The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 12, 1890, Image 9

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With compliments of the season ,
you are cordially invited to call and
inspect our fine display of HOLI
Fancy Goods DAY GOODS , on and after Saturday Dolls
evening , November 29th. In pri-
Novelties ci ( < * . * * , Jt * is our purpose to make this Toys
a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" indeed for
Toilet Gjft
all our customers. On Dolls our
price is a record breaker. Come
Articles Books
quick ! Come early ! ! Come all ! ! !
Kespectfully ,
At McMillen's Drug Store.
A dinning' room girl
wanted at the Com
mercial House at
JNoblc , The Grocer.
Family Groceries at Noble's.
It is better to be right than be caught.
jJStaple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
F/You are empty if you are full of
i Great lot of odds and ends all kinds
heap at Ganschow's.
Fresh and smoked incuts of all kinds
at the B. & M. meat market.
Headquarters for Xmas presents go
to PADE & SON.
Pure fresh buckwheat at
Domestic and New Home sewing
machines at PADE & SON'S.
Try Damask Rose , the best lotion
for face and hands , at McMillen's drug
What the B. & M. meat market lacks
in"blow and bluster" it makes up in qual
ity and price.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
x HANGING LAMPS Noble is head-
\iarters for hanging lamps. He car
l's a large and splendid selection.
) Pictures , picture moulding and eas
els , at cut prices the next 30 days at
Price cut 25 per cent , on all grades
of footwear at the
Hay is not exactly worth its weight
If in gold ; but the price is decidedly up-
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
his prices correspond with the times.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize. Rear of The
The B. & M. meat market continues
to meet all competition , and "to go
them one better" in price and quality
of meat.
The choicest meats are sold at the
B. & M. meat market at prices asked
for inferior cuts elsewhere. Note this
important fact.
Geo. M. Chenery's
City Drug Store
For pure Drugs , Medicines ,
Toilet Articles , &c.
The lymph used by Prof. Koch for
inoculating patients , it is said , will be
tvithin the reach of all. The cost of a
small phial is about six dollars of our
.E. B. Bowen & Co.'s $3.00 , $3.50
3uid $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the
host values ever offered in McCook.
At wholesale and retail by
A gentleman , who went to view the
Teat west , writes home from a boom
ing town in Kansas , the following
truthful lines : "This is , indeed , a won
derful country. Every hamlet a town ,
every town a city , every farm a ranch ,
every barnyard a corral , every mound a
mountain and every man a liar. " Som
erset ( Pa. ) Democrat.
It is odd that all men are trying to
get oven.
Remember Pade & Son sell furni
ture to suit the times.
Car of flour and feed just received at
A. T. Campbell & Co.'s.
The rich need Christian charity , but
the poor need the other sort.
Grand Rapids Carpet Sweeper , best
made , at PADE & SON'S.
Lieb's Ryeningine Flap Jack prepar
Centre tables , 16th century finish , in
great variety at PADE & SON'S.
Boots and shoes have advanced but
is Sfillfn"1 Inwnr than
Try it.
McMillen , the druggist , has a fine line
of vase , hanging and piano lamps at
bottom prices.
Children , have you seen that large
assortment of Dolls in McMillen's win
dow ? They are beauties.
The B. & M. meat market will give
ihe highest market price in cash for
live stock , poultry and hides.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
The farmer appears to be really in
the political field. The other fellows
are on the fence watching him.
The B. & M. have placed on sale
tourists tickets to all prominent resorts
at reduced rates for the round trip.
Ladies' kid and goat button shoes ,
solid leather , for $1.50 at
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
The census enumerators are to be
paid $3,450,000. Mr. Berry , of Mc
Cook , will get something less than $50-
000 of this amount.
Do not allow yourself to be misled.
The B. & M. meat market sells the
choicest meats of all kinds and at the
very lowest living prices.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The McCook Business College now
numbers among its students : Eva Re
cord , John Gillespie , Joseph McBrayer ,
J. T. Bullard , Jr. , Mrs. C.B. Gray and
Julius Kunert , who have recently en
tered the college.
