The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 12, 1890, Image 2

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Marion Cruzcn has loft for Ins horn
in Iowa.
Trcasurcr-oleot Hcntoii was in towi
Monday. '
Charley Beck was upfrom Bartle ;
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Parkt
was largely attended.
Attorney W. K. Starr journeyed to tli
Magic Uity , Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Quick returned froi
Council Bluffs , Wednesday morning.
Fred. Bcardslee is home during v :
cation at the Franklin Academy.
A. E. Lang transacted business i
the county seat , fore part of the weel
Miss Flora Quick has returned t
ITranklin where she is attending sehoo
Jim McClung has written back tin
Great Falls is too tough for him. Gres
Guns !
J. Byron Jennings was in this cduci
tional hub and yellow ochre centre o
Eev. J. T. Roberts is actively intei
esting himself in securing aid for th
needy ones.
The 1'ndianola churches will have n
Christmas tiees , this Christmas eve , a
J. F. Black talks of going down t
the capital city to discuss the situatio
with the governor.
Tndianola attorneys fisel that Dodge
7em has in a manner gone back on th
fraternity at this place.
The relief committee have securei
the use of one of the Devol building
in which to store goods.
It is reported that John Maiken , a
one time the big hardware man of S.W
Nebraska , has gone down to Tenn.
Attorney S. 11. Smith is getting rich
we judge , from the number of peopli
that go up to his office every day.
We are told that the ladies of tin
M. will give a pink tea party
Christmas evening common Japan.
Mrs. Sarah Parkes , mother of Mrs
C. S. Quick , died Dec. 4th , in this city
at the advanced age of 79 years anc
six months.
It is currently reported that th <
Times-Democrat man didn't return t (
.McCook , Sunday night , on the 1 (
o'clock train.
It has leaked out that the party who
ordered ten cars of the Tndianola ochrt
wanted twenty. Indianola will yet painl
the world yellow.
Frank Fritsch is in town every daj
anxiously watching the sale at the
Grange store. Frank thinks there will
be some ribbon left.
Miss Lillian Knottsone , of the teach
ers in the Indianola high school , will
visit her parents in Iowa during the
tohday vacation.
Sam Parkes came down from Agate ,
Colo. , Saturday , in responce to a tele
gram announcing the death of his moth
er , Mrs. Sarah Parkes.
The remains of Mrs. Parkes were ta
ken to Council Bluffs forintermentand ,
were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.C.S.
Quick , Samuel and Ed Parkes.
The bar docket for the December
term of court indicates a full fledged
partnership existing between Col. R. M.
Snavely and Cap. Frank Strout.
The editor of the
Bartley Long-Felt-
Want was in town , fore part of week.
Since the election we have observed his
% hair fairly bristles with hay seeds.
Jim Conlon is having considerable
trouble papering the Sargent house. He
thinks the devil is in the paper. We
think it the spirit of a former tenant.
Among the legal lights in attendance
at district court , this week , were : W.
S. Morlan of Arapahoe , Hart , Cole and
Wells of McCook , and Col. Frank Sel-
bj of Cambridge.
The legal fraternity is under obliga
tions to THE TRIBUNE for the neat and
convenient bar docket , for December
term. The improvementoverthelOxlG
affairs of the last two terms is very
At the Demorest contest , Thursday
evening of last week , Pearl Shumaker
was awarded the silver medal and Lo
gan Roberts the second prize. The
other six boys that took part were not
far behind the prize winners.
The report is wafted about that J. S.
Phillips will soon assume the editorial
management of the Courier. In a long
interview with Mr. Phillips , this week ,
he finally admitted that the report is
the freshest kind of news to him.
The Heckathorn Relief Corps , of
Tecumseh , have written county clerk
Koper that it has forwarded to the
drought sufferers at tins-point : Glsacks
of flour , 35 sacks of corn meal , 14 boxes ,
8 barrels and 11 sacks of clothing.
Ob , what la life ? A space so brief.
Wo scarce distinguish Joy from crlef.
A puff , a filjjh , a breath of air ,
Hurls us from bliss to cold despair.
And what are eirthly vrealtb and fame
But treasures only in tha name , '
And honor , love and learned lore * *
But houses bulk upon the shore ? * >
One hearing of old ocean's breast , '
And vanished are the things *
Death comes to claim his struggling prey ,
Man disappears from earth for aye.
And what is life ? A waiting here
Until we reach that heaven so dear.
Each duty done each day aright
Gives us a holy calm delight ;
Each work begun in fear and love
NearB us unto our God above.
