The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 26, 1890, Image 6

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    J * "
"Who nro tlio nobles of the earth ,
Tlio trtio arifltocrntB ,
Arho need ngt'bow.their Jiesdfl to lords , *
Nor doff to kings their hat's ?
Who are they but the men o/ toil ,
The mighty and the tree ,
WlioHo hearts and hands subdno the earth ,
And compass all the sea ?
Who arc they but the men of toil ,
Who clcovo the forests down ,
And plant , amid the wilderness ,
Thu humlofc and the town ,
Who fight the battles , bear the scarsfc
And give the world its crown
Of name , and fame , and bistorj
And pumpt of old renown ?
These claim no gaud of heraldry.
And scorn the knighting rod ;
Their coats of arms and noble deeds ,
Their peerage is Irora God !
They tnko not from ancestral graves
Thi clory of their name ,
Cut , nin , as once their lathers won
'JLIio laurel wreath of fame.
HERE i3 nothing so
impossible that a novel
ist can't lead a story up
to it , " said Professor
Boyesen. , of Columbia
College , 5 he sat in a
group at the Authors' Club.
"That's eo , " snid Edgar Saltus.
"but I've found that the best scheme
for odd fiction are pcstated by the
necessary death of the principals
without disclosing the material for a
climax. "
"I know what ymu mean , " said
Editor Gilden of the Cey.tury Maga
zine , "and I wonder .why some of you
gentlemen don't extend a romance
beyond death say by means of &
Bpiritulistic communication from the
actors. Now you , Professor Smith ,
you're a scientist , why don't you do
it ? "
The gentleman thus addressed was
Professor Brainard Gai'dner Smith ,
of Cornell University.
' And I have thestart of it in mind
now , " Professor Smith replied.
"Once , when I was in journalism , I
had occasion to go over a pile of old
Liverpool newspapers , and thus
came upon a remarkable paragraph
in the ship news. Translated out of
the language of commerce it was to
the effect that the good ship Em
press , just arrived from Australia ,
reported that while rounding the
port of Good Hope she had been
driven southward far out of her
course by a storm , and away down
in the southern Atlantic had sighted
a vessel drifting aimlessly about. |
The first mate boarded her , and returning -
turning , reported that the derelict
was the ship Albatross. That she ,
had been abandoned was plain , for
nil the boats were gone , and so were
the log and the ship's instruments.
On deck close by the companion
5atch lay two bodies , or rather skel-
otons , clad in weather rotted
garments that showed them to
nave been man and woman.
These bodies were headless , but the
heads were nowhere to be found on
fihe deserted deck. The mate found
on the cabin table an open book , with
writing on its pages. A pen lay on
fihe table and a small inkstand , in
fyliich the ink hud evidently long since
flried. The book was evidently a
journal ordinary , so the mate report-
fld , and he put it in his pocket , mean
ing to carry it aboard the Empress ,
but when he was getting dotvn into
his small boat the book slipped from
//is / pocket , dropped into the water ,
mid sank. The Albatross was badly
plater-logged and he thought could
a-ot have floated much longer. To
fihis report the. editor of the paper
rtdded a note saying that the readers
rould all doubtless remember that
Albatross had sailed from Liverpool
Several years before , bound for Aus-
* raliH , and was thought to have gone
rJown with all on board , as no news '
< ? f her had since been received.
'Jlmt was the substance of the re-
? warkable paragraph. What was al
most as remarkable to me , a newspaper - }
paper man , was that the Liverpool
japer had evidently made no effort '
o learn the owner's name of the Al
batross , the name of her captain and
crew , or whether or not she carried
any passengers , I
"A lew weeks after that I went in
to northern Vermont to report the
Ben ton murder trial , which was at
tracting much more than local at
tention. I was pleased to find that
the prosecuting attorney was an old
rtfassmateof mine , butnot pleased to
find that he had become a spiritua
list. I mentioned the headless bodies
to him , and , as a joke , asked him to
conjure up thetwo spirits in a seance ,
BO as to solve the mystery.Ve got
the whole story through a medium.
The bodies were those of Arthur Hart
ley and Helen Eankins , " and he
lo'oked defiantly around the circle for
a communication we got through the
Vermont medium , and. this is what
fce said : i
"Helen and I rcer * passengers
aboad the Albatross. My Uncle John
promised me a fortune. He was con
fident that an explosive of his inven- j
tion would work such wonders in'
Australian mines that within 10
years we would go back to England
rich beyond the dreams of avarice. '
One day Uncle John got into a hot
discussion with Captain Raymond
about the efficacy of the wonderful
explosive compound. The captain
seemed doubtful. Uncle John was
for the instant angry.
