The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 19, 1890, Image 2

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A Jotter , lovr , n letter , love ,
I Bond to you n. letter.
Anil cvory IMIC'H a link , my love ,
And every woid's n ictter
To bind your licnrt , liy IOVO'H own art ,
To ono who lovrfl you bolter
Than all the world. Although botwrtn
Your rity nnd liis pruirlo
A tlioiiKand miles do intervene ,
Fnlr fiincy proven n fnir.y. *
To brinpryonr face , your tender grace ,
Your truth that cannot vary.
.A letter , love , n letter , love ,
1 mennt to write a letter.
-And every line a link should b ,
And every word a fetter ,
To bind your henrt , by love's own art ,
To ono \f\o loves you better
Thnn nil the world. But still I pause ,
With prcrioiiH moments palter ,
And four to tll you nil becauf-e
I fear to fail and alter.
Like one uho IU.VH , with humble gaze ,
Ilis tribute on nn ultar.
So tnko the few poor words I send ,
And read the lines between , dear ,
And like a lenient liuly lend
Your love to make them mean , dear.
All lips would speak to brow and cheek
Could heart bhold its queen , dear !
Kato II , Clcary in XL-W York Ledger.
-From the San Franciboo Examiner.
WAS talking
over mines and
great discoveries
with a lot of old
prospectors the
other day and
some one men
tioned the great
silver ledge re
cently uncovered
by a lucky pros-
pector on the
'hills back of the Llano Diablo , when
one of the party , whose name I am
not at liberty to mention , old the
following tale , and vouched for its
-truth. I gave it in his own words :
"I was one ofthe first prospectors
that ever wenb into that country ,
andyo'ucan bet your pack mule that
it is rich in mineral. We took up
some claims there , but the Apaches
drove us out , and I never went back.
J had an adventure there , though >
that I'm not likely to forget , and it
was worse than any Indian attack
while it lasted.
"The Llano Din bio , " he said , "is
really an isolated valley formed by the
dividing of the great Sierra Madre ,
in Northern Chihuahua. They call it
the Devils Plain , and it deserves the
name. It was in ' 74 that we went in
there 200 miles from a settlement-
We had made some good locations
; and were about to get out , thinkin-
&o come back after the Apaches were
Bettled. You could hear the noise
from the geysers on the Llano any
where around there ; and I made up
my mind to get a close look at the
extraordinary place before I went
back. None of the boys cared to go ,
so I started out alone from camp at
"The hills that separated the Llano
from our camping place were not
very high and I rode over. For a
few miles there was nothing particu
lar to notice except that the roaring
in the air grew louder and thatabso-
lutely nothing , not even a cactus or
.a mesquite bush , grew on the hills.
My horse trotted on unconcernedly
-over the first white hill and then I
began to notice how hollow his hoof
Jbeats sounded. The country was
* nnd it seemed to me that this crust
. must be pretty thin to ring back hol
low like that. I got a little scared
. - and made up my mind to walk the
irest of the way.
"I anchored my horse to a bowlder
, and clambered up to the nearest
. .ridge ahead.
J'Then I saw the Llano Diablo.
" "It was worth all my climbing , Itell
; ; you. The plain is an irregular trian
rgJe , probably ten miles long on the
longest side and half as wide. It
was covered over with mounds and
"tooles , and looked like the surface of
a kettle of mush that had frozen be
fore it had stopped boiling. All
" ) f these mounds and holes had been
.geysers , but all except a bunch of
probably half a hundred in the cen
ter of the plain wereno longer active.
But these made noise and disturb-
since enough , lean tell you. They
.roared out of the mounds so that
? the mountains really shook. First
-one , would shoot up with a fearful
oioise , two or three more would join
-in the chorus , a dozen others would
jump up , and then of a sudden they
would all stop and another set would
begin their music. They were a bout
two miles from me , and as far as I
could judge the strongest of them
sent its waters up at least a hundred
feet. I had lots of time , so Ithought
I would get a close view. I got
down to the plain and started across
dts white , cracked and crumbled sur
face. I found that I could not get
within 100 yards of the biggest
ispouter , as to mound about it was
altogether too steep. I got pretty
close to some of the others and de
scended right to the margin of a
boiling pond.
were sprouting all around me
.and I was drenched by the
'wcrm spray that the wind
Jblew from the columns of water. I
-saw them sprout up and then subside -
-side and I wondered what became of
this active water after the eruption.
