived from Curtis ,
the close of last week , to spend the holidays
with McCook friends.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh of McCook , Neb. ,
are visiting Mrs. Sanford at 1204 Twentieth
street. Sunday's Denver News.
Comity Clerk and Mrs. Koper returned to
the county-seat , Sunday evening , from a
short visit on their south side farm.
Capt. Eric Johnson of Holdrege is a city
visitor , to day. The Captain is a leading
candidate for clerk of the next house.
Risley of the Republican and Floyd ot the
Register represented tiie Hitchcock county
press in the valley's metropolis , Saturday
Judge Israel of Benkeiman and J. P. Davis
of Hayes Centre visited THE TRIBUNE in a
social way , Tuesday evening while in the
centre on business.
Mrs. C. W. Knights arrived home , Sunday ,
from a delightful visit to friends in Denver.
Her daughter , Mrs. McAlpine , met her at
Akron on her homeward way.
H. R. Edwards , who has injected a little
elixir of life into the defunct Allston Times ,
was a caller at these headquarters , Monday ,
while in the city on land business before the
local officials.
The new clerk in the land office to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of George M.
Gage , is Miss Ida Hollister , chief clerk for
seven years in the land office at McCook ,
Neb. Salt Lake City ( Utah ) Tribune.
Dr. Jonesjand Father Hickery went up to
Hayes county , last Friday , to minister unto
John Kumer , who was seriously ill of the
fever. They returned home , Sunday , leav
ing the patient somewhat improved in condi
Messrs. Likes and Hatch of the late Farm
ers and Merchants Bank of Hayes Centre
were business visitors at commercial head
quarters , Saturday. They have sold their
bank building to tiie county , and expect to
go to Texas to engage in business.
John G. Eaton is here from Lebanon , Oregon
gen , on business connected with his extensive
real estate interests in Valley Grange. Mr.
Eaton has a prosperous appearance and looks
as though that far western clime agreed with
him. His many old-time friends will be
pleased to greet him.
C. E. Robinson left for McCook , Saturday
morning , where he goes to seek employment
Chas. has been in this city for the past six
years and has been one of the leading young
men of the town. We believe that all our
peopje are sorry to see him leave , and that
theyjvill all join the Press in wishing him
all the success possible in his new field.
Orleans Press.
Prof. C. M. Charles , the genial and talent
ed principal of the Culbertson schools , was
a city visitor , Monday , doing a little shop
ping , and paying his respects to his admirers
in McCook. The Professor dropped into
THE TRIBUNE office long enough to discon
tinue his subscription on the ostensible
grounds of "close times. " But there was
that in the Professor's portentious look
which was only explained when he stated
that the real reason was because Joe Goggles
of Goosetown wrote for THE TRIBUNE.
Between the broad-minded , large-souled Pro
fessor and caustic Joe there exists a glacial
period which will not away till the final con
Gowhere you will , and the fair name of Mc
Cook receives nothing but the highest of com
pliments , as the most substantial and the
most thrifty city of its size in the state. Her
citizens and business men receive nothing
but the kindest of words for their enterprise
and RO-Qhead-i-tiveness from those abroad.
May the eulogizers never have occasion to
speak anything but words of praise for Mc
Cook and her citizens.
Epitome of the Week's Events
at the Seat of County Affairs.
Joe Goggles , the Irrepressible , Special
News nnd Society Reporter.
Dr. Eskey la expected back from Great Falls
by the first of January.
Drayman Brown refuses to haul goods for
Indlanola's went cheap store.
After January 1st , 1891 , this world will begin
to rcxolvo round tbeludmnolaooher mine. .
Everything moves buttbo county-seat. It
remains as stationary as if fixed in an eternal
C. H. Oman has closed out all his interests
in this city and is on his way to the state of
It is rumored about that the proprietor of
the Courier will return in the spring of the
year 1891. ,
There Is more sickness in Indlanolu .o the
square inch than ever before and but one
physician :
J. J.Lamburn says : "THE TRIBUNE is the
best local paper ho has overseen in this west
ern country. "
Samuel Parks expects to depart for Colorado
in a few days , to work. He has rented a bouse
in tils city for bis family.