"I'll show you , then , " he said ,
and he rushed into the cabin where
his boxes were stored and came out
shortly with two tin cans , each hold
ing something L'ssthan a nint. He
unscrewed the top of one , disclosing
a brownish powder. "Take carel"
said the captain , who seemed need
lessly cautious and almost fearful.
"Why , I though you pai'd it
was Ubpless , " said Uncie John , with
aluugh ; "and yet you are afraid of
it. Look here. " He lighted a match
and held it close to the powler. A
dark smoke arose that instantly ex
tinguished the little flame and floated
off , leaving a queer smell. That was
"Perfectly harmless , captain , " con
tinued uncle , who had now recovered
his usual good nature. Perfectly
harmless unless you wet it. Then
look out ! "
"The cook made a sort of dump
ling lor dinner , and a great lot of it
remained. Uncle John took a mass
of this dough , for it was little else ,
squeezed it until it was quite dry ,
and molded it into a ball. "Come
with me , " he said , "and , Arthur ,
bring a plate of that dough with you. "
Ho took the cans and we followed him
to the deck. There he carefully cov
ered the bull of dough with the pow
der , and going to the" rail threw it as
far as he could out over the placid
sea. As the ball struck the water
there was a loud explosion , and the
spray was thrown high into the air.
The crew , who had been hanging over
the portrait forward turned and rush
ed over to see what was up. Uncle
John made another ball and threw
it with like result. .
"Oh honly torpeters. " growled one
of the nien , and they turned back to
their places. Uncle John now evi
dently anxious to give us thorough
proof of the value of his compound ,
was for throwing more balls , when
the boatswain , rolling alt , touched
his hat , and said to the captain :
"Please , sir , there's a big black
shark as has showed his fin hoff the
port bow , and if so be that the doc-
tor'll wait a bit with his torpeters
we'll show 'um some fun a-catchin'
of it. "
"All right , bo'sun , " said the
captain and we all went over to the
port rail.
"There he is , " said the captain ,
pointing to a sharp black thing that
rising just above the water , was cut
ting quietfy through it. ' 'That is
his fin , and there's a big shark un
der it , or I'm much mistaken. "
"The men fell back and looked
eagerly. The cook handed up a big
chunk of meat. "Wipe it as dry as
3ou can , " said uncle , "and tie it firmly
to the rope. " When this was done
he sprinkled the powder from
the can carefully over the meat
then he carried it cautiously to the j
rail. The shark was cruising back [
and forth. Uncle lowered the meat i
slowly into the water , right in front
of the monster. He saw the bait ,
and darted at it , and then there was
a tremendous report , and the spray
flew into our faces as we leaned over
the rail. The next moment we saw
the big fish flouting motionless on
the water.
"Blessed if 'e 'asn't bldwed 'is
'ead close off , " said the boatswain. J
"It was so. That terrible com-
i pound of Uncle John's had needed
1 only the impact of the shark's teeth
to explode it with deadly effect"
"Oh , it's only a fish story , " Ed
gar Fawcett interrupted , when Pro
fessor Smith , who was an expert elo
cutionist , had spoken thus far in the
assumed character of the dead man.
"It is a lovely story , " Professor
Smith went on , with no lapse from
his impersonation of the solemnly
speaking spirit of Hartley. "Our
vessel was plundered and abandon
ed by the mutinous crew. Only
Helen , whom I madly loved , but who
had never yet confessed she loved
me , was * left alone on board with me.
Days of famishing and fever ensued.
One afternoon Helen was lying mo
tionless in the shadow of the com
panion hatch. I threw myself down
by her side. She put out her hand
and grasped mine , and a flush cross
ed her face. I was to weak to speak ,
and thus hand in hand we lay for
I don't know how long. Gradually
I lost consciousness , .perhaps in
sleep. At all events my spirit was
not free. The frail body still
had strength enough to re
tain it. "E was aroused by
something dropping on my fare. As
consciousness came back I saw that
the sky had become overcast ; that a
cool breeze was blowing , and that a
gentle rain was falling. Helen was
sitting erect , and with parted lips
drinking in the grateful rain laden
air. I tried to rise , but could not.
