L IjfMAN & SQ1 " j _ , j n . . . - _ I : SPECIAL SALE. * * 4- . ' vr & , MEN'S 'SUITS FOR : $4.OO ' > / " yfJ * LIEN'S PANTS FOR 1.8O BOYS' SUITS FOR : OYS' KNEE PANTS , : .80 OVERCOATS FOR : 2.OO . t's/j * ' . . - - - v 5f * : . * . ' . Remember that we are selling- out our stock ' . at - . of clothing at least 25 PER GENT BELOW USUAL PRICE. CHILDREN'S WRAP $1.5O LADIES' CLOAKS - 3.OO JACKETS FOR l.SO Our Entire Winter Stock ! COMFORTERS and BLANKETS at 25 per cent OFF per cent 25 We want to reduce onr stock , and we r , sell accordingly. ; - * HEMP CARPETS SO per yd. Other Carpets at low figures. Holi day Goods cheaper than * the cheapest. , BY PRICES AT CLEARANCE SALE ! Before invoicing on Jan. 1st , 1891 , we will close every line AT - : - ACTUAL - : - COST ! The' following are some of the prices : 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 25c. Worth T5c. 10 dozen of MISSES' TOBOGGANS at 50c. Worth $1.25. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $2.50. Cheap at $5. 10 doz. suits MEN'S UNDERWEAR at $1. Cheap at $2. LADIES' "UNDERWEAR at ONE-HALF regular price. A FULL LINE OF Ladies' , Misses' , Children's and Men's Shoes AT BEU3ROQK ! Notwithstanding that shoes have advanced 20 per cent. We will make this absolutely in McCook and vicinity. We have a full stock of to select from AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Give us a trial and be convinced that We are THE CHEAPEST DEALER in the City. . YOUBS ANXIOUS TO PLEASE , r : r NOTES FROM THE NORTH EAST. The people are active in organizing relief associations. Mercury marked zero and below Sunday morning. That was hard on the thin clad people ple and scant feed live stock. O. Frost and J. W. Dolen came back from Omaha and Lincoln , Sunday. They report active operations among the officers of the state relief association. An enterprising typo of one of our villages was so eager for news items that be climbed to a house-top to ascertain tbe locality of a prairie fire in an adjacent county. The flre did no damage.but on descending anunobserv ed nail attacked tbe youth in tne rear and tbe damage was so great that tbe typo's father was obliged to forward an extra pair of pants. Facts Worth Knowing. In all diseases of tbe. nasal mucous mem brane the remedy used must be non-irritating. The medical profession has been slow to learn this. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplish ed with douches , snuffs , powders or syringes because they are all irritating , do not thoroughly reach the affected surfaces and should be abandoned as worse than failures. A multitude of persons who had for years borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can inflict testify to radical cures wrought by Ely's Cream Balm. Report of Red Willow school for month end ing Dec 6th , 1890. Number of schooldays in month , 19 Number days taught , 18 Total number of pupils enrolled , 32 Number pupils left during month 1 Aggregage daily attendance 509.5 Average daily attendance 28 ' BOLI. OF HONOR. Owens Lopgnecker , Clara Andrews , Elva Andrews , Charlie Andrews , Ellis Andrews , Lucy Andrews. 'Roll of Honor" signifies those who are neither absent nor tardy during the month. MART E. EAST , Teacher. SOUTH SIDE SAUCE. Jack Hannan is about to go east. Chad Shears is building a new horse barn. W. T. Stone sold some fine porkers , last week. Geo. Schwerdts is fencing a part of his farmer or pasture. Chas. Weickwaa'out to his south side farm , ast Satuarday. LAND OETICB AT McCooK. NEB. , I December 6th , 1890. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final five year proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will-be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , January 17th , 1891 , viz : LTJCINDA PIPER , widow of Joseph B. Piper , deceased , H. E. 962 , 'or the North-East H of Section 3 , Township 4. North of Range 29. West of 6th P. M. She names tbe following witness to prove her con tinuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : JobnF. Miller , Mathew Stew art. Stephen Bolles. of Box Elder. William Weygint of McCook , Neb. S. P. HART. * 29. Register. Price our watches , we will surprise ou. Call and 6e convinced. Car- vtfi & Son , Jtwtlers , Next door to Citizens Bank , COU1T HOUSE XXWS. ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' I 'f ITEMS OF INTCRCrr FROM THE LEGAL AND MATRIMONIAL MILL. DISTRICT COURT. \ ' 621. William A. Chase vs. Howell M. Smith , appeal ; continued for want of prose cution at cost of plaintiff. 656. P. Walsh vs. D. C. Stapleton , appeal ; continued. 665. C. , B. & Q. R. R. Co. vs. School Dis trict No. 17 , to recover taxes ; continued. 