JTaaie of Town and Banker Englewood. . . . W. B. Daggott. Enterprise..G.M. Cnso Erie W. P. Hu/.on M. R. Mudgo " W. TniBlcr. Eureka Edwin Tucker. . . . ' flzbon W. S. Cannn . . . . . r'alrvfow FrcdE. Graham. fall BJver.,8. H. Butler Fort Scott.D. F. Coon. Frankfort..E. T. Peck. " L. V. ilcKco Fredonia M. . Abornathy. . . . * 14 J. D. Allen Fulton F. S. Hall Galena W. E. Btlco Qalra G. W. Hanna. . . . , ' ? .irden aty..VV. 8. Smith " . .Jamas A. Fatton. Csrdner Big-clow & Foster Garfleld A. H. Moffet Garnett .John R. Poster. . . " J. A.Gilmoro Gcylord W. H. Haskell. . . D.L.Hublcr. Gehcsoo..A. 8. Hawley. . . . " J. 8. Gibson Gouda Springs A. T. Ball Glrard. OscarW.Schaeffcr Clasco , .A.C. GIgcr. . Glen Elder. . , .11. G. Heard. Goodland. H. M. Hallcr. " . . . . . .M. B.Tomblln. . . " . . . . . .S. T. Barlow < * eve City. .G. A. Jones " .M. S. Herring1 . . . Oralnflold.1" . .E.M.Prlndlo Great Bend. .Chas.M.Wickwlro r.seeloy . .W. G. Roth. . Grenola. . . . . .P. I. Brown. ' 5resnsburg'.Thos. J. Ross Gypsum. C. H , Williams. . . Haddam Wm. L. Wilson. . . HnIstead..J. H. McNair. . . . . lianovcr. D. C.Taft Harper. L. C. Seuseman. . . " Abncr Bourne. . . larris T. F. McDonald. . . Hartford , Frank Buchcr. . . . Havenavlllo..T. J. lUcliardson. Hays City R. W. Grass. " M. G. Huntington xTerlngton..F. E. Munsell. . . . iilawatha M. S. Sinallcy. . . . Highland Jno. P. Johnson. .1701 * City H. A. Coffin , Jr. . . " F. S. Tedder. . . . . HIllBboro \Vcidlein Holslngton . . .A. S. Cooke Helton J. P. J'oore " J. Q. Myers Hope W. P. Robinson. . Horace A. H. Shaffer. . . . Horton F. M. Wilson " Gco. S. Hovoy. . . Howard S. C. Hanna * * f ± JU S tOjt * Hugo ton J amcs & Trent. . . . Humboldt..GL C. Barber. . . . " . . . .T. W.Phelps Hutchlnson..J. B. Mnckay. . . . " . . .W. T. Atkinson. . . . .F. R. Chrlsman. . . . . -.Edward E.Barton " . . .A. W.McCandless Independence A. C. SUch . ' Inman LconDepp lola L. L. Northrop. . . Jamestown..Ed. Hosteller " . . .F. P. Kellogg. . . . . Jennings. . . . J. H. Krider. Jctmore AW. S. Kenyon. . . Jewell City Newton Krcamer " . . . .Theo."Bartholow. Junction City.C. H. Trott > .Chas. H. Manley. Kansas City..It W. Hilliker. . . . . .A. W.Little. " . .E. L. Browne " . .C.W. Trlckett. . . . Kensington..T. L. Cook iClncald J. M. McCaslln. . . Kingmon Wm. AVenscll " M. W. Chamncss. Chas. W. Wilson. . " John A. Cragun. . Kinsley L. G. Boies " . . . . . . .C. H. Scamans. . . KJrwtn H. A. Royce " H. R. Hull La Crosse B.F.Coughemour " * C. H. Everest. . . . Lttfeln B. B. Bacon Lamborn. Chas. F. Weber. . Larned J. W. Rush * GebrgeW.Hormcll F. J. Mathles. . . . . . . . . . J. M. Lambert. . . . What .effect docs the law have upon-buslncu generally ? No apparent effect. ' It la a benefit. - . , * > Think It hushclpcd , as nearly all old to'pers are making : good living now. > % , - , < V ' ' > > - * Good effect. , - ' , * It Is all right. ' . , * : Good and only good. Good. Business much bettor. Depressing. . , , , . , ' Good. ' Helps it. . Good. ' . ' 4 . ' . * > Draws n better and cleaner class of business men. No bad effect. The effect is good. It cuts quite.u figure as wo are only pevcn miles from .Top- llu , Missouri : trains run every three or four hours. None , unless Itgives us a better class of Individuals to deal with. A salutary effect , affording better security , fewer risks , etc. * Can see no damaging effects. _ . - . None that wo notice. . . Has been a benefit. . ? k Don't think It affects business to speak of. : ; " ' ' ; N - , The effect Is good. . ' "f No particular effect. It Is a detriment. , , . . ' , * . ' < - Favorably. " " _ , < tV , , , None , except drug business. ' None of any consequence' . It hurts our town hero , because the Germans can go to Pitts- burg- , Kansas , and get what thev want and do most of their trading there. * Can't see that It effects it either way. Sco no material change , except It seems to hinder Immigra tion. Think It has helped it as a slate. Beneficial. Prevents open saloons and poverty ; builds up schools and churches. Have not been hero long enough to form an opinion. Good. Cannot say. Think it retards immigration , and shuts out a large amount of capital which would be used in manufacture of liquors A positive depression. Tends to hurt business , from the fact that any one can send and buy the article In other states. Whether dull period is caused by prohibition or not Is a ques tion. It makes business better. Good. The best In the world. Difficult to state. None that we can seo. Think it is detriment al. No effect other than sending money abroad. No effect on volume of business ; probably makes it safer and better calculated. The much ado of evil effects of law upon business , Is sent abroad by the whisky element and Is the rankest sort of delusion. A good effect. Our people are better fed and clothed. S A peed effect. * Good. Certainly no man who has resided in this state can claim his business has been Injured. Business has increased. ' Business Is better. Cannot say , not having lived