To honor here his holy name
Should be our goal of earthly fame.
Ob , death is not the end of all ,
For since the very first man's fall '
A heaven is opened to our eyes ,
And after death comes paradise.
Lulu Wintzer in Brooklyn Eagle.
I was traveling among the mountain
of east Tennessee , and one day abon
noon was casting about for a place wher
I might get something to eat when m
eye was attracted by a number of horse
that were tied near a ruinous old lo
Curiosity and a hope that I might b
on the trail of something to eat drew m
to the house. Upon entering the dooi
way I found a justice of the peace hole
ing court. It was a criminal case , and
discovered the prisoner to be a long , Ian'
fellow , with a bony face and a comples
ion that proclaimed the clay eater ,
fancied that having killed some one h
was now on trial to determine whethe
or not he should be sent before th
grand jury as a sort of sarcastic prelim
inary to being hanged , and had begui
to pity his probable wife and presunia
ble children when the judge said :
"This here court , bein' sorter tired
will now take a recess fur halfer hour
The court has sot hero an' chewed ne\
tobacker till the hide is about all tool
offen the inside of his mouth , an'
wanter say that if anybody has got an ;
tobacker that is a little milder in it
parts , pass a chew of it right up to th
court. "
The prisoner took out a twist of to
bacco and handed it to the judgewhere
upon the jurist remarked : "This cour
thanks you , Jeems , but at the same timi
reminds you that the law of this grea
land ain't to be bought fora mess of pot
tage nor a chaw of tobacker. How's yc
crap , Jeems ? "
"Sorter wallerin' with the crab grasi
an' rasslin' with the rag weed. I woulde :
tiad it all right , but this here troubL
come on me. When a man is bowe (
down in the speret he ain't thinkin' o :
crapsHe is a-thinkin' of the sham <
that mout fall on him an' take all tht
color outen his repudiation. "
"Yes , that's a fact , Jeems. "
'What is all this about ? " I asked
turning to a long haired fellow that sai
near where I stood.
"Wall. " he answered , leaning over anc
turning loose a squirt of tobacco extrnc'
that might have singed a cat , "Jeem ;
Timberlv he shot n sheep an' I reckor
he's in fur it. "
"They don't intend to hang him , d <
they ? '
"No , wus'n that. They'll hit bin
about fifty lashes with a hickory an
then make him work a country roat
some day when thar's a hess show in the
neighborhood. "
At this juncture the judge pounded or
the table. "Come to order now. Tht
court is about to put on the solemn gyar
ment of the law of this here free an
mighty land , an' if any man so fur fur
gits himself as to interrupt the proceed-
in's he'll fall under the witherin' dis
pleasure of yourn truly. Now , let's gil
at this business , fur this court has othei
affairs on hand. This court must gc
some time this evenin' an' reprimand a
man that pizened his dog. Jeems , as 1
said at the outset of this trial , I nevei
was more shocked in my life. Fur manj
years we have know'd you to be reason
ably honest , with generally a putty good
dab of meat in yo' smoke house , an' we
kain't see why you should have killed
the Widder Dalton's sheep. "
"Yes , " spoke up the widow , who foi
the first time I noticed was present , sit
ting in a corner , "an' a finer ram never
blew his breath on a bunch of pennyrile.
But here comes Jeems an' shoots him ,
an' that , too , when he's got more meat
than I have , an' he knows that I've got
three son-in-laws to feed. "
"Jedge , " said Jeems , "if you will jest
let me have a minit I will fling a good
ieal of light on this here subject. I
don't deny a killin' of the sheep' '
"Well , then , Jeems , you neenter say
no more. You've stated the very fact
that we air tryin' to git at , an' thar ain't
no use in foolin' along here no longer.
