The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 17, 1890, Image 2

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    What is
< Jastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains
neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Karcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
: ibr Paregoric , Drops , Soothing : Syrups , and Castor Oil.
.Ifc is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
t ifcvcrishncss. , Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
i. < eures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
" teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
' and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas-
is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. /
* * Castoria is an excellent medlcino for chll-
3rer. Mothers have- repeatedly told mo of its
/gsodeffiact upon their children.11
Lowell , Mass.
' Castoria is the best remedy for children of
-tcisrit Am acquainted. I hope the day is not
-C3T 3istantwhen mothers will consider the real
iafierestoC their children , and use Castoria in-
--steai of the various quack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium ,
rxnszphlne , soothing syrup and other hurtful
iagssfi * down their throats , thereby sending
L&bea& a premature graves. "
Conway , Art.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me. "
H. A. ARCHER , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
M Our physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castoria ,
and although wo only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products , yet we are free to confess that tha
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon It. "
Boston , Mar < ,
AT.T.EK C. SMITH , Fret. ,
The Centaur Company , 77 Murray Street , Now York City.
m A
trete Front fetverg Sta&t
Tfie Best Equipment in the Republican Valley.
. . , .
| J1I , ll
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement ,
Ea. HOMPUBETS" SPECIFICS are scientifically and
< carrfElly prepared prescriptions ; used lor many
-yearn Inprivate practice \vlth succcss.and forever
JOrtyycarsused by the people. Every single Spo-
_ slte Is a special cure for the disease named.
TJaao Specifics cure without drugging , pnrg-
3HC or reducing tbo system , and are lu fact and
< leedtiic80TcreiKn remedies of thcAVarld.
1 Perers. Congestion. Inflammation. . . .25
ii Worms , Worm Fever , Worm Colic. . , 'J5
I3t Cryinir Colic , orTeethlngof Infanta , 'i5
- 1 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults . 1:5
, CS Ojsentery , Griping , Bilious Colic- . . , -J5
'BCkolcra M orb as , Vomiting . 5
"y CesshR. Cold. Bronchitis . 25
H Kenralrin , Toothache , Faceache . 25
neadach ca , SlckUcadache , Vertigo .25
llysnepsin. Bilious Stomach . 25
Sapprelsed or Painful Periods. .25
Wfaftcfl , too Profuse Periods . 25
p , Cough , Difficult Breathing- . . . . ,25
libonm , Erysipelas , Eruptions. .25
utnatiHm. KheumatlcTains. . . . .25
crnnd A sruc , Chills , ilalarla . 5O
; lr JfHcs , BUndorUlccdfn ? . - " .3JJ
19 Catarrh , Influenza ; Cold In the Head .50
2M * Wioopimr Conch , Violent Coughs. .50
24 ieral Hebilitv.l'hysIcalWealmess .50
t9 KldacyDiscnsc . .50
:2SServonu Debility . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00
Urinary Weakness , WettlnsrBcd. .50
gLJCMga of tuoHcarttPalpltaUoal.OQ
sts , or sent postpaid on receipt
UMPHREYS' JUNITAI , ( ! pages )
cloth and gold , mailed free.
iren ' forPitcher's '
'Cry _ Pastorla.
The best equipment in the city * . Orders left
al the office on Lwer Main Avenue will re
ceive prompt attention.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was Kick , we care her Castoria.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castoria ,
When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria ,
When she had Children , she gave them Castoria
. . .eakaeuof Body and Kind , Efftcti
IJoflrrmarXzMMMinOUorYoTjar ,
TKUnHT-Btttltf ! 47.
u < Fcnlo Craft * . Write tkra.
The Man Who Showed Off.
At Faro \ve got news of an acci
dent on the line beyond , and the
train had to wait there two hours.
Everybody got out to stroll around ,
and there were a good man } ' people
at the depot to look the passengers
over. Among these we bed our at
tention attracted to a big man who
had on a buffalo overcoat , a wolfskin
cap , and from the collnr of the coat
dangled seven or eight claws which
liad"once assisted grizzly bears to
scratch their way through life. He
had long hair , a wild eye , buckskin
legerins , and was evidently a mighty
nimrod , if not a western terror. He
was walking up and down the
platform to show himself off , when
an undersized , insignificant-looking
passenger on our train , who hnd
been dubbed "Godfrey's Cordial"
ever since we left Chicago , approach
ed him and said :
"Mistuh man , ith that overcoat
for thale ? "
"No , sir ! " was the thunderous re
sponse , as the wearer of it turned on
the questioner.
