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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1890)
IJr , M * - . , * . - . * . - , . , VOLUME IX. McG'OOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , NOVEMBER 21,189O. NUMBER 26. We Have the Variety , The Styles , , The Qualities , _ f * i The > .Lowest Prices. .MAID POINTS ! ! * f Evince an intelligent serve them. Our ImmensJ yioek in every Department must be seen to "be "appreciated. Our Prices are .the Lowest in Western Nebraska. These are times when every dollar saved is appreciated. We * iave no old stock to sell you. Noth ing but New , Desirable , Fresh Goods , at prices others ask for inferior goods. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. MeCook , Neb. Oct. 24th. JONAS ENGEL , Manager. Is not of as miicli importance to the people of McCook as is the fact that we are prepar ed to save them Dollars on Merchandise. No matter how low other merchants SAY they wil sell , we have the goods and prices wMch will prove to any qualified judge that we can out-sell them every time Money Talks ! Yoiir money and oiir g'oods make a lively dialogue In addition to our excellent goods and low prices , we offer some special inducements in All Wool Dress Goods Just received , Flan nels , Cotton Flannels , German Knitting1 Yarns , Saxony , Hosiery , and everything in Jry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens away below the usual price. We are here to stay and will save you 20 to 30 per cent , on all bills you buy of us usti. . LAWJUER. * . 4. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. COUNTV CrERK'S OFFICE. * I Indlanola , Neb. , Nov. 13th. 1890. f Board of county commissioners mot pur suant to adjournment. Present , Henry Crab- tree , chairman , Isaiah Dennett and Stephen Holies , commissioners , and Geo. W. Roper , county clerk. On motion the following' claims were audit ed and allowed and clerk directed to draw 'warrants ' on county general fund , levy 1890 , as follows : FEES OF JUDGES AND CLERKS OF ELECTION AND FOB RETURNING POI.Ii BOOKS. John Heal $7.00 James Doyle - . 3.00 A. C. Mann 3.00 James Locker 3.00 .Adolph Ueischick 3.00 John Conner 7.50 Joshua Gerver 3.00 John Gathercolo 3.00 R. A. Green 3.00 A.C.Ellis 3.00 J.E. Kelley 5.00 W.E.Mullen 5.00 T.J. Pate 5.00 C.M.Loper. . . 5.00 0 J.A.Munson 8.20 Wm. Remington 3.00 W. M. Hindman 3.60 W. J. Reeves 3.00 John Wlntgen 3.00 Wm. Hiersekorn 0.80 Wm. Coleman 300 JohnW.Smith 300 Wm. Devlne 7.80 N. A.Friute 3.00 W. M. Rozell 3.CO J. H. Wheeler 6.10 - J. W.Hoppe 3.00 C. C. Rlctiardfl . . 3m J.R.P. Rowe 3.00 A.F. Hardin 3.00 D.A. Waterman 7.40 Frank Pennington 3.00 L.J. Shippee 3.00 Fsmond Day 3.00 M.Bennett 3.00 Wm.Porter 3.00 Jas. A. Robinson ; 3.00 Ed.Ervin 600 James Jones 3.00 James A. Miller 3.00 N. Dutcher 3.00 N. TJhren . 3.00 N. W. Colling- 5.80 Wm.Karp 3.00 Wm.TJerling' 3.00 A. T. King 3.00 Josiah Moore 3.00 Frank King 3.00 Morley Piper. , 3.00 J. A.Pinkerton 6.40 L.R.Andrews 530 Jacob Randel 3.00 Wm.Byfleld 3.CO Clint Black 3.00 HoraceTaylor 3.00 Jesse Smith 3.00 M. M. Weaver 3.00 A. A. Andres 3.00 J. O. Latterly..V 3.00 Henry Naden. . . . \ 6.CO J.A.Schmidt 300 C. G.Hobner. . . . ' . 3.00 R. S. Hileman 3.00 J. P. Squires 3.00 E.F.Duffey 7.00 JohuHummell 6.80 Adam Josselyn 3.00 uN. Walton 3.00 " "H.H.Horton 3.00 Wm. Stuck 3.00 Chas. White 7.CO D.B.Barnes 3.00 John Snodgrass 3.00 - S. R. Seamands 3.00 Ellas Nelson 3.03 J. W.Daniel 3.00 M. S.Pollard 3.00 J. S. Kirkendall 3.00 S.W.Clark 3.00 C. W.Beck..v 5.70 ' Henry Crabtre'e 4.00 G.T. Moore 4.00 A. Goodrich 4.00 A. J. Rand 4.00 F. H. Strout 4.00 W. H. Smith 6.50 A.C. Marsh 3.00 Critzer 3.00 M. U Maxwell 3.00 Chas. W. Roper 3.00 C. F. Woehner , supplies for jail S .90 Duncan Bros. , supplies.Mrs. Armstrong.75 W. A. McCool , distributing poll.books. . . . 5.70 Davis & Jones , medical attend. , F.Brown 10.00 F. & H. L.'Co. , coal for Martha Penner. . . 