She was much stronger than I , and
at my direction , went below and
brought blankets and clothes , which
she spread on the deck , that they
might catch the falling drops. She
seemed quite vigorous , and already
felt my own strength coming back.
Soon she was able to squeeze water
from the blanket into a little can
which stood by the mast. We were
in too great agony of thirst to think
of neatness. She offered the can to me.
"Drink yourself , Helen , " I said.
"No , " she answered , with a
smile. "No you need it most. " And
kneeling by my side she slipped her
arm under my head and with the
other hand held the water to my
parched lips.
"I drank eagerly. The draught
was life to me. Never had water such
strength giving power. I hardly
noticed that it left such a queer taste
upon my lips. 1 sat erect. Helen ,
with her arm still around my neck ,
drank what remained in the can.
Then she looked me full in the face.
There was a new expression in the
lovely eyes. A deep flush was on her
"Arthur , " she said , and there
was a tremor in the rich deep voice ,
"Arthur , I love you ! 01 ; I love you !
My darling , my noble , faith.'ul dar
ling ! Arthur ! "
"She threw herself upon my breast
with burning face and streaming
eyes. The blood leaped through my
veins. She raised her sweet face and
our lips met for the first time. . There
was anawful crash and our freed
spirits took their happy flight to
gether. "
"We had drank from the can that
had contained Uncle John's explosive ,
A little of the powder had clung to
the can , floated on the water , and
adhered to our lips when we drank. "
"The impact of that first elastic
kiss had exploded the compound and
our heads were blown from our
shoulders. That's all. "
And Professor Smith , the story tell
er , smiled. Cincinnati Enquirer
Sent a Boy.
From the Pittsliurg Dispatch.
A lady walking along a street came
upon a little girl , wheeling a baby
carriage. "What a beautiful baby ! "
exclaimed the lady as she discovered
a pink face done up in a cream color
ed shawl. Whose baby is it ? "
"Mine , " the little girl answered.
"Oh , you mean that it is your lit
tle brother or sister ? "
No , I mean that he is not my
brother , but he is my child. "
"You are a very young mother. "
"I ain't no mother. "
"Then why should you say that
the baby is yours ? " the lady mis
chievously asked.
"Cause God sent it me. My mam
ma asked me if I didn t want a little
baby in the house an' I said yes ; an'
she said if I prayed for one God
would send it , an" then I said I would
pray for a little sister , 'cause I like
girls better than boys ; but mamma
said I'd just better pray for any kind
that God has si mind to send , but I
didn't : I prayed for a little girl , but
God took an' sent a boy any way , an'
I guess it was because He didn't have
any little girls on hand. Then I said
I would pray to God to send a little
girl as soon as he could ; but our
folks said that I neenter put myself
to any trouble on that account. "
Presidential Tips.
The biggest railway official in the
country that I know of told me the
other night that "the porters of
special cars pick up big money.
Whenever a special car is used the
best porter who is handy is assigned
to it. This man expects and usually
receives a handsome gratuity.
Those who travel in special cars can
afford to be liberal to the one who ,
for the time being , becomes a valet ,
or personal servant , and generally
are. When Gen. Grant went any
where the porter of the special car
always got $50. He never gave
less , whether the time was a day era
a week , and never gave more. It
was invariably a fifty dollar bill.
President Arthur always gave the
porter two twenty dollar notes or
two twenty dollar gold pieces. He
was als t liberal to other minor rail
way officials. President Hayes used
a special car pretty often. He tip
ped the porter S5. When Garfieid
traveled special the porter got only
$2 , and considered himself lucky to
get that. Garfieid was always very
close about money matters. He
saved money while in congress on a
salary that few others were barely
able to live upon. " Pibtsburg Dis
Traveling for the First Time.
A railroad engineer in Maine saw
a man on the track waving at him
a few days ago , and , his mind filled
with the possiblities of impending
danger , stopped the train. Every
one was in a high state of excitement ,
but the man eoolly boarded the
smoking car without uttering a word.
He looked as if he had not traveled
far from his native healli , and on
being questioned said : "Wai , I just
waved my hand cos I wanted to get
on the keers. I'm going ter Wells ,
and I never been on the keers before. "
He spoke , it is said ; with an unmis
takable air of innocence , and raised
such a flood of good nature
that the conductor silently took his
fare , and when he landed at Wells he
was loudly cheered in honor of his
first ride. Philadelphia Ledger.
