The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 15, 1890, Image 1

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FRANK HARRISPresident. ; W. C. BULLARD , Vice President.
E. C. BALLEW , Treasurer.
CAPITAL , $500,000 ,
mtm' '
T \
C. H. MEEKER , Secretary ,
I liave a nice line of $2,50 shoes.
I liave a fine $3.00 shoe.
I liave an eleg'ant $5.00 shoe.
Iritis of
is complete , from $1 to $3.
for the season , I have an elegant line ,
and the largest selection ever brought
to McCook. Prices from $1.5O to $5.
The QUALITY of my goods I keep tip to
high mark. My prices I keep down
to the lowest mark. I deal with all
alike : work for trade and appreciate
it. Sr Mail orders have niy best and
prompt attention.
Gilt Edge Ladies' Shoe Dressing is the Best ,
Try it and you will want no other. I
also have the oil dressing for Kanga- , .
The Old Reliable Shoe Dealer ,
Special to TUB McCooK TRIBUNE.
LINCOLN , NEB. , Aug. 12,1890. There has
never been a Kany ; , of worse conspirators
against the people's interests in the state of
Nebraska than those at work to-day to defeat
prohibition. The Daily Call of this city lias
exposed much of their rottenness , but a tithe
of the blackness has never been brought to
light. Behind the name of the "State Bank
ers and Business Men" these hirelings of the
man-killers and trade-paralyzers masquerade
as friends of the farmer. Ho\v can a saloon
ever benefit the farmer in any way ? No man
can tell. How does the saloon injure the
farmer ? That can be answered. Yet the
full extent can scarcely be estimated. Here
are a few figures that ought to open the eyes
of the toiling bread winners of Nebraska and
the nation :
A farmer sells twenty-five bushels of corn
to a distiller at 14 cents a bushel. The total
price received is only § 8.50. This twenty-five
bushels of corn is converted into ninety gallons
lens of Avhiskey , which is shipped back to be
sold to the people by the drink at § (5.00 ( a gal
lon. It gives the liquor dealer § 540. Fifty-
four laboring men have to work a.week with
out profit to themselves or families to pay the
bill. The liquid poison turns many sober
men into drunkards and many law-abiding
citizens into criminals. The criminal costs ,
police court fees , and pauper and asylum
taxes add § 540 more before the final balance
of the ledger is made and the cost to the
community staggers us with a total of . § 1,080.
Out of this amount the farmer gets the pitiful
sum of § 3.50. But the brewer and distiller
are not through with their robbery yet , for
they feed the remnant of the grain from
which the alcohol.has been extracted to cat
tle and hogs , which are put on the markets
of the world to still further reduce the farm
er's damaging competition. Now
take the original § 540 and distribute it every
week among the workingmen in the cities
where saloons have been wiped out by pro
hibition. These workingmen will then be
able to buy of the farmer :
54 Backs of flour at 75 cents $ 40.50
27 bushels potatoes 13.50
162 pounds meat 19.44
324 quarts milk 13.96
1C3 pounds butter 24.30
Chickens , turkeys , vegetables 30.00
Total to the farmer $ 140.70
When we remember that the liquor traffic
costs the people of this country § 900,000,000
direct each year , and § 924,000,000 indirect in
the United States , making over a billion and
two-thirds every twelve months , worse than
wasted , it is no wonder that times are hard
and growing harder in all agricultural dis
In the face of all these facts the agents of
the brewers and distillers are distributing
tens of thousands of lying documents among
the farmers holding out the idea that prohi
bition will utterly ruin the farmer.
Roggen claims with brazen effrontery that
the champions of the liquor traffic have a
majority of the Nebraska press on then : side.
Every well-posted man knows this is an un
founded claim. The Gall denounces it as a
base slander on the state press. The Call
claims that 400 out of 600 Nebraska news
papers are in favor of the Prohibitory Amend
ment , and challenges the liquor journals and
whiskey boodlers to disprove the fact.
There is much rejoicing in Amendment
circles over the passage of the original pack
age bill by Congress. The bill has been sign
ed by the President and has become a law.
The original package joint-keepers are scamp
ering out of Kansas and Iowa over Into Mis
souri and Nebraska. They find themselves
in Othello's terrible fix. The Supreme Court
decision that was hailed with such uproar
ious delight by the liquor dealers has thus
come to a sudden end.
