The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 19, 1890, Image 7

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    f _ j = uisas
Fancy Goods
With compliments of the season ,
you are cordially invited to call and
inspect our fine display of HOLI
DAY GOODS , on and after Saturday
evening , November 29th. In pri
ces it is our purpose to make this
a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" indeed for
all our customers. On Dolls our
price is a record breaker. Come
quick ! Come early ! ! Come all ! ! !
Respectfully ,
At McMillen's Drug Store.
A dining room girl
wanted at the Com
mercial House at
Noble , The Grocer.
"The poor ye have always. "
Family Groceries at Noble's.
Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
Attorney Snavely is a city visitor ,
today. _
Great lot of odds and ends all kinds
at Ganschow's.
The place to buy a nice gift.
. . .
_ _ _ .
Headquarters for Xmas presents go
to PADE & SON.
Pure fresh buckwheat at
Domestic and New Home sewing
machines at PADE & SON'S.
Try Damask Rose , the best lotion
for face and hands , at McMillen's drug
Good house of 9 rooms , 2 blocks from
postoffice , at $15 per month. Apply to
Ryan & Noren.
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
next examination.
At Joe's parlor you will see the
finest line of cigars to be found in
western Nebraska.
Hanging , parlor and stand lamps at
Ohenery's City Drug Store. New goods
and popular prices.
" Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is headquarters -
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Pictures , picture moulding and eas
els , at cut prices the next 30 days at
Price cut 25 per cent , on all grades
of footwear at the
A handsome line of Xmas cards at
popular prices at
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
iris prices correspond with the times.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize. Rear of The
The next time you want an examina
tion tablet call and see the attractive
aew tablet kept for sale in THE TRIB
UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents.
Many of Hayes county's best people
come to McCook to buy goods. The
best way to reach them for the holiday
trade is through an advertisement in
the Hayes County Republican.
The irrigation ditch near flaigler is
complete and the water has been turn
ed into it. This ditch will supply
5,000 acres with a sufficient quantity
of water for agricultural purposes.
Benkelman Democrat.
E. B. Bowen & Co.'s $3.00 , $3.50
and $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the
x best values ever offered in McCook.
At wholesale and retail by
Carruth & Son have a fine stock of
Gold spectacles. and eyeglasses , a
perfect fit guaranteed.
A fine line of French briar pipes at
Remember Pade & Son sell furni
ture to suit the times.
Car of flour and feed just received at
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
The place to buy a nice gift.
L. W. McCoNNELL & Co.
Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper , best
made , at PADE & SON'S.
Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar
Centre tables , 16th century finish , in
great variety at PADE & SON'S.
Boots and shoes have advanced but
Ganschow is selling lower than ever.
Try it.
The Kickapoo Indian remedy com
bination is holding forth nightly at the
McMillen , the druggist , has a fine line
of vase , hanging and piano lamps at
bottom prices.
Stanley and bride will spend Christ
mas in Omaha. He will lecture there
Christmas eve.
Children , have you seen that large
assortment of Dolls in McMillen's win
dow ? They are beauties.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
The B. & M. have placed on sale
tourists tickets to all prominent resorts
at reduced rates for the round trip.
Ladies' kid and goat button shoes ,
cnllfl laofTiiiv * fni 1 ft of
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
If the man with the pen is made of
the right sort of stuff there will always
be an affinity between him and the man
of the hoe and plow.
NURSING Mrs. E. F. Hamilton from
Bartley is here and will do nursing. In
quire of Miss Thomas at Mr.Drysdale's
tailoring establishment.
There are churches , schools , work and
societies for the sons and daughters of
the earth , and it is yet a problem how
best to treat a human being.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
Go and see LUDWICK'S mammoth
stock of second hand goods. Furniture ,
cook stoves , heaters and gasoline stoves ,
bought and sold. Will also rent goods
by the week or month. A pawn bro
ker's business in connection. Second
door west of the McEntee Hotel.
Irrigation is the topic of conversa
tion in every neighborhood where there
is any water that may be dammed up and
made to flow over the adjacent fields.
If the talk develops into work , the next
question will be , how much will this
moisten and cool our atmosphere ?
Bartley Inter-Ocean.
Are you a young lady ? Do you sigh
to have what poets call a "willowy
form ? " Know , then , that nature alone
gives such a figure , and the willowy
business all comes from
being bow-leg
ged. When you see a girl waving about
like a dish rag on a clothes-line you
will know what's the matter.
While selecting your Holiday pres
ents remember that Carruth & Son ,
the Jewelers , have a large and well
selected stock of everything kept in a
first class Jewelry store.
Ihe street sprinkler has been-doing
duty a part of the week.
Parlor and chamber suits in great
variety , cheap , at PADE & SON'S.
