SUPPLEMENT TO TRIBUNE Effect of Prohibition on Business. ' Testimony of 428 Kansas Bankers. Prohibition has greatly promoted the material prosperity of Kansas ; it has strengthened credit ; increased bank deposits and largely augumented the savings of the people ; it has diverted the people's money from the saloon to legitimate channels of trade , and greatly increased the sales I/ of retail merchants' ; it has made collections more prompt and certain ; it has fed the hungry and clothed the ragged. Nameof. Town and Banker ttblleno . . . . . .Thomas Kirby _ " E.D. Humphrey GMLLcbold. . . Admlro. Fremont Miller Alma L. Pulcnsko " J.F. Limerick. . . Almena Geo. II. Jefforay. 1 Alton J. II. Loomls. Altoona D. E. Moroy. B. N. Elchardson. Andalo G. W. Anderson. . Anthony P. Anderson. Arcadia C. O. Anderson. . f Argonla J. J. Pierce Arkulon WmNcumuller. . ArkansasCity.H. P. Farrar " Howard lloss " Geo. W. Cunningham Ashland Gco.ThcIs. Jr . . . . " II. E. Taylor Atchlson Jolm M. Cain . " C.S. Hetheriugtou. . . " E. G.Armsby ' . . Atwood Frank D. Hensloy. . . . Augusta E. II. Grant. Aurora D. H. Atwood Axtell Win. O. Worswick. . . Baldwin H B. Topping ) " J. P. Slaughter J names J. II. Tripp Baxter Spr'gs Ira C. Perkins.- . " E. B. Corse Belle PIamo..C. It Person Bellevlllo A. A. , Stover " Geo. S. Shuonds. " Earnest Davis. . . Belolt 0. J. . Brown " W. S. Search. . Bennington..David BInns. . Blakeman . . . .K. A. Pence. Blue Hound rB. E. Jennings. . .M.O.Dick Blue Kapids..Fred A. Stocks. .1.8. Taber Brewster C. C. Thompson. Brookviilo. .E. C. Knowles. . Buffalo .E A. Kunyan. . . . Burden .P.T.Walton. . . . Burlingame . .A. M. Miner. . . . Burns , , .L W. Daggett. . Burr Oak. . . . .A. A. Johnston. E.P. Hotchbiss I Burrton W.O. VanArsdalo. . . .J. A. Welch. Caldwell E.T.Battin " T.E. Neal " J. W.Nyce ' Canton. . W. O. Gray ' T. T. Godfrey Cawker City..W. A. Bemfrey Ccdarvillo . . . .L. A. Golden Centralia Oscar > 3. Cummings. . A. Oberndorf. Chanuto J. O. Johnston. .R.L. Nay .Virgil Wilson. " M. Bailey. . Chapman A. J. Poor. Chase . H.L.Marshall . Cheney . A. E. Sweet. . . ' . . Cherokee . Geo. W. Pye . Cherryvalo . . .Chas. A. Mitchell . Chetopa . E.W.Clark . Circlevlllo . . . . C. A. Oursler . Clay Centre. . . Wm. "Docking. . . Clifton . C. W.Snyder " . F. B. Garcelon. Oiyde . F. A. Griffin Coffeyvillo..Tbog. Seurr , jr. " Chas. M. Ball Colby. : R.K. Beymer " W.S.Ferguson Columbus Geo. W. Brock " * L. L. Doubleday Colwich B.P. McNair Concordla Wm. M.Peck. . . . " W. W. Bowman. Conway Spr'gsJ. M. Harper * W. E. Atchfson Coolidge Geo. L. Richardson. Corning P. T. Casey Council GroveA. Moser , jr Lewis Mead. nighton Jno. F. Andrews Douglass "W. P.Knoto Downs Geo. E. Cragln " C. J.Sargent. Dorrance H.E.Shater , - 'Dresden Wm. Douglas Dunlap E. D.Bulen Dwight 8.F. Boyd Effinghnm Gilbert Campbell. . . .r. El Dorado W. T. Clancey ' . . . . . .H. H. Gardner 41 N. F. Frazier u F. P. Gillespie Ellinwood D. Bosso Elk City J. W. Berryman. . . . Ellsworth L , W. McLennan W. F. Tompkins Elmdale.-.P. 0. Jeffrey Emporia .m.D. W. Easterman. . . . . Hood What effect does the law have upon business generally ? Don't think it lias any effect. Do not think that it has injured business any. Good. The effect as u whole Is unquestionably beneficial. . Don't know that It affects business any. All that wanted to drink before the law have not changed yet and eo it is about the same as before. Good. Never had an open drinking place in town , and our people have little or no Idea of whethtr a saloon helps to increase business or not. The young are not tempted as strongly as before. t Cannot say , as was not hero during whisky times , but do not care for a change. It has had a good effect on business hero and in the state. . ' Can't see that it hurts our business. If wo had.a saloon hero , money spent there would not go into legitimate channels. I came hero the year the law was enacted and cannot make the comparison. A continued Increase of business under prohibition. Think business in general is bencfltted. Has improved business. Cannot answer this. Depressing many good settlers avoid Kansas. Cannot say positively , but think thut when le s liquor is drank more business Is done and more bills are paid. [ No answer. ] Think it detrimental to business generally. 