The court 'lows that it will hafter sen
tence you , Jeems. ' '
"Not without givin' me a hearin' , I
laope. "
"I don't see what good a hearin' will
lo you when you have made that con
fession. "
' Wall , jest listen to my talk , an' then
tnebby you'll see. I don't want to take
ip yo' time , so that you kain't meet the
"eller that pizened yo' dog , but I do in
sist on havin' a hearing. "
"Wall , then , go ahead , but cut her
short. "
"Jeems" got up , reached back his long
lair and thus addressed the assembly :
'One cold winter night , when the snow
: ome down faster than you ever seen
5haff come outen a wheat fan , I heard a
jleatin' noise , an' goin' to the door I
: hought the sound come from the valley
lot fur from-my house. I told my wife
; hat I had to go down in the valley , be-
; ause I heard a lamb callin' for help ,
md let me say right here that I may be
jad in a good many things , but no lamb
jver called to me in vain. I thought of
Simon Peter that was told to feed the
liord's sheep thought of it as I stood
har in the door with the snow lrivin'
) ast me into the house. My wife said
; hat I better not go out in sich a night ,
specially as I wa'n't feelin' very well ;
> ut I 'lowed that I couldn't sleep with
he'pitiful cry of that lamb a-ringin' in
ny ears ; so I took my lantern an' went
* 0afif
down into the valley. The enow wa
whirlin' so fast that I coald hardly se
whar I was gain' , bat at lost comii
nearer an' nearer to the bleatin' I foun
a little lamb with his head etickin' out c
a snowdrift.
"I took him ont ; his legs were froze
stiff as sticks. I took him to the hous
an' wanned him by the fire , got a bottl
of milk and fixed it so he donld snck.
built np a good fire so he wouldn't ge
cold durin' the night , an' every time li
would bleat I would git up an' fix hi
bottle. The weather staid cold for
long time , an' once when the old cow gc
out of the lot and wandered off an' didn
come up in time to give milk for tli
lamb I searched for her on the mountai
sidean' way down in the valley. It wii
lale when I got back homo an' long b <
fore I reached the house I heard th
lamb a-bleatin' . He seemed to be pov
erful glad when I came in with the mill
an' the thought I read in his eyes was
'I never will forgit you. ' Wai , to mak
a long story short , I brought up tha
lamb till he was as fine a sheep as yo
ever saw , an' in every look out of hi
eyes he said that he never would i'orgi
me. We called him Bob an' he 'peare
to like the name.
"One day the next fall Nat Sarschel
that I owed § 5 , come over to my hous
an' 'lowed that he must have the monej
I didn't have it an' told him so. Jus
then Bob , he come up. Til take thi
sheep , ' says Nat , an' he done it in spit
of all my beggin' an' promisin' that
would pay him as soon as I could get th
money. Last spring I heard thatNa
had sold Bob to the Widder Dalton. S
much for the first part , an' now for th
second : A day or two ago I was goii
through the woods , carryin' a bag o
corn on my back , an' all at once kei
bhip ! something took me an' almos
knocked me lifeless.
"As soon as I could git up I lookei
'round , an' thar , not more than ten fee
away , stood Bob , a-shakin' of his head
'Gracious alive ! Bob , ' said I , 'don't yoi
know me ? ' He backed a little , an' jes
as I expected to see the look that said h
was never goin' to forgit me he shot a
me an' gave me a biff that sent m
sprawlin' on the ground. I think he hi
me three times before I could git up , an
then he followed me to the fence , a
churnin' me every jump of the way ar
tickled ! Wy , I never saw a ram en jo ;
himself so in my life. Well , when I go
home I sot down an' thought a long tinn
about the ingratitude of this life , an
then I thought I would teach that rasca
a lesson ; so I got my gun and went bad
down into the woods. I held the gm
behind me an' poked about. Putty sooi
I saw Bob , an' he saw me about the sann
time. Here he come ! I didn't say ;
word. He was so tickled that he though
he'd stop an' laugh a little before biffin
me , an' he stopped an' snorted with de
light , an' jest then I ups with my gun.
"I never saw such a surprised sheep
When he saw that I was fixed for hin
he tried to look lovin' , but I let him have
it right between the eyes. That's m ]
statement , jedge , an' it shows that J
wa'n't out after meat , but revenge , fur'
didn't even skin the rascal ; an' now , i :
you want to whip me an' make me worl
on the county road , all right. "
"Jeems , " said the judge , "any courl
that could have the heart to convid
you oughter be hung. Widder Dalton ,
what have you did with that sheep's
meat ? "
"I've got it at home. "
"Wall , you go homo an' roast a bin'-
quarter of it. This court an' Jeeins ail
goin' to take dinner with you to-iuorrer. '
Opie P. Bead in New York World.
Brooklyn Ubravie.- , .