Read our holiday ad.
L. W. McCoNNELL & Co.
Another large invoice of fine smok
ers' articles will arrive at Joe's cigar
parlor , next week.
An album makes a nice gift. We
have them from 75 cents to $10 each.
L. W. McCoNNELL & Co.
Frank Everist calls your attention to
the fact that his stock of groceries is
now on the shelves , in his advertisment
appearing elsewhere in this issue.
Every meeting of the county commis
sioners discloses a county treasury raid
of more or less startling proportions.
The last raid was more than less.
A box of Reizenstein's celebrated
'Havana Stars" would make a most ac
ceptable Xmas present. They are the
nnest ten cent cigars in me marxec.
"We haveanewgirl up at our house , "
remarked J. JHJ. Kelley to THE TRIBUNE
man Tuesday afternoon. "I will be
around with the particulars and cigars
to-morrow. "
The McCook Monitor was printed on
the Leader press this week , the Moni
tor's Campbell being taken by the Omaha
Type Foundry and shipped to a Kansas
publisher , Monday.
The great wolf hunt on the Drift
wood was barren of results so far as
wolves and coyotes are concerned. There
were the usual number of weary men
and horses , however.
DIED We learn with sorrow of the
death of Mrs. J. L. Harvey , mother of
C. tr. and S. E. Harvey , on last Sun
day , the 14th instant , at Hiawatha ,
Tie n co a f f f h A OM Trot ! nan * rm r r TQ
KLE at residence of groom's parents ,
December 14th , 1890 , by Rev. W. 0.
Norval , Mr. Frank Huntington and
Miss Maggie McCorkle , both of Fron
tier county , Neb.
The city water , last week , was "too
demonstrative" for Chenery's pet fish ,
all but three of them turning over on
their backs and refusing to live in the
roily liquid any longer. And George
is disconsolate and perhaps indignant.
Rev. P. S. Mather will preach next
Sunday morning on "The Path of the
Just , " in the evening on "Religious Ex
citement. " Give him a full house , as
there will be something worth hearing.
All are welcome , and always in the
Methodist church.
The Masonic brethren "raised" en
gineer Burnett , Tuesday evening , fol
lowing with a spendid banquet at the
B. & M. Eating House , in which about
fifty local and visiting biethren partici
pated with every evidence of enjoyment ,
and good fellowship prevailed.
With the new year A. J. Thompson
will assume control of the McCook Rol
ler Mill , now being run by E. H. Doan ,
under lease. Mr. Thompson will main
tain the high standard of the mill , and
will continue to turn out the popular
grists of the past in undiminished
Every man in this section is inter
ested in seeing the country prosperous.
There is no exception. Anybody can
do better and make more money in a
prosperous and thriving community
than in one that is hard up. Town people
ple are just as anxious to see good crops
and high prices as the farmers are.
The first of the week , Judge Cochran -
ran moved his quarters from the Frees
& Hocknell Lumber Co. building into
the elegant suite of rooms in the Meek
er building occupied by the new law
firm of LeHew & Dodge , who will thua
have the advantage of convenient ac
cess to the Judge's library , in addition
to their own. More convenient and
elegant quarters cannot be found in the
At the last regular meeting of J. K.
Barnes W. R. C. the following officers
were elected for the year 1891 : Presi
dent , Mrs. Nellie Lee Gray ; Senior V.
P. , Mrs. Amanda Berry ; Junior V. P. ,
Mrs. Ellen Irwin ; Treasurer , Mary E.
Yarger ; Chaplain , Mrs. M. E. Batter-
shall ; Guard , Mrs. Mary Eaton ; Con
ductor , Miss Robinson. The next reg
ular meeting of the corps will be held
Tuesday evening , Dec. 23d , 7:30. :
Car ruth & Son offer special in
ducements to watch purchasers this
seasonf standard goods , at the bottom
tom notch prices.
Next season an experiment in cran
berry culture will be made in Red Wil
low county. Mr. Bert Gale , an exper
ienced grower , has entered a forty acre
patch on the went side of Perry pre
cinct , on the river bottomand , the com
ing spring will plant a portion of the
same to cranberries. As water in
abundance is absolutely required , ar
rangements will be made to flood the
tract ; and everything else necessary
for a thorough trial will be provided.
Death made his dread presence felt ,
this week , in the home of J. H. Rice
of South McCook , his daughter Edna ,
a promising young girl of twelve sum
mers , passing away early yesterday
morning , after an illness of about one
week with diphtheria. The funeral oc
curred this afternoon , Longview being
the place of interment. All loving and
sympathetic hearts in the community
go out to the bereaved and sorrowing
A fjIrnt.infT rinlr will ho Mnnnnlr'a novf.
attraction. The grounds of the tennis
club on North Main are now being pre
pared for that purpose. When a sheet
of smooth ice of sufficient thickness
covers the ground , excellent skating will
be provided for all who wish to indulge
in that cxhilerating exercise and sport.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney
Munson will be deeply pained to learn
of the sudden death , early this morning ,
of their infant of about ten days old.
