The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 29, 1890, Image 5

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Family Groceries at Noble's.
Drink SHERBET , at MoMiLLEN's.
Nebraska Poultry Powder at MoMiL-
Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
; at the B. & M. meat market.
Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
clock , over Boston shoe store.
Hammocks , croquet sets , base ball
gloves at McMillen's Drug Store.
Special sale of seeds at
. All the latest and most popular soda
water drinks at the City Drug Store.
All grades of McCook Flour.
Plumbing in all its branches prompt
ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
H. P. Sutton , the Leading Jeweler ,
and official B. & M. watch examiner at
The Methodist pulpitwili be supplied
by Rev Martin Martin of Bartley , next
. Brewer will sell you more meat for
75 cents than any market in McCook
will for $1.00.
What theB. & M. meat market lacks
in"blow and bluster" it makes up in qual
ity and price.
Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
the lowest prices and the most stylish
and elegant clothing.
C. M. Smith & Son have the only
band-made and imported paper ever
brought to McCook.
The fly paper prepared and sold by the
City Drug Store is the most effective
article in the market.
75 cents buys more meat at Brewer's
market than $1.00 will purchase any
where else in McCook.
Look at the Organs Sutton , the
Jeweler , is selling at $60.00 and $75.00
on $5.00 per month payments.
HANGING LAMPS Noble is head
quarters for hanging lamps. He car
ries a large and splendid selection.
Our stock of Wall Paper is now com
plete. Call and get prices.
Noble is the only exclusive grocer in
the city. His stock is the largest and
iis prices correspond with the times.
If you want a stylish fit at the very
lowest figures , KAPKE , THE TAILOR ,
is the man to patronize Rear of The
The B. & M. meat market continues
to meet -competition , and "to go
them one better" in price and quality
of meat.
Everyone can afford to make their
home attractive at the prices C. M.
Smith & Son get for Wall Paper and
The choicest meats are sold at the
B. & M. meat market at prices asked
for inferior cuts elsewhere. Note this
important fact.
The Circle livery stable is now the
sole property of D , E. Eikenberry , he
having this week , purchased the inter-
.est of C. B. Gray.
C. M. SMITH & SON have everything
TIONS and sell at prices never before
reached in McCook
We don't claim to save you 25 per
-cent. , but will save you much vexation
of spirit if you buy your flour of us.
As a refreshing , thirst-satisfying
summer drink , soda water has no su
perior. The City Drug Store has an en
viable reputation of producing the most
popular results in all the latest drinks.
Only pure fruit juices used.
Black is never out of style , but it
lias received a new lease of life this
summer , the lovely black grenadine be
ing among the most elegant and appre-
. dated toilets , as are also the black nets
and figured laces which never go out of
Go and see LUDWICK'S mammoth
stock of second hand goods. Furniture ,
cook stoves , heaters and gasoline stoves ,
bought and sold. Will also rent goods
by the week or month. A pawn bro
ker's business in connection. Second
door west of the McEntee Hotel.
The raw old expression "Don't count
jour chickens until they are hatched"
vis now rendered by the Boston girl as
follows : "There is an aphorism of res
pectable antiquity which seriously ad
vises the producers of poultry to post-
pens the census of juvenile fowls till
the period of incubation is terminated. "
Ihe Danbury News has succumbed ,
but in its stead the Enterprise bobs up
at Bartley with D. R. Carpenter and
the same typographical eccentricities
of the News clinging to it. Just why
the people of Bartley should be thus
afflicted deponent sayeth not One
paper is enough for any town in this
western country , and if Carpenter finds
a "long felt want" at Bartley a most
powerful microscope will have to be
employed. Beaver City Tribune.
Noble , The Grocer.
WALL PAPER at McMillen'a.
. Staple and Fancy Groceries at Noble's.
SHEUBET , the healthful drink , at MC
Prescriptions carefully compounded
at the City Drug Store.
