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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1890)
We Have the Variety , The Styles , The Qualities , % ' , * The Lowest Prices. ? THESE ABE THE MAIE POIETS ! ! Nothing else can convince an intelligent public of your ability to serve them. . Our Immense Stock in every Department must be seen to be appreciated. Our Prices are the Lowest in Western Nebraska. These are times when every dollar saved is appreciated. We nave no old stock to sell you. Noth ing but New , Desirable , Fresh Goods , at prices . others ask for inferior goods. STRICTLY ONE PRICE. JONAS ENGEL , MeCook , Neb. Oct. 24th. Manager , THR ; Is not of as much importance to the people of McCook as is the fact that we are prepar ed to save them Dollars on Merchandise. No matter how low other merchants SAY they will sell , we have the goods and prices which will prove to any qualified judge that we can out-sell them every time Money Talks ! Your money and our goods make a lively dialogue. In addition to our excellent goods and low prices , we offer some special inducements in All Wool Dress Goodsjust receivedFlan nels , Cotton Flannels , German Knitting Yarns , Saxony , Hosiery , and everything in Dry Goods , Clothing , Boots and Shoes , Hats and Caps , Gloves and Mittens away below the usual price. We are here to stay and will save you 20 to 30 per cent , on all bills you buy of us. HOW THEY BEG. Special to THE MCCOOK TIUBUNE. LINCOLN , NEK. , Oct. 21. William A. Pax ton has sent out from headquarters of the rotten concern in Omaha known as the "State liankcrs and Business Men's Association" an appeal that is really piteous in its abject mendicancy. Mr. Paxton admits that the liquor men have made si canvass of the state and that "the Amendment can only be de feated by an earnest , united and persistent effoit , intelligently directed , and backed by the names and money of the business men of the state , and of : those living outside who have material interest , real or personal , therein. " Mr. Paxton then oes on in his letter to generously announce that the outfit which he represents , with Eosewater as the , chairman of its executive committee , has taken liberty to bejj of the party addressed § 50 , "as a do nation to assist this committee in its efforts to avert the approaching calamity , " etc. In addition to this agonizing cry for boodle , cer tain bankers of Omaha , whose banksare made depositories for saloon , distillery and gam bling funds , are going from one business firm to another and making their piratical levies of from 510 toSoO to put into the great boodle lund of these corrupt agents of the Liquor Crime. BANKEUS OUTSIDE OF OMAHA. Our readers will remember that some time ago L. C. Humphrey , cashier of the Nebras ka Savings & Commercial Banks of Lincoln , wrote to the bankers of the state to learn their position on the prohibition issue. The resultsof this canvass have not heretofore ap peared in these columns. October 10th , the following letter was sent to many bankers throughout the state : LINCOLN , NEB. , Oct. 2,1890. DEAR Sin : In your answer to my letter re questing the poll of your bank ou the prohibi tion Issue you used the language given below. I believe that good will result from the pub lication of a letter made up of the many short comments I have.received , but as these com munications were sent mo in confidence , I do not feel at liberty to use them without your consent. Will you please advise me by early mail whether I may publish this in such an article , in connection with your name ? Yours for the Amendment , L. C. HUMPHREY. As a result of tbis letter the following