Cnp.t Frank Strout's uncle , of Culbcrtson ,
was gyrating around this yellow ocber hole ,
the day before Christmas.
As a rule the bright side of life's picture is
hung to the wall , and just now everybody is
inclined to nail it that wtiy.
With no more mortgage foreclosures the
prospects ahead for lawyers is as dreary as
Greenland's icy mountains.
Judging from the looks the coal that was
shipped to this place lor free distribution will
last Ion ? and keep a man hot.
Tiie Courier took u spurt and got out on
Wednesday. Had liisliop been here such a
thing would never have happened.
The Bret Harte club has postponed the en
tertainment to have been given Saturday
evening , January 3d , until tbelTthof January.
J. II. Berge , justice of the peace in and for
Indianola precinct. Red Willow county , Neb
raska , appears to be a very busy official of
Jim McClung , who recently went out to
Great Falls , has accepted the position of night
clerk at one of the hotels in that city , at a Kood
A former Indianolaite , now a resident of
Denver , writes that Denver is duller than In
dianola and the filthy lucre much sought after
but seldom found.
Uncle Jim Hetherington writes some reada
ble letters to the Courier , but it is very signifi
cant that so far he has extended no general
invitation to ua to come and see him.
As time speeds merrily on and the earth con
tinues in its usual course we grow less fright
ened , because the legislature this winter is
properly built to tear things out by the roots.
Tom Teas has sold bis farm for (1.600 , and re
turned to Iowa too stay. We shall miss the
sweet singer ef Isreal very much. As a story
teller and worker in a county-seat fight Tom
was a four-horse team with a yellow dog un
der the wagon.
There is a marked similarity between Bill
Nye's "Baled Hay" and that which wo find at
the feed stores this fall each comes high ,
quality considered. It would be in keeping
with the eternal fitness of things to sell them
both at the same stand.
Taylor Qulgler , a farmer living north-west
of this city , is very bad off with rheumatism.
Fore part of the week be went to McCook to
consult the gentleman who has been leading
the patent medicine revival.but when the doct
or told him the trouble was with bis blood and
not bis hip Joint Taylor came home and told
his wife be guessed be bad been dreaming.
The word that our old f riendC.F.Wcehner sent
back from Great Falls is not calculated to go
very far in establishing an Indianola colony
in that city auch as in Denver. Charley made
several thousand dollars in Indianola selling
quinine and pills , and be thought that by add
ing on a side line or two be could go to Great
Falls and soon buy a railroad. As a result of
Mr. Wcehner's frankness , quite a number of
us will remain and engage In the profitable
business of "cussing" the country generally
and Indianola particularly.
Ira J. Miller vs. Samuel Ball et al , judgment
rendered against Samuel Ball for $50.50.
JohnDarley and Ira J. Miller vs. Samuel
Ball , iudgment for $77.45 against Samuel Ball.
J. Byron Jennings vs. Anton Probst , on ap
plication of defendant continued until Jan.l9th
Hall. Cochran & Co. vs. L. A. Peirce , judg
men in favor of plaintiff for $63,50. Plaintiff
Albert Stegman vs. Red Willow County Co
operative Association of Patrons of Husband
ry et al , plaintiff brings suit upon account for
Mr. George H. Ray. age 31 , Lebanon , Neb.
Miss Hester Highland , age 16 , Danbury , Neb.
Married by Judge Keyes Dec. 34th.
Mr. Adolph Biescheck , age 48 , McCook.
Mrs. Jenney H. Boydston , age 44 , McCook.
Mr. Grant Fisher , age 33 , Indianola.
Miss Laura E. Gregg , age 31 , Indianola.
A Word in Season.
The barking of a pack of hounds may be mu
sic , but the barking of the human family is
certainly discord. Stop that cough with Hum
phreys' Specific No. Seven ,
K i 1 fcsr i S3
Clearing Sale !
Off Winter Goods.
have also a nice line of Christmas -
mas Goods. Our assortment of LADIES' and
is complete both in Silk and Linen , Fancy
and Plain , put up in Fancy Boxes to suit all
ial attention given mail orders.
B. & M. Meat Market.
. .
. . , .
TURKEYS. &c. 4C.
R , A. COUPE & CO. , Props.