' "THE BEST" fly paper is made and
sold only at the City Drug Store.
Milford flour of all grades.
17 different brands of flour at
to E. W. Reed's for flour
and feed. 1st door east of J.C.Allen's.
What must you do to be saved ? Why
buy your groceries at Noble's , of course !
Sewing machines and organs repaired
by Sheppard , the jeweler. New tools
for the business.
A car-load of feed just received at
E. W. Reed's. Those wishing feed
must call early.
The rain Friday washed out the first
bridge in Red Willow county on the
McCook road. Culbertson Sun.
The B. & M. meat * market will give
ihe highest market price in cash for
live stock , poultry and hides.
Noble , the leading grocer , makes a
specialty of fresh , clean family grocer
ies. He will treat you right.
WANTED An experienced girl for
general house work. Inquire at resi
Remember I guarantee my patent
flour to be equal to anything you can
buy in McCook. E. W. REED.
The largest school tablet on earth is
sold at THE TRIBUNE office for 10 cents.
Call and see it before buying your school
IN QUEENSWARE Noble carries
the largest assortment and the richest
designs of the season. His prices are
The purchasing power of 75 cents at
Brewer's meat market is greater than
that of 100 cents at other city markets.
Just test it.
Do not allow yourself to be misled.
The B. & M. meat market sells the
choicest meats of all kinds , and at the
very lowest living prices.
At the City Drug Store , a spesialty is
made of compounding physicians' pre
scriptions. Only the purest drugs ob
tainable in the market are used.
We have a few patterns of Wall
Paper from last year , which we will
sell regardless of cost.
Make Noble your family grocer and
many other blessings' will fall to your
lot , besides having the best groceries on
your table that the market affords.
The Naponee flour is not surpassed
by anything in the state in quality.
Give it a trial at the new FLOUR & FEED
store. E. W. REED.
You cannot fathom your mind. There
is a well of thought there which has no
bottom. The more you draw from it ,
the more clear and plentiful it will be.
84 ( &
Discipline of the right kind is as good
mental training to children as arithmetic.
It is not of the right kind unless it re
quires intellectual effort mental con
E. B. Bowen & Co.'s $3.00 , $3.50
and $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the
best values ever offered in McCook.
At wholesale and retail by
The MsCook , Neb. , hose company
has challenged the Oberlin fire boys for
a contest of skill , said contest to take
place at Oberlin. The home talenthas
signified a willingness to gratify their
desires , and a royal battle may confident
ly be looked for. "When Greek meets
Greek , then comes the tug of war. "
It is not generally known that a match
may be lighted readily when scratched
on a pane of glass. To those who have
been accustomed to seeing people search
for a rough surface on which to scratch
a match , it may appear startling. Not
only ordinary matches , but even the
safety matches , usually unlightable ex
cept on the box in which they come ,
can be lighted on glass.
Cholera morbus can be easily checked
in nine cases out of ten by the use of
the following , which any druggist can
fill : Tincture capsicum , laudanum ,
tincture of rhubarb , spirits of camphor
and essence of peppermint , of each two
drams , mix and take from fifteen to
twenty drops every half hour until re
lieved. This has been known to cure *
some of the worst cases in a short time.
The physicians say that the grippe is
still prowling around the country putting
in the time during the summer in occa
sionally carrying off a patient that did
not entirely recover from the attack
made last season. It is feared that cold
weather will see a great increase in the
number of cases of the malady and the
complications that follow in its train.
Unusual care should be taken during
the fall to build up the general health
in anticipation of a trying winter.
How easily it rains , now !
There will be cheaper corn.
Well , how is it about that subscrip
tion you are owing us ?
Preaching services in the Congrega
tional church next Sunday evening.
An original pension was granted
Alvin A. Caulkins of Indianola , on the
25th instant.
will preach in the Congregational church
on next Sunday evening.
The Omaha World-Herald estimates
that lied Willow county will have a
one-sixth crop this year.