'This I made up my mind to find out
; if I-could. ' A hundred yards or so
P -west of me there wafl a mound that
did not eeem so very high. I saw
the tig jet of water subside into , this
mound just then und started on a
run toward it.
"In ten minutes 1 was on the
mound , und looking ; down into a
basin as smooth as the inside of one
of these globes they keep gold-fish
in. It was just a monster washba
sin , while and polished as porcelain.
In the middle of it was a shaft ,
round like a well , and about four
feet across.
'What first attracted my atten
tion to this particular geyser was
the strange noises that come from
it. Most of the spouters jusb roar
ed for a little , and then screamed ,
and then whistled , and then all three
together. I stood on the edge list
ening to the strange rumblings that
came from the shaft.
"Suddenly there was a sound as of
five hundred windows smashing.
"The brittle overhanging edge upon -
on which I stood crumbled under me.
1 tried to save myself , but more
broke off , and in nn instant I' was
sliding down the funnel toward the
shaft. I tried to stop myself by jam
ming my fingers into the side , but I
might as well have tried to catch
hold of the clouds. The sides were
as hard and smooth as glass , and I
simply broke off my finger-nails. I
did not slide so very fast , so 1 could
think , but I was powerless to arrest
my progress. It was about fifty feet
that I had to slide before I went into
that hole , and down I went , gaining
speejrl to every foot. No toboggan
ever shot over a jump-off faster than
I shot into the shaft.
I shut my eyes , was cognizant of
that sinking feeling , lost my breath ,
and then
ttT J
j. stopped witii ajoit tnac almost
jerked my head off. About fifteen
feet below the mouth of this avenue
to the center of the earth the shaft
contracted so that there was only a
couple of feet for me to fall through.
I didn't drop squarely , sol didn't gc
through. A choke in the throat ol
the shaft was doubtless the cause oi
the strange sounds that I had heard
come from it. Strange to say , ]
thought of that even before ]
thought of getting out. Soon , ol
course , I got my head back , found ]
was whole , nnd determined to get
out. That was as far as I got. The
sides of the shaft were of polished si
lica. There was neither crevice nor
projection by which I could raise
"How did I feel ? Don't ask me.
How would you feel if you were like a
cork in a bottle ? Only fifteen feet
from liberty and safety , and yet as
securely a prisoner as if you" were
chained to the bottom of the Pacific
"I didn't give up right away. I
tried to get my knees against the
other side of the shaft and work up
like a chimney sweep in a flue , but it
was no go. The shaft was too wide.
Then I got out my knife a good ,
hard , steel bowie and tried to chip
the wall. That knife might as well
have been paper for all the impres
sion I could make on those
I kept on , though , until my knife
slipped and cut my fingers and
then fell through the orifice at my
feet and splashed into the water fifty
feet deeper. That impelled me to
look down. The narrow place in
the well that had saved me was only
a few feet ; below it the shaft widened
again. It was perfectly white and
the water was at the bottom. While
I looked down there was a gigantic
sob and the water vanished , leaving
black nothingness in its place.
"Pretty soon it was back again
and it began to sing. That shaft
must have connected with every horrible
rible cavern under the earth's crust ,
and from every one of them came a
"After a while , though I'knew there
was no one to hear me , I shouted for
"As the sound left my lips the water
seemed to leap toward me. They
jumped convulsively a foot or more
nnd then subsided. Then back came
my scream for help , ten times louder
than I had uttered it. It seemed as
if in every cavern there was a giant
fiend who mocked me. That noise
made my hair rise and for a time I
was quiet.
"Then I began to do some hard
thinking. If I didn't get out pretty
shortly the water would come up to
spout and I would be drowned like a
rat in a hole. Hooked down at the
water : it wassteamingand bubbling.
I was counting to much on my luck.
Instead of drowning , if I stayed there ,
I would be boiled alive like a lobster
in a kettle.