The following are the substantial provis
ions of the law :
"Whenever any article of commerce is im
ported into any state or territory or foreign
nation and there held or offered for sale it
shall then be subject to the laws of such state ;
provided that no discrimination shall be made
in the states in favor of its citizens against
those of other states or the territory in respect
to the sale of any article of commerce nor in
favor of its own products against those of a
like character produced in other states or ter
ritories. Nor shall the transportation of com
merce through any state be obstructed except
by the necessary enforcement of the health
laws of such state. "
Uolonel Fred's Favorite.
It doesn't matter where you go ,
In your ears it's ringing
"She's my Annie , I'm her Joe"
This Kooney business , don't you know ,
That everybody's singing.
Everybody knows the thing :
Everybody's spooney
Save the small minority
That's being driven luny ,
Organs grind it on the street ;
Mr. Dennis Mooney
Keeps awake upon his beat
To whistle Annie Kooney.
In the woods the phebe birds
Sing the song without the words ;
Cats upon the garden leuce
Render it with stress intense ;
Even young Babboony
Now and then removes his cane
From his mouth , adjusts his brain.
And , in accents full of pain ,
Hums "Miss Awnnie Wooney. "
City Market Report.
Wheat $ .70 © .75
Corn 55
Bye . . .50
Oats 40
Butter 07
Eggs 10
Potatoes 1.00 ® 1.50
Onions . - ' .40
Hogs . . . . . . . - . . . * . . . . 3.00
Chickens , per dozen 2.00 ® 2.50
Turkeys ; . . . . . 06@ .07
Hay g.00
Flax . - LOO
Steers 4.00
Sheep * 3.50
The prohibition mass convention for Ited
Willow county was called to order by W. 0.
Norval , chairman county central committee ,
at a o'clock , P. M. , pursuant to the call for
said convention. On motion W. 0. Norval
was chosen chairman and George \V. Bede ,
secretary of the convention. On motion con
vention proceeded to elect delegates to the
state convention to be held at Lincoln ,
August 27th , as follows : Mrs. M. A. North-
run , W. 0. Norval , 0. S. Quick , J. W. Mar
tin , J. S. Griindy , John Longnecker. Alter
nates : Mrs. Peter Boyle , Mrs. P. J. Taylor ,
J. J\l. Huclfms , Mrs. A. N. Nettleton , Jlobert
Gorley , Peter Frederick. On motion the
same list of delegates were chosen for the
congressional and senatorial conventions , to
act in case such conventions be called. On
motion convention proceeded to nominate
candidates for coiinty ollices , resulting as
follows : For Representative . 0. Norval ;
Commissioner , 1st district , J. Longnecker ;
Commissioner , 2ddistrictE. T. Ellis ; Treas
urer , C. S. Quick. On motion no nomina
tion was made for county attorney. On
motion A. Wiley of Bartley was chosen as
state -committee for Red Willow county.
On motion county central comtiMtteemen
were elected as follows :
Tyrone It. H. Gorley , Tyrone.
East Arnlcy ! E. T. Ellis. Hartley.
North Valley J. C. Scurr , Bartley.
ludianolti C. S. Quick , ludiiinola.
Hed Willow Mrs. P. J. Taylor , Indiunola.
Driftwood Mrs. A. N. Nettletou , McCobk.
Willow Grove W. O. Norval , McCook.
Colemau Mrs. C. M. Collins , McCook.
Perry A. Carson , McCook.
Danbury D. ft. Carpenter , Danbury.
Box Elder Win. X. Johnson , Box Elder.
W. 0. Norval was elected chairman and
J. S. Grundy , secretary of commtttee. On
motion convention adjourned.
W. O. NOHVAI , , Chairman.
GEO. W. BEUE , Secretary.
The Red Willow County Teachers' Institute
opened at the high school building , Monday ,
with an unusually large attendance. The
following is the daily program of exercises :
8:15 Opening exercises.
8:30 Arithmetic by Wm. Valentine , .
9:15 Primary work by Mrs. Tucker.
9:45 Botany by Mr. Peterson.
10:15 Recess.
10:30 History and Civil Gov. by Valentine.
11:15 Primary work by Mrs. Tucker.