The late splendid rains have caused
nature to rehabilitate herself in gar
ments of pleasing , restful green.
General store and harness shop want
ed. Splendid opening. Address
I. D. EVANS , Stookham , Neb.
A false alarm brought out the fire
department in hot haste , Monday morn
ing , through mud and rain.
A quantity of corn is being stored in
the cellar of the Green building by C.
T. Brewer , this week , his cribs being
The slate having arrived , rooms 7 and
8 at the Eastward building will not pre
sent the unfinished appearance which
characterized them last year.
A bright bit of sunshine fell athwart
the threshold of Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Campbells home , yesterday morning.
The young Miss is of regulation weight
and lung power , and everything is
School books , slates , tablets , inks ,
pens , pencils , school bags , copy books ,
drawing books , in fact a full line of
school supplies may be had at lowest
prices at THE TRIBUNE'S stationery
Last week , Jake Burnett , of the
boarding train service , purchased the
F. L. Brown residence , corner of Main
and Dakota at a decided bargain. It
is one of the choicest residence proper
ties in the city.
Arapaboe sustained the loss of six
business houses , early Monday morning.
The absence of wind made it practicable
to remove a large portion of the con
tents of the structures consumed , the
loss consequently was small , not exceed
ing $10,000.
It will now be proper for Mr. Car
penter of the Bartley Long-Felt-Want
to apply to Mr. Bishop of the Goose-
town Banner for membership in the
flourishing Ananias club at Indianola ,
over which the latter presides with such
perspicuous ability.
Tuesday , F. S. Wilcox started for a
point near Fremont with a small ship
ment of cattle and hogs. Eight or ten
car-loads will follow , next week. Mr.
Wilcox has made arrangements , and
with a gentleman named Brown will
feed a large number of cattle and hogs
at that place.
They are trying again to scare high
heels down. Physicians have said that
head aches are less frequent since low
heels came into fashion. But of what
avail is such preaching ? Many women
are so "addicted to fashion" that they
would rather any time have the head
ache than to be out of style.
The Methodist church of McCook ,
through the proper official source , has
tendered an invitation to Rev. Mastin
of Minden , presiding elder of this dis
trict. Rev. Mastin is one of the ablest
divines in the district and THE TRIBUNE
hopes that his services may be secured
by the Methodist brethren of our city.
The Minden people are very desirous
of retaining him ; but the Elder is an
enthusiastic admirer of McCook , and
there is a fair prospect of his being
sent here.
Sporting circles were in a consuming
fever of excitement , last Saturday , over
the extraordinary turf events of that
day. There were two races. Major's
bay filly being matched against Noble's
black filly , and Lewis' dark bay gelding
against Steinmetz' sorrel gelding. As
but two could win , Noble and Steinmetz
had to be content with the crumbs of
defeat while Majors and Lewis pounced
upon the more succulent spoils of vic
tory with avidity. It is said on authority
of one whose head is still ringing that
in the evening the welkin rang to the
spirituous inspiration of potent pota
tions , insomuch that a local drought was
narrowly averted. And the boys are
still laughing over the affair.
The Box Elder reunion came to a
most auspicious close , last Saturday.
The attendance , considering everything ,
was large , and the interest unflagging.
The reunions of the Veterans' Associa
tion of Box Elder , in fine , have the
quality of improving each succeeding
year. The Doyle grove where the vet
erans and their friends annually assem
ble is one of the most charming spots
on the Willow and splendidly adapted
for the purpose. Friday was the day
ofchiefest interest , and the reunion
was most numerously attended on that
date. The' McCook band and a large
delegation of our citizens were present
and added quite largely to the general
interest. Hon. T. J. Majors made the
principal address , J. C. Allen , J. B.
Cessna and. others making a few re
marks. With speeches , music , recita
tions , reminiscences- . , the old com
rades and their guests enjoyed a large
and juicy season of recreation and
Nebraska Land Decisions.