"I couldn't get out myself ; some
body had to come to my help. I
took out my revolver and put it to
my head. Then an idea occurred to
me. There were six shots in the pistol
tel , why not fire off five in an en
deavor to attract the attention of
some one who might the chance was
a wretchedly faint one be near
enough to hear. So
At every shot that devil water
jumped forme , and theechoes roared
and thundered in the caverns as if
they would burst the whole country
wide open.
'At last the fiveshots were gone. I
waited , but noansweriug shot came.
Then I swore ; then I cried ; then I put
the muzzle of the gun in my mouth ,
tried to pray and pulled the trigger.
I was surprised to find myself alive.
My last cartridge had proved defec
tive and failed to explode. I could
not even commit suicide.
"The pistol followed the knife to
the bottom of the abyss. That
seemed to affront the devil of the pit.
The bubbling humming ceased , and
instead there came up to me a low ,
fierce roar that utterly destroyed any
; nerve I had left. I saw the 'surface of
the water get white and bubbly and
slowly begin to climb toward mo. I
braced myself lor a fearful death.
"It must have been within a dozen
feet of me when something exploded
with the noise of a thousand cannons.
I felt the water hit me. Heavens ,
wasn't it hot !
"In an instant I was shot out of
the hole and fifty feet into the air.
"You have seen a cork ball kept
dancing on the top of a stream-of a
garden fountain. Well , here was the
same effect , only I was the cork ball
and the fountain was a column oi
water higher than a house and four
feet through.
"Don'fc ask me how I felt tumbling
nnd rolling and tossing and twirling
and dropping and shooting up again
at the top of that accursed geyser. I
only knew that the water was awful
to sv\im out of the column of water ,
butlgotag'lyr ipseof the hard rough
plain below me and stopped thinking ,
if I hnd been heavier I would have
fallen instantly , if lighter I would
also have been.thrown off , but I seem
ed to bejust t-he right weight for that
jet of hot water. 1 was aw fully sick
The roaring and churning and turn
ing and twisting made me dizzy , and
I would have soon lost consciousness.
Suddenly the perpendicular stream
gave another shoot and then dropped
several feet. It caught me again ,
but the balance was destroyed , and
down I w nt whirling like a pin-wheel
clear of the column.
"Had I fallen as soon as I was
shot from the cavern 1 must have
been clashed to death at once , but
the great basin was now full of water
that broke my fall. I came to the
surface almost dead , but with sense
enough to try for my life. I strain
ed to reach the edge , reached it and
hung there. With a last roar the
geyser ceased to spout. There was
a fierce gurgling and the water in
the basin was sucked back into the
earth. I felt the awful tug with
which it sought to Jrag me with it ,
ut the edge held , thank God ! And
I managed to .drag myself over it ,
and then I fainted.
"When I came to the geyser was
spouting again. I cast one look on
the column , the spray from which
was drenching and scolding me , and
and then I fled.
"My fellow prospectors came ia
search of me and found me Wander
ing plumb crazy near where I left my
"I got over it , but I don't ever
want to see or hear of the Llano
Diablo again.
Don't Crowd Your Neighbor.
That it does not always pay to
! bully , simply because you happen to
j be stronger or richer or think you are
smarter than the other fellow , is neat
ly exemplified in the following story
in the Boston Gazette :
A remarkable case of "diamond
cut diamond , " occurred in Boston ,
recently , notfar from the Providence
railroad station. A druggist had
fitted up a neat corner store and
had established at once a fine trade.
One day another druggist entered
his store and said : "I want to buy
you out. How much will you take ? "
"I do not want to sell , " was there-
ply. " 1 expected that answer , " said
the encroaching person , "and I am
prepared for it.- Now if you don't.
' sell out to me , I will open a drug
store in opposition on the opposite
corner. How much will you take'r
The druggist , offended at this species
of brow-beating , said he would sleep
on it and report the next morning.
At the appointed hour the aspirant
was in the store and a large price
was named. The bargain was bound.
The druggist who hod been thus oust
ed from a corner which he had fitted
up with a view to years of piece and
profit , sought the owners of the
opposite corner which had been
held out to him as a threat , se
cured from them a long lease , worked
night and day , and now has a drug
store in which any community might
take satisfaction and repose confi
dence , Whntis more , he is doing a
better business than he did in the
former locality.
A Way to Heaven.