In the parlors of the Hamilton club , ir
Brooklyn , the other evening a discussion
arose about the private libraries in thai
city. . One gentleman in the party madt
this statement :
"I maintain that some of the lai'gesl
private libraries in the country can be
found in Brooklyn. In the first place ,
there is Gordon L. Ford's collection ,
which mounts up to 50,000 volumes , and
is particularly noticeable for the large
number of books that it contains having
reference to American history and tc
political science. Charles L. West has a
splendid miscellaneous library of at least
15,000'books. James A. H. Bell has more
than 10,000 volumes in his collection ,
and S. L. Elliott has an equal number ,
a majority of the latter being publica
tions on American topics. Mind you ,
in giving these estimates , I refer to
books , not to pamphlets. "
Small libraries , running from three tc
four thousand books , ' are owned by
Thomas G. Shearman , the Eev. John
W. Chadwick , Laurence Kehoe , Mayor
Chapin , Eugene G. Blackford , Daniel
T. Treadwell. R. R. Bowker and Gabriel
Barrison. The collections of the last
named gentlemen , in many instances ,
are of books on particular subjects. Mr.
Kehoe , for instance , collects works hav
ing special reference to Catholicism , and
Mayor Chapin's hobby is treatises about
the earlier history of the country. New
Fork Star. .
Careful of His Ilat.
Going uptown on a horse car one
stormy night I saw a man who wore a
new silk hat , but had no umbrella , a
combination of circumstances which , as
jverybody knows , is quite unpleasant.
Phe man seemed truly alive to the situa-
Son , and hung on the step of the car as
le approached his street , having a grim
expression upon his face which fully in-
licated that he was about to adopt des-
? erate measures. When his corner was
reached he alighted , took off his hat ,
Turned it upside down and ran like a
ivild steer. He was baldheaded , and
looking down the street you could see in
; he twilight the bare head bobbing up
ind down as the rain pattered on its de
vastated crest. "He thinks more of his
lat than he does of 'his ' health , " re-
narked a passenger , who also saw the
5ald head skipping down the street , and
le was right by a large majority. When
; he man who was so choice of his hat
jets laid up with the influenza , and the
lector gets the grip on him , he may
vish that he had kept his head covered ,
ind paid twenty-five cents for having hia
iat ironed. Brooklyn Standard-Union.
loiedo Weekly Blade
Tin'most popular WeeUlv Newi-puper in tl
United Stales , tliu liirht elicuhitlnii. und It
only strictly \\uekly uuspupertluu uvrbU
; delicti In ( iiitiiining mid holdingfiir uUi
ifitr , it eiruuliiiinii intn ery stiileiind tcrrtioi
( mid neitrly everyeoiimyjol tinUimuil Mate
All tliLiiHWtt. . honor ilcpariiiiuni * itnd nun
i-cliibti fiiicrmlniiij ; and liiptrtibiive n-ai
than in i ny other tlullar paper puhlieliri
Ni-w btory to coiiiinunoe tlrst ul' die yen
uriueu OHpeeiully tor tbe KI.AUK. liy Ulivt
Uptio. "Mtinoy Maker ocrli-r * . " A ncrifS
puclnl artlulfB on "Side lebttfri , " written It
iieli.uv. ! \ . UI.AIH : CliinaTvii Sutu and Oil
iit-rSfitixlvuii to ulutiraisers. $ uinl lor r-pec
moii uupy ol tliu WKKKI V li\l > iiiml it-ad 01
intoroMiiiti aniiouiieenietitH lor tliu coniin
j ear.
A Hnpi-isnei ! copy will n've ' JOH a licttcr Idt
o ! ih. iV KKUI.Y HlAl > K than any Ucsci Iptio
w MI sivo in an advertisement. Wo then
loibi .vito everyliody ttiiiiu us tor a Ppee
iiiun. tvliieli wu wi'l cheerfully mail you tret
and i.i ihusiiine timu ploiiso muil im : i list i
niinii-Mit your iriunds mill iiuiKlibi.-ra. and \v
will ultiu mull them spfcimeiis.
Anybody can earn Ten Dollars vurv qnicUl
liy ritisliiKcliilis lor the UI.ADK. Wu nit * no
payiiiifthe hiKhest uniount l < ircluli ever o
U-red hy any newspaper. Wu want nu'ent
evtirywhere. Write us for uoiitlilciitiiil turm
loatrents. Address. TH Ultima UK.
Toledo , Ohio.
Has secured as contributor
during tlie ensuing twevle
months :
\V. D. HOiVEM/3. K. Iouis ST
And I'limy other ditUhiKufshcil writes s.
for tlio ensuing- twelve months , will prin
mine news and snore pure literature i th
hiplii > 8t clues ntid by the most distinguished o
uuiiii-iiiporary writess than any periodical i
the United States.
Price 5c. a copy. By mail § 2 a Year
Address THE SUW , New York.
