By F. M. KIMMELL. . THE republicans have opened the campaign. The cold weather for democrats has arrived and will grow more frigid as the 4th of No vember draws near. After this date the democrats will imagine .that they are in Siberia. THE Fairbury Gazette observes quite pertinently that the well-to- do farmers of Jefferson county did not turn out to hear McKeighan when that truly great and good re former spoke at the alliance picnic held in that county , last w ek. The facts seem to be that McKei- ghan's audiences are made up of the disgruntled , dissatisfied and disaffected wh erevor h e goes. The prosperous farmer has no use foi him. THERE was a large and notable gathering of Republican editors , candidates and politicians at Lin coln recently. Reports were had from all over the state. The con census of opinion was that a vigor ous , aggressive and persistent cam paign will bring the Republican ticket through in good form in No vember. The need of active work by the party all along the line was recognized , and the determination to wage a winning battle was firm ly expressed. Being alive -to the situation , the Republicans of Neb raska will not be found sleeping , but will make things interesting for the opposition with oldtiine vigor. McKEiGiiAN , the people's-demo- cratic nominee for congress in the Salubrious Second , has been some thing of a boodler himself. For merly a county judge , his official integrity in that capacity is being very seriously questioned. Charg ed with robbing an orphan girl of her inheritance and of getting away with other monies ; charged with keeping the worst set of books ever seen in a county judge's oflice and Tvith inoculating his accounts with the whiskey that befuddled his brain , charged even with indictable offences , this noble champion of the people , posing as the reform Moses , appears extremely ridicu lous. Tecumseh Chieftain. THE dull thud with Avhich the two lieaded site for the world's fair was dispatched to the other world l > y the hatchet of the commission ers , was heard with joy all over the land. The commission have decid ed that the board of directors have -trifled with the nation long enough , it is now probable that Chicago "will come down to business and offer a site that will accommodate the people of the country rather than the real estate sharks who liave taken options in such large quantities on the lands adjacent to Jackson Park. In fact if Chicago does not offer a proper site in short meter there will be a storm and she will face a sort of music that Tvill make her sick. The fair will l > e removed to Washington and .congress will appropriate'the funds to erect the buildings without a word of protest from the west -which had so generously backed aip the lake city in the contest for the location. Journal. "McKEiGHAN's record is rising in various unexpected places , The .records of the supreme court of our state show a case entitled HeKei- .ghan vs. Graves in which the court filed an opinion February 19,1890. This was a case wherein a man named Graves secured a judgment before a justice of the peace against McKeighan in 1887 for $130.60 on the promissory notes that McKei- .ghan had given him. This judg ment McKeighan dragged through the courts on pretended error until it reached the supreme court of Ne braska , and of this case the court .says : "No particular objection to ihe judgment is pointed out and 3ione is apparent from an inspec tion of the transcript. The case lias the appearance of an appeal in order to delay the collection of the judgment. But , however that may .be , the judgment appears to be right and is affirmed. " The opin ion is rendered by Judge Maxwell. A man who resorts to shyster law yer tricks to prevent the payment of his small promissory notes is Jiardly the man to .be elected over JN" . Y. Harlan to representthe great state of Nebraska in congress. Our alliance friends can read the opin ion in this case in the Northwest ern Reporter , Yol. 44 , No. 14 , pub lished April 20 , 1889. THE Kearney Enterprise , that o. year ago ranked os one of Nebras ka's brightest and best dailies , has gone where the woodbine twineth. Let's see , didn't the Omaha Bee , World-Horald and State Journal , in their little autopsy of the Oma ha Republican , discover that its change from a whiskey to a prohi bition paper killed it ? About two mouths ago the Enterprise flopped from a prohibition to a whiskey sheet. Will those great and wise dailies hold another examination and see why the Enterprise didn't live and flourish like a sunflower in June after it flopped. Ex. FINAL PROOF NOTICES. LAND OKKICU AT MCCOOK. NEB. , i September J8th. 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named Bottler IIHH tiled notice of his Intention to make final commutation proof in support of lilri claim , and that said pioof will be in nil o before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. October 23th. 1800. viz : TAYLOR WAHD. H. R. No. 9G20 for the W. fcj N. W. H and W. yt S.V. . % of Ht-ct ion 27. town. 2 , north of range 29 , west of Oth P. M. Ho names Iho following wituecses to inovc his continuous residence upon , and uuitivationof , said hind , viz : James E.Troy. .John Stalker. John E. Tirrill , William T. Shields , all of .McCook. Neb. H. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McOooic , NEB. , i Septum bur 18th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given thut the following- mimed settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , und tbul said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , October 25lh , Ib'JO. viz : WILLIAM E. KETCH. D. S. No C937 for the S. W. H Sec. No. 32. town. 5. north of range 29. west of ( ith P. M. He names ihc following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , und cultivation of , suidland , viz : Muthewtitewiut. Hubert Beach , Aulln O. Houge , Severt O. Jlougc. all of Box Eider , Neb. S. P. HART , Register. Land Oflice at McCook , Neb. , t September 1st , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and Unusual pi oof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday , October ICtli , 1890 , viz : LOUIS DANZ , H. E. No. 4494 , for the S. E. X section 20. town ship 5. north of range 29. west of Gth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove- bis continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : James Spauiding and Irving W. Spauldingot Box Elder , Neb. , James 1' Foley of McCook , Neb. , Alexander C. Harlan , ofOsburn. Neb. * 13 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT McConK , NEIJ. , i August I30th , 1S90. f Notice is hereby given that the following- naircd settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , nud that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday , October 15th , 1890 , viz : GEORGE w. WORTH. who made H. E. No. 3130 for the N. y2 N. E. } 4 and E. yt N. W. 14 of section 3 , in town.5 , north of range 29. west of Cth P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Samuel Godard and Santford T. Godard of Indianola , Neb . John F. G.irlick and John G. Harrison of Quick , Neb. S. P. HART , 15. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. Nnu. . / A UK usr 2/I ! ) . 1890. f Notice is hereby given thut the tollowing- naim-d settler lias ilk-ii notice ol his intention to make final pirn ) ! in support ol his claim ami that said prim ! " nil ! t.e imuie belore Reg i < i < 'r or UfU'iver ntMoC.iolc.Xob. , on Satur day. October4th , IMHi.7. \ : WILL1.X.M H. . AMPMBLL. II. K No. 27i for liioV. . 4 N. W. S. E. & N. W. 14 N. W. } 4 S. W. tf S"c U4. town. 3. north range 29. west OiliV. M H.- > names thp following lowingtt'itn - M,1t , prove ills continuous resi dence upon. : tiid i-iiltiviiiion of , said land , viz : J. H Stcphfiiii. MaMlii-w stt'wait. Lee Ann Ketch and William Wi-vgint. al ! of Box Eider , Nclirns-ksi. U. ' S. P. HART ; Register. LAND OPXICK AT McOooK. NEIL , i Aii Ubt20th. lb ! > 0. ( Notice is hiM-eby given Uiat ihe following- nanifd settler hus filed noticu ot his intention to make final live year proof in support of its claim , and that said proof will be made be fore Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. October llth. 1890. viz : SIDNEY DODGE. who made H. E. No. 1203 for the E. VN. . W. J and W. yx N. E. J4 t seuti'on 20. town. 1. north of range 29 , wi-st 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Abraham V. Olmstead. John Gooden- berger. James Luwthors , James E. Lawthers , all of McCook , Neb. S. P. HART , * 13 Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by thu clerk of the district court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , upon a decree rendered Jn said court , in favor of the Nebraska Loan and Banking company , against John Howater . J. Wheeler and John Riley , I have levied upon the following real estate as the property of John Howater. to-wit : West half ot north-west quarter of section thirty- threeI33I township lourI4I north of range thir- tvBSOS west of 6th P.M. in Red Willow county , Nebraska , and I will on the 21st day of October , 1890 at 10 o'clock of said day , at the front door of the court-house of said county , in the town of Indianola. Bell said real estate at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said order of sale , the amount due thereon in the aggregate being $239.25 , and 518.53 costs , and accruing costs. Dated Sept. 13,1890. W. A. McCoor , , Sheriff of said County. Per E. R. Banks. Deputy. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska. Mary L. Lenart , Plaintiff , vs. Jac ob H. Lenart. Defendant. To Jacob H. Lenart. non-resident defendant : You are hereby notified that Mary L. Lenart , plaintiff herein , has on the 18th day of Sep tember , 1890 , filed a petition against you in the District Court of Red Willow county. State of Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and praying for the custody ot Daisy Elta Lenart minor child , the issue of the marriage ot the plaintiff with jrou the said defendant. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday , the 27th day of October , 1890. MARY L. LENAUT. By her attorney , C. II. Boy'e. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated February 21st , 1890 , and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow countv. Nebraska , and executed by Elmer Wickwiro to George Lehind. ( and by George Leland assigned to the First National Bank of McCook , Neb. , ) to secure the payment of the sum of one hundred and twenty-flve dollars ( S123.00) ) and upon which there is now due the sum ot $123 00 and ten per cent , inter est from August 21st. 1890. Default having been made in the payment of the said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said oebt or any part thereof , I will sell the property therein described , to-wit : One red cow , 3 years old ; one red cow , 5 years old ; one red cow. 5 years old ; one roan cow , 6 vears old ; one roan cow , 7 years old , all branded "O" on left hip ; one bay mare mule , about 12 years old. "weight about SOOpounds ; one bay horse , about 9 years old , weight about 1.000 pounds : one lumber wagon in use about 2 years : one set of double harness in use about 1 year ; one stirring plow ; one brenkingplow ; one harrow ; togetherwith the increase of above-mentioned cows ; at public auction on the corner of Main avenue and Dennison street , in McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , September 27th , 1890 , at 2 o'clock , P. M. , central time. Dated this 5th day of Septcmher. 1890. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or MCCOOK , NEB. , assignee of GEORGE LELAND , Mortgagee. J. t & ts. 1C. & 1886-The Beginning , 1890-Tiie End. A ER ! con @ on ASU J. n u\4 JL 1. Ill / MLu : TO BE ! Bill VALUE ! J -AS AS- T nrT I LD CHILD. UND H HATS & CAPS. LADIES' & CHILD'N'S HOSIERY , CLOAKS , NDERWEAR -TO BR SOLD NPV liL i Will . Mai . vw J.JLJL J.YJiLc&J his is a for Bargain Hunters. B 3TORE BUILDING AND LOT FOR SALE.