Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1890)
VOLUME IX. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , OCTOBER 31 , 189O. NUMBER 23. We Have the Variety , The Styles , The Qualities , The Lowest Prices. THESE ARE THE MAK POIDTS ! ! Nothing else can convince an intelligent public of your ability to serve them. Our Immense Stock in every Department must be seen to be appreciated. Our Prices are the Lowest in Western Nebraska. f . These are times when every dollar saved is appreciated. f * \Ve nave no old stock to sell you. Noth ing but New , Desirable , Fresh Goods , at prices others ask for inferior goods. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. MeCook , Neb. Oct. 24th. JONAS ENGEL , Manager , Is not of as much importance to the people of McCook as is the fact that we are prepar ed to save them Dollars on Merchandise. No matter how low other merchants SAY they will sell , we have the goods and prices which will prove to any qualified judge that we can out-sell them every time Money Talks I Yonr money and our goods make a lively dialogue. - In addition to our excellent goods ajKllow prices , we offer some special inducements in All Wool Dress Goodsjust receivedFlan nels , Cotton Flannels , German Knitting YarnSj Saxony , Hosiery , and everything in Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens away below the usual price. We are here to stay and will save you 20 to 30 per cent , on all bills you buy of. us. TO THE PEOPLE. Final Appeal 01 the Prohibition State Central Committee. CITIZENS OF NKHUASKA : These tow last words of warning and encouragement arc ad dressed to every patriotic home builder and bread winner in our beloved state. The Amend ment campaign culminates in the final battle on the 4th day of November. That one day will practically settle for years , so far as our state is concerned , whether the drink truffle shall be outlawed , or whether it shall he given the sanction of our citizens , who have witness ed its awful career of crime in state and na tion. BRIEFLY REVIEWED. The agents of the brewers , distillers and saloonkeepers oon-keepers have conducted a campaign re plete with audacious falsehood and malignant slander. Such disreputable methods to deceive the people were never before employed In the h istory of Nebraska. Claiming to represent the business interests and moral welfare of the state , the desperate tools of the consolidated liquor power have boycotted , bulldozed and corrupted every man weak enough to be influenced by their bravado or deluded by their lyiuir sophistry. ONE GREAT FACT. Lot this onegreat fact be made plain to every citizen of Nebraska. The National Liquor League , the wealthy brewers of Milwaukee , the millionaire distillers of Peoria and every whiskey corporation in Nebraska with every saloon-keeper and that saloon's letinuo of thieves , thugs and moral lepers , all these are united in a struggle for life , with those repre senting the higher intelligence , the nobler manhood , the social , moral and political wel fare of our grandercivilization. HOW TO DEFEAT THESE FOES OF OUR STATE. Organize an Amendment Committee in every voting precinct. Pledge from five to fifty workers to give the entire day , November4tb , to this all important work. Abandon the work of your farms , offices , stores and shops for this one day. in the interests of the homes of Neb raska. See that plenty of tickets are sent to every precinct in good time for use , and keep close watch for fraudulent and defective ballots which will be circulated by the enemy. Spot every hired poll worker of the saloon side and detail shrewd men to head off their tricks and break down their influence. Bo on your guard against all manner of fraud , de ception and illegal voting and STAY TO WITNESS THE COUNT. The law provides that the canvass of ballots shall be public. Have at least two witnesses o the canvass of ballots at every polling place and report the result to headquarters at Lin coln as soon as it is known. REUEUBER THIS. Do not get tired on the afternoon of election day. fight every inch , every hour , every minute till the last vote is cast. It requires a majority of all votes cast to carry the Amend ment. That majority is in sight ; but negli gence or over-confidence will bring defeat. It was Napoleon's maxim never to despise or umler-estimnte the strength of the enemy. Remember that a ballot cast blank operates the same as though cast against the Amendment. TO VOTE FOR THE PROHIBITORY AMENDMENT see that your ballots contain either written or printed , or partly written and partly print ed , these words : "For proposed Amendment to the Constitu