The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 19, 1890, Image 1
fc ' " ' ' ? " ' ' * - * ; i- ' , ' f , . . . . VOLUME IX. McCpOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , DECEMBER 19,189O. NUMBER SO. .11 . . , . ! VJM f-f - f. O COw o w % * I ! S S h a S 0g o c/2 PH O 02 CD 02 PHO -M M Mo O OD H § H H OQ CO 8132 OQP U IB" " ? _ . O 02 k > 02A COO 32H 02O Mat O at O H p O ' S H CD H O o 02 ( J 02M O2 O2P o PQ F i PQP I qo COP O 02O COO H | O n P § S o 32 eS o wi * U 32 w a 32ft bJO o & g ft < ' " ' ' © r .S H S TURNED S g & CJ 03 = u M § 2 S s i i sd PQ sa o CD a o H o 02 02 CDO O o . , - " . ' Jf 'f- , Mrs. llocknell canio lionie , Sunday , from her visit to hur sister in Kansas. Clerk Etter of the Commercial , has sold his hotel interests at Oxford to his father. Mr. Jndson Babcock was up from Cam bridge , Tuesday , visiting his brother Charlie. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock enjoyed a brief visit from Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Babcock of Cambridge , Saturday hist. llepresentative-electModi and J.P.Squires , delegates to the state alliance meeting , left for Lincoln on Monday evening's train. Dr. B. B. Davis went down to Lincoln , Monday night , to attend a meeting of : the state university regents. He returned home to-day. Fowler Wilcox returned home , Wednesday morning , from a business trip up to Fremont , in which vicinity he is feeding a large bunch of cattle. Lew Armacost of Beatrice , a former treas urer and stockman of Chase county , had land business before the local officers on Tuesday. Mrs. Jacobs , nee McNamarawrites Mc- Cook friends that she has moved to Chicago and contemplates resuming her old avocation teaching. E. M. Correll of the Ogdeu Commercial was a passenger on No. 4 , Monday evening , on his way to Hebron , to spend the holidays with his family. C. F. Babcock departed , Wednesday even ing , for the Lone Star State , where he will prospect for a while with the view of locat ing in that state. C. M. Danford , who operates that great moral lever , the Stratton News , with con spicuous skill , was a city visitor , Saturday evening , on business bent. Mrs. A. E. Hollister departed for Chey enne , yesterday morning , on a visit to her son Floyd , after which she will go on to her new home in Salt Lake City , Utah. W. T. Heiiton , treasurer-elect , was in Bart- ley on Tuesday. We are pleased to be able to say that all reports from Beaver precinct say the election there was legal. lnter-0. J. W. Slutts was here from Thayer , Union county , Iowa , last week , looking over Red Willow real estate. He will likely soon be a property owner down in Lebanon precinct DaveBomgarduer , of the McCook land of fice , formerly recorder in the office of the secretary of state , was revisiting the scenes ol his former greatness yesterday. Sunday's Call. Call.Mrs. Mrs. E. A. Leach left , this week , for New Mexico , where she will visit her parents un til after Christmas , when she will join her husband in Portland , Oregon , where Ed. is now located in business. Ben Harlan of the Stockville Sentinel was in town , Tuesday , presumably to see his friend Blocks-of-Five Starbuck , with whom he became more or less intimately acquaint ed in the late lamented campaign. Big John Harlan of the Cambridge Kaleid oscope was up to buy § 10 worth of beer , Tuesday , in order to take advantage of the free transportation given by the business m en of McCook to purchasers to that amount. Eev. Flook , the German minister at Mc Cook , received a car load of wheat , cornbar- ley and oats , on Tuesday , from Johnson county , Nebraska. The grain is to be devid- ed among the members of the German church south-west of Bartley. Inter-Ocean. Chas. A. Yan Pelt , late Cashier of the Bank of McCook , departed Tuesday , for Norcatur , Kansas , where in partnership with Jay Olney , late treasurer of the Nebraska Loan & Banking Co. , he owns a state bank. Mr. Van Pelt will spend the holidays at his home in Shenandoah , Iowa. Colonel Frederick of the Tin Cup ( Col. ) Times spent Tuesday in the city of his form er greatness while en route to the Centen nial State from a busines visit to Omaha. The Colonel reports his lines having fallen in pleasant places , where he woos the fickle goddess.fortuueassiduously and successfully Judge Cochran , the popular dispenser of justice , made this office a pleasant call , Mon day evening , after court adjourned. By championing the rights of the people and by administering the duties of his office in a fair and impartial manner the judge has achiev ed the enviable distinction of being a model magistrate. Benkelman Democrat. MARBIED : At the residence of the bride's parents on Wednesday morning , by Rev. W. F. Ringland , Mr. Frank R. Zacharlas of Har per , Kansas , to Miss Freda E. Wahlquist of this city. Mr. Zachatias was formerly man ager of the Lockwood Mortgage company in this city , but for the last year has been casher - er of the Harper State Bank. Miss Wahl quist is one of the best know young ladies in this city , where she has lived for ten years. The newly wedded couple took the flyer for the east and will be at home to their friends at Harper , Kansas , after January 1st nest Hosts of friends wish them the greatest hap piness. Hastings Democrat Harry Dungan has a case in Red Willow county that takes considerable attention. He informed the Democrat man that while there looking after it he went out shooting and killed 83 quails , two grouse , three prairie chickens , four squirrels , three rabbits and five Jack rabbits , and