Corner Dennison and Macfarland Sts
I guarantee to do as gooc
work as any steam laundry ii
tlie state of Nebraska. Give
me a trial. You need not senc
worn out of the city. I can dc
it satisfactorily.
Perlmps one reason why the roiul of trans
K lessors is so hard is lie-cause it is so muel
Many dealers insist that turkeys shall b (
killed liy blcedinjr in the neck and picUec
while yet wurm.
The reason for having washing day on tin
next day after Sunday is probably because
cleanliness is next to Kodliness.
ular weekly newspaper of the United States
will in n few weeks commence publication ol
11 new seriul story , now being written espec
ially for its columns by Oliver Optic. Send
postal card to Blade. Toledo , Ohio , for free
speeimesi copy of the paper , and at same time
send names .of all your friends.
A Word in Season.
The barking of a pack of hounds may be mu
3ic , but the barkinj ? of the human family is
certainly discord. Stop that cough with Hum
phreys' Specific No. Seven.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plaintield , III. , makes
: be statement that she caught cold , which
settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a
uonth by her family physician , but grew
vorse. Ho told her she was a hopeless victim
) f consumption and that no medicine could
3ureher. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's
Sew Discovery for Consumption ; she bought
i bottle and to her delight found herself bene-
Uted from first dose. She continued its use
uid "after taking ten bottles found bersell
sound and well , now does her own housework
ind is as well as she ever was. Free trial hot-
; les of this great discovery at A. McMillen's
store. Kegular sizes 50 cents and $1.00.
Happy Hoosiers.
Wm. Timmons , postmaster of Idaville , Ind. ,
vrites : "Electric Bitters has done more for
ne than all other medicines combined , for
hat bad feeling arising from kidney and liver
rouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman ,
> f same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters
o be the best kidney and livermedicine.made
ne feel like a new man. " J. W. Gardner ,
mrdwaro merchant , same town , says : "Elec-
ric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is
ill run down and don't care whether he lives
ir dies ; he found nevr strength , good appetite
indfelt just like he had a new lease on life.
) uly 50 cents a bottle at A. McMillen's drug
Publication 01 Summons.
? o George M. Fulkerson and Alta F. Fulker-
son , non-resident defendants :
You will take notice that on the 4th day of
) ecember. J800. The Dakota Loan & Trust
Jompany , a corporation , plaintiff , filed its pe-
ition in the District Court of Red Willow
bounty. Nebraska , the object and prayer of
irhich is to foreclose a certain mortgage ex-
cuted by the defendants. George M. Fulker-
on and Alta U. Fulkprson to the plaintiff
erein , upon the south linlf of the northwest
uarter of section Ioiin4) ) mid the south half
f the northeast qunrtur of bfci : < m five (5) ( ) ,
ownship4. north 01 r.inw ! { ' ) , usi fii h P. M. ,
i Ked Willow county. Nubrubku , sni'I mort
age being dated the first tiny of'.luh. lSi'9.
nd upon which there is now iluo the MJHI of
442.00 and interest from the 4th day of Oe-
ember. 1890. Plaintiffpniys for a decrcu J hat
efendnnts be required to pay this pninenr for
decree of foreclosure ai.d sule of prfin-e8.
'hat ' the defendants bo loreclosed mid barred
rom nil title in or other interests in sitid
remises , for deficiency judgments and equit-
hle relief.
You are required to answer said pntition on
r before Monday , the 12th day of Jan. , 1691.
Dated December 5th. 1890.
By its attorney , J. E Kelley. 2S-4ts.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething1 troubles , cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas 1
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
" Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children. "
Do. O. C. OSGOOD ,
Lowell , Mass.
" Castoria la the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children , and use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
morphine , soothing syrup and otber hurtful
agents down their throats , thereby sending
them to premature graves. "
Conway , Ark.
" Castoria is BO well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me. "
II. A , Ancmsii , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St. Brooklyn , N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly o their expert *
enco in their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although wo only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products , yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it. "
Boston , Moss.
Tlie Centanr Company , TT Murray Street , Notr York City.
xT. WARRRN , Manager.
111 CL
Also Hard and Soft Coal.
A\r// \ , .
\A\-u "
" '
en/ - ? *
' .
-i - - - i
H. KAPKE , The Leader ,
Calls attention to the fact that he has just received an
Dther shipment of the latest aiidm o t stylish"fairg6bds , ancl
ihat he is prepared to make them up in the most stylish mode
ind at the lowest figures. Call and see for yourself.