At the interior department to-day
( Saturday ) Assistant Secretary Chand
ler considered the appeal of Christian
M. Kinsinger from the decision of the
land commissioner rejecting his applica
tion to make timber a culture entry for
the southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of the
northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of section 1 , township 5 north ,
range 33 west , McCook , Neb. It appears
that Kinsinger brought contest against
the entry of one Tacke covering said
tract and procured the cancellation of
the same. Notice of cancellation was
given to Kinsinger's attorney inDcoem-
ber , 1887 , and in January , 1888 , Charles
P. Peck made a timber culture entry
for the land. Two months afterward
Kinsinger applied to enter the tract ,
but his application was rejected on ac
count of Peck's entry. Kinsinger then
claimed to be entitled to the preference
of right of entry. Upon hearing it was
found that Kinsinger's attorney in the
Tacke case made a charge of $10 for
services , which he refused to pay.
Then , to get even , when the attorney
received notice of the cancellation of
Tacke's entry he refused to send notice
to Kinsinger. Assistant Secretary
Chandler says that whatever may be the
merits of that controversy it is clear
that notice was properly sent to the at
torney of record and service upon an
attorney is service upon a client. Under
the law Kinsinger was obliged to make
entry within thirty days from such ser
vice in order to secure his preference
right. The officers of the government ,
having done their duty , are in no man
ner responsible for Kinsinger's default
and the interests ofthepresententrymen
can not be prejudiced by any misunder
standing that may exist between Kin-
singer and his attorney. The decision
of Commissioner Groff is therefore
Monday of this week the interior de
partment affirmed the decision of the
commissioner of the general land office
in dismissing the contest of Clarence
H. Usboin against the timber culture
entry of Francis M. Crow and refusing
Osborn's preference to the right of en
try for northeast quarter of section 13 ,
north of range 29 west , McCook land
Located and Recovered One.
July 4th , the B. & M. loaned a
few wheel-barrows to the celebration
committee for use in the barrow races
on that occasion. When the committee
came to return them it was discovered
that two wheel-barrows were missing ,
and no clue to the thief was then dis
covered. The first of this week , how
ever , Marshal Bennett , armed with a
search warrant , invaded the recently
deserted premises of Bill Enyeart in
South McCook , without bagging any
game. Extending the search to the
premises of Bill's sister , Rose Penny on
the valley , one of the missing barrows
was brought to light. As Enyeart had
removed to his father-in-law's
- - , near
Cambridge , no action was commenced
by the company.
Foreclosure Proceedings.
A passing interest in The Great
Western Watch Factory of Indianola
is revived by the commencement , last
week , of foreclosure proceedings against
that greatest fake that ever gulled an
unsophisticated people. The proceed
ings were instituted by the Lincoln
Land Co. The amount is the small and
insignificant sum of $23,000 , ( a mere
bagatelle to the Great Western Watch
Factory of Indianola , Neb. , ) due the
land company for real estate purchased
by the watch factory corporation , in the
halcyon and vociferous days of its ver
dant youtbfulness , before the evil days
came and it disappeared in the tureen
without so much as causing a ripple on
the placid surface of the consomme.
He is How in Hock.
A young individual named Samuel
Richards is now boarding with Sheriff
McCool at Indianola , Marshal Bennett
having delivered him over to the keep
ing of the genial sheriff on Saturday
evening last. Richard's crime was en
deavoring to lay up treasures on earth
rather expeditiously and irregularly , by
misrepresentation , having secured about
$60 from the Bank of McCook in this
way , last week. Squire Colvin bound
him over to the next term of district
court in the sum of $500 , and in default
he was jailed. The bank recovered a
portion of the money.
Tapped the Till.
Between the hours of ten and eleven
o'clock , Monday night , the till of C. M.