com ments are published by the consent of the persons who wrote them. Many more could be given , but these samples will suffice. Fullerton We are with you emphatically , with a big "E. " P. M. LEGBANQE , Cashier Citizens Bank. Red Cloud We aresolid for the Amendment. it. r. Cashier Bed Cloud National sank. Arapahoe Give us Prohibition. w. j. GREGORY , Cashier First National sank. Creighton J agree with you in what you say in your letter of Aug. 10. ItOBERT AI. PEYTON , . State Bank of Creighton. Beaver City We take no stock in Bosewater , Boggen and Bum. G. H. JONES , Cashier Commercial Banking Co. Filley Am glad of an opportunity to show our standing on the Amendment. I am for it. G. E. MOORE , Cashier Uauk of Filley. Imperial All for the Amendment , from stockholders of Bank of Imperial. F. TnuKESSON , Cashier. Beynolds All connected with this bank will vote to squelch the blasted whiskey crime and don't you forget it. JOE SAUNDERS , Pres't Bank of Beynolds. Edgar The drink tariff and saloon is the enemy of every legitimate business. EZRA E. HOWARD , Cashier State Bank of Edgar. Alliance We have no use for the saloon. We consider it a disgrace to American intelli gence and civilization. W. H. AXTELL , Cashier Box. Butte Banking Co. Ansley This county , in my opinion , will give a majority for the Amendment. PETER FOWLIE. Cashier Bank of Ansley. Central City We are for the Amendment first , last and all the time. S. B. STERRETT , Cashier Platte Valley Bank. Decatur We endorse the sentiments of your letter to a fraction. The position taken by the Business Men and Bankers' Association is pre posterous and without foundation in truth. E. D. CANFIELD , Cashier Bank of Decatur. Elgin We are solid for the Amendment. GEO. N. SEYMOUR , Cashier Elgin State Bank. Baymond I think nearly every business man here will vote for the Amendment. B. E. BEGAN , Pres. Baymond. Kearney y/ours of Aug. 10th received. Nearly all the officers and stockholders of this bank are in favor of the Prohibitory Amend ment. Wo believe that deposits in the bank will increase in proportion as the deposits in the saloon decrease. JOHN BAND , Cashier Commercial & Savings Bank. North send I can only answer for myself and clerk , who are for the Amendment , other officers are not residents. C. CUSACK , Cashier First National sank. Loomis We ore solid for the Amendment. F. W. KIPMNQER , Cashier Loomls State Bank. Odell No one in this bank against the Amendment and we will not have any such officers or employees. F. B. JOY , Pres. Bank of Odell. Clay Centre Myself and assistant cashier are all who are within reach to obtain an ex pression of views. We heartily concurin what you say in your circular.HORACE HORACE N. JONES , Cashier State Commercial Bank. Tobias If the salooon will improve the mor als of our country we are for it. If not , wo are against it. We are not on the fence , but for good always. We cannot afford to sell our manhood to saloons'for boodle. STANLBY LARSON , Cashier People's Bank. Eising Clty-Thls bank is solid for the Amend ment. W. A. Baldwin , Cashier Commercial Bank. Aurora I endorse every word you say in your circular letter. J.T ? . Houseman , Cashier First National Bank. Fafrfleld Von can count the entire force o this bank for the Amendment. IraTJtue. Cashier First National itaitk. Utlca All for the Prohibitory Amendment except one. F. .1. Bryant. Cashier Utlca iiank. Genoa Our bank stands solid for the Amendment , president , vice president , cnsli ier. assistant cashier and three stockholder.