"Oh ! excuthe me. I thee yur have
theme claws there. Did they belong
to a cat ? "
"Cat ! Cat ! Did you ever see a cat
with such claws ? "
"No , thir ; and that's the reason 1
asked you. Ith that cap made ol
lambskin ? "
"Lambskin ! What are you driv
ing at ? "
"My deah sir , I nevah drive , Its
against my principles. I am thimply
theeking solid facts. Why don't yon
have your haircut and put on theme
woolen pantaloons ? I should think
you would catch cold. "
"Look here ! " growled the big man
as he came to a halt. "I want you
to go away ! "
"Do I make you tired"
"You do. "
IIT jl J-l Iff
"Now , you clear out , or I'll get
mad. " .
"Keal mad ? " . x ' ' \
You hear me ! " " '
"I should so like to buy one ol
, thpse claws. I will give you two
shillings for"
"If you don't clear out I'll slice an
ear off ! "
"Would you really slice my ear off ? "
innocently asked Cordfal ,
"I would and I will ! "
"Which ear ? " , '
"Both of'em , you infernal fool ! "
"Thay"said Cordial , after looking
him over , "I don't like .the way you
talk. I think you ought to apolo
"Apologize ! Why you grasahop-
per , I've a good mind to hold you up
bv the hair ! "
"Don'th you try it ! " <
" '
"But I will ! " ' '
And he did , but he had scarcely
reached out when Cordial was all
chain lightning and fish hones and
pounded glass. He jumped in with
his left on the big man's nose , took
him on the nose with hfs right as he
fell , and the buffalo overcoat had no
sooner hit the platform than the lit
tle man was swarming all over it ,
with both his fists working like pis
ton rods.
In one minute the big man was
licked , and then he was led off one
way while we took Cordial the other.
I don't know what old bear's claws
had to say , but as we got the little
fellow into the coach he re tied the
bow at his collar , dusted his shoes
.with his hankerchief , and explained :
"Wath I to blame ? When I thaw
those claws wasn't it natural that I
should wonder where the cat wath ?
And I"never thaw a wolf nor a buf-
tale in mv whole life. " ! sY. . Sun.
An Honest Conductor ,
In the olden days , when railroad
Companies used to believe their con.
'ductors honest , says the New York
Sun , an official , whose run was from
Buffalo east , was called into the
( president's room at the end of one ol
, his trips , and the big man kindly
Jsaid to him :
= "John , the receipts on your runs
have been growing beautifully less
! for some time past. "
"Yes , sir , but travel is very light ,
you know. "
"Is it ? I haven't heard of that.
John , you have lately built a nice
house ? "
f V > J
"You have a diamond pin ? "
"Yes. "
"Keep a horse and buggy ? "
"And your salary is only $60 pe ;
month , J'ohn ? "
"Yes , sir. "
: 'l don't thinkyou would steal from
the company ? ' '
"Oh , no ! no ! no ! sul"
"But I've a proposition to make.
Suppose you give the road your re-
peipts , and you take everything else
coming in ! If you don't I don't see
how we are going to payrunniug ex-
pences over a month longer ! "
Australian View of Parliament.
Pall Mall Gazette.
Here is a view of the House of
Commons as it strikes the correspond-
jent of one of the Australian papers :
f'lii is an idle , gossiping , demoraliz
ing , whisky and soda compelling at
mosphere , which is repellent of men
of affairs. The other day I was sit
ting next to one of the most eminent-
solicitors in England and as we rose
to go he exclaimed. 'Three days of
this place would send me into a
straight waistcoat. ' Until then he
had nursed Parliamentary ambi
tions. " This correspondent must
really take care , or he , too , will fig
ure at the "bar" of the House for 8
purpose other than "whiskey and
soda. "
Southern Ways.
From the 1'ittslnirg Dispatch.
In aonie parts of the Southwest , re
gardless of the great growth of towns
and the building of school-houses ,
it la still almost impossible to get
a direct answer to a question.
One evening about dusk a man
rode up to a fence surround
ing a lot neap the roadside , and
thus addressed a woman who was
attempting to persuaue a few drops
of milk from a muley cow :
"Madam , I am lost. "
' Wall , that's what the prencher
says is the matter with the most of
us , an' I reckon the best thing to do
is to get 'ligion an' then do the best
we kin under the sarcumstances , "
she replied , giving the cow an awful
"I mean that I have missed the
road to Dabney's Ferry , "
"Wall. 1 shouldn't wonder , fur it is
a mighty matter fur some folks to
foller these roads here , they air so
crooked. You air travelin' , I reck
on. "
"Yes. 1 wanted to go to Dabney's
Ferry. "
Got kin folks livin' down thar , I
reckon. "
"No ; I have no relatives living in
ihis part of the country. Will this
road lead me to the Ferry ? "
"Wall , you'll hatter ax pap about
that. He tromps roun' all over the
neighborhood while I'm doin' the
work , an' he oughter know wlmr all
the roads go to. "
"Where is he ? "
"Who , pap ? " i
"Yes. "
"Wall , the Lawd only knows.
