fWlTT' P1 I ITTI C . EARLY RISER HEABACHE IEST TORPID LIVER LITTLE DYSPEPSIA PILLS. IILIOUS AL AD BREATH _ ALWAYS BADCBMPLEXION CURE CONSTIPAliON OXB DOLLAR sent na by mall , wo trill deliver , t reo of all charges , to any pornon In the United State * , all the f allowing articles tarorully packed In a neat box : ' Ono two-ounce oottlo of Pnro Vnsollno 10 eta. Dnetwo-ounco bottle Vanellno Potnndo 1C eta. Onejar of Vaseline Cold Cream . IScts. One cake of Vasellno Camphor Ice . lOcts. One cakoof Vosollno Soap , unscentcd. . . . lOcts. Ono coke of Vaseline Scrap , scented . 25 ctu. Ono two-ounce bottle ofVhlto Vuollno 25 cte. - H.10 Or for stamps any elnglo nrtlclo at the price. If you have occasion to tied Vaseline In any form be careful to accoptonly genuine goods put up by us In original packages. A great many drtimista are trying to persuade buyers to tnko VASELINHput p by them. Never yield to such persuasion , as the fcrUclots an Imitation without value , and will not five yon the result you expect. A bottle of Blue Ml Vaseline Is sold by all druggists at ton cents , ' CnESKEEOUOlIHTf. Co. , St.8UU Bt , SewTork. ON 30 DAYS' TRIALS THIS NEW M4 UUlVUHUb trODl Oil ' | np shape , with Self1 1 Vail in center , adapt * lnof the body , irhi'o 1 bacl- ( ; rezird _ LPDA1 [ B , Sevens & Col ? Xttori'cys , 313 F Street [ hington , D. C. BRANCH OFFICES-Clevelan Jctroit , Chicago. t TV.JTIOKISIS , Successfully PreLate Jcutes Claims. Late Principal Examinerj ( i.S. Pension Bureau , 3 jra ia last irar. 15 adjudlc ug claims , atty sluca A E * % IET Ct can 1mvo smaller feet. Solid n imS I Ei C9 cumfort. Painphlet free. Sample - plo plis. , lOc. Tito 1'edlno Co. , New York. H9O ? A Poverty-stricken Millionaire I This seems a paradox , but it is ex plained by one of New York's richest men. "I don't count my wealth in * dollars , " he said. "What arc all my possessions to me , since I am a victim of consumption ? My doctor tells me that I have but a few months to live , for the disease is incurable. I am poor er than that beggar yonder. " "But , " interupted the friend -whom he spoke , "consumption can be cured. If taken in time , Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will eradicate every vestige of the disease from your system. " "I'll try it , " said the millionaire , and he did ; and to-day there is not a healthier , happier man to be found anywhere. Ti - "Discovery" strikes at the seat of thfe complaint Consumption is a dis ease of the blood is nothing more nor less than lung-scrofula and it must and does yield to this wonderful remedy. "Golden Medical Discovery" is not only an acknowledged remedy for that terribly fatal malady , when taken in [ time and given a fair trial , but also -for lljbrms of Scrofulous , Skin and-Scalp FSSCS , as White Swellings , Fever- Hip-joint Disease , Salt-rheum , Iter , Eczema , Bolls , Carbuncles , Ery- and kindred ailments. iGR/frEFUdcOMFORTING. S'S COCOA BREAKFAST JJy a thorough knowledge of tbe natural laws Men govern the operations of digestion and nu- HUon , and by a careful application of the fine faporties of well-selected Cocoa. Mr. Epps has . rovldcd our breakfast tables with a delicately favoured beverage which tn-- ! nave us many heaVy doctors' bills. It is by the j JIclous use of such articles of diet that a constitution mny bo gradual ly built up until strong enough t" resist every ten dency to disease. Hundredsof subtle maladies are floating around unready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood v'ond a properly nourished frame. " - Oicil Senrtce Gazette. " ' Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins , by Grocers , labelled thus : JAMES EPPS & CO. , Homoeopathic Chemists , London , England. A MONTH o Bright Young Men or & Board for O Ladies i HI each County. P. W. ZIEGLEft , & CO. , St. Louis , Mo. The Companion Calendar For 1891. Monday for Health , t Tuesday for Wealth , Wednesday , the Best Day of AU ; Thursday for Losses , Friday for Crosses , Saturday No Duck at All , Sunday the Day that is Blest With Heavenly Peace and Rest. 