here when had saloons. Town founded since law went Into effect. Certainly more prosperous than without the law. Excellent. Good. Never hnrl saloons. Presume the business of our druggists would be benefited If money sent to Missouri was expended with them. If any effect , for the better. , f Cannct say that it has any particular effect here. Town laid out since the law was enacted. Can't see thnt it has any. Assume that money formerly spent afsaloonis now expend ed in other ways. To that extent is a benefit to business. None specially. A good effect on the permanent advancement of business. Am not sure but wo do more business , as many German farmers trade here because they can get their beer here , and can't elsewhere about us. " * Cannot answer comparatively. Have not lived here long enough. Decidedly-beneficial. Good effect. Very salutary. Does not increase nor does it decrease legitimate business. [ lard to tell , but surely does not hurt business any. Good. As our law Is not strictly enforced , it is difficult to answer. Think business must be better. Impossible to say that prohibition has any effect either way : have had th rce almost total corn failures in past four years and that has depressed business. Detrimental. ' A good effect. Does not affect the business here. Business has been dull for several years ; some ascribe to prohibition , but I believe there are other reasons. Prevents immigration and Is detrimental to growth of state. Favorably effected. Probably good. With us it drives business to Kansas City. Mo. Situated as we are on state line , many persons go to Kansas City , Mo. , for liquor and while there buy merchandise. Business has increased very largely , but hardly think all the credit should be given to prohibition. Think it helps business. If any , a favorable one. Cannot see that it effects it in any way. Don't think there is any difference.- Great Increase in taxes from so much prosecution. [ No answer. ] Depresses business ; stops immigration. . - Community in a. business way has been healthier. Business Is certainly not affected injuriously. Seems to keep business in an even , steady state , and' makes less credit. Think it tends to stagnate. Business might bo better if we had high license. Favorable effects. Good effect. Cannot see that it has any effect on business as the law is not enforced here. We regard It beneficial. Effect Is good in all branches. Leaves more money to go into legitimate channels of trade. Very generally improved. Not any. . How does l # affect the bunking business ? Docs it ( affect the savings deposits ? No effect that can bo attributed to law. * * i Yes , very materially. Makes it better. Parties have money In bank that before wcro always out of funds. * Can't see much difference. Helps It. Moro sober customers ; less risks. Larger number of small depositors. Yes. Less poor notes. Not at all In either way. / .Good. Made largo saving to people. [ No answer. ] Throws additional safe-guard around the banker. fo effect. 11 classes deposits increased , especially savings de posits. Does not. It enables many to have better credit. Deposits never better than now. Deposits more general. Young men keep bauk ac counts who otherwise would not , and drinking men who could not. Liquor dealers are. not. as a rule , good customers. "Savings bank depositors" thrive bettor. Keeps pouie of our yountr from spending all they make Have no savings bank business. Has been a bank hero only eighteen months. Can't notice any effect. Savings are mostly among poorer classes who do no banking. Could not say. Do not think It does. It loads the country with a lot of cranks who have no money. Believe it effects favorably. No. No. Large demand for small drafts to send to Missouri for liquor. i Do not think it effects , banks. Not perceptibly. Has no effect on it here. Think it is a benefit. Establishes bettor credit and insures prompt pay ment. Increases savings. Same. Good effect. ° j imci as preceding. To no noticeable extent. As It depresses business. It tends to decrease depos its. No , I think not. . Cannot say. --V [ No answer. ] - , . ' , ' ' - . [ No answer. ] In a favorably way. Increases deposits. . , Cannot perceive any effect In either of above cases. It does not affect banking business in any way By sending funds from countv and state that should remain here. Increases our exchange ; only slight effect on savings deposts. Can see no difference in our business. No evil effects whatever. Banking business has increased ; probably duo to gen eral prosperity of country , while/ prohibition has done more than any other one thing. [ No answer. ] Have no savings department. Cannot estimate. Have lor so long a time been with out tho.saloon. As customers keep sob r and attend to their business their paper is met with promptness at maturity. De-posits largely increased. Makes it better ; Incrcaseo deposits. Cannot say. Same reason. Certainly increases our buslnesa. Increases them considerably. Increases deposits. Cannot