- ? all for the Amendment. S. H. Anderson , Pres. Genoa State Bunk. MOKE CKXSUS KKAUDS. Investigation into the census returns of Lincoln show that outrageous fraud hasbeei perpetrated here. The first ward of Lincoli was reported by the unscrupulous enumera tors under Tom Cook as containing a popu lation of 8,879. Careful estimates made bj special enumerators who iiavo gone over the ward , block by block , show an actual popu lation of only 2,979. Several other wards aie probably padded in the same outrageous way. What the friends ot the liquor traffic would not stoop to the Devil himself would blush to undertake. PREMIUMS AWARDED AT THE FAIR. ( Continued. ) CLASS 10 Needlework. Plain Sewing done by hand 1st. Orra Card 2nd , Mrs. Corey Handmade coarse shirt , 1st , EmmaC. Simpson Pair of pants made by lady , 1st , Lizzie Gerins M. Mrs. C. Collins Specimen stocking darning 3d. Mrs. C. Collins Best made lady's calico dress , 1st , E.C.Simpson 2nd , Orra Curd. Bestsllkquilt 1st , Bess Barton. Best worsted quilt 1st , Mrs. C. M. Bussull. Best cotton quill , 1st & 2d. Mrs. C. M. Bussell. Crochet. couuternane.lst.Mrs. H. A.Barnhart. Handmade muslin skirt..1st , Mrs. A. Babcock. Best knit. pr. wool hose. 2d. Mrs. Stilgebouer. Best knit. pr. wool mittens , 1st , F. E. Thomas. 2d , Mra.Marv Clouse. Best linen lace lst&2d. Mrs. A. Babcock. Best cotton lace 1st , Pearly Brown. 2d , Mrs. Anna iturbridgu. Fancy work basket 1st , Mrs. C. S. Quick. 2d , Mrs. W.H.Powell. Infant basket 2d , Mrs. Marion Powell Pincushion Ist.Mrs. W.V.Vickrey. 2d , Mrs. C. M. Bussell. Fancy lamp mat 2nd , Mrs. H. A. Barubart. Hand embroidered child's worsted dress , 1st , Mrs. H. W. Powell : 2d , Mrs. C. M. Bussell. Drawn hem. child's dress , 1st , Mrs. M. Powell. Child's emb'd flann'l sk't , Ist.Mrs. T.D.Vickrey. 2d , Ladies' Aid Society. Cong , church of Ind. Needlebook 1st , Mrs. C. M. Bussell. 2d , Mrs. S. W. Stilgebouer. Crotcheted tidy 1st & 2d , Mrs. A. Uabcock. Drawn tidy 2d , Mrs. Marion Powell. Ornamental tidy 1st , Maud Beardslee. 2d , Mrs. W. C. Lathrop. Drawn hem. handkerchief..1st , GraceStrout. 2d , Maud Beardslee. Fancy linen or cam. apron..1st. Mrs. Babcock. 2dMrs. O.Collins. Pr. dw'n w'k pillow shams lat , Mrs.M.Powell. P'r outl'd pillowsh'ms , 1st , Mrs.T. D. VIckrey. P'r einb'd pillowshams , 1st , Mrs. T. D. Vickrey. Drw'n work dresser scarf , 1st , Mrs. M. Powell. 2d , Mrs. W. C. Lathrop. Fancy table scarf Ist.Mrs. C. L. Knowles. 2d , Mrs. D. L. Sprecher. Fancy tray cloth Ist.Mrs. W.C.Lathrop. 2d. Mrs. W. H. Powell. Crochet hood or fascinator , 1st , Mrs. Sprecher. 2d , Mrs. T. D. Vickrey. Splasher 1st , Mrs. M. Powell. Fancy rug 1st , Nettie McCool. 2d. Mrs. H. A. Barnhart. Bag carpet 1st , Mrs. S.F. Phillips. 2d , Mrs. S. W. Stilgebouer. Lady's crochet wool skirt , 1st , Mrs. Sprecher. Child's crochet wool skirt , 2d , 5Irs. Sprecher. Stocking bag , 1st & 2d. Ladies' Aid Society of Congregational church of Indianola. Home made hammock , 1st..EdgarBlackfan. LOT 3. GIRLS' DEPARTMENT. Loaf of yeast bread 1st , May Powell. 2d , Boxy Biown. Gold cake , 1st , Mate Corey. 2d , Boxy Brown. Silver cake , 1st , Mate Corey , 2d , May Powell. Felly cake. 1st , Boxy Brown , 2d , May Powell. . .oaf cake 1st , May Powell. j'ruit cake. 1st , May Powell , 2d , Boxy Brown. Singer cake. 1st , Boxy Brown , 2d , May Powell. Jookies , lstRoxy Brown , 2d , Lulu Stilgebouer. Mince pie 1st , May Powell. Apple pie 1st. May Powell. Pumpkin pie 1st , May Powell. Jest made fine chemise 1st , MableHess. Jest made calico dress 2d , Mate Corey. Sample patch work 1st , Lulu Stilgebouer. 2d , Mate Corey. Sample crochet work 1st , Mate Corey. 2d , Lulu Stilgebouer. _ , amp mat , 1st , Nettie McCool. 