L. LOWMAN & SON ABE SELLING OUT WINTER m GOODS. There are some that stand with glove in hand , But we have learned to rustle ! ! | DRESS GOODS , FLANNELS , 9 SHAWLS , ' CLOAKS , CLOTHING , At REDUCED PRICES All Grades of Goods Have to go Before Christinas , L. LOWMAN & SON. D McCiitie To the bottom of the sea. Of course the reader will understand that we refer to the PLUNGE OF PRICES at Western Nebraska's Leading Clothing Store , We carry a LAEG-E and WELL SELECTED stock of New and Fresh and Stylish Goods ! and we want to burn it down deep in the minds of the people in these "diggings" that We are making a SPECIALTY both inPEICE and in SUPEKIOB QUALITY of FLANNEL : - : SHIRTS , and for the HOLIDAY TEADE we have a particularly elegant , attractive and handsome line of MUFFLERS , NECKTIES and SILK HANDKERCHIEFS While our STIFF HAT for ONE DOLLAE Is a Sure-Enough Corker We display a complete and extensive line of TRUNKS , GRIPS and SATCHELS. C. W. KNIGHTS UNION BLOCK , MeCOOK , NRB. Toledo Weekly Blade , 1891. ONLY ONE DOLLAR. The most popular Weekly Newspaper in the United States , the largest circulation , and the only strictly Weekly Newspaper that ever suc ceeded in obtaining and holding' , year after year , a circulation in every stale and territory ( and nearly everycountyof theUnited States. All the news , better departments and more first-class entertaining and instructive read ing than in any other dollar paper published. ANNOUNCEMENTS. New story to commence first of the year , written especially for the BLADE , by Oliver Optic. "Money Maker Series. " A series of special articles on "Side Issues , " written for the BLADE. BLADE China Tea Sets and Din ner Sets given to club raisers. Send for speci men copy of the WEEKLY BLADE and read our interesting announcements for the coming year. SPECIMENS. A specimen copy will give you a better idea of the WEEKLY BLADE than any description we can give in an advertisement. We there fore invite everybody to write us for a speci men , which we wi'l ' cheerfully mail you free ; and at the same time please mail us a list of names of your friends and neighbors , and we will also mail them specimens. CONFIDENTIAL TO AGENTS. Anybody can earn Ten Dollars very quickly by raising clubs for the BLADE. We are now paying the highest amount for clubs ever of fered by any newspaper. We want agents everywhere. Write us for confidential terms to agents. Address , THE BLADE , Toledo , Ohio. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS. Established 1839. The Daily News , of seventy-two columns , has a capacity for reading matter equal to the large Eastern papers. It aims to furnish all the news of the day , complete in detail , yet concise in form. It is devoted to Western.and especially to Colorado interests. Our SPECIAL TELEGRAPH SERVICE is superior to that of any other Journal west of St. Louis. The News employes more agents and pays more for special dispatches tban all other Western newspapers conbined. The News is issued every day in the year. The Weekly News furnishes a compendium of every notable event , at home and abroad , with a liberal supply of choice , original and selected articles , specially adapted to family entertainment and instruction. It is the best weekly family newspaper published in the West. A feature of both the Daily and Weekly ed itions of the News , of the first importance to the public , is our perfect system of market reports. The absolute reliability of our com mercial department has long been recognized by the business men in the state , and every issue will continue to furnish a true reflex of the latest Kansas City , Chicago and St. Louis , as well as local quotations. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. One Year , by mail , flO.OO Six Months , by mail 5.00 Sunday Edition , by mail , per Year , 2.50 WEEKLY. One Year , by mail , in advance 11.00 One Year , by mall , arrear bilis 2.00 Sample copies of either Edition on applica tion. tion.All All communications must be addressed to News Co. Denver Colo. Printing . , , . AH ADMIRABLE CYCLOPEDIA. We arc glatfto note the appearance of Vol XXV. of Alden'e Manifold CyelopeJlaa ; raos admirable work , now rapidly approaching completion. Among the countries , states unc cities wo find treated in this volutne'aro : Mon tenegro , Montreal , Moravia. Moscow , Moroc co , Munich , MuscatNaples , Nashville , Nassau Nebraska , nnd Netherlands. In the .lino o biograpb , we have Montesquieu ; , Montgom cry , the poet ; Moody , the evangelist , with an account of the Northfleld seminary and th Mount Herinon School for Boys ; Sir Job Moore ; Hannah More ; Sir Thomas More , uuth or of Utopia ; Moreau and Murat , the grea generals ; GouvcrncurMorris and Robert Mor ris ; Oliver P. Morton.Indlana's great war-gov ernor ; John Lothrop , the historian ; Valentin Mott : Murlllo , the painter ; Dudley Murray Nunsen , the explorer : Napoleon Bonapart Neander , the church historian : Melson , th admiral rand many other eminent men. Among the hundreds of topics coming under th head of general information , we notice : Moon Mormans. 