answer. Increases our deposits [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] Can't see that it docs. Makes collections better and no doubt Increases de posits. . IN one in unis county. Good effect , especially with the savings bank. About the same as other business. We have no sav ings department. [ No answer. ] Favorably. Poor people have more mom v Have no savings bank. ' Does not effect it in any particular way. Country too now for savings deposits in any amount. Increases. Everybody except saloon keepers have more money , therefore helps savings deposits. Not here. - Think it does. Same. Effects deposits of business men , as considerable trqdo drifts to towns where "joints" are in full blast. From a certain class it increases savings deposits. Cannot make comparison , as we have alvras's had prohibition. Was not. In banking buslncsss previous to passage of amendment. No difference. Not perceptibly. Can't tell ; no experience previous to prohibition. We know no difference. Yes , as it does business generally to some extent. Banking business has increased. Savings deposits have Inctcascd. Increases savings deposits. Cannot say. Are no savings accounts kept here. Do not sec that it does. Think not. Little effect either way. I No answer. ] No. . Have no savings bank. Banking business is not dif ferent except some have credit uow who before had none. No savings deposits. Docs not seem to effect bank ing , though we may have less delinquent paper. Keeps out immigration , and sogiv.aus less popula tion. Docs not affect banking here. People have more money to deposit. Favorably. Helps deposits. \ May affect savings deposits some , but otherwise cuts no figure. Yes. Good. Laboring men whoso money went for liquor. now support their families in comfort. Whatever effects generarwelfaro of business , affects banking in like manner. No savings bank. The fewer drinkers we have among our customers , whether depositors or borrowers , the more satisfac tory Is our business. Not &t all ; no. How doe-s It affect merchandising , jjnworlea , dry ' goods , boots aud shoes , etc. Not affected In any degiro. Increases their Merchants get all the money now ; lose less each year. Improves it. Open saloons would damage it materially. Smaller procentuge of lobses. to merchants. Makes trade very much better. Fewer poor accounts. By parties going to larger towns whore liquor can bo obtained. Sell just the Mime. This vicinity has paid It * Indebtedness to all kinds of creditors 50 per cent better than before. Former drunkards are buying goods : md paying for them now. Eveu better for them than the I/anker. / Benefit to merchants. * Largo Increase of cash sales ; accounts paid more prr rnptly. Being near to Joplln they go there to dnnk and buy pome merchandise while there All classes of business are boncflttcd. very mrtterlally. LCPS money goes lor rum , more to the merchant. i Our merchants proforprohlbltlon for business reasons No. Has been bonoflclal to all. Laboring class buy a little more ami pay their bills moro promptly. Should judge for the bettor. Do not thlnK It docs. . - Same as preceding. When other matters are equal Its ofTcnt IP None. Makes It , possible for a lady to do her shopping with out being molested by those who UPO liquor to excess They send their cash to Missouri for liquor and buy groceries on time. [ No answer. ] Can't sec that It afTects business either way. , Makes payments bettor amonsr class who have been in habit of drinking. [ No answer. ] _ Insures promrt pa/incnt in money or securities. Same. Good. Same as pr codintr. Do not. think it affects above. Without the lawo ptrlnsont rules , buptncss would bo much improved. People who deblro to grow grapes fo.- wino arc cut off. | Breweries arc sllut down , thus shutting off part of oar grain market. Hurts the trade to small extent. [ No answer. ] . * The money formerly spent for liquor now goes for necessaries. Favorably ; sales are small but cash is thu poor man's motto. It la presumable that the merchant ( rots his pay , In creased by amount of cash saved from decrease of liquor trafiic. Has no effect on mercantile business. Same as preceding- No material effect. , Probably betiefltted this class of business. Great saving to laboring classes. * Less crndit given and asked for. Think it hits a good effect. Favorably. amc as prcix'dlujr. piPoorer Poorer ulass of pe-oplo can cot credit , and are more ablt > lo pay Men who wore continually asking lor credit have moio ready money with which to mceirthcir bills. Cannot say. Same. Tend ? to increase buMuess. Moieof these goods bought and paid for. TJIOSC who drank pay mote- cash for what they buy. As it is , our money all goe-s to .Missouri , profits aud all. Favorably Whizky takes many a dollar that should go to these respective businesses. [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] ' * Favorably. None. Hasa tendency to increase their business : the cash goes to them and not the saloon. Think If saloons we're closed here , business would go to other towns. [ No answer. ] Advantageously. Less beer and whisky : moro rooncr for bread and clothes. v They get the money that would otherwise go for whisky. Do noc think it has any effect on general business. [ No answer. ] Affects trade favorably. [ No answer. ] Favorably to the amount.formerly spent for liquor Same. a Same. Merchant receives cash , from many , that formerly went to faaloonkeopers. Same. No bad effect on business whatever , but the reverse. Same. In individual cases must help families to greater sav ings and me.