The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 28, 1890, Image 10

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xjsirs AXI >
A FIRE company has been organize !
At Elkhorn , starting out with llf ty charter
tor members.
OMAHA , has a normal school. Sub
etantiai results are expected from th (
new educational enterprise.
N , C. HART , an old veteran of Camp
bell , has been admitted .to thenationa
soldiers' home at Leaven worth , Kan.
A SON of ox-Mayor Broatch of Omafc
has been appointed cadet at Wes :
Point for the First district in Nebraska
DURING a runaway J. J. Dunnegin
A Uvery man at Milford , had his am
broken and was otherwise painfully in
THE sixth church has been com.
pleted in Nelson. The new courthouse
in that place will be occupied in twc
W. H. HASKETT of Paola , Kan. , ha *
purchased a half interest in the opera
house at Pawnee City. Consideration ,
A SIXTEEN-FOOT flag has been pur
chased for the public school building
in Stromsburg and waves daily from
the dome.
HAMBURG school house , Nebraska
City , built in 1876 , at a cost of $18 , 000 ,
was totally destroyed by fire the other
STERLING has organized a fire com
pany and will soon purchase a fire en-
fine , the town board having ordered
the purchase.
A COLONY of Gage county farmers
will go to Washington next spring to
settle. * A few Beatrice people will
accompany them.
FRANK BOONE , a colored man , made
a savage assault upon his wife with a
knife. She owes her life to interfer
ence of bystanders ,
THE Stromsburg normal and busi
ness college began its second term
Tuesday , November 11 , with an at
tendance of twenty new students.
PART of the soldiers stationed at
Fort "Omaha were dispatched to Pine
Kidge agency last week in view of an
ticipated Indian troubles in that sec
Two YOUNG girls giving the names
of Steele and Thompson were arrested
in Nebraska City on the charge of
forgery. They forged an order for a
pair of shoes.
A HORSE driven by Nelson Overton
ran away in Nebraska City , thro whig
Mr. Overton from the buggy and drag
ging him quite a distance. He was
badly bruised.
TRACK laying on the Missouri Pa
cific cut-off from Union to Omaha by
way of Platsmouth has commenced ,
and 'will be rushed. The bridge work
is completed and ties laid ready for the
ARTICLES incorporating the Morton
produce company have been filed with
the county clerk of Otoe county. The
company will carry on a general mer
chandise , storage and commission busi
PLATTSMOUTH Baptists have decided
to build a new church building and a
committee is now looking around for
the most desirable site. The lumber
lor the building has already been pur
THE news that the injunction against
the Nebraska City distillery had been
dissolved was received in Nebraska
City with great rejoicing. The distil
lery will immediately commence oper
FRANK FOWXER of Fremont , now
traveling in Japan , nearly lost his life
recently while running some rapids in
a Japanese river. ' His boat went to
pieces , but' he landed on a rock and
was rescued.
braska City has brought suit against
the city for $236 as back salary , being
the difference Between the value of
city warrants with which he had been
paid and cash.
THE residence of C. M. Hoot and
W. B. Lumbeck , . at Beatrice.were
raided last week -by burglars and a
quantity of clothing taken from the
first and silverware , money and cloth
ing from the last. , t i.
S. S. .SANDERS , ' an old' resident of
Gage county , died-af7 Jiis" nome near
Adams , last week , from injuries re
ceived by his team running away - sometime
time ago. The deceased wai ' * and
leaves a wife 'and six children.
A VALISE stolen from the Union Pa
cific depot in Beatrice was found the
other night by school children in a
corn field. Most of the contents had
been removed , but there still remained
in it a valuable silk dress pattern.
THE .Equitable life insurance corn-
pan v of New .York is figuring on erect
ing a $1,000,000 building in Omaha.
It will be of grey stone , ten stories
high , equipped with the best electric ,
steam and elevator service known.
PHELPS BROS' , apple drying estab
lishment at Brock closed business for
the season last week. Having - succeeded
ceeded admirably they propose to in
crease the drying capacity and also
establish a canning factory next sea-
THE election of Covington precinct
to authorize $35 , 000 in bonds in aid of
the Pacific Short Line shops on condi
tion 'that the same be located in South
Sioux City resulted in an affirmative
vote of 294 to 15 against the proposi
tion ;
MRS. SUSAF A. DUTTON has brought
uit against the Capital Heights street
railway company in Lincoln for $10 , 000
damages. "She claims -permanent in-
fary by being thrown from a car of the
line , the driver starting before she had
MHS. LOUISA FIOLA of Schuyler tool
a five-grain dose of strychnine Frida ;
night which caused her death in thirt ;
minutes. No cause for the deed i
known. She had been married twi
years and leaves a husband and seven
months-old child.