676. Tootle Hosea & Co. vs. A. Oppen- heimer , appeal ; judgment for 633.81. 690. C. , B. & Q. R. R. Co. vs. the city of McCook , appeal ; continued. 763. J. Doyle et al vs. the Bartley Canal Co. , appeal ; continued. 765. Jacob Steinmetz vs. Joseph A. Brewer et al , accounting ; continued. 788. Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Co. vs. Wm. M. Nuttet ux , equity ; continued. 791. Hannah Fearn vs. Joseph E. Ohlson , appeal ; continued. 797. Thomas B. McPherson vs. George Leland - land , appeal ; continued. 814. Harmony E. Clark vs. M. E. church et al , injunction ; taken under advisement. 808. Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs. Lo renzo D. Hall et al , equity-Judgment vs. Emil Lindner and Moses Erman for $45 in favor of plaintiff and judgment vs. same for 545 in favor of Julia Morgan. 822. Dawes & Foss vs. Hezekiah R. Smith et al , equity ; continued. 826. E. T. Hinf vs. D. J. Smith et al , ap peal ; continued. 831. FronaV. . Colvin vs. John T. Colvin , divorce ; continued. 832. Mary A. Thomas vs. Allen Bartley et al , equity ; continued. 834. Burnham Tulleys & Co. vs. George E. Mayo et al , equity ; continued. 837. Same vs. Appleton R. Davis et ux , equity ; dismissed without prejudice. 848. Ira Waldo et al vs. F. H. Spearman et al , appeal ; continued. 849. The Manufacturers National Bank of Philadelphia vs. Wm. S. Hanlein et al , equity ; continued. 850. The Sixth National Bank of Philadel phia vs. Caleb Clother , on note ; continued. 851. Nebraska Loan & Trust Co. vs. Chas. A. . Sellers et al , equity ; decree of foreclosure , $90 favor of plaintiff , due to McRea Swift $85. 863. thmar T. Benjamin vs. John Paxton et al , appeal ; continued. 864. B. B. Duckworth , administrator es- : ate R. Adams , deceased , vs. Charles C. Mon- oe et al , equity ; continued. 868. Clarence A. Adams vs. Clark Green , appeal ; continued. 869. Western Loan & Investment Co. vs. Swan Peharson et al , equity ; continued. 870. Same vs. John Green et al , equity ; continued. 872. First National Bank of Ainsworth vs. Edward Price , appeal ; continued. 882. Emely O. Gibbs vs. Henry Ballreich et ux , equity ; decree for $646.31. 884. The Lincoln Land Co. et alvs. The Great Western Watch Co. , appeal ; continued. 886. Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. vs. F. A. Thompson and J. H. Patterson ; equity , continued. 888. Anglo-American Mortgage & Trust Co. vs. W. Y. Johnson et ux et al , equity ; con tinued. 889. Guarantee Loan & Trust co. vs. N. O. Wickwire et al , equity ; continued. 896. Helen T. Campbell vs. Thos. Downey et al , equity ; decree for $406.25. Nebraska Mortgage co. vs. D. E. Eiken- berry et al , appeal ; decree for $917.30. 900. Lydizr F. Taylor et al vs. Sarah J. Ward et cons , injunction ; continued. 902. The German Insurance co. vs. Bertha Meyer et al , equity ; decree for $672.70 and attorney - torney fee of $25. 904. George W. Foster vs. Jas. Doyle , road overseer , injunction ; defendant allowed thirty days to plead. 914. William Duborko vs. Amelia Dubor- ko , divorce ; continued. 490. Priscilla Pryor vs. Wm. c. Shockley , appeal ; continued. 901. Nina A. Smead vs. George c. Roberts et al , equity ; Arthur Miller , Ora Clark and John Payton appointed referees to report on division at next term. 908. S. P. Baker vs. J. W. Maiken etal , equity ; continued. 910. John M. Webster vs. F. P. Ratcliff et al-equity ; continued. 916. The Kansas Manufacturing co. vs. Adam Walrath et al , attachment ; continued. 921. C. P. 4 A. B. Dewey vs. c. V. Ander son ei aj , equity ; continued tor service. 922. Same vs. Wm. M. Nutt et al , equity ; continued for service. 924. The Clark t Leonard Investment co. vs. Jennie Walters et al , equity ; continued. 925. Burnham , Tulleys & co. vs. Reverda 7. Owens et al , equity ; continued. 926. T. W. Tulleys , trustee , N. O. Wick wire et al , equity ; continued. 927. John Pierce vs. Palmer Way et al , equity ; plaintiff ordered to give security for costs. 928. Hieronymus Eisele vs. Alex. L. Pol lock , attachment ; continued. 929. L , Alice Watson vs. Cyrus cowles et al , equity ; continued. 930. Levi Brown vs. j. H. Bennett , appeal ; continued. 931. Bank of Indianola vs. Edwin R. An- drus etal , equity ; continued. 932- Christian Hartman vs. Adam Grass et ux , equity ; continued. 