* * / tr > ' -L . J At MOEESILYER WANTED ADDIIESS XO COlfOKESS IN iff" HALF OF THE METAL. That Uody Ankcd to Delay No Longci the Restoration of Silver to Unlim ited U o as Money The Gold Hauls i Too Narrow for Bu lnc B The Now U. p. General Dorccy'a nankins Bill Animal In dustry Urooklyii's New Count. A Silver Addrcus. WASHINGTON , Dec 12 The nation al executive silver committee has issued an address to congress. The committee believes that the present money stringency and the breaking down of credit on both sides of the At lantic is duo mainly , if not entirely , to an attempt to conduct the world's growing business on a narrow basis oi gold as a single money standard , and -again appeals to congress to delay no longer the restoration of silver to un limited use as money , with all the rights of coinage and legal tender pos sessed by gold. All attempts to relieve the present situation by increasing the volume of credit currency can afford but temporary relief. With the gold supply constantly diminishing , the population increasing and business rapidly expanding , a recurrence of the present situation must come , forcing a periodical adjustment of prices and business to the ever-con tracting scale of a single gold standard. What is needed is a broader basis of primary money , constant and adequate in supply. Bi-mdtallisin must bo re established. There never has been and is not likely to bo in the future too much gold and silver to supply the world's needs for money. To supply the probable population of the United States alone for the next century with the same per capita wo now have will require a production of the metals as great as the entire production of the American continent since its discovery by Columbus. With the free coinage of silver the difference between silver bullion and silver coin must at once disappear and end silver speculation. If everybody can have silver metal converted into coin free of cost at the rate of 371J- grains to the dollar , then , of course , there can be no difference between the value of the given weight of silver in bullion or coin. The committee believes that the fear that free coinage would destroy the parity of gold and silver on our ratio of 16 to 1 is not well founded. Certainly this cannot take place and continue permanently until enough silver has been coined to provide us with our full distributive share of the world's money independently of gold. Our share at present is § 1,500.000,000 , of which at least $650,000,000 is gold. Silver enougli must be coined , then , to give us full § l,500OdO,000 besides gold and besides enough to take the place of retired bank notes and supply the requirements'of our increasing population and growing industries. Besides , the proposed issue of new pa per money will tend in the same de gree to displace gold that silver will. Which , then is the best , metalic money , constant in supply , self-regulating and that needs no redemption , or an addi tional credit money to be sometime re deemed in gold that becomes constantly dearer as the demands upon it in creased ? The. people demand their constitutional jights to have recourse " to both gold."and silver money to be restored to them. Clark is Keticctit. STI.OUIS , Mo. , Dec. 12. S. H. H. Clark , first vice president and general manager of the Missouri Pacific , and the recently appointed general mana ger of the Union Pacific , arrived home yesterday from New York. Mr. Clark was very reticent about the new policy that will be pursued in the affairs of the Union Pacific , and had little to say. It was learned , however , that Mr. Clark conferred with the traffic managers of the Missouri Pacific , Iron Mountain and Texas & Pacific. It is inferred that the matter of traffic ar rangements between the roads was dis cussed at the conference. George C. Smith , assistant to Yice President Clark , will be appointed assistant gen eral maaager of the Missouri Pacific. Dnrsey'ft Hanking ; Bill. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. The house committee on banking and currency has adopted a resolution to request the house to set apart for consideration .nd disposition Chairman Dorsey's bill to reduce to $1,000 the minimum amount of United States bonds which national banks shall be required to keep on deposit and to permit the issue -of circulating notes by national banks to the full amount of the par value of bonds deposited. This would , it is said , increase the amount of money in circulation by $18,000,000 and would result in a freer issue of national bank notes. When the bill comes up in the house Chairman Dorsey will move an amendment to provide for the issue of greenbacks whenever the national bank circulation falls below $185,000,000. Merrill of Kansas was authorized to report favorably the bill to subject na tional bank and United States treasury notes to state taxation. Bureau of Animal Industry. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. The annual i Deport of the bureau of animal indus try * says : With the ultimate object in view of discovering some method of preventing disease in swine the bureau endeavored to produce artificially a drug which would have the same com position and effect as bacterial pro ducts. These researches have been in the mam successful , and the report claims that a substance has been pro- duduced which not only resembles the bacterial product of the hog cholera germ in composition , 'but which hat quite the same power of conferring1 im munity from disease. To Promote the Worthy. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. Mr. Cutch con today introduced a bill to authorize izo the president to prescribe a systen of examination of enlisted men of the army to determine their fitness foi promotion to the grade of second lion tenant The bill embodies suggestion : in the annual report of Secretary Proc tor relative to the means of preventing the exorcise of favoritism in promo' tion. Brooklyn' * New Count. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. The houst committee on census discussed inform ally and without action the reapportionment - tionment bill. It was decided to give a hearing Friday to Brooklyn on a demand - mand for a recount of that city and ii was also. decided the question of th accuracy of New York city and similai questions with respect to Brooklyn and other cities should not delay action upon the reapportionment bill. Cheaper Tin. WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. Mr. Taylot of Illinois has introduced in the house an amendment to the present tariff act , proposing to fix the duty on tin plate at 1 cent per pound with a duty of 45 per cent ad valorem on the man ufactures of tin instead of the existing rates of 2 2-10 cents per pound for plate and 55 per cent for manufactures. In addition the amendment proposes to maintain on the free list tin ores and pigs , on which the present tarifi law imposes a duty of 4 cents per pound after July 1 , 1893. No More Four * . WASHINGTON , Dec. 12. The secrts tary of the treasury issued notice that the 4 per cent bonds accepted today cempleted the amount which he offered to purchase , and bond redemptions will , therefore , for the present bo limited to 4Js. He will also purchase for the Union Pacific sinking fund any first mortgage Pacific railroad bonds which are a prior lien to the subsidy bonds , and pay therefor such prices as will realize 4 4 per cent per annum on the investment. Industries In the "West. NEW YORK , Dec. 10. The Sun ( democratic ) has the following in its local columns : "Melville D. Landon ( Eli Perkins ) having just returned from Dakota , Ne braska and Minnesota , was asked if there were any new industries being established in the west on account of the new traffic. " "Yes , " he said , "there are three great western industries bciag estab lished , which will keep $50,000,000 in this country every year. - What are they ? " "First the Grand Island , Neb. , beet sugar industry is a wonderful success. They are now turning out 300 barrels of pure white beet-sugar a day. The plant cost § 500,000 and was purchased in Germany. The farmers all made money last summer raising beets in the Platte valley and next year millions of acres in that valley and in the Jim I'iver valley , Dakota , will go into the beet sugar industry. They are put ting up other beet sugar factories in Lincoln and Norfolk , Neb. , Sioux City , la. , and in Aberdeen , Dak. I believe the Platte and Jim river valleys will supply all the white sugar the country will want in less than five years. Ger many is making her own sugar and the percentage of sugar in her beets is 5 : per cent less than in Nebraska beets. ' A New Immigration Laiv. WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. The repre- tentatives composing the house con tingent of the joint congressional com mittee on immigration has agreed upon a bill to regulate immigration. Chair man Owen will report the bill as soon as possible. In explanation of the general features of the measure Owen today said : "It is anew contract labor law. The old law is so wretchedly inefficient that according to-the testimony of the labor inspectors themselves 25 per cent of the immigration now coming to the country is in violation of the contract labor law. The statute was framed to meet the condition of things that ex isted at the time the law was passed. The employers have now changed their methods and the law is unable to reach them. It is practically useless , so we have framed a now law. We have also very much enlarged the inhibited class of immigrants. " The bill is substan tially that introduced a week ago by Owen and heretofore published. Po lygamous persons are added to the list of classes defined in Owen's bill as not entitled to bo admitted into the United States. The tax upon aliens , which in Owen's bill was fixed at 50 cents , was increased by the committee to $1. To Improve the Service. WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Senator Hawley has introduced a bill to define the line of army and increase the effi ciency. The bill provides for the same number of regiments of infantry , cav alry and engineers as at present , but increases the artillery by two regi ments. Each regiment ot infantry , cavalry and artillery have one colonel , one lieutenant colonel , three majors and the usual number of junior offi cers with twelve companies. The num ber of enlisted men of all grades must not exceed 30,000 , 5,000 of whom may be Indians , in the discretion of the president. The regiments of artillery are to be officered by the promotion , assignment and transfer of officers now in that branch , and any vacancies re maining thereafter in the grade of second end lieutenant may ba filled