C. H. CALDWELL , professor of his
tory at the state university , was i :
Bloomington last week , and examine' '
the high school and placed it on th
major accredited list , which enable
the scholars to enter the university ii
the freshman class. .
THE bills for publishing the notice
for the three proposed amendments ar
beginning to pour into the secretary o
state's office. There is no money t
pay these bills and the payment thereo
depends on the legislature making a !
appropriation for this purpose.
THE somewhat celebrated case o
Prof. Justus vs. Table Rock school dis
trict , was decided in favor of the pro
fessor in Pawnee county. This casi
was unique as being the first case i )
the state where a professor of a higl
school had to sue for his wages.
L. LEVI'S safe , in Nebraska City
was robbed of over $100 the other day
Mr. Levi left the office for a few min
utes , and when he returned the mone
had disappeared. Doug * Vance , a for
mer employee , was arrested on suspi
cion , but there is no evidence agains
WOKD was received in Nebraskt
City the other day from Washington ,
D. C. , that the United States commis.
sioner had decided in favor of the Ne
braska City distillery company anc
against the whisky trust which soughl
to have the department refuse to issue
a permit
P. B. WARE of Chicago , president oi
the Nebraska City packing company ,
has announced that for the present the
house in Nebraska City will remain
idle , as the other house there can take
care of all the hogs shipped to thai
point and keep the market price up tc
that of Omaha.
JOHN BUTLEH , who has just finished
a term in the psnitentiary for stealing ,
was arraigned in the police court at
Lincoln last week on the charge of dis
posing of mortgaged property , consist
ing of a team of horses. He was held
to the district court in the sum of $300
and committed.
FLOSSIE , a young daughter of Joseph
Kuhlman of Nebraska City , met with
a peculiar and painful accident. She
was blowing a tin horn when she slip
ped and fell , her whole weight falling
on the horn , which was driven down
her throat , cutting through her tongue
into the lower jaw.
McPHEKSON county's returns reached
the secretary's office in Lincoln last
week. The county cast a total vote
of forty-nine thirty-two republican ,
seven democrat and ten alliance. If
they have three county tickets at the
next election there will not be voters
enough to go around.
THE wife of Charles Peterson , agri
cultural implement dealer at Oakland ,
became violently insane a few days
ago from religious excitement and will
be taken to the insane asylum. She is
35 years old and the mother of four
small children , who had to be removed
from her presence for fear of her doing
them violence.
IN the district court of Lancaster
county last June Gottleib Wenninger
was awarded $9,442 damages against
the Missouri Pacific railway company
for injuries received in a runaway
caused by a Missouri Pacific locomotive
blowing off steam. Last week the
matter was carried to the supreme
court by the railroad company.
THE dog and poultry show is soon to
open in .Omaha. The premium list
comprises more and larger cash prem
iums than have ever been offered at
any poultry exhibition west of New
York , the Chicago fat stock show not
sxcepted. As a result of these induce
ments breeders and fanciers from all
lirections have been attracted to the
Nebraska poultry fair.
THE Nebraska veterans at their re
union in Plattsmouth last week elected
afficers for the ensuing year as fol
lows : President John Q. Goss.
Bellevue ; vice president , Wilson Ma
jors , Peru ; treasurer , Chris Hartman ,
Dmaha ; secretary , G. V. Hall. Lin-
joln ; assistant secretary , P. C. Rich-
irds , Lincoln ; ohaplain , Dr. W. S.
[ jatta , Lincoln ; historian , P. Coursey
Richards , Lincoln.
THE negro * boy Till , who has been
letained in th'e familyf Milton Wil-
' * '
.erford of Tob'ias , as a'slave , was taken
0 Omaha last week. 'When Till was
produced in court his owner virtually
icknowledged his" guilt by agreeing to
jive the boy up if the case against him
vas not pushed. After consultation
ihis was agreed to by both sides , each
igreeing to pay one-half the costs.