that he walked thirty- five miles to accomplish this record. It is needless to say that he made up for lost time on his case by lamp light He devoted himself a week , but as yet the court has not rendered Its final decision. As Harry is a hustling young lawyer the Democrat believes he can bring it to a successful issue without an arbitrator. Hastings Democrat QOINQ EAST CBNTUAL TIME LEAVES. No. 6 , local passenger , 4:45. A. M. No.2 , through passenger , 0:10A.M. No. 4 , local passenger , 6:10 , P.M. No. 128. way freight 5:30 , A.M. BF Way freight No.180 arrives from west at 4:15 , P.M. , mountain time. GOING WB8T MOITNTAIN TIME LEAVES. No.3 , local passenger , 4:40. A.M. No. 1 , through passenger , 10:40 , A.M. Nonlocal passenger , 0:30 , P. M. ftTVf&y freight No.127 arrives from the east at 7:20. P. M. , central time. P ? No.l37 , Beverly accommodation , leaves at 5:15 , A.M. Returned , arrives at 9:15 A.M. Runs only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri days. A. CAMPBKIX , Supt. J. HULANISKT , Agent. "N > % X % X > * > 1 > -r ta X S V NXNXV'N XXN \ > / \ Tom Wilkinson Sundayed in the city. Engine 120 is shopped , undergoing general repairs. J. R. Lircolumb. late of Oxford , is now firing out of McCook. Ben Olcott smashed a finger , a few days ago , and is laying off from work at present. Wm. Sheber , carpenter , had a knee sprain ed by falling in to a pit at the round house , Monday. Master Mechanic Archibald went down to Orleans on a short visit amongst friends , one day last week. Will Archibald is still suffering from throat trouble , and he expects to go to Chicago soon to get treatment. Engineer Jeffries holds down the right hand side on engine 186 , a recent arrival from Plattsmouth. Nebraska has 5,440 miles of railway in operation , a gain of nearly five thousand miles in twenty years. S. Hutchinson , foreman at Holdrege for the mechanical department , was a visitor at headquarters , Thursday. Dan Hallock , clerk for the mechanical department at Denver , was a city visitor , Wednesday. He was accompanied by his wife. wife.Mr. Mr. Chapiu , formerly conductor on this division , came in last week from Ogden , / where he is now employed , on a visit to his family. W. G. Wolf has taken a vacation and is going to Portland , Oregon. He will take in all the large western cities of note before his return to McCook. Frank Campbell , fireman , is taking an ex tended leave of absence , visiting friends in Missouri. He is now helping care for some near relatives who are sick. Brakeman Love came up from Lincoln , early in the week , after his wife who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Burgess for a week or ten days past. Engine 134 , which was a total wreck Oct. 27th , has been rebuilt at Plattsmouth and is once more in service on the western division , Knirinfifir fihnmhfirs running her. Engineer Heber is now the proud possess or of a fine hunting dog , a present from a gentleman near Laird , Colo. His pedigree traces back to the time of St. Patrick. Engineer Allen was up to McCook , Tues day night , and took part m the Masonic ban quet a considerable part It was a question who ate the largest qcantity of oysters , etc. Allen or Archie. The friends of Mr. Jack Birdsell , of Mc Cook , who used to be a B. & M. conductor , will be glad to hear that he has been promot ed and is now train master under Superin tendent Phelan on the Wyoming division. Hastings Democrat. Cal. Kenady is carrying his hand in a sling by reason of sustaining an injury while coup ling cars. Cal. is a brakeman on the B , &M. and his run is between McCook and Red Cloud. Under the care of Dr. W. H. Ban well he will soon be manning the brake again , Orleans Courer. Merry Christmas ! Happy New Year I To all who wisn to avail themselves of the holi day excursions via the Burlington Route. Round trip tickets will be sold December 24th , 25th , and 31st , 1890 , and January .1st , 1891 , good to return until January 5th , at one and % rates to all points on the Burlington lines within a distance of 200 miles. For full information apply to J. HULANISKT , Agt Mrs. Hocknell returned to Norton on Wednesday morning. JdTrs. Wills of Haigler was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Goodwin , yesterday. Rev. Hubert has distributed money and supplies , from his synod , among his parish ioners , amounting to about 51,000. J. H. Stevens , who has been collecting in the western counties for the Crete Nurseries , drove through the city Bartley-ward , yester day afternoon. E. C. Ballew had business at the county cemetery. Tuesday and Friday of present week. And Ed. hasn't get the mold and moss off of him yet DISTRICT COURT. 962. James M. Davis vs. John M. Ferguson et al. filed Dec. 15 , petition in equity. 569. Joseph Myers vs. John M. Ferguson et al , filed Dec. 15 , transcript of judgment 15.15. A very close watch has been kept over the moon for.many years. At Greenwich the moon has been observed with scarcely an in * termisslon for 150 years. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . SS = > il -3 " Lrf " ! - * DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. QRAND Clearin ale Wiitter Soods. have also a nice line of Christ mas Goods. Our assortment of LADIES' and * GENTS' and CHILDKEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS is complete both in Silk and Linen , Fancy and Plain , put up in Fancy Boxes to suit all tastes. Wetts. dal attention alven mail orders. B. & M. Meat Market. FRESH AND SALT MEATS , BACON , . BOLOGNA. CHICKENS , TURKEYS , 4c. , 4c. R. A. COUPE & CO. , Props.