2d , Mabel Hess. Pincushion 1st , Mate Corey. CLASS 11 Green Fruits. Specimen apples 1st , S. W. Stilgebouer. CLASS 12 Dairy , Culinary , Preserves , Etc. ? reshbutter 1st , Mrs.C. W.Dow. Cheese made in county 1st. T. M. Sexton. White wheat flour 1st , B. B. Duckworth. Spring wheat flour 1st , B. B. Duckworth. Hop yeast bread 1st , Lizzie Gerius. 2d , Mrs.V. . V. Vickrey. Graham bread 1st. Mrs. Beardslee. Spongecake 1stMaud Beardslee. Fruit cake. lstMrs.Corey,2dEmmaSimpson. 3old cake.lst.Lizzie Gerins , 2dEmma Simpson. Silver cake , 1st , Mrs.Scurr , 2d , Mrs. Collins. Ginger cake 1st. Emma Simpson. Doughnuts or fried cakes , 1st , Mrs. Beardslee. Best collection canned fruit , 1st , Mrs. Collins. CLASS 13. Floral. Collection geraniums. . . 1st , Mrs. S. B. Smith. Collection nouse plants..1st , Mrs. S. B. Smith. CLASS 14 Equestrianism. Best riding , girl under 14 yrs. , 1st , Sadie Wolf. 2d , Mate Corey. Best riding , boy under 14 yrs. , 1st , Geo. Corey. 2d , Paul Carlyle. CLASS 15 Speed. LOT 1 COUNTY TROTTING RACE. Walter Devoe 1st. William Lewis 2d. C. T. Brewer 3d. LOT 2 THREE-MINUTE CLASS. S. L. Green 1st. A. G. Bump 2d. Third place in this race not settled. LOT 3 NOVELTY RUNNING RACE , 5 MILES. W.H. Short 1st. Bobert Murphy 2d. LOT 4 FREE FOR ALL PACING RACE. W.A.Webber 1st. E. B. Banks 2d. A. W.Corey 3d. LOT 4 4:04 : RACE. E.P.Day 1st. E. Devoe 2d. ' FrankHull . 3d. LOT 7 TROTTING DOUBLE TEAMS. C. B. Gray 1st. , LOT 8 SINGLE DASH RUNNING RACE. James McClung 1st. Dick Hatcher 2d. LOT 9 FREE FOR ALL TROTTING RACE. Hull and Stallings 1st. S.L. Green 2d. J.N.Baxter 3d. LOT 10 HALF-MILE RUNNING RACE. SamMarcum 1st. Dick Hatcher 2d. James McClung 3d. CLASS 16 Special Premiums. LOT 1 DUCKWORTH'S SPECIAL. Best loaf bread-High Pat. flour , Lizzie Gerins. Best loaf bread , Leg. Tender flour , Julia White. Ugliest man on grounds. M. B. Brown , 100 Ibs. flour , Tom Clark , 100 Ibs. bran. , LOT 3 FRANK CARRUTH & SON'S SPECIAL. Best madebutterbyyounglady , Amy Daniels , 55.00 , Winnie Sexton , 53.00. MCCOOK SPECIAL ON SUGAR BEETS. Four first prizes awarded to S. Bolles. C. W. BECK , Secretary. J. ALBERT WELLS , DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. ryA / * yA FALL _ & WINTER DRY - \ S'V' "XXN % XN " 'pNXV\X- ' ' > ' fl X > XX X * A very complete assortment of the season's newest effects. I am showing the advanced novelties of the season in smooth and rough effects , especially a very fine as = sortment of High Class ( Plaids. A magnificent display of the newest styles , also a number of very important specials in stylish and ser = - viceable garments at exceedingly low prices. Fash = - ionable ideas in Infants Long and Short Cloaks , also Childrens' Kilt Suits. Imported ( Pattern Hats and a wide range of beauti = ful styles fresh from my own work room. My lines are now complete in Underwear , Hosiery , Gloves , Neckwear , Shawls , Blankets , Carpets , ( Rugs , Curtain , Etc. My stock comprises the latest and newest styles and- offers excellent opportunities for purchasers at my popular prices. if is & sol id hands ante cafe of sjaap which has naeqoaS cleaning purposes except * f& 1 /f " tee BisFof What will SAPOLIO do ? Why it will clean paint , make oil-cloths bright , and give the floors , tables and shelves a new appearance. It will take the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. Yon. can scour the knives and forks with it , and make the tin things shine brightly. The ' the bath-tub , the'greasy kitchen sink will be wash-basin , - even as clean 391 a new pin if you use SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all we say. Be a clever housekeeper and try it BSWABE OF IMITATIONS. TEESS IS BUT ONE SAPOLKft ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. , NEW YORK. - . y J