Smith & Son's drug store was touched
to the amount of about $75 in cool
cash. The party had evidently hidden
in the basement of the store before
closing time ; and in the interim between
closing the store and retiring for the
night , ( the junior member's bedroom is
in the rear part of the building ) while
Mr. Smith was absent , the robbery was
Lacked the Nerve.
The county commissioners , or rather
Messrs. Crabtree and Bennett , met at
Indianola , Saturday last , and adjourned ,
lacking the nerve to order the drawing
of a warrant to pay Snavely and Smith
and Strout for their heroic , manly
efforts in attempting to prove three-
fourths of the voters of Red Willow
county to be perjurers and liars.
"Let us now be up and doing ,
With a heart for any fate.
Still achieving , still pursuing ,
Catching fish or cutting bait. "
A. E. Lytle went west , Monday , on a pros
pectins : tour.
Mrs. F. M. Klmmell is visiting relatives Ii
Creston , Iowa.
Judge Cocliran Is home from his tour Into
the Oklahonia-distnct
Sheriff McCool had business in the future
county-seat , yesterday.
Miss Gertie Gouider left for Peorla , 111. , 01
a visit , yesterday morning.
T. J. Floyd was down from Trenton , Tues
day , on land ofllce business.
Banker Frost of Bartley was at commer
cial headquarters , \Vednesday.
Mrs. Z. L. Kay and the boys returned , this
morning , from their Illinois visit.
Mrs. L'Roy Allen will go to St. Joe , the
first of next week , on a short visit.
Mrs. J. M. Hutchlns departed for Wiscon
sin , Saturday evening , on a visit.
Rev. McBride , the Baptist missionary , has
moved out on his farm lit Frontier county.
Mrs. Jos. Menard and daughter , Aimie ,
returned , Sunday , from their Chicago visit.
A. J. Beecher arrived home , Wednesday
morning , from his brief vacation in the east.
Mrs. J. Byron Jennings and Mrs. W. C.
LaTourette made Culburtson a short social
visit , Wednesday.
W. E. Morgan , formerly of the York Republican -
publican , was a city 'visitor , yesterday on
land business.
Ba'nker Eubank paused a few hours in the
metropolis , Wednesday , en route east from
Hayes Centre.
Prof. C. M. Leper's mother , Mrs. Swift ,
arrived home , Saturday , from her visit to
Dunkirk , N.Y.
Manager Idle of the Huddleston Lumber
Co. was up from Arapahoe , Sunday , on a
short social visit.
Col. Bill Hen ton of the Beaver , our next
County Treasurer , was a visitor at head
quarters , Saturday.
Mrs. Lyons , an aunt of H. H. Pickens of
the South Side , departed , yesterday morning ,
for Burlington , Iowa.
G. B. Nettleton lias gone down to the east
ern part of the state for a few weeks on busi
ness for C. P. Einker.
Deluce Burgess was down from McCook ,
Monday , repairing his fathei's pop "ma-
sheen. " Arapahoe Mirror.
H. L. Merrimau was down from the Dis
mal country , Monday , on laud business be
fore the local department.
Jim Piper arrived at home Tuesday even
ing from his extended vacation with relatives
near McCook. Alma Times.
Mrs. Russell of McCook , nee Miss Nellie
Bunce , is visiting her mother , Mrs. Baker ,
north of town. Arapahoe Mirror.
Cashier VanPelt of the Bank of McCook
arrived home on Wednesday morning from a
business visit in Norcatur , Kansas.
Receiver Bomgardner came up on Wednes
day morning's passenger from spending a
few days with his family at Lincoln.
C. W. Knights , last Friday , occupied the
T. E. McCrackeu residence for which lie re
cently traded some Denver city property.
J. C. Harlan , the John L. Sullivan of the
profession in the Valley , was before the local
office , Tuesday morning , on business.
Miss Martha Funke took her departure for
the capital city , Monday morning , after a
limited but pleasant visit to the Misses Laws.