by the transfer from other arms of the serv ice. Sorshum Susar. WASHINGTON , Doc. 16. The annual report of the chief of the chemical di vision of the agricultural department contains an account of the process re"- cently perfected at the department as a result of the experiments in the chemical labratory with reference to the manufacture of sorghum sugar. The report of the chemist recites some of the various difficulties hitherto found in the economic manufacture of sugar from sorghum and indicates that a so lution of the question will bo found in some process which would separate as nearly as possible gummy amorphous bodies from juice without prcipitating the sugar. The known property of alcohol to produce precipitation in juice was made use of in a further study of this problem. Not only has the re moval of the gums been effected by the process evolved during these experi ments , but it has been shown that this can be effected at a cost comparatively trifling by a comparison of the results obtained. The article used in produc ing precipitation can be almost wholly recovered by subsequent distillation. Another feature is that the gummy substance separated by the process is itself fermentable and yield's almost half its weight in alcohol. In order that the new method may become pos sible the report suggests the necessity for a modification of the revenue laws so as to allow the preparation of alco hol used in the process to be carried on without tax , to be made under bond by the manufacturer that it is to be used only for this purpose. The chemist claims substantially an increase in the yield of sugar per thou sand gallons of juice of from an aver age of about 10,000 pounds to an av erage of 21 , 000 at an increase of cost in production of $84 for alcohol , which enters into the new process. > About Public . WASHINGTON , Dec. 15 There are probably twenty places in the United States where public buildings have been authorized , and where work has been suspended because bills are now pend ing providing for additional sums of money to carry on the building opera tions. If the supervising architect un dertakes to make plans for any of these buildings he is certain to be besieged by anxious members and senators who want operations suspended entirely un til they can have an opportunity to get their4 > ills through , and very naturally I ' the supervising architect has complied with these requests in every instance i He vras asked to-day what he proposed ' to do at the end of the present congress if these bills are not passed. He re plied : "We have waited now in some cases for nearly two years upon the action of congress , and I propose after March 4 to go on with the buildings which have been authorized whether more' ' money is forthcoming or not. I have explained the condition of each appro priation for each building in my an nual report , and have notified congress that I shall regard the failure of that body to pass a bill extending the limit of the cost as an order in each case to go on with what has already been pro vided. In some cases it would per haps be better to wait still longer , but it is utterly impossible to tell what another - ' other congress might do , and unless ' we begin work the delays may extend over a period of many years. Burned to Death While Playing Santa I Clans. I AKKON , O. , Dec. 15. A terrible ac cident occurred in this city during the celebration of a.birthday by nine young lady students of Buchlet college/ The girls were dressed as Santa Claus , their dresses and heads being covered by cotton batting. One girl danced too near a gas jet and the cotton took fire. In an instant she was enveloped in flames and the clothing of the other girls was soon on fire. Three of them were perhaps fatally burned. They are May Stevens of Clifton Springs , N. Y.Lulu ; Steigmeyer of Attica , O. , ancr May Baker of Fort Plains , N. Y. The two first named will surely die , while the recovery of the last is doubt ful. Addie Buchtel of Columbia , Kas.- Diana Haynes of Abilene , Kas. ; Aurelia \ \ eirck of Storm Lake , Pa. , and Myrtle Baker of Peru , La. , were also seriously burned. Miss Dora Merrill and Miss hstelle Munson , teachers , received bad burns while trying to extinguish the flumes on the dresses of the students. lEus ia' * Treatment of the' Jews. ST. PETEKSBURG , Dec. 15. Novoe Vremya protests against English or other foreign interference in regard to the treatment of Jews in Eussia , and says : "The meeting in London will not advance the cause of the Jews one step. At the bottom of the movement is the fear of the English of the invasion of their country by the Jews , who might deprive the of their poor bread and en ter into competition with the rich as well. It was not religious intolerance that prompts measures relative to the Jews in Russia , where their synao-on-ues stand proudly by the side of Christian churches ; it is the absolute necessity for saving the rural populace from be ing drained of their resources by the Jews who have already ruined the peasants in Galicia , Eoumania and Pommerania. Eussia will save the Jews themselves from popular retribu tion. She does not assume false liber alism , but acts openly in protecting the prosperity of the nation. If the whole of Europe should attempt to force a distasteful policy upon Eussia she is in a position to successfully defend her independence. " _ . f NEWS NOTES. _ Chas. Miller , the boy who murdered Eoss Fishback and Waldo Emmerson of St. Joseph , Mo. , at Cheyenne , Wy. , was found , guilty of murder in the first degree. THE HOUSE IN 1893 KILT x'oii THE XEW HEP jy coyaztEss. ho Annual Report of the Intcr-Stat Commerce Coniniltmioii A Numbc : ol * Amendment * liecommended- Tlcket Brokerage , or Scalping , Uii sparingly Condemned Annual lie port or the DIarltlmo Canal Compaii ] of Nicaragua The Boy murderer 01 Tarll at Cheyenne. Wyoming. Mr. DunncII's Rill. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. Mr. Dun nell , chairman of the house committei on the eleventh census , introduced ii the house a bill making an apportion nient of representatives in congress It provides , March 3 , 1893 , that tin house be composed of 400 members Alabama gains one in congress , Arkan sas two , California one , Colorado o'ne , Georgia one , Illinois two , Kansas one , Massachusetts one , Michigan one , Min nesota two , Missouri one , Nebraskr three , New Jersey one , Oregon one , Pennslvania two , Tennessee two , Texas two , Washington one , Wiscon sin one. Eepresentation from othei states remains unchanged.- The bill was nearly like one * recently introduced by Frank of Missouri. Mr. Dimnell's bill , it is understood , has been agreed to by the republican mem bers of the census committee. Among other featur.es similar to the Frank bill the provision that members shall be elected by districts composed of con tiguous territory and containing as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants. The Interstate Commission. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. The annua' report of the interstate commerce com mission recommends a number 01 amendments. First is that there be a'dded to section 3 a provision that the facilities to bo offered by the commor carrier shall include due and reasona ble receiving , forwarding and delivery by every such carrier at the requesl of another common carrier of througl traffic at through Crates. Second , ar amendment to section 10 , removing the ambiguities in the language and making the criminal remedies clearly applicable to the corporation , when a common carrier , as well as its officers and agents A further amendment is also indispensable , the commission says , providing for the serving of crim inal process on corporations and bring ing them under the jurisdiction of the courts. The commission also recom mends a change in section 20 , so as to enable it to obtain reports from com mon carriers when desired ? and to call for reports from companies owning 01 conducting terminal facilities or roll ing stock , etc. The recommendations made in previous reports are renewed. The commission says the difficulty of obtaining direct evidence from the parties who , by means of participation in illegal acts have knowledge of the particulars of the transactions , ij in variably very great , and suggests an amendment to meet this defect. Ticket brokerage , or scalping , is un sparingly condemned ; its injurious con sequences to the carriers and their pat rons are pointed out , as well as its demoralizing effect upon the public generally. The payment of commis sions to secure traffic is condemned as tending to demoralization of rates , un just discrimination , unreasonably high charges , the depletion of railway revenues - enues and "an illegitimate waste of money from which no permanently good results can possibly accrue/ ' The constant tendency toward consolida tion of different roads is noticed , antl "the commission is aware of no exist ing forces , legal or otherwise , that are at all likely to bring it under control- " Amendments to the act are recom mended providing for the establish ment of through routes and through rates over connecting railway lines , strengthening the penal provisions of the act authorizing the commission to call for more frequent financial and other statistics from the railroads , and in other particulars looking to the im provement of the law and its more effective administration. The Nicaragua Canal. WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. The annual report of the Maratime canal company of Nicaragua , covering the year ended December 1. 1890 , sUows that during that time the work has been prosecuted with energy , and that great progress has been made. The final plans and detailed surveys have been completed and verified , parts of the San Jnanillo Deseado , San Francisco and other nav igable streams have been cleared of snags and other obstructions , and sev eral miles of the route of the canal have been grubbed and made ready for dredging. About one hundred thou sand cubic yards of the canal are al ready excavated and several miles of the aqueduct to supply fresh mountain water to the compariy's headquarters have been completed. Ten miles of the railroad now under construction from the Atlantic port to the divide are practically completed. Very satis factory progress has been made on the breakwater to protect the Atlantic har bor from shifting sands. During the year the company purchased a dredg ing plant at Panama and the greater part of it has been transferred to Grey- town. Great improvement in the hos pital service was made during the year. The very important work of dredging of San-Juan-del-Norte is the harbor - - - being energetically prosecuted. The health of the employes is very good , and there were no deaths from fever in the past three months. Since the or ganization of the company 10,145 shares of the capital stock have been subscribed for , aggregating § 1,014,500 , of which fl , 104,050 are paid in. Since K I its organization the company has ex pended for work and material $772,263 in cash , and $2,000,000 of full paid capital stock , and is obligated for $4,298,000 of its first mortgage bonds. The liabilities of the company consist of amounts still d.uo under concessions granted it. $4,293,000 bonds above mentioned and cash liabilities not ex ceeding $50,000. Cheyenne' * Boy Murderer. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dec. 11. The trial of Charles Miller , thelG-year-old boy charged with murdering two St. Joseph boys Eoss Fishbaugh and W. C. Emmerson in September last , was commenced in the district court hero yesterday. Evidence showing the three to have been in company the last time Emmerson and Fishbaugh were seen alive was introduced. Miller's confession , said to have been made tea a newspaper man at Manhattan , Kas. , will be introduced tomorrow. Miller takes a lively interest in the proceedings ings- but betrays no emotion. His features and general appearance are idiotic , but he is nn intelligent talker and has some education. Cure for Iow J'rlcc . WASHINGTON , Dec. 11. Statistical returns for the department of agricul ture for December give the average farm prices of agricultural products from estimates made by both the gov ernment and state agents. The pres ent corn crop is worth more than the labt and the farmers will receive more for it. Unfortunately the districts of failure do not realize their portion of advance in average value. The average - ago price by present returns is 50.1 cents per bushel , against 28.8 for 1889 , an increase of.77 per cent. It is the highest December price of the decade , except in 1881 , when the average rose to Go.6 cents , that being the only year in which the final average of condi tion was worse than of the present season. The present average shows small crops are a sure cure for low prices. The prices in seven corn sur plus states are : Ohio , 51 cents ; In diana , 47 ; Illinois , 43 ; Iowa , 41 ; Mis souri. 44 ; Kansas , 51 ; Nebraska , 48. The average farm value of the wheat crop is estimated at 84 cents per bushel against C9.8 for 1889. The value of wheat is effected by the harvests of other countries and therefore prices are not entirely governed by the size of the home grown crop. The price of oats responded sharply to the pressure of the small crop and increased demand because of the short corn crop. The average is 42.2 cents , against 23 cents last year. It is the highest reported since 1881. Eye , like oats , at 62.9 cents , is higher than since 1881 , and the same is true of barley at 64.8. The deficiency in the potato crop has caused an advance in value in all sections of the country. The average is 77.7 cents , an increase of more than 90 per cent over prices of the past two years. The returns show slightly higher prices for tobacco than have prevailed since 1887. Hay alone of all farm products records a decline from last year. The present price is $7.74 per ton , and the falling off is due to the increased product. Union Pacilic Floating Debt. BOSTON , Ma = s. , Dec 10. Director Ames of the Union Pacific , in an in terview today , said : "I believe the October earnings are the worst the Union Pacific will show for many months. They tell us from Omaha November should show im provement and I feel sure that Decem ber will continue the improvement , but I have been so much disappointed in monthly returns that I do not like to prophesy. The trustees have can celled during this year 7,376,000 of bonds , reducing the annual fixed charges by nearly . * 600.000 , but only- half of this reduction will show in this year's report. This leaves outstand ing only $6,636,000 of the 8 percent bonds , and at maturity , in September , 1893 , the company will cancel the en tire issue , and when all the land notes are paid there will be a balance from land assets to be converted into the Union Pacific treasury. Trustees of this land money have now $1.000,000 in hand for in vestment in bonus. Be sides this the trustees of the Kansas Pacific consolidated mortgage have an other $1,000,000 on hand. "The Union Paciffc has not had to pay above 6 per cent upon its floating debt and much of it runs at a less rate. A small part only is on call and this at our banks. None of it has been held by Mr. Gould. Very few of our loans mature this month. We have not been pressed for money , nor are we likely to be. Our borrowings do not mature until well into next year. All our loans are covered with an abundance of col- latteral and we still have ample collat- teral left in oar vaults. " Again t the Piukcrtoiis. DETKOIT , Mich. , Dec. 11. At to day's meeting of the federation of la bor a resolution instructing the incom ing executive council to take action to prevent the prostitution of 'the police power of the states by firms employ ing labor for intimidating men on a strike and the employment of armed men for the same purpose , was re ported favorably , but referred back to the committee for amendments. A resolution pledging the membersi of the convention to support the socialist * labor party in its efforts to secure leg islation to promote the labor move ment was reported adversely and laid on the table. F. K. Foster moved the appointment of aspecial committee to consider the eight-hour question. The motion was unanimously adopted. Lucien Daniel , the socialAt who was refused admittance - tance to the convention will call a mass meeting on Friday evening under instructions from and in the name of the Central Labor federation of NeT Y1 } Ii 5o oxjlsun fully liis position. xi\v > A dynamite trust has been formed. Fire caused $300,000 damage in San Francisco. Destitution is reported among set tlers in Oklahoma. The total area sown to winter wheat in Illinois s 1,850,000 acres. Soldiers are driving out 1,000 boom ers now in the Cherok.eo s\rip. An unknown man was lynched by "moonshiners" near Augusta Ga. South Dakota farmers are deter mined to suppress usury in that state * Ecpresentativo Owen of Indiana IB confident that Harrison will bo renoml- natcd. Hon. Joel Holt , of Beloit , Kas. , is the latest aspirant for Senator Ingalls' shoes. The anti-Parnollitqs have issued their promised manifesto to the 'Irish people. The revenue from sugar will proba bly bo raised 10,000,000 marks by the reichstag. Washington McLean , formerly pro prietor of the Cincinnati Inquirer , died in Washington. A meeting of influential citizens was hold in London in the interest of the Jews of Eussia. Sisters of Charity have decided to leave Paris for London on account of increased taxes. At Italy , Tex. , a big bird caught up and carried him milo a 4-year-old boy a without hurting him. Lieut.-Gov. Fletcher of South Da kota says there is destitution in seven co'unties of that state. President Palmer of the world's fair warns congress not to attempt any em barrassing legislation. The interstate commerce commis sioners recommend several important amendments to the law. South Dakota legislators are talking of abolishing several state offices in the interest of economy. The county alliances of Kansas are quietly voting in their lodge rooms on the sensational question. The Galveston Cotton Exchange re port estimates the yield of cotton in Texas at 1,818,000 bales. It is said on excellept authority that Quay has a substitute drafted which ho will offer for the Lodge bill. An 8-year-old boy at Mountain Grove , Mo. , shot his little sister dead and fatally wounded the baby. August Belmont's will divides his property among relatives and friends. There is no bequest to charity. Eoberts , Cushman & Co. , hatters ot New York , have assigned. They are rated from $750,000 to$1,000,000. The story of a shortage in the state treasury of Arkansas is denied by Gov. Eagle and the treasurer's bondmen. The house voted down the senate resolution to remove Gen. Grant's re mains to Arlington from New York. T. S. Thompson of Mason City , la. , a wealthy stock dealer , has been killed n a railway wreck at Kingman , Ariz. The trial trip of the air-ship manu factured by the Mount Carmel (111. ) company will take place in three weeks. The total population of the country , including Indians , etc. , will reach 63.- 000,000. The population of Alaska Special Agent Petroff estimated at 38,000. President Palmer has appointed eight members of the World's Fair Board of Control on behalf of the com mission. Denver has a small pox scare on ac count of the arrival of a carload of people who had been exposed to the disease. The Federation of Labor , in session S.t Detroit , refused a seat to a repre sentative of the socialistic party of New York. The Lucas Land company of Col orado has asked the Cherokees if they will consider a bid of ? 30,000,000 for the outlet. A call has been issued by the Kansas Farmers' Alliance for a convention to meet at Topcka to consider the senatorial rial situation. B. Simpson , the notorious criminal confined in the Iowa penitentiary , by feigning sickness almost : succeeded in receiving a pardon. Businessmen of Grand Forks , N. D. , resent the idea of outside help for des titute citizens of that state , saying they can take care of them. Eumors of collossal financial frauds in the Argentine Eepublic are causing dissatisfaction with the present gov ernment among the people. Mrs. Dacey , a plucky Wichita woman , made a professional gambler refund , at the pistol's mouth , $500 , out of which he had fleeced her husband. Further advances in freight rates be tween Chicago and St. Paul are an nounced , and on grain and flour be tween St. Paul and St. Louis. George Boone , colored , of Eoche- . port. Mo. , celebrated his one hundred and second birth day. Descendants to the number of 128 were present. Just as Miss Nellie Hopkins of Pots- dara , O. , was being married her pros pective husband was denounced as an adventurer and bigamist. He fled and she fainted. The bishops' manifesto condemning Parnell was read in all the Catholic churches of Ireland. The demonstra tions held were almost unanimously''in favor of Parnell. J. Leslie Thompson , a South Da kota democrat has had an interview with ex-President Cleveland. He saya that Mr. Cleveland assured him ho * would be a candidate in 1892 . Subscriptions to the fund being raised for the purpose of establishing n Dublin a new daily paper devoted to the interests of the anti-Parnelite section of the nationalist party have ' already reached many " \ousands of poun < ! s.