13 pages ; Mortality , Law of. wit useful tables ; Motion , 6 pages ; Movomen Cure ; Music , about 18 pages ; Mythology ; Na tlouallsm ; Navies , a'valuable article : Negro Neo-Platonism ; Nervous Diseases , Nervou System , 1(5 ( pages ; and Neuralgia. The who ! field of human knowledge is comprehensively covered , the subjects have been well hrough down to date , and there are numerous illus trations. One of the best things about thl magnificent work is the fact that the price are extremely low (75 ( cents a volume for cloth binding , $1.00 for half-Morocco ) , and the pub Ushers are offering- such wonderfully easy in Btalhnent terms as to bring it within th reach of every one. Sen * for free specimen pages. John B. Alden , Publisher , New'York Chicago , and Atlanta. Box ELDER BLOSSOMS. R. E. Moore Is enjoying the luxury of a net well. Rev. Webster made a short visit to Minden last week. G. W. Bede is having good success teaching school at this place. Josiab Moore is talkingof lookmgfor govern ment land in Colorado. Mr. Grundy and family of Stratton were visiting at Mr. Doyle's , last week. The camp fire at the school house was wul attended , Wednesday of last week. There was a basket supper and preaching by Elder Mastin at the church , Thanksgiving. There Is muchcoinplaintof coyotes carrying off the poultry of this neighborhood. Why not have a big round up and run them out. John Sexson of Springfield , Neb. , and Master Herbert Lou bach , a young nimrod of Arapa hoe , brother and nephew of E. A. Sexson , were visiting him , last week. The Demorest silver medal contest has been postponed until Friday , December 5th. This will be the best entertainment of the kinc that has been attempted at this place. S. A. E SOUTH SIDE SAUCE. H. M. Eaton moved to the Willow , this week Mrs. W. S. Fitch is quite sick with typhoid fever. Col. Charles H. Jacobs was at Goosetown Tuesday. John Stone is down again with inflammatory rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Stone visited in Frontier county , the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown were out on the South Side , last Sunday. Miss Bernice Jacobs was visiting in Frontier county , part of last week. I. T. Birdsall is hauling corn from the city to keep those fat hogs of his agoing. S. H. Colvin and wife were driving over the country on the South Side , last Sunday We noticed Uncle Billy Coleman showing up the country to some eastern man , lastTuesday. UNO. Literary Notes. "The Slossons of Bangville , " a five hundred dollar prize story , by James T. McKay , is one of the admirable stories given in The Thanks giving Double Number of "The Youth's Com panion. " Among the other stories are ; "A Thanksgiving Guest , " by Louise R. Baker ; " "Cy and the Bear. " a humorous ad venture , by John ? . Barnes ; "Chased by a Shadow. " by Warren L. Wattis , while a whole page of Thanksgiving Fun is given for the younger readers. THE TOLEDO WEEKLY BLADE , the most pop ular weekly newspaper of the United States , will in a few weeks commence publication of a new serial story , now being written espec ially for its columns by Oliver Optic. Send postal card to Blade , Toledo , Ohio , for free specimen copy of the paper , and at same time send names of all your friends. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plainfield , 111. , makes the statement that she caught cold , which settled on her lungs ; she was treated for a month by her family physician , but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and thai no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself bene- fltted from first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well , now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles tles of this great discovery at A. McMillen's drug store. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Extend sympathy to some" people and they begin to cough all the more loudly to show how bad they are. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timraons. postmaster of Idaville , Ind. , writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined , for that bad feeling arising from kidney and liver trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman , of same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters to be the best kidney and liver medicine , made me feel like a new man. " J. W. Gardner , hardware merchant , same.town , says : "Elec tric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies ; he found new strength , good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle at A. McMillen's drug store. 