1 do not think it could materially depress business. A very depressing etlect. Bad ; rents have deprechiteQ fully 23 per cent ; the popula tion of the town less ; the debt greater. I cannot say from experience. Can not so e any difference. Undoubtedly a good one. No harm. Improves business , because it improves the people. ' Has not affected business here ; never had a saloon. No perceptible effect except in general way The rough ele ment is largely wanting and ponce officers have little or no business. It drives trade to border towns of Missouri. Injurious if anything. Business lias been increased. Good effect on nearly all ; bad effect on small criminal daw yers , police courts and saloons. Good. I We think good. None. * Believe it makes our business safer. None whatever. bu inusns sober men will earn more money than drunk men and inurenso production in all trades. Beneficial. Improves all business ; other thtin liquor business. Good. The best pqsslble effect. V Depressing. - < - * * Good effect ? Improves it one-fifth. Beneficial. Of a more substantial nature than formerly. No injurious effect at all ; the reverse in my opinion. * Good. ' t A good effect , as thousands of dollars sire saved and put in business and on the farm that would otherwise bo used for drink. The effect is very good and aggregate business is greatly in creased. , More empty store rooms and less'poverty. It is fully as good , if not better. A bad effect. * A good effect. Makes a better class'of business ; certainly docs not damage any business in our town. Good. " None except in larger towns. Business may or may not bo affected. Depressing , say some ; none , say some. Regard it a financial benefit. ' Business fully as good , if not better. A good effect on every business , except such as thrive on lit igation. ' Good. Business is improved It makes business much more satisfactory. None. Good. Good effect. Good effect on all legitimate business ; business of peace officers , jails , bawdy houses , etc. , has suffered. . Seed effect [ f it has any effect it is toward improvement. Favorable. Bad effect. , Somewhat less business done on account of many trading where liquor can be obtained. Very good. 7rom a business stand , we believe in the prohibitory law. Better. A very good effect. increases taxation , decreases immigration , favorably. Being alone in the center of whisky states , lias a depressing effect , fo answer. Beneficial undoubtedly las a tendency to keep away Germans. fone.-At least not unfavorable. Cannot say. Jood. if any. in favor of law. / Good effect. 9 fo effect. Nothing but good. Property worth twice as muoh as before law. leeps immigration away and by closing breweries and dis tilleries take away from thetoraer a home market. ? an't say. advances it in every respect. Practically none. ! believe bad. Cannot eee anything detrimetal No answer. ] lore money is spent than would be with open saloons as they have to buy in larger quantity. Juts no figure whatever. ) on't Icnow that business has been effected , ncreases volume of legitimate business , tone , except we pay high prices for liquors to resident ? t > f other states. > Jan see no marked effect. : an't ECO anychango. Jerman andJBohemian farmers trade to towns where they can get beer. fo detriment , lelps every business , except liquor businesj. Jood. Good effect. Qow does it affect the banking business ? Does It affect the savings deposits ? Don't think it lias anv effect on business at all. Have no savings banks here. ' Yes. Is beneficial to banking business and materially in creases savings deposits. I think it improves it some ; we sell great many drafts to go out of the btato for'liquor. The came as In other business , the effect is good. I believe debts arc paid better hero than in a drink ing community. Deposits steadily increasing and a better feeling prevails. % Wo think It helps deposits. Was not in bunking business until after the prohibi tion law was emicted. Don't affect it either way. Have no savings bank "here. Cannot say. It makes savings deposits much heavier. A benefit. Improves it ; moro money deposited. Same as last answer. [ No answer. ] Very many people keep an account with a bank now who formerly kept their account with the saloon , only the balance Is on the opposite bide. [ No answer ] Do not think it affects business here place too small. Betterment. Same as other business ; no. , We cannot thrive except in a prosperous community. I rather think it does no IthhTk not. Not having savings bank cannot say. Savings deposits are increased. Our busine--s is improved. Has no noticeable effect , except to keep saloons out. By benefiting the community. Same as a uy other business. No effect. Banking business belter and deposits increased. It increases them. them.w People save their money who formerly spent it for liquor. / . We have more depositors and nearly > 0.ce the depos its of ten years ago , though banbiavo increased more than population. * ? To our knowledge men are safe to loan to now , who previous to amendment had nociedit. [ No answer. ] Same answer. The naturalresult would be to increase deposits. Cannot say. Improves standing and credit of many customers since they have money formerly spent for liquor. Think it does. Increases latter. Takes money out of country. Have