Down in Hancock county there is
a town known as Tioga , where the
youths are great lovers of the nation
al game. The greunds are laid out
in an open space adjoining the only
church in the village , the rear ot the
church forming the back stop. Such
is the general enthusiasm for the
game that boys play on Sunday
morning even while the local pastor
is laboring to "hold up his end" in
side the church. The other Sunday
he had held his congregation pretty
well until his nineteenthly , where he
reached the climax. "Then , how ,
my dear brethren , oh , how are we to
gain the kingdom of heaven ? "
Through the open window came the
answer in a chorus of wild shouts at
a runner : "Slide ! slide ! and you'll
get there ! " Pekin Times.
The Greendale Oak.
A curious historic interest attaches
to the great Greendale oak of Wai-
beck Abbey. One hundred and sev
enty-six years ago the Duke of Port
land made a wager that he could
drive a coach and four through the
hole made in the trunk. He won his
bet and ruined the tree. Measured
above the duke's arch it is 35 feet 3
inches in circumference. The arch is
10 feet 3 inches in height , with a
width above the middle of 6 feet 3
inches. The heijrht of the top of the
branches is 54 feet. St. Louis Post-
r "
Peters Says He can Fly.
Patrick Peters has arrived from
Prince Edward's Island , says the
Portland Preus , bringing a machine
which he claims will solve in the
most satisfactory manner the ques
tion : "Can a man fly ? " Mr. Peters
claims that with his machine ho
"can fly through the air with the
greatest of ease , " that he has done
it many a time , and is perfectly will
ing to try again.
He says that five years ago he
made up his mind that he could
make a machine that would navigate
the air. He objected to balloons , as
they were too far beyond the control
of those who risked their lives in
them , but believed that a machine
should be constructed capable of be
ing as much under the management
of the flyer as a horse-rake. What
he wanted to do was to go up and
down at pleasure.
Peters likes to talk about hi ?
"bird , " as he calls his machine , and
his talk goes a long way to make the
listener have faith in his perfect hon
esty. He says he took the wings and
motion of a bird for his model , be-
lieying that if he could "fly like a
bird""it would be quite enough. Ho
did not proceed at first , but it was
only after making repeated failures
that he brought his ideas to a point
where he could say with any degree
of confidence : "I can fly. "
At last he constructed a "bird" of
the following dimensions : From the
head to the tail , 16 feet ; from point i
to point ofthe wings , 14 feet ; from I
the body to the end of each wing , 3 |
feet. The seat was in the body , and
the motive power used in the propell
ing of the machine was obtained by
a combination of wheels.
His first real trial of his machine
was made when he passed over a for
est , making two miles in about four
minutes. From his description ofthe
way things looked below , it would
seem probable that he went at least
2,000 feet "up in the air , and perhaps
more than twice- that distance , He
says he went up and down at will ,
managing his 38-pound machine
without the least degree of trouble.
He is anxious to give a public ex
hibition of what he can do , and has
the machine with him , so he says.
He is willing to "go up anywhere , "
but wants to make a little money by
doing so. He sa3s he is willing to
jive any desired test , and he can go
any distance desired. He can keep a
few feet above the ground , or go up
into mid-air. He says it is a perfect
ly easy thing to fly with one of his
machines. Portland people who
know him say he is honest , und he
acts that way.
Horns Form the Human Body.
Horns growing from the humanjskin
are very uncommon in their occur
rence , but one of the foreign medical
journals contains an account from a
physician of a case of this kind treat
ed by him , the subject being a labor
ing man of 65 years. The horn pro
jected for an inch from the lower lip
on the right side , and had abluntex-
tremity , was firmly adherent and
the skin around at the base exhibit
ed superficial ulceratidn.
The fact as elicited was that ithad
first appeared as a small warty
growth some three years previously ,
had slowly increased , and after being
cut off with .1 razor on two occa
sions seemed to grow again quicker
each time. On the opposite side of
the same Irp was what appeared to
be another warty growth in its early
stages , and the patient wao in the
habit of holding his clay pipe this
side-and not that from where the
horn grew. There were no glands
enlarged and the patient was in a
good state of health. The treat
ment , which was entirely successful ,
consisted , in the removal of the horn ,
together with the part of tlia lip to
which it was attached , by means of
a small V shaped incision under co
caine locally injected , and bringing
the edges together with one or two
sutures. New York Tribune.