Ii5frj'hysiology by Mr. Peterson.
2:00 T.anguage by Wm. Valentine.
2:45 Primary work by Mrs. Tucker.
3:15 Methods by Wm. Valentine.
4:00 Book keeping by Mr. Loper.
The following teachers are in attendance :
J. E. Boyd , Mae H. Clark , Mrs. Frank D.
Brown , Dora E. Beyrer , Cora A. Clark , Min
nie Deals , Anna Heard , Nellie Williamson ,
Edith Crane" , J. H. Bayston , E. G. Packer ,
Pauline Burtless , J. F. Carnahan , W. R. Pack
er , Minnie O'Reilly , Dora Lawrence , Edith
Coleman , Mamie Stroud , Nora Stroud , Fannie
Cassels , May Peck , Haddie A. Critser , W. L.
Critser , Dora M. LeHew , Mrs. W. A. Gold ,
Leonard Goddard , Geo. W. Bede , Linley S.
Gri'ssell , Phoebe Kimpton , Lizzie Bush , Celia
Warren , Maggie Lawrence , Ally Gale , Eva
Record , Johannah Engel , Viola Mosher , Wm.
S.Grissell , Edna Meserve , Sallie Smith , Hattie
W. Phillippi , Gertrude Ward , Maud Daniels ,
Annie Holland , Mable Barton , Hattie Whit-
mer , Ruth Bantham , Josie R. Bantham , Ellis
Divine , J. H. Fowler , E. E. Hayes , F. G.
Stilgebouer , Frank Thompson , R. E. Smith ,
S. E. Ralsten , F. W. Sumner , Nettie Cooley ,
Gertie Thomas , May Mitchell , Jennie Whit-
taker , R. A. Green , Mary Plumb , Carrie Jen
nings , Maggie Shaffer , Zella Sexson , John
Devine , Jennie McKay , Ross Stroud , Lena
Beck , LillieM. . Knotts , Lillie M. Welborn
M. E. Piper , Alvin Plumb , Lita Welborn. '
Will be held at Indianola , this season , on the
23,24 , 25 and 26 of September , just one week
later than last year. As this year has been a
very peculiar season , the crops are not as good
as usual ; still there can be a very good display.
It is generally and widely known that Red
Willow county raises the biggest kind of crops
in a favorable season ; but this season has been
an off one , away off , decidedly so. Now let
the farmers take hold and bring something to
the fair. If each one will do something there
will be such a display as will astonish the na
tives. Wheat is fine and some tell us they have
corn that will yield forty to fifty bushels per
acre ; others have mangles five inches in diame
ter now and large sugar beets which are grow
ing rapidly ; osiers have onions and potatoes
Some have o. rrots and turnips. Some have
pumpkins and melons. There can be a fine
display of farm products. This year of all oth
ers there should be an extra effort made. It
is generally supposed that Red Willow county
is dried up and raised nothifig. Now w * want
to show eastern visitors that will be at the fair
what old Red Willow can do in a dry year ,
and after viewing the fine exhibit with amaze
ment , will be convinced that this soil is capa
ble of producing immense crops when the sea
sons are favorable. There is lots of stock and
good ones that will be on the grounds. The
ladies are making preparations to fill their de
partments to overflowing. And yetsomemen
have had the audacity to ask us if we are go
ing to have a fair. Gentlemen , if you don't in
tend to have any fair in Red Willow county ,
elect some one else for president The prem
ium lists are out and can be had at the stores.
Get one and look it over.
Brief But True.
Worms make a child peevish and fretful.
Don't let yours irony with these pests or
worm colic. Humphreys' mild and pleasant
Specific No. S will give it relief.
JU. T " ELLS ,
5 - " n l * U *
Dress Making's Specialty.
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During JULY and AUGUST I will make
of New and Desirable Goods , which must
be sold in order to make room for my
Bargains never before attempted will be
given in all kinds of DRESS GOODS.
Positively the greatest sacrifice in prices
White Goods , Embroideries and Flouncings.
Ladies' and Misses' Underwear and Hosiery ,
Mammoth Reductions I
Attention , Farmers.
We are closing out our en
tire stock of Farm Imple
ments at cost. Right nowis
the time to secure rare bar
gains. Call and be amazed
at our prices. They must be
sold at once.