been in business biuco prohibition took effect. Favorably. ( No answdr. ] Can't say. Does not affect depouli Can't say it affects our business. Believe we have customers who keep accounts who wculd have none to keep were there saloons here. A peed thing for banking business ; deposits are inuch Increased by it. Very little. The banking business is fully as good , if not better- No. Favorably. Makes a safer banking business and a larger savings deposit. Favorably. No. * None I believe ; no savings deposits here. Does not effect banking business or savings deposits to a notice able degree. Yes ; increases them. People arc able to save more. It helps banking. [ No answer. ] Have been banking onlv three years , BO can't com pare. Can't say , as I was not In business prior to prohib itory law. None. No. Yes , for increase. Unable to say. ' Not in banking business before the 1 law. For the better. It increases savings deposits. ' - s Not noticeably here. Savings deposits slightly bet ter. Good effect ; saves money. x Hurts banking. No effect on savings deposits. Banking business not as good , owingto short crops and more banks. For the better. Deposits better ; notes more promptly Cannot say. Better. Interest 011 notes paid more promptly. Fewer loans. Savings increased. Decreases savings deposits by keeping out Germans and Russians' . Favorably. .Men who spent money for drink , now pay their debts and are number one depositors. Only to much as in sympathy with above. [ No answer. ] Anything affecting business , greatly affects banks. [ No answer. ] . ffp effect. Do not know that it does 4 Cannot say. Think not. NO saloons since bank was organized. Cannot say : have only been in the business since 1883. Don't see any effect on banking. Not at all. No. Parties who drank , now use their money in their tamilics. Cannot see that it docs. Not in the least. It increases savings deposits. New country. No savings deposits. Can't say as any. No effect. No savings deposit. It tends to the saving of money. [ No answer. ] ' J * f * Banking business grows steadily. Can't see that it effects either. Increases deposits to some extent. No. No decided effect. No. No change at all. No. If either , it would help savings deposits. Helps savings deposits. Have no savings deposit. * > Good effect. How docs it affect merchandising , groceries , dry goods , boots and shoes , etc. [ No answer. ] Can't say. It saves money to pay bills. Puts them on a stronger , better basis. Don't think It improves it , if anything state loses too much money direct which it did not before the law. The poorer class are able to buy more goods. Answer to " 1" will apply to this. 4 More cash business Is done. Old topers have money to buy shoes and frocks. It enables those who used liquor before enactment of prohibition law to give much better support to their families In all kinds of merchandise. ' Merchants claim It Is bettor for them under prohibi tion than before. Favorably ; not so many dead beats. Our town was laid out but a few months before the law was pas cd , but It has grown and prospered as iu IIUH.TCUIIHI iiuvu uonu wiin upcu euioons , uuui we now have a population of 4.000 or 5,000. All doing a much bettor business , as cash is being paid for all thc-o articles. It is a cncllt to 1 hose branches of trade. Enables them to come nearer doing a cash bus iness and more of It. Difficult to state. We believe It retards development of the country. Parties get credit now wiio could not before. [ No answer. ] 1 fas no effect. Would think it would Improve all business. By decreasing population , has very seriously injured the retail trade Badly. To no noticeable extent hero. I cannot say. ' I No answer. ] It makes a business on nearer a cash basis and have fewer failures in payment * . Very favorably. [ No answer. ] Beneficial. Trade gets to" Missouri that belongs horo. Do not think it Inis any effect. It has increased business in theao linos. There/are less bad accounts. Don't know. It Improves. In no way except to give persons credit who had no credit before [ No answer , ] Probably nearly as much money spent for liquor hero as with salKiis honw there is little effect on bus iness. It luis the ellY.