By F. M. KIMMELL. , An , thora , Douglas county. Mind your eye. OPEN investigation -will injure no man or party. PUT a nickel in the slot and get any colored political prophecy you want. REPUBLICAN artillery echoes all along the line , and will continue pouring shot into the camp of the enemy till the polls close. IF EklcKeighan proved unfaith ful in a little county office , what confidence could be reposed in him in the more important one of con gressman ? AT Indianola , Nebraska , a large number of republican alliance men have withdrawn from their meet ings , owing to the democratic mem bers being too active for Boyd and McKeighan. Kearney Enterprise- Journal. WHEN we send circulars and pamphlets back east advertising our cities and towns , we never pub lish how many saloons we have. There are no fine cuts showing the attractive saloons in our cities. Why not if they help business ? J" . C. ALLEN of McCook , candi date for secretary of state , was at the Plattsmouth meeting last night. Mr. Allen is one of the active young men on the republican tick et who will be warmly supported by the business men of the state. Nearly every travelling man in Ne braska is working for Mr. Allen. He will carry nearly the solid vote of his home county. Lincoln Jour nal , 28th. OLD MAN POWERS is gone. His childish notions about the govern ment shutting off its sources of revenue and emptying its treasury of the surplus and then loaning the farmers of America $2,500 each on their farms at 1 per cent per annum , is so silly , so weak , that the poor old man is being laughed out of the campaign by the ten-year-old school boys.Sutton Register. .PROF. A. K. GOUDY of Red Cloud , the Republican nominee for state superintendent , has spent nearly iwenty years in active , faith ful and efficient school work in Neb raska , in various capacities , and his eminent fitness for the high office is acknowledged by all. He has a vdde acquaintance in Nebras ka , especially among the educators of the state , and his popularity will place his majority among the highest on the state ticket. A COMMITTEE of four citizens o Hayes county , representing differ ent political interest have made an exhaustive investigation of candi date McKeighah's record in Web ster county , and found the charges made against him fully sustained But Mr. McKeighan is not run- jaing on his personal record. He claims to embody a great principle . and will continue to feed the voters .of the Second district on visionary promises. Bee. THE name of L. D. Richards is a. tower of strength to the tick et. He is a man against whose private character or public record , either in social or business life , is above reproach. Men can vote for ! Mr. Richards and know that their -trust never will be betrayed. Of ihe other candidates for governor we do not care , at this time , to .speak disparagingly , but that Mr. "Pnwfirs is as nnrftHnKlfi PR fhftnnnrl i is without question , .as those who were disappointed in his nonappearance pearance on "Wednesday will bear testimony. Fremont Flail. E. J. BANDALL of Bed Uloud answers some questions con cerning candidate McKeighan's reputation at home in this way : (1) ( ) As a business man unre liable. (2) ( ) As a county official cor- lupt. ( 3 ) As a politician primarily , democratic ; practically , anything "to get there. " (4) ( ) Morally untrustworthy , infidel. Now , remember , I only consent to thus speak of this poor , misguid ed , dissipated wreck of real man- Jiood because : First He has thrown himself on the public asking tlieir suffrage and challenging investigation. Second He takes it upon him self to refer gentlemen to me. Y THE Ogden Commercial denies that there will be any wholesale emigration of Mormons to Mexico "Some of the Utah Mormons have gone , and others are going , " it sayp , ' 'because the advancing progressis too much for them , but a greai many of those people have caughl the spirit of progress , are joining the ranks of the progressive men of the territory and are helping to develop the material interests oj the country without regard to re ligious preference. As far as pro gress and development and civili zaticn are concerned these Mor mons have separated themselves from the old-time church beliefs , and as time goes on their number will largely increase. " UNDER President Cleveland the cost of collecting the revenues was 3.86 per