' By F. M. KIMMELL. BLA.INE and reciprocity is the slogan. * NEBRASKA has eighty-nine or ganized counties and one unorganized - ized counfcv Arthur. AN Incima war appears immi- jieut in the northwest. Troops are on the ground in force. brmdie cow s a hard looker , but Lord , what a milker ! Edgar Times. THE McKi-.iiey tariff bill was sentenced and hung by the people and they will now proceed to give it a trial. IT doth now appear that Mr. Omaha , of Boyd , can not read his title clear to the coveted guberna torial chair. " ! N defeat , " says the Tecumseh Chieftain , "L. D. Richards is a greater and more imposing figure than Jas. E. Boyd in victory. " THE players' league has finally gone the way of the grass and the big cities will not try to support two base ball teams , next year. THERE is a probability that the entire state ticket elect will be contested by the independent party- . , THE Gosper County Citizen takes consolation in the fact that the re publican state ticket received a larger vote than either the demo cratic or independent tickets. T. Y. POWDERLY was re.-elected Grand Master Workman of the Knights of Labor at the Denver meeting , this week. At his re quest his salary was reduced from 5 to 3 thousand dollars. THERE is a remarkable iiuani- rnity of expression among the coun try newspapers touching the thin ness at Omaha of the crust sepa rating us from Pluto's dread abode. There is also some solicitude lest Herr Eosewater should drop into an incipient fissure. IT may be true , as Speaker Eeed maintains , that the Republicans would not have been defeated this year if the new tariff law had been passed six months earlier ; and on the other hand there is some rea son , THE TRIBUNE belives , that a more prolonged discussion of cer tain features of that measure would have increased the number of worms in our lettuce. EOSEWATER'S fight is not over. It looks as though a prohibitory law might be passed. Omaha played the traitor toEichards , and republican senators and representa tives have a sharp knife with which to stab the traitors.l Pow ers was sold in Omaha , and the alliance - , liance members are ready to give Omaha an object lesson. Pass the law. York Eepublican. THERE have been only four law yers elected to the legislature in Kansas , this year , and one of them Judge Eeeder of Ellis county is likely to be ousted on a contest , as he has a majority of only two votes , and the Alliance claims that lie secured his election by corrupt means. It will be necessary to draft in a number of farmers to fill out the judiciary committee in the House. THE greatest spectacle Nebraska has ever witnessed is that of Old Democracy , bald-headed , grizzled , toothless , tobacco-stained , and highly perfumed with the ancient odors of rock and " " rye , "shying up" to that gentle , blushing , rustic damsel , Mis Sal Liance. The leery old reprobate really thinks he is making a mash , but Sal knows better , and the public is laughing in its sleeve at so silly an affectation of holy affection. Hub. IN one part of his two column card explaining why he did not support the republican state ticket the editor of the Bee says that "the anti-'monopoly platform was stig matized as a delusion and a snare. " In almost the next paragraph he boasts : "It is true that I framed the greater part of the platform. " If he framed it nobody could be blamed for considering it a delu sion and a snare. It is time for Colonel Eosewater to change the subject. He is giving himself away. State Journal. THOSE who believe most firmly in the agricultural future of the counties in the western part of the state that are JIOAV suffering from the dry season are the people who reside in that very district. They do not want to leave because they are satisfied that if the winter can be weathered through there will be no trouble about good crops and plenty of means in the future. This is the true Nebraska spirit. The drought will never be able to conquer a region filled up with that kind of people. Lincoln Journal. OFFICIOUS correspondents are already sending out over the country stories about the tumble "distress of the farmers of Nebras ka. " That business must be stop ped. There is distress on the frontier , but Nebraska is rich enough and liberal enough to re lieve all suffering without a gen eral call for aid. In fact , begging in any other state for our people will not be permitted under any circumstances. There are seventy - five counties that are able to take care of themselves and the unfor tunate communities on the extreme frontier , and they will do it promptly. Now let that settle it. Lincoln Journal. "I , " said a. L. Laws , "did not seek a renomination. I am not much of a politician , hub I can see some of the plainest signs of the times. Before I am buried I want time to take my boots olF. " Lincoln Herald. LEADING I TAILOR , GgSp'Annouiices the arrival of his fall stock , comprising the latest and most fash ionable goods of the season. His prices are lower than any tailor's in JNIcCook. Don't fail to see his line. McKinleyvsMcKeighan Having recently returned from business visits to Denver and Lincoln , at the request of my many patrons I have decided to re main in McCook until MARCH 1st , 1891 , When i shall go to Lincoln to accept a posi tion in a leading carpet house. In the mean time I am better prepared than ever before to do Ho use Cleaning & Carpet Laying. Leave orders at THE TRIBUNE Office. FRANK HUBER. I take pleasure in announcing to the people of McCook and vicinity that I have received an appointment as sales agent for the old reliable