THE TRIBUNE voices the profound sen
timent of all in extending the parents
its heartfelt sympathy in their sudden
and sad bereavement.
All the boys up and down the valley
seem to have seen the wagon with the
following doggerel on its white canvas
top. We haven't seen Ihe vehicle , but
here is the poetry :
"Where we are going
And how we will fare ,
There is nobody knows
And d d few care.
It is a wise policy for any city to
make their public improvements in
years of crop scarcity. Not only can
the work be done more cheaply , but it
keeps money in circulation and serves
to bridge over hard times and keep up
the courage and bank account of the
average citizen until the dawning of a
more prosperous era.
A recentissue of "Vanity Fair" gives
and " " and his
our own only "Nephew" *
own and only "Marae" a rich , rare and
racy notice of a column in length ,
which was quite amusing at least.
Mame's multitudinous matrimonial ven
tures are touched up with characteristic
piquancy , and withal the write up is
"quite stunning. "
I am closing out my line of goods
suitable for Xmas presents , consisting
of plush toilet cases , albums , autos ,
lap tablets , perfume cases , photo frames ,
etc. , etc. Above goods have been mark
ed down to prices that will sell them.
Appreciating a joke quite keenly , you
know , Chenery recently received a large
and juicy stock of Spanish chestnuts
which he takes special and fiendish de
light in springing on the visiting mem
bers of the bucolic press.
Don't forget to drop into Joe's cigar
parlor and look at his handsome com
bination meerschaum pipe and cigar
holder. It is put up in an elegant case.
Don't fail to read the new advertise
ment of the Famous. You can always
depend upon the statements of this
house as being based upon facts.
An Alliance of 13 members was or
ganized in this city , last Saturday , with
Wm. S. Fitch as president and Clark
Boatman , secretary.
An album makes a nice gift. We
have them from 75 cents to $10 each.
L. W. McCoNNELL & Co.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Pearline meal the finest in the mar
New fancy rockers just received at
French tissue paper in all colors at
McCook flour all grades.
Come bring your families and your
friends and buy your shoes at Ganschow's.
Rugs and oil cloth mats at
Feed of all kinds.
A large stock of latest styles of
Bracelets and Necklaces at Carruth
& Son's.
The board of education have caused
the following circular to bo issued re
garding the commercial department re
cently added to the public school course :
MoCooK , NEB. , Dec. 20th , 1890.
DEAR FRIEND : The board of edu
cation has arranged for the opening of
a commercial department at the west
ward school building on Monday , Jan.
ith , 1891. A fee will be charged to
meet the increased expense and it is
xpected that the institution will boen-
irely self-supporting. There will be a
day and night school , in both of which
he following branches will be taught
by Mr. C. M. Leper : book-keeping , pen-
manshipcommercial arithmetic , English
anguage , business forms and commer-
ial law. The fee for instruction in
any or all of these subjects will be $5
per month for the day school and $4
per month for the night school jinvariably
in advance , Hnort-nand ana typewriting
ing $5 per month in the day school and
$4 per month in the night school.
This school is established to meet
the needs of the number of young men
and women who are conscious of defici-
encyin their education and who desire
to obtain a knowledge which will en
able them to secure and hold better
positions among the world's workers.
Perhaps you , to whom this letter is
addressed , may wish for an opportunity
of this kind , or you may know of some
friend who would enter the school if he
believed it would be of service to his
future career.
By calling upon or writing to C. M.
Leper , principal commercial depart
ment McCook public school , you can
obtain any further information you re
quire. Respectfully yours ,
Supt. City School.
How ii Pays.
Being weighed down with a feeling
that single-blessedness is not all it's
cracked up to be , Adclph Eeischeick
of Perry precinct sometime since decid
ed to invoke the assistance of the press
in securing a helpmeet. An advertise
ment was accordingly placed in a Chica
go matrimonial sheet , not long since ,
and now Adolph is up to his eyes in
the delights of bliss connubial , an an
swer to his adv. appearing on this scene
of action , from David CitySundaynoon ,
in the person of a comely maiden , who
was promptly made Mrs. Reischeick , in
due form.
The neighbors of the happy couple
celebrated the event , Monday night ,
with a charivari of such voluptuous
proportions that it is claimed that the
prospects of Tuesday's wolf hunt were
irretrievably blighted.
About As Much.