But I reckon ther yaller dog tttke
you whar he is. "
"Where is the yellow dog ? "
"I don't know that nu ther. Y-ju'll
U4.i _ _
i.v uiiu ui LIIU umiiun.
Where are the children ? "
"The Lawd in heaven only k
stranger , for 1 don't. Jis't 'ait
awhile an' mebbe one of'em will uol-
ler , lur it is about time fur one of
'em to git snake bit. "
" 1 haven't time to wait. "
"Wall , then , 1 reckon you'll have
to jog along the best way you kin. "
"I wish you would give me some
information. "
"Yas , I reckon so , fur I have heard
tell that information is a mighty
fine thing when a pusson is pushed
right hard fur it. "
"Where does that read over there
lead to ? "
"Right to Dabney's Ferry. "
"Why , that's the road I want.
Why didn't you tell me ? "
"Wall , you didn't ax me about
that road. You kep talkin' about
suthin' else. Wall , good day. Ef
you travel round here much you'll
learn to ax fur what you want with
out beatin' about the bush. "
A Game Hen.
A game hen died on R. W. Gam
ble's place at Cuthbert , Ga. , a few
days ago. This hen had reached the
age ol 14- years , lacking only a few
.weeks. She continued to lay eggs
until a year before she died. For
several months she had been totally
blind , but was"fed and watered regu
larly by Miss Mary Gamble. In
1S8G , when Mr. Gamble moved to
Macon , this hen was carried there ,
and brought back when he returned
to Cuthbert. In the spring of 182 ,
when the cyclone struck Mr. Gam
ble's place and tore things up , this
old lien was setting in a box on the
kitchen hearth. The kitchen was
blown away , the chimney was miss
ing , but the hearth remained , and
there sat the old hen in her box , as
though nothing had happened.
The Judge and the Sport.
Mr. Justice Hawkins was once tak
en to be a member of the P. R. Ho
was waiting to take his ticket at a
railway station in Paris , at which
there were a number of English
roughs returning from the races , one
of whom was very rude to him. The
judge remonstrated , whereupon the
man became more insulting , and said
that if he would come outside he
would give him "what for. " Sir
Henry , who wears his hair cut very
short , then took oft his hat , thinking
that as the men were probably of
the criminal classes they would re
cognize him , and quietly remarked :
"Perhaps vou do not know who I
am ? "
Did the man in awestricken tones
exclaim. " 'Awkins , by thunder ? "
No. What ht said was : "S'lep mo
bob , a bloomhV prize fighter ! Not
me ! " And the judge was not further
Beat the Bell Punch.
From the Chicago Tribune.
A" Kansas City street-car conduc
tor has found an ensy way to beat
the bell punch. He goes off to some
secluded spot at niglrt , notes the
number indicated by the register ,
pulls the-machine till it has counted
offthe entire 10,000 and begin at
one again , after which he rings till
the register indicates 100 less than
when he began and stops. He ia
then in a position to ring fares hon
estly all next day and be § 5 ahead
of the company at night. The only
way now to beat the honest street
car conductor is to make tbe count
ing capacity of the register 100,000 ,
or handcuff him to some other hon
est man hired to watch him day and
Horses branded oa left hip or left Bhoaldn
P. O. address , Impsrltl ,
Chase county , and Beat
rice , Nob. Kongo. Slink'
in r Water and French"
man creeks , Chase Co. ,
Brand as cut on side of
some animals , on bip anl
sides of some , or an ]
So care Biliousness , Sick Headacbo , Conitt *
pgtion , Malaria , Liver Complaints , take
the oafo and certain remedy ,
tT 9 the 8MAI.Ii Size 0 littli Beans to th
Sraltoblo * or- nil -A-cew.
Price of either t ot 2Sc. per Bottle.
House Mover < $ > Drayman ,
, * ,
| 3f House and Safe Moving a Spe
salty. Orders for Praying left at the
Huddleston Lumber Yard will receira
prompt attention.
Steam and Hot Water Heating.