'V. ThU Beautiful and Unique Calendar a d Announcement is called "THE BOOK OF DAYS. ' ' It hai Fourteen Pages finely printed in Colors/ the design being selected from nearly Two Thousand received i the Prize Competition. It is considered the most novel and attractive Calendar of the year. - . dialled on receipt of ten cents. Offer to New Subscribers. , ' . Thl Calendar Trill be sent , to each Ve\r Subscriber wk WILL CUT OUT and send no this advertisement , with 81.75 far a year's BBbncriptlaa. The YoHth'a Companion vri ti be mailed i > * a the time that the subscription ! received-to Janaarr , 1891 , FO.EB , aBd f r a. fkll year frans that date. * JTo other weekly paper gives so large dvariety of entertaining reading ft so low mprice , l Double Holiday Numbers-llu > trat d W eTly 6upp Umeht . i THE YOUTH'S COMPANION , Boston , Mass. . S7 Send Check , Patt-etflce't Order or Registered Better. ! HayeYou ? Many Millions Have J , i accepted. James Pyle's invitation tc try .his wonderful discoVery ; Pyttt Pear linefor easy washing atid clean ing. You couldn't count them in a lifetime. Some of the twelve million housekeepers in this land must have accepted very often. That's the way with Pearline. The wise woman who investigates , tries it ; the woman who tries it continues to use it. A daily increasing sale proves it. The truth is , there's nothing so acceptable as Pearline. Once accept its help'and you ll decline the imitations they ' don't help you. It washes clothes or cleans house. It saves labor and it saves wear. It hurts nothing , but it's suited to everything. Try it-when it suits you , for it will suit you when you try it Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers wfll tell yon , "this is Beware as good as"or "the same as Pcariine. " IT'S FALSE Pearline is never peddled , and if your grocer sends you som s thing in place of Pearlise , do the honest i&r.z jmdit lack. * 75 JAMES PYLE , New York. Our Ilccf Abroad. American stock , growers may as well make up their minds that their hold on the European market is to be main tained by not only the production of a good article for export , but the exer cise of no little ingenuity in meeting the objections which foreigners are olToring to their product. American live stock and dressed beef are figuring more largely from year to year in the English markets , to the natural and great dissatisfaction of English pro ducers. Various pretexts are sought by which to cut off this trade , and whether well grounded or not , some of them seem destined to give our ex porters serious annoyance before a great while. The English market for produce of this kind , is of great value to us , and we cannot afford to give it up without a struggle. National Stock man. N A Bride Should Not Wear a Decollete Dress. By the bye , it should always be re membered that no matter how beauti ful the neck and arms of a bride are she is sinning against good form who does not have a high neck and long sleeved bodice , for it must be remem bered that she is not going to a dance or reception , but to a religious cere mony that means the joy or misery of her future life , and while everything may be as merry as a inarriage bell , in the bride's frock there should be an expression of her knowledge of that which she is undertaking. Mrs. Mal- lon'in Ladies' Home Jonrnal. "IIAVE YOU EVER TRIED THEM ? " , If not , it will pay you vkto ask your dealer for a'pair of Kvcendall , Jones & Co.'s own make shoes or boots and take no other , as they are all made of the best selected stock and by skilled workmen. We guarantee every pair as repre sented by us and you will surely find that they are the best goods for the money on