-tns of providing necessaries ; but by re ducing number ot families do not believe benefit has bce-n general. Can't tell. Cannot say. The law as it is enforced with us Is a farce. [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] They have more money , consequently trade more. Don't know. Do not see that it affects It In any way. [ No answer. ] Think not. [ No answer. ] Not the life In business there ought to be. Country has been going through a depression when all lines of busiue.-y have suffered. As people save more money with which to buy clothes , trade must feel thu result. Less people in the state , consequently less wealth de veloped and le-ss to purchase goods. Probably , does not affect It It helps all these lines. Mcrchan s generally favor the law. Working men pay grocery bills S etui-day night in-twid of drink ing it up. If the law was enforced as it probably will be now , I think it beneficial to almost any in 'ustry. and will have no bad effect on any class of business. [ No answer. ] All are benefited. Helps all kinds of business. All benefited by men remaining- sober and giving strict attention to business. No change. - - ' a " * * ' * - _ * ' ' llo\v , 11 ttt ail , does it affect fVeuHex'tlous ? Collodions uro good : wr bo- 1'ore thu Iiiw. Wry much be'tlnr. borne that court tint pnyuny- thlug. have , , ald up uli old debt * Helps collections favorably. Favorably Enslor for a man to pay hto debt * wlioii liu does uoi drluk. Moro promptly paid , ' Not at nil. [ N Same answer. Hotter. f Leaves A man In possession of his senses and gives 'him elmucu to meet obligations. Benefit with class who drink. More easily made. Can't see any difference. Evidently makes them bettor. You are saved the four that un less you collect on pay-day , the wagc-worke-r will fool it all away. Strcugtbeus e-ollectlons. None. They are better. lu no way that I can see. For the l. .ator. Do not think It decs. Wo don't have any on people who don't have spunk enough to take : i trios. of beer when they want It. . Make ? them more certain and coblcr to cdlle-ct. > 'ot at all. None at all Have been very close for several years. Yes a Httlo. Don't think it affects them. Not noticed. Itcortainly Is a benefit. Usually collected without ox- poti-uot'Mtlt. Don't know. , ( Jood. j.'lfmk collections are bettor. Docs not. Does not Injure them. None to speak of. Nono. As gO' l if not hotter than be fore the law took effect. [ No answer. ] Collections not affected. In no perceptible degree. In noway at all. By sending our circulating" medium awav Torn home. No ciroe-t Cannot say that It affects them at all. Enables many to save their earnings and thereby- meet their biigatious more prompt ly. ' They arc bettor. For the better. Men pay more-regularly. Uubincssof cut ire community in mo-l healthy condition. Very much. Better. Same. Makc-i collection ? better. At least $ i or 50 per e-eut. Favorably. Don't know. Have no means of answering- telligently. Cannot say , as we were not In this Jiisiiie3 before adoption of law. [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] 15y its benellelal Influence on business generally , and In Im proved habits of particular individuals. None. A good effect. Can't see that it affects them in auy wayNe / [ No auswcr. ] [ No answer. ] Good effect. [ No answer. ] No effect. When we have crops collections are very easy : whcu crops foil thfy : u c hard. [ No answer ] In a general way people are more prosperous and can pay their debts better. None at all. Favorably. Same. Docsnot conduce to better then. Helps collections. Docs not affevt coll"c.ons. Has Improved them. Same. Only by loss of collection ! ojroinsc so ninny more lusti ness houses. [ No answer. ] Collections are harder now than at any other time. * Effect is to deprive cities or revenue , fill jails with violat ors , increase expense of gov ernment aud results in higher taxes. Don't think It affects them atall. i [ No answer. ] Favorably , it atall. [ No answer. ] Has no effect. Don't thinkltaffects collections. Very little touie of our collections are hot ter , as a certain class hove ' something to pay with. Helps collections. Dou't think it affects them. We notice no difference. Easier to collect. . , Favorably. [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] Collections are cacr. The man who docs not spied part of his money for i.ccr and whisky , has more left V pay his debts. Collections are surer against men who are sober. Not any. t