GREAT interest , is. taken , , says a Lin-
: oln correspondent , in schemes for re-
ieving the destitute in , the western
iart of the state. The latest is to' have
jovernor Thayer borrow $50.000 ,
pledging as far as he can th'e credit of
he state therefor. The promoter of
, his snheme says that there are ten or
1 dozen wealthy men in this state who
vill sign this note with the governor.
THE citizens of Hayes -county will
xavq a grand circular wolf and coyote
mnt November 29. They will encir-
sle ten townships and meet at a com-
non center at a specified time. They
iay there are plenty of wolves and
loyotes in that region and they are
: onfident they can round up many of
hem within the circle and succeed in
sagging them.
LAST spring Dr. Owen of Stromsburg
ras called to Osceola to amputate the
eg of a boy who had been accidentally
hot. The operation was a success and
he limb is well. The doctor made a
harge of $150 , which was met with a
ounter bill of damages for $175 , and
his was soon after rescinded HIM ! placed
t f5,009. As both parties are well
nown the case excites considerable
YL'hai. the Farmer * Demand.
SPRINGUELD , 111. , Nov. 22. The
Farmers1 Mutual Benefit association
agreed to resolutions demanding a re
vision of the patent laws , the aboli
tion of the national banking system :
that the circulating medium bo con.
fined to gold , silver and copper coins
and United States treasury notes , fa
voring loaning money by the national
government to citizens in sums not ex
ceeding $1,000 to any person and prop
erly secured at interest not exceeding
4 per cent per annum ; favoring the
issue and sale at par of United States
bonds of $10 , $20 , $50 and $100 bear
ing 2 per cent interest and .redeemable
at the option of the holders and gov
ernment. The resolutions further de
mand'the regulation of corporations by
law ; favor the election of president , vice
president and United States senators by
popular vote ; oppose ciyil service laws
and fix the tenure in office of United
States judges not to exceed nine years.
The election of postmasters and .rail
road and warehouse commissioners by
popular vote is also urged. Pensions
to soldiers and sailors are approved
and the revision of government officials'
salaries is recommended as is also the
reduction of taxation on necessaries
and conveniences , and the regulation
of immigration and manufacture of
adulterated foods. The resolutions
conclude by making provision for the
establishment of a national organiza
tion to attend the coming sessions of
the legislatures throughout the coun
try in the interest of farmers' organ
izations and calling upon representa-
tivps of the organization to keep aloof
from both parties.
Nebraska Pensioner * .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 24. The annual
report of the commissioner of pensions
for the year ending June 30 , 1890 ,
shows that the total number of pen
sioners in the United States on that
day was 537,944.
The folio whig is a list for the state
of Nebraska by counties :
Population of the Uulted States and
Territories , 1890.
Robert P. Porter , superintendent of
census , in Bulletin No. 12 , submits the
following to Hon. John W. Noble ,
Secretary of the Interior :
I have the honor to submit herewith
a statement showing the population of
the United States according to the
eleventh census. The large clerical
force and improved methods have al
lowed a very rapid progress in the com
pilation and tabulation of results , and
this report will be followed within a
short time by other bulletins relating
to the population. The special work
of the census is so far advanced that
bulletins relating thereto will now be
issued at frequent intervals during the
next few months. The field-work of
the census is nearing completion , and
by the end of this year will be practi
cally finished. The work of tabula
tion is being rapidly pressed forward ,
in order , to begin the publication of the
volumes as soon as possible.
The population of the United States
on , June 1 , 1890 , as shown by the first
count , of persons and families , r exclu
sive of white persons in Indian Terri
tory , Indians on reservations , , and
Alaska , was 62,480.540. These figures
may be slightly changed by later and
more exact compilations , but such
changes will not be material. In 1880
the population was 50,155,783. The
absolute increase of the population in-
the ten years intervening was 12,324-
757. and the percentage ol increase was
24.57. In 1870 the population was
stated as 38,558,371. According to
these figures the absolute.increase in
the decade between 1870 and 1880 was
11,597,412 , and the percentage of in
crease was 30.Q8.
Upon their face these figures show
that the population has increased be
tween 1880 and 1890 only 727,345 more
than between 1870 and 1880. white-the
rate of increase has .apparently dimin
ished from 30.08 to 24.57 per cent If
these figures were derived from correct
data , they would be indeed disappoint
ing. Such a reduction in the rate of
Increase in the face of the enormous
Immigration during the past ten years
would argue a great diminution in the
fecundity of the population or a corresponding
spending increase in its death rate.