Of Two Evils He Chose the
The late master of Trinity College ,
Cambridge , was held in wholesome
dread by the under graduates. On
one occasion an unfortunate "under-
grad" who has been invited to
breakfast with him strolled across
the court to the master's lodge , fin
ishing as he went his morning cigar
ette , all unmindful of the college rules ,
which strictly prohibit such enjoy
ments within the gates. When he
reached the door it opened suddenly
and the master appeared before him
as he took his Is-rt whiff.
"Do you mean to insult me , sir , or
are you lost to i.T | sense of decency ? "
said" the head of tne college.
The poor felloe , thinking only of
the dire consequences of the first of
these three alternatives , answered in
trepidation :
'If you please , sir , I am lost all to
sense of decency. "
Tired of Shining.
"Don't you want to go to the bet
ter world , Tommy ? " asked a Sunday-
school teacher of the new scholar.
' No , mum , " promptly replied the
frank little fellow. "And why not ,
Tommy ? " "Oh , when 1 die I want to
go where a feller can rest. " "Well ,
my boy , you can rest there. " "Well ,
in thift song we sung it said we'd all
shine there. " "Certainly ; don't you _
want to shine there ? " "No , mum , I j
don't want to shine there. I get
enough of that here. I'm P. shoe
black , mum. " Toronto Empire.
[ The following lines from an uncompleted
poem were found upon Bryant's table , writ
ten several years after the death of his wife. ]
The morn hath not the glory that it worn.
Nor doth the day BO beautifully die ,
Since I call thee to my side no more ,
To gaze upon the s'y.
For thy dear hand , with each return of spring ,
I Rought in suun.v nooks the flowers she gave :
I fienk them still , and sorrowfully bring ,
The choicest to thy grave.
From where I sit alone is sometimes heard ,
From thepreat world , nwhisperofmynnnie ,
Joined , haply , to some kind , comment-urg *
word ,
By those whose praise is fame.
And then , ns if I thought thou still wertnigh ,
I turn me , halflorgettinj ? thou f-rt dead ,
To read the gentle glndnes in thiJ ) eye ,
That only I might have read.
I turn , but see thee not : before mine eyes
The image of a hillside mound appears ,
Where all of the that passed not to the skies ,
Was laid with bitter tears ,
And I , whoso thoughts go back to happier
' days ,
That filed with thee , would gladly now re
11 thatthp world can give of fame and praise ,
For one sweet look o ; thine.
Detroit Free Pres .
R. Johnson Rin-
gamy , the au
thor sat in his li
brary gazing idly
out of the win
dow. The view
was very pleas
ant , and the early
morning sun
brought out in strong relief the fresh
greenness to the trees that now had
on their early spring suits of foliage.
Mr. Ringamy had been a busy man ,
but now if he had caret ] to take life
) asy , he might have done so , for few
books had had the tremendous suc
cess of his latest work. Mr. Ringamy
was thinking about this when the
door opened and a tall intelligent
looking young man entered from the
study that communicated with the
library. He placed on the table the
bunch of opened letters he had in his
hand , and , drawing up a chair , open
ed a blank notebook that had be
tween the leaves a lead pencil sharp
ened at both ends.
"Good morning , Mr. Scriver , " said
the author , also hitching up his chai1 *
towards the table. He sighed as he
did so , for the fair spring prospect
from the library window was much
more attractive than the task of
answering an extensive correspond ,
"Is there a large mail this morning *
Scriver ? "
"A good sized one , sir. Many of
them however , are notes asking for
your autograph. "
"Inclose stamp , do they ? "
'Most of them , sir ; those bhat did
not. I threw in the waste basket. "
"Quite right. And the autographs ,
you might write them this afternoon ,
if you have time. "
"I have already done so , sir. I
flatter myself that even your most
intimate friend could not tell my
version of your autograph from your
own. "
As he said this the young man
shoved towards the author a letter
which he had written , and Mr. Ring
amy looked at it critically.