Facts About Ammonia.
The name of the sliemical agent
ammonia dates back to remote an
tiquity. In Europe the clrief source
of the supply of ammonia up to
the latter part of the last
century was Egypt. It was
made originally from camel's dung
collected in the neighborhood ofthe
temple- Jupiter Ammon , hence the
name ammonia. The droppings
were collected in March and April by
Arabs , then dried and burned and
the soot collected. This was sold to
merchants , and ammonia was col
lected from the soot by a chemical
process. It is now almost entirely
made from crude gas liquor in illu
minating gas manufactories. Only
half as much ammonia is made in
summer as in winter. Hence ammo
nia is always more costly in summer.
Furthermore ammonia is extensive
ly used in the manufacture of arti
ficial ice. New York Sun.
Writer's Cramp ,
John Brown , stenographer , tells
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat : "Peo
ple often ask me when I sit down tea
a longjob of shorthand why I lay la-
fore me so many pencils of different
sizes. My reason for it is that by
picking up pencils of different sizes ,
and consequently weights , I am en
abled torestmy hands while continu
ing to work. Each different ; pencil
brings into active- ] play different
muscles , and I never suffer from
cramps , as might be the case if I
used but one size pencil. A horse
going over nn ordinary turnpike , up
hill and down , will be in better con
dition at the end of a day than a
horse which has traveled the same
xumber of miles on a race track. "
A Generation on tne March.
London Wit and Wisdom.
A generation on the march from
the cradle to the grave is an instruc
tive spectacle , and we have it care
fully presented to us in a report of
Dr. Farr. Let us trace the physical
fortunes which any million of us may
reasonably expect. The number to
begin with is made up of 511,745
boys and 488,255 girls , a dispropor
tion which , by-and-by , will be reduced -
| duced by the undue morality of the
bpys and will be reversed before the
close of this stra'ngeeventful history.
More than a quarter of these children
will die before they are five years old
in exact numbers 141,387 boj's
and 121,795 girls. The two sexes
are now nearly on a level. The next
five years ivill be much less fatal. In
the succeeding five yearn from ten
to fifteen the morality will be still
further reduced Indeed , for both
sexes , this is the most healthy period
of life ; the death rate , however , is
lower for boys than girls. There will
be some advance in the deaths in the
next five years , and still more in the
five that follow , but 634,045 will cer
tainly enter on their twenty-sixth
year. Before the next ten years are
at an end two-thirds o { the women
will have married. The deaths dur
ing that period will be 62.052 and of
these no fewer than 27,134 will bo
caused by consumption. Between
thirty-five and lorty-five a still larg
er "death-toll" will be paid and little
more than half the origimal band
in exact numbers , 502,015 will enter
on their forty-sixth year. Each suc
ceeding decade , up to seventy-five ,
will now become more fatal , and the
numbers will shrink terribly. At
seventy-fiveonly61,124will remain
to be struck down , and of these 128-
559 will have perished by the must
become still more limited as enlight
enment goes on. As a method for
producing oblivion from pain he ex
pects to find it further limited in ap
plication to short seasons of special ,
social or meteorological cast ; and if
ifc falls the influence of suggestion
will fall with it.
To Suit the Room.
"NowI'll show you over the house5
said a friend to me'the other day.
She had moved into a South Side
residence , whose numerous bay windows
dews gave one the impression of a
roomy interior , when in facfc the re
verse is true , says a writer in the Chicago
cage News. She had made manyim-
provements , and was anxious to see
what a good housekeeper she was.
On the third floor she threw open a
door disclosing an apartment about
the size of n bathroom in the aver
age flat , and in which she stored her
trunks , valises , etc.
"This , " said she , "wastheroom oc
cupied by the former tenants maid-of-
all-work. "
"Was there a hole sawed in the par
tition through which to extend her
Feet ? " I inquired , as the story related
by Frank Stockton flashed through
my mind.