-ctcrops ( , etc. , considered ) of producing a more he.ilthy business ; more goods sold for ca-h. [ No iinswer.l Improves all lines of legitimate business , by increas ing the demand and dccicosing liability of loss from credit system. Less bid accounts. [ No unswor. ] Sales less. It improves trade. Particularly favorably. [ No answer. ] Them is moie money to spend for necessaries. The law is a great benefit to all trades people. Those who would spend their money for liquor have more money for buying the necessaries of life. Men can get credit who could not were they in towns where liquor is sold. The effect is good ; a most excellent stimulant to bus iness generally when obeyed. It benefit- , . They are better. By causing people to go whore they can get what they , us some towns are more liberal than Others with this question. Favorably. It makes this class of business better ; more money to buy goods. Favorably. [ No answer. ] Just as many of such goods arc necessarily purchased now as beloro prohibition. Depressing , say some ; none , say some. Merchants 9 sell more goods. People are better clad ; .predit better. It helps them all. Improves all kinds of business. Can now sell , with some assurance of collecting , to same ones it would not do to credit while .wo had saloons. Improves business. None. . Merchants say bills are paid more promptly. * [ No answer. ] f X Trade is better. Money that would go for liquor is spent in necessaries It tends to improve all general business. Leaves more money for necessities. Bad effect. Merchants claim increased sales. Sales are much better now. Merchandising is better. Majtes better credit. All merchandising is increased by the law. Indirectly has depressing effect on general merchan dising. Makes more liberal purchasers. Grain should be more extensively used hero [ No answer. ] Certainly of direct benefit to these. Dent know. No effect. Increases the en.les. [ No answer. ] Merchants in business prior to law , eay theyhave less trouble tlfaii before. Makes merchandize more sure ; bills paid more promptly. No effect. More goods sold and paid for. Not at all. Can't say. They can collect all thenbills. . Not at all FNo answer. ] If it has any effect It can only be for Its good. Cannot'saj' . [ No answer. ] Think it has not much bearingintheso lines. Can't tell. " Favorably. [ No answer. ] [ No answer. ] Don't know. No effect. It helps business of all kinds. Men are now paying grocery and other bills , who had not paid for years. Favorably , Ken pay who did not when thay wore drinklny. How , if at all , docs It affect collections ? It don't affect thorn. Cannot see any difference. Favorably. They are far hotter and II strengthens credit. Whlsjcy collections are generally promptly paid. Wo have not noticed any differ * once in this lino. Answer to " 1" will apply td this , Can pay better. Do not think it any detriment. I am satisfied that collections can bo moro cosily inudo. Favorably. [ No answer. ] Makes them better. Think it doe1 * not affect thorn. Moro prompt. Collections are good. [ No answer. ] Collections can bo depended on to a greater extent. [ No answer. ] [ Ni answer. ] Loaves more to pny with. Making them slower. I No answer. ] Havono moans of knowing , nos having been In the buslnoat previous to pasaagaof law. Collections are hard at present , but on account of short crops. Are better paid. Collections uro easier. Collections are better. [ No answer. ] None. Can sco no effect. No effect. They are better , all things bo- lug equal. Can't say. Has a good effect generally. Helps them. . * $ No material change. [ No answer. ] Not perceptibly. You can collect a debt from a Foberman much easier than from a drunk man. [ r o answer. ] Answered In two preceding. [ No answer. ] Collections moro easily made under this law. [ No answer. ] Makes i hem better. Favorably from a drinking class. [ No answcr.l [ No answer. ] We feel more certain of making collections in a sobercomrnuu- ity. Not at all. Collections are much moro cosily made among wage-earners. Could not do other than affect col'octions favorably. None. They are fully as good now. Does not affect them here. Good. Better class of people ; better collections. Favorably. [ No answer. ] I believe none. Ditto. Collections are moro easily made. Collections are better. It betters them. [ No answer. ] Collections uro bettor. [ No answer. ] Nose. Favorably. [ No answer. ] Decidedly better among the class of limite.I meant. Makes collections better. Kffect notnoticcablo. Helps collections' . Can't ser much difference. Not much change ; think collec tions would be less without prohibition * More promptly paid. - ' lore easily made. Makes tnem better. Makes collections better. No material effect. Favorably. Only as affected by abonre condi tions. [ No answer. ] Money not spent for whisky is spent for provisions and to- pay debts. [ No answer. ] None. Collections are better. Can make better collections. Don't know. Makes collections easier and better. No effect. Parties pay who never did be fore. Not at all Not in the least. Makes them better. Not at all. Only affected lq crops. [ No answer. ] Does'nt enter into it at all. Cannot say. Liquor debt cannot bo collected. No difference. Not at all. Certainly not adversely. [ No answer. ] No effect. f See no change. None. Debts better paid. Favorably. . Favorably. ( No answer. )