These figures are , however , easily ex
plained when he character of the data
used , is understood. It is well known ,
the fact having been demonstrated by.
extensive and thorough investigation ,
that the census of 1870 was grossly de
ficient in the southern states , so much
po as not only to give an exaggerated
rate of increase of the population .be
tween 1870 and 1880 iu these states ,
but to affect very materially .the- rate
of increase in the country at large.
. These omissions were not the fault
nor were they within the control of the
census office. The census of 1870 was
taken-under a-law which the
- - superin
tendent. General Francis A. Walker ,
characterized as "clumsy , antiquated
and barbarous.11 The census office
had no power over its enumerators
save a barren protest and this right
was even questioned in some quarters.
In referring to these omissions the su
perintendent of the tenth census said
in hia report in relation to the taking
of the census in South Carolina : 'It
follows , as a conclusion of the highest
authority , either that the census of
1870 was grossly defective in regard to
the whole of the state or some consid
erable part thereof , or else that the
census of 1880 was fraudulent. " Those ,
therefore , who believe in the accuracy
and honesty of the tenth census and
that was thoroughly established must
accept the other alternative offered by
General Walker , namely , that the
ninth census was "grossly defective. "
What was true of South Carolina was
also true , in greater or less degree , of
all the southern states.
There is , of couse , no means of as
certaining accurately the extent of
these omissions , but in all probability
they'amounted to not less than 1,500-
000. There is but little question that
the population of the United States in
1870 was at least 40,000,000. instead
of 38,558,371 , as stated. If this esti
mate of the extent of the omissions in
1870 be correct , the absolute increase
between 1870 and 1880 was only about
10,000,000 , and the rate of increase
was not far from 25 per cent. These
figures compare much more reasonably
with similar deductions from the popu
lation in 1880 and 1890.
Omitting from consideration those
states in which the census of 1870 is
known or is presumed to have been
faulty , the rate of increase between
1870 and 1880 in the remaining states
Has been very nearly maintained in the
decade between 1880 and 1890. Re
ferring to the principal table of the
bulletin , the census of 1870 is known
or is presumed to have been deficient
in nearly all the states of the
Atlantic and Southern Central divi
sions , while in the North Atlantic ,
Northern Central , and Western divi
sions no evidence of incompleteness
has been detected.
The population of these three last-
named divisions in 1870 , 1880 , and
1890 , the absolute increase for the two
decades , and the rate of increase , is set
forth in the following table :
It will be seen that the absolute in
crease between 1880 and 1890 exceeded
that between 1870 and 1880 by 1,685-
603 , and that the proportional increase
was but 1.2 per cent less.
1890 , AS COMPARED WITH 1880.
[ The figures for 1890 in this table are not final ,
but are subject to revision. ] j
a Decrease.
b The number of white persons in the Indian
Territory is not included in this table , as the cen
sus of Indians and other persons on Indian reser
vations , which was made a subject of special in
vestigation-by law , has not yet been completed.
Including 5.337 persons in Qreer county ( in
Indian Territory ) , claimed by Texas.
d The number of white persons in Alaska Is
not included In this table , aa the census of
Alaska , which was made a subject of special in
vestigation by law , has not yet been completed.
Coins Armed to See Christ.
MERINO , Wyo. , Nov. 22. Freighters
from the west report that numerous
squads of Indians in various locations
seem to be collecting on the Belle
Fouche. All are armed to the teeth
and have a large supply of provisions
and ammunition. Several have been
in town on various occasions and tried
to trade for still more ammunition.
The people are feeling uneasy and
think they should not be allowed off
the reservation at the present crisis.
They are mostly Ogalalla Sioux from
the Pine- Ridge agency. Bad Billie and
two other Crows from the Crow reser
vation are with them and are very
friendly with the Sioux. An old front
iersman of experience expresses his
opinion that. they are after no good.
They acknowledge to be on their way
to see. the new Christ , but none of them
have been , able to show any passes to
that effect or any other. , It is reported
that 'graders are growing so uneasy
that they are .liable .to quit work and
fly for safety most any day.
The meeting of the world's fair com
mission resulted in an awful jangle
over the site and the action of the Chicago
cage board. Several resolutions- .
abandon the sites offered were intro
The Election Contest In Nebraska.
LINCOLN , Nob. , Nov. 21 [ Special
to the Omaha Bee. ] The announce
ment , was made yesterday that the pa
pers and briefs had been completed bj
the lawyers employed to contest the
election of state officers who are electee
on the face of the returns , and notice
will be served upon each of tbsrn with
in the next forty-eight hours.