the market. Our "Prize Medal School Shoes" are giving universal satisfaction in every respect and you should at least exam ine them ; then when purchasing , re member price paid , also the service and comfort your children receive and you will always buy boots and shoes manufactured by Kirkendall , Jones & Co. * We make all styles and on any last , thereby enabling the dealer to fit the foot perfectly. In case your dealer does not keep our line , let us know and we will tell you where to get them. Kemember , the name to ask for is Kirkendall , Jones & Co. , manu facturers , Omaha , Neb. Tlic Number ofTcetli. In the majority of mammals the teeth are limited in number and de fined in their forms. The number ranges from one in the narwhal to 220 in the dolphin. The average is 32 ; the types with this number being rep resented by man , the apes and the ruminants. Forty-four is called the typical or normal number. The ani mals in which this number occur are represented by the hog and mole. The number of teeth in the animals last named is exceeded only in animals of the lower groups. The Child of an Evil Parent. Malvolio says in Shakspeare'a Comedy of Twelfth Night , "Some are born great , some achieve greatness , and gome have greatness thrust upon them. " So it is with nervousness. Some are born nervous , some achieve nervousness by their own imprudence and neglect , and some have nervousness thrust upon them by disease. The basic starting point of this ailment , which grows rapidlv and assumes alarming proportions when _ it reaches the stage of hypochondira and chrouic sleeplessness , is weakness , the child of indiges tion , parent of many evils. For the .incapacity of the stomach to digest food , and of the system to assimilate it after digestion , Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters has ever proved a so\ereign remedy. Sleep becomes tranquil , appetite improves , abnor mal sensitiveness of the nerves is succeeded by steadiness and vigor in those delicate tissues , bodily substances increases when that signal restorative of digestion is systematically used. Conquer also with it malaria , rheumatism , kldaey inactivity , liver complaint and constipation. Men With. Three Eyes. There is a tradition among ihe Per sians and the Jews of eastern Pales tine that the old patriarchs and people ple in general had three eyes , one in the back part of the head , prior to the time , Moses was given the law on the tables of stone. On that eventful day , Moses commanded his followers to turn their faces from Sinai. This they-did , but took care to uncover the other eye. which Moses commanded to henceforth be forever closed. Are any of the neK-/anglefl washing com pounds as'jrood as the old fashioned soap ? Dobbins1 Electric Soap bus been sold every day for 24'years , and Is now just as good as ever. Ask jour 'grocer for it aud take no other. Belief is tbe rudder by which the ship of oar life is diiected. II Iina.n'B Liver Fads. LO'.man's Urer Pud.H euro HA&AHI.A. ioima * ' * ixrer Pads cure BILIOUSNESS i lulnicn's IiiTer Pads cure INDIGESTION. ainpUCtfreawithlullinstructlonsttEUconiinenda- When the" pretty girl marries rich ibe bos readied the sweet1 buy and buj. FOR BroxoiiiAL , „ STJIWAXIC AND , Fci- MOXARY COMPLAINTS , "Brown's Bronchial Trochee" have remarkable curative proper ties. Eold only in boxes. The Amer'can turkey w,311 need protection until after S > c tt' Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil , With Hypophowphites , For Lung Troubles and' "Wasting Diseases. Dr. J. SiMCXAfn , ICew Orleans , La. , says : "Scott's Emulsion Is Ihe finest preparation of the kind. In af ertioiis of the lungs and other wasting di'tase. , we may conrder it cur most icl aUe : gent. lu a perfectly elegant ami agreeable form. " If we di.'n't have any trials \\e coulJn't have auy laith. Fee , j-oifons ihatnicuniulate in