North Main Avenue ,
t3f A stock of befit grades of Rose , Lawt
Bpriokter * , Hose Reels and Hose Fixture *
contt&ntly ca band. All work receive * prompt
And what is of more importance ,
Quality- --aiid.--- Style
Why not have a suit that fits you ,
when one which is both stylish and
serviceable can be bought for $22.00
A. pair of trowsers which are realty
elegant , DRYSDALE will build you foi
$5. Fine fabrics cost but little at
iDRTSDALE's now , less than misfits in
jxct. Look him over. You will plact
your order. Save money. Peel bettej
and look better. Buy ing for cash an *
light expenses does the business ai
Bus , Baggage Dray Line ,
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
CVBeat Equipped in the Citr. Leave ordcrr
At Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur
afcfeed on short no tic * .
I will buy stock cattle of any age ,
from calves up. Also , stock hogs.
At Brush creek ranch , 3j4 miles
southeast of McCook , Neb.
. Leading Merchant Tailor.
Will sell English , Scotch , French
and American cloths AT COST for
the next sixty days , Cnrne and get
a first-class suit of clothes cheap.
It is a rare chanoe. Shop two doors
west of the Citizens Bank , McCook ,
T '
WHKUEA8 , A Joint resolution was adopted
by tbo legislature of the stuto of Nebraska , ut
the twonty-nrat session theruof.and approved
February 13th. A. D. 1880. proposing an amend-
tnent to ttio uonatltuclon or suld stale , ami
that Bald amouduiunt shall reud as follows ,
to-wit :
Section 1 : That at the general election to beheld
held on the Tuesday succeeding thollrat Mon
day of November. A. D. 181KJ. there Btiall bo
submitted to the electors of this stuto for ap
proval or rejection an amendment to the con-
Btltntlon of this stuto hi words ns follows :
"The manufacture , sale and keeping for solo
of Intoxicating llguorsaH a bevoraire are forever -
over prohibited in this atato. and tbo legisla
ture &bnll provide by law for the enforcement
of this provision. " And thoru shall also ut
auld election be separately submitted to the
electors of this state for their approval or re
jection an amendment to tbo constitution of
the state in words as follows : "Tho manu
facture , sale and kceplnir for sale of intoxi
cating liquors as a beverage shall bo licensed
and regulated by law. "
SectionAt such election , on ( ho ballot of
each elector voting for the proposed amend
ments to the c institution , shall bo written or
printed the words : "For proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , sale and keeping for sale of In
toxicating liquors as a bcVeruge. " or"Agaln3i
the proposed amendment to the constitution
prohibiting the manufacture , sale and keeping
for sale of intoxicAtlng liquors usu beverage. "
There shall also bo written or printed on the
ballot of each elector voting for the proposed
amendment to tbo constitution , the words :
"For proposed amendment to tliocmmtitution
that the manufacture , sale and keeping for
Bale of intoxicating liquors as n beverage in
this state shall bo licensed and regulated by
law. " or "Against said proposed amendment
to the constitution that the manufacturc.salo
and keeping for nalo of Intoxicating liquors as
a beverage shall bo licensed and regulated by
law. "
Seotlon.T : If cither of the said proposed
amendments shall he approved by a majority
of the electors voting at the said election.then
it shall constitute section twenty-seven [ 271
of article 11 ] of the constitution of this state.
Therefore. I. John M. Thiiycr , Governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice
in accordance with section one III article lif
ted ! 1151 of the constitution and tlic provisions
of the act entitled "An act to provide the
mnnnerot proposing all amendments to the
constitution and submitting the name to the
olcctors of the state. " Approved February
llith , A. D. Ib77. thatr said proposed amend
ment will be submitted to the qualified voters
of this state for approval or rejection nt'the
general election to bo held on the 4th day of
November. A. D. 18HO.
In witness whereof I'havo hereunto set my
band , and caused to ho affixed the great seal
of thostato of Nebraska. Darin at Lincoln
this aithdayofJuly. A.D.1800. and the 24th
year of the state , nr.d of the independence of
the United States the one hundred fifteenth ,
ny the Governor. JOHN 31. THA VEIt ,
BSKAT..I Sonrntiirv of Stnto.