"Very good , Scriver , very good in
deed. In fact , if I were put on the
witness-box I am not sure that I
would be able to swear that that
was not my signature. What's
this you have said in the body of
the letter about sentiment ? Not
making me write anything sentimen
tal , I hope. Be careful my boy , I
don't want the newspapers to get
hold of anything that could turn
into ridicule. They are too apt to
that sort of thing if they geb half a
chance. "
" 0,1 think you will find it all right. "
said the young man ; still I thought
it best to submit it to you before
sending it off. You see the lady who
writes has been getting up a 'Ring
amy Club' in Kalamazoo , and she
asks you to give her an autographic
sentiment which they will cherish as
the motto of the club. Sol wro'e
the sentence , 'All classes of labor
should have equal compensation. '
If that won't do I can change it. "
"Oh , that will do first rate first
rate. "
"Of course it is awful rot , but I
thought it would please the feminine
mind. "
"Awful what did you aay , Mr.
Scriver ? "
"Well popycock if that expresses
ib better. Of course you don't be
lieve any such nonsense as that. "
Mr. Johnson Ringamy frowned as
he looked at his secretary ,
"I don't think I understand you , " he
said at last.
"Well look here , Mr. Rigamy , speak
ing now , not as a paid servant to his
master , but "
"Now , Scriver , I won't have any
talk like that. There is no master
or servant idea between us. There
oughtn't to be between anybody.
All men are free and equal in this
country. "
"They are in theory , and in my eye ,
if I wanted to make it more express
ive. "
"Scriver. I cannot congratulate you
on your expressive expessions , if I may
call them so. But we are wandering
from the argument. You were going
to Stiy tint speaking as Well ,
go on , "
"I was going to say that , speaking
fvs one reasonable sensible man to
another , without any gammon
about it , dent you think it is rank
nonsense to say that one class of la
bor should bo as well compenso-ted
as another. Honestly now ? "
The author sat back in his hair
and gazed across the table at hla sec-
retary. Finally , ho said
"My dear Scriver , you can't really
mean what you say. You know that
I hold that all classes of laborshould
have exactly , the same compensa
tion ! The miner the blacksmith , the
preacher , the president , the postal
clerk , the author , the printer yes ,
the man who sweeps out the office ,
or who polishes boots , should each
share alike , of this world were whatit
should be yes , what it will be.
Why. Scriver , you surely couldn't
have read my book "
"Read it ! why , hang it , I wrote
it. "
"You wrote it ! The deucoyou did.
I always thought I was the author
of "
"So you are. But didn't I take it
all down in shorthand , and whack ib
out on the typewriter , and didn't I
go over the proof sheets with you.
And " vet you ask me if I have read
it. "
"Oh yes , quite right , I see what
you mean. Well , if you paid as
much attention to the arguments as
you did to the autof raphy , I should
think you would not ask if I really
meantf what I said in the book"
" 0,1 suppose you meant it all
right enougu in a way in theory ,
perhaps.bub "
"My dear sir , allow me to say that
a theory that is not practical is no
theory at all. The greab success of
'Gazing Upward , ' has been due to
the facb that it is an eminently prac
tical work. The nationalization of
everything js not a matter of theory.
The ideas advocated in that boolc.
can be seen at work any time. Look
at the army , look at the postoffice. "
"Oh that's all right , looking at
things in bulk. Let's come down to
practical details. Detail is the real
test of any scheme. Take this vol
ume , 'Gazing Upward. ' Now , might
I ask you how much this book has
netted you up to date ? "
0,1 don't know exactly. Some
where in the neighborhood of § 100- ,
000. "
"Arery well , then. Now let us look
at the method by which that book
was produced. You walked up and
down this room with your hands be
hind your back and dictated chap
ter after chapter , an'd I sat at this
table taking ib all down in short
hand. Then you went out and took
the air while 1 whacked it out on the
typewriter. "
"I wish you woulcln'tsay 'whacked , '
Scriver. That's twice you've used
it. "
"All right , typographical error.
For 'whacked' read 'manipulated. '
Then you looked over"the.typewrit
ten pages , and I erased and wrote in
and finally got out a perfect copy.
Now I worked just us hard proba
bly harder than you didyetthesuc-
cess of that book was entirety due to
you , and not to me. Therefore it is
quite right that voushould jret100 ,
000 , and that I should. get § 15 a
week. Come now , isn't it ? Speak
ing as a man of common sense. "
' 'Speaking exactly in that way 1
say no , it is not right. If the world
were rightly ruled the compensation
of author and secretary would have
been exactly the same. "
" 0 well , if you go so far as that , "
replied the secretary , "I have nothing
more to say. "
The author laughpd and the two
men bent their energies to the corre
spondence. When the task was fin
ished Scriver said :
" 1 would like to get acoupleofdays
off , Mr. Ringamy. 1 have some pri
vate business to attend to. "
"When could you get back ? "
'Til report to you on Thursday
morning. "
"Very well then. Not later than
Thursday. I think I'll take a couple
of days off myself. "
On Thursday morning Mr. John
son Ringamy sat in his library look
ing out of the window , but the day
was not as pleasant as when he last
gazed at the hills , and the woods ,
and the green fields. A wild storm j
lashed the landscape and rattled the
rain drops against the pane. Mr.