It has been noticed of late that the
publisher of the Bartley Long-Felt-
Want never appears in public without
having previously sprinkled his auburn
locks copiously with hayseeds. To the
outsider this demonstration might be
construed into something genuine. But
the fact that Bro. Carpenter is making
his best effort to secure a clerkship in
the coming legislature is the real mo
tive. THE TRIBUNE is constrained to
be of the opinion that Mr. Carpenter
has about as much real and honest in
terest in the welfare of the alliance as
a chicken eating sow has in a brood of
Don't Be a Sucker.
Why give every tramp solicitor who
comes along with an advertising scheme
your good dollars ? In most cases it is
a dead loss , not only to yourself but to
your town. A few dollars spent in the
right kind of an advertisement in your
home newspaper will reach the people.
Such advertising as is done on hotel
registers , signs , folders , and other
schemes does not reach the people.
You haven't money to throw away ,
have you ? Most people haven't.
A Farmers' Club.
A meeting of farmers and business
men of Red Willow county is called to
meet in the city hall , McCook , on Sat
urday , December 20th , at 1 o'clock , for
the purpose of organizing a farmers'
club. All farmers and business men
in the county are invited to attend and
participate in forming the organization.
A Suggestive Time.
When Red Willow county pays Pop
Gun Smith and Stenographer Strout
$612.50 for blackguarding her best cit
izens the skies will roll together like a
scroll and there will be a time sugges
tive of the final conflagration.
Ground oil cake.
entire stock of
Hard and Soft
Coal Heaters at AC
he Grand Festival and Bazaar of St.Patrick's
Church Closed Last Saturday Night
In a Halo of Glory-Social
und Financial.
The Catholic people of McCook have
a series of splendid successes to their
redit , in conducting church fairs ; and
he one which came to such an auspi-
ious close , lust Saturday night , was
i'ter the usual kind , only more so , per-
The attendance during the run of the
fair was large ; and with music and
dancing , and the generous and inviting
spread of the good things of life , the
social feature was not neglected.
Competition for the various prize *
was brisk , even exciting , and from this
source , together with the proceeds of
the different booths , of the supper ,
from dancing , etc. , the Gnancial results
were over one thousand dollars net.
The principal prizes were secured ap
follows : Miss Lillie Rowell the elq-
gant gold watch. J. H. Bennett the
gold headed cane. Patrick McKenna
the silver conductor's lantern.
It was withal perhaps the most suc
cessful fair ever held in the city , upon
which the Catholic people are to be
The B. &M. to Ship Supplies Free to
"Western Nebraska Until Jan. 1st.
Dr. Martin of the state relief com
mittee has just returned from Omaha
and announces that the B. & M. R. R.
company has extended the time during
which free transportation will be given
supplies for destitute people in western
Nebraska to January 1st. Applications
for relief continue to pour in , but at
the same time a liberal amount of sup
plies are being received by the state
board. One hundred tons of coal were
shipped to Chase county , yesterday.
Rev. L. P. Ludden addressed a meeting
last night at Nebraska City in the in
terest of the movement and it is ex
pected that the good people of that
place wi'l ' respond liberally. Lincoln
T/ 1
/ " * no
Amorous Crane.
The amorous young Mr. Crane , the
Omaha blood who spent a few weeks
in McCook this fall , was in imminent
danger of having his neck rung at Ox
ford recently , so the newspaper report
is. It is related that young Mr. Crane
was ambitious to set up a private harem
in Omaha , composed more or less ex
clusively of Republican valley girls.
But an irate papa of Arapahoe inter
cepted the gay Lothario boarding the
train at Oxford in company with his
daughter , and but for the incontinent
flight of Crane , the indignant pater
familias would have punctured him
after the similitude of a pepper box.
Beer Goes , John.
A big poster about town sets before
our citizens in glowing terms the ad
vantages of trading in McCook. The
offer contained in the aforesaid poster
tells us that any citizen of Cambridge
who comes to McCook on their excur
sion and purchases goods to the amount
of ten dollars will have his fare paid
both ways. It is not said whether beer
is included in the list of purchased
goods or not. Cambridge Kaleidoscope.
A Bargain.
For Sale or exchange , splendid im
ported English Shire stallion , 1850 Ibs ,
fine action and the best walker in the
county. Also a beautiful Clydsdale
stallion , 1550 Ibs. These horses are
first class and sure getters. Will be
sold cheap if taken soon.
Indianola , Neb.
When Woman Gets Her Vote.
"The world will fly the beaten track ,
when woman gets her vote , and dart off
on another tick when woman gets her tyrant man with nasty feet will
dare to tread the pavements neat , or
chew tobacco on the street when wo
man sets her vote. * '
Articles bought of us engraved in
Ihe most artistic manner , free of
charge. Carruth & Son , Jewelers.