cent , and under Presidenl Harrison thus far during his ad ministration it has been 2.9. CONGRESS has adjourned , FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK.NEB. , i October 1st , 1890. ( Notice is hereby given that the followlug- named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final homestead commutation proo ! in support of his claim , and that said proo ! will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , November 22nd 181)0 ) , viz : JOHN SDTTON , H. E. No. 9620. for the W. yt N. E. & and E. } J N. W. J section 32 , in town. 2. north of range 29 , west of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation ot , suid land , viz : Lew is W. Critser. William L. Critser , Asapu Rogers and Lnvilla J. Durtless , all of AlcCook , Neb. * 19 S. P. HAUT. Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB , i September 30th , 1890. f Notice Is hereby sriven that the following- named settler tins filed notice of bis intentioi to make final five-year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Fri day , November 14th , 1890 , viz : BENDT E. ANDERSON , H. E. No. 4921 for the S E. J4 section 5 , in town 5 , N. of range 29 , west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , sale iana , viz : jxeis u.uueiunn , urisiouer u. .uue land and Enoch E. Osvog of Quick , Neb. , and Andrew P. Larson of McCook. Neb. t5. P. HAHT. Register. LAND OFFICE AT.MCCOOK. NEB. , I September 18th. 1890. f Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intentioi to make final commutation proof in support of bis claim , and that said proof will be madt before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. on Saturday. October 25th , 1890 , viz : TAYLOR WARD. H. E. No. 9C20 for the W. J N. W. & and W. } < S. W. J4 of section 37. town. 2 , north of range 29 , west of Cth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James E.Troy , John Stalker , John E. Tirrill , William T. Shields , all of McCook. Neb. 17 S. P. HART , Register. L\ND OFFICE AT McfooK , NEB. , i September 18ih , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named t-ettler hnt > filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Ueceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , October 23th. 1890. viz : WILIA A M E. KETCH , D. S. No C937for Hie S. W. H Sec. No. 22 , town. 5 , north ot range 29. xvt-st ot 6th P. M. He names xhe following witnesses to prove his continuous i esidcnce upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Mathew Stewart. Hubert Beach , Aufln O. Houge. Severt O. Houg- . all of Box Elder , Neb. J7 S. P. HART. Register. Land Olhce at McCook , Neb. , i September 1st , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final flves'ear proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday , October 16th , 1890 , viz : LOUIS DANZ , H. E. No. 4494 , for the S. E. J4 section 20 , town ship 5 , north ol range 29 , west of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James Spaulding and Irving W. Spaulding of Cox Elder , Neb. , James T. Foley of McCook , Neb. , Alexander C. Harlan , ofOsburn. Neb. * 15 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McCooK , NEB. , I August 30th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday , October 15th. 1890 , viz : GEORGE W. WORTH , who made H. E. No. 3430 for the N. ' / N. E. & andE. &N. W. } of section 3. in town.5 , north of range 29 , west of 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Samuel Godard and SantfordT. Godard of Indianola , Neb. , John F. Garlicknud John G. Harrison of Quick , Neb. S. P. HART. 1il5. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I August 2/tb , 1890. ( Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Ueg- ister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Satur day. October 4th , 1890. viz : WILLIAM H. CAMPBELL. H. E. No. 274 for the W. y2 N. W. J4 S. E. } N.W. M N. W. & S. W. Ji sec. 34 , town. 5. north- range 29. west Gtb P. M. He names the foj- lenco upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : J. H. Stephens , Matthew Stewart , Lee Ann Ketch and William Weyginr. all of Box Elder , Nebraska. T14. S. P. HART. Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the clerk of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , upon a decree rendered in said court , in favor of the STebraska Loan and Banking company , ' against John Howater , W. J. Wheeler and John Riley. I have levied upon the following real estate as thepropertyof John Ho water , to-wit : West lalf of north-west quarter of section tbirty- threeJ33I township lourlll north of range thlr- ; yI30I west of Cth P. M. in Red Willow county , Nebraska , and I will on the 21st day of October , 1890 at 10 o'clock of said day , at the front door of the court-house of said county , in the town of Indianola ; sell said real estate at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale , the amount due thereon in the aggregate being ยง 239.25 , and $18.53 costs , and accruing costs. Dated Sept. 13,1890. W. A. McCoor. , Sheriff of said County. Per E. R. Banks , Deputy , LEGAL NOTICE. Iii the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. Mary R. Lenart , Plaintiff , vs. Jac ob H. Lenart. Defendant. To Jacob H. Lenart , non-resident defendant : You are hereby notified that Mary R. Lenart , plaintiff herein , has on the 18th day of Sep- filed petition against you in the ember , 1890 , a District Court of Re3 Willow county , State of Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are o obtain a divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and praying for the custody ot Daisy Elta Lenart minor child , the issue of he marriage of the plaintiff with you the said defendant. You are required to answer said the 27th day of petition on or before Monday , letobpr , 1890 . MARY K. .LENART. attorneyt c > H. Boyje. C. ALLEN & CO. The- House DIIC'iMCOO TMTiDCI V IS BUdlNESS cNIIHtLl , * * J-iT The prices we are selling at will be called SENSATIONAL , and our methods ditto , by some , simply becaiise they would be impossible to them. With CAPITAL to swing , opportunity to sell , and knowledge and GRIT to ( BUY , we bought for less money , we sold cheaper and handled more goods than any other concern in McCook. In closing out we shower upon i you bargain after bargain , without thinking of what each may be worth , until the very air reeks with dry goods bargains. JJow is the time to buy = = to borrow for to buy , for with the ending of THE CASH ( BACRGAIJf HOUSE comes the ending of the reason why. * * T STORE FOR RENT OR SALE ! FIXTURES FOR SALE ! Going Out of Business FOR GOOD. MONEY. COST ; VALUE , DON'T COUNT. JUST SO THINGS GO OUT LIVELY. WE DON'T ' CARE WHAT THEY FETCH , "We offer you a greater stock ; han any two houses in McCook can show. We Sell Out Cheaper than big merchants buy. And the biggest bargain in a jig store is considered a small one at the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE. "Whilst Big Bargains such as the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE gives , are impossible elsewhere. Trade at the CASH BAEGAIN HOUSE and SAVE MONEY ! 1C. . . & : * - v * I Your Choice of a Whole Side of Shelving at the ( Price 'of the Cheapest ( Piece of Goods in the Lot. AT QOS We've no idea of keeping any UJ\fDE \ .WEAR over = = = not a bit. . M for the HOSIERY and-CORSETSyou'll be tempted to buy all there are = = they are so cheap. SELLING OUT Don't Propose to Have a Pair of Shoes in a Few Days , If We Can't Get Bid of Them One Way we Will Try Another , But we Believe They ' 11 Go Like Hot Cakes After Today. THE : CASE : * HOUSE has invariably sold goods away below market price. We have saved you dollars where other mer chants spoke of cents. ( Riit now we undersell ourselves and the whole world in our GIGAJJTIC CLOSING OUT. winch are snapped up on sight. Never put off until to morrow what you can do to-day , A minute late is a chance gone and forever. Store for Rent , Fixtures for Sale , and Out we go 222 B , Hurry. chances for bargains in a day here than in other stores in a life time..jgji ! 1 STORE FOR RENT OR SALE ! : > < n FIXTURES FOR SALE. What Others Cannot Do , The Cash Bargain House Does. ! l It is impossible for Dry Goods Houses paying twelve to fifteen hundred dollars rent and twice as much more for style to sell goods cheap. The CASH BARGAIN HOUSE never pretended to go on style , but the CASH BARGAIN HOUSE invariably undersold every Dry Goods House in McCook WITHOUT EXCEPTION , and now in the Grand Closing Out of the whole stock we undersell ourselves , them , and the whole world. I Bigoted people who cannot see 'urther than their own doorstep should come to the Cash Bargain House now and see what liberal mer chants the "CASH BARGAIN HOUSE" are , in closing out. ,1