933G. . V. Hunter vs. W. R. Strine et a ! , appeal ; continued. .i i o JW . f. i . has been running daily for the past two months at the reservation of the CASH BARGAIN indeed has the dance worried our competitors , "The Credit Stores , " as the profit was too light for them to dance by. They tried } but got sick at heatfi > . rwfJM We will close up our Clothing ( Department WITH I M SIXTY Dry Goods Slaughtered STANDARD PRINTS at 5c. a yard. Made in this country = - = not "imported" Remember the price- 50. a Yard for STAJ3 DA M ' * - i GROCERIES.11 "Prices for the Hard Times , " 14 Ibs. Gran. Sugar , Grand Island , $1.0O 18 Ibs. New Orleans Sugar for l.OO 15 Ibs. Extra "C" Sugar , l.OO 6 bars of White Russian Soap , .25 1 Ib. Choice Roasted Coffee , .25 1 gallon of Coal Oil , .20 1 can of 3-lb. Tomatoes , .10 1 can of 2-lb. Corn , .10 1 can 16-oz. Price's Baking Powder , .40 22 Ibs. of Navy Beans for l.io We Save You From 25 to 33 Per Gent. Special Prices to Dealers , Hotels and Boarding Houses. J , G , ALLEN & GO , , - Cash Buyers and Sellers , / ' * * * * 934. B. F. Sibbitts vs. the Bartley Improve ment co. , equity ; continued. 935. Sarah J. Ward vs. Parlin Orendorff & Martin co. , equity ; continued. 936.V. . O. Mcclure vs. G. B. Nettleton et al , equity ; continued for sen-ice. 937. Farmers Trust co. vs. Isaiah Smith et ux , equity ; continued. 938. Stark & Mosher vs. F. M. Pennington et al , equity ; decree for $40. 939. The Huddleston Lumber co. vs. J.W. Martin et al , equity ; defendants allowed 30 days to plead and plaintiff 10 days to reply. I. B. Gumming vs. c. , B. & Q. R. R. co. , equity ; taken under advisement. 779. western Loan & Investment co. vs. Jas. chrestensen et al , equity ; continued. 593. Nebraska Mortgage co. vs. S. J. Shaf fer et al , confirmation ; sale confirmed and deed ordered. F. L. Brown vs. Agnes E. wickwire et al , confirmation ; continued. 814. George Hocknell vs. Henry Burton et al , confirmation ; sale confirmed and deed or dered , defendant judgment favor J. W. Dolan for $461.92 and defendant judgment in favor of J.v. . Maiken for 52,374.73. Motion of Dolan to relax sheriffs costs sustained and costs relaxed. 926. E. L. Doyal vs. Jacob waiters et ux , confirmation ; continued. 743. Charles D. Ely vs. G. Lloyd dark et al , confirmation ; sale confirmed and deed or dered , deficiency judgment for $152.68. P M TJnirpri ; vs. Thn < : . Miirnhv < : Tipriff al- lowed to amend his return , sale confirmed and deed ordered. 956. Dakota Loan & Trust co. vs. George M. Fulkerson et al , filed Dec. 4th , equity. 957. Hiram C. Rider vs. Nora D. Siegle e al , filed Nov. 29th , equity. 958. U. S. Loan & Trust co. vs. Lawrence Shevlin et al , filed Dec. 5th , equity. 959. Dakota Loan & Trust co. vs. Anci Shrater , filed Dec. 5th , equity. 960. Hargreave Bros. vs. J. A. Curlee & co. et al , filed Dec. 10th , equity. 961. Samuel Apner vs. Julia Apner , Dec , 10th , divorce. TheB. &M. R. B. has made arrangements for close connections to stations on the Des Hoines & Kansas City B. R. from Des Moines to Leon. Iowa , inclusive. Trains Nos. * and 6 make close connections at Osceola in tbo non union depot , also via St. Joe on train No. 4. J. HULANISKI , An employe of the Pullman company has invented an electrical air brake , whfch Is so constructed that the air chambers can be re charged whether the brake is in operation or not. not.'C 'C Annual meeting of Farmers' Alliance of Nebraska , Lincoln , Neb. , Dec. 16-18. Tickets on sale Dec. 14-18. Annual meeting State Grange of Nebraska , Patrons of Husbandry , Pawnee City , Nebr.T Dec. 9-12. Tickets for sale Dec. G-12. For above occasions passengers paying full fare one way will be returned at one-third rate , if there has been an attendance of one nunurea wno nave paid full fare on the going trip. J. HULAXISKI. The reclining chair cars now being run on the Burlington are the finest that can be de vised. Eoadmaster Jossellyn of Orleans was at headquarters , pay-day , which was "Wednes day. Kailway fares for first-class travel in Eng land are much higher than in America ; for second class about the same , for third-class much lower. "Kailroad construction in Colorado , " says the Kearney Hub , "is seriously hindered at present on account of the scarcity of laborers in that part of the country. " Monday night , .George Beebe , the night yardman , met with an accident which will incapacitate him for work for some time. While in the discharge of his duties , his left tiand was caught between two bumpers and badly mashed. It is thought , however , that no permanent deformity will result ; but it was a narrow escape for that hand. Keferringtoa statement that an eastern road is considering the question of putting a third man on its engines for the purpose of keeping a lookout. The Western Hallway says : "If a fireman has much work to da about a furnace door he is no earthly good as a lookout. The heat and light of a furnace renders one's eyes useless for several seconds after having looked into the fire box. "