The contest includes iBoyd ( dem ) ,
governor-elect ; Majors CreP ) ? lieutenant , -
ant governor elect ; Hill ( rep ) , treas
urer-elect ; Benton ( rep ) , auditor-elect
Hastings ( rep ) , attorney general-elect
Alien ( rep ) , secretary of state-elect
Humphrey ( rep ) , land commissioner-
elect ; Goudy ( rep ) , state superintend
The papers are to be served at the
homes of each of these candidates and
state thoroughly and fully the cause of
That illegal combinations were or
ganized in the city of Omaha and in
the state , known as the Bankers1 and
Business Men's association and the Per
sonal Rights League , whose object and
purpose was to defeat and deprive
voters of Omaha and the state of the
right to vote freely and fully to defeat
the will of the voters , corrupting voters
and creating wholesale sentiment
against a free and fair election ; the
boycotting and ostracising of those
who were opposed in sentiment to
these societies and the discharge of
employes and threats of boycotting and
discharge of all who opposed them.
That these societies brought into tlnj
state large sums of money for the pu
pose of defeating a free and fair 'ele
tion. That these parties causeij abe
2,800 aliens to be naturalized am"
fees for such naturalization in a
ner that would contribute a bribe. '
That the city council of Omaha
members of this conspiracyand fi
purpose of preventing a legal
tion appointed prejudicial an
persons on the boards of _
and denied representation to other p
That the county commissioners be
came parties to the conspiracy by ap-1
pointing partisan judges and clerks of
election. '
That the postmaster and the common - '
mon carriers of Omaha were in the
conspiracy and refused to deliver innt-1
ter which did not agree with the views'
of the conspirators , and that the press
co-operated by inciting a dangerous
and criminal state of excitement. J
That in certain specified voting precincts - ,
cincts in the city of Omaha the ballot
boxes were not kept in view as re
quired by law while the votes were
being cast and counted.
That in over thirty polling precincts ,
tickets bearing the name of contestant
were taken from the hands of persons
who were distributing them and torn
up , and these men by threats and in
timidation driven from the polls.
That by a corrupt and illegal agree
ment between republicans and demo
crats in the city of Omaha it was ar
ranged that neither democratic nor re
publican tickets should be challenged
if printed in accordance with the views
of the conspirators and that chal
lengers from any other parties should
be prevented from exercising their
That the Omaha conspiracy exists
yet and that threats have been made
to prevent persons from divulging the
fraudulent methods by which the elec
tion was carried.
In addition to these charges of a con
spiracy at Omaha , there are the follow
ing counts :
That tickets were counted for Boyd
which did not have his name on.
At Grand Island illegal registration
challengers arrested and too many
votes cast.
In Red Willow county , voting of
In Box Butte county , illegal votes.
Same in Sarpy and Thursjon.
In Douglas , Lancaster , Saline , Saunders -
-ders , Otoe , Platte and Dodge naturali
zation of foreigners , bribed by pay
ment of their fees.
Charges of the use of pasters , fraud
ulent ballots and fraudulent counts.
That in the Fourth precinct of the
Third ward in Omaha , 150 votes cast
for Powers were not counted.
That Norfolk and Beatrice did not
comply with the registry law.
That in Clatoniaand Sherman town
ships in Gage county too many votes
were cast.
Indian News In Washington.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 24.
Secretary Proctor has received no in
formation from the Indian troubles
other than that already made public.
Beside the Seventh regiment of cavalry ,
which has been started from FortRiley ,
the Sixth regiment , now scattered in
Arizona .ani.New Mexico , has been
ordered assembled and forwarded to
Pine Ridge.
During the day the secretary re
ceived Or telegram from the mayor of
Buffalo , Wyo. , claiming that there was
only a small company of infantry in
that vicinity , and that the frontiers
men were certain that if the In
dians broke away from the reserva
tion that that would be one of the first
points they would make for. He de
manded arms and ammunition or other
protection. The secretary ordered the
matter looked into. The agent at Pine
Ridge , who yesterday requested au
thority to emptoy an additional lot of
Indian police , has been authorized to
employ fifty-five as .scouts for the same
duties , the limit of Indian police hav
ing been reached.
All the troops at Fort Douglas , Utah ,
except one company have received or
ders to hold themselves ready to march
to the scene of the Indian troubles.