Mrs. M. Y. Starbuck , her son Garey , and
daughter Mrs. Geo. Goodwin , departed for
DesMoines , Iowa , Tuesday evening , on a
Miss Lena Coy , city , and Mr. John G. Col
ling of Indianola will be numbered among
the McCook business college's students after
N. H. Meeker and family were guests of
C. H. Meeker , the early days of the week ,
while on their homeward way from the
Mrs. H. W. Cole and children arrived home ,
Saturday , from their extended visit in Gene-
see , 111. , Mr. Cole as far as Omaha
to meet them.
Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Newman left , Wednes
day , for Denver , where their sons Frank and
Fred are now located , there to maKe their
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. King of Culbertson and
Miss Olive Pennell of Broken Bow , were
the delighted guest Mr. U. G. Warren for a
brief period , Saturday.
Mrs. C. A. Frederick and family departed
for Tin Cup , Colo. , last night , to join the
head of the family who is located tiiere in
the newspaper business.
Col. Hiram C. Rider , a former citizen , but
now one of Denver's men of means , was
looking after his interests and friends , here ,
the early days of tiie week.
M. Y. Starbuck went down to Hastings ,
Wednesday morning , to attend a meeting of
the congressional central committee held
there at 8 on the evening of that day.
Albert McMillen is absent on a visit to his
late home in Canon City , Colo. He will re
turn early next week. W. W. McMillen is
assisting during the proprietor's absence.
G. W. Bartlett of Bartley , who will look
after the county's interests on the board of
commissioners , from the third district , after
January 1st , was up on business , Wednesday.
Floyd Welborn , late assistant cashier of
the First National , departed for Denver , this
week , to take a pisition witli the Colorado
Fuel Co. Here's. * bumper to your success.
H. T. Rea and family were passengers on
No. 5 , Tuesday night , for Seattle , Wash. , the
Mecca of many a traveler toward the setting
sun , these days. Here's success and prosper
ous tiuies to you.
Percy A. Wells and Engineer Holliday
went down to Cambridge , this morning ,
where they will be joined by several Omaha
gentlemen and spend several days hunting
oil the Medicine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilcox and daughter
Mabel , Mrs. F. H. Fowler , Miss Smith of
Washington , 111. , and S. C. Wilcox of Gil-
cian , 111. , father of the Wilcox brothers here ,
all came in from Illinois , on Wednesday
morning's flyer.
Miss Emiim McKcc , formerly ono ot Mc-
Cook'H most uflicleiit inntructorH , now princi
pal of the Akron schools , smiled graciously
upon her numerous admirers and friends in
the city , Monday , en route westward from
her summer vacation in the east.
J. H. Bayston has been elected principal
of a ward school in McCook. He receives n
larger salary than Bnrtley can give and our
school board released him. Wo trust the
board and patrons In McCook will appreciate
his good qualities. Inter Ocean.
Cash D. Fuller , clerk of Chase county , was
in the city , Monday , having land business be
fore the local officials. Mr. Fuller reports
the prospects in that section as more encour
aging tlian down this way. Chose county ,
hu says , will take care of her own needy ones ,
Mr. J. H. Bayston , who takes Miss McNa-
mara's place at the west ward school build
ing , has been a successful teacher for nearly
ten years. He comes to McCook from Bart-
ley where he was principal of the school last
year. He is well posted in modern methods
and is an active , energetic teacher.
Mr. D. R. Carpenter , the "master-mind"
of the Bartley Enterprise , made a businesses
pilgrimage to the metropolis , Saturday. Mr.
Carpenter has some excellent qualities , nerve
and gall , for instance , but they availed him
nought. The people of McCook "are onto"
the unsophisticated would-be boodler.
Mrs. Ida R. Likes , the accomplished wife
of Banker Likes of Hayes Centre , was in the
metropolis , Tuesday , on a little shopping
tour. Mrs. Likes enjoys the distinction ot be
ing the only lawyer of her sex practicing be
fore the bar in this indicia ! district , and oue
of the very limited number in the state.