This splendid weather is as good as
thousands of tons of fodder. If this
jeeps up until Christmas nearly all the
stock in this county can be taken
; hroueh the winter without much trou-
) le. The Lord seems to be tempering
; he winds to the shorn farmer.
Go and see LUDWICK'S mammoth
stock of second hand goods. Furniture ,
cook stoves , heaters and gasoline stoves ,
) ought and sold. Will also rent goods
> y the week or month. A pawn bro-
cer's business in connection. Second
door west of the McEntee Hotel.
The State Journal says a silk flag
worth $100 will be presented to the
county with the largest per cent , of at-
dndance of teachers at the state teach
ers' association at Lincoln , Dec. 31 st ,
1890 , and Jan. 1st and 2nd , 1891. Not
the largest number but the largest per
cent , of teachers of the county. - Lan
caster will not compete.
Ground oil cake.
Save your coal for a cold day.
A fine line of French briar pipes at
HcizensteinlB. .
Sickness'among the young of commu
nity especially is quite prevalent.
There is more truth than poetry in
the "simple annals of the poor. "
Parlor and .chamber suits in great
variety , cheap , at FADE & SON'S.
A Farmers' Club is announced to be
organized in McCooic , Saturday , De
cember 20th.
Good house of 9 rooms , 2 blocks from
postoffice , atf $15 per month. Applyto
Ryan & Noren.
At Joe's parlor you will see the
finest line of 'cigars to be found in
western Nebraska.
Another large invoice of fine smok
ers' articles will arrive at Joe's cigar
parlor , next week.
The weather is so nice and bright
overhead it's strange that more people
don't think of traveling that way.
In the future Joe Spotts will enjoy
an increase of Uncle Sam's bounty
lis pension having been increased a few
days since.
There is no price put upon eggs , at
present in this market. They can hard
ly be purchased to look at and certain
ly not to use.
NURSING : Mrs. E. F. Hamilton from
Bartley is here and will do nursing. In
quire of Miss Thomas at Mr.Drysdale's
tailoring establishment.
FOUND A pocket book containing a
small amount of money , corner of Mar
shall and Douglass. Call at the express
office and describe party.
A box of Reizenstein's celebrated
"Havana Stars" would make a most ac
ceptable Xmas present. They are the
finest ten cent cigars in the market.
If beet sugar factories , or even beet
crushers , are beyond our reach , what is
the matter with a molasses mill ? We
can raise the beets. But how to util
ize them is a proper subject for inquiry.
Many of Hayes county's best people
come to McCook to buy goods. The
best way to reach them for the holiday
trade is through an advertisement in
the Hayes County Republican.
The pay car made its ever welcome
appearance , Wednesday evening. It
being after banking hours , the First
National folks arranged to cash checks
at the office of the Frees & Hocknell
Lumber Co.
The McCook Steam Laundry , oper
ated by Mr. Dewey , on West Dennison
street , has been purchased by Charlie
Young , the East Dennison laundryman ,
who will conduct the business at both
stands in the future , guaranteeing the
best of work and soliciting a full meas
ure of public patronage.
Rev. P. S. Mather will preach next
Sabbath morning on "The greatness
and preciousness of the promises."And
in the evening his subject will be , "How
a man may know and have the witness
of his conversion and salvation. " All
are cordially invited to near these in-
Feresting subjects treated.
Charles A. VanPelt and Jay Olney
have sold their interests in the Bank of
McCook and the Nebraska Loan &
Banking Co. to P. A. Wells and friends.
Mr. Wells takes the position of Cashier
of the Bank of McCook and Treasurer
of the Nebraska Loan & Banking Co. ,
in place of Chas. A. VanPelt , resigned.