, Lord Salisbury has .written a letter
stating that the established church in
Scotland has never before been , in as
jreat danger , since the reformation , as
it ia to-day.
The Assaults of the Jameson and-
Bartcllot Families the CUUMC.
NEW/YouKt Nov. 25.-rA special
from Boston to the Herald says : Mtv
Stanley is so indignant at the persist
ent assaults upon him by the Bartelott
and. Jameson families that ho has resolved - ,
solved to depart from the course which ,
ho laid out and lay bare the dreadful
facts connected with the fate of the
rear guard , demonstrating at the same ,
time the truth of the charge which he.
has'mado that the failure ot the col
umn was due to the indifference of its-
olllcers and to their violation of his.
written instructions. The most recent
charges made are by Mr. Harry Quil-
ter and said to have occasioned much
comment in London , are that Mr.
Stanley broke open the seals of Jame
son's private box , took therefrom his-
private papers and only gave them up
when threatened with a law suit. In
reply to this Mr. Stanley handed me a.
letter which he wrote to Sir Francis.
Dowington from Cairo on March 5 ,
1890 , and which has never before been
published. A copy of it having been ,
made in London has just been sent to-
Mr. Stanley. This letter is very long ,
but.I copy all the important portions ,
which are as i
who told me .
hud gone to
ys' journey ,
received ,
al * ycould on
-should not il
* * " ' EJ " ( * * t H
turn , thojl who cared might use thJJ
trifles in The box , except a packei
of books , -Vcard cases , etc. , jvfa
I covered wVh cloth and askea Mr.
Bonney to aut his seal on it in my
presence , ( 'he reader will recollect
that Jameson's death had occurred on
the day when JJtanley an Bonney met
at Banalaya. ) Nearly a year later we
were at the south end of Lake Victo
ria , when we received newspaper clip
pings mentioning 'that Major Barte-
lotte had written to Sir Francis Dew-
ington in October , 1887. that he was
bound to remain at Lambuya until No
vember : and as Mr. Bonney could give
no reason why he and hisoHicers were
bound to remain I opened Jameson's
diary , which he had sealed , to find
out. It is necuiess to say that we
found no rational reason for anything.
I sealed the diaries as before to deliv
er them to his widow on my arrival ia
London. "
No Penny PoHtase.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. The post
master general does not believe that
penny letter postage will be a fact un
der several years , as there exists a
feeling even among the advocates of
the proposition that the postoflice de
partment should be self-sustaining , and
already there is a regular annual defi
ciency amounting to about $ G , 000,000.
The receipts from letter postage is
about § 38..000,000 a year , and of course
this would be cut in half if penny post
age were adopted. There would be a.
partial recovery of receipts by an in
crease of letter writing , but it is.
thought many years would elapse be
fore half the decre.-ise of § 1' * , 000,000
annually would be returned by the in
crease. There is now sustained by the
department an annual loss of about
$12,000,000 by the cheap transmission
of printed matter , then the dead-head
matter from the federal government
wound amount to $8,000,000 a year.
If paid for these two items alone would
more than make up the loss from the
adoption of panny postage , and yet
their change to any other system would
be unpopular. Congress gives very
stintingly the deficiency which already
accrues , thus showing that the consti
tuency of that body contends that the
service should be self-sustaining. Mr.
Wanamaker has been working for a
year to perfect arrangements with
England , Germany and Franco whereby
there will be seaport offices established
on the inter-ocean ships , that all for
eign mails may be made up similar to
that prepared by domestic postal
clerks , which will enable the postal
authorities at the seaboard to immedi
ately forward all foreign mail as soon
as it is received in this or other coun
tries. He will show in his report that
he has almost perfected these arrange
Experimenting IM iisar.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 25. Prof. Smart
of the Indiana university of agricul
ture is in the city and says the insti
tution over which ho presides is mak
ing practical experiments with sugar-
beets and finds from the analysis al
ready made that the Hoosier produc
tion contains from fifteen eighteen ,
per cent pure sugar. This is consid
erably above the per cent ot sugar-
found in the beet grown in Germany
and France , the greatest beet sugar
producing countries in the world. It
has been , ascertained at the depart
ment of agriculture that these
ments ara being made at the agricuf
cultural colleges in most of the states"
and in nearly every instance they are
giving- satisfactory .results. , jt is be
lieved that should , the , , products ' the
coming satisfactory
there will be scores ol beet.sugar fac
tories established within a vear there