WHEUEAS. A joint resolution was adopted
l > y the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at
the twenty-first session thereof , and approved
March GUth , A. L ) . ] 8b'U , proposing an amend
ment to'sections two. ( . - ] four [ 4 ] and five | 5 |
of Article < > lx l l of tbo constitution of said
state , and that said section as amended shall
read as follows , to-wlt :
Section 1 : That section two (2) ( of article six
( G ) of the constitution of I he state of Nebraska ,
be amended so as to read as follows :
"Section 2 : The supreme court shall consist
of five ( . * > ) Judges , a majority of whom shall be
necessary to form a quorum or to pronounce
a decision. It shall have original jurisdiction
in cases relating to revenue , civil cases in
which the state shall be n party , mandumas.
quo warranto , habeas corpus , and such appel
late jurisdiction as may bo provided by law.
Section 2 : That section four (4) ( ) of article
sixG ( ) . of the constitution of the state of Ne
braska , be amended so as to read as follows :
Section 4. The judges of the supreme court
sliill be elected by the electors of the state ut
large and their terms of oflice. except as here
inafter provided , shall be for a period of five
(5) ( ) years. "
Section 3 : That section flve (5) ( ) of article six \
(6) ( ) of the constitution of thestateof Nebraska , \
be amended so as to read as follows :
Section 5 : "At the first general election to
be held in the year 1891 , andnfterthcadoptlon
of this amendment to the constitution , there
shall be elected three (3)judtres ( of the supreme
court , one of whom shall be elected for the
term of one (1) year , one fortbe term of tbreo
(3) ( ) years and one for the term of live (5) ( ) years ,
and at each general election thereafter there
shall be judge of the supreme
court-for the term of flve (5) ) years. Provided ,
that the judges of the supreme court whose
terms have not expired at the time of holding
the general election of 1891 , shall continue to
hold their oflice for the remainder of the term
forwhlch they were respectively elected un-
? er the present constitution. "
Section 4 : That each person voting in favor
of this amendment shall have written or print
ed upon his ballot the following :
"For the proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to the number of supreme
Judges. " i
Therefore. I , John M. Thayer. Governor of
thestateof Nebraska do hereby give notice
In accordance with section oi.e (1) article fif
teen (15) ( ) . of the constitution , and the provis
ions of the act entitled "An net to provide the
manner of proposing nil amendments to the
constitution and submitting the same to the
electors of the state. " Approved February
13th. A. D. 18 t. that said proposed amend
ment will be submitted to the qualified voters
of the state for approval or rejection at the
general election to he held on the 4th day of
November. A. D. 1890.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused to be allixed the great seal of
the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this
lOthdayof July. A. D. 1890. and the twenty-
fourth year of the state , and of the independ-
i nee of the United States the one hundred fif
Hy the Govei nor. JOHN M. THAYEU.
[ SEAr , . ] Secretary ot State.
WHEREAS. A joint resolution was adoptea
by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , tic
the twenty-first session thereof , and nppro\-ed
March 30th , A.I ) . 18b9 , proposing an amend
ment to Section Thirteen (13) ) of Article Six ( tj )
of the constitution of state ; that said sec
tion as amended dhall read as follows , to-wit :
Section 1 : That section thirteen (13) ( of arti
cle six ( Oof th < s constitution of the state of
Nebraska be amended so as to read ns follows :
Section 13 : The judges of the supreme *
i-ourt shall each receive a salary of thirty-five
lundrcd dollars ( ? 3f > 00) per annum and the
judges of the district court shall receive a
salary of three thousand dollars ( ? 3.000) per
.innum. and the salary of each shall be paya
ble quarterly.
Section 2 : Each person voting in favor of
his amendment shall have written or printed
upon his ballot the following :
"For the proposed amendment to tne consti-
ution , relating to the salary of judges of the
supreme and district court. "
Therefore. I. .lohn Jl. Thayer. governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice ,
in accordance with section one [ 1 ] article fif
teen ( .IS ] of the constitution , and the proVisions -
Visions of an act entitled : "An act to provide
the manner of proposing nil amendments to
the constitution and submitting the same to
the electors of the state. " Approved Febru
ary 13th. A. D. 1877. that said proposed amend
ment will he submitted to the qualified voters
of this state for approval or rejection , nt the
general election to be held on the 4th day of
November. A. D. 1S90.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set ray
hand and caused to he affixed the great scat
of the state of Nebraska. iVono at Lincoln.
Ilii * 28h day of July. A. D. 1S90. and HIP twen
ty-fourth year of the fitato. and of the inde
pendence of the United States the one hun
dred fifteenth.
By the Governor. JOHN M.THAYKK.
BENJAMIN II. Cownsnv ,
[ SEAL. ] Secretary of State.
T nra prepared to do all kinds of work- ,
such as contracting and excavating , tree
planting. Carpet-laying a specialty ;
ten years experience. AH work guaiv
anteed. Leave orders at this office.