After successfully weathering a severe
attack of diphtheria , Gracie Rees ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Rees ,
died last evening , from general paraly
sis of the secretory system resulting
fiom diphtheria. The funeral occurred
from the house , this afternoon at 3
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Rees have the
profound sympathy of all in their be
THE TRIBUNE is deeply moved in an
nouncing the fall of another victim to
typhoid fever's consuming power in the
person of James Hilla , farmer of Grant
precinct , who passed from earth on
Monday morning. This makes the second
end fatality in the Hili family , a child
preceding the father a few days , from
the same cause. Two members of the
household are , moreover , convalescing
from the deadly disease. The funeral
occured on Tuesday , the burial ex
penses being borne by the ever generous-
hearted business men of McCook. The
case is one of peculiar sadness as the
remaining parent will shortly as
sume additional maternal responsibil
ities , and the circumstances of the
home are straightened indeed.
and see the bargains at
Truly'Hive the Heliday Display
, of the City
And are moreover the people you
want to see before making your pur
chases of presents for the holiday sea
son. Their display is attractive and
complete , especially in rich and elegant
toilet cases , albums and kindred articles
of the latest and handsomest designs.
It would not be profitable to attempt
an enumeration of the many beautiful
things they have in store for the sea
son , but it will pay you to accept their
cordial invitation to call and carefully
inspect their line.
Municipal Matters.
The city fathers were in regular ses
sion on Wednesday evening , councilmen -
men Allen , Knights and Kay , and clerk
Kelley being present. The following
bills were allowed on the occupation
fund :
J. W. Bates , $ 1.50
John Meyer , . 1.00
P.P. Allen , 11.00
J. H. Bennett , 50.00
A. McManigal , 40.00
J. H. O'Neil , : 50.00
A. Ingram , 40.00
Petition of B. B. Davis , A. J. Cham
bers and George Hocknell for a side
walk along west side of blocks 3 , 12
and 17 , first addition to McCook , read
and the same was granted.
THE TRIBUNE suggests that the
county alliance take charge of the
county fair management and run it a
while. That body of men could make
the fair a grand success , by enlisting
every farmer in it. We will have a
big crop of everything next year and
the farmers will have something to put
on exhibition.
It would be entirely agreeable to the
publisher if all subscribers in arrears
would call in and make a deposit suf
ficiently large to cover back subscrip
tion. And , if your generosity should
get the better of you and you should
pay a year in advance , you will be for
As it is stated on authority that it is
"more blessed to give than receive , " the
writer can think of no satisfactory reas
on why. anyone should trudge along
lacking a blessing. There is no absence
of opportunity. Yet discretion must
needs be used.
It has been wisely suggested to THE
TRIBUNE that the state bounty be tak
en off sugar and be given to the farm
ers on beets raised by them. This
would be more just and productive of
good results.
Don't forget to drop into Joe's cigar
parlor and look at his handsome com
bination meerschaum pipe and cigar
lolder. It is put up in an elegant case.
j.uu litAt i/iuiu _ yuu wuuuuu CAULUIUU-
tion tablet call and see the attractive
new tablet keot for sale in THE TRIB
UNE stationery dept. Price 5 cents.
Don't fail to read the new advertise
ment of the Famous. You can always
depend upon the statements of this
house as being based upon facts.
The full text of the president's mes
sage appears in our supplement , this
week. Read it and judge of its merits
for yourself.
Our new examination tablets for 5
cents are very neat. Buy one for your
next examination.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
THE TRIBUNE will present a splen
did bill of fare in its Christmas number.
Pearline meal the finest in the mar
New fancy rockers just received at
McCook flour all grades.
Come bring your families and year
friends and buy your shoes at Ganschow's.
Rugs and oil cloth mats at
Feed of all kinds.
Come and see what Ganschow can defer
for you in the shoe line.
84 patent flour at
School shoes at a great reduction at
Ganschow's , the old reliable.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
olock , over Boston shoe store.
A large stock of latest styles of
Bracelets and Hecklaces at Carruth
& Son's.