tion , prohibiting the manulacturc , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. " See also tnat these words appear on your ballot as avote : AGAINST THE LICENSE AMENDMENT. Be sure and cast this also : "Against said proposed Amendment to the Constitution that the manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage shall be licensed and regulated by law. " Only a few days remain in which to do all that can be done to insure a victory over the saloon. Believing that you will vigorously and successfully press the battle to its close. we remain Yours for the home , A. ROBERTS , C. E. BENTLEY , Secretary. Chairman. STATE CONVENTION OF Y. M. C. A. The Eleventh Annual State Convention of the Young : Men's Christian Associations of Nebraska , will be held in Grand Island , Nov ember 13-10. These conventions have become the most important gatherings held in the state , in the interest of young men. Special arrangements have been made this year to make this the most successful convention ever held In the state. It is expected that delegates will be present from every association in the state , and a cordial invitation is extended to Chris tian young men from towns where there are no associations. The following prominent workers from abroad will be present : C. K. Ober , Interna tional Secretary. New York City : C. L. Gates , International Railroad Secretary. New York City ; I. E. Brown , State Secretary , Illinois ; Geo. S. Fisher , State Secretary , Kansas ; T. C. Horton , General Secretary. St. Paul , Minn. Special arrangements have been made for the ginpiiiff which will be in charge of P. H.Jacobs and wife , of Missouri. A rate of one and one-third fare , rouud trip lias been granted by all the roads in the state. The Grand Island Association will entertain all regular accredited delegates. Those who plan to attend the convention should send In : heir names at once to E. E. Cole , chairman Entertainment Committee Y. M. C. A. , Grand Island , Neb. Among the Topics to be cpnsidered , will be "Revivals of Religion among Young Men. " Systematic Giving. " "Foreign Work. " "Boys- Work. " "Associatien Bible Classes. " "Col- ege Work. " "Work in Small Towns. " "Hail- road Work. " Seven Parlor Converences will be held on Friday after-noon from 4 to 7 o'clock , as fol- ows : College Students , Railroad Men , Com mercial Travelers , Boys' Branches , Presidents and Directors , Committeemen , Small Towns. Special arrangements have been made for the consideration of "Work in Towns without Associations" and young men from these places are specially invited. Credentials should be signed by the Pastor of the Church to which the delegate belongs. Credentials must be presented to the Creden tial Committee upon their arrival at Grand Island to secure entertainment. The Creden tial committee will be In session at the Asso ciation rooms after 3 P. M. Thursday. This convention is called for the purpose of earnest work and it is hoped that all the dele gates will come in a prayerful spirit. Further information can be bad by address- ng AUGESTUS NASH , State Secretary , Omaha , Nebraska. The Latest and Best Cyclopedia. The twentv-fourth volume ' of ALOKN'S MAN IFOLD CYCLOPEDIA has been issued. Though conducted In a quiet manner , this Cyclopedia is one of the great literary undertakings of the time. Something of Its magnitude maybe bo seen by the fact that the closing topic of the present volume is Montem. Sixteen more volumes will be required to complete the alphabet , all of which arc promised within the year 1891. In the present volume , flvo states are treated ; Michigan is giver over 10 pages : Minnesota , about 13 pages : Mississippi , about 9 pages , Missouri , 12 pages ; and Montana * . 10 pages. Mexico is also treated at length. Among the cities described are Memphis. Tenn. . and the historic MotnphisofEgyptMer- iden. Mexico , Milan , Milwaukee. Minneapolis , and Mobile. There are biographies of Mend elssohn and Meyerbeer , celebrated musicians ; Michelangelo , artist ; John Stewart Mill , polit ical economist and philosopher ; Hugh Miller , Christian geologist ; Milman , the historian ; Milton , the poet : O. M. Mitchell and Maria Mitchell , astronomers : Moliere. French poet and dramatistMommsen ; , the historian ; Jamcs Monroe , President of the United States ; and Monteflore , the renowned Jewish philanthrop ist. Among the important topics in other lines are Meteorology , Methodist Episcopal Church , Miasma , Michigan University , Micro scope , Mind , Mining , Miracle. Missions. Mo. hammedanism , and money. There are , or course , multitudes of others of perhaps equal interest. The matter is