clothing firm of Wanamaker & Brown , of Philadel phia. I can guarantee the same high quality in their goods to-day which has ijiven such excellent satisfaction in the past. Samples may be seen at Menard's store. Prices to suit the lines. J. S. ALLAM , Sales Agent. DRYSDALE THE TAILOR , From New York City , has the most com plete stock of Fall and Winter Goods , for men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from Xew York and Chicago , and as lie buys strictly for cash he can aiford to give you first class Clothing at very reasonable prices. He has guaranteed every garment he has made up in McCook for.nearly six years and has never had a misfit in that time. Call and see him. One door north of the Commercial House. RAINS _ = - Vs.N. . If there's one set of men who appreciate a good itcrproof coat it is the fanner. He knows that a " Fisfi Brand Slicker" costs him less per year than any garment made. Did you know it rains or mows one day in three the whole year through ? A " Fish Brand Slicker" makes every day a pleasant day to its lucky owner. * Go anywhere with it in rain , hail , sleet , snow , or blow , it is wind and water proof. Costs less than rubber , and lasts ten times as long. Rubber is good for show days , but will rip in a week. If you want a coat for hard wear and hard weather , get the. " Fish Brand Slicker. " Every good thing has its imitation , so has the " Fish Brand Slicker. " Look out. Beware - ware oiwonhless imitations , every garment stamped with "Fish Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when you can kave the " Fish Brand Slicker " delivered without extra cost. Par * tkulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER * Boston , Mass. . Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. vs. Compare our prices -with those of the CREDIT STORES around town. $2 SAVED ON EVERY $10 GRAND ISLAND SUGAR 15 Ibs. Granulated for $1 15 Ibs. Light Brown Sugar for 31 14 Ibs. California Dried Grapes $1 22 Ibs. Navy Beans for. . . . . . $1 8 Ibs. J T Plug Tobacco for. . $1 1 Ib. J T Plug Tobacco for. . .35 1 Ib. Target Plug Tobacco for .25 1 can 2-lb. Corn for 10 1 can 3-lb. Tomatoes for 10 BAKING POWDERS. 1 can 16-015. Price's for 40 1 can IG-oz. Royal for 40 6 bars White Russian Soap. . .25 6 bars White Eagle Soap for .25 6 bars Lenox Soap for 25 1 gal. BEST COAL OIL for .20 1 Ib. Kio Coffee for 25 WE SELL EVERY THING CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY. Every thing new and fresh. NO CATCHY prices offered to fool people , , but only a fair profit on all goods. DOLLARS are growing in size each day ; take our advice buy your goods at the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. We save vou from 25 to 33- | per cent over the CREDIT STORES. Cash Bargain House. IS ELECTED AND ILEN& CONTINUE THEIR Great Dry Goods Sale. Enormous reductions in all departments. DRESS GOODS , UNDERWEAR , GLOVES , MITTENS , CANTONFLANNELS FLANNELS , COMFORTS , BLANKETS , AT LESS THAN COST ! CLOAKSL. _ Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS ! AT HALF REGULAR PRICE Men's Suits , , . . . ' „ . _ Men's Overcoats , Boys' Suits , Boys'Overcoats. "We will close out all our Clothing at BELOW COST. Boots and Shoes ! Boots and Shoes ! Prices cut LOWEE THAN EYER BEFORE. Every thing MUST BE SOLD ! Standard Calicos , 5 cts. WORTH Sic. Cash Bargain House. KRISKRINGLE t is a clever , sensible old gentleman , and the public will not be surprised to learn that lie has this early inthe season established his headquarters in McCook for \ the holiday trade. And they will admire his good taste and wisdom in select ing the ELEGANT AND POPULAtt ESTABLISEOrENT OF i , i' * V Jt OF WESTERN NEBRASKA , in which to make his MOST EXTENSIVE , ELABORATE and DAZZLING- DISPLAY. We shall not attempt to give an adequate description of the costly and marvelous array of presents the generous old fellow has placed there and upon which you are invited to feast your eye. It cant be done. But he has dJ ] commissioned Mr. Sutton as his distributing agent , and he wjjl take giei and pleasure in showing you the same , and satisfactioi , nor ifi KRIS is a cash buyer , and I am able to sell low. Will duplicate any eastern prices on any goods. ndersold. Stock of Silverware purchased before passage of Silver Bill. Will sell cheaper than anybody. ea Sets , $10 $ A splendid stock of Sterling Silver. All goods engraved free of charge to our customers. And then in the line of W W n La 9T we are unapproachable. Car rying a stock of Diamond Rings , Diamond Ear Rings , Diamond Scarf Pins , Studs , Lockets , CuffJBottons , Pins , Broaches , Bracelets , Necklaces , Pendants , Hair Ornaments , and an endless variety of every and all articles kept in a Jewelry Store. That the heart desires in the line of JEWELRY that Sutton does not have and what can be more acceptable for a Christmas Gift or a New Year Present than a Diamond Ring , a Watch , Silver Tea Set , or in fact any of the 100 things of beauty and joys forever to be secured at No establishment in Western Nebraska carries one-half the quantity , nor the quality , of C that I now have displayed in my show cases , embracing the best movements , such as the Roekford , Howard , VXfaltham , Columbus , Elgin and Hampden. You can also have a choice of Solid or Filled Gold cases , of which I carry an elegant line , or of a large assort ment of the less expensive silver cases. irn In addition we have anything you want in ENCH CLOCKS , or in the many popular , reliable clocks of home make. All our Goods are of Standard Make and You are Sure of getting THL BEST at HP.SUTTON'S