25-lmo. A good deed is never lost ; he who sows cour tesy reaps friendship , and he who plants kind ness gathers love. Worth Knowing. It is not the cough that kills but what it leads to cough , colds and bronchitis are always cured by Humphreys' Specifics Nos. one and seven , being used by thousands with the most triumphant success. Never get into a rut it is hard to turn out for your enterprising , wide-awake contempo raries to pass by you. A. J. Rand is editor-Sn-chiof on the Courier. Union service at the M. E. church , Thanksgiving day. Attorney Snavcly went down to Lin coln , Tuesday evening. A large number of Lcbanonites were in the city , the past few days. Postmaster General Peterman still adheres to his republican faith. Treasurer-elect Henton was over from the Beaver , fore part of the week. .1 .1V The World-Herald man worked this town for fourteen copies of the daily. Joe JDoJph of Danbury was doing business in the county-seat , Monday. The Bret Harte Literary Club will- give a public entertainment in the near future. The Lincoln Land Company has ap pointed C. D. Cramer as its agent in this city. B. E. Ashton , one of the oldest set tlers in the county , was in town one day last week. S. R. Smith in digging a well near his house claims to have found a good quali ty of ochre. District Court Reporter Gibbs ca in over the short line from Sttf < Tuesday evening. Starr , Snavely and Smith hav employed by Burt and 'Benne election contest. The Masonic lodge of this ci furnishing aid to large number o members living in the country. The way the janitors of the M. E. an < Congregational churches ring the bells is quite enough to cause one to yell fire The Grange store that has been flis'iir ishing in Indianola for the past year like a green bay tree has gone into win ter quarters. C. H. Crocker , one of our most pro gressive farmers in this section of the county , has moved to the eastern par of the state. Danbury is without a drug store Consequently there is an uneasy feel ing there least someone should get bit ten by a snake. As near as can be ascertained there are but sixteen of "the relation" now in the county and so the "Indianola ring' has gone glimmering. M. G. Shackelton , familiarly callec "Old Shack , " is now firmly intrenched at C. F. Wcehner's old stand and is sell ing soap six bars for a quarters. J. S. Phillips has rented the room , first door south of the P. 0. , and will in a few days hang out his shingle to be swayed by the gentle Nebraska zephyrs. Prof. W. 0. Herman and troupe stranded at this sea port. Their claim to public patronage was that they were from the burnt district of Rawlins coun ty , Kansas. A large crowd gathered in town on Tuesday and Wednesday to attend the auction sale going on at the Grange store , under the supervision of Deputy Sheriff Crabtree. Edward Parks of Red Cloud , brother of Mrs. C. S. Quick , on his way back from Denver where he had been as a delegate to the K. of L. convention , stopped off for a few days with Mr. uick and family. Almost everyone had forgotten about the Indianola ochre and so we were greatly surprised , a few days ago , when Mr. Lamburn told us he had received an order for ten car loads. Work will commence in the mine , January 1st. There was a joint discussion at the M. E. church , Tuesday night , of the question whether or not women should ) e admitted to the general conference. Scriptually the argument was good enough , practically it hardly reached the home base. Whenever Attorney Captain Frank Strout has a case before a county jus tice he packs Colonel's old grip with rags and lugs it into the presence of the court , when the opposing counsel runs off and hides in the bunch grass and ; he hairs of the justice turns white in ess tban a minute. Attorney Frank Selby of Cambridge came up Saturday , to file papers with he clerk of the district court , said to be > etitions for the foreclosure of real es- ate mortgages. Incidentally , Col. ? rank is an advocate of "squatter sov- reignty" and will remain in Cambridge till the heavens fall or the Bartley anal bonds are declared illegal by the nghest court in the land. JOE GOGGLES. GROCERIES Compare our prices with those of the CREDIT STORES around town. $2 SAVED ON EVERY $1 GRAND ISLAND SUGAR 15 Ibs. Granulated for. § 1 15 Ibs. Light Brown Sugar for $1 14 Ibs. California Dried Grapes § 1 22 Ibs. Navy Beans for § L 3 Ibs. J T Plugs Tobacco for. . $1 1 Ib. J T Plpgjfcco for. . .35 1 Ib. TargflHbacco for .25 10 NO GjfCHY prices offered 1 fool people , but only a fair profit on all goodL DOLLARS are growing in size each day ; take our advice buy your goods at the CASH BAEGATN' HOUSE. We save you from 25 to 33 | per cent over the CEEDIT' STOEES. Cash Bargain House. IS ELECTED AND J G ALLEN , , & GO , CONTINUE THEIR Great Dry Goods Sale , Enormous reductions in all departments. DRESS GOODS , UNDERWEAR , GLOVES , _ MITT E N S , CANTONFLANNELS -FLANNELS , COMFORTS , BLANKETS , AT LESS THAN COST ! CLOAKS ! Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS ! AT HALF REGULAR PRICE Men's Suits , Men's Overcoats , Boys' Suits , Boys'Overcoats. We will close out all our Clothing at BELOW COST. Boots and Shoes ! Boots and Shoes ! Prices cut LOWEE THAN" EVEE BEFOEE. Every thing MUST BE SOLD ! Standard Calicos , 5 cts. WOETH % . & CO. Cash Bargain House.