the blood : nd rot the luadiinety of tbe system , aic eradicated tl d expelli-ii by u ugPnckly Ash Utters , a medicine that \ ill not Irritate the Etomach or levels. ] f acts in a gentle man- " rer en ihe e delicttc organs , a"nd .restores health in qrery case. ' In 1e\'as nowf tl'ey trick a 'horse-thief on ' tbe hoss-tia 1 iarnsv'stem. , I rerv time tbe Lord maes & woman he changes tbe jattern. * Tie fern man is generally * atcrosspur- oses with someone or other.1-- , ' - . The man nho overco'mes'j himself disap points tbe devil. It is with Infinite satisfaction that I state the fact that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup lias been long used In my family and always with marked success. H.F. , Jarvls , Cb'ef Engi neer Fire Department , Petersburg , Va. A pugilist -uho drinks Is likely to get into a tight bor. The mau in the wrong IB the one who won't forgive. "Tbe tree cf deepest root is found , least willing sfill to leave tbe ground" and this could once have been most truly said of chronic pain of any sort. But after the lapse of so many ages , a sovereign remedy has been found in fcalvatlon Oil , every prov ident householder should keep it. A 1'lenMin ; ? Senna Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs , as it acts in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. Tor sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. Money Is one of the things that seem most valuable when v > e haven't got It. Illrs.'WInslofr'sSootliiuir Syrup , for Chil dren teething , softens the cums , reduces inflamma tion ; allays pain , cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. We are never so strong as when we are thankful. Send to Colt & Co. , New York , leading manufacturers of Magic Lanterns , Views , etc. , for large , beautifully illustrated Cata logue , free. free.URIFYYOUR BLOOD , But do not use the dangerous alkaline and mercurial preparations which 'destroy your nervous system and ruin the digestive powenof thestomach. The vegetable king dom gives us the best and safest remedial agents. Dr. Sherman devoted th greater part of his life to the discovery of this relia ble and safe remedy , and all Us Ingredients are vegetable. ' He gave It the name of Prickly Ash Bitters I a name everyone can remember , and to the present day nothing has been discovered that is so beneficial for the BLOOD , for the LIVER , for the KIDNEYS and for the STOMACH. This remedy is now so well and favorably known by all who have used it that arguments as to its merits are use less , and if others who require a correct ive to the system would but give it a trial the health of this country would be vastly improved. Remember the name PRICKLY ASH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS GO , . ST. LOUIS. MO. A True Combination of MOCHA- JAVA and RIO. Picture Card Given With every pound package. For Sale everywhere. Wooba Epiet CoToMo.O. ARE YOU GOOD AT GUESSING ? ( t > CflO glf en away In beautiful Holiday Presents tyuwv to our Customers in a grand GUESSING CONTEST. Bend your address and -rre will mall you full par ticulars herr to cuesi and pet tbe present * . WHITNEY COOKE & CO. , Jl'Psr. Jewelers , 1U ! to 197 Waahinuton Street. Chicago. oTEnEur TICOrlS MclNTOSH Battery & Optical Co. CHICAGO ILL. , HGIC LANTERNS. Farmers and Gardeners to locate WANTED in Orange Park , Clay County , Florida , to prow Strawberries and other Fruits for the Orancte.Park Fruit and Wine Co. Address II. K. McCtJLLY , Manager , Orange Park , Florida. TEA cares Constipation and Sick Headache ; restores the Complexion ; r > optor * TillnSold hf T > rn 'trl t' < MEN TO TRAVEL. We pay _ _ _ . . B $50 to SIM a month and expenses. * TONE & WELLINGTON , Madison , Wis. DRILLS. Beat In the 'World. . Catalogue Free. BOKCA.V , kKLLY Is TA5ET1IILL , Waterloa , la. W. IV. U. Omalia 5441-48. REMEDY FORPAIN SICKHEADACHE ' I'osltlTclycured