OT no ! Emergencies are met in bet
ter fashion in Chicago. Instead of
making the room fit the girl as Stock
ton did , the girl is selected to fit
the room. The lady who formerly
resided here told me that she had a
small mark on the parlor door , and
in choosing her help , if the applicant
came up to the mark , she got the
position , but if beyond it she had to
ro , no matter how superior her qual
ifications were. "
Probably during world's fair time
advertisements for help will contain
some such clause as * * Do not apply if
over 4 feet 8 inches in height. "
-Survival of Dangerous Germs.
It has been shown by M. Esmarch
that disease microbes do not long
survive in corpses , and as a general
rule the more rapidly dpcomposition
takes place the more quickly will the
organisms perish. Experiments
were made with nine different kinds
of microbes , contained in the bodies
of animals under the various con
ditions of burial in the ground , keep
ing under water and exposure to air.
The bacillus of fowl cholera was sel
dom found ; ifter three weeks , though
that of septicremia survived ninety
days , while that of consumption did
not lose its virulence until from 204
to 252 days had passed. All trace
of the other organisms including
those of typhoid fever , Asiatic chol
era , tetanus and anthrax disap
peared in from three days to a week.
Wonders Beneath the Surface.
AVorkmen engaged in sinking an
artesian well in Sandy Talley , near
Niria , N. M. , struck an open seam ,
from which a cold stream of air
rushed with force enough to remove a
twelve pound rock laid over the open-
ins : . The air was charged with mill
ions of small yellow bugs , each hav
ing but two legs , no wings and a
small red circle on his back. They
lived but a few seconds after striking
the warm outside air. Local scien
tists are puzzling over the question
How did they get so far down into
the earth ? St. Louis Kepublie.
Funereal Music.
In a western town thf oth > r day
two funrral prore.-.sioiis nn t in a nar
row street , and the. driver o.'e u-h
hearse refused to give way , resukirrj :
in a blockade which lasted lorhour- ; .
Meamwhile the somewhat hilarious
mourners passed tiie time in .sonirs.
The names of thesonirsarenotgiven ,
but nothing could be more appropri
ate than -'If a Body Meet a Body. ' *
Pittsburg Bulletin.
Horses branded on loft hip or loft ahouldor
P. O. nddresg.Impsrl * ! , '
Chnse county , and Beat
rice , Neb. llnnire. Slink-
luir Water and French *
man creeks. Chase Co.
Brand nn cut on side of
some animals , on bipanl
sides of eonio , or an ]
To euro Biliousness , Sick Headache , Constl *
pation , Malaria , Liver Complaints , tate
the eafo and certain rewedj ,
Use the S3IAIlLSlzo (40 little Benna to th !
Price of cither gizo , 25c. per Bortle.
. . . . . . .
rj. | - .1 * -r tt TT
iv > i > - . . Jj U ll d for 4 ctf. ( coppen or it > mpi >
House Oflovsr Drayman ,
- i
ouse and Safe Moving a Spec- ,
ialty. Orders for Draying left at the
Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive
prompt attention.
Steam and Hot Water Heating ,
North Main Ayenue ,
J2T" A stoofc of best grades of Hose , Lawi
Sprinklers , Hose Keels nnd Hose Fixture *
oonttantir en band. All work receives prompt
And what IB of more Importance ,
Why not have a suit that fits yout
when one which is both stylish and
serviceable can be bought for $22.00
A pair of trowsers which are really
elegant , DRYSDALE will build you fo >
$5. Pine fabrics coat but little at
VRYSDALE'S now , less than misfits in
f ct. Look him over. You will plac
your order. Save money. Feel bettei
and look better. Buying forcash an *
Unlit expenses does the business at
Bus , Baggage Dray Line ,
P. ALLEN , Prop. ,
83T B Bt Equipped In the Citr. Leave order *
at Commercial Hotel. Good if ell water fui
ibed on abort notion.
* '
I will buy stock cattle of any age ,
from calves up. Also , stock hogs.
At Brush creek ranch , 3j4 miles
southeast of McCook , Neb.
jr. B. MESS-RVE.
R. A. COLE ,
Leading Merchant Tailor.
Will sell English , Scotch , French
And American cloths AT COST foi
- Vt
the next sixty days. Come and get
a first-class suit of clothes cheap.
It iz a rare chance. Shop two doors
west of the Citizens Bank , McCook ,