Rev. 1. W. Dwire , who has labored so zeal
ously in this community during the past two
and a half years , as pastor of the Methodist
church , took his departure , last even-
ng , for Darlington , Oklahoma , where
le will on September 1st assume chare ?
of the government school at that place
for the Arapahoe Indian tribe. Rev. Dwire
and family have endeared themselves to a
arge circle of friends within and outside the
church , and they join THE TRIBUNE in wish-
ng them , in their new , far-off , frontier home ,
all success and happiness imaginable. Mr.
jJeorge Coleman has been selected by Rev ,
Dwire as one of the industrial teachers , and
le will leave for Darlington , next week. Mrs.
Dwire and family will remain hero for the
present at least.
Supt. Campbell was out to Denver , the first
of the week.
Engineer A. Snyder and wife went out to
Cheyenne on Tuesday , returning Thursday
on the flyer.
Engineer Jack Moore is now convalescent
from an attack of typhoid fever and will
soon be on duty.
Clias. Pommrenke , fireman , is lying very
sick with typhoid fever , but it is thought he
will pull through all right.
Fireman Frank Stuby has gone to Chicago
to meet his family , who are about to return
i'om a long visit in York state.
Engine 153 is shopped for general repairs.
No. 140 is going through the shop slowly ,
owing to waiting for driving wheels.
Firemau L. D. Reynolds returned from his
visit to Wichita and Kansas City , Tuesday ,
ookingas if he had enjoyed himself im
The crews here are wondering what they
vill do here , this winter , as it is safe to say
business will be poor owing to poor crops ,
his year.
Messrs. Archibald , Ritchie , Holliday , Craig
nd H. P. Sutton went out to Archie's ranch ,
ist Sunday , to see the country. They re
port a fine time.
Engine 214 , which was in the wreck at
Tower , was damaged so badly as to need
shopping and the driving wheels came to
McCook for repairs.
Chief Hawksworth of Motive Power was
up from Plattsmouth , Wednesday , on corn-
any affairs. He spent a couple hours look-
ng over the city electric light plant
It is reported that the engine crews who
went to the Alliance division from McCook
will return to this place alter the rusji of
hauling track material and stock is over.
J. w. Holliday laid off , Thursday , for a few
days' hunting , having an invitation to accom
pany a party from Omaha , who are going
north to Lincoln county in search of stubble
Dispatcher Hills is somewhat of a nimrod
himself ; but a glacier period exists between
him and the unfortunate one who refers to
his exploits in that direction , this week.
Doc Beck couldn't save his valued hunting
pup , however , and the Hills household is in
Some of the people living along tiie line of
a railroad have quite an idea in regard to
making thoroughbred stock by crossing scrub
stock with a locomotive. A man is now
lying in jail at Indianola charged with
practicing the game and thereby obstructing
the track , endangering the lives of passen
gers and safety of trains. His chance to go
to the "pen" is good.
A serious wreck occurred at Tower , on the
Lyons branch , on Friday , August 22d. The
engineer lost control of his engine when
corning down the Tower hill. The train left
the track while running at a high speed.
Engineer Morton * was killed , his fireman
was badly injured and the conductor , J. Con-
sidine , formerly of McCook , was very badly
hurt. Two car repairers corning down on
the trains were instantly killed. Twelve
car stones were ditched down the mountain.
T. E. Calvert , general manager of the B. &
M. , has decided to render aid to the settlers
along the line of the B. & M. in southwest
Nebraska , and will furnish free transporta
tion to all men located on farms in the dis
tricts where corn and hay have been a fail
ure. He will send them to the Black flflls
in Dakota , where they can find work on the
railroad now being built into Datota , He
has sent R. R. Randall out west on this mis
sion to direct the fanners in their migration.
Friday's Journal.