well brought down to date , and the illustrations are numerous and helpful. Paper , printing , and binding arc good , and the prices , 75 cents a volume for cloth binding. fl.OO for half-Morocco , with easy installment terms , place it within easy reach. Specimen pages mailed on request. JOHN B. ALDEN , Publisher. New York.Chicago and Atlanta. LIST OF LAND PATENTS. Government land patents as follows are at the McCook land office and may be secured upon surrender of receiver's receipt properly endorsed : 3733 Andrews. Chas. A 4262 Humphrey. C. L. 2310 Andrews. John C 3887 LiggPtt. Julia E. 3907 3592 Landmark. C. T. 3845 Blake. John H. 2970 Lippincott. J. J. 3627 Bashford. Geo. H. 3526 Marr. Sarah J. 3G07Burcb. Benjamin 3693 Markward , Chas. 3239 Brockbatn , F. A. 3709 Mortimore. Mary 1474 Bosworth , A. S. 3759 Melton. Nathan G 1276 Bolles. Lewis R. 3911 Mahana. Geo. B. 3954 Caldon , Ella 3918 McKinzle. Edw.K 3637 Corey. Herbert L. 3585 Northcngale , C. 3403 Conner , Stillwell 4255 Nicholas , GPO.V. . 1572 Connoly. Pat. N. 1738 Olson. Herman 3823 Diekamp , Frank 3854 Powell , Marion 3472 Davis. Baxter 590 Post. Lorenzo 2024 Dyer , Henry C. 3295 Rood , Warren D. 3394 Guinn , Daniel T. 3205 Rosenberger , C. 3291 Gerver. Wm. H. 3678 Stroun. Georirfi 310G Goodenberger , J. 985 Vernaglo. D. 2325 Glandon. Virdin J 3603 Vanderford. M. E. 17GO Hawkins. Alva W 3907 Van Boskirk , H.C. 2939 Hitchcock. Geo.L. 3218 Voges. Henry 3574 Hackney. Susan 47 Vincent , Samuel 3o84Hunt. William T. 3525 Wierman , N. A. 3643 Hamm. AndrowH 3290 Wilhm. Bernard 3997 Ilartnett. Tim. 132 Wheeler. Wallace Union Prayer Services. "How are the mighty fallen ? " By RUM , WHISKEY and GIX I Therefore as clnisthm people , believing in the promise of God ( that " % yhere two or three afjiee touching one thing , and ask-it in my name it shall be granted unto you" ) we have resolved to hold a union prayer service on November 4th , at theM. E. church : services in the morning from 9 to 10 o'clock , and from 2:30 to 3:30 in the afternoon. All Christian people who be lieve in the efficacy of prayer and are in favor of this Prohibition Amendment aie earnest ly requested to meet with us , that our united prayer may ascend to the tin one of grace in behalf of the WEAK , the TRIED and the TEMPTED. We would especialy appeal to the wives and motheis of this precinct , when your husbands and sons leave your side , to cast their votes at the polls , wijl you come to the house of prayer and join with us in en treating the Lord to guide their BALLOTS for "GOD , HOME and NATIVE LAND. " James Laird. A. S. Yetter & Sons of Hastings , Neb. , have on hand a limited number of lithograph ed portraits of the late Congressman Laird. The portrait is after a photograph taken by Krady of New York City about a year before Mr. Laird's death and is an excellent likeness. For $1.00 Yetter & Sons will send you a pic ture elegantly framed , or for 25 cents with out frame. You should get one at once as they are going fast. Read This. When suffering from Malaria or Bilious Fever , don't wreck your general health with quinine or othernauseous drugs. Humphrey's Specifics Nos. 10 and 16 effect a speedy and permanent cure. DRYSDALE -THE- TAIL From New York City , has the most com plete stock of Fall and Winter Goods , for men's wear , between Lincoln and Denver. His store is just replete with the latest nov elties from New York and Chicago , and as he buys strictly for cash he can afford to give you first class Clothing at very reasonable prices. He has guaranteed every garment he has made up iu McCook for nearly six years and has never had a misfit in that time. Call and see him. One door north of the Commercial House. . McKEiGHAN lias not only been suspended from the GA. . E. but he was "dropped" last January , and lie cannot now join auywliere without the consent of Garfield Post No. 80. G. A. E. Red Cloud Republican. HON. N. Y. HARLAN merits your vote. McKeighan has no valid claim on a self-respecting citizen of Eed "Willow countv. HON. L. D. RICHARDS -worthy of your suffrage. Vote the straight republican ticket. Children Cry | or Pitcher's Castoria. J. ALBERT WELLS , DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. LANKETS ! LANKETS ! BIG BARGAINS IN RT ANKFTSI JLJ JL / ; ! \l ; JlVjJL , JL OI For this WEEK ONLY. -PAIRS OF- FOR .20. CHEAP AT SI.50. -BIG- RRDUQTIONB -IN ALL- o a e J. ALBERT WELLS t - * DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. WATERPROOF COLLAR OR THAT CAN BE RELIED ON BE UP NTot to TO THE MARK "to Plsooloayg BEARS THIS MARK. NEEDS NO LAUNDERING. CAN BE WIPED CLEAN IN A MOMENT. THE ONLY LINEN-LINED WATERPROOF COLLAR IN THE MARKET.