bj these Little PJlln. CARTER'S Tboy also rollero Dls tress f romDyepepMi.In- digestion and ToolTcarty ITTLE Eating. A perfect rem edy forDIzzincM.Nftiiaoa IVER Drowsiness , Bad Taste In the 3Ioatn , Coated PILLS. Tonguo.Pain ia the Side. TOKPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Price 2S Cents ; CABTEB UEBICINS CO NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dose , Small Price , FAT FOLKS REDUCED "El ht yean ngo I bad an. attack .of Spinal Menlngltl * . After recov CI7 1 took on floah rapidly. Bplno t i. live < md ride contlntwd to poln me.ali- omop and limbs blonted , heart troubled me and coald scaroalr breathe After taklna Dr.Snjder's treatment two month * , I lott 28 Ibn , my pains vrere cone and I breathed eailly and natorally. Dr. Snyder * treatment is pleasant to toka and haa done me great good. " Mrs. Mary Ram me , KOM , "Washington. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. No starving , no .inconvenience . , hormleas and no boa effect * . Strictly confidential. T roirculanand.teHU- menials address with Co. in ttamp * , DR. O. W. F. 8NYOER , 243 STATE : ST. . CHICAGO. from Nervous Debility , VItal - K3EN WEAK tal Wostlnc etc. Send for my ID aiV free Honk of Itemedlcs and cure your- selvcsathomc. Dr. J.Kennert.llS. Clark st. , ircll on sciall InTcstmenta. 3Iacle Lantcrca. Strrroptlnoa and Tlrwa of all gradca and price. , for Public Exhibition and Home Amnsooeat. SendbrinSpagcCatalogne/ru. MCALLISTER. Ufi. OpUcltn , 49 Xauaa St. , Se I rk. FKEE INFORJUTIO.V. Cheap homos for FLORIDA all. Send Ktamp for illuntruted "Homc- beeker. " O. a. Cro.by.tlO I ranLIla HU.S.Y. A HOLIDAY GirT'FOR LADIES. i * Wo i.n l oo of th moil ittrutlr * * Jtjxri publUhel tot Udl an < l ( li realty. 3Uu < \ 'nu iiliifta or mor * Ur { IlluitritcJ. anil III cnnt nu imbr bl5h ltl rtollonh7tL t . nihori. t ! ) rh lce < irMU , , „ „ Kmlleworit , Ilvin * D-Kot.iUn , llo "TUFitulljr Ch ; > l citn. " imilcholc.UlioelUnj. Upnb > Ililiti ordinal m < XM > ontjr > > uii pir * nd p UMiat > rueur Iht boi. 2u * . Itiua li riplrt * lib pruilctl Mol and oiefal uggenloni or tha ntwoat- | ralu I * tvttj UJr , lu aiUIUnn la Uu rait fuml of nti-tUtalne t ndnc ) pr - b without It. To lntr < $ Jucrthl chtrmlnt pttp > r Into Ihouia ef hornet w tiers It U not already t kto , w n w uaV * lh fyllawac ; liberal llulidur cffef : I'pan.r > / ' .Mtron Vrat- ( tramp , or U rf. ut tcllt Itmt Tlie l.mlliV U rl I ybr- Three Month * and ictrt alM MiU ( < : * Jufttcrlinr. fr're an.i poi t ful I , A I'ui-Liico of Rlrxant ClirMmn * C nl w- < na < nHjlla | < ioret / < anil ittit.alti'i ttautlfut t many richly rmloiuJ. W. juarMHo * th. f rdi la lhl C to be north nlon. rcnr.j tlian denblt , lha ptU. ehirfM far them and tha iubiorlpiloa to th * | r > er. Itcm roU ; I bo ctril. u tenlfrtt to allwtioicD < I Hcentafur 3monlh ' ul jarlpUon t > iob.flptlo au45 ftckagti or Cant. wlllb - aentforCJcenH. &ir/i/ > icfon piiarantetti of nontf rtfurtltd W refer u > any pabll lier In N.T.a < toonrretlihllltr. Do unl ml- thliohancct Ton wllf Hn4 Diet * eardi ry mtful at Holiday tins u beautiful and approprtata ( Iftl to frlendi. Addreit I JHE LADIES * WOULD , 27 Pnrlc Place , Xeir Tartu DOZEN FREE I 1 . 0 0 0 Down T > alr lade ! tl n < Fall ted ( Tinier Hoilerv gmn abioluttjy frco to h Ifarr , warm , well made , Wloii , itrlpeji.cbeclu. all the p i innlliml , nary blue. culbrownt I blucl. , .lute. ton. In facl ttjle and olori to ault all tastrt. Don't p 7 Co to I r5ct < uJor par ! f t 1nhenvodcanrrtailaaafornothlBC. . Tn > ld rtll.bls 11O3IC jGUEST , ft Keir ITork ; It eounltta family p per , rlclilr ' Iltuatrnted , containing aerial and ihort Itorlea , rouiancrf. ilicUara , wit , hezior , fai&lon. honaehold hlati , ttorlea for cb'l ! ren Ac. , Ac. Pealtlvcly the entire lot ( t.OOO do otol > elren away ilarlnr the r tCO daya. WenlMwrnl theirOJIE GUI T lr