Mrs. J. 8. , Goodwin was profoundly
prostrated with grief , Sunday , upon re
ceiving the delayed news of the sudden
death of her sister , Mrs. David Mitch
ell , at Franklin , on the preceding Sun
day. Word had been promptly tele
graphed here , but the telegram was not
delivered , the message boy not knowing
Mr. Goodwin or his whereabouts. As
Mr. Goodwin has been a resident of
McCook for six months and a member
of TBE TRIBUNE force for three months ,
he and bis wife are greatly broken up
over the failure to receive the news
promptly. Mrs. Goodwin had just been
home a few 'days from attending the
marriage of her sister. The Franklin
Republican contains the following brief
mention of the sad affair : "Mrs. Nan
nie Mitchell , wife of David Mitchell ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook ,
died last Sunday night after a short ill
ness. She was married to Mr. Mitchell
two weeks ago last Tuesday. The
sympathy of the entire community is
with the bereaved ones , and especially
Mr. M. , to whom her death is especial
ly severe. As near as can be ascertain
ed her death was caused by congestion
of the brain. The funeral services
were held Tuesday morning , and were
conducted by Rev. Lisle , after which
the remains were interred in the Frank
Carruth & Son offer special in
ducements to watch purchasers this
season , standard goods at the bottom
tom notch prices.
Monday evening at the home of Miss
Lillie Rowell on North Madison , a de
lightful farewell party was given in
honor of Miss Ida Hollister , who on
Tuesday night took her departure for
her new home in Salt Lake City , Utah.
Miss Lillie Rowell and Miss Sara Low-
man played the role of hostess to per
fection and the pleasure of the evening
was complete and unalloyed. The
guests were : Misses Mary Myers , El
la Hart , Louie Starbuck , Anna Jessen ,
Edna Meserve , Josephine Bullard ,
Mina Bullace , Amelia Wille , Maggie
McAdams , Mary WaltersMinnie , John
ston and Anna Schiezer.
Carruth & Son have a fine stock of
Sold spectacles and eyeglasses , a
perfect fit guaranteed.
A Bargain.
For Sale or exchange , splendid im
ported English Shire stallion , 1850 Ibs ,
fine action and the best walker in the
county. Also a beautiful Clydsdale
stallion , 1550 Ibs. These horses are
first class and sure getters. Will be
sold cheap if taken soon.
Indianola , Neb.
For Christmas.
Photos , get on your best "bib and
tucker * ' and go right down to the Gal
lery and be ahead of the rush. Give
us plenty of time to finish.
J. H. SMART , McCook ,
Photographer over Famous.
The City Livery Stable
Is at the front of the procession.
Prompt , courteous attention and good
teams in clean rigs have placed itthere.
I make a specialty of pleasing my trade
in this way. Opposite the Arlington
Hotel. D. C. MARSH , Proprietor.
For Christmas.
Photographs , get ready and sit for
them at once so that the finishing will
not be hurried. J. H. SMART , McCook.
Photographer over the Famous.
Corn Cobs for Kindling.
A car-load of corn cobs just the
thing for kindling just received at the
W. C. Bullard & Co. lumber yard.
Try a load.
We would call your attention to our
new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes.
Save money by buying school sup
plies , for the children , at Chenery's
City Drug Store.
For Safe.
A carriage and a base burner heating
stove. Inquire at once.
once.E. . LINDNER.
Accurately compounded , day or
While selecting your Holiday pres
ents remember that Carruth & Son ,
the Jewelers , have a large and well
selected stock of everything kept in a
firft class Jewelry store.
entire stock of
Hard and Soft
Coal Heaters at AC
MrsC. W. KnlRhts went up to Denver ,
Sunday , on a visit to tlio Newmans.
C. M. Smith , Jr.was in Holdrege , Saturday
and Sunday , on business for his father.
Capt. Lee , the "genial nasby" and politi
cian of Oxford , was a city visitor , yesterday.
John Majors has been up at Ainsworth a
few days "looking after his interests in Brown
Mrs. George ilocknell and daughter ilcleu
are visiting in Norton , Kansas , at a sister's
of Mrs. Hocknell.
Dr. U. E. Campbell cuino in from Buffalo , .
N. Y. , lost week , and is seeing after his large
uterests in this section.