Ringamy waited for sometime and
then opened the study door and
looked in. The little room was emp
ty , lie rang the bell and the trim
servant stfrl appeared.
"Has Mr. Scriver come in yet ? "
"No , sir , he haven't. "
"Perhaps the rain has kept him. "
"Mr. Scriver said that when you '
come back , sir , there was a letter on !
the table as was for you. " |
"All , so there is. Thank you , that t
will do. "
The author opened the letter and
read as follows :
MY DE VK Mil. RINGAMY Your argument *
the other day fully convinced me that you
were right and I am wrong ( "Ah ! I.thought
they would , " murmured the author ) . I have
there ore taken a step toward putting your
theories into practice. The scheme is an old
one in commercial life , but new in its present
application. PO much so that I fear it will
find no de cnders except yourself , and I trust
that now I am far away ( "Dear me , what
does this mean ? " cried the author ) you will
show any doubters that I 'acted on the prin
ciples that will govern the world when the
theories of "Gazing Upward" are pot into
practice. For fear that all might not agree
with you at present. 1 have taken th * pre
caution n "Til"to th ° t mul'M-o\-iT Ml I'oiiti-
tiy fiom wlms. IKIDIIH * nui'Mraiiition tientv
force * the traveler Jo retui a sunnv Spain. ,
You said you could not leil my icndition o"i i
M > nr signature tiom your own. Neither
could the rachier. Fifty thousand del
inrs. Half the profit * , j on know. You r.m
bt-nd 'utnre . " . .iriiinul.itiua- the boot will j
continu" to M-il , to the address of
Po t r.f-tant. Madrid. Spain. i
Mr. Riii'Miiiy at once put thp case j
in thp hands nt the detectives , where i
it still remain * . j
Horses branded on loft blp or loft abouldef
P. O. address. Impsrlml ,
Chase county , and neat-
rice , Neb. Knnjfe. Slink-
injr Watur and French *
man creeks , Chnso Co. '
lirund as cut on side of
some anlrnnla , on hip nnC
sides of some , or anj
To euro Biliousness , Sick Ilcadaobo , ConiU-
patlon , Malaria , Liver Complaints , taka
the eito and certain rewedy ,
Use the SMALL Size (40Httl < 5 Beans to th
J9vxitt l > lo iozr ca.ll _ A.feMi.
Frico of cither size , SSc. per Bottle.
1 > * .
U.iltd for 4 ct. . ( coppari or tUapi V
House Mover % Drayman ,
137" House and Safe Moving a Spec
ialty. Orders for Draying left at th
Huddleston Lumber Yard will recerro
prompt attention.
Steam and Hot Water Heating ,
North Main Avenue.
A stock of best grades of Hose , Lawi
Bprinkters , Hose Keels nurl Hose Fixture *
oonttantlr oil hand. All work rcceir eg pronpi
And what is of more importance ,
Why not have a suit that fits youk
when one which is both stylish and
serviceable can be bought for $22.00 " '
A pair of trowsers which are really ( )
elegant , DRYSDAI/B will build you foi
$5. Fine fabrics cost but little at
YKYSDALOS'S now , less than misfits in
ji ct. Look him over. You will plac *
your order. Save money. Feel bette ?
and look better. Buying for cash an *
light expenses does the business at
Bus , Baggage Dray Line ,
F. P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
| y Best Equipped in the Citr. Leave orderf
at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fu : >
aUfced on short notice.
I will buy stock cattle of any age ,
from calves up. Also , stock hogs.
At Brush creek ranch , 3 miles
southeast of McCook , Neb.
J. I * . aiESKR YE.
Leading Merchant Tailor.
Will sell English , Scotch , French
and American cloths AT COST foi
the next sixty days. Come and get
a first-class suit of clothes cheap.
It ir. a rare chance. Shop two doors
west ol the Citizens Bank , McCook ,