month" frco to l.OOO pencnanLo will aniwer this aJrertlieaieut an.l ren > l ua tb aJJresa of 0 oew iaper different families. To the cli.bralwrof the llit of VO autiacrlbm wa epd 1 dozen rilrt of tts * beautIM Bndaufnlailicln. \V are detarrnlned to lead tha roc * In frm- Ituni. hence ttU liberal IcdnceraenU H U colosul offer and will not appear aran. If you wan t doten ftahl naMe , fine hosiery end 15 < .U. laiQircror atampH , to h'lp pay j postage , packlBriAc.uid nanien of JOnewa- niONKY EVEN1NOS , beautirul pictures oult.tblelor day fcchciols. I/oilRPi * . C > urcli J-alr nntl the Homo Circle. Bet niid jJ''jnG' ' " ' < ? * * & M Jnaile by COI.T Ss CO3IPAA j 1B StroeuNew York City , llluatruted Cat alogues Free v- RESTORED A victim uf youU - ful Impnidcncc , caiiptnu 1'n.maUne Uociiy. e To Debility , Eot llanbood , < fec. , having tried In valucye. CHICHESTER'S ENQU8H , RED CROSS THE ORICINALAND GENUINE. The only Safe , Sore , and rtllaUe Pill for jale. Lnulca. rik Drug it for Chicheitrr't Enyllth Diamond Brand In Hed anil < ToU cictalllt ; boxea sealed with blue ribbon. Tul.e no other kind. Ittfute SuttMutiont and fmit-it.mi. All plll in puteboanl boxes , pink wrapper ! . are dnnccrou * rountorfelt * . At Druggim. or amd nc 4c. In tarap < for particulars , tejtlmonlaU , and "lle'lct lor Ladlca. " in litter , by return MalL. 1O.OOO Te tlmonUI . Hume J-aper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. , M-irtl.on Sqiinm. bold by all Local Urujrziita. l'JHI.AI > r.t.Mtl , IV. , PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATAKRH. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Belief is immediate. A cure Is certain. .For Cold in the Head it lias no equal. It is an Ointment , of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. Price , SOc. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. Address. K T. HAZCLTINK , Warren , Pa. GIVEN AWAY. 2.OOO Lovely decorated (56 piece ) Taz > Bets ( riven ab-olutcJy free to introduce OBI. Countrj El > me to now subscribers. Kac2 eetcoutams CO pieces of richly decorated worn. Ezxh pic-ce is richly decorated in 1.0 ! ors.intesliful leaf and flower patterns Tbe Ehap saic'modern anil nrtUtio. Our Coun try HoinpstnniNtoaynsoncof the tead- inland moat popular farm and homo jmpcrt In America. Eicry one Ls aulichted ftilfi it. . . . T i ! Poi.ttlri ly thPtiitire lot OtOo ) to begiTfaa away , woeena Onr Country Homo six months to 1,0.10 pemons wlio will answer this ndvertiftmtnt ondpc us tlio address of 14 newspaper readers from different families , Si nd 2S con ts silver or stamps , to help pay c of mlvertislnir , and rememberweccndevery club rulsor , or ' < > r a list of 1-3 Httbueribrrx. : l.i > vey Ton ot , Just what every homowill appreciate. We are bound to distance all competition ajid mnlio OJIIT Conntry Homo known in every quarter or the globe. If you want a nlco To a Set send 25 ccntaood tiamca of 1 * newspaper readers and. receive | tnr > iPrtnuf utt Wn-moi ? ? / " - Q' I7O 1C V ' \ Our Country IIuuio elr months. Address UUF LUulIlr V xiOHlO * ii'oA. OO t J , il. JL 9y.I" ° ft.t' ie _ cir 'l"Jn8tn o.uhof bhe. of scouring sea p-Try ib Cleanliness is always fashionable and the use. of or the neglect to use SAPOLJO marks a wide- difference in the social scale. The best classes are always the most scrupulous in matters of cleanliness and the best classes use SAPOLKX S By PRUDENCE PARSONS. An Ilhistrated Story for people who "cant afford to spend much money this year for Christmas Presents. " . ' . DALE could not afford to NELLIE spend what little money she possessed - ? . sessed , but she was wise enough r to find a way to secure , without . * . cost of money , a large list of valuable presents. to any one who will mention the paper send it ? free i which this notice appears. % \ . 4 n\ CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY , Philadelphia , Pa.