Clerk Etter of the Commercial was down
at Oxford , Monday , looking after his hotel *
nlcrests at that place.
Col. Bill Black of Hayes county was one ot
lie out-of-town Nubraskans in the metropo-
is on business , Wednesday.
J. S. Lellew went to Denver , Wednesday
tight , to take soinu evidence in tlio cclebra-
brated Kit Carson Cattle Co. case.
City Cleric Kellev went in to the state cnm-
tal , Monday night , on business of importance ,
returning home the day following.
J. C. Allen is sulfering from a painfully
sprained ankle received in getting oft the-
cars at Onmlui , the close of last week.
Jack Fancher dropped in upon his friends
a few days sinee on a biief visit. Jack is
now employed on the Geneva Journal.
C. F. Babcock leaves for Galveston , Texas ,
next Monday , on a prospecting tour.if things
size up pi opitiously he expects to locatethere.
Miss McArthur , sister of Mrs. D. E. Bom-
gardner , succeeds to thu clerkship under the
receiver vacated , this week , by Miss Hollis
W. M. Anderson , auditor for the Huddle-
ston Lumber Co. , was down from McCook ,
Tuesday , taking the annual inventory , says
the Arapahoe Mirror.
Judge 1. N. Daniail of Ft. xas , .
vvas in McCook , the early days a' . / " '
on business connected with the Ki oC. jr
Cattle Co. litigation. \
Capt. J. C. Hayes was down from Imperial ,
a portion of tha week on land business. His
daughter accompanied him and was the
guest of Miss Stella Ilutcliins.
J. M. Hutchins , special agent , left for
Valentine , Tuesday morning , on government
land business , not to quell the Indian troub
les with a glance as some imagine.
Geo. A. Hoagiand and W. Cl Bullard.who
have been indulging in a hunt in this section
for a few days past , left for Omaha , to-day ,
with well lilled game bags of course.
Mrs. M. A. Northrup departed , Tuesday ,
for the Indian Territory , to enter upon her
work in the Darlington school , which is in
charge of Kev. Dwire , formerly M. E. pastor
Rev. J" . W.Kimmel wasup from Tekamah ,
Wednesday , on private business. He was
not forgetful of those afflicted in purse in
this section , and intimates that further re
lief may be expected from his neighborhood ,
if necessary.
Supt. Campbell and Mr. Hocknell indulged
themselves in a brief sojourn in the Queen
City , Monday , returning on No. 2 , Tuesday
morning. Mr. Hocknell returns with two-
distinct impressions at least : That Denver
is more or less in turreen and that his friend
Campbell has marvelous pedestrian qualities.
Miss Ida J. Hollister left for Salt Lake
City , Utah , Tuesday of this week , to take a
responsible and remunerative position in the-
U. S. land office there , under that genial
gentleman and faithful and efficient Register
Hobbs. Congratulating Miss Ida upon her
richly deserved good fortune , with her many
McCook friends , THE TKIBUKE regrets her
departure. Mrs. Hollister will follow after
closing up matters here , and making a visit
to her son in Cheyenne.
A Farmers' Club.
A meeting of farmers and business
men of Red Willow county is called to
meet in the cicy hall , McCook , on Sat
urday , December 20th , at 1 o'clock , for
the purpose of organizing a farmers'
club. All farmers and business men
in the county are invited to attend and
participate in forming the organization.
The Omaha Bee is authority for the
statement that Hon. Jacob Steinmetz
of McCook has fallen heir to a large
fortune in the old country. The sum
is said to exceed $250.000. Hayes
County Republican.
The ladies of the benevolent society
will meet at the home of Mrs. Lowman ,
Tuesday P. M. , Dec. 16th.
"If some who are bound to emigrate
Would stay and dig a ditch
And farm what they could irrigate
It would soon make them rich. * '
Sealing Wax for fruit cans at Chen
ery's City Drug Store.
Articles bought of us engraved in
\he most artistic manner , free of
charge. Carruth & Son , Jewelers. ,