4.00 State Journal Co. , poll books 18.00 Isaiah Bennett , commissioner 8.50 Henry Crabtree , commissioner 7.20 Stephen Belles , commissioner 8.60 Stephen Belles , attending district court 10 40 Omaha Repub. Co. , poll books , rejected , 14.CO and on the county bridge fund , levy 1890 , as follows : Frees & Hockuell , bridge material 9.50 Huddleston Lumber Co. , bridge material 11.79 On motion board adjourned to meet Decem ber , 5th , 1890. HENRY CRABTREE , Attest Chairman. GEO. W. ROPER , Clerk. Happy Hoosiers. Wm. Timmons. postmaster of Idaville , Ind. , writes : "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined , for that bad feeling arising- from kidney and liver trouble. " John Leslie , farmer and stockman , of same place , says : "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and liver medicine , made me feel like a new man. " J. W. Gardner , hardware merchant , same town , says : "Elec tric Bitters is lust the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he lives or dies ; he found new strength , good appetite and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50 cents a bottle at A. McMillen's drug store. 23-lmo. Worth Knowing. It is not the cough that kills but what it leads to cough , colds and bronchitis are always cured by Humphreys' Specifics Nos. one and seven , being used by thousands with the most triumphant success. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Hall , Cochran& Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent , E. Hall retiring. All persons indebted to said firm will please make immediate settlement by cash or note. E. HAI/L. S. M. COCHKAN , W. T. COLEMAK. McCook , Neb. , Nov. 5,1890. LIST OF LAMP PATENTS. Government land patents as follows are at the McCook IT.-S. land office and may bo secured upon surrender of receiver's receipt properly endorsed : 5310 Adamson , John G 59/3 Miller. Thomas G. 5250 Oallard , John 7508 Mourning , Jas. M. 5253 Billings. Simeon 5090McClellan , Wm. 5215 Blackley , Ed. M. 5216 McNall , Geor eW 5211 Uaker , Doras R. 5195 McRoberts , E. W. 5197 Hlrdweli. U. S. 5189 Maxwell , Alex. 5185 Blanke. John II. 5187 Morrison , J. M. 5180 Hesse , Franz 51U7 Miller. C. D. heirs 5150 Hanks , John 5142 Miller , Aduison 5139 Halley. Theodore 5I09Mcister. M rg. E. 5116 Ilnllcy. Joseph 5817 Northway. Ed. C. 5284 liartlett , Chas. A 5220 Nelson. Harry A. 5208 Uabcock. V. E. 5542 Newklrk. M. E. 5149 Campbell , Ira M. 5689 Oleson , Ellend 5264 Christner. M. M. 5Ki50wincs , D. T.C. 7739 Clemer , Win. E. 5248 Penner , Peter 5114 Doerner , John P. 5106 Pickering , Joseph 5136 Duckworth. Chas. 5293Paxton , Anna M. 5163 Dern. Andrew J. 5390 Peukenpaugb , J L 5242 Dean , Frank L. 5227Phelps. Charles D 5247 Entries , Mortimer 5252 Quaroi. John 5184 Eichman. Jos. H. 5210 Ray. Alonzo 5246 Fowler. Martha S. 5430 Rogers , Win. A. 61 Filipi , Louis 5194 Roe. Bloomfleld 5188 Foley , Frank 5209 Rich. George W. 5232 Graves , William 5255 Sutton , Wm. M. 5183 Graves , George 5237 Smith , Samuel W. 5182 Gray. Clarence D. 7398 Steed , Sarah M. 5228 Geiger , Thomas 5129 Spauldlng. Phil. 5251 Houkouson , Peter 7094 Speer , James W. 5173 Hackcncump , F. 7562 Schultz. Lizzie 5164Hobbs , Perry 11. 5631 Smith , Calvin R. 5134 Hayes , Joseph A. 5225 Sylvester , Ira 5108 Hainm , David 5176 Thompson. Chas. 7357 Henley. Ida Z. 5140Tibbetts. F. E. 5725 Huser , George 5784 Thomas , W. A. 5576 Hoover. C. .1. S715 Talley , Mary E. 5270 Hudelson. N. J. 5193 Winters , A Hie M. 6181InKbran , Wm. 5174 Wagner , Henry N 5115 ICriebel. Isaac 5160 Whitehead. John 5172 Kisseberth. G. 5186 Weller. Hary 5245 Kirkpatrick. Cbas 5113 Waldvogel. M. 5714 Kelly , Hugh > 777 WentB , Henry 5196 Land. George A. 5795 Webb. George D. 5265 Locker , James H. 5243 Wallace. Geo. L. 5498 Loskot , Frank 5250 Yocum , Erven VTETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. " * Divine service at 11 o'clock , A. M. , and 7:30 , P.M. , every Sabbath. Sunday school at 10 o'clock , A. M. , central time. Prayer meet- Ing. Wednesday evenings at 7:30. central time. All persons are cordially invited to these ser vices. P. S. MATHER , Pastor. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK. NEB. , i November 14lh , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler bos filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , January 3d , 1891. viz : JAMES ARNOLD. H. E. No. 5152 for the N. W. J of section 11 , in town. 5 , north of range 29. west of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said and , v z : Samuel Godard , Santford T. Godard. squire W.Godard , of Indianoia. Neb. , and Robert Duncan of Box Elder. Neb. T26 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , November 14th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , December 20th. 1890 , viz : FRANK P. NICHOLSON , one of the heirs of Enoch E. Nicholson , de ceased , for the N. W. j N. W. % and S. VN.W. . } and N. W. J S. W. 34 section 17. township 2. north of range 30 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Archie Speers. James Speeis , Charles S. Ferris. Richard Williams , all of Mc Cook , Neb. i-2Z S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , . October 17th. 1890. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final five-year proof in support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , December 6th , 1890. viz : SARAH A DUNCAN. formerly Sarah A. Burdick , H. E. No. 5041 for the S. Vz N.v. . 14 and W. Yz S. W. Ji of section 10 , in town. 5 , north ot range 29 , west of 6tb P. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Frank Garlick and Philctus.B. Alexander of Box Elder , Neb. , John Harrison of Quick , Neb. , James Arnold ot McCook , Neb. 22 * S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I October 14th. 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the followincr- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pioot in support ot his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , December 1st. 1890. < 'iz : TOBIAS BROWN , H. E No. 4980 , for the N. E. J section 2. town ship 5 , north of range 29. west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Frank Garlick of Quick , Neb. . Robert B. Duncan. Frank Schoonover and Philetus B. Alexander of Box Elder. Neb. ; 21 S. P. HART. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , i October 25th. 1890. I Notice is hereby triven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proot in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday.December 6th. 1890. viz : RICHARD M. WADE. H. E. No. 2919 for the N. E. 4 of section 35 , in town. 2 , north of range 30 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot , said land , viz : Frank Alhreight. Mrs. Lavilla J. Burtless , Joseph A. Brewer , James Cain , all of McCook , Neb. 23H S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , I October 28th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , December 6th. 1890 , viz : HENRY H. ANDERS. H. E. No. 3131 for the S. W. Ji of Sec.31. in town. I. north of range 27. west of6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Ben B. Smiley , William J. Stilge- bouer. George W. Davis and James H. Everist all of Danbury , Neb. S. P. HART. 123 Register. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. STATE OP NEBRASKA. Red Willow County. Notice is herebv given to all persons having claims and demands against Thomas Golfer , late of Red Willow county , deceased , that the time fixed for filing- claims against said estate is on or before the 1st day of June , 1891. All such persons are required to present their claims with the vouchers to the county judge of said county , at his office therein , on or be fore the 1st day of June , 1891 , and all claims so * filed will be heard before the said judge on the 3d day of June , 1891 , atone o'clock , P. M. Dated November lath. 1890. HARLOW W. KEYES , County Judge. 264ts. AH persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. MOSES COI.FEK. Executor. William B. Roberts will take notice that on October 13th , 1890 , S. H. Colvin. a Justice of the Peace of Willow Grove precinct , Red Wil low county , Nebraska , issued an order of at tachment for the sum of $30.00 , in an action pending before him wherein Robert Drysdale is plaintiff and William B.Robertsdefendant. That property of said defendant consisting of wages duo the said defendant by the C. . B. & Q. R. R. Co. has been attached and garnisbecd under said order. Said cose was continued to theSthdayof December. 1890 , atO o'clock , A.M. 23-its. ROBERT DRYSDALE , Plaintiff. J. ALJocK 1 W cLLo , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. . DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. 20 Cent Off RRTISSFTS PARPFTS Ulv U OOJJ/JLO VAfULvl .L/1O FOR THIS'WEEK ONLY , STOCK is tlie most complete and varied of any in this section of tlie country . and my prices are already a way down ; and from tliese excep tionally low prices I will give for THIS WEEK THIB A REDUCTION OF 1 20 What do you think of that ? Now is the time to carpet your house with a handsome BRUSSELS for ALMOST HALE VALUE. if he doesn't keep SAPOLIO in stock. No city store is without it. The great grocers of the country handle no other scouring soap because the best housekeepers will riot use cheap imitations which are liable to do damage far greater than tht .tle saving in cost. If your store keeper does not keep SAPOLIO tell him to wake up. If he offers you